The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 12, 1902, Image 8

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    At HALLS
Iron Beds,
Bed Room Suites.
Side Boards,
Ingrain Carpets,
China and Japan
Havalind, German
and Austrian China
Dinner Sets
Nottingham, Insti
point and Bobbi
nct Curtains,
Cradles and Cribs.
Gas and Coal Cook
and Heating Stoves.
At - Hall's
Opposite Postoffice.
AN-Of-'W ATryrewKS.
Feathered lllithwn rmen That ro
Yhelr l'lhlnit In Ihf Air.
Tlia ninn-o'-wiir linwk I n (toinewbnt
lrKO bird nml nil expert llHlior. Imt lie
iW most of lila tlxliliiR In the Mr.
When llio booliy bird comes homo from
ntiroml, ho flint" tlm innn o'-wnr hnwk
Inylu' for him," nml, how-over pprxwt-
rutly bo mny oock to cRonpc tiy iIhrIiIiik
IllRlit, Willi innch wrccchliiR nml
(K rciiuiliiK, ho flml" tlmt before lie nn
wifely set foot on the liiml ho muiit illn
!orKO n llsh or two, which tho RWlft
imrmirr mlroltly cnlt'lie In tho nlr. It
Bcimi, however, to lir Rciionilly tin
tliTRtooil ns n inotliw vlvi'tiill lit'tween
tho flstuT nml tho lrnto lilrds tlmt
their eotitoiitloim wore only on tho
wlm; nml that onco on liiml tlioy
Hliotilil tlwill iiciiccfiilly In tjieir wim
nili' ciuiipliiK Ki'oiintla.
Tho lionlilos nro nwkwiinl nml tin
wli'hly on liiml nml mny lio enslly enp
turoil. Thry rnrcly seek to osmpo wlirn
n mini iippninohrs; Imt. nrciistoineil t
moot tho ili'iiinmlH of tholr fnmllliir on
einy. tho niiiti-o'-wnr hnwk. by tllsKon?
Iiik n llsli I" H'o nlr, llioy fioqnonlly ro
wirt to tho sumo proer nml lay nt tho
foot of tho liitnidliiK HtrniiKiT wlint
Block of fish tlicy hnve nviillulito. Tho
mnn-o'-wnr hiiwlis turned this pnictleo
to their own mlvnntiiKo I'.v following
nfter nny mnn who mlKht npponr
nmoliK tho neslliiB birds, clrellliK In the
nlr Just overhend. rondy to pick up tho
fish which tho friuhtoned booblen
mltilit kIvp up ns n pence olTVrliiir. Tho
iniin-o'-WMr linwks wcro Keiiernlly on
pcr for nnythliiK nnd would hover
closely, rciuly to take from the hand of
n man whatever ho nilnlit toss In tho
nlr. On one occasion one of these birds
swiftly mintchcd n notebook which Iny
for n moment on tho ground nml sailed
nwny, ilmppiiiK It, however, on llmllnii
It to bo neither fish nor rut. Century
Ills Pnrllenlnr Wnnt,
III n certain Hunilay-school tho sub
ject of the lesson wad tho condition of
mini In I'Men. Oil n largo leaf sus
pended In tho room were named cer
tain gifts with which tiod had blessed
man. Among those was mentioned tho
giving of n wlfo. Tho pastor In sonio
remarks to tho children tried to show
that man needed company.
"If," snld he. "you had n dog lit
home or n playful kitten or n beautiful
song bird, would that be nil you would
They ngreetl that It would not.
"What more would you wnnt?" lio
nskod, expecting tlmt they would nn
swor father, mother, brothers or sis
ters. After n pnnso n littlo fellow
about three yenra old, with u thin, soft
voice, spoke, up:
"A wife."
Tho school broke into laughter, tho
pastor maintained his gravity with
dllllcully, nnd tho superintendent dis
appeared to vent his feelings where he
would not bo observed. New 1'ork
Cheeae Pood.
'Teoplo should know nnd value bet
ter cheese as food," snld m physician
the other day In discussing the diet
(locution. "It Is true Hint freshly made
domestic cheese Is hard to digest, but
nothing Is so easily digested as any
of tho Imported cheeses end nothing
Is more nutritious. Weight for weight
ltoiiiefort, itile, Caniombert nnd BwIrs
cheeses nro more nutritious than the
best beef or steak. They nre more
easily digested, and they give tho snmo
sort of nourishment that Is derived
from fresh meat, so tlmt In the time of
a meat famine tho well cured nnd well
aged Imported cheeses nre the best sulv
stltuto that can bo found for beef, and,
ns consumed, the best of cheese it
ehenper. A twenty-live cent Brie
choose, for lnstnnco, will feed more
persons nnd nourish them belter than n
dollar's worth of beef. Two ounces of
these cheeses hnve the snmo food value
ns n pound of the best prlmo beef."
Sol (he Fnmpl It Eipected.
Tho master of n (Jlnsgow school was
presiding over tho rending lesson when
tho child, whoso turn It wns to read,
came across the word "hireling."
"What Is a 'hireling?'" nskod the
Tho boy thought for n moment or
two nml then replied, "I don't know."
Tho question wns next propounded to
tho entire class, with a like result
The master then explained tho mean
ing of the word ns lucidly ns he could
nml nt tho conclusion of his explana
tion repented tho question.
. "L'lease, sir," replied the boy ad
dressed, "you're a hireling; you're paid
to teach us." Scottish American.
While Snnke Soap.
There Is n legend to the effect tlmt
long ngo n mnn tinuied Itnmsny of
Itnnff, Scotland, hnvlng boiled down a
white snnke nnd accidentally swnl
lowod n drop of the soup, agnlnst
which ho had been warned as poison
nils, found himself endowed with tho
power of seeing through tho people he
met. This unusual opportunity for
diagnosis established his reputation
nnd fortune ns a physician.
A I. lulo Too rinln.
She Ho didn't succeed lu convincing
her alter nil his argument.
lie No; he merely made her mad.
"Hut his explanation wns clear."
"Yes, and that's where he inude bis
mlstnkc. Ho told her It wns ns 'plain
as tho nose on her face.' " Philadel
phia ltecord.
Wife Knew Them.
Aldermnn (who Is planning a polit
ical dinner to his wife) We will have
B half dozen lobsters
Wife (Interrupting) Yes, but we can
only seat Ave. LIpplnciHt's.
"All tho world's a stage."
"Yes, and most of us do nothing else
but push scenery." Indianapolis Now.
The Man With e Piddle.
The Utile old man fiddled very linrd
as he stood nenr the curbstone In
TwelitjMhird street. . The psssershy
looked nt hi in curiously. Porno of them
smiled. No one itave him a penny.
Presently ho was seen to totter and
then to full, but he kept on fiddling
Just tlm sauio, even when ho lay prune
upon his buck. A limn helped him to
Ills feet. lie never missed a note. A
little boy who had been regarding him
with keen Interest went up to him.
Suddenly the bow hung poised nnd
motionless. The littlo old mnn had
run down. Tho boy bought him for n
qunrter. however. Tho vender showed
him how to start tho fiddle up again,
nnd the two went off together, happy
and contented. New York Press.
A Presbyterian preacher In the cen
tral pnrt of New York state tolls this
story on himself:
"It was Hominy morning, nnd 1 hnd
stnrted for church. The fntnlly were
prepnrlng to follow when the youngest,
n flvc-yenr-olil, protested, "I do not
wnnt to go to church."
" '1 don't feel much like It myself,
Fred, this morning.' replied his mother,
'but we must go. r'tithrr hns to go
hns gone already, and ho hns to
" 'Yes,' snld Fred, unconvinced, 'but
we have to listen, nnd that's worser."
Hon Do Yon Make a, Circlet
Tho Intelligence of people uiny be
gauged by asking them to mako n
circle on paper with n pencil nnd not
ing In which direction the hand Is
moved. The good student In a ninth
cmatlcul class drnws circles from left
to right. The Inferiority of the softer
sex, us well ns tho male dunces. Is
shown by their drnwlng from right to
left Asylum patients do the same.
London Family Doctor.
The anil.
Lawyer (to timid young woman)
Have you ever appeared ns witness In
a suit before?
Young Woman (blushing) Y-yes, sir;
of course.
Lawyer Please stuto to the Jury Just
what suit It was.
Young Wouinn (with more confi
dence) It wns nun's veiling, shirred
down the front and trimmed with a
lovely blue, with hnt to match
W Iit lie Cried.
Old aoiitlemaii Why are vou crying,
my littlo man?
Sum 11 Hoy (sobblug) I dreamed last
night that tbe school burned down,
Old Gentleman (sympathetically)
Oh, hut I don't believe thut It has.
Small Hoy -Neither do I. I kin see
the ton of It over the bill.
All Sirloin.
Ilolmnn F. Mny's 'Tine Tree Bal
lads" tells In verse a number of sto
ries thnt actually happened "down In
Maine," nnd are remembered there to
day by bid narrators. - One relates to
Hartley Mcf liiiildrle, n landlord of thnt
stnte, nt whose house famous In en
liked to stny, that they might enjoy a
merry Joke.
Harney wns always loyal to his
friends. At one tlmo a new meat
denier enme to town and tried to sot-tire
the landlord's trade,
"I hnve nlwuys bought moat of Jed
Haskell," said Harney, "and I guess
I won't change."
"Hut," snld tho other, "old Haskell
doesn't know his business. He doesn't
even know how to cut ment."
"Well," drawled Harney, "I've al
ways found thnt ho knows enough
about It to cut sirloin steak clear to the
horn, nnd that's good enough for me."
The renanln'a Ilnmp of I.ornlHr.
On shore tho penguin Is nn awkwnrd
creature. Wnter Is Its element. When
hunted on tho lee floes, the birds gen
erally Iry to run away In nn upright
position, but Just as tho hunter thinks
lie has got ono the bird lies down on lis
while belly and paddles along over the
snow very quickly, the liard, smooth
quills slipping over tho snow crystals
almost without friction. A remarkable
characteristic of the penguin In his
bump of locality. Holu on shore and
In the wnter ho never loses his way.
To human eyes one Ice floe Is precisely
like another, but under that roof of
similar Ice floes I have seen a penguin
of the larger species And Its mnte on a
floe after diving nnd swimming for a
full mile under water. Leslie's.
Our iiltin, which we hnve In xnrc.ful oiiertttlnn fit msfiy nine throughout, the
country, h one Mint lulls clothing liuyemon nn entirely new iliin.
I he Miilillitimii lukcx nil linn wlnitever In our tiillnrlns tnmlneii. We tuba Ids
liliice hi Mm mill nnrl liy mi (IoIiik chnnxn Uiu prlne of u IK.oij suit lollft.uo.
tti Mnn
n Perfect
The Union
Label on
A III I r M AI f-.KIA I.S. There In no trouble to ..rnir msti-rlnls which run heiiinde
tip to sell hi fl.vim. hut iliere l troiililo to m-rur iinyMiln to niiml the well known
fulirlrs turned out hy the liundcn IVwiIrn Mill to sn for f:0O. 1 lists the sort of good
we gvc you for l!i.w.
II E TA I l.i Mil Ml. We eninloy nonn tint Mir liest skilled union workmen, from
I ii'l'ic" rl" ""'""" " "u nuts on th buttons, and every Kiirment beam the I'nloii
THE BIG TAILORS, 44 N, Brady St., DuBois, Pa.'
An Infallible Result.
Hrlggs My wife hns hnd a wonder
ful cure. She hns recovered her voice
after being umiblo to utter a word for
nearly six months.
(JrlnitR You don't menu It! How did
It come about?
Hrlggs In the most unexpected way.
Wo happened to call at a neighbor's
where they wero playing cards. Wo
thought we might as well tnke a hand.
Wlint was the result? In less Until Ave
minutes my wlfo wns asking In a
strong, clear voice, "What's trumps?"
Hoston Transcript.
There Is so much compeUtlon In the
world thnt the man who makes a good
living should be a hero with his wom
en folks. Atchison Globe.
An unconventional prencher under
took to give his hearers a vivid con
ception of eternity. This Is the wny
he did It: "If a littlo spnrrow wero to
dip Its bill In the Atlantic ocenn and
take one drop of water and then take
one hop a day across the country and
put that drop In the Pacific ocean nnd
then hop back to the Atlantic, one hop
a dny, until the Atlantic was dry as a
bone, It wouldn't be sun-up In hades."
Bad ReKlnnlna; Makes Qnlek Ending.
"Bo the engagement's off?"
"Yes; she advised him to practice
economy, and he stnrted In by getting
her nn Imitation diamond." ' "",
A new lot of Walk-Over Shoes
just received. Box calf, enamels,
patent colt, patent kid, vici calf.
"Walk-Over stands for best qual
ity stock, latest fashion in foot
wear. We have n style to fit
your foot at a price to fit your
pocket. $3.;"0 and $ l.OO.
Robinson Shoe Company.
Notice In hereby Riven thnt sn nppMcmlnn
will he nmdc lo inn (iovernor of the Common
wenllli of rennylviiiin on Monrt iy the
twenty-fourth day of November. !'.. by B. E.
Ciirtwrluhl, I,. H. Snyder nnd I'. W. Clubman,
under the provisions of Mie Act of Aim-oiIiIv
of Mie l.'ouimonweHlth of l'eumylvnnlfi, en
titled "An s-t to provide for the InrorporH
llon sod reu'"liitln of certain i.-orpunttliins,"
approved April 3D, IH74, and Mie supplements
thereto, for Miot-barter of a proposed corpora
tion to be culled Keynoldsvllle 1 Hal and oke
Company, tlm character unit object whereof
tire to be the nil nl tin, iintrrylnir. excHvminir,
Uirlnii for nml otherwise prodm Inv coal, fire
clay mid oi'i.t minerals and substances, the
miiiinriictiiie of a:i mild products and of all
siiiisiances found In or upon any lands c
iiilred by said proposed coriHiratlon, the
slilppitiit of the same, to market and the sale
thereof In crude or manufactured form, and
to such an extent as may from time lo tlmo
be necessary mid convenient for said pur
poses, to ai(iiire, hold and dlsKwe of real
folate by mile,, lease or otherwise, and of con
airucMtnrand disposing of dwelllniis and all
kinds of hiilldlmrs, erections, machinery and
appliances, Including Internal railroads, ami
the HciiiilrliiK, possesslnir and enjoylnn of all
Mm rlsiim, powers, privileges and immunities
conferring, upon such corporations hy section
3 of the said Act of Assembly of April 2!l,
1T4, and Iho supplements thereto, and for
these purposes to nave, possess and enjoy all
the rigtils, benefits and privileges conferred
by said Act of Assembly and lis supplements,
l. J. Iibihcoi.i., Solicitor.
Estate of John A. Craven, deceaaed, late of
Washington township.
Notice Is hereby given that lettera pf ad
ministration have been run led to the under
signed on the estate of John A. ('raven, lata
of Washington township, Jefferson county,
Pennsylvania, and all persons knowing them
selves Indebted to said estate will make
prompt payment, and all persons having
claltiis ngalust the same will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
Jknnik (jKAvm, Administratrix.
October as, IWrj. Sandy Valley
Al.RXAMIKIt ('. A .1(1 UN M. WlllTR,
Attorney for Administratrix.
THE GREAT OPENING SALE of lots at Clearfield Steel & Iron Works began
NOVEMBER 11TH, 1902.
Clearfield is a great railroad centre, having three great railway systems, with four railroads coming to a
point here, viz : the Pennsylvania, the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg, and the New York Central, includ
ing the West Branch Valley Railroad. Its water advantages for power and home use cannot be ex
celled, and is inexhaustible. It has industrial sites in abundance, with coal and other advantages unexcelled
for nearness and quality, which capitalists are fast realizing, scarcely a week passing without representatives
of great manufacturing industries visiting this locality in search of locations. These facts point to Clear
field as the coming metropolis of of Central Pennsylvania.
W. K. Vandcrbilt, the great New York Central railway magnate, who visited Clearfield Sunday in his
special car, says Clearfield has a great industrial future and was greatly struck with its beauty.
Hon. A. E. Patton, who is on the inside of industrial affairs in this section, predicts at least 20,000 people
for Clearfield in less than five years. A prominent New York Central official goes him 5,000 better an
predicts 25,000.
The Clearfield Steel and Iron Works, to employ 700 men in full capacity, and the Iron Mills, which will
be completed by the middle of February, are proving great magnets to draw other industries. Next year, on
the same property, comprising over 600 acres, another big works to employ 1,500 men, and to belocated on
the Susquehanna river bank, will be erected, and both these large works will be supplied with Moshannon
coal, taken from this property. The homes of those who locate there will be supplied with the celebrated
Montgomery creek water, same as Clearfield is supplied with. Both these large works will have two great
competing railway systems within the yards, with every facility for transporting raw materials from the
lakes now possesed by Pittsburg. Indeed, Clearfield is destined to be the "Smoky City" ofCentral Penn'a.
It is a statistical fact that 90 per cent of all the wealth of the
industrial centers of this country was made out of real estate.
The busy manufacturing concerns have accomplished this lor the
land owner. It has often been seen that a workingman who
bought a lot with a monthly pittance from his earnings, has doub
led and trebled the price before he had it paid off
Be at the Opening Sale of lots at Clearfield Steel & Iron works,
Tuesday, November 11, 1902, or any day thereafter as the sale will
be continuous ; but first on the ground will get the first choice of
home sites. Jump the train and attend the opening sakj or as
soon thereafter as possible. The Steel & Iron Works are right at
Riverview station on P. R. R., and at Centre station on B., R.& P.
New York Central connects with B., R. 8$ P. All trains stop at
both stations.
Lots from $100 on Up.
Remember, you can purchase this property upon terms as
easy as the Prices.
5 per cent down ; a per cent a month. 10 per cent, discount
when paid within sixty days. Possession of lot given at once.