The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, February 04, 1903, Image 4

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Wt Star. .
C. A. STErilESsOy, Editor ami PuWrhrr
' The miners' demands for increase of
wages, ns rend in tlie sonic conference nt
Indianapolis Friday, are as follows : "Ab
solute run-of-mine fmsis for tlie entire com
petitive field. A flat differential of 7 cents per
ton between pick and machine mined coal.
An advance of 12M, cents a ton on pick
mining, A 3Q per cent advance on all in
side day labor based on the Columbus
day scale for all outside day labor with
appropriate advance with the mining
rates. That drivers and engers shall Ik
paid the same as track layers and timlwr
men." The day returns and brings in the petty
round of irritating concerns and duties.
Help us to play the man, help us to per
form them with laughter and kind faces ;
let cheerfulness abound with industry.
Give us to go blithely on our business all
this day, bring us to our resting leds
weary and content and undishonorcd, and
grant us in the end the gift ol sleep. Amen.
Prayer of Robert Louis Stevenson.
The legislature of New York i9 now
enacting a law prohibiting the defacement
of nature and scenery by unsightly adver
tising boards and posters.' Speed the day
when this form of advertising shall be uni
versally banned. The newspaper is the
natural medium between seller and con
sumer. One does not like to have a pretty
scene spoiled by glaring advice to take
Dr. Somebody's Tills ' or eat the latest
Patent Breakfast Food.
Partisan polities entirely aside, it is re
freshing to have a man in the gubernator
ial chair who is something more than a
politician. In preparing his inaugural ad
dress Gov. Pcnnypackcr dug down into
ancient historical lore and made some sur-
prising comparisons. Pennsylvania is but
one state among more than two score
others, yet she has within her borders more
people than many ancient Furopean coun
tries whose power was felt around the
globe, and her wealth is far greater. But
there is this difference : the wealth of old
was spent in prosecuting wars, the wealth
of to-day is invested in business enter
prises ; the men of old spent their lives
striving for martial glory, the men of to-day
have no interest above their private bus
iness. They secured immortal fame, but
wc have peace and contentment they never
For some reason there is a prejudice
against convict labor. Labor unions gen
erally oppose it on the principle that the
extreme cheapness of their work would in
jure honest labor, but another principle
which should not be overlooked in this con
nection is that the prisoner who has in
jured a community through the commis
sion of crime, and whose capture, convic
tion and punishment have added to its
liunncial burden, should, if possible, do
something to benefit the community which
lie has injured. Nearly all ot the Southern
states have adopted a method which gives
but little offence and accomplishes much
good, and at the same time secures more
expert labor than could lie obtained from
unskilled free men. Convicts sentenced for
terms ranging from one to ten years are
formed into gangs and forced to work con
tinuously in macadamizing or otherwise
improving the roads. Owing to their long
service the convicts often attain considcr
erable efficiency, yet this efficient work
costs the state only 80 toOOcents per day.
Temporary camps are erected, or a port
able house on wheels follows the gang and
a strict guard is placed over them. The
state, and therefore the people, clearly gain
by this system, and as for the prisoners,
the out-of-door work not only keeps them
healthy, but the experience "gained often
enables to secure a good position after
their sentence expires.
An American standing on his native soil,
say nt Niagara Fnlls or along the river,
looking across to the fair shores of Canada,
cannot but leel a pang of keen regret that
this land so like our own, should yet be
long to the Briton across the sea. It is
worthy of note that a strong party is now
forming in Canada favoring annexation
to the United States, and probably the
strongest factor in drawing us together
is the growing trade relations. During
1902, according to otueial publications,
Canada bought produce to the amount of
$120,000,000 from the United States, an
increase of nearly ten million dollars over
the preceding year, while from the mother
country she bought but little more than a
third of that amount.
A bill has been introduced in Congress
to increase the salary of the President of
the United States to $100,000 per year,
just double his present emolument and four
times the amount received by Presidents
previous to Gen. Grant's administration.
It is a curious fact that the salaries now
paid to the highest government officials,
fixed in days of democratic simplicity long
since past, are now scarcely large enough
to cover their necessary social expenses
alone nt Washington, and it would be im
possible for a man not possessed of private
wealth, to maintain the dignity of his
The Youngstown Vindicator says: "Boys,
you shouldn't use tobacco till you get well
sot on your constitution. Don't be in a
big hurry t there'll 1 lots of time after
you're 21 to smoke and chewand puff and
spit to your heart's content, and after that
age it won't hurt you so much. Wealth
is a fine thing to have, boys, but good
health knocks it into a cocked hat. Take
care of it while you have it. Don't smoke
yourjyoung lives out and be going around
like a lot of sunken-eyed, thin-legged, dish
chested idiots.' Women don'tcare for such
men, nnd it's no wonder. A woman likes
n vigorous, healthy, manly man, one who
has vim and vitality. That's the reason
so many women admire priie-fighters,
gladiators, warriors and good looking
Hon. Summers M.. Jack, congressman
from this district, returned recently from a
tour through Cuba and Central America.
During his four years' service in Congress
Mr. Jack visited nearly all of Uncle Sam's
new colonial possessions, having made a
trip to the Philippines last year.
In a recent lecture the chief of the United
States weather bureau declared that the
weal her forecasts sent out daily saved to
agricultural interests of the country twen
ty million dollars a year.
Life is too short for one moment of
ths wise nAH,
Dignity is not valuable until you forget
that you have it.
It is only by labor that thought can be
made healthy, and only by thought that
labor can be made happy. Ruskin.
If we believed more in the goodness of
bad people, and less in the badness of good
leopie, this world would seem far brighter.
Many a man prays for a blessing on his
dinner who never asks one on his vote.
You can never tell by the size of a colt
how many hands high the horse will be.
The richest people are those who have
the fewest wants.
It sometimes happens that the man who
howls and groans every time his wife
wants a little money, will bury her in a
rosewood casket,
The wisdom of the coward resembles the
light of a torch ; it is not clear because it
There is but one thing worse than dis.
content that is to be contented.
P. R. R. Orders Contract! Let for Work
to Cost Six Milllom Yard at
Red Bank.
The directors ot the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company and the Pennsyl
vania Company at their meetings In
Philadelphia Wednesday had before
them the plan for a low grade freight
cut-off to run from fenon on the Fort
Wayne road, to Red Dunk, on the Al
legheny Valley railroad. The officials
approved the plana and prdored that
the contracts be let at once.
The road will be doukle tracked, with
enormous freight yards at both ends,
and will cost at least 10,000,000. It was
snld at the meeting that tracks of the
Allogheny Valley, Philadelphia ft Erie
and Northern Central roads were In good
shape to handle the new t radio which
the low grade route will give them, but
thut big transfer yards must bo built at
Bunbury, where the Philadelphia &
Erie road will hand over the freight to
the Northern Central. The yards will
cost about f0,000, and It Is soral-offlclally
announced that the Northern Ccntrul
will soon let contracts for their construc
tion. Thecut-olT from Enon to Red Uank
will enable the Pennsylvania to send
all through freight to and from the
west around Pittsburg and relieve the
congestion at that city, and when It Is
built and the freight road through
Lancaster and Chester counties U com
pleted, the Pennsylvania will have a
low grade freight roud stretching from
tlio Allegheny rlvor to the Delaware.
The route from Red Bunk Is by way of
the low grado division of the Allegheny
Valley road to Driftwood. The road Is
expected to bo opened from the Allo
gheny to the Delaware within 18
months. Pittsburg Comiwtrial-datritr.
. . BULLETIN . .
Helena Black.
Assistant Editors
Will Reynolds.
L&WHon Heed.
Local Editor
Jennie McGaw.
Tho Shakespearean Literary So
ciety elected the following ofllcors: Pres.,
Nulu Ncalo ! Vice Pres., Ed. Hardman;
Sec, Anna Klahr; Critic, Clyde Mur
ray ; Program Committee, Cora Mc
Crelght, BeSBle Sensor, Tom Nolan;
Editor, Helona Black; Assistant Edi
tors, Will Reynolds, Lawson Roed ; Lo
cal Editor, Jennie McGaw.
Wednesday of last week was Par
enta' and Patrons' Day In public schools.
A large number of the parent visited
the sohools on that day. A large num
ber visited the high School, among
whom was Rev. P. A. Runo, who
talked to the pupils for a few rulmiteK
On account of Friday helng the dn.V
for Mothers' mooting the Shakespear
ean Literary Society did not havo a
mooting but spont part of the hour set
apart for society In reviewing arith
metic .
Friday, Jan. 16th, the society ren
dered a special program In the form of a
"Mock Country School.", Considering
the short time in which they had to
prepare for it, it was very good. -
Since reading an article in one of
our papers on coasting it is evident to
many of us why none of tho girls will
take a rear seat going down the hill.
The Sub-Juniors reoolvod a warn
ing that If they didn't soon begin to
study harder the tenth grade pupils
would be ahead of thorn in algebra.
The Hawthorne Club appeared be
fore a large audience in the Assembly
boll last Thursday evening when they
rendered an excellent program.
. The date for the next number of
' the lecture course is next Monday when
F. R. Roberson will deliver an illustrat
ed lecture on St. Pierre.
Prof. G.1 W. Lenkerd visited the
schools and at the chapol exercises gavo
a vary Interesting talk on the calouUar.
, Why did two of the Seniors; the
largest and the smallest, use. two pr
three more tablets than usual last week?
' it was not the High School Bulletin
tut a bulletin from room 13 that' was
oo late for publication lost week.
Geneva's Interpretation of Rule
Allen and Greenough's grammar :
"A noun or a pronoun with a participle
may be put In the ublatlve to define
circumstantial evidence." It was the
day following the show and it had left
an improsulon on hor youthful mind.
With the going of the snow ths
season for "upsets" will end, but the
memory of thorn still remains.
The Seniors had the great pleas
ure of listening to the Juniors reoite
geometry ono day last week.
During tho absence of Miss Duilcy
Friday, January 23rd, Juy ' McGa
taught room 13.
Coo Snuffer returned to school lot
week after an ubbouce of nearly two
Last Monday Mr. M. C. Coleman
gave a short talk before the pupils.
We Endorse It.
Following Is one of the resolutions
passed at the recent Joffursou County
Teachers' Institute, which Tins STAit
hourtlly endorses: .
"Itesolved, That in view of the unex
ampled prosperity which this country
now enjoys, in consequence of which
the wugus of all American wage earners
have been iuorcusud' from ten to ono
hundred per centum, we do most earn
estly urge the directors to consider
these conditions and to fix the salaries
of teachers at figures which will en
courage the best members of the pro
fession to remain in the work."
A Legacy of the Grip
Is often a run-down syBtom. Weak
ness, nervousness, lack of appetite, en
ergy and ambition, with disorderly
liver and kidneys often follow an at
tauk of this wretched disease. The
greatest need then is Elootrlo Bitters,
the splondld tonic, blood purifier and
regulator of Stomach, Liver and Kid
neys. Thousands have proved that
they wonderfully strengthen the nerves
build up the system, and restore to
health and good Bplrlts after an attack
of Grip. If suffering, try them. Only
60o. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed
by H. Alex Stoke. ,
At A. G. MUtiron's new grocery store
at corner of Main and Fourth street,
will be found fresh Hue of groceries at
low prices.
Tour to California.
The second Pennsylvania Railroad
Personally-conducted tour to California
for the present season will leave New
York and Philadelphia on the "Golden
Gate Special" February 19th, going via
Cincinnati, Now Orleans, San Antonio
and El Paso to Los Angeles and San
Diego. Three days will be spent in
New Orleans during the Mardl Gras
fostivitles. Should a sufficient number
of passengers desire to travel under the
care of a Tourist Agent and Chaperon,
a delightful month's Itinerary In Cali
fornia has been outlined : and a return
ing itinerary to leave San Francisco
March 28tb, visiting Salt Lake City,
Glenwood and Colorado Springs and
Denver, arriving in Now York April
6. Rate $275 from all points on the
Pennsylvania Railroad east of Pittsburg,
covering all expenses of railroad trans
portation, side trips in California, and
berth and meals going on tho special
train. No hotel expenses In California
are lncludod. Tickets are good for re
turn within nine months, but returning
cover transportation only. For de
tailed Itinerary apply to ticket agonts,
or Address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant
General Passenger Agont, Broad Street
Station, Philadelphia, Pa.
Washington Twp. Prohibitionists.
Tho Prohibitionists of Washington
township have nominated the following
ticket for February eloction I
Supervisors John Nobles, Matthew
S. Kearney.
School directors James G. Smith,
Joseph Ross.
Tax colleotor Robert Hunter.
Auditor Andrew W. Smith.
Register Upper precinct, J. Lloyd
Williams ; middle precinct, A. Kosoo
Smith ; lower precinct, Emanuel Nof
sker. Judge of election Upper precinct,
James G. Koarnuy ; middle precinct,
R. A. Smith ; lower precinct, Frede
rick B. Harvey.
Inspector Upper preflnct, Archie
MoCullough ; middle precinct, A. T.
Strang ; lower preolnct, William Ket
sell. Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
The best and most famous compound
in the world to conquer aches and kill
pains. Cures Cuts, beula Burns and
Bruises, subdues Inflammation, masters
Plies. Millions of Boxes sold yearly.
Works wonders in Bolls, Uloers, Felons,
Skin Eruptions. It cures or no pay.
25o at H, Alex Bloke's drug store. ' .
' Remember that it moans a .saving of
25 per cent by dealing at Mlllirons.
Just received 600 pounds best but
torlne at 2?o pur pound. J, H. Poubleg,
2nd door east of No. 2 hose bouao,
Did the ground hog see his shadow ?
Sleighing is about gone In this town
Patronize the fourteenth inst. valen
tine Mr. Deemer was In Reynoldsvllle on
George Syphrit moved to this town a
few days ago.
Clyde Smith, of Soldier, visited this
place on Sunday.
Flem Douthlt drove to Sugar Hill on
Saturday evening.
Charles Dickey, who was on tho sick
list, is able to be around again.
H. M. Tedrlck, our merchant, flllod
his loe bouse lost week.
There will be preaching at the Para
dlso churoh next Sunday and all are
It will take about one week to finish
the new block of houses -at this plaoe,
which will make thirty-two In all. They
are occupied almost us soon as completed.
Millions put to Work.
The wonderful activity of the now
century Is shown by an enormous de
mand for the world's best workers
Dr. King's Now LIfo Pills. For Con
stlpation, Sick Headache, Biliousness,
or any trouble of Stomach, Liver or
Kidneys they're unrivaled. Only 25c at
H, Alex Stoke's drug store.
Hot soups, coffee, sausage, beans,
saur kraut and welners, liver, potatoes,
chickens, oysters in all styles etc., etc.,
at the City Hotel restaurunt.
If you are In need of underwear to
peloo the winter out visit Mllllrens.
Letter List.
List 'of unclaimed letters remaining
In post office at Reynoldsvllle, Pa., for
the week ending Jan. 31, 1003 :
Miss Nellie Snider, James Fat-roll,
Gilbert Groves, Geo. F. Henry. Rev
W. G. Grltman, Arthur Steoley.
Foreign Marco Posca, Plotro Bout-
tttto, Plcholl Natalo.
Say advortlsed and give date of list
when calling for above.
E. C. Burns, P. M.
S6,ooo,ooo 8ocurity,
Capital, surplus and profits of this
amount seoure the depositors of the
Pittsburg TruBt Company, 323 Fourth
avenue, Pittsburg, Pa., 4 per oent. in
tereat on savings and 9 per cent, on
checking aooounts. Bank by mall.
A now steam table has been Installed
In the City Hotel restaurant which will
make this restaurant oomplote In every
detail. You can at all times got a good
warm lunch. W. M. Dlllman, and effi
cient and experienced restaurant man,
presides ovor this department.
Hats at cost at Mrs. Smith's.
Typewriters for sale or rent. Inquire
Rcynoldsvlllo Business College.
See Gibson's optical ad.
This is the time of year that Mllllrens
demoralize competition by slashing
Eyesight is Priceless
Yet how many pornon neiiloot It or lutrimt
It to I n com io lent optlcluns V I will vinlt tho
Imperial Hotel, HeyuoltlMVllle, Fob. 0,
and the Amerleim Hotel, Hrookvlllc, Feb.
10th nnd 111 1a. AH tho liitttHt intHhodHof tent-
ttiK the tilirlit and gliiN ground to nifet the
wuniH 01 inc eye.
G. C. Gibson,
Expert Optician
Special Inducements
Want Column.
Ratem One cent per word for each and
very luaerUon,
Lost Three keys tied together with
green ribbon. Please leave keys at
The Stab offloe.
For Sale Brown and white single
comb Leghorn and Plymouth Rock
etrgs for batohlng In season. Inquire of
J. J. Hoffman.
Spinners Wanted Apply to Brook
vllle Woolen Mills.
For Sale Lot on Main street. In
quire of L. J. McEntlre.
Wanted Girls to learn cloth picking,
winding and weaving. Apply at En
terprlse Silk Company offloe.
For Sale or Rent A good property,
Including a store room, on Worth street.
Inquire at STAit office. ' ' ,
For Sale A seven room house, loj, !
60 by 150 feet, in West Reynolds v(U. j
M. E, Weed. I 1
for One Week Only at the
Cash N. Y. Racket Store
New Mines at Sykeavilts.
J. B. Sykes, who was In lows, yester
day, Is quite optimistic with regard to
the future of Sykesvllle, his namesake
(own. The occasion for this Is due to
the beginning of extensive mining
operations them last week by the Good
year coal syndicate and to the fact that
Sykosville Is to bo the terminus of tho
Buffalo & Susquehanna .railroad' which
I being rapidly extended In that direc
tion from a point on the Little Blnne-
mnhonlng creek In Clinton county, also
owned by the Goodyear. The sinking
of a shaft near the Junction of Stump
Creek and Beech Run on the Shaffer
lands was begun laRt Thursday and the
work Is being prosecuted night and day.
At that point It will be necessary to go
down 150 feet below the creek level to
reach coal,' where, according to tests,
a vein six feet In depth Is found which
underlays that entire section both north
and south of Stump Creek. The coal
company will also begin the erection of
500 coke ovens which are to bd com
pleted in time to consume the output of
the mines In tho early stages of de-
velopement nil of which will necessitate
the employment of a large number of
men and add correspondingly to the
population and material growth of
Sykesrtlle. The opening, which was
begun on this tract, Is 1(1 feet square
and Is now about one-fourth completed.
It Is located between the public road
and tho B., R. & P. 1. R., a short dlst
ance cast of the town. Punxsutawney
Saved Her Child's Life.
''In threo weeks our chubby little
boy was changed by Pneumonia almost
to a skeleton," writes Mrs. W. Wutklns,
of Plcusant City, O. "A terrible cough
set In, that, In spite of a good doctor's
treatment for several weeks, grew
worse every day. We then used Dr.
King's Now Discovery for Consumption,
and our darling whs soon sound and
well. We are sure this grand medl
cine saved his life." Millions know It's
the only sure cure fur Coughs, Colds
and all Lung diseases. II. Alex Stoke,
the druggist, guarantees satisfaction.
50c, 11.00. Trial bottles free.
We will sell the following articles I
Large lot of Ollolotb, 1-to a yard
Large lot oj Ladles' Floeoe
lined Hose, Do pair
Best Cotton Crash, r So per yard
Ladies' heavy Fleece-lined
Waists, 100 each.
Men's All-wool Sojr, 0o pair
Best 2J yard Lace Curtulns, 37 oents
(Ask to see our full line.)
Men's J2.B0 Corduroy Pants, - 11.00
10c Mantle, .... 8 cents
Bust Linen Collars, lOo each or 3 for 25o
Men's Heavy Cotton Underwear,
18o piece
LWe guarantee every article
sold at our etore at, 7
., '. ttaeae prices, ; .
Just u few overcoats left at Mllllrens
that will go at almost half price.
Notice Is hereby irlvon tliat an aimlli'atlon
will l riiirto toMipUnvertiiirof I'unimylvnnlu
Scummy 4.IIU, iiim, iijr n . ii. eiunit'y, A. II.
wartxaml J. t Hivarli. under thn rnriMiru.
Hon Ai l of INT4 ami Its miilnmints, tot the
runner 01 im lnieiitieo cnriHirHi ion 10 ne ran
cl "lmnn.r t o il, I 'nke and MniiiirartiirlnK
Uonipiiny," tlie cliarurtur anil tilijm'luf which
are nilnlnir, iiiiiirryliiK, excavaihin, tiorliiK
in i UN,.. iiiurnioiiU) nun cnty, piHlim, Uliry'
tea. lend ore, line ores. Iron ureu. tho tdilii,
pliiK the u mi) to market and the nitle thereof
In crude or niiiliiifiietiired form, to ucqtilro,
hold mid dlHIioku of real entitle hy sain, Inane
orolhoi'M lNi,, and of const ructiiiK and cMkuoh
Inirof dwelllnuH anil nil klndH of hiilltliiiKx,
erect Ioiih, machinery and aiipHaticon und the
mamifm'liiie it nil nulu of coke, lime, hrlck,
IthiHH and llru-hrlfk anil of any article
or arttrles of commerce In whole or in part
comiMncd of or produced from any or
all or tlie raw imalerluln above mentioned
or rcfetred to, ncpiirutcly or In combination,
and for tbene liilMMtHPH to hitve. iioh4ihh Hnii
enjoy all tho rlnhln, Ih'iii'IIih unci prlvlleKcs
mild Act ot AwMnbly and the mippliMiienu
lliureio. Vt. II. I.TA Mr'T,
Huyiioliisvlllo, Pa., January 27, uwa.
el for wcll-eHtuhlh.ipd houne In a few conn,
ties calliniron retail merchants and Hirontii.
f.ocal ten llory. Hiihuy turn u year and ex
pennen, pnyablo flu. 70 a week In cunh and ex
jienHOH advanced. I'onltlon permanent. Huh
Im'HH niiccennful and iuhIiImk. Nlandard
iiouhu.;j.I4 Dearborn St., Dhlcaxo.
l!. Mlti'liell, FrrttUolltl
Mcotl Hi Iclluiid, Vice Prrn.t
Joint II, Knuclier, aliler,
U. Mitchell, Scott MuOlolland, .I.C.King
jotiu u. I'orbeit, jianiei nonin,
O. W. Fuller. J. II. Kaueher.
Dock a ffcni'iul ImnklnKhUNlnpsnand lollclt
the accountH or mcrchunlH, prorennlonul men,
farmer, ini'cliiinicn, mlnert. lumtiermen und
others, piDiiilnlnir the iniiNt direful attention
in i ne DUMiiest. or an ptirwinn.
9afe Ihionll llnxen for rent. .
First National Hunk building, Nolan block
Fire Proof Vault.
Cash New York Racket Store
0, Friedman, Prop, I doors below P. O,
For good first-class baked
goods such ns fine Marble
Cake, JJnglish Wine Fruit
Cake, French Fruit Pev
iletl Cake, Angel Cake,
Lady Fingers Jelly Drops,
Kisses, Maroons and
lots ot other good cakes.
A fine selection of all kinds
of cookies; a good line of
Fresh nread and Parker
House Rolls, Buns, Coffee
Cakes, A . nice selection,
. of pies . always on hand.
WtxUUnv und l'artle it
tipecMtif, UivetiH a Cull.
and Kellock's
Just received a new line of "'
from the best writers.
- .
A full line of . .
Picture Frame
Supplies, so we can make you an
up-to-date frame at a very low
All Framed Pictures
to be Sold at Cost
Now to make room for our ever
Increasing stock of new thlngg.
Northamer & Kellock.
Read This.
While in Reynoldsville
call on W. H. Cumins,
the Peoples' 5th street
Blacksmith. He will
shoe your horses, repair
your waeons, buggys,
carts ana sleighs, and
make you any kind of
stone tools you may need.
His price will be moder
ate. Don't forget the
,55th Street.
Reynoldsvllle, Pn.
Made of Pure Gum
Will outwear two pair of
any other kind you can
buy. Price Misses, 50ci
ladies," 60c ; Men'p, pop,
Try a pair of Gold Seal tod
, you will save money. We are
nolo agent for Suag Proof