THE PEOPLE WHO ARE PASSING TO AM) F1W. G. W. Lenkerd was In Clarion lout week. John Spoar was In Pittsburg Inst week. 1 John 11. Wagnor was In Tyrono litnt week. Mrs. W. V. Marshall visited In Kano last week. Dr. 8. Reynolds is In Pittsburg this week on business. Benjamin Kline visited his brother at Ronovo last week. Samuel Whitmoro spent Thanksgiv ing in BrooKville. C. R. Hall and wife spent Thanks giving in Brookvllle. Walker Adam spent Sunday with his parents at Brockwayvlllc. Miss Margaret Daily visited her par ent at Penflold last week-. Thomas F. Adam and Will Herpel were In Brockwayvllle Thursday. I. D. Wlnslow, of Pittsburg, spent Sunday at his home In this place. William Rah, of New Bethlehem, visited In Reynoldsvllle last week. Rlelly Burns and wife visited at Summervlllo several days last week. James Schall, of Pittsburg, visited friends In this place the past weeek. Charles Sehultze and wife, of Sbaw mut, visited In this place last week. Misses Clare and Mabel Siplo and Eula Deemer were In Brookvllle Thurs day. Misses Edith Herpel and Mary Me Clure visited friends In Brookvllle last week. Captain T. C. Reynolds, of Harris burr, 'n Reynoldsvllle tho past week. Miss Marie O'Nlol Is visiting Mrs. Frances O'Connors at Rathmel this week. Mrs. George Kline spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. J. H. .Telbart, at John eonburg. Joseph E. Klrkwood, of Turtle Creek, ''visited bis parents In this place (ho past week. Miss Annie Ward, of East Brady, vis ited In this place and at Rathmol the past week. James Justham and family, of Barnes boro, Pa., visited relatives In this place last week. Miss Jennie Kennedy, of Brookvlllo, was the guest of Miss Olevla Murray over Sunday. Perry B. Love visited at Rosevlllo this week. Mrs. Charles Witter, of Itenovo, has been visiting her parents at this plaeo the past week. .Tames Sell nil nnd Miss Margaret Bono visited at Funxautawnny and Rossltcr Sunday. Charles S. Davis returned Saturday morning from a trip to Philadelphia and New York City. Seine Mohnoy, foreman Punxsutaw ney Spirit, spent Thanksgiving with his parents In this place. Misses Helen Meek and Florence At water spent several days of last week with friends In DuHols. Miss Molllo McDonald, of Falls Creek, visited her aunt, Mrs. Richard Taufo, In this plaeo Inst week. George Kay, who has been working In tho silk mill for sotnollme, returned to Patorson, N. J., on Saturday. William Barclay and wife visited their daughter, Mrs. Earl Swift, at Brookvllle Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Bert T. Cox, of Pittsburg, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Humphrey, on Moln street. Prof. C. C. Postlethwalt, teacher at Panic, spent Sunday with his brother, A. J. Postlethwalt, In this plaeo. Mrs. Alex Ristnn and Miss Agnes Riston visited Mrs. Dr. H. W. Trultt at Now Bethlehem Thanksgiving day. Mrs. W. C. Elliott. Mrs. S. T. Dough erty, Misses Nellie and Verdi Dough erty visited In Brookvllle lust. week. II. B. Cooper and wife, of Brockway vllle, spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Johnston in this plaeo. Homer Brumbaugh, of Franklin, Pa., an erstwhile merchant nf Reynoldsvllle, spent Thanksgiving Day In Reynolds vllle. Mrs. J. W. Dawson, who whs visiting In Paterson, N. J., and New York City five or six weeks returned home last week. ' Prof. G. E. Krumllch, principal of tho public schools at Tarontum, Pa., was the guest of John H. Wagner over Sunday. Miss Mamie Raymer, of this place, visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Mooro, at Emcrlckvllle last week. Robert Barker, who resided In Reyn' oldeville fourteen years and moved from this plaeo to Soldier early this year, 1b -THE- COLUMBIAN LEADS THEM ALL. uhT"!Wf.ww - We have just received another carload of The Celebrated Columbian Stoves and Ranges And can show you the finest display of stoves of every description ever brought to Reynoldsville, j Remember the Columbian stoves are GUARANTEED to give perfect satisfaction and you run no risk whatever in buying them j keystone: HARDWARE COMPANY. moving from Soldier to Hastings, Pa., this week. ' J limes G. Gathers, of Rathmol. Is now located at Morgnntown, W.'Va. W. M. Hnytnor, and wife, of Worth- vlllo, visited tho former's brother, B. R. Raymer, and family In this plnoo lust Week. Miss .Teannetto Lnsk, forolady In the warping department of tho ellk mill Bt Butler, Is visiting her father, James Lusk, In this place. L. J. Mc En tire Is In Philadelphia this week attending tho Grand Lodge of tho Free and Accepted Masons as a delegato from John M. Roed Lodgo, No. 5.1(1, of Reynoldsville. Edward Wlndlo, of Bradford, sent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Ed. Wlndlo, In Hits place. Mrs. Wlndlo has been 111 for several weeks. John Fink, jr., who has been at Now Kensington, Pa., about six months, has returned to Reynoldsvllle and accepted a position In tho J. It C. C. A I. Co. scale olllco with his brother-in-law, J. M. Cathers. Mr. and Mrs. Jonothan Deemor, H. E. Deemer and Miss Ruth L. Deemer. of near this place, and Mrs. George W. Smith and two children, of Punxsutaw- ney, started yesterday morning for Denmark, S. C, to spend the winter. Foils of a Deadly Attack. "My wife was so 111 that good physi cians wero unable to help her," writes M. M. Austin, of Winchester, Ind., "but was completely cured by Dr. King's Now Life Pills." They work wonders In stomach and liver troubles. Curo constipation, sick headache. 25c at II. Alex Stoke's drug store. 1 I r Manv new designs In rltios at C. F. HolTmun's. J no. Kellv's shoes for women at Mil- llrons. Watch ivimlrlnir asneclnltv. all work guaranteed to glvo sutisfuctton, at ooder s, tho jeweler. Fnr Imnnrteil otilnn warn null at. ft, a Cash New York Racket store.. 1 Ihfivo tllat. piiiinlvnil mv lii.llilau atiuilr of umbrellus, larger and handsomer than ever. Engraved freo. C. F. Hull man. See Mllllrons line of school shoes. Want Column. Rntesi One rent Der word for eucli and nvery msernnii Lost Saturday afternoon between the J. Van Reed's and Presbyterian church, a pocketbook containing two one dollar mils, some change and a postollice key. Findor will please leave at tins omee For Salo or Ront A good proporty, Including a store room, on Worth street Inquire at Til E STAR olllco. For Sale A power and hand com' bincd fodder cutter. Inquire King & Co, For Salo A good store. Inquire at the star omee. Wanted Girl forgonoral house work. Wages $.1 per week. Inquire at F. K. Alexander g on Urant street. Wanted I want to sell a lot of good rag carpet vory ohcap. Toofeel Domay weaver. Wanted A bright and willing boy. Inquire Enterprise Silk Co. Wanted Sewing girls. Inquire Royn oldsvlllo Woolen Co. Farm for sale The George Henry farm In Wlnslow township. It contains 100 aQreB! 00 acres cleared, balance In second growth timber. TIncisp. hum and wagon shed almost new; fine orch ara; goou waior. f or particulars in quire of A. G. Mllllron, Roynoldsvillo Wanted Girls to learn winding and oloth picking. Apply at Enterprise biiK uompany omee. For Salo A soven room houso, lot 00 by 1.10 feet, In West Roynoldsvlllo. oi. ID. weed. For Sale Large whlto English York shiro thoroughbred boar two years old, weight about II vo hundred pounds. Will bo sold for about one-half actual value if taken soon, also a few thorough bred pigs for sale. John Yohe, Do sire, Pa. OUT OF THE CONDITION or TUN FIRST NATIONAL BANK Bt HeynolilKvlllo, In tho Stuto of Prmmylva ulu, ut thu close of business Nov. 2fi, iwtl. hkhouimjkh: Loans Hnd discounts l"5,010 At Overdrafts, see u red and unsecured. 2t!5 40 IT. S. HniidstoHuriirovlrculatloii.... :lim no II. 8. HimilHon liuiid HsO (M) Premiums on IT. 8. Bonds 1,0(11) HO Stocks, securities, etc. 1(,(HK) U) Furniture, and fixtures 2.(103 fit) Dun from National Hanks (not Un serve AirenlH) 18.4M 71 Due from Htate banks and bunkers. fl.noo CO IMie from approved reserve utfunta, UO.AO;! !I8 Intcrital-ltovcnue stam 4tt K4 dawk Slid oilier cash Items 1,1113 73 Notes of otlmr Natlonul banks tt,(W) 00 Fractional paper eurrunc), nickels, and cents i:ct 26 Lawful money reserve In bunk, viz: r)ecle fil.SIS 4i I.ciral-tender notes III.5K0 no 32,fc 4.1 Redemption fund with U. H. Treas urer (S per cent, of circulation).. 1,7.10 00 Total tl2M,074 04 I.IABII.ITIKS. Capital stock paid In $50,000 0 Hurulus fund 26,000 00 Undivided In, less expenses and taxes paid 10,003 M National flank noteaoultttaiidluK... iU.NK) 00 Dividends I'npuld 20 00 Individual deiMinlts subject toclieck t7'!,:iKI 28 Time certificates of deposit U5,(Mft 00 Caviller's checks outstanding 103 00 Total HM,Wi M Ststo f FtBDiylvuls, Oouty f Mum, : I, John H, Kaui'her, ('ashler of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the hIhivh Ntutemeut Is true to thu best of Diy knowledge and belief. John H. Kahohkh. Cashier. Huhscrlhed and sworn to before me thlsiiutb day of November, 11)02, Ai.ukht Ukymolus, Notary Public. OOUIUCOT AtUlMl! J, H. COHBITT, ) .0, Kino, ! Directors. O. Mitousll, I Shick & Wagner THIS IHtt HTOllK Wc arc fully prepared to provide you with the necessaries for protection from the cold. We have anticipated another cold winter and consequently have taken advantage of every opportunity to secure from the manufacturer those things which are now so widely in demand. UNDERWEAR Our stock of Underwear is complete. Cotton, Fleeced nnd Wool in White, Gray, Cream or Klack. We can provide your wants at any price. IPXjJsJNNJSLS All-wool Flannels, from $2. 50 a yard to 50c. One piece left of mixed goods at 18c a yard. ouTiisras jnt o aisttcxn" , el annels The enormous demand for tliesn goods sometimes reduces the line to a minimum and your selectiou then must be made from a more unvaried assortment of patterns. We have Just received a shipment of neat and desirable patterns in light and dark colors. Prices range from 5o to 18c. HOSIERY Cotton Fleeced and Wool. CLOAKS, SUITS, SIvIRTS We have kept our lines up so that your selection may be made from as strong a line as earlier in the season. With the cold weather however conies a demand that will soon reduce the stock. It is advisable to secure your needs while the lines are at their best. FUES The seasan for Furs, one of tha most interesting and ap preciating features of a lady's dress is just opening. We have embraced this year elegance in furs with quality. Judging from the demands by the patrons of the Big Store, the ten dency is for better furs each year. This, we believe is econ omical buying. If interested in Furs, call and see what we have. Next Door to Postoffice. Main Street. Reynoldsville, Penn'a. Special J"eiv Line of Dress and Wat king Skirts, S3. 00 to $10.00. M I L lTIR E N S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE IN JEFFERSON COUNTY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Early Shopping is most advantageous. For this holiday season we have made greater preparations and as sembled greater collections of useful and beautiful Holiday gifts than ever before. They are now ready to be examined. UNPRECEDENTED SALES OF MONTE CARLOS AND OVERCOATS Is the most convincing argument that our styles and prices are right. In nil lunKttis, from 27 to.'U lnoh(.' ; In block, blue, tan, castor and mut'oon. Sumo Hre finlshid In the straight box back, other have one und two Inverted pli'a'H. Somo of the sloevca hitvo turned up cuffs, other are Mulshed lu tlio Kotnotia aleuvo. l'rleo range Monte Carlos $5.00, 8.00, 10.00, 12.00, 14.00, 16.00, $18.00. Men's and Boys' Overcoats Ilunp- Stylo this year allow a wide rautfo of lonRths from 42 inches to ,10 IncheH. All color : oxford and black are favorite. Some have turn-up cuff, other are plain. All of them are cut full In thu back. Ing In price from C't.OO to 1 18.00. A tfreat varioty to select from. V QUnQo AND RUBBER FOOTWEAR for tho whole funiily. KELLY'S mIi.h.. for women are the k' OlIUCO beat fitter known. Leather Goods Of all kind. Chatelaine bag, WrUt bugs, Purse, Suit CaaeB, Traveling bags. Ebonold und Sterling Silver Novelties Comb and Brush Set, Toilet Sots, Mirrors, Manicure sets, Sewing set. Military Brushes, Cloth brushes, Button Hooks, Shoo Horns and Tooth Brushes. Come in and look over the gift goods. Rfantrt anA fViinfnfr Good 10-4 Cotton Blankets, all color, fit) cunt. ciarucets ana omiorts Good n-4 Wool IllankoU( M :0 H pitlr 6 pound 12-4 All-Wool Blankets, $4.fi0. Comforts, all sizes, all colors, ul prices from 7!o to $2.50. All batted with medicated cotton. Hats and CaDS The greatest selection to be found anywhere. Come in a xaia any vxjj ftn(j m the new Hmpeg jn Mlf hats dilTerent from any thing you And elsewhere. Cup In plush, kersey or fur, all shapes fur cold weath er 25o, 50o, 1.00 to 4.00. C,,.- Pure Fnr! Greatest selection tu be found anywhere. A nleo long r UTS, r rurs Qf olu(jtBl, tullg al ,lm ,Miui5Si Beaver, Martin Opossum or Fox tuudo in all lengths. Some have cluster tails, U. 75 to $:io.00. Shirts and Sweaters Stiff bosom or soft negligee In any color. Some have pleat ed bosoms, others are plain. 50c, $1.00, $1.50. Gloves Gloves Kid, mocha, or golf. Our genuine mocha for $1.00 the talk of the town. Golf gloves, color were never quite so nice, as this "iin 2o oent, 50 cents, 75 cent. Early buyers fare best. Purchases held for lat er delivery. At Millirens Great Department Store.