The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 12, 1902, Image 1

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Heportrd by Tim fttnr'a
Kprctal f'orrrponcpila
Miss Edith Kiinta visited friends nt
Panic on Sunday.
There was a very small turnout at
the election from thin place.
Some of tlu young folk took In the
excursion to rittHlnirg on Humlay.
Frank Bout, our mipervlxor, was over
thin way last week, nnd Indeed lie was
Some of our young folks iittt'ndtd the
pie social at thu Bollinger school on
Thui-Rdny evening.
Quite a number of our young folks at
tended Kpworth League at the Sjphrlt
church on Sunday evening.
P. A. Smith, the foreman of thu
carpenter on Young's Hill, spent Sun
day with his family nt Soldier.
Hoy Llngenfoltor, one of the motor
men at the mines, who was hurt somo
time ago, Is able to ho on duty again.
Mr. Teltrlck, the gentleman who
purchased the' Dougherty store at this
place, expects to move his family here
George Svphrlt nnd Vt. P. Miller at
tended a carpot rag social near Trout
vllle on election evening. They report
a good time.
An Italian, who sprags on the motor
In the mines nt this place, had the mis-
See our Line
Estimates furnished for
Plumbing, Steam and Gas
R. D. Albright,,
Next dour to t'orw Ill's Photo Gallery.
" if
Buy. Goods Marked In Plain Figures, One Price
and that the Lowest.
fortune to get his head In contact with
a live wire, the shock causing him to
ho thrown under tin trip and drugged
A considerable tllxlliiieo, Injuring him
Dowers Smith, of Cortex, wns In t wil
transacting business Wednesday.
(!. W. Secrlst Is attending court Ibis
week as II witness for Imln Hons, one of
the parties who Is a defendant on thu
Traction Co. ticket case.
Mrs. H. D. Wysu spent Sunday at
Miss Huso Smith visited at Kails
Creek last week.
C. M. fiCiich had business nt Cren
shaw last Thursday.
A number of our townspeople are at
tending court, at Drookville this week.
Mrs. John Ward, of Knst Bnily,
visited her daughter, Mrs. K. (). Dick
ey Sunday,
Mrs. Jane Ditch, wifo of David Ditch,
who has lived here for about 11 years,
died at her homo in this place last
Thursday at 11.110 a. m. and was buried
In the Heynoldsvlllo Catholic cemetery
Saturday morning. The deceased was
about llft.y-one jeiiis old. She was only
sick three or four days.
Those who have tried our want-
column titid It pays to do so.
Now American Lady corsets at Mil-
It r.ons, ! cents.
Tho greatest assortment of shirts in
the county at Milllrens.
O F It E YXO L Its VI LI. E.
-. Ultrliell, lrrll-nt
K!Ull Jll'l K'llHIKl. VK'P l-r .
John II. Kriii her, 4'Hliler,
O. Mitchell, Wi'ott MeClelluml, .T.O. King
John M . Cornet t, littnlei iNomn,
U. W. Kit Her. J. II. Kiiui'her.
Dees it ffencrill bailklliirtiuslncsftillHl elicit'
till luTnillitH of tiierehlinlH, profession!! I men,
farmers, tiiivliailii'H, miners, lumbermen tintl
others, promising the most careful attention
to the business of all net'sotis.
Safe Deposit ltoxes for rent.
First National ltitnk building, Nolan block
Fir Proof Vault.
mm mm -
bUiyUdU OUUUIe, UUl)
Fall and Winter Stocks of Dry
Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots,
Shoes, Ladies' and gentlemen's Fur
nishings, China, glass, Tin, Enam
eled, wood
ware, &c.
Store where there's Everything; that
People Wear and Most Things People
1 1 U i II llll 'V r II l J I SI d
Magazines and Local Paper.
A curious thing that comes very
forcibly to our notice Is tho fnct that
people never question the requirements
of publishers of most i magazines or
newspapers that subscriptions must lie
paid In advance, while with the local or
country papers tho great majority
seldom pay In advance. And yet Mm
country or local paper Is far more In
need of the money than are tho great
dallies and mnga.lnes. Tho latter have
enpltal back of thorn, while tho country
paper usually has to struggle to get
enough to carry on its business. Wo
wonder If there arc any of our subscrib
ers to whom It would make any partic
ular difference If they paid their sub
scription In advance. It would only be
a small amount to each subscriber, but
to tho publisher It means the loss of
thu use of the total subscriptions and
much time In collecting. Dear renders,
would It not be a good Idea for each of
you who are In tho habit of waiting a
year or more before paying for your
paper to put In practice that Colden
Kule, so much ' praised but seldom
practiced, of doing as you tvould bo
done by, and send In your year's sub
scription V Do you not think you ought
to treat us as well as you do the
publishers of the tnagn.incs, dailies and
other papers that you take V Ex..
Tho City Hotel restaurant oyster
sandwich is something new and dell
clous. Try ono.
Wash skirts In linen and duek. Any
sktrt In thu houso at ".It; nt Milllrons
fire very popular for
Dress nnd Street, We
are carrying a com
plete line in Pall and
Winter dress find street
shoes. To be properly
dressed , you should
have a pair.
tlth and Peun Avo.
Pittsburg, Pa.
to All
: 1 : '
Rigid Discipline Necessary,
(irent nnd good men nrn almost In
variably tho sons of parents who were
rigid In discipline, nnd who constantly
Impressed upon them the Importance of
pure morals and unblemished character.
The more freedom tho average hoy Is
given Mm less likely he Is to amount to
anything when ho becomes a man.
Character Is formed In early youth, and
character Is everything. Indulgent
parents aro not tho kind of parents
whoso children becomes heroes and
martyrs to principle. Apparent kind
ness, when It tends toward lax morals,
Is tho worst cruelty. Tho, boys who
"walk the chalk lino" from childhood
aro not likely to get out of that habit.
Napoleon attributed nil his greatness to
tho severe hut tender discipline of bis
mother. "She watched over us," lie
says, "with a sollcltudo unexampled.
Every low sentiment, evory ungenorous
affection was discouraged and discard
ed. Hho suffered nothing hut that
which was grand nnd elevated to take
root in our Infnnt understandings. She
abhorred falsehood and' would not toter
ato the slightest act of dlsoliedlenee.
None of our faults were overlooked."
Napoleon's mother was tho real Napoleon.-
Pun.xsiitawney Sjiiril.
Asleep Amid Flames.
Breaking Into a blazing home, somo
fireman lately dragged tho sleeping In
mates from death. Paneled security,
and deBth near. It's that way when
you neglect coughs and colds. Don't do
It. Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con
sumption gives perfect protection
against all Throat, Chest and Lung
Troubles. Kucp It near, and avoid
suffering, death, and doctor's bills. A
tonspoonful stops a Into cough, persist
ent use tho most stubborn. Harmless
nnd pice tasting, It's guaranteed to
satisfy by II. Alex Stoke, tho druggist.
Price fiOc and $1.00. Trial bottles free.
Oysters, crabs, llsh, soups, sand
whlches, coffee, pies, cto. etc., at tho
City Hotel restaurant.
Estate of H. .t. Dean, Into of Washington
township, deceased. 1
Notice Is herehy given that letters of nil
nilulslriitloti upon the eiai of said decedent
liltve heen trraiited to the iinderslutied. All
persons Indented to said estate are reiileslid
to make payment, and those having claims
or demands against I he same will make tlicm
known without delay to
A.manka Iikan, Administratrix
'. II. tikAN, Administrator.
Ueynnlilxvllle, Pa.
and "Willow
N0VEMI5KH 12, 11)02.
Telegraphone on B., R. A P.
The Installation of tho telegraphono
on the Huffnlo, ltochesler A Pittsburg,
now progressing, Is attracting consider
able Interest locally. No other road in
this territory has a system of communi
cation of tho kind. According to
whore the sending and receiving ap
paratus Is placed, tn either caboose or
baggage car or other convenient place
about a train, easy means of communi
cation may Irj established from any
place along the road wherever the
train may he to any of tho offices on
tho division equipped with tho appara
tus. It Is very convenient In case of
wrecks because communications can nt
once bo established with headquarters
from tiny point between statlt.ns. It
aids greatly In tho movement of freight
trains. A crew cannot got "Med up" In
a blind siding. It Is Invaluable In test
ing wires in case of a "cross" or
"swing." If an accident occurs and any
ono Is Injured, medical aid may lie
quickly summoned. Again, it can bu
"cut In" on an tolephono service.
Pittsburg 1'nnt.
Luck in Thirteen.
Ily sending thirtuen miles Win.
Splrey, of Walton r'urniiee, Vt., got a
box of Duckbill's Arnica Halve, that
wholly cured a horrlblo Fever Soro on
his leg. Nothing else could. Positive
ly cures Drulses, I'Yilons, Ulcers, Erup
tions, Dolls, turns, Corns and Piles.
Only 2."c. Guaranteed by II. Alex
Stoko's tho druggist.
Absolute Security.
Is offered to depositors of Pittsburg
Trust Company by combined capital,
surplus and profits of $i;,)()0,000. Pays
4 per cent on Savings Deposits, subject
to withdrawal of HM1 without notice,
and 2 per cent, on Checking Accounts.
Interest compounded semi-annually. De
posits $ll,IKH),((Kl. Do all your banking
by mail. . Send for two-hundred year
calondar froo. ;i2.'l Fourth Avenue,
Pittsburg, Pa.
Startling, But True.
'If ovcry one knew what a grand
medicine Dr. King's New Life Pills Is,"
writes 1). II. Turner, Dempseytown, Pa.,
"you'd sell all you havo In a day. Two
weeks' Uflo has made a new man of mo."
Infallible for constipation, stomach and
liver troubles. 2"c at II. Alox Stoke's
drug storo.
Mr. Ninian Cooper Is an Encyclopedia of
Beechwooda Events.
In a recent Issue of the Brockwayvlllo
Hmn-tl, under "A Few Minutes Chat"
heading and over signature of "The
Woman In lllack," appeared the follow
ing complimentary notice of our towns
man, N I n Ian Cooper:
N i ii inn Cooper, of Heynoldsvlllo,
father of our townsman, II. IS. Cooper,
and who was one of thu enrly residents
of the I leech woods district, Is quite the
most remarkable old gentleman I have
ever met. Tho Coopers woro among
Mij first of thu pioneers to invade tho
forests of this section, and two of the
members of the old fnmlly yet survive
James Cooper, of near Kockdnle Mills,
and his brother Nlnlnn. Thoy have
watched tho growth and development
of this section from boyhood, and yet
take an active Interest In tho affairs of
tho prosperous and beautiful country
whore they, with their father and
brothers and other pioneers, havo de
voted a life's work and established a
substantial and thrllty community.
Ninian Cooper has a wonderful memory.
He remembers distinctly and can give
the dates accurately of Bny happening
thatoccurred in the HecchwoodB district
during his residenco Micro. He knows,
anil can tell without hesitation, a cor
rect biography of any of tho old pio
neers of his time. Of those who have
died, ho can give from memory the date
of death. Of tho important church
happenings of Boecwoods, ho can de
scribe at length, giving texts and other
details that perhaps no other living
man can glvo. Ho romombors vividly
thu date and place of every marriage in
tho Decchwoods whilo ho lived there.
There is scarcely any subject In tho
history of thu Decchwoods for tho past
sixty years that ho cannot review from
memory accurately Mr. Cooper Is a
fine old gentleman, and I havo never
mot a man whoso momory for so long
period is as bright and substantial as
Mr. Cooper's. Ho Is ono of the: few
living landmarks of the early pioneer
days of tho ronowned Doochwoods.
A Startling Surprise.
Very few could bcllovo In looking at
A. T. Hoadloy, a healthy, robust black
smith of Tllden, Ind., that for ton yoars
ho sullorod such tortures from Hheu'
mutism as few could enduro aud live
Hut a wonderful change followed his
taking Kloctrlo Uittors. "Two bottlus
wholly cured mo," ho writes, "and
have not felt a twlngo in ovor a year."
Thoy regulato tho Kldnoys, purify the
blood and euro Hhcumatisra, Neuralgia,
Nervousness, improve digestion and
glvo perfect health. Try thorn. Only
Wets at II. Alex Stokes drug store.
Letter List.
List of unclaimed letters remaining
in tho postolllce at Itoynoldsvlllo, Pa.
week ondlng Nov. H, 1902:
Chas. S. Ford, V. Gray, David
Hoover, John Landser, Chas. Mason,
Foreign Stanislaw Yodyuskl.
Say advertised and give date of list
when calling for above.
E. C. Burns, P. M.
The newest, finostclotbs,
tho latest designs, all
the most fashionable cuts
for tho summer season.
Call at our shop and
sue samplos of cloth a
complete line and let us
convince you that we are
tho leaders in our line,
Itcasonablo prices always
and satisfaction guaran
teed. Johns & Thompson.
Estate of Thnmus Denton McKee, late of
insiow lowimlilp, dece iimcu.
Notice l hereby given Unit lotters of ad
mlnlstriitlon uisin tlieeMtatu of sttirideeeden
liuvti Isjen urunted to the undersigned. Al
liernoh Indented lo itld estate are requested
tonmke puyment, und those having clulm or
demands nuulnst thu same will make them
Known without duliiy to
Km ma ftlcKitl, Administratrix.
Itcyniildsvllle, 1'n.
S. M. Mcl'HKftlHT,
AltortiL'y for Admlustratrix.
with small capital. OurOally forecast of the
t-tiH'kundtralii market tells you how; mailed
free. Opportunity of a lifetime. Hend ad
drs at ouee. :. H. JKNK.IMS 0.
Hi Fourth Avenue, I'ltuburi, Pa.
WANTED 30 first-class sheet metal work
ers; iMwt waffm for the best of men nice class
uf work and plenty of work. Come at ouce.
iiasuer DliiKur Co. Pittsburg, Pa.
Your Fortune Ouicklv
Winter Excursion Route Book.
In pursuance of its annual custom, tho
assongor Department of tho Pennsyl
vania Kallroad Company has just lssuod
an attractive and comprehensive book
uscrlptlve of tho leading Winter re
sorts of tho Kast and South, and Riving
tho rates and various routes and combi
nations of routes of travel. Like all
the publications of , the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company, this "Winter Ex
cursion Hook" is a timdol of typographi
cal and clerical work. It Is bound In a
handsomo and artlstlo cover In ooWs,
and contains much valuable Information
for Winter tourists and travelors In
general. H can bo had free'of charge
at tho principal ticket offices of tho
ennsylvnnla Kallroad Company, or
will be sent postpaid upon application
to Goo. W. Hoyd, Assistant Goneral
assenger Agent, Hroad Street Station,
Now hosiery In floeco-llned cashmore
and all-wool for ladles, ruNscs and child
ren at Milllrens.
Queen Quality Shoes
are Leaders
When there are a multi
tude of shoe9 trying to be
sold, and one shoe far sur
passes all others in volume
of sales, there is a reason
for it.
That one shoe is "(Jttecn
Quality." Its sales are
more than double the sales
of any other women shoes.
Try a pair and you will
always wear "Queen
is the talk of the town.
$."), 000.00 given away.
Forgood first-class baked
goods such as fine Marble
Cake,. English Wine Fruit
Cake, French Fruit, Dev
iled Cake, Angel Cake,
Lady Fingersjelly Drops,
Kisses, Maroons and
lots of other good cakes.
A fine selection of all kinds
of cookies; a good line of
Fresh Bread and Parker'
House Rolls, Buns, Coffee
Cakes. A nice selection,
of pics always on hand.
W&Minu and Vartle a
Specialty. Give u a Call.
Northamcr & Kellock. ,
And wo are bettor prepared than
ever to do cabinet work or anything
In the wood working line.
and repair work of all kinds done
Picture Framing
We have junt received a large line
of Picture Moulding and we carry a
C3 line of room moulding In stock.
Call and examine, our lino and got
a Our cabinet shop In so small and
our business Is getting so large we
will have to do something to get
more room, so we have decided to
sell olT all our framed
Pictures est Cost
17.00 Pictures at
(rt.00 Pictures at
So.OO Pictures at
$1.00 Pictures at
$X00 Pictures at
l'.OO Pictures at
C1.00 Pictures at
all the rest In the same proportion.
We are also agents for the Kane In
side Sliding Blind and Patent Screen
Remomber the place
Norttiamer & Kellock,
Woodward Building, Main St.
A full line of supplies constantly on hand
Picture frarulng a specialty.' Olitce and ware
room In ratr of Hiss Margaret Evans racket
store. Uosldenc near cor. Uraut ami SUi tils