The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 12, 1902, Image 5

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mt Star
Subscription tl.OO per year in nrfrance.
. At UTErilF.NSON.Kdttor mid Pub.
Wednesday, novembef 12,1002.
Knterpil lit. th pcwtofflee at. tlnynoldsvllle
I'k., anaocond clnn mnll mftttnr.'Honr No. HI.
To attend my 12th Annual
Thursdau. Nov. 13. '02
Everybody Welenme to inspect
the finest stock of fine China,
Silverware and Jewelry ever
exhibited in Reynolhville.
Every lady will be presented
with a beautiful Souvenir.
We have n season for
everything something in
season all the time, but
wall paper is taking up
out time now.
We have had sueh n 1c
mant for papers Low
in Price that we have
ordered a very large stock
to supply the want.
So now, if you are go
ing to do any papering,
we think, we have just
what you want.
Drug Store.
ft Little ot EverutMnq.
Water Is (retting scarce In this im
mediate vicinity.
MIbb Bertha Copping Is clerking In
C. It. Hall's store.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. C.
Bird Clark last Friday evening.
Town counoll ha appointed a com
mittee to seoure a night policeman.
A shot gun was stolen from C. F.
Hoffman's jewelry store Saturday eve
ning. The Ingolow Club bad a taffy pulling
at tbe borne of Miss Georgia Corbott
Monday night.
Ladles don't forget that Nov. 1.1th
will be my opening and souvenir day.
C, F. Hoffman.
Fred Biggie will open a shooting
gallory in the basemonl of Duiblu Bros.'
new brick block.
Game of foot ball, Punxsutawney vs.
Reynoldsvllle, on the grounds at this
place this afternoon.
.John Zelmun and Viorine Gasonuskl
were married ut the Catholic church In
this place Monday morning by Father
Mltw Mabol N. Hetrlck, of this place,
hus taken up the Peerless Tailor Sys
tem and will teach and give special
1 tsson on all parts of cutting and
drafting patterns.
Trinity Evungelioal Lutheran ohurcb,
Jackson street, Rov. J. W. Myers pas
tor. Sunday services : Sunday school
at 9.30 a m., preaching at 7.30 p. in.
Seats free. All are weloome.
Evening sessions. Bookkeeping,
' 'Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship
and Arithmetic tuught. Students may
enter any time. Six months term.
Reyuoldsvllle Business College. .
Tbe following are new students en
rolled in tbe Reynoldsvllle Business
College within the pust week: Clover
Yeomen, Harvey Deter, Walter Kerr,
M. J. Flllhart, Ida Miles. Minnie Yost.
James V. Young and wife were at
Rluggold yesterday attending the
golden wedding of Mr.and Mrs.Ileubun
WitnilerUng. a couple with whom Mr.'
Young made his home for a number of
, Gonrge Man f redo, tbe Iulluu ,wbo
' eonducU'd a grocery store in the Reyn-
i old building, next door to Goeder's
j.iw'olry store, bits moved out of (own.
He began moving at three o clock, yes
terday morning.
An Infant of Mr. and Mrs. John
Biggie, of Dutehtown, was hurled In
the Catholic cemetery at this place lust
Tho Chautauqua Lltorary and Scien
tific Circle will meet next Friday eve
ning nt eight o'clock with Dr. J. II.
Murray on Main street. Every month r
Is urged to bo present.
The refurnishing of tho Reynolds
villa Business College Is going on rapid
ly and when completed this will bo one
of the best equipped business colleges In
Western Pennsylvania.
A large number of Reynoldsvllle
hunters are meandering through tho
woods theso days. Some of them got
gntno and sonio of them come homo
with an empty game bng.
Irwin Harris, of this plnee, and Miss
Annlo Harding, of Reynoldsvillo, left,
here this morning on the flyer for
Limestone, N. Y.. for tho purpose, It Is
logically stated, of being married. Du
Bols dm sit, Nov. 10.
Tho Srirnliftr Amirirnn Is now send
ing out Its mngnnnlmous proposition to
the country newspapers, un $H.00 ad
vertisement one year In exchange for
the Srirntijic Amrrititn, the subscription
price of. which Is f.'l.OO per year.
L. M. Weltzel, at ono time head clerk
In tho Jefferson Supply Co store at this
place, who has been conducting a store
at Hoover-hurst a couplo of years, hits
sold his store and accepted a position
with tho DuBols Candy Co. at DuBois.
Two deer in one season Is all that Iho
Inw allievs one person to kill. We have
lind no reason tt even suspicion thut
any of the HcyiMldsvilli! linnters now
citmping in Klk county have broken the
luw by kill inir more than two.
.Tames H, ( rr anil v ifo im. nih il
moving to Montnnu and the D:iul:1ii
of Itehekah arranged to giv,-. .M'-. Hit.
who is a I'ebcknh. a farewell party l.i-t
Thursday evening, but they g:ive ui
their Intention of moving ai d the fare
well party W'as declared off.
G. W. Swart', and wife. Isaac Swart,
and wife, I. M. Swart', and Miss Clara
Ssvariz are at Khnmtotidale, Clarion,
county, to-dny attending the fum ral of
Mrs. T-aae Swartx. of that place, who
was a sister of Mrs. (i. W. Swurtz and
was married to a brothor of G. W.
The interior of the Spin! office hav
ing been newly papered and painted, Is
now a wholesome looking place. Punx
sutawney Spirit. What next? The in
terior of a printing office painted and
papered. Think of it! Prido, pride!
Just because the editor of tho Spirit
has been elected to Congress.
Tho Buffalo & Susquehanna engineer
corps has opened an office In tho Com
mercial Hotel at Driftwood and havo
begun work on tho survey for tho ex
tension of that railroad. Tho work of
grading will also begin at onco. Tho
line at Sinnemahoning will cross the
P. tc E. tracks just below tho station.
DuBols llcruhl.
Hubert J. Thomas, the tensor I al
artist who has bocn hunting door In
Elk county since first of tho month,
but comes homo Friday evenings to
work In his barbershop on Saturdays,
brought part of a door borne with him
last Friday. Dennis Burgeon killed
tho doer. Harry Moglo returned to
camp with Mr. Thomas Monday morn
ing. It was tho unanimous verdict of those
who witnessed tho presentation of
"Down and Up" In the Casino opera
bnusn iast evening thut the show is a
good ono. It Is uproariously funny, and
the numorous mirth provoking situa
tions wore greatly appreciated. A re
turn date will bo played in two weeks.
Pittstiold (Mass.) Eaijlc. At Reynolds
opera houso November 17.
At the monthly meeting of the
Woman's Foreign Missionary Society
hold at residence of Mrs. Clara M. Shlok
last Tbursduy, the following officers
were olected for ensuing year: Presi
dent, Mrs. M. E. Beck i Vico-Presldont,
Mrs. S. S. Robinson; Corresponding
Secretary, Mrs. J. C. McEntlre; Re
cording Secretary, Mrs. Perry A.Reno;
Treasurer, Mrs. C. A. Stephenson.
It' was expected, and Is yet, that
Hopkins mill would finish sawing all
the logs in the dam this year and that
will end the work at. tho big mill, but
unless tho cold weather holds off until
lato in December tho work will not bo
completed this season. There aro
enough floating logs to keep tho mill
running three weeks and there are a
large number of sunken logs that are to
be raised and sawed.
Last Frlduy morning Rov. W. F.
Ruber, of the Presbyterian church, con
ducted the devotional exercises for the
public schools and dulivo'red an address
on Symmetrical Education. The speak
er emphasized the great importance' of
a well rounded education., Tho body as
well as the mind needs to be developed
In order to attain tho greatest degree
of efficiency along educational lines.
Then, too, nil tho departments of the
tulnd ought to be exercised so that the
training 'nay not lie ouu-sldud. True
aud symmetrical educutlon means tbe
exercise of all the powers which have
been bestowed upon us. The address
was full 'of Instruction' and practical
suggestions. '
Assessor Appointed.
On Monday of this week the county
commissioners appointed Ex-Postmaster
E. T. McGnw assessor of Reyuoldsvllle
borough to fill tho unoxplred term of
Nininn C.toper, who teslgncd.
Killed in Mine.
An Italian was killed In the mines at
Wlshaw Monday by falling In front of a
trip of coal curs. Ho was riding on
tho motor and fell off. nis body was
brought to this placo yesterday and was
hurled In tho Catholic cemotery.
Football To-Day.
The Punxsutawney footbnll teamnnd
tho "Indians" of this place will play a
game of football on tho Reynoldsvllle
grounds this afternoon. The Rcynolds
vlllo line-up will bo about the same as
nt Johnsonburg, which Is published
elsewhere In this Issue.
Vote Cast In Jefferson County.
This week we give our renders a tab
ulated official return of vote cast In Jef
ferson county at the general election
held November 4, 1!02. It is given as a
supplement, which makes it convenient
for those who want to keep tho vote for
reference nt tho next election.
B" Fell Off Housetop.
Charles llelblg. 15-yenr-old son of
Gust Helblg, rf Punic, was badly In
jured Monday evening by falling off the
roof of homo of his parents. The left
leg was so badly lacerated that it re
quired thirteen long stitches to sew up
tho wound. His right leg was also In
jured. Special Meetings.
A series of special meetings are being
held In the Presbyterian church nt this
place. Rev. .1. Vernon Bell, of DuBols,
will preach every evening this week,
except Saturday evening, and Itev E.
L. Mellviilne, of Emleiiton, will preach
every evening next week except Satur
day evening.
Two Entertainments Booked.
The Young Men's Reading Associa
tion have two numbers booked for their
dure course this w inter, Howe's Mov
ing Picture show Thursday evening,
December 11, iind Dr. Russell Con well
en Monday evening, December 15. Both
of these entertainments will bo held In
Assembly ball. Full particulars later.
Will Soon Lay Track.
G. W. Klpp, superintendent of tho
Traction Company trolley lino, was In
town Monday and ho informed a repre
sentative of The Star that he expects
to put two crews at work in a couple of
days laying rails. Ono crew will begin
In this borough and the other crew will
begin at tho other ond of tho lino. Mr.
Klpp expects to have tho trolley line
In operation before tho holidays.
Clean Main Street.
Tho paved part of Main stroet should
be cleaned before cold weather sots in.
The stroet is in a bad condition and If
It is not cleaned now it will bo In a
horrlblo condition for pedestrians to
cross over it when thero Is sluBh on the
street. Tho pleasant weather may not
last much longer nnd this matter should
not be postponed, it should be attended
to this week.
Drunken Man in Court.
A fellow who mid Imbibed too much
"tanglefoot" wiindored Into the court
room at Brookvillo Monday aftornoon
und created soino excitement by fulling
off a seat, causing wmo ono to raise tho
cry that the man was dead, and ho was
nigh unto being dead drunk, Tho
Judge thought tho man had taken a fit
and that, no doubt, Is why ho escaped
not being locked In county jail.
Rally Day.
Next Sunday will bo tho biblo school
rally day at tho Baptist church. Tho
pastor. Dr. A. J. Meek, will preach a
special eermon to the children. Several
of tho front pows will bo reserved for
tho school. Specially propnred muslo
will be rendered by tho choir, also two
selections will bo sung by tho children
at the morning service. In tho evening
tho school will rendur a blblo day pro
gram, songs, recitations, &o. A oordiul.
Invitation is extended to the public.
Clearfield's Boom.
On tho eighth page of The Star will
be found a half pago advertisement of
Malt Savage & Co., reul estate agents
of Clearfield, concerning that prosper
ous town, which it might bo well for
real estate investors to lako noto ot.
Clearfield is now taking tho leud of all
towns In this section in tho way of
securing big manufacturing plants that
will omploy largo numbers of skilled
laborers. The Clearfield Steol & Iron.
Co. Is now putting In a plant that will,
employ 1,500 men.
Public School Lecture Course.
At a special meeting of the school
directors lust evening the lecture
course to bo given by tho publlo school
of Reynoldsvllle was fully decided upon
and Gen. Z. T. Sweeney will bo tho
first number of tbe course of five
events. Gen. Swoeney will bo here on
the evening of November 211. ' Ho is a.
lucturer of unquestioned ability and bo
ranks among the bust in the lecture
field.' He gives entire satisfaction
wherever be goos. His subjoct will be
annouooed in next week's issuo, as well
as fuller details with reference to tbe
lecture course.
Seven Horses, Six Cows, Pigs and Chick
ens Perish in the Flames.
The largo barn of I-ovl Sclntgors, who
resides four miles west of Reynolds-
vlllo, on tho Brook vllle road, was de
stroyed by fire about ono o'clock Sun
day morning, and all the llvo stock,
grain nnd hay In the barn was consumed
by tho angry flames. Tho origin of the
flro Is unknown, but is supposed to have
bcon Incendiarism. When it was discov
ered tho entire southeast corner of the
ham was envoloped in flames and it was
Impossible to get live stock or anything
else out of the barn. There were seven
horses, six cows, four pigs and anumbcr
of chickens In tho barn and thoy all
perished In tho flames. Ono of the
horses belonged to Jacob Sch worn. His
daughter and another young lady had
lvcn to Schugers' to spend tho night
and thnt is how Mr. Schwcm's horse
happened to bo In tho barn at tlmo of
flro. Besides tho live stock there was
alKiut 75 tons of hoy, 1,500 to 2.0(H)
bushels of grain, wagons, harness, Ac,
In the barn which was all burned. Tho
burn was a fine large one. Mr. Schug
ers' loss will amount to $8,000 to $0,000,
with $2,500 Insurance. Mr. Sclnigors
feels worse about the horrible death of
his live stock than ho does about '.ho
financial loss ho suffered.
Sunday at Sykesville.
Before the riot at Sykesville a couple
of months ago drunken carousals among
the foreign element on Sunday was a
regular occurrence, but that riot,
although It almost resulted In tho
death of Jacob Sykes, was tho end
ing of drunken parades on Stindny in
that villi" nnd since that. time, tho
citizen f Sykesville have been enjoy
ing ' (leace and quiet of n Sabbath
dp .
Three or four weeks ago Conslublo
Leach gathered In seven drunken and
obstreperous Italians at Ruthniel, who
were disturbing tlie pence of the Sab
bath, and 'Squire Smith lined them
eight dollui apiece nnd costs and sinco
that time t i citizens of Rathmel can
tell when 1 . Sunday.
I ear Chased Lawyer.
It was mentioned In The STAR last
week thut a party of hunters from this
place, among whom wus Lawyer C.
Mitchell, had gone to their camp In
tho wilds of Elk county to hunt deer,
and now a story comes from camp,
which was told to a representative of
The Star as an actual fact, that a bear
chased Lawyer Mitchell into camp one
day last woek. To hear Lawyer Mitch
ell before the Honorable Court and a
jury sometimes a person would get the
Impression that ho would not bo afraid
of a bear, hut a blnck bruin put him to
Might. It would look rather amusing
to seo Mr. Mitchell and the bear run
ning a raco, but it was elthor a race or
"boar hug," and the "legal light" pre
ferred tho former.
Court in Session.
Quarter session court Is being bold at
Brookvillo this woek with Judge John
W. Roed on the bench. Arthur Klock,
of Punxsutawney, was appointed fore
man of the grand jury and Constablo
W. D. Wachob, of McCalinont town
ship, was appointed to take charge of
grand Jury. The tipstaves are: Goorgo
IJotrlck of Plnecreck township, E. M.
Davis, of Polk township, and John
Sch ran ger.
Thure woro about 40 casos on tho
dockot whon court oponed Mondav.
Some of theso will be long casos,
murder trial, riot, &a, and it is likely
that it will require all of this week to
get through the criminal dockot.
A Bull Pup.
Claronc,o M. Lolrd, clerk in n. W.
Eason & Co.'s clothing store, sent to
Now York for a torrlor, or somo other
kind of nlco houso dog, and the parlies
from whom ho ordored the dog ship'
ped blm a ferocious bull pup, which, of
course, Mrs. Lolrd would not allow to
enter the houso, and after keeping the
dog in tho storo collar a couple of days,
Claronco shipped the canlno back to
Now York. Clarence lead the dog to
tho public fountain once or twlco to
give it a drink and ho carried a club
with him for protection, or somo othor
Visiting Eagles.
Twolvo members of Echo Castlo,
Knights of Goldon Eagle, of Westvllle,
visited Mt. Cliff Castlo at this placo
Thursday evening, and seven of the
visitors rodo tho "goat" In tho Buzzard
Degroo. Luncheon was served in tho
Notice to Water Consumers..
On account of the continual dry
wcuthor tho water supply is becoming
exhausted, and wo are compelled to ask
our patrons not to waste any more
water than la really necessary.
Revnoldsville Water Co.
Left My Bed and Board.
My wife, Lizzie East, having left my
bed and board, notice is hereby glvon
that I will not pay any bills she may
contract. Theodore U. East,
Reynoldsvillo, Pa., Nov. 4, 1002.
Tbe best 25a fleeced-lined undorwear
in tbe state at Mllllrens. .
You can get anything In- season at
the City Hotel restaurant.'
Mrs. John Fugate Left Home Monday of
- Lost Week and Her Relatives Have
No Trace of Her.
Mrs. Jennie Fugatn, wlfo of John
Fugate, who taught school ut Big
Soldier, left hor homo Monday forenoon
of lust week without telling any person
whero sho was going and her relatives
have not been able to find hor. II jr
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Motter,
of Reynoldsvllle, are naturally very
much exercised over her disappearance.
Mrs. Fugate took hor four-year-old son
to the houso of a neighbor Motidny fore
noon and asked the lady to keep her
boy until sho came buck, as sho hud a
pnekage to deliver, which she was
carrying tinder her arm, and would soon
return, but sho fulled to return. Mr.
Fugato Reported tho matter to his wife's
parents Wednesday evening. On Thurs
day Mr. Motter went to tho homo of
his son-in-law uml ufter three or four
hours of search and Inquiry ho finally
secured Information enough to convince
him that his daughter had gone to
Sykesville, and it Is supposed that sho
got on a B., R. & P. truln at that
point. A 8curch through tho house
revealed tho fuct thut Jennie hud taken
somo of her clothing with hor. She
took a gold watch, two gold rings, two
pair of shoes, two dresses and several
othor articles.
Help a Qood Cause.
Elsewhere In this Issuo of THE STAR
will be found tho announcement of a
lecture and a moving picture show to
bo glvon In Assembly hall on 11th and
15th of next month under tho auspices
of tho Young Men's Rending Associa
tion. People who do not already know,
und will take the trouble to Investigate,
will find that the rending room bus
beon n great benefit to a largo number
of young men. It has been the means
of giving them a taste for good rending
nnd also the desire to rather spend the
evenings rending a good book than run
ning up rind down the streets.
For tho good tho reading room has
already done, and what It will continue
to do for the young men, our people
should bo willing to help keep up the
rending room, and when Howe's moving
pictures and Dr. Couwull appear in
Assembly hall, the hull should bo
packed each evening, and you will not
only bo helping a worthy object, but
will get the worth of your money each
It's a Great One.
The Hickman Bros., with a superior
company, will produce "Down and Up"
at the Reynolds opera houso Monday
evening, Nov. 17.
If tho old adage, "laugh and grow
fat," counts for anything at all, It will
be safo to predict that anyone who has
the pleasure of witnessing this perform
ance will increase In avoirdupois. From
tho rise of the curtain until Its final
fall the spirit of mirth and fun prevails,
calling forth prolonged laughtor.
"Down and Up" Is an acrobatic furce
comedy constructed on a scalo differing
In many ways from the average farco
comedy, and It is refreshing to know
that the art of gcnulno fun making on
tho stago, with comedy gymnastics nnd
humor, coupled with novel scenlo effect,
is not a thing of tho post.
Young Man Killed.
Lato Sunday night tho badly man
gled romolns of a man woro found on
tho Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg
railroad botwoon Brockwayvllle and
Lane's Mills, and woro Identified as
thoso of John Tyno, a woll known rosl
dent of Brockwayvllle.
It Is thought thut he wus run down
by ono of the fast trains and from the
mangled condition of his body It Is llko
ly that several freight trains also pass
ed over hlin.
Tyne was about 22 years of ago, mar
rtcd and tho father of one child Ho
had lived In that vicinity for a long
tlmo and was woll known, and his un
timely ond was a sovore shock to his
friends and acquaintances. DuBols
Pastor Resigned.
Rev. Haines, who was appointed by
the last session of tho Erie Annual Con'
forunco to servo on Sandy Valley
chargo, which cmbracos Sandy Valley,
Rathmel, Bollinger and Paradise ap
pointments, has roslgned and Rev. J.
C. McEntlre, of West Reynoldsvllle, is
doing tho preaching for tho Methodists
at tho above points. Tho members at
all tho points but I 'a rati! so vunt Rev
McEntlre to bo appointed as their pas
tor, and tho Paradise church wants to
bo put buck into the Emerickville
chargo, from which It was tukoti toform
tho now chargo it is now in.
Burned With Powder.
Two Polander boys of Big Soldier
woro badly burned last Suturday. The
lads bad a powder keg with some ot tbe
explosive in it and thoy put flro In tho
keg, with above results.
New purses, belts and ladles' fancy
goods at Mllllrens.
Doubles, the buttorlne doalor, Is doing
a land offlco business in his line. Call
and. sample the best butter in town,
Second door east of No. 2 hose house,
Ask to ke our oxford gray rainy day
skirts at 12.50. Just in at Mllllrens,
Kaucher-Luburg Wedding.
From tho Philadelphia Inquirer ot
Thursday, Nov. (1, wo clip tho following
account of tho marriage of DK Howard
Kaucher, son of Mr. and Mrs. John
H. Kaucher, of Reynoldsvllle:
The residence of Ml, and Mrs.
Albert J. Luburg, 2250 North Broad
street, wns tho sceno of a very protty
wedding at 7 o'clock last ovonlng, when
their daughter, Miss Carrlo Swalm
Luburg, was married to Dr. Howard
Lewis Kaucher by tho Rov. Dr. Rich
ardson, rector of St. James' Church.
Tho hrldo, who was glvon away by
her father, was attended by Miss Mabel
R. Walker and Miss Amy R. Vansant
ns maids of honor, and Miss Laura E.
Kaucher was tho flower girl. Dr.
Clifford L. Kaucher, brother of the
bridegroom, acted as best man. The
bride woro a gown of whlto cropo do
dilne, trimmed with duchess nnd point
ace, and cnrrled a showor bouquet of
lilies of tho valley. Gowns of whlto
Purls mull over whlto taffeta wore worn
by tho mulds of honor, and they carried
huge bouquets of pink chrysanthomutns.
The (lower girl woro a frock of white
organdie over pale bluosllk, and carried
lilies of tho valley nnd ferns.
The house was decorated with white
chrysanthemums, palms and ferns. A
canopy of the same flowers was erected
in the drawing room, under which the
ceremony was performed. A reception
followed, from 8 until 10 o'clock.
Upon tlitlr return from a tour South,
Dr. and Mrs. Kaucher will reside In
Rending." '
Town Council Doings.
The town council mot in regular ses-
Ion Tuesday, Nov. 4. President Dolble
In thoohuir. Members present, Apple-
gate, Cottle, Farroll, King and Dolblo.
Minutes of previous meetings read
nnd approved.
On motion the council agreed to
furnish (10 ft. of 0 In. sower pipe for
Deltz alley, providing Reese Williams
would lay tho snmo at his own expense
The ordinance for sower on Jackson
street, from Sixth to Fifth streot, and
In Fifth streot to borough line was
held over.
A resolution was passed granting tho
Jefferson Street Railway Company the
right of way for oloctrlo railway in
Diet, alley, from Bradford street to
Diamond alloy, and in Diamond alley to
Jackson street. Mr. Klpp, manager of
said road, ngroolng to pay $10.00
towards expense passing said ordinance,
On motion bills, interest and water
rent, amounting to $812.80 were ordor
ed paid.
Tho President appointed Messrs.
King, Applegato and Firroll to arrange
for a policeman from 12 noon until 12
p. m
No further business by motion ad
Game at Johnsonburg.
On Tuesday aftornoon the Johnson
burg football teum was defeated for the
first tlmo this season by the Reynolds
vllle eleven by the score of 0 to 0 on
the home ground. Tbe game was woll
played and flurooly contested on both
sldos. Johnsonburg Breeze.
J. no Kcynolusville llno-up was as
follows : '
Fred Foley, loft ond ; P. W. Cashman,
left tackle ; Dr. W. A. Honry, left
guard ; Atmoro Shaffor, centre ; Blythe
Myers, right guard ; "Dub" Sharp,
right tacklo ; Bert Burns, right end ;
Frod Bbhren, left half-back , "Cap"
Reynolds Gibson, right half-back J A
Hanhouser, full-hack.
Subs Schultz and Organ. Tlmo of
halves, 20 and 15 minutes.
Referee, Will C. Smith, of Reynolds
villo, a student in Dickinson Law
Touchdown, Frank Bohron.
Goal, Reynolds Gibson.
School Report.
Following is a report of the public
schools of this borough for month of Oc
tober : Total number of pupils in reg'
ular attendance, 55,1. Total enrollment
for school term, 554. Average attend
ance 500. Average per cent, of attend
anco, 05.
Strictly Cash Business.
On and after Monday, November 17,
l'.K)2, 1 will do only a strictly cash bus
iness with all my customers, therefore,
It will be usoless to ask for credit. My
business compels me to adopt the cash
system. JOHN B. TAPHORN,
Prop. Reynoldsvllle Steam Laundry
Typewriters to sell and rent. Inquire
at the Reynoldsvllle Business College.
Black dress skirts, also oxford gray,
new flounce effect, at $2.00 at MUlirens.
These frosty mornings make you think
of heaylor underwear at Mllllrens.
I have just received ray holiday stock
of umbrellas, larger and handsomer
than over. Engraved free. C. F,
Up-to-dute shoes for men, women and
children at Mllllrens shoe department
Oysters In any stylo or quantity at
tho City Hotel restaurant.
Jno. Kelly's famous shoes for women
for fall just In at MUlirens.
Doubles for buttorlne.
New Pantourlsto hats at Mllllrens.
The M. E. Congregation of Reynoldsvllle
Will Build a New Church.
The trustees of tho Methodist Epis
copal church of Reynoldsvllle have de
cided to build a now church. Commit
tees on plans and finance woro appoint
ed at a mooting hold on Monday eve
ning. Tho now church will be
brick, and probably tbo first story
will bo built of stone. Tho new church
Is to cost from $18,000 to $20,000.
Thore is ono thing that cannot bo
galn-sald, and that is that this congre
gation Is badly In need of a now church,
and evory mombor of tho congregation
should give tho trustees their hearty
co-operation and financial assistance in
tho laudable task theyhaveundor taken.
The citizens of Reynoldsvillo well know
thnt a now brick church, Ins tend of tbe
present old framo church, will bo a
credit to tho town nnd in keeping with
tho progrosslveness of Reynoldsvllle,
thoroforo, whether a mombor of the
congregation or not, financial encour
agement would not be out of place.
Good schools and fine churches are a
great inducement to men of capital who
aro looking for a location,
Victim of a Joke.
A young chap in this neck o' woods
decided that he would llko to take unto
himself a wlfo, and Incidentally made
tho fact known to soveral follows who
enjoy a Joko. Thoy took tho matter up
Immediately and proceeded to look for
a suitablo holpmato for the would-be-benedict,
and not finding a female that
would carry out the Joke thoy proposed
to perpetrate, thoy got a smooth faced
man of fair complexion to don fomalo
attire last Wednesday evoning to .meet
tho young follow, who was Informed
that a "date" had been rnado, and who
was promptly on time to moot the girl.
After walking around tho streets
awhile tho supposed girl got the young
fellow to walk back on ono of tho sldo
streets, where four or five follows, who
had been lot into tho secret, wore sit
ting and at an opportune moment, whon
tho young man was earnestly trying to
pcrsuado tho girl to becomo his wlfo,
the fomlnlno-attlrcd chap hit tho young
man In tho face with a small sack of
flour. Tho matrimonially inclined chap
vacated that particular part of terra
firma as fust as his legs could carry
blm. He will likoly make his own
"date" the next time.
Non-Resident Hunting License.
Following is a part of tho game laws
of Pennsylvania:
"Every non-rosldont of this common
wealth, unless he be an. owner of real
estate in said commonwealth, shall bo
required to take out a liconso from the
county troasuror of tho county where
he proposes to shoot In this State, bo-
fore he begins hunting. Each and
every porson not a rosldont of this com
monwealth, not being an owner of real
estate therein, shall pay a liconso foo of
$10.00 to the treasurer of such oounty,
who shall thereupon issuo to him a
certificate, which shall authorize the
ownor thoroof to hunt and kill In any
part of this commonwealth, during the
opon season of tho year thorein speci
fied, and undor tho restrictions and for
tho purposes allowed by the law, the
gamo birds and the game quadrupeds
found In this commonwealth."
Four or five fellows from Buffalo, N.
Y., havo bcon hunting near Fuller
station this week, and tho chancos are
100 to 1 that they havo not enriched
the treasury of Jofforson county by
taking out llcensos.
Down and Up.
An overwhelming, stupendous, mag
nificent production. The very acme of
capital, enorgy and brains. Carrying
an able company of lady and gentlemen
artists, elegant spocial scenery, wonder
ful mechanical dovlces, mysterious elec
trical effocts. You will smile, you will
laugh, you will scream. "Down and Up"
Is a musical and acrobatic (arce comedy,
constructed for laughing purposes, with
nothing good loft out. All old ideas
sldotracked to give birth to a new and
original play that will amuse tbe the-
atre going publlo. At Reynolds opera
house November 17. Tickets on sale at
Horses I Horses for Sale.
Shustor has concluded to stay and
bring iq another cur load of horses.
Thoy are tbo best horses ho has ever
bought and will begin to soil or ex
change Monday, October 27th, Fine
matched teams for driving or draft. All
horses sold or exchanged guaranteed asy
represented. Don't miss this groat
opportunity ; come quick. At Brook
villo fair grounds.
Winter Price.
Frank A. McConnoll, manager of
Frank's Pavilion, has raised the price
from $5.00 to $7.00 per night for use
of tho pavilion during the winter
months. This price Is charged on ac
count of tbe extra cost for heating tbe
Florshelm shoes excel in fit, stylo and
quality at MUlirens.
The finest line of china in this section
at Hoffman's.
Try a oup of coffee at tbe City Hotel
restaurant. It Is the correct idea.
Mllllrens Is the only place in town you
can find a genuine mocha glove at $1.00.
November 13th opening and souve
nir day at Hoffman's.