The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, January 21, 1903, Image 4

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    Democratic Suggestions.
Ai per call of oommittoe for nufrftos
tlon meetlnfr January T"ith, 1003, th
following nomod cltlzem wore iug(fot
ed for the cvoral office to be votod for
at a primary to be hold January 2(lth,
1903, at 8.30 p. m., In hose house No. 1,
when any other names may be added
for any of tho office or any names with
drawn. Trlmnry will bo hold accordlna
to rules governing former primaries of
the Democrat party:
Burgois R. H. Wilson, C. J. Korr,
G. M. MoDonald, C. F. Hoffman.
Council Honry W. Horpel, J. N.
Hoch, P. J. BurkhBrt, Daniel Nolan,
sr., William McDonald, sr., F. P. Adols
porger, George Rollor, U. H. Wilson,
O. F. Smith, L. G. Lldle.
School directors Dr. J. C. King, A.
J. Postlethwalt, K. C. Schugars, Ed. J.
Schultee, A. G. Mllllren, M. C. Cole
man, L. J. McKntire, C. M. Dinger.
Tax collector I. M. Swartz, W. C.
Auditor Charles Mllllren, K. C.
Schugors, A. J. PoHtlcthwait, A. n.
llogtster Second precinct, W. J.
Weaver ; first precinct, C, J. Korr, Kd.
G. Clark, Frank Mulholland.
Judge of cloction First precinct,
Frank J. Black ; second precinct, Isnac
J. Swartz.
Inspector First precinct, C. M. Ding
er J second precinct, E. T. McGaw.
Annual Meeting.
At the annual meeting of tho Sum
morvllle Telephone Co., held at Sum.
merville last Wednesday, the following
directors were elected: Dr. J. K. Brown,
of Brookvllle, Benjamin F. Keck, of
SummerTlllo, Joseph S. Hammond and
W. T. Cox, of Reynoldsvillo, F. W.
Prothero and Willlnm Osburn, of Du
Bols, A. C. Robinson, of Punxsutawnny.
The board of directors organized with
Dr. Brown president, Mr. Otiburn vice-
president,, Mr. Prothero gecrotary, D.
Li. Taylor, of East Brady, treasurer, and
8. M. McCroight auditor.
When the frost is on the window and
the kitchen pail Is froze, when tho
little Icy needles come from every
breath that blows, when chilblains
make us sick and faint, and cold feet
give us pain ; It's safe to bet that we
all wish for summor days again. For
while we sit and fume around In gauzy
summer clothes, It's easy enough to get
cooled off, as everybody knows ; but it's
different In the winter when the world
Is full ol iee, and the woather Is as hard
as a pair of loaded dice. We may talk
about our climate, and about our spring
and fall, but the balmy days of summer
are tne days that suit us all. Jx.
Visit Mllllrens fhoe department for
Dangerous Practice.
Jumping on sleighs by boys is not a
new practice by any means, but It is
one that Is fraught with grave dangers.
Frequently we hear of a youngster rc
ceiving Injuries that have serious con
sequences. Wittial, the fact does not
seem to diminlnh the provalency of the
practice ono whit.
Since tho pleasure which the boys de
rive from b stolen rldo hides from their
oyes tho danger coupled therewith, It
remains for tho driver to take stringent
measures whenovor he finds a solf-ln-vlted
passemrer on his vehicle or when
he hears the plaintive, "Gimme a rldo."
Keep them off the runnors and at a
respectful dlstanco from the sleigh ; it's
the only way In which many distressing
accidents may bo avoided. Drivers
may be certain of this fact, that In case
of an accident the public- will condemn
thorn more severely than the vic
tims of the accident. St. Marys Onzrttr.
This practice is very common In
Roynoldsvllle. Boys from four years
old up to eighteen years old are at It
every day.
Republican Township Nominations.
Tho Republicans of Wlnslow town
ship held their primary election last
Saturday and nominated tho following
ticket for February election :
Justice of tho peace John Smith.
School directors JamesRoberts, O.
IT. Broad h end, Benjamin Haugh.
Supervisors J. K. Womoldorf, John
W. Fye.
Tax collector Amos Strouso.
, Township treasurer Amos Strouso.
Auditor J. C. Bell.
Township clerk D. J. Thomas,
A Warning
Tho PoBtofilce department recently
Inaugurated a move to stop the habit
many people have of writing in photo
graph packages, newspapers, etc., that
arc put In the office as merchandise.
Special Inspectors are muking the
rounds and postmasters are Instructed
to open a! I packages not sealed and If
writing Is found thorcin to report the
same to tho department. The violations
of the postal law along this line are be
coming so numerous that It It is really
astonishing. Ex.
Letter List.
L'.Bt of unclaimed letters remaining
In post ofllce at Reynoldsvillo, Pa., for
the week ending Jan. 17, 1003 :
Henry Wlldo, H. Rutter, F. L. Dog
lln, Mrs. Martha Glontz, Miss Mamie
Say advertised and give date of list
when calling for above.
N E. C. Burns, P. M.
coats at Mlllircqs at a
West Reynoldsville Republicans.
The Republicans of West Reynolds
ville held a suggestion meeting on
Tuesday evening of last week and the
following persons were suggested to be
voted for at the primary election to be
held Saturday afternoon of this week :
Burgess M. H. Stiles, G. M. Davis.
High constahlo W. 8. Ross, Harry
Council James B. Orr, Samuel Sut
ter, John Burgcson, W. L. Barry, W.
W. Drake.
School directors M. E. Rldgeway,
O. II. Johnston, J. O. Johns, Chas. P.
Koerner, W. C. Gibson, James Boyer,
S. G. Austin, E. D. Radebach, John
Tax collector Daniol Bowlby, W. W.
Auditor I. M. Hoch, W. I. Shobert,
Klnsel Stiles, E. L. Johnston, Henry B.
Judge of election 3. E. Brlllhart, 8.
Inspector of election V. Z. Btirrls.
Window Glass Market.
Tho window glass market remains
steady and there Is a fair movement
from manufacturer to distributor. The
recent reduction in price on tho small
size of glass and the advance In the
large size was done, It Is said, to restrict
as much us possible the Importation of
foreign glass, which has been coming
in heretofore quite freely. Glass job
bers are well satisfied with their trade
so far this year and their recent heavy
purchases are going rapidly into con
sumption. It Is expected that another
large order for window glass will be
given the manufacturers In February,
and there are intimations that the
prices on which it will be based will be
some blghor than those named on the
last order. Commoner and Glumncorkcr.
Have You Seen Him ?
Did you ever notice that the man who
never had a square meal at home growls
at the hotel accommodations ; the per
son who complains most of his neighbors
is tho meanest of the lot; tho church
member who pays the least to the
preacher's salary finds tho most fault
with biB preaching and always com
plains of the bad management of the
church, and the brother who never at
tends his lodge does tho most kicking
about what Is done by the lodge ? Ex.
Annual Sale.
The annual sale of mill ends and seo
onds begins at our mill Thursday, Deo.
18th. A line of blankets, men's nants.
hose and overshlrts at one half the
retail price.
Reynoldsville Woolen Co.
Typewriters for sale or rent. Inquire
Heynolusvllle liuslness Uollego.
Small-pox at the Hospital.
Last Thursday John Donahue, of
Walston, went to the hospital with
what was presumed to be an ordinary
case of grip, the symptoms being head
ache, pains In the back and fever. Al
though there were no other symptoms
the hospital physicians felt a little sus
picious about It and put the patient In
the quarters In the new part of the
building which had been specially de
signed for emergencies of this charact
er. On Monday Mr. Donahue develop
ed a genuine case of smalt-pox. All the
necessary precautions have been taken,
and no danger is apprehended so far as
the other patients are concerned.
. Mr. Donahue Is about 24 years of
age,' and his parents reside In Reyn
oldsville. He came, to Walston about
throe weeks ago, and Is said to have
been at Eleanora, where he probably
contracted the disease, previous to
coming hore.
The Punxsutawney Board of Health
quarantined tho Hospital yesterday and
asked the hospital authorities to swear
out an order of relief on the Commis
sioners of Jefferson county. Punxsu
tawney Spirit.
Before Stock-Taking Prices.
Before stock-taking prices on men's
and youth's winter suits: -
$15.00 suits now 911.25.
112.50 suits now 110.00,
$10.00 suits now $7.50.
$8.00 suits now $0,00.
$fl.00 suits now $4.50.
$5.00 suits now $3.75.
$4.00 suits now $3.00.
Before stock-taking prices on child
ren's suits and overconts:
$0.00 suit or overcoat now $5.00.
$5.00 suit or overcoat now $4.00.
$4.50 suit or overcoat now $3.75.
$4.00 suit or overcoat now $3.31).
$3.75 suit or overcoat now $3.00.
$3.00 suit or ovorcoat now $2.25.
$2.50 suitor overcoat now $2.00.
$2.25 suit or overcoat now $1.85.
$2.00 suit or overcoat now $1.50.
$1.50 suit or overcoat now $1.15.
$1.25 suit or overcoat now $1.00.
$1.00 suit or overcoat now $ .81).
This is a bona fide reduction on out
regular low prices.
Binq-Stoke Company.
Again there Is some talk here of
building a trolley line to Clarion. Some
Klttannlng capitalists are said to be in
terested In raising a stock company to
build an electric road from Klttannlng
to Clarion, through this place and Haw
thorn. We should like to see Clarion
county money and enterprise used In
the construction of this road New
Bethlehem Vindicator.
Call and see A. G. MUllren's now gro
cery store In Centennial building'.
Republican Suggestion Meeting.
The Republicans of this borough held
a suggestion meeting last Wednesday
evening and the names of following per
sons were suggested for borough offices,
to be voted for at primary Saturday af
ternoon of this week:
Burgess L. M. Simmons.
School directors Dr. J. W. Foust,
Ira Smith.
Council Dr. J. C. 8ayers, A. P. King,
Francis D. Smith, M. J, Farroll, John
M. Hays.
Tax collector James Campbell.
Auditors D, H. Breakey, W.
Register 1st precinct, John Trud
gen ; 2nd precinct, F. P. Alexander.
Judge of election 1st precinct, 8. B.
J. Saxton ; 2nd proclnct, W. H. Ford.
Inspector 1st precinct, J. C. Ferris ,
2nd precinct, Clarence H. Reynolds.
The rules of Republicans of this bor
ough now provides that the primary
election be held at one voting place in
the borough, and a number of tho Re
publican voters are of the opinion that
the primary election should be held In
both precincts, and by motion at sug
gestion meeting Wednesday evening
the following committee was appointed
to modify the rules and report at the
suggestion meeting In 1004 : G. W.
Lenkerd, Joseph 8. Hammond and Dr.
L. L. Means.
New Century Comfort.
Millions' are dally finding a world of
comfort In Bueklon's Arnica Hnlve. It
kills pain from Burnt, Scalds, Cuts,
Bruises conquers Ulcers, and Fevr
Sores,; cures Eruptions, Halt llhntim.
Bolls and Felons removes Corns and
Warts. Best Pl.e cure on earth. Onlf
i.'oftt H. Alex Bloke's drugstore.
Want Column.
Rates: Ono cent tmr word for n.k anil
Mvery Insertion.
For 8ale Now Remington typewriter
No. 7. Inquire at The Star office.
Found Largo penknife with name of
Labana Mohncy, Klttannlng, on It Call
at Star ofllce.
Spinners Wanted Apply to Brook
vllle Woolen Mills.
Oas Shortage Limiting Production.
The great scarcity of natural gas
throughout the country is going to ma
terially curtail the production of window
glass tnis tire. Ever since the lire was
started many of the factories have been
crippled on this account and during the
past week when the mercury was fooling
around the ' zero point, a number of
plants had to suspend operations en
tirely, while but few had an adequato
supply, The gas shortage Is not only
affecting the supply of window glass,
but bottles and tableware as well
Aafionat (Hnsg lludtjet.
Boarders Wanted.
Mrs. D. W. Pyle, proprU truss of tho
Now Restaurant In Centonni. l building
wants boarders by tho week. I'ptes
reasonable. Sleighing parties wi'i find
this a very convenient place for meals
or lunches. Oysters served nicely In
every style.
A new steam table has been Installed
In the City Hotel restaurant which wilt
make this restaurant complete in every
detail. You can at all times get a good
warm lunch. W. M. Dlllman, and efll
cient and experienced restaurant man
presides over this department.
$1.05, $1.85, $1.05 wool lined duck-
rolled edge duck rubbers only $1.39,
BIng-Stoko Co.
For Sale-
Lot on Main street.
qulro of L. J. McKntire.
For Rent One furnished front room.
Inquire at The Star office.
Wanted Girls to learn cloth picking,
winding and weaving. Apply at En
terprlso Silk Company ofllce.
For Sale or Rent A good property,
Including a store room, on Worth street.
Inquire at THE Star office.
For Salo A seven room house, lot
60 by 150 reet, In West Reynoldsville
M. E. Weed.
Notli-e Is liercliv ulvpn tlmt an niintli-atlnn
will Iw miidti lo the (Jovornoi-ftf th umnion-
Sentencea that Read Backward and For
Solomon had vast treasures silver
and gold, things precious. ' Happy and
rich and wise was he. Faithfully served
She sits lamenting sadly, often too
much alone.
Man Is noble and generous often, but
sometimes vain and cowardly.
Carefully boiled eggs are good and
liovs) Is heaven and heaven Is' lovo,
youth says. All beware t says' age.
Trying Is poverty and fleeting Is love.
5.00 overcoats
NUke Co.
If you are In need of underwear to
perce the winter out visit Mllllrens.
for $3.78. Blng-
C. milchell, Preat4ant
ftcott T-irllan4, Vlcaii.'t " ''
Joha H. Kmnr her, Cashier.
0. Mitchell, McClolland, J.O. Ktnf
Daniel Nolan,
John II. Corhtt.
O. W. Fuller.
J. H. Kaucher.
riMinsylviinla on Friday, the
y or .luiiuiry, a. ii. unci, Dr vt . H.
. J. ('. Kltlll. II. It. Klin. W. II Al..nn.
der, F. I). Hmlili, Silnniim HhunVr, H Ki-yn-lil'
A. II. HWRrtx, I.. I. tfwley anil Tlminx
Mrtireiixlit, miner I he prml-loin of Hie Ai-t of
AHseniltly of llm Cnitiiuonweiilih of Vnnyl
vunlii. i-nlflled "All net to provide for the
Inrot-imnitton and roirulailon of rertitln
mi-point ioiik." unproved April JWh, 174, and
the Hiipplementn thereto for the i-hnrler of a
proOM'i coiportmon 10 dw railed iiewmer
loiil Mlnlnu t'nmimny. the charm-mr and
oli.leet whereof am to h the mining,
iltnirrylnK, exi-uvitOnir, taring fur, and
oinerwiHe producing roni, tire Day and
other mltiernh himI sulmtsnres, the manu-fiu-tiire
of all siitil products and of all
MihMtitnccs found In nr upon any Innds ac
quired liy siild proposed rorpolittlnn, the
HnippniK or ine siune 10 intirKei nnil the ship
thereof In crude or maniifiii'tiired form, and
to such an extent as may from time to time
be necessary and convenient, for said pur
poses to acquire, hold and dispose of real es
iate hy sale, lease, or nl her Ise. and of con
structing and disposing of dwellings and all
kinds of hiilldlngs. erections, machinery ami
appliances, Including lateral railroads, and
the. acquiring, possessing and enjoying of all
rights, powers, privileges and Immunities
conreri-ed uxn such corpora! Ions by section
IW of the said Act of Assenihlv of Anrll -AI.
1H74, and the Hupnlemvnls thereto, and for
these purposes to have, posses and enjoy all
the rights, hcnellts and privileges conferred
uy aaiU'Acioi Asscmmy ana us supplements
Hmitii M. McCiikioiit, Hullr.ltor.
January 7lh luin.
el for well-established house In a few coun
ties calling on retail men-hanu and agents.
Local territory. Halary $1024 a year and ex
penses, payable f 1H.70 a week In cash and ex
penses advanced. Position permanent. Ilns.
Innss successful and rushing. Htandard
llousu, ,114 I'L'itrnorn St., Chicago.
Doe a general banking business nml solicits
the account of merchant, professional men,
farmers, mechanics, miners, lumlM?rmen and
others, promising the most careful attention
to the business of all persona.
Hafe Deposit Boxes for rent. '
First National Bank building, Nolan block
Fire Proof Vault.
A full line of supplies constantly on hand
Picture framing a specialty. Olllce and ware
room In rear of Miss Margaret Kvans' racket
store. Residence near cor. Urant and Stb sta
)ubaerlb for
The -X- Star
If you want tbc New
TheBiQ Store's Seventh Semi-Annual
Inventory Clearance Sale
Friday , January 16th to January 31st.
The time of year has come when we must prepare to take inventory of our entire stock. The present year ends Jan. 31st, and by February 1st, the time when we begin inventory, .we expect to
haveredaced the stock to a minimum to facilitate Stock Taking, and at the same time clean out all left-overs from the Fall and Winter seasons. To insure a quick and effectual clearance we have mad
prices that have never been and will not again in many years b equalled. We have not taken cost into consideration, but expect to close out the winter's stock at prices which will astonish you. To
those who have attended our Clearance Sales in the past, we need not emphasize the matchless values offered, but we do say that we are trying to far exceed anything in the past We are offering bar
gains on some things which we desire to c1ob6 out that we could not attempt in the past. We can mention only a few which are fair examples of prices thro out on winter stocks. Remember date of sale
and best things always go quickly. Come early. Sale begins Friday, January 16th. . .
A few small pieces, all good colors and serviceable
goods to close out at one-half price.
25 cent goods'to close at -12 cents.
80 cent goods to close at 15 cents.
', 50 cent goods to close at 25 cents.
60 cent goods to close at 30 cents.
80 cent goods to close at 40 cents.
$1.00 goods t' close at 50 ceutB.
$1.10 goods to close at 55 cents.
$1.25 goods to.cloBe at 62 cents.
A very good fine fleece cotton garment, sold at
75c a garment, to go ia the sale at 50 cents.
Flannel Waistings and
French Flannels
A good line of waistings, good colors and a good
assortment to go in the sale at one-half price.
50 cents a yard at 25 cents. , '
65 cents a yard at 321 cents.
75 cents a yard at 87i cents.
85 cents a yard at 42i , cents.; .'
$1.00 a yard at 60 cents.
A few to close at great reductions. These are all good styles and staple shoes in
good sizes.
23 skirts to close in blatk, gray, brown, tan, red and green,
from $1.50 to $9.00 to go in the sale at $1.00, $2.50, $3.60.
Prices ranging
A good time to buy a'coat if you have not already done so. What we have left
will go in the sale at one half price and less. A few short jackets ranging in price
from $5.00 to $9.00 to go in this sale at $1.50 and $2.50. Coats $10.00 to 15.00 to
go at $5.00 and 7.50. One veloir left to close at $7. 50. Capes at one-half price.
Furs at one-half price.
Only a few left which we w.ill dispose of at one half price. Cold weather has
created a great demand for both, hence we have only a few, but to' make room for
other things we will put these in the sale.
Next door to P. O.
Reynoldsville, Pa.
A few broken sizes to close out at one-half price.
This is of the very best underwear that we carry and
has been our beBt selling wear, but being broken in
the sizes we are willing to sacrifice atone half regular
.price. Don't fail to see them. In the different lines
we have a variety of sizes and can fit you.
Hosiery and Mittens.
A few to close at one-half price. Now is a good
time to buy these, when the season is juBt nicely started.
All wool and good colors to close out at 1-2 price.
5 cents a skein to gq at 2i pents.
10 cents a skein to go at 5 cents. "
121 ceuts a skein to go at 6 cents.
25 cents a skein to go at 121 cents.
A good line of them which we expect to close out
in the sale. - . - ... 7 ., ' '