The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 18, 1903, Image 4

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    I. ,
" undergone a wonderful change. From a strong showing of
winter goods and winter wearing apparel we are now showing a com
plete line of ppring and summer merchandise. While this change is
visible in all lines and on every counter, nowhere is it so pronounced
as in our Suit and Skirt Department and in the attractive line of
Waisting and Wash Goods.
The new styles in suits and skirts cannot fail to please you and
the styles in our line of Waistings, etc., have given ample proof of
their merits. The Big Store has always endeavored to present to the
trade the very best that is produced both by the great American
manufactures and the foreign productions in such lines as in which
superior skill has not yet been attained by Americans. How far we
have been successful iu this we now leave to the Judgment of the
buyiug public.
Vooltex People
HAVE again proven their superiority in
skill and their anticipation of the Amer
ican demand by the most stylish and most at
tractive line of Suit9 and Skirts ever produced.
That WOOLTEX has come to mean something,
is no longer a matter of consideration. And
why should n't it ? When an all wool suit made
by leaders in their line can be bought as cheap
as a suit made in a Cheap John sweat shop or
peddled around from house to house in some of
the tenement districts in our large cities, then
why shouldn't you buy a WOOLTEX garment!
Are made up in all the leading cloths in Voile,
Etamine, Broadcloth, Cheviot and Venetian.
They come in all prices.
Vaistings and Wash Goods Material
ALL WOOL VOILES One of this sepson's most popular
fabrics, neat open mesh $J.(X) and $1.50 a yard.
ET AMINES Another of the new and very popular spring
weavcs $1.00 and $1.50 a yard.
VESTI CLOTHS For Shirt Waists. Perhaps the most
striking of the season's productions 50 cents a yard.
KHARO CLOTH In whites and tans. Another of the
Shirt Waist fabrics most welcome to the Uade 25c and 50c a yard.
TN WHITE GOODS and Wash Goods our line is complete, including such
J. popular goods as Crepe deChene, Mohairc, Silk Cords and Silk Mull, &c.
We are expecting this week another shipment of Mistrels and some Noveltv
Waistings. , J
Next door to Postoffice Reynoldsville, Pa.
Read This.
While in Reynoldsville
call on W. H. Cumins,
g Peoples' 4th street
Blacksmith. He will
shoe your horses, repair
your wagons, buggys,
carts and sleighs, and
make you any kind of
stone tools you may need.
His price will be moder
ate. Don't forget the
4tti Btreet.
RynoldvlJl4, F,
The Big Tailors
We are now ready with a full line of the latest
spring patterns. Our new $17.50 line are world-beaten.
Recently Completed the Construction of a
Large Mill in Michigan.
John L. Ornhnin, formorlv of this
piano, son-in-law of J. II. Curbott. who
is well known to a larn niimbor of
noynoltlsvllln pooplo, has lust conmlotcd
the construction of a liuo mill for
Uoyne City Lumbar Co.. of Ilovnn.
Mich., and thn Hovne Vttizrn. In a innir
wrlto-tip and description of the Inrge In
dustry, had tho following to say about
Mr. Urahain, tho builder :
"If It bo trim that a man nmv ho
Judged by what and how ho builds,
we fool sufo In siivlnir that Mr. J. L.
Graham Is at least of a solid and sub
stantial typo. It was through his cour
tesy mat wo were shown the various do-
I partmnnts of tho mill, nnd wo wore so
well pleased with theconHtructlon work
that e wish to hhv a few words about
I the man before wo proceed with a de
scription of his handiwork.
Mr. Grahutn's knowledge of mill mat
ters Is the result of a long and constant
connection with them. From his curly
boyhood ho has lived and "lenrnod'' in
an atmosphnro suited to fit him for the
worn which ho Is now so successfully
carrying forward as an occupation. He
was horn In northwestern IVnn-vlvunlu
In tho region of sawmills ; and at the
age of fourteen years had attained to
the portion of flier for small mill.
His schooling consisted of a classical
oourse In the West Sunbury Academy,
Butler county, Pennsylvania, from
which school he graduated at an early
ago. With tho exception of the years
spent there, ho has constantly been en
gaged In milling and mechanical labors.
For about ono year he was field engi
neer for the South Ponn. OH Company
In West Virginia, and for the past five
years be has boon superintending tho
business of C. II. Prescott & Sons of
Tawaa City, Michigan, from which
place he came to Doyne City to act In
the capacity of superintendent of con
struction for the Hoyne City Lumber
Working Overtime.
Eight hour laws aro Ignored by those
tireless, little workors Dr. King's New
Life Pills. Millions are always at work,
night and day, curing Indigestion,
Bllinousnoss, Constipation, Sick Head
ache and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel
troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, lira.
Only 2oo at II. Alex Stoke's drug store.
If In need of a spring suit call ano see
oursamples. Hulls to order from 18.00
to .IO.OO. Pit guaranteed. Bine
Stoke Co.
This Is the tlmo of year that Mllllrens
demoralize competition by slashltiir
$S,ooo,ooo Security
Capital, surplus and profit of this
mount secure the depositors of the
Pittsburg Trust Company, 323 Fourth
venue, Pittsburg, Pa. 4 per cent, in
terest on savings and 2 per cent, on
checking accounts. Bank by mall.
John II. Doubles, butterlne dealer,
East Main St., has Just received J.000
poundsof fine butterlne which he Is sell
ing at 22 cents per pound.
1.00 underwear for 78o at MUllrnes.
When you neod sewing done leave It
at Mrs. Smith's, Main street.
Want Column.
Farm for Sale About forty acres
with good bouse and barn, two wells
and a good orchard. For further In
formation Inquire of William Dickey,
Wishaw, Pa.
For Sale Cabinet shop,' art goods,
art store, etc Will sell cheap If sold
quick. Northamor & Kellock.
Wanted I want to weave or sell you
a carpet very cheap. Toefeel DuMay.
For Sale A flrat.nla
" . B" -. V, If V tT ,
at half price. Inquire at this offloo.
Fofi SAI.K Ono h..r,,l...1 . u
of the Star Glass Co. Inquire of II
Alex Stoke.
Foil Sale One wagon, heavy har
ness, nlckle-plaled mountings, surry,
light harness. Inquire at Frank's
For Sale A very One organ, oak
oasei must be seen to be appreciated
Inquire of Gustavo Herald, Hog kins.
FOR 8ALE Property on Main street.
Inquire of II.1 Alex Stoke.
For Sale A seven room house, lot
AO by 150 feet, In West Revnoldsvlllo.
M. E. Weed.
For Bale Newoome fly shuttle carpet
loom. Inquire at TUB STAR office.
Notice Employees of the silk, mill
using electrlo cars going to and from
work can purchase car tickets at lower
Wanted Girls that are looking for
steady employment. Apply at silk mill.
For Sale Brown and white single
comb Leghorn and Plymouth Hook
eggs for hatching In season. Inquire of
J. J. Hoffman.
Spinners Wanted Apply to Brook
Vllle Woolen Mills.
For Sale Lot on Main stroot. In
quire of L. J. MoEntlre.
For Sale or Rent A good property,
Including a store room, on Worth street.
Inquire at The STAR office.
It U pleasure and economy to deal at
Mllllrens department store.
Look for latest styles In dress shirts
at A. Kalzon's.
Overcoats from 12.50 up at Mllllrens.
Vests ,
See our
Solid leather
for Hen,
$1.50 .
cV Marx
Hand Tailored
Spring Clothing for Men and Boys
CLOTHING thnt is made to stand the test-that is made by expert tailors, shaped by hand to
fit, and all those little details such as button-holes made by hand. This is the elass of
.otning we wish to attract your attention to ; made by Hart, Schaffner & Marx, of Chicago.
Note one of our Varsity suits made ot black Thibit, clay worsted, waves of fancy stripes or
checks. Every suit is free lrom imperfections and guaranteed to be sewed with silk . cloth
owuki-u win MiruiiK ueiore matting. I'nce range ol these suits CIO An i COA fift
Come in nnd see them, try them on. and when vou see the fit nnd pU.UU
shape of the suit you will do the rest.
Spring Modes for Ladies
Tailored Spring Suits Not hnckn,yed, ready-to-
wear suits from the attics
of metropolitan sweat shops, but distinctive styles made to our
own special order in the finest work rooms of New York, and by
tailors of talent and needlewomen of skill. Collarless blouse suits,
black, blue and blue mixed ; all wool basket cloth, full pouched
sleeves, postillion back, black silk
trimmings with black belt and cuffs $10.50, $12.50, $15.00, $18.00
Spring Shirts for Men
Monarch make, every one
guaranteed for fit and finish,
none of them ever faded $1.00.
rrincely shirts for spring ; no
old styles to select from. Cut
good full sixes in soft negligee or
stiff bosom style, 50c.
Thirds of
Your Time is Spent in Your Shoes
Bewisc and have shoes that fit your feet
that have the style and comfort made in
them. The Florsheim shoe has service,
comfort and style combined that is not at
tained by other shoe makers Cambridge
or Norfolk toe. Blucher or plain cut.
$3.50 to $5.00. Come in and see them,
try them on for comfort.
Howard Style.
New Spring Hats
Our new Trio shape in black
or pearl, is a winner. It ha3 a
wider brim than ever and double
creases on top. $1.50, $2, $2.50.
Black stiff hats, the Howard
shape, very popular ; a higher
crown with a wider flange brim,
$1.50, $2.00, $2.50 $3.00.
Boys' hats and caps of all kinds.
Latest creations in Nottinghams, Point
De Spre or Swiss in a price range from
49c to $6.00.
See our window display
and ask to see our "extra wide single
curtains with Battenburg ends.
JOHN KELLY shoes for women have no equal for style, service and comfort. Jno. Kelley's shoes are in a sphere of their own
in the shoe world. Made in all the late toes for spring in an easy hand turn sole or McKay sewed of Viei Kid. Patent Kid
or Russian Calf. All widths, from a to ee. $1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50.
Children's shoes for style and comfort. Service most essential we combne thrn all here. Try our Wear Well for Boys.
Ladles Dress and Walking Skirts, new cut, wide flare, clot icimi, trimmed elegantly ; all length.
Millirens Department Store, Reynoldsville