The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 11, 1903, Image 4

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Read This.
While in Rcynoldsville
call on W. H. Cumins,
the Peoples' 4th street
Blacksmith. He will
shoe your horses, repair
your wagons, buggys,
carts and sleighs, and
make you any kind of
stone tools you may need.
His price will be moder
ate. Don't forget the
-4tli Street.
Reynoldsvlllet F.
Drawn for the April Term of Court, Com
mencing Monday, April 13th, 1903.
Below we publish a partial list of the
jurors drawn for April term of court :
nBANti jrnnrni.
('. R. Rood, lntii-Hfire fluent, llrookvltle,
.lumps Hi-ll, fnrmpr, Mrl'.'ivlmont,
()io. Iliumh, oniiM'nlcr, M'(?nltwint.
K. Hoiiiii'tt, nipivlmnt, Wlimlnw.
SiiiimipI Kim, furtiier, ll'ncliwnn.
(i. W. Hwnrlx, nitpiit, RpyniildHvllIp,
V. I (.'htinilHTH, lnlKinr, I'unxnuttwnpjr.
Anthony Uroves, minister, IIIk Kun.
Hurry .1. 1'tttTniun, ntlnor, Wluslow,
Ut-omn King, liul.'hor, Wortlivlllo.
A. I). Koltl, tailor, Full Vteek.
PRTIT .tt'HOItfl,
IlnnkH Mlti'lii'll, clprk, l'unxsntnwney.
Wni. IVnlnill, furim-r, Wlimlnw.
Klpti'hpr Miilnps, fnrmpr, t'lnpcrpek.
II. H, Phillip, miner, Wtniluw.
II. H. Keller, fiirmer, Wlinlow.
Atlnm, furmrr, llpnderutn.
Thnnmn K. Hmlth. lulKirpr, WiiHhlnirtnn.
W. T. C11X, nieri'liiiiit, HeynuliNvllle.
AC. KIiik, miner, llrmlirunn.
I' K. I'nrter. rmimi, Hrurkwny vlllo.
Perry llnntpr, fnrmer. Knot.
.Itiniex ."linliert, liilmrpr. Wwt Hey nolilnvlUo.
Ailtim lnl)nn, farmer, Mcl'nlninnt.
Wllllum Heck, miner, MeCalnmnt.
1. A. Timlin, tnen'hunt, KlnufnUI
Ut'o. V. lletineKiiii, lulinrer, Mel'ulninnt.
A. i. Itiinlmm, frmir, I'lneert'ek.
Hnmnel Kelket, fnrmer, Wtmlilnxton.
(letitKe Mitrlmll, miner, WIiihIiiw,
M. M. Miner, merelntnt. MiM'itlinotit.
lien. Speaker, InlHtrer, MrCiilnmnt.
Mike Holleitlmiivli. fftrmer, Mrl'nlmont.
Andrew MetMnre. merrhiint, HIr Kun.
.1. A. I'hrlnty, fnrmer, WmtliiiiKton.
tiiavfhsu ,imton.
I. O. Mnnstleld, curpenter, Wlrmlow,
Htimnel Ntinmn, fnrmpr, Plnerreek.
K. A. (iimrley, llurkmltli, KhIIn Ceeek.
.1. K. rlnrk. ltilMrer, Kiilla Creek.
W. A. London, rnrpentnr, Wltiftlow.
W. II. Miller, fnrmer, Knot.
B. S. Mnneli, clerk, KalN (York.
JnmeH Ketirney, fnrmer, WtiNhlntftnn,
timrlPH Carpenter, miner, Mrl'itlmnnt.
CliarleM Kiule, lalmrer, KeynoldHVlllo.
Ed. Hoar, miner, Keynnldnvllle.
John Proud moved to Cherry Run
last Friday,
Miss Laura Hughes visited friends In
Klttannlnd taut week.
Mra. Charles Stltts, of Pittsburg, Is
visiting here at present.
Mrs. O. S. Allen, of Soldier, called on
Mrs. H. 13. Wyse Sunday.
A. N. Ruddock attended the funeral
of Mr. Reed at DuRols Sunday.
Nicholas Moore had business In t'unx
sutawney last Fi (day.
Fred Lucas, of DuBols spent Sunday
with his parents here.
John Williams, Thos. McNeil and
Petor Setlock are attending the miner's
convention at Altoona this week.
Isaac Flenner, of this place, who was
a driver In the mines over thirteen
years, went to lilies, Pa., Monday to
Want Column.
Hatps: One cent per word for each and
every Insertion.
WANTED I want to weave or sell you
a carpet very cheap. Toefeel DeMay.
For Sale A first-class go-cart, new,
at half price. Inquire at this office.
For Sale One hundred shares stock
of the Star Glass Co. Inquire of H.
Alex Stoke.
For Sale Ono wagon, heavy har
ness, nlnkle-plaled mountings, surry,
light harness. Inquire at Frank's
For Sale A very fine organ, oak
caset must be seen to be appreciated.
Inquire of Uustave Hornld, Hogklns.
For Salo A young horse, three-year-old
In June. I IK) 11 1 ro of (iustave Her
ald, Hopkins.
For Sale Property on Main street.
Inquire of II. Alex Stoke.
For Sale A seven room honso, lot
AO by l.r0 feet, In West Rejnoldsvllle.
M. E. Weed.
For Salo Newcomo fly shuttle carpet
loom. Inquire attTtlE STAR olllce.
Notice Employees of tho silk mill
using electric cars going to and from
work can purchase ear tickets nt lower
Wanted Cilrls tlmt are looking for
steady employment. Apply at silk mill.
For Snln Hrown and white single
comb foghorn and Plymouth Rock
ogH for hutching In season. Inquire of
J. J. Hoffman.
Spinners Wanted Apply to Urook
vlllo Woolen Mills.
For Sale Lot on Main street. In
quire of L. J. McKntlre.
For Sale or Rent A good property,
Including a store room, on Worth street.
Inquire at THE STAR olllce.
Look for latest styles In dress shirts
at A. Katzen's.
Overcoats from $2.fi0 up at Mllllrens.
See our
Solid leather
for Hen,
6? Marx
Hand Tailored
Spring Clothing for Men and Boys
CLOTHING that is made to stand the test that is made by expert tailors, shaped by hand to
fit, and all those little details such as button-holes made by hand. This is the class of
Clothing we wish to attract your attention to ; made by Hart, Schafnier & Marx, of Chicago.
Note one of our Varsity suits made of black Thibit, clay worsted, waves of fancy stripes or
checks. Every suit is free from imperfections and guaranteed to be sewed with silk , cloth
sponged and shrunk before making. Trice range of these suits JO ff l tOft 00
Come in and see them, try them on, and when you see the fit and Pl-'VV lu VAU,VU
shape of the suit you will do the rest.
Spring Modes for Ladies
Tailored Spring Suits Not hnncjrtii, ready-to.
wear suits from the attics
of metropolitan sweat shops, but distinctive styles made to our
own special order in the finest work rooms of New York, and by
tailors of talent and needlewomen of skill. Collarless blouse suits,
black, blue and blue mixed ; all wool basket cloth, full pouched
sleeves, postillion back, black silk
trimmings with black licit and cuffs $10.50, $12.50, $15.00, $18.00
UN tf Mart ft Han
Spring Shirts for Men
Monarch make, every one
guaranteed for fit and finish,
none of them ever faded $1.00.
Princely shirts for spring ; no
old styles to select from. Cut
good full sixes in soft negligee or
stiff bosom style, 50c.
Thirds of
Your Time is Spent in Your Shoes
Bewise and have shoes that fit your feet
that have the style and comfort made in
them. The Florsheim shoe has service,
comfort and style combined that is not at?
tained by other 6hoe makers Cambridge
or Norfolk, toe. Blucher or plain cut.
$3.50 to $5.00. Come in and see them,
try them on for comfort.
Howard Style.
New Spring Hats
Our new Trio shape in black
or pearl, is a winner. It has a
wider brim than ever and double
creases on top. $1.50, $2, $2.50.
Black stiff hats, the Ilownrd
shape, very popular ; a higher
crown with a wider flange brim,
$1.50, $2.00, $2.50 $3.00.
Boys' hats and caps of all kinds.
Latest creations in Nottinghams, Point
De Spre or Swiss in a price range from
49c to $6.00.
See our window display
and ask to see our extra wide single
curtains with Battenburg ends.
JOHN KELLY shoes for women have no equal for style, service andlcomfort. Jno. Kelley's shoes are in a sphere of their own
in the shoe world. Made in all the late toes for spring in an easy hand turn sole or McKay sewed of Vici Kid. Patent Kid
or Russian Calf. All widths, from a to ee. $1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50.
Children's shoes for style and comfort. Service most essential we combne them all here. Try our Wear Well for Boys.
Ladles Drena and Walking Skirts, new cut, wlda flare, slot seems, trimmed elegantly J ell lengths.
nillirens Department Store, Heynoldsville
The New Spring Merchandise
l pouring in on ua from all quarters. We are now pre
pared to show you all the latest effects in Spring- novelties,
as well as a good strong line in, all staples. Time and
space will not permit our enumerating and describing the
different and varied lines. We kindly invite your inspec
tion, and this is the only real proof of the merits of the
merchandise anyway. Your examination of our
Waistings, Vesti. Cloths,
Voiles and Etamines
Will prove to you that our line is stronger than ever.
We are this week showing the strongest linejof LACE
CURTAINS to be secured. We are also expecting before
this paper leaves the printer, a line of
Wooltex Suits and -Skirts
We need not comment on these further than that since they
come from the hands of the WOOLTEX people we are safe
in saying to you that the styles are all right as well as ma
terial from which they are made. In fact they are the only
real high-grade garment on the market to-day. Call and
see styles before making any purchases at least.
Next Door to Postofficc.
Reynoldsvillc Pa.
"Begorra, now Oi'm in a fine fix ;
Oi don't know which is my prescrip
shun and which is me laundry check I
In the first place don't neglect
that cold.
Secondly : Be careful about the
cure you select.
Your Cold
Can be relieved in 24 hours,
GRIPPE cured in 3 days,
If you take as your remedy
Reynolds' Perfect Cold Core
The greatest known remedy for all winter troubles, Colds, Coughs,
Catarrh, Bronchitis and LaGrippe. No bad effects like ordinary
quinine. Put up in gelatin capsules which dissolve readily.
Sold under our absolute guarantee to cure or money
refunded. 'Price 25 Cents.
Mailed anywhere on receipt of price.
For sale at all stores.