t THE NEWS OF i NEARBY TOWNS, i tRrpnrlrd fcjr The Mnra ) ftpnlnl 'orrrionliiitn. J Wlshaw. Alex Dlekoy made a business trip to BIr Run on Monday. Mr. and Mra. John McKllllnp drove to Desire on Saturday evening. Mioses Annie Kwlngf and Alice Doyle visited our schools o'ne day laxt week. Mrs. Abraham Llnjrenfiiltor Is quite f HI with rheumatism at present writing. Miss Kdna Soerlst visltod nor grand mother on west Main Mi'ci ton Sunday. Boon the sqimal of the porker will bo heard tn our midst, us Thanksgiving draws nigh. Mr. Irvln Martin and daughter, Mrs. Moser, of Desire, vlsltud friends In the west end. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Newcome at tended the funeral of Mrs. Dunn at Knynoldsvlllu on Friday. There was no school In room No. 1 last Monday on account of tho toaohor, . Miss Smoltzer, hutng tt day off for pleasure. , Hereafter the school children will march to time beaten on tho drum In stead of "by hand," us one of the boys termed It. On Friday afternoon the three rooms of our school comblhVd forces and gave I ho two lower rooms a good cleaning See our Line -OK BATH TUBS, LAVATORIES AND CLOSETS. ENPAELED AND CAST IRON SINKS. GAS FIXTUTES AND BURNERS, MONARCH INSTAN TANEOUS WATER HEATER. BATH ROOM SPECIALTIES, Estimates furnished for Plumbing, Steam and Gas Fitting. R. D. Albright, Next door to Corwln's Photo Oallry. m inn "Y ' III Buy. Goods Marked in Plain Figures, One Price and that the Lowest. VOLUME 11. out, which was very nocessary, especi ally room No 1, or the old room. "Say Jim, what Is the attraction at night school that causes tho presence of so many girls thero of late?" Ans. 'Tho black board (?)" Bl'EHAT,. In rending tho comments on Mabhnth breaking In some of our sister towns we are sorry to say that almost, If not worse conditions exist In our own town. On passing through our town on a Sabbath It would bu dlftlcult, Indoed, for a person to bo able to know that Sabbath was observed at all. Somo of the things which are known to occur are some of the stores doing business openly, nailing up boards along fences, repairing houses, hunting, shooting mark, Ac. In conclusion the writer would say that one of the most necessary things we need at present Is a good efficient constablo In this part of tho township, and with the help of the better element the condition could bo effectually sup pressed. AN OllHtiltVKR. Paradise. Miss I.lllle Shields, teacher of tho MeOielght school, visited Until Gathers Sunday. .1. M. St muse and .lohn fathers are busily engaged In hauling coal to Itnyn oldsvlllo. C. 10. Strouse Is running his coal bank day and night to meet the dally demand for coal. .lames Slieesley, who I clerking in K. B. Campbell's large store tit Desire. UIRST NATIONAL f BANK o f if u yyo l ns 1 1 l l -;. Capital Surplus $50,000 $25,000 '. Mitchell, Pril(pitt Ncou.WeflxllHiid, Vlr Prf. John 11. Kanclicr, cashier. Director! C. Mitchell, Soott McClelland, J. O. Kind John II. Corbet t, liitnlm Nolan, U. W. Fuller, J. II, Kaueher. Pops n Rnneriil hanking bunlmMuinfl sollelts the ai'countnof tmrehHiit, protVflHlotuil men, farmers, meehiinlcs, miners, lumlwrmen and olhers.iimmliitnv tho most careful attention tn the hiiHtnesH of nil pHi-sons. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent. First National Dunk building, Nolan block Fire Proof Vault. Vi -man amnwa MUTOlUM DEPARTMENT STORES uuens 01 raw Fall and Winter Stocks of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Ladies' and gentlemen's Fur nishings, China, glass, Tin, Enam eled, Wood ware, &c. Store where there's Everything that People Wear and Most Things People REYNOLDSVILLE, PENN'A., WEDNESDAY, spent Saturday and Sunday with Ktt tannlng friends. George and David Hollenbangh and Harry Daughorty drove over to Dig Holdlor Sunday. A. tj. and tieorge Slieesley aro work ing at the carpenter trade at Wlshaw mines at present. James A. Gathers, of Pittsburg, Is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Gathers, in this place this week. Communion service was held In the Lutheran church Sunday. Owing to the nice woathor a largo crowd was presont. We are glad to learn that Pearl Har rett, after a few weeks Illness, Is ablo to take up her work In tho Ileynoldsville Business College, tn which sho Is a student. J. C. Norrls has moved to Ueynolds vlllo. We were sorry to see him go, but what Is our loss Is IioynoldsvlIlo'B gain, as they will find him to be a man in every respect. A Startling Surprise. Very few could believe In looking at A. T. Iloadloy, a henlthy, robust black smith of Tilden, Ihd., that for ten years ho suffered such tortures from Kliou mutism as few could endure and live. Hut a wonderful change followed his ! taking Klcclrlu Hitters. "Two bottles wholly cured mo," be writes, "and I navo noi ion a twinge in over a year.' They regulate tho Kidneys, purify tho blood and cure HheuiiiatlHm, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Improve digestion and give perfect health. Try Ilium. Only frit uts at H. Alex Stokes drug store. LOUIS HEELS are very popular for Dress and Street. We nre carrying a com plete line in Fall and Winter dress and street shoes. To be properly dressed you should have a pair. W. U. LOVELKSS CO., (1th and Penn Ave. Pittsburg, Pa. to All COM Postofflce Robbed. Tho Postolllce at Falls Creek was robbed last Wednesday night of ft 75.00 cash and $25.00 worth of postago stamps. This Is tho llrst postoflleo robbery at Palls Creek since Captain Leahy was appointed postmaster, as ho carried the stamps and money home with hlmovery night. Monday of Inst week tho pf-st-olllce was moved from near Hotel Ever green to center of town and a safe was put In olllco tii keep money and stamps In It and the following Wednesday night the robbery was committed. There Is llttlo doubt but that the rob bers live In or near Falls Creek. Tho government has offered $200 reward for information thnt will lead to tho arrest and conviction of the person or persons who committed tho deed. New lino of skirts just received In snow flnko effect at MItltrons. Oysters, crabs, list), soups, sand whlches, coffee, pics, etc. etc., at tho City Hotel restaurant. Suit cases and trunks at Millions. GENTLEMEN 1 YOUR ATTENTION! A new lot of Walk-Over Shoes just received. Box calf, enamels, patent colt, patent kid, viei call. 'Walk-Over stands for best qual ity stock, latest fashion in loot wear. We have a style to fit your foot at a price to fit your pocket. $.'1.50 and $ t.OO. Robinson Shoe Company, cfrrf (IF I H and Willow BING-STOKE COMPANY MA.HST A.lSrD FIFTH STREET S REYNOLDSVILLE, PEISHSPA. N0VEMI5EK li, 1U02. THE HIGH SCHOOL . . BULLETIN . . Society met November 7 th and elected the following officers ! President, Mar garet Stoke ; Vlce-Prcs., (iolda King: Secretary, Coo Shaffer ; Critic, Helena Hlnek i-Edltor-ln-Chlef. Savllla Aley ; Assistant Editors, Ntilu Neale and An na Klahr: Local Editor, Mildred Kldge way i Program Committee, Amy llol llngur, Claudu Hamilton and Clyde Murray. oooo Tho sub-junior girls were so anxious to see the Putixsutawney boys Wednes day that they thought it necessary to be excused at 3.15 p. ni. oooo November (!th at chapel exorcises, Hov. W. F. Hober gave a very Interest ing address on "Symmetrical Educa tion." Whom may It hit in the high school V oooo Sho(timoil p. in.) Aro you aware of tho fact that I am a mind reader? Ho No Indeed, but to put you to the tost, tell me what 1 am thinking of. Sho You aro thlnklngof starting for homo Immediately. Those who havo tried our column (lnd It pays to do so. want DMINISTHATOUS' NOTICE. Estate of f. .1. Ileal), lain of Washington township, rlt'ceitNctl,- Nolli'ij Is lim-chy itlven Unit letters of ail mlnlsl nil Inn ilpcm Hie est ate of snlil ilen-rii'lit lm i, Own imiiili'tl I" the uiiiliT-lmii'il. All pits', us Imli'lili'il to said estate are requested lo make payment, and those havlim elalms in- demands auiilnst the same will make them known without delay to Amanoa Hk.an, Administratrix. I'. II. Iikan, Administrator. HeynoldHVllle, I'll. with small capital. Our dally forecast of tho Hoick and tii-alu market I. -lis yinilmw; mailed free. Opportunity of a lifetime. Hi'tid ucl- (iiessai oi it. ji;nriw A CO. ;iU Fourth Avenue, I'ltlshutu, I'a. WANTKII 20 llrst-class sheet metal work ers; hest wtitfes for the hesi uf men nice class of work and plenty of work. Come at once. Ilasuerft liluirer Co. I'lttshurit, I'a. Tour Fortune Quicklv n Lamest stores Largest sucks, tn NUMBER 20. EDITORIAL STAFF ElllTOII Havllln A Icy. Assistant Eimtoiis Nolo Nenln, Anna Kliihr. I.OCAI. KlIITOK Mildred KIiIrowiij The sub-juniors aro going to take lea sons In volco culture. oooo Prof. Smlthers, principal of theGrova City school, visited the high school Monday morning, Novomber 10th. oooo On November llrd the girls of the 0th grade of room l.'l presented "Tho Spin sters' Convention." After the conven tion the president prosonted the boys of the room with souvenirs of thooccaslon The girls of tho tenth grade and the boys of the Itth and 10th grades of room 111 held a mock trial on Novomber 10th. Tho charge was brought against Helen Reynolds for having stolon a diamond ring from Jesse Hirst. The decision was rendered In favor of the defense, oooo Tho juniors have their class pins at last. Hut If you want to see somo thing pretty, wait about a woek until the Sonlorg get theirs. Key That Fits " Half my patients need more iron," said " our doctor." Iron makes rich, red blobd. Yet it is very hard to give iron so it will do any good. There are thousands of keys In the world only one or two unlock your door. So we know of only one or two combinations of iron that seem to do the work. By far the most generally useful prescription we know of is Vlnol. It has helped a great many cases in this town. It contains the medicinal qualities of cod liver oil, iron that -can -be -digested, and a little table wine. It works wonders in weak women, pale children, old people, and any run-down condition. Money back If you want it. H. ALEX. STOKE DRUCCIST. Mail orders supplied, 11.00 per bottle express prepaid. The LATEST FASHIONS IN GENT'S CLOTHING Tho newest, finestcloths, the latest designs, all the most fashionable cuts for the summer season. Call at our shop and see samples of cloth a complete lino and let us convince you that we are the leaders in our line. Reasonable prices always and satisfaction guaran teed. Johns & Thompson. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate, of Thomas Benton McKee, lata of iTinm.iw itiiiinp, uecriMt'u. Notlee tn hereby irlvtin that InttAp nf nA. mlalHtrution upou the eatuto of said decedent liuve been prauied to the uuuemlKned. All oentona tmlttbteU to aald entitle am requmited to make payment, and iIiom) havlnn claims or dumunda avalnsl the aawe will make them . . F-hma McKsB, Admlnlauatrli. Asleep Amid Flames. Breaking Into a blazing borne, somo fireman lately dragged tho sleeping In mates from death. Fancied socurlty, and doath noar. It's that way whon you neglect coughs and colds. Don't do It. Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con sumption gives perfect protection against all Throat, Client and Lung Troubles. Keep It near, and avoid (differing, death, nwl doctor's bills. A teasponnful stops a Into cough, porslst- nt uso tho most stubborn. Harmless and nloo tasting, It's guaranteed to satisfy by II. Alex Stoke, tho druggist. Frlco ftOo and l .00. Trial bottles f reo. Doubles, tho buttorlno dealer, Isdolng land oflleo business In his line. Call and samplo tho best butter In town. Second door cast of No. 2 lioso hotmo. New hosiery In llccco-lincd cashmere and all-wool for ladles, mUses and child ren at MHUrons. Queen Quality Shoes are Leaders PRICE TIIKIili DOLLARS When there are a multi tude of fshoes trying to le sold, and one shoe far sur passes all others in volume of sales, there is a reason for it. That one shoe is "Queen Quality." Its sales are more than double the sales of any other women shoes. Try a pair and you will always wear "Queen Ottahty." . TUB I'RIZB CONTEST is the talk of the town. $5,000.00 given away. ROBINSON SHOE COMPANY. -GO TO- BON TON BAKERY JOHN II. BAUM, Prop., For good first-class baked goods such as fine Marble Cake, English Wine Fruit Cake, French Fruit, Dev iled Cake, Angel Cake, Lady Fingers Jelly Drops, , Kisses, Maroons and' lots of other good cakes. A fine selection of all kinds of cookies; a good line of Fresh Bread and Parker House Rolls, Buns, Coffee Cakes. A . nice selection of pics always on hand. WeUUni ami 1'artlen a Specialty, Vive u a L'ttU. pALL IS HERE- AND SO IS Northamer & Kellock, And we are better prepared than ever to do cabinet work or anything in the wood working line. Upholaterlng and ropalr work of all kinds done promptly. Picture Fromlng era We havo just received a large line Tof Picture Moulding and we carry a valine of room moulding In stock. Call and examine our line and get prices. VTJIOur cabinet shop Is so small and our business Is getting so Urge we will have to do something to get more room, so we have decided to sell off all our framed r - . . itiuren etc l osi J7.00 Pictures at H.0O Pictures at t.5.00 Pictures at $1.00 Pictures at M.00 Pictures at tQ(i Plot.lip.d at. 85.63. 4.50. M.S0. J.t.10. '.25. tl.n0. 1.00 Pictures at 75o. all tho rest in the same Drooortion. We are also agents for tho Kane In side Sliding Blind and Patent Screen Windows. Remember the place Northamer & Kellock, Woodward Building, Main St. H. HUGHES, UNDERTAKING a wn EMBALMING. Pli'tll humlnit u uiuu.lulra Irtt.-M land Wlir , urj iitjiuavuie, na. H. M. M. t'HB (IHT, Attorney 'or Adrntnatratrlx. ur. ttOHiUttoc Dur cur. uraut auu avu fx t