The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 17, 1902, Image 1

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r-sftMr r '
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liey've been to
.V Dep't S
For their Xmas Gifts.
And they'll make it a Merry Christmas a day the family
and friends will long remember. Will not be difficult if
you make this store your buying place. We've plenty of
good things, items that make appreciated gifts, and we offer you a selection from what is
newest and best, the modern Christmas offerings. Then there's a merry jingle to prices
here and they're the kind the shrewd buyers approve, that help makeyour Christmas shop
ping particularly pleasant.
For your Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister or Sweetheart
Our big CLOAK Department has many splendid gifts. FURS in all the new Btyles, 98o to $20.00. MONTE CARLO
Coats $9.00 to $25.00. Women's Jackets, newest styles, $5.00 to $14.00. Girls,' Misses,' Children's and Rabies' Coats
in greatest variety. And hero are other welcome ChristmaB gifts. Silk and Flannel Waists, Capes, Silk, Mercerized
Sateen and Moreen Petticoats. Walking and Dress Skirts, Knit Shawls and Fascinators, dainty Neckwear, Hosiery, Golf,
Kid, Silk and Wool Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, Purses, Pocket Rooks and Chatelaine bagB, Silk dress patterns,
Homespun, Knickerbocker, Serje and all the other new novelties for dresses and skirts, new Mercerized White Goods
for waists, Linen Tablecloths, "uin en Napkins, Linen Towels, Umbrellas, Work Boxes, Fancy Baskets, Toilet requisites,
and all the suitable things dear to the feminine heart for Xmas gifts.
What 10 Dim tor m b utile Fellows What to buy tor the Men Folks
Things he'll appreciate, that will add to his personal
comfort and his pleasure in the day: Suite Ovorcoat
Sweaters, Gloves, Handkerchiefs. Suspenders, Neckties.
Collars, Good Warm Caps, Underwear, Hosiery. We
dress the boy well and we cater to his interests.
. . Gliinaware Excellence
At this seaeon of the year yon want the Chinawaro to
be as fine as you can afford. We sell it t-o you can af
ford to have something pretty nicf.
Note the mark of the maker.
Note the price of the seller.
See If you don't get more Chinaware value here than
anywhere you ever visited: China Table ' Plates, Broad
or Cake Plates, Sauce or Berry Dishes, Butter Plati-s,
Chop or Meat dishes, Oatmeal Bowls, Salad Dishes,
Celery Dishes, Bone Dishes, Sugar and Cream Setf, 8
pieoe Table set, 25-piece Tea set, 76, 102 or 112-piti
Dinner setB, Cups and Saucers, Toy China Tea Self,
China Trinkets, Vases, Terra Cotta Statuary, these and
hundreds of other articles to be found in our Big Base
ment Department.
SANTA CLAUSE, bb usual, is
making this his headquarters and
we are his agents. !
We are showing a great variety
of Beautiful, Dainty and Unique
kinds of the doll family,
Come Early, make your selection,
we will keep for you until wanted.
The appropriateness of the gift will cause you no un
easiness, if you come here. There's such a wide range
for your selection that you'll easily find what pleases
you and at the price you expected to pay. These sug
gestions may prove helpful: Suits, Overcoats, Trousers,
Hats, Caps, Mufflers, Mufliets, Kid Gloves, Scotch Wool
Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, Holiday Neckwear, Holiday Sus
pend ST8, Cotton, Lisle and Wool Hosiery, Wool Sweat
ers, White and Colored Dress Shirts, Silk Handker
chiefs, Linen Hankerchiefs, Outing Flannel Night-ShN
Scarf Pins, Watch Chains, Cuff Buttons, Umbrellav
SuitCases, Satchels, Trunks, Mackintoshes. Yourfath- V
er, your husband, your best fellow will appreciate one
of these for Xmas.
Shoes lor. xmas Buyino
New Shoes, Modern Footwear, not an accumlation of odds and ends, but clean
bright stock, the newest ideas from best makers. It pays to buy footwear here
every season of the year, and for holiday buyers thei same reasonable prices
await them. Ladies' Misses' and Childrens Fur Trimmed Felt SlipperB, the
new 8-strap Slippers for ladies, "Dorothy Dodd"
Shoes the faultless-fitting Shoe for women, the
Walkwell, Royal. Blue Aurochs, The Record &
Schwab Bros. Celebrated Shoe for Men, The BD
school shoe for girls, the Walton school Bhoe for
boys world beaters
for the price.
Full line of the Red
Ball, American, Woon
boc k et nd Hoods rub
bers. RUBBER
Where there's everything that
People Wear and most things
People Buy,
Corner Main and Fifth Streets.
One price we have for all and,
that the lowest
Strictly First-Class Attraction.
The Lyman Howe Moving Plctura
Company gave an exhibition In Assem- ,
bly Hall last Thursday evonlng under
the auspices of the Young Men's Read
Ing Association. The audience was
highly pleased with the entertainment,
which Is strictly a first-class attraction,
and If there are any persons la Reyn
oldsvtlle who have never scon Howe's
moving picture show they certainly
have missed a rare troat, in fact it Is
simply a marvelous exhibition. Among
some of the pictures presented was an
oriental railroad train in full motion
skirting along a tortuous gorge and just
skimming along the great desert In
Arabia. Ping pong was a humorous in
cident, with novel outfit. The plcturo
represented two plasterers -playing
the game at noon hour with mortar
board and plasterers' level for a ping
pong outfit, trowols for rackets and
potato tor ball. The procession of the
royal herd of elephants In far-away
Ceylon was Interesting. A fire scone
was realistic and thrilling. The coro
nation coremonles In Westminister Ab
bey were carried out without a hitch.
Scene after scene, glory after glory fol
lowed each othor with matchless splen
dor. The magic pictures presenting tha
marvelous arts of the great and clevor
'magician, Robert Houdyn, the wondor
worker of France, must be seen to bo
hpproclatud, In fact tho entire exhibi
tion must be scon to be appreciated.
Stone rings, plain and engraved band;
all kinds of baby rings, large stock to
select from at C. F. Hoffman's.
Buy Christmas presents at C. F.
Oysters In any stylo or quantity at
the City Hotol restaurant.
Solid gold, gold filled, silver and
niekol watches at Gooder's the jeweler'.
Every watch warranted. The largest
stock in Uoynoldsvlllo, over 125 to
solect from.
More new china received atHoffmans.
I have just received my holiday stock
of umbrellas, larger and handsomer
than ever. Engraved free. Q. F.
line of neckwear at A.
Try a cup of coffoe at tho City Hotol
restaurant. It Is the correct idea.
in all colors
For Men and Women,
Boys and Girls.
Just the things
for Christmas
50c to $1.50
Women's Jersey leggins,
full length 75 cents.
Misses Jersey leggins, full
length 65 cents.
Children's Jersey leggins,
full lenghth 50 cents.
The cart will be
given away Dec.
24th. Tablets must
be in before that
Sole agents for Snag
Proof and Gold Seal
Rubber footwear.