ft Stat mm VOLUME 11. REYNOLDSVILLE, PENN'A., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1903. NUMBEB 35. Clothing Marked-Down Sale Unjustified marked- downs on the finest makes of clothing made to reduce the stocks immediately. Examine the goods, see the deeply cut prices, and be convinced we are straight forward in presenting the Radical Reduction Sale. The iron clad rule of closing out each season's merchandise before the beginning of the next one is the cause of this Clearance Sale, which starts this morning. We are willing to stand a loss of profit and in many cases an actual lo.is besides to clean up'our stock at a sweep. The reductions are important ones because they are bona fide. This is a rare op portunity to get clothing at this earlv in the season at such greatly reduced prices. Call and see what we will do for you in this line. fi. W. EftSON & CO., Hoover Building. - THE COLUMBIAN LEADS THEM ALL. I . :. i' .',- 5 u-&X&UiUAiewBW We have just received another carload of The Celebrated Columbian Stoves and Ranges And can show you the finest display of stoves of every description ever brought to Reynoldsville. j Remember the Columbian stoves are GUARANTEED to give perfect satisfaction and you run no risk whatever in buying them J KEYSTONE HARDWARE COMPANY. at a $.3.75 is the Clearance Price for Men's $5.00 Overcoats. $5 00 is the Clearance Price for Men's $7.50 Overcoats. $7.50 is the Clearance Price for Men's $10.00 Overcoats. $9.50 is the Clearance Price for Men's $12 & 12.50 Overcoats. $11.50 is the Clearance Price for Men's $15.00 Overcoats. All Men's Heavy Winter Suits at greatly reduced prices. BOYS' WEAR AT DEEPLY CUT PRICES. $1.15 is the price of Boys' $1,50 Rtefen. $1.50 is the price of Boys' $2.00 and $2.25 Long Overcoats. $2.25 is the price of Boys' $2.75 and $3.00 Long Overcoats. $3.75 is the price of Boys' $5.00 Long Overcoats. All Boys' Winter Suits at reduced prices. YOUTHS ALSO HAVE A CHANCE TO GET A SUIT OR OVERCOAT CHEAP. Youth's Overcoats that old for $2.75 Sale Price $2.00. Youths' Overcoats that sold for $4.00 Sale Price $3.00. Youth's Overcoats that sold fo $5.00 Sale Price $3.75. Youths Overcoats that sold forZ$6.00 Sale Price $.25. Youths' Overcoats that soldjforl$7.50 Sale,Price $5.00. Youths' Overcoats that sold fonj$10.00 Sale Price $7.50. Youths' Overcoats that sold for $12.00 Sale Price $9.00. A Liberal Reduction on all Youth's Heavy Suits. Next door to Postoflice. - Reynoldsvillc, Pa. UIRST NATIONAL BANK OF REYXOLVS VILLE. Capital Surplus $50,000 $25,000 !. mite hell. President! eottmcClelluiid, Vice Prea.l John II. Kmieher, Cashier. Directors! 0. Mitchell, Scott MoOlellnnd, J. O. King John H. Oorbett. Duniol Nolun, O. W. Fuller. J. H. KaucJier. Doea a general banking bualnniwand tnllclu the account of mnrchante, profniwlonal men, farmers, meohanlca, miners, lumbermen and other. immilHlui the moot careful attention to the nUNlueaa of all peraona. Date Deposit Boxea for rent. Flrat National Bank building, Nolan block Flr Proof Vault. -GO TO- BON TON BAKERY JOHN H. BAUM, Prop., For good first-class baked goods such as fine Marble Cake, English Wine Fruit Cake, French Fruit Dev iled Cake, Angel Cake, Lad j Fingersjelly Drops, Kisses, Maroons and lots of other good cakes. A fine selection of all kinds of cookies; a good line of Fresh Bread and Parker House Rolls, Buns, Coffee Cakes. A nice selection of pies always on band. Wedding and fartiet a Specialty. Oiveu a Call. J THE MEWS OF i 1 NEARBY TOWNS. I ! Reported bjr The Htar'a pedal Correspondents. Emerlckvllle. John Haitcn and wife drove to Heyn oldsvllle Sunday. Miss Edytb Schugars attended teach ers' institute at Brookolllo last week. Quite a number of our young people enjoyed a sleigh rldo to Ueynoldsvllle Thursday night. Elmer Murphy, of West Virginia, Is visiting with his mother, Mrs. Susannah Murphy, In this place. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brady, of Brook Ville, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Snyder Sunday. E. E. Snyder left on Monday for Driftwood, where he is employed with the bridge builders on P. R. R. James Smith, Mrs. William Baugh man and daughter, of Reynoldsville, visited friends la this place Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sprague, of this place, visited the latter's parents, E. Buseard and wife, near Reynoldsville Sunday. A. A. Burkhouse sold his grocery to Raymond Markle, of Knoxdale, last week and Mr. Markle took charge of same Monday. Mrs. Fred Burns and daughter, Ther essa, and Mrs. E. E. Schugars, of Reyn oldsville, visited at the home of H. O. Suhugars Friday of last week. Emanuel Schugars lost a very val uable horse one night last week. The horse was tied around the neck with a rope and his front legs became entangl ed In the rope and choked to death. Rathmel. Duncan and Noil McPherson are sick with the typhoid fever. Hear Miss Sara Belle Mohney at the P.O. S. of A.: ill to-night. Mr. A. W. M Ihollan had business in DuBols Mondaj f this week. Miss Laura Hi hes expects to visit in Pittsburg the last of this week. James Roberts, son of George Rob erts, Is reported as having the small pox. Mr. John Ward, jr., of Washington, D. C, called on friends here last Fri day. Mr. Charles Sanders and family, of Brockwayvllle, Bpent New Year's day In this place. W. G. Harris, District President of the P. O. 8. of A. In Jefferson county, installed the ofllcers at Sykesvllle Sat urday evening. G. S. Keagle accom panied btm. Do not fall to hear Miss Mohnoy In the P. O. S. of A. Hall this Wednesday, evening. A number of Reynoldsville and DuBols P. O. S. of A. boys are ex poctod to be here. The Secret of Long Life Consists In kaorW'i T'ln organs of the body In healthy, regular action, and in quickly destroying deadly dis ease germs. Elcotrio Bitters regulate Stomach, Liver and Kldnoys, purify the blood, and glve-a splendid appetite. They work wondors in curing Kidney Troubles, Female Complaints, Nervous Diseases, Constipation, Dyspepsia, and Malaria. Vigorous health and strength always follow tholr use. Only 60o, guaranteed by H. Alex Stoke, druggist. The Country School Marm, An exebango says : The require ments of a country teacher are numer ous. She must be a primary, interme diate, grammar grade and hlRh school teacher combined ; she must be able to build fires, adjust fallen stovepipes, put in window panes, sweep, dust, split kindling, drive horse, keep out of the neighborhood quarrels, know how and when to whip a bad boy, understand the school laws, raise money for libraries, keep all kinds of reoords, plant trees on Arbor Day, be of good moral character and pass examination In all branches of education. For these accomplishments she receives twenty-five dollars a month. Think of a girl getting that salary 1 Out of this she pays ber board, buys her clothes, attends the summer school, educational papers, and books, attends county conventions and buys slate pencils. What is left she adds to her bank account or starts a bank if she prefers. New Century Comfort. Millions are dally finding a world of comfort In Buoklon's Arnica Salve. It kills pain from Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Bruises ; conquers Ulcers, and Fever Sores ; oures Eruptions, Salt Rheum, Boils and Felons ; removes Corns and Warts. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25o at H. Alox Stoke's drug store. Gibson, the optician, has been visit ing here for years and Is successful In 08 per cent of bis work. Bee him If your eyes trouble you. j High License Amendments. The following amendments to the Brook's High License Law will be of fered at the present session of the Leg islature by tho legislative commltteo of Knights of Fidelity: If any person advertised as one of In temperate habits or so designated by any member of his family or blood rela tion, Bhatl knowingly enter a bar room or saloon or upon tho premises of a li censed house where Intoxicating liquors are sold, for tho purpose of procuring or having furnished to him by sale, gift or otherwise, any spirituous, vlnuous. malt or brewed liquors, shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof In any Court of Quarter SuSHlons, the offondor shall be lined not less than ten, nor more than fifty dullurs and un dergo an imprisonment of not less than ten nor more than sixty days. Any person under tho age of twenty one years, who shall knowingly enter a bar room or saloon or upon the premises of a licensed house where Intoxicating liquors are sold, for the purpose of pro curing, or having furnished to him, by sale, gift or otherwise, any malt, brewed, spirituous or vinous liquors shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con viction thereof In any Court of Quarter Sessions, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than fifty dollars or un dergo an Imprisonment In the county jail for a period not exceeding thirty days, both or either at the discretion of the court i and the wilful entrance upon a second conviction shall be deemed a misdemeanor punishable by Imprison ment ot not less than sixty days, Readeis of The Pittsburg Dispatch Made Happy. The New Yoar's number of The Pitts burg Dispatch was a great treat to its many readers. It consisted of 32 pages (just think of it !) containing a complete resume of evonts of 11102, accurato and reliable. It was not only of Interest to the hundreds of thousands of Dispatch readers in the Pittsburg territory, but Invaluable to all, no matter where, for It was a ready reference to thousands of useful and Interesting items. Un doubtedly It was the best number of Its kind ever' published and one which could be Issued only by one of the great est Journals In the United States. No wonder the Dispatch enjoys the largOBt circulation of any Pittsburg pa per I It is tho only 2o morning paper published In that city and that partly accounts for its wonderful popularity. The people know It pays to buy tho best and it holds good with tho Dispatch, for very fow think of the trifling 4 cents difference (the dally being only 10c by the week). Those who are not now taking the Dispatch should at once subscribe, as they will not regret it. When you sub scribe ask Chas. S. Klrchartii to sond and get you a copy of that great review edition. It alone Is worth the price of a six mouths' subscription. Pittsburgers should be proud of tholr great paper. Summerville to Boom. Summervlllo, one of the prottiost lltttle towns along the line of the Low Grade railroad, has awakened from a lethargy of years and promises to be one of the liveliest places on the Red Bank oreok during tho coming summer The country thereabouts Is underlaid with coal and the development of the field has been begun by tho Red Bunk Mining Company, which has made an opening just south of town. This oper ation will have several hundred mon at work in the near future and othor In dustries are contemplated. Summer ville has one of the best sites for a town to be found anywhere, but, as used to be the case at Falls Creok, lacks the population. DuBols Courier. Finds Way to Live Long. The startling announcement of a dis covery that will surely lengthen life is made by editor O. H. Downey, of Chu rubusco, Ind. "I wish to state," be writes, "that Dr. King's New Disoovery for Consumption Is the most Infallible remedy that I have ever known for Coughs, Colds and Grip. It's invalu able to people with weak lungs. Hav ing this wonderful medicine no one need dread Pneumonia or Consumption. Its relief Is Instant and cure certain." H. Alex Stoke, the druggist, guarantees every 60c and 11.00 bottlo, and gives trial bottles free. , But One Trust Company in Pittsburg Having oapltal of $2,000,000 and surplus and profits of 14,000,000. Deposits 10,000,000. Pays 4 per cent Interest on Savings Deposits, subjeot to withdrawal of 1100 without notice, and 2 per oent. on Checking Accounts. Interest com pounded semi-annually. Do all your banking by mall. Send postal for two hundred year calendar free.' Pittsburg rust Company, 323 Fourth Avo., Pitts burg, Pa. 3? Eyesight is Priceless Yet Itow muny noptteW It or pntrust It to InronifwMrnt optician. I will continue my monthly vMtn mid will 1w projmrod tocYiimltm tho vyon by thu lntctt Hornjf Ttnr Mkthowi and Kalawao are nocded tnjrlvo those that will irivc ttio tt rfmultfl olHHlnnhlr. Examination f.ec. At the Imput-ltil Hotel, Reynoldsville, January 14th And American hotel, Brookvllle, IS and 1ft. G. C. GII5S0N, 5&. SUDDEN CHANGES Of temperature have killed people, and that's why your stove is important. Cole's Original Hot Blast Stoves. KEYSTONE HARDWARE GO.. Reynoldsville, Penn'a. "yINTER IS HERE- AND BO Id Northamer & Kellock. And we are better prepared than ever to do cabinet work or anything In the wood working line. Upholstering and repair work of all kinds done promptly. Picture Framing We have just rocelved a large line of Picture Moulding and we carry a line of room moulding In stock. Call and examlno our line and get prices. Our cabinet shop is so small and our business la getting so large we will have to do something to got more room, so we havo decided to sell off all our framed Pictures at Coat $7.00 Pictures at . $5.65. .()() Pictures at $4.50. $5.00 Pictures at :i.H0. $4.00 Pictures at $3.10. :t.00 Pictures at $2.25. $2.00 Pictures at $1.00. $1.00 Pictures at 75a. all the rest In tho same proportion. We are also agonts for the Kane In side Sliding Blind and Patont Screen Windows. Kcmember the place Northamer & Kellock, Woodward Building, Mala St. Read This. While in Reynoldsville call on W. rl. Cumins, the Peoples' 5th street Blacksmith. He will shoe your horses, repair your wagons, buggys, carts and sleighs, and make -you any kind of stone tools you may need. His price will be moder ate. Don't forget the place. W. H. CUMINS, , Sth Street. Reynoldsville, F. K HEBE THOSE GLASSES" of yours, do they fit? O. A. JENNEH, AT TIIE- OTY HOTEL will fit you right. Headache, stomach trouble are reflex dis eases of the eye. EXAMINATION FREE. Testimonials : ' Mr. and Mr. A. C. Flab. Visiting Cards Artistically Print ed at The Star office.- Keep the temperature even. The house is always the same, tiny and night. This is be cause they burn all the fuel ' and radiate all the heat. The fire is never out. Beware of imitations which . unscrupulous dealers show you and claim are just like , COLE'S HOT BLAST. There is no other stove made like it and none that will Rive you the satisfaction, therefore in sist upon getting the Genuine COLE'S HOT BLAST, which is sold only by Men everywhere have learned that in the waiK-over they get perfection of Beauty, Elegance, Style and Comfort, that they have unvary ing quality, at an un varying price and they never disappoint ; all sizes, made in all widths all stocks at $3.50, 4.50 a pair, A button Pat ent Leather on a strict ly new toe called the PO-TA- TO is the very swellest thing out. All kinds of warm overshoes for cold . weather, Robinson's v