The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, February 18, 1903, Image 7

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Pe-ru-na is a Catarrhal Tonic
Especially Adapted to the
Declining Powers of Old Age.
The Oldest Man In America At
tributes His Long Life and Good
Health to Pe-ru-na.
Mr. Tsaae nrock. of McLennan ConnrvJ
IV... i.. tv.. iii
ii H. i. r?d. ffd TplnUa
Hd iJ.C. J it iTh. foUn-fi- .TrZ'
H, tEv ..J., following term..
"Al ma", ha. d In the world a.
tons aa 1 have he ought to have found out I
t pt pny thing, by experience. 1 think
T.A". .TV" t ... 1.,)rr medicine.
vmv v, woj limine im.v miiiiu link ii'
my entire nuic
tion i the proper
remedy for ailment.
due directly to the
effecta of the cli
mate. "For 114 year I
hare with.tond the
rhanffeahtei climate
of the United State.. During my long life
I have known a great many remedie. for
rough., cold., catarrh and diarrhoea. I
dad alway. supposed thene affection, to be
different disenses. For the lat ten or
fifteen rear. 1 have been readina Dr. Hart
man' bonk., and have learned from them
one thine in particular. That these af
fection are the same, and that they are
properly caneu ratnrrn.
"Aa for Dr. Hartmana remedv. TVmna
I have found it to be the beat, if not the
only, reliable remedy for theae affection.
It hat been mi mtnd-bp for rnrntv
year and 1 attribute my good health
and my extreme old age to thtt rem
"It exactly meet, all my requirement..
1 have cnnie to relv upon it almost entire
ly for the mnny little thing for which I
need medicine. 1 believe it to be ennt
cially valuable to old people, although I
hnve no doubt U i. just a. good for the
young. limne lirook.
A New yi nn nt TO.
Major Frank O'Mahoney, West Ride,
Hannibal, Mo., write:
1 am profeuonally a newspaper corre
ipondent, now ,0 year. old. I have watched
from ita incipiencv in the-little log cabin.
through ita gradations of s'le'cese up to ita
present establishment m i olumnns, Uhio.
and I conclude that merit brings it full
"Ud to a few year, ago I felt no need to
test ita medicinal potency, but lateiy when
my system needed it, your l'enina re
lieved me of many catarrhal trouble.. Some
two year ago I weighed 210 pounda, but
fell away down to 168 pound., and be.idea
loss of flesh I waa auhject to atomach
trouble., indigestion, lo.. of appetite, in
omnia, night sweat., and a foreboding of
getting my entire svstem out of order.
Ihiring some month. I gave IVnina a fair
trial, and it rejuvenated my whole sys'em.
I feel thankful, therefore, for, although 79
Tears old. I feel like a young man." Major
Frank O'Mahoney.
In old age the mncoti. membrane be
roma thickened and partly lone their func
tion. Thie leads to partial loss of bearing,
smell and taste, aa well aa digestive dis
turbances, Peruna correct all thia by ita apecific
Much Lost Money Recovered by Em
ploye on Railways.
Thousands of dollar lost In the
crs of Chicago passenger trains are
returned to their owners every year.
The big 'warehouses In Chicago ti
are Ailed with lost articles have none
of these precious finite or any record
jf.tYiam hantttlOA thev SFA Sflfftlv ro
turned without having reached head
quarters. Much ot it is returned by
trainmen who are able positively to
Identify the owners. Not long ago
a conductor on a Michigan Central
passenger train found a pooketbnok
containing $1,600 in currency and S800
In negotiable paper. With little In
quiry, cleverly prosecuted, he was able
to find the owner, and returned the
money. The latter rewarded the faith
ful trainman by offering him a cheap
cigar. During the helgftt of the last
excursion season, the station agent of
the Indiana, Illinois and Iowa railway,
at Hamlet, Mich., was one of the pas
sengers on an excursion train bound
for Benton Harbor. He had In his
pocketbook nearly $400 in cash and
checks. While en route the pocket
book disappeared, and ho returned to
his station without the money. On
the following Monday the entire
amount Inside the pocketbook was re
turned to him. The pocketbook lay
In the baggage car over Sunday and
Sunday night, and the car Inspector
at Laporto found It Monday and re
turned It to the owner, the property
being easily identified by the nature
of the papers Jnslde the pocketbook.
Color In the Arctic.
My first experience of color In the
arctics, say Frank Wllbert Stokes, led
me to believe that from the most regal
purple, gold and crimson of sun
light to the black-purples, gray and
gray-greens of storms there existed no
Intermediate effects. But a sojourn
of a year in the northland proved that
great Nature's palette was here set
, with more varied riches than else
where. Especially was thia true of
the color effects of the long twilight of
approaching winter, the returning light
of day, and even In the heart of the
polar night.
Evening Service,
He bad been telling her of that Lon
don clergyman' scheme of holding
evening services In the dark. "I don't
see how it can be done," said she.
"Let me illustrate." He turned the
parlor gas all but out In ten ticks of
the clock a profound religious feeling
pervaded the cozy corner, and tipping
sounds told of devotional exercise be
gun. Then, with a sigh ot ecstasy,
he softly murmured: "Ah! This Is
heaven!" So, you see, the London
clergyman may actually have discov
ered a short cut to the good of all pious
Several Boer women living near
Johannesburg who married again after
hearing that their haubands.had died
on commando have learned sine the
declaration of peace that the men are
Uil alive.
operation on all the mucous siembranea
of the body.
One bottle will convince anv one. Once
ltsed and l'enina become a lifelong itand
by with old and votint .
Mr. Pamnel Raiinders, of Blytbcdnle.
Mo., writes: "My disease wni catarrh of
the urethra and bladder. I sot a bottle of
re-m-na and began taxing it, and in a few
day I wa relieved and could aleep and
rest all night. I think that l'e-rn-na is a
L"! . . fc,d ,trW ot.h" T"
i'J ivrommraam mraictnes, Due tney
W ? no I. My physician told me
h,tJ C0,,M. not P-t to be cured of my
tr,,uWe, .. I w. ttin to be nn old man
$.L""JtlVti "Ut
jn , atpr . H.,,nfiers a. v.. "I
tVTth?m.!nlS witTf5a tl
ytarm, but not mo much effected but
MmwMwIM writ"'--J-N rarkcr' utica' N-Y-
friend; but in June, 1O01, my tic n tie of hearing left me no that I could
hear no Bound whatever. 1 warn almo troubled with tevtrerheumatto pains
in my limb. 1 commenced taking Pttrunn and now my hearing i re
ttorcd an good a it waa prior to June, 1001, My rheumatic paint are all
gone. 1 cannot speak too highly of lVntno and mw, tefcen 88 year old,
fan say that (t ha invtgorated my whole tyttem. I cannot but think,
dear Doctor, that you. mutt feel very thankful to the all loving Father thai
you have been permitted to live, and by your nklil be such a bleating at
yon have been to tufferi ng humanity. " Rev. J, X. Parker,
Mrs. F. E. Little, Tolona, 111., writes:
"I can recommend l'enina as a good medi
cine tor chronic ca-
tnrrh of the stom
ach and bowels. I
have been troubled
severely with it for
over a year, and
also a cotiffli. Now
my cough is all gong, and all the distress
ing symptoms ot catarrh of the stomach
and bowels have disappeared. 1 will rec
ommend it to all as a rare remedy. 1 in
so well I am contemplating a trip to Yel
low Stone l'ark this coming season. How
ie that for one 71 years old?
Mastodon Remain.
The finding ot mastodon remains
near Newburgh, N. Y., has already
been noted. With these remains there
were found large numbers of tree
trunks both In the muck and in the
marl beneath it, and in many cases the
mastodon bones were found resting
on the trees. Most ot the trees were
so rotten that it was Impossible to ob
tain only small fragments. One spec
imen possesses curious intorest. The
tree was lying three fet below the sur
face, in muck, and was very soft and
spongy; and not only on the surface,
but clear through, was of a dark brown
color, almost that of the muck, and per
haps colored by the muck. Its scien
tific Interest rests upon the fact that in
sections it is polygonal, while the flat
faces of the trunk that make up the
polygon vary in number from fourteen
to sixteen, some ot the faces merging
Into one another at various points
along the trunk. This piece ot the
tree is about three feet long, and when
first dug out, about two months ago,
was nearly nine Inches thick at one
end and six at the other; but It has
shrunk on drying out, until now It
measures five and three inches, respec
tively. No other plocos of this tree
were found, although the adjoining lay
ers of muck were carefully dug over
and examined. In hope of obtaining
more of it. Several of the other trees
showed while still wet the marks of the
teeth of animals, and It has been sur
mised that this was the work of beav
ers. When dried, however, the tooth
marks became less distinct, and their
study was, therefore, made difficult.
Chrysanthemums served as a salad
are a favorite article of diet among
the Japanese.
Many School Children An Sickly.
Mother Gray's Rweot Powdera for Children,
need by Mother Oray, s nurse in Children's
Home. New York, break up colds in 34 hour,
curs Feverlshn ss, Constipation, Stomach
Troubles, Teething Disorder and Destroy
Worm. At ail druggist, 2So. Hample mailed
Fas. Address Allen 8. Olmstod, La Boy, N. Y.
No man is too old to learn, and no man
i too young to think be' too old to learn.
H. H. Gbesh' Boas, of Atlanta, Ga are
the only luocaesful Dropsy Hpoclalists in the
world. See tholr liberal offer in advertise
ment in another column ot this paper.
The things that some people worry most
about are the things that never happen.
FITS permanently oured.No nt or nervous
ness after llrst day's use of Dr. Kline' Great
Nerreltentoror. H trial bottleond treatise free
Dr. B.H. Klike, Ltd., 1)81 Arch Ht liilla.,l'a.
Bom women dress to please their hus
band, and some to bankrupt them.
Mrs. Wlnslow's BoothlngSyrup for ehildraa
teething.sof ten the gum, reduoe lnflamma
tion.allars pain, cures wind oolle. Mo. a bottle
Remark may be blunt and (till be very
riso's Cure eannot be too highly spoken of
a sough our. J. W. O'Buiss, 122 Third
Avenue, K., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. , 1900.
When s man is making his will he may
be excused for putting on heir.
Perfectly limpl snd aimply perfect i
dyeing with Putham Kapkle Die.
Lot of people love their neighbor for
trUa the caa get vut of them.
At A
"In June, loot, 1 I out my sons of
hearing entirely. My hearing had
been tnmewhat impaired for teveral
that I could hold convene wtth my
In a later letter she ays: "I am only too
thankful to you for your kind advice and
for the good health that I am enjoying
wholly from the use of your l'eruna. liava
been out to the Yellow Stona National
l'ark and many other places in the West,
and shall always thank vou for your gener
osity. "-Mrs. F. E. Little.
If you do not derive prompt and satisfac
tory results from the use ot I'erunn. writa
nt once to Dr. llartman, giving a full state
ment of your case, and he will be pleased
to give you his valuable advice gratia.
Address Dr. llartman, President of The
llartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
Between Them They Have Twenty
four Finger and Toe.
On the West Side there are two ba
bles with 24 fingers and toee. They
are twins, and were born only a few
days ago. Their mother it Mrs. D. W.
Hartney, who lives 353 West Harrison
street. The twins have six lingers on
each hand and six toes on eac foot
They are bright, healthy little girls.
Their fingers and toes afe perfectly
formed and are growing in proportion.
In fact at first glance one would not
notice the extra digits so symmetric
ally are they formed. The twins have
proved a fascinating attraction in the
neighborhood. The Hartney home is
never without a visitor. Considerable
interest la being manifested In the
twins by the medical professors. Phy
sicians have called to see the babies
and have tried to Induce Mr. Hartney
to have the children taken before the
students at some of the local colleges.
One doctor told the father that if he
wlehed he would remove the extra
fingers and toes, but others advised
him not to consent to any such opera
Hon, as the little ones might be crip
pled for life. The twin look so much
alike the mother has to tlo a Tlbbon
around one ot tbelr arm to distin
guish them.
American Missionaries 8afe.
In a report to the State Department
in regard to the tribal war in Moroc
co, S. R. Gummere, United States Con
".1 General at Tangier, says that Sir
Arthur Nlcolson, the British Minister,
has Informed him that the American
missionaries left Fes with a large car
avan on January 12, Sir Arthur having
advanced money for their expenses.
A horse cannot do much work after
he Is 12 or 14 years old.
My Hair
"I had a very severe sickness
that took off sll my hair. I pur
chased a bottle of Ayer't Hair
Vigor and It brought all my hair
back again."
W. D. Qulnn, Marseilles, III.
One thing is certain,
Ayer's Hair Vigor makes
the hair grow. This is
because it is a hair food.
It feeds the hair and the
hair grows, that's all there
is to it. It stops falling
of the hair, too, and al
ways restores color to
gray hair.
ILMaMla. All rsgftsls.
It your cUngglst eanuol supply you,
Mod us on Oullsr and ws will express
yua s bottle. Mesaraand glusthanoiue
of roar asaraat as press office. Address,
J. C. AY. kit CO., LowaU, Maaa.
ill llii
MS 1 1 II K'XI""! )
Vanilla Snap.
Cream half a cupful of butter with
half a cupful of sugar; then add two
eggs well beaten; then stir In a fourth
cups of milk and one and three-fourth
cup of flour; flavor with one tea
spoon of vanilla extract; beat well;
put In a pastry bag and press out In
rings on greased baking sheets; bake
In a moderate oven. .
Improving Beefsteak.
A clove of garlic rubbed over the
hot platter before the beefsteak Is
placet) on it Improve the flavor of the
meat, and a tiny piece in the pan with
roasting beef or mutton gives a rich
ness which nothing else can Impart
In fact, once the prejudice against the
strong-smelling herb I overcome it la
found to be a very valuablo aid to good
Cocoa Sirup.
Mix four large tablespoonfuls of co
coa In Just enough cold water to make
a smooth paste, then add a pint of
boiling water and let the mixture boll
up, then add a pint of sugar and boll
three minutes. Then set aside until
cold and add a tablrapoonful of the va
nilla. When serving put two table
spoonfuls ot this sirup in a glass with
two tableRpoonftils of crushed Ice and
fill up with milk. Place two table
spoonfuls of whipped cream on top and
stir down well.
Snow Pyramid.
To one cup of cold, heavy cream add
two tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar,
half a teaxpoonful of vanilla extract
and one tablcspooful of gelatine that
has been soaked in a little cold water
and dissolved by stirring It over boil
ing water; when It begins to thicken
whip until light and thick; turn Into
glasses and stand tn a cool place. Just
before serving beat the whites ot two
eggs, add two tablespoonfuls of pow
dered sugar, adding gradually one-
fourth glass of currant jelly; drop one
spoonful of this on the top of each
glass of Jelly, heaping It like a pyra
mid. Tomato Soup,
Put a pint of tomatoes, fresh or
canned, into a saucepan with a large
slice of onion, a smalt piece of bay
leaf, two whole cloves, a stalk of cel
ery and a sprig ot parsley. If canned
tomatoes are tiBed cook for 15 mlnues;
fresh tomatoes until they are reduced
to a pulp. Then rub through a fine
sieve and set over hot water until
needed. Scald a quart of new milk In
a double boiler. Rub two level table
spoonfuls of butter to a smooth paste
with two level tablespoonfuls of flour.
Pour enough hot milk over the paste
to make It liquid; then turn into re
mainder of milk In the double boiler.
Stir It slowly until It thickens, and
cook about five minutes. Add a scant
half ot a level teaspoon ful of baking
soda to the tomatoes, mix well, and
add slowly to the milk in double boiler.
As soon as the soup Is thoroughly heat
ed remove at once from the fire and
serve. If tomatoes are very acid add
a little sugar before cooking. And do
not put the two parts together until
you are about ready to serve the soup,
as It does not Improve by standing.
Household Hint.
One of the newest colonial paper Is
In yellow In divisions which give a
panelled effect that lends a dignified
air to a room.
A mingling of clove and lemon fla
vors In the afternoon tea Is dollghtfuL
Drop a whole clove Into each cup just
before serving.
A heavy broom should always be se
lected In preference to a light one for
thorough sweeping, a the weight aids
tn the process.
A scant teaspoonful of granulated
sugar put In the water In which gieen
corn is to be boiled will add consider
ably to Its flavor.
Dip Jelly tumblers In boiling water
and) fill them while still scalding hot.
This prevents the glasses from crack
ing and aids the Jellying process.
Oxalic acid will remove ink stains
from books. It should first be diluted
and then applied with a soft brush and
then blotting paper usedi on the spot
All sorts of cooking utensils are to
be had In nickel, and the saucepans
of various sizes. Nlckelware, however,
costs a little more than some other va
rieties. A staircase with treads painted white
and the rise of hard wood is a novelty
often seen In stairway Just now. The
balusters are white and the rail of the
Every few day the coffee pot should
be thoroughly cleaned by rubbing salt
on the Inside. This will remove the
coffee and egg that adhere to the pot
This should be well rinsed after the
salt 4s used.
Oil mark on wall paper may be re
moved by applying paste made of pipe
clay and cold water. Leave it on all
night and brush It off in the morning.
It la possible that a second application
may be necessary.
An old-fashioned housekeeper sug
gests that a household may be rid of
mice It tbelr holes are treated with a
bellows which baa been generously
filled with a mixture of red pepper and
finely powdered lime. After this the
epcrance to each hole should be paint
ed with liquid tar.
Hsthlaa the Sick.
Tonn mother naturally feel tntlati
r.bout the baby' bath. It I best to begin
at ail weeks to put the little one In th
water, first folding a soft towel in the bot
tom of the bmin. Use only Ivory Bnsp, as
many of the hichly colored and nerfumed
op ire very injurious to the tender skin
of an infant. Eleanor R. Parker.
There are people who seem to think
that poverty I nn diirre, as long a
they can borrow from their neighbor.
eafu Cannot lis Cared
bv local annlinatton a thav cannot reanh i na
diseased portion of the ear. There is only on
way to cure deafnesa, and that Is by consti
tutional ramadlo. Veefnosa Is caused by an
iiiiininiMi conmuon 01 ins mucous lining oi
the Eustachian Tunc. When this tube is In
named yon have a rumbling sound or Imper
fect hearing;, and when It Is entirely nlnsed
Deafness Is the result, and unless the Inflam
mation can be taken out and this tuna re
stored to it normal condition, hearing will
pa amirnjra inrever. rc me eases out or ten
are caused by ratarrh.whinh Is nothing but an
Inflamed eondttlon of the mucous surface,
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
ease of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that
eannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Clr
nlarssent free. F.J.Cesssi ACo.,Toledo,0.
Bold by Dm if gists, 78e.
Hall' Family Pills are the best.
Tti mn.f 'miu..l,U 1. . U.
World is a young girl getting over her first
iu. siinir.
1'very working girl who is not
Well U cordially invited to write
to Mrs. PtnVliuni, Lynn, Mass.,
for advice; it is freely Riven, and
has restored thousands to health.
Hiss Pal tie's Experience.
"I want to thank you for what you
bare done for me. and recommend
Lydla 10. IMnkhnm's Vegetable
Compound to all girls whose work
keeps them standing on their feet in
the store. The doctor said I must
stop work he did not seem to realize
that a srirl cannot afford to stop work
ing. My back ached, my appetite was
poor, I could not sleep, and menstrua
tion was scanty and very painful. One
day when suffering I commenced to
take Lydla E. Plnkham's Vege
table Compound, and found that
it helped me. I continued its use, and
soon found that my menstrual periods
were free from pain ana natural I
everyone is surprised at the chanire in
me, and I am well, and cannot be too
grateful for what you have done for
me." Miss Jaukt Pains, 630 West
13.1th St., New York City. tuooo farftlt
If orltlnat of aoti (ftr inning ftmininut can
mot oo prMucse.
Take no substitute, for it Is
Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable
Compound tliptt cure.
THi Msasai t(yWEg
Modi in Mad or wllo for sit kifa
f wrt wort. Vn h enrrmtn
tht Maw TOWcft an the suttont.
liZL 1a"i3EE2 SrstsMa
Genuine stamped C C C Never sold lo balk.
Beware of the dealer who tries to tell
'something Just as food."
TW was inn "ar.latli 4om mi th ImmI
mi gmatYtivvimMlmnlgumrnatmrt
vibioiw i ypurrnwr, sua' y
trmtt onunu mimttnm vmntt v Itm tmrk
chiM. wa raMMe kry anyaxsa t lew stara, atap4 Is
tm mwt t sjWMwra, amHaflSrS MIIUINf sWT0
ft OwmUh 44m
IM frnkorn Si., Mew Tat.
rr jnrt, IM
Mi. Nstr aialoe fr.
wllll. amrtlUNtt New aialoe fr
I. II. rwirf .1 1, MevlkM4, M
MlHy. AlwylttbMi.
uooossfuily Prosecute Claims.
Ala PrlncluM nrmtnsr U.S. Feusloa Buru.
jisMM'Usar, It xUwitoaiiUM oUliw.aM sUwa
y(y ?.
X. SI,
of the Skin, and. Blood
Should Be$n NOW '
BLOOD HUMOURS, Skin Humours, Scalp Humours, Baby .
Humours and every kind of Humour from l'imples to
Scrofula, with Premature Loss of Hair, may now be speedily,)
permanently and economically cured by Cuticura Resolvent, greatest
of Blood and Skin rurifiers. assistcd by the external use of Cuticura
Ointment and Cuticura Soap. .
Thousands of the world's best people have found instant renef. ,
and speedy cure by the use of Cuticura Resolvent, Ointment and
Soap in the most torturing and disfiguring of ITCHING, BURNING-,
Thousands of Tired, Fretted Mothers, of Skin-Tortured and '
Disfigured Babies, of all ages and conditions, have certified to almost
miraculous cures by the Cuticura Remedies when the best medical
skill has failed to relieve, much less cure.
Cuticura Treatment is local and constitutional complete and j
perfect, pure, sweet and wholesome. Bathe the affected surface
with Cuticura Soap and Hot Water to cleanse the skin of Crusts and
Scales and Soften the Thickened Cuticle, dry without hard rubbing,
and apply Cuticura Ointment freely to allay Itching, Irritation, and
Inflammation, and Soothe and Ileal, and lastly take Cuticurai
Resolvent to Cool and Cleanse the Blood, and put every function in' '
a state of healthy activity.
To those who have suffered long and hopelessly from Humours
of the Blood, Skin and Scalp, and who have lost faith In doctors,
medicines, and all things human, Cuticura Remedies appeal with a
force hardly to be realized. Every hope, every expectation awakened
by them has been more than fulfilled. More great cures of Simple,
Scrofulous, and Hereditary Humours are daily made by them than
by all other Blocd and Skin Remedies combined, a single set being i
often sufficient to cure the most distressing cases when all else fails.
CCTICl'na REMEDIES srs sold tbrooshoot lb civilised world. PRICES: Catirora Bssol
Ttrt, 60e. par battle (la tlw farm ot Cberolst Coated Pills. SSe. per Tlsl ot t0.
Cutlrara Olntinrat, sue. prr kni, and Catlcais Sosp, 25c. psr rsk. Soad for tks smt
work, "Ilumours of to Blood. Skis sod Brslp. sad How to Cam Tboai," B4 Pssat, 800 Dla
essss. wltb Illustrations, Testlmoolsls, sod Directions la sll lsnrisgts, loclodlaf Jspsosse
and Cbluss. British Depot, 77-28 Cbsrtorhonu Sq., London, K. C. ("mack Depot. S Ro
la Pals, Paris. Australian Depot. B. Toons Co., Bjilnoj. l'OTTEB VU.UQ AND CUBM
KULL CORPORATION. Sols Proprietors. Boston. (J. S. A. '
2IO Kinds for 16c.
JttostfactthuthaiMr'aouf-tlSBr fuuo4 In J
nMrBninsuud on munwrnm inartc
any other in Acurk-v 'idvi-w m tf
rcMrin for this. We own and ot
ret over tfotimttn lot the produo 1
uoo ot our enmew aeon a. in oraer w k
, induce ym to try iiwvn watnaKe r
the fol lowing unuiwtMiieiiUtd odr
For 16 Cents Postpaid .
a aarfa wnaaoriai aaMaa,
th aarla air fast rabbap,
la Mil ualteuttarrata
Aft pasrteta IrUaao sarUteea
la rara laarlnaa radish
BOsBlaadU aval aorta.
la alartaiualf aaaailf lwr ataa.
in all 910 kimli positively ftirnitruiur
iHiaiu-lauf i!hiiriiiiuu tlowrraiuiti low
ami litlattf rlioli-M vnist-lAlilra. It lift Laval
er wiui our pmtt fatAioti teiuny an
ni iieui, lumen nor-
bout 11 u
t sirs, Ipualntc, llroniui, pueit,'
'..sll tor ouly iue. lu tukuips sua
uuy iue. uiiuuiiussuu or I
ed nt fcst 60s. s noamd. C I
ls Crosss, Wis.
Ualua scad s
CClin CTHIID (iet ' lsvriptlon
dCllU OlAMr ami price otlltiyclmu.o
CttHsp Farms In Ashtabula County; bit coiuilv
In Wiln. U. N. BANC'UOKT, JoHersuu, Ashta
bula County, Ohio.
H. W T.iMiner.WaaU
hiKtoii, D. o. 8. mi for
c-irt'iilar. A 1otHl lilve
uuty luako ou rtui.
P. N. V. 8, '0.1.
UKUril I suiek rax) ud ssrse man
esses- Book of ssMimosIs snd 10 days' Iimumdi
Vroa. Be. B. a. asua t sons, s-ui s. AUsau. Us,
f hoi ni:hki;pi:ks outiit'I
M OatuButOfKl H liver I'Uttxl on eotUlni of Nlck) U
1.0(1 bountiful fUtlKit llktt rut. I dot. 4r
afcaaw Teft MMMitifl, I I dim. Tbl
..j. Mpoonr l -idoi. fork., 4V
JK-c f oW or P O.nriltrr
m-li JrJW wo will Mf d yon
K .rr Pf I1" ""Pi wW "
saW" tarti Ktiiro, Pnrk.Tfft xA
a" Table Hnn. that you ma rt-
amino h goods and la aasurtxl of I
tha.r valu Ait.ltw MM It HILT (ft I
1 CO., b4. T, Pall4el(ta, fa.
im m m i r
Dauatmrn mmbmm mmmt mmMI
wvrm mm s WOSSjrs STslfT flVSHHf.
oevacf Prooommi a.oaus Ihrnn avsy othmo
mmnufacturm In lha world.
$25,000 REWARD
will ha paid to nnynns whi
can dlsprovo this stautnsnt.
linrnuse W. L. Douglas
Istlie lu ru;nt manufacturer
ha ran buy cheaper and
produce his alioea at a
lower cost than other con
cerns, which enables him
to sell shoos fur 8.'(.M and
8J.IM enunl In every
tray to thwa sold elsn-
whrre lor 9t ami g..a. I
W. I,. l)ouirl;a:l..10l
and S.'lslioes.tro worn bv t houaands of men who
have lieon payinx 4 and fS.iiot heliarlnir thrr
could gut a Hntt-cbiss shoe for S.1.50 or $:i.U0.
llo has convinced them that the tTl, fit,
and wear of his :).A0 and :!.) shoe la jus
as (food. Otvo them a trial and save money.
wllce Inrrcuso riflOSsirs: ae.SOW.HHlS.ei
lullx.lnr.. I HW S,tlrs: a.l,e4, ),
A hmi of ,ao.l.7 In f our Years.
Worth SO.OO Compared with Other Makes,
rss tmpartod an1 tmortvan itatkoro. Htul'o
Pafnt Cat', tnamtl. Sot Calf, Calf, rVc Kid, Corona
Cilt, nnd Nalnnal Kanqaroo. foot Color f urers.
Pjllflnn Thm asnuins hav W. L. DOUOLAS
vaUIIUII nams and prlos stanipsd on bottom.
, uuoc ai ru.
Capsicum Vaseline
A Suhstltnts for snd Huiisrlor to Mnstsrd or say
other I'ls'Aer. sn l will not hllnter the most dVli.-me
f, )n- Jih' '"a sllaylnif snd curillv. iiualltics ot
Hi srtlrlesrawonilortiil. It will stop th tooth
Sf he at oui a ami rellom heailai he anil sclstii a
WsrMiiiumi'Uillt se the umt suil afet sstemal
riuuter-lriitsut known, elso on an sttrnaj roinwlv
ir nalns lu i he chi el ami sxiiue -b sad all rheti
aiatlc, u-urilKl.' and mnuy tini,).int. A trial will
nrovewh.t . we . Ulu, fr It. ami It will be found M
be Invalualile In the houai'hold. Wmur pauols ss
"It Is the brat ot aU your pm aretlona
u ''"s.atsUdruwlsts. or other dealers,
or by saiulllur this sinouut to us la Postals staluoa
e will arm! vou a tube by mall
No article ehoiild ha ai'iaitel by the pohBo an lee
the sain uarrlea our label, aa utherwlas It Is uoS
17 State Stre:t. New York City.
i ttjrrup. Taatena Good. Cm I I
in or arutfuiata. w
II Mr. L.
5? a
I Bast Couai
E J In tliu