The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, February 04, 1903, Image 1

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    ' 'II T'V.'J.". '" ' . I,-'-' '-I'll
ESIoiuetee That Qnrllpil Hlot la m
Mllltnrr lloaultnl.
Ill the "Memories of n Hospital Ma
tron" n writer in the Atlantic .Monthly,
who wt head of it Confederate hos
pital ihirlug the war, relates this ex
citing Incident:
"Our steward, n meek little man,
enme to me one day, pale with fright,
uliil said that the convalescents lmil
stunned the bakery, taken ont the tinlf
cooked bread nncl scattered It about
the yard. I, eaten the baker and threat
enrd to hung the steward. 1 hurried
to the scene to throw myself Into the
breach liefore the surgeon slionld ar
rive with the unnril and arrest the of
fenders. I found the new bakery lev
eled to the ground and 2(H) excited
men clittnnriiiK for the bread which,
tlv declared, the steward withheld
from them from meanness or stole for
Ills own benellt.
"'And what do .von say of the ma
lion?' I asked, rushing among them.
'Do you think that she, through whoso
hands the bread must pass. Is n party
to the theft? lo yon accuse me, who
!iave nursed yon through 'mouths of
I'lness. making you chicken soup when
we had not seen a chicken for a year,
forcing an old breastbone to do duty
for months for those unreasonable fel
lows who wanted to see the chicken;
me. who K-'i'e you a greater variety In
pens than wms ever known before and
who lately stewed your rats when the
cook vrfi.wd t i touch them? . And this
Is your f!i'at'ilr.ile! You teyr down my
bakehouse. I eat my hnkit' and want
to Iiuuk my steward!'
''To my surprise the angry men
laughed mid chm-rod. A few days later
there came to me a 'committee' of
two sli.-cplsli looklim fellows to ask
my acceptance of a rlriu. Kach of the
poor men . had subscribed something
from his pittance, and their old ene
my, the steward, had been sent to town
to make the purchase. Accompanying
the ring was a bit of dirty paper on
which was written. 'I'or our chief ma
tron. In hoijir of her brave conduct on
the day of the bread riot.' "
To prevent eggs from cracking when
they are boiling, place a pin In the
If you fret too much salt In the gravy,
u pinch of brown fiugni' will remedy the
witness without hurting the gravy in
the least.
When onions are of too strong flavor
to be pleasant for sauce, boil a turnip
with them, but remove it before using
the onions. '
Never fry mere than six oyster nt
once unless you have a very large ket
tle of fat. If more are cooked, they will
soak grease and take a long time to
Don't forget that ' mincemeat la a
great deal better to be made a week or
ten days before It Is to be used. The
' gplcea and cider, etc., have thus time to
percolate the upple and meat.
I'ennut salad ds an excellent accom
paniment for roast duck. Soak a cupful
of peanut meats In olive oil, drain and
mix lightly with two cupfuls of finely
cut celery and a dozen pitted olives.
Serve with mayonnaise dressing on let
tuce leaves.
Pica For the Woodea Shoa,
"Wo have wisely tuken to wearing
sandals,", says a Philadelphia physi
cian. "I hope that before long we will
learn the advantage of the wooden
shoe, or sabot. Do you know that a
great many diseases are due to leather
shoes, due to the wearing all day long
of tight leather that Is often. In bad
weather, water soaked? And do you
know thot by the wearing of wooden
shoes, which keep the feet dry and
which do not 'draw,' all those diseases
. might be avoided? I have several
pairs of sabots, and so have my wife
and culldivn. 'They cost about 30
cents a pair and keep the feet dry,
without cramping them or making
them unhealthily tender. I believe that
the wisest thing Americans could do
would be to take up the sandal and
the. sabot, discarding altogether the
shoe of leather."
Didn't Know A boat Cnahboya.
Uncle rod u uL (shopping lu town, to
saleBWoinani -1 How much fer them
Saleswoman Twenty-live cents a
pair...-. ... . : .
Uncle I'oJunk (putting bis hand In
bis pocketi All right. Gimme a pair.
Bales woman Yes. sir. Cusu, berel
Tue'.e I'odunlt Thunder and mud.
woman' Ye needn't boiler It so dura
loud!- I know 'It's cash here, an' ain't
I fcelln' fer It as fust us I kin? New
York Times. '
L.OVI A bora Tar.
Towoe --Too? fellow! lie certainly
does love ber for u II lie's worth, ; -
Browi.e He loved ber even more
than that today.
Tuwne- How do you mean?
Krowne - lie sent her a tea dolUir
bunch of roses and borrowed the price
from mer riiMadelplila Press.
Men ore like sandwiches thero's
notulug in Home of them, and the more
there is til others the worse they are.
Chicago News. A. .,
The Tat Men Separately and the
Tai la Ona Delna;.
Aristotle was an extraordinary man.
IMato was an extraordinary man. Tlint
two men each severally so extraordi
nary should have been living at the
same time In the same place was a
very extraordinary thing. But would
It diminish the wonder to suppose the
two to, be one? Bo I say of Itacon and
Shakespeare. That a human being pos
sessed of the focultles liecessnry to
make a Shakespeare should exist Is
extraordinary. That a human being
possessed of tin necessary faculties to
make Itacon shoutaY exist Is extraor
dinary. That two such human beings
should have been living In London at
the samo time was more extraordinary
still. Hut that one man should have
existed possessing the faculties and
opportunities necessary to make both
wonld have been the most extraordi
nary thing of nil.
Great writers, especially being con
temporary, have many features In com
mou, but If they are really great writ
ers they write naturally, and nature Is
nlwnys tfVivldunl. I doubt whether
there arellve Hues together to be found
In Itacon which could be mistaken for
Shakespeare or Ave lines In Shake
speare which could be mistaken for
Riieon by one who was familiar wltb
their several styles and practiced In
such observations. James Speddlng's
rhyslnlaatral Antoarrapha.
Every human being carries with him
from bis cradle to his grave certain
physical marks which do not change
their character and by which be can
always be Identified, and that without
shade of doubt or qucstiou. These
marks are his signature, bis physiolog
ical autograph, so to spcuk, and this
autograph cannot bo counterfeited, nor
can he disguise it or bide It away, nor
can it become Illegible by the wear aud
the mutations of time.
This autograph consists of the deli
cate lines or corrugations wltb which
nature marks the lnsldes of the hands
and the soles of the feet. If you will
look nt the balls of your fingers, you
that have very sharp eyesight, you will
observe that these dainty curving lines
lie close together, like those that Indi
cate the borders of oceans in maps, and
that they form various clearly defined
patterns, such as arches, circles, long
curves, whorls and so forth, and that
these patterns differ on the different
Angers. "I'udd'nhead Wilson."
fttrnnu Vmmu For Mirrors.
The celebrated Ileau Brummel dur
ing the first years of his exile, whlla
yet bis fame as a dandy was pre-eminent,
hud the ceiling of his bedroom
covered with mirrors so that even while
at rest he could study elegunce and as
sume a graceful pose. For such a pur
pose a glass celllug Is, however, not
unique, and the notorious Duchess of
Cleveland had such another construct
ed to grutlfy her vanity.
For a far different reason a certain
Yorkshire gentleman of the last cen
tury had his celling paneled wltb mir
rors. Ardently devoted to the sport of
cocktlghting, he continued to the -last
to enjoy his favorite pastime and even
when on his deathbed his room was the
scene of many an exciting fight, which,
lying on bis back, he saw reflected lu
the glass overhead.
A Tender Hnaband.
In connection wltb a slight affec
tion of Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant's eyes a
very pretty story Is told lndlcutlve of
General Grant's tender devotion to ber.
When he was president, she became
somewhat sensitive about her eyes
she suffered from strabismus and con
sulted a specialist to see what could be
doue for ber. The specialist told her
be thought he could Improve ber eyes,
but the operation would be pulnful.
She consulted her huBband to learn
whether be would advise the operation.
"Don't have It done, dear," suld the
general, pressing ber cheeks with bis
two bunds. "Let those dear eyes stay
Just as tbey are. If they were changed,
I might not recognize my sweetheart."
Distance Traveled by Odors.
As an Illustration of the distance
odors are carried it Is noteworthy that
the fumes and exhalations from the
sulphur springs of Colorado can be dis
tinguished at a distance of fully twenty
miles. The delicious perfume of the
forests of Ceylon Is carried by the
wind twenty-live miles out to sea, while
In foggy weather travelers 100 miles
from the laud have recognized their
proximity to the coast of Colombia by
the sweet smell brought them on a
breeze from the shore.
Ilia Inheritance.
"And now," suld Professor Longhun
ger as he greeted, Mr. Henry Peck,
."what shall we make of your little boy
a lecturer? He bas a sincere taste
for It"
"I know be bus," replied the mala
farent; "he Inherits It from his moth
er." Schoolmaster.
The savage regurded the first white
man thoughtfully.
"if 1 try to light him," he said, "be
will exterminate me, and if I try to live
lu peace with him he will cheat ma out
of everything, and I will starve to
death. Wbut chance have I got?"- -
Hot Llttls Walt, bat a Dls-alOcd
Poraat Monarch.
Not "little wolf," as the Ignorant
thluk, Is the significance of wolverene,
but something of greater dignity an
etnlxidlmeut of tha terrible spirit of the
wild fire of the prehistoric forests.
Wonderful In Its strength and courage,
a tree climber on occasion, not Immense
of slse, but with limbs and claws great,
out of all proportion to Its size, with a
muzzle almost bogltke, but with great
white fangs, the beast had still an
element of the grotesque In Its makeup,
with Its sweeping, bushy tall and the
broad bands of yellow white upon Its
back and Shoulders. Woe to the small
er beast or the deer upon which It
dropped from some great low hanging
branch or before which It suddenly ap
peared In the dense windfalls!
Of all the continent, the Michigan
peninsula was the chosen habitat of
the wolverene, and he struggled long
before backwoodsmen drove bltn from
his heritage. So enduring was be, so
desperately courageous, that bis name
became a fynonym for pluck and
prowess, and proudly the people of
Michigan accept the nickname which
has been given to him. Outing.
What' la a Well Dressed Ilonaef
"What In theatrical parlance Is a well
dressed house?" said a dramatic writer,
and after a silent pause he continued:
"I went the other night to a show, and
as I passed In the doorkeeper said to
me. 'We have a well dressed house to
night, sir.' I supposed ho meant that
the audience was sporting Its best
clothes, but I found on looking about
that this was not true, and so between
the acts I asked him what he had
meant. He answered: 'I meant that
the house bad been seated by the box
otilce man very cleverly, so that It bal
anced well, and so tlint the fact that It
was not small was not perceptible. To
dress a bouse Is to distribute an audi
ence all over It so It looks full when It
Is, as a matter of fact, fur from being
so. Thcro are here enough people to
fill about the first seven rows of the
orchestra, but the house Is well dress
ed, and on looking at It you have the
Impression that It Is fairly well filled.
Every ticket seller should see to It that
his house Is dressed properly. That Is
why you- so often full to get seated as
far up front as you would like.' "-i-rbll-adelphla
Why Sliakeapeare Endures.
What Interests us lu Shakespeare's
plays Is not the plays themselves, but
the (strictly Irrelevant) truth and beau
ty that be poured Into them. We love
them for their matchless poetry and
their matchless ItiBlght Into the human
soul. "Hamlet" Is for us nothing but
the study of a contemplative man dis
tracted by tho necessity to be up and
doing, "Macbeth" the study of a noblo
mind degraded by ambition, "The Mer
chant of Venice" the study of racial
strength against cou tempt and persecu
tion. Nothing to us now tho actual
framework of these studies; everything
tho studies themselves and the lan
guage In which they are set forth. Our
pleasure lu the production of a Shake
spearean play is uccordlng solely to the
Illuminative Tightness of the conception
of the chief character or characters and
to the sonorous beauty wltb which the
verse Is declaimed by alL Suturday
The SpanUh Schoolteacher.
The teacher of any lund may be over
worked. He may suffer from the par
simonious policy of the powers and be
underpaid even in our own enlightened
country, but in few countries, certain
ly not In the United States, could sueb
a story us the one which follows be
truthfully told:
In the streets of a Spaulsb city, says
tho author of "The Land of the Dons,"
a police ollloer stumbled on the corpse
of a rugged und emaciated pauper. In
making out his report be asked what
he should enter us the dead man's pro
fession. "What did he die of?" asked tho mag
istrate. "Starvation," replied the policeman.
"Put him down as a schoolmaster,"
replied the magistrate.
. Tonallltls,
An attack of tonsllltls can usually be
warded off by painting the Inflamed
tonsil with tincture of Iodine. If you
are unsuccessful in the attempt und the
tonsils ulcerate, swab them at oucu
with gualacuin and repent lu five or six
hours. 'J'lils I learned from u well
known throat specialist of St. Louis,
aud I Hud I tan utmost ulways recover
without the services of my physician.
Good Housekeeping.
Am t ie Stork Sees It.
First Stork -I Just left a baby at that
millionaire's louse.
Second Stork Funny things, these
human beings! I've Just delivered three
to one womun lu a tenement bouse, and
ber husband's out of work, and they
haven't a cent Brooklyn Life,
All Klads.
Customer (to grocer) How much la
your butter a pound?
Grocer Do you mean sweet butter,
dairy cream butter, best butter, fine
butter or butter? Stray Stories.
. The man who doesn't amount to much
usually has bis sign, out"-"
5atchinq CRABS. "
Choplank River Kin tiers Land Tham
tr nil Ingenious Method.
Those who crab for mnrket on the
Choptnnk river, Maryland, have an In
genious method of catching crabs lu
quantity. A rope about the thickness
of a clothesline several hundred feet
long Is kept coiled In a keg. At Inter
vals of two feet along the entire length
of the rope the fisherman has untwisted
It mid Inserted between the strands
ihort pieces of salted eels. The torsion
of the strand holds them tightly In
place. Kuoli end of the rope has a keg
buoy attached, together with a heavy
Itone. Arriving at the favored place,
usually on oyster beds, be throws a keg
overboard and pays out n highly scent
ed rope ns he sails. When the other
end Is reached, he anchors it with an
other stone and throws out another
buoy. After lowering his sail be waits
a few minutes, then takes bis stand on
the bow of his boat i Alongside of him
Is his landing net, wltb a handle six
feet long. Ho raises the buoy and
stone and, hand over band, pulls bis
boat along the line. When a crab,
clinging to Its refreshment, comes in
sight, be seizes bis liet. Joshes It under
the crab and (lings It Into the boat The
wary crab inn v loosen his bold and dive
for tho button? but such Is the fisher
man's dexterity tlint bis net Is swifter
thnn the crab, one seldom gets away.
Several hundreds fit crabs are often
taken at each overhauling of the rope.
When be has caught all he wants, he
packs them In barrels and sells them to
a local dealer, who ships tliem to mar
ket Country Life In Amerlcu.
. "Ilolnc" r.urnpe In Ynnr Mind.
According to n Cairo contemporary,
persons who wish to let their friends
know that they are "doing" Europe on
a princely scale the while they are liv
ing In retirement for n time need only
apply to an agency In Paris, which will
undertake, to send your letters to prac
tically any place In .Europe you may se
lect and there to have them posted for
you on any date yot may choose. The
demnnd for such an institution arose
out of the absoliito horror the Parisian
of "high life" has of being suspected of
remaining In Paris or its environs In
the bathing sen sou. One fcaturo of the
Joke is that you can not only get your
letters posted from some distant spot,
but you can get unawers received for
you and ropustod to your temporary bid
ing place. There nro great possibilities
for American travelers In this. Why
not stay lu America aud "do" Europe?
New York Tribune.
Insurance lias Ita llnraor.
An enterprising Insurance agent In
duced an Irishman to take out an acci
dent policy for his wife. A few days
later while conversing with a friend lu
his office he was startled to see the
Irishman rush In, brandishing fiercely
a stout cane.
"Ye rnscai!" ho yelled, springing to
ward the agent. "Ye wanter cheat
Fortunately tho enraged npui was
disarmed and held fast by the agent's
friend, who was a powerfully built
man. Tho Irishman, struggling to get
free, shouted:
"Let me git at tho spalpeen! Thluk
ov It, chnrgln' mo folvo dollars fer an
acsbidcut ticket fer me ole woman, an'
she JeBt broke her leg a-fallln' down
shtulrs! Wot'a the good of the ticket
Mala Blushers.
One of the most ill founded of all
popular delusions Is that blushing is
the special characteristic of the female
sex. As a matter of fact, except lb tho
case of very young girls, men blush far
moro readily than women. The well
bred woman never blushes at all, whllo
It Is p mutter of everyday experience
tbat In the excitement of business or
political discussions men's cheeks red
den with very little provocation. What
ever may have been the case a hun
dred years ago, the modern woman
shows ber emotion Dot by blushing, but
by turning pale. London Tatler,
Mathematics of Love.
"Margaret," be began, "I have $3,700
In the bank. I own half Interest In a
patent churn company that clears
700 a year. My salary Is $20 a week,
with prospects of a raise to $22. I have
an aunt who will leave me twenty-seven
shares of a railway stock now quot
ed at 63. Tell me, Marguret, will you
be mine?"
"Walt," sho replied, "till I get a pen
dl." For she never bad been good at men
tal arithmetic Newark Newt.
The Hatha of Caracalla.
The Itomuus appear to have been
well off In the mutter of bathlug places
lu the first und second centuries. In
the baths of Caracalla 1,000 bathers
could be accommodated at oue tlnio.
Tho inclosed areu was 300 square
yards, hut It Included u courso fur foot
lacing. Tho bathing estub" 'uncut was
240 yards lu length by 12 ,vldo. The
remains of the walls are 8 aud 10 feet
thick and in some places as much a 00
toet high.
Fame Is easily acquired. All" you
have to do is to be lu the right place
at the right time and do the right thing
In the right way und then advertise It
DroDerly. Puck.
Dos and Cata Spoiled fef Appetite
For tiaaataral Tidbits.
Possibly the dog world might afford
better specimen of a living skeleton
than one In the kennel next to the
door of a boarding plnce for animals,
but It would take a day's journey to
find him.
"What's makes him so thin?" was
asked of the attendant
"He won't eat," wns the reply "that
Is, he won't eat hospital food. He's
been spoiled. Ixts of dogs and cats
thnt are brought here have been spoil
ed. Their owners think It Is a sign of
high breeding to cultivate an appetite
for a peculiar and unnatural diet
They train animals to eat all kinds of
food that they would never touch of
their own volition. This emaciated fel
low has been taught to like fruit. He Is
particularly fund of pears; but, In case
he can't get them, peaches, apples and
bananas are a fairly satisfactory sub
stitute. Unfortunately, his present ali
ment makes a fruit diet extremely
dangerous, and since he Is deprived of
his favorite food he is literally starv
ing himself to death."
The attendant passed on to a neigh
boring cage and poked his finger spor
tively Into the side of a lnrge gray cat
that "meowed" plaintively In response
to bis cheery "Hello, there, Ca!sar!"
The cat had such a healthy, whole
some appearance that the visitor In
quired what meat he was fed upon.
"Humph!" said the attendant "You've
missed It there. He doesn't feed upon
meat He's a vegetarian. lie likes
onions better than anything else, un
less It's melons. A good many cats
like melons, and most of them are also
partial to raw asparagus. The fact Is
you might run through a list of all tho
dishes that find a place on any up to
date menu and you will find that some
of oiir pntlents have acquired a tasto
for them. This epicurean appetite may
denote aristocratic tendencies on tho
part of my boarders, but I don't ap
prove of It. Most of these acquired
tastes are a perversion of the natural
animal appetite, and It Is likely to
prove harmful In the end. The trick
Is pretty expensive for us fellows that
run cat and dog boarding bouses, and
I'd like to put a stop to It" New York
Liberality consists rather In giving
seasonably than much. Cicero.
Labor Is the dlvlno law of our exist
ence; repose Is desertion and suicide.
Unbecoming forwardness oftener pro
ceeds from Ignorance than Impudence.
Kindness Is a language the dumb can
speak and the deaf can hear and under
stand. Bovee.
Every one complains of the badness of
his memory, but nobody of his judg
ment Itochcfoucauld.
Ho -who has no Inclination to learn
moro will be very apt to think that ho
knows enough. Powell.
It is not what he bas or even what he
does which expresses the worth of a
man, but what be Is. Amlel.
Most pcoplo would succeed In small
things If they were not troubled with
great ambitions. Longfellow.
Justice Is the Insurance we have on
our lives and property, and obedience Is
the premium we pay for it Penn.
Cata of Ancient Es-rpt.
By some persons the popularity of
the cat In Egypt has been attributed
to the fact that the animal was vain
able In ridding the palaces of rats and
mice and also In bunting fowls. There
are several paintings In the British
museum, executed by ancient Egyp
tian artists, representing Egyptian
sportsmou in boats on the river Nile,
accompanied by large cats, sitting on
tbelr haunches In the stern. Other
pictures show the cats swimming wltb
birds In their mouths after tho manner
of retriever dogs. These pictures have
greatly perplexed modern naturalists
because the cat of today bas a strong
aversion to water, and It Is difficult to
reconcile such different traits even aft
er the lapse of thousands of years.
Food Wa Ought to Bat.
It has been said that a man should
be In very good health If he takes no
more than three different kinds of food
at any one meal. It should be served
as nearly as possible In Its simple
state. More food la required on a
damp, raw, cold day than on a cheer
ful, dry one.
As a rule, It Is safe to assume tha
what we crave for Is best for us,
though In cases of Illness this point
should not be strictly adhered to.
Men require a good deal more food
than women; those who work bard
more than those who lead a sedentary
Ufo; those who are growing more then
those who have reached maturity.
Aa Jack Saw It.
Jack, who Is live years old, came
home one day last week crying that an
other boy had hit him.
"Why didu't you hit him back?" he
was asked.
"I did." be answered. "I hit him back
first" Now York Times.
It la not the loudest church bell tbat
brings the must money to the collection
box.Wushington Post
Aa Barlp Mornlaa; Latter With
Important Aeneneeemeat.
That domestic ambulance corps of
which mother or wife or sister has
charge, being accustomed to all the ac
cidents tli ;t befall heedless men folk,
can sometimes deal with them at long
rangn Thus the New York Mall and
Ex proas tells how, at 0 o'clock In the
morning of the wedding day, a post
office messenger rang the bell at the
home of the bride to be aud handed out
a special delivery letter.
It was addressed to the best man
who had come forty miles to second his
best friend In the ceremonv, and was,
with several others, the jfaest of the
bride's parents. The bust man was
still sound asleep, but be Was promptly
awakened on the supposition that the
letter must contain something of Impor
tance. It did, Ini'eed. Rubbing bis eyes In
an effort to understand, he tore open
the envelope and was astonished to
find a sheet of letter paper, with a large
needle of the sort men always choose
when emergency compels them to sew
thrust, through It and a foot of black
thread doubled and trailing In loose
tangle down the page.
The best man thought It was a Joke,
but be could not see it and be was
about to become resentful when. Upon
turning the sheet, be found this hastily
written note:
Dar nrothrr Mother says thera Is a
button oft your dress coat It Is In your
waistcoat, right hand pocket Sew It on.
Crawling out of bed, the best man ex
amined bis coat and laughed to see that
the situation bad been accurately de
scribed In the letter. "Just like moth
er," be said. ' "She has probably lost a
whole night's sleep thinking about that
Later In the day four bridesmaids
gleefully assisted In making the repairs,
and this telegram went to mother:
Button sewed on. Don't worry.
A remarkable peculiarity of the red
wood (Sequoia sempervlrens) Is Its man
ner of Inert-use. which Is from dormant
buds at the base of the stump as well
as from the seed. When a tree was
blown down or fell, as its period of ex
istence was reached, several shoots
pushed upward from the circumference'
of the stump and, of course. In a olrclp.
These in time became fully grown, six,
ten or a dozen feet In diameter. In aft
er years, as these trees have fallen,
each would have a circle of trees sur
rounding It
Dandy Patterns . Good Goods
Furniture, Kitchen Untensils, Bed
ding, Gas Ranges, Go-Carts, Iron
Beds, Lamps, Cradles.
Anything Needed to Furnish a House
pqrstuvwxyz !
These letters mean nothing at all in their
present form, but they might mean dollars
and cents to any business man who will use
them to write a plain straightforward ad
vertisenient and insert it in The Star. ' The
cost o advertising is comparitively small
and brings returns larger by far than any
other Investment you can make.
Tale Loathaoma Spat la On of tha
aiarbta af India.
One of the Innumerable curious sights
of India Is the Nuggar tank of Ku ra
dii. In former times the crocodiles
which Inhabit it roamed the neighbor
hood at their will, seeking whom they
might devour, but so great were their
depredations that the authorities were
forced to build a wall round their
haunt This Is a swamp, caused by
hot springs, the medicinal virtues of
which have been known from early
times and are attributed to the sanctity
of a Mohammedan whose tomb Is close
by and to whom the crocodiles are sa
cred. The tank, as It Is called. Is about 150
yards long by about half that dis
tance in breadth. In this space one
observer counted over 200 reptiles from '
eight to fifteen feet long and smaller
ones Innumerable. They are so tame,
In a sense, that It Is necessary to poke
them wltb a stick before they will
Buffaloes are always standing In the
water and are not attacked, but any
other animal Is Instantly seized. "The
whole appearance of the place," says
one writer, "with its green, slimy,
stagnant water and so many of these
huge, uncouth monsters moving slug
gishly about, is disgusting In the ex
treme, and It will long be remembered
by me as tho most loathsome spot I
ever beheld." Chambers' Journal.
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