The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 05, 1902, Image 6

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Coffee Plantation In Guatemala Prac
tically Ruined - Several Town
Reported Destroyed.
The- entire ceilTi-e zone of Guatemala
has been destroyed by flames nnd
mnike from the volcano of Banlil
.l:ula. Eruptions threaten the de
fcirncilon uf every llvlne thing within
reach of the fume s anil flre that pour
from (he burning mountains, accord
ing to a cable to Castler I'nm.. Import
ers of San Francisco, fa., ree-elvrd
from their coffee idaniatlon In Gttate
mala. Only meaner details are given.
' l att Monday." paid Lewis Hlisch. of
t'Shtlo Bros.. "I wire-el to our represen
tative! there asking for ne'Ws of the
eruption and received in reply this
e-ahlegranv 'Tin trn Knorntoii
losses. Volcanic eruption, t'oftee destroyed. Our liven In danger,
further reports will follow. The col
lee districts referred to ' are the Cost
Cusa and Costa Grnii'lu. They are the
finest plantations In the country. If
the cuffee district Is destroyed, as the
euhle seems to Indicate, one-thud of
llio crop Is most, likely Involved. The
vol alio of Hnnta Maria Is located be
tween Retalliulen and Quci'ltcnango.
The towns In the neighborhood niewt
likely to be destroyed are San Felipe.
MnzMenango and (Jucze'ltinnngo. The
v olcano has been epib-t lor many
e-ar " Consul General Mi Nally wires
from Gnitomtila city that the erup
tion r.l Santa Maria continues: thai
the city Is covered with six Incite of
volcanic matter; coftee plantations
lire bulled under siven feet r.t sand
oiid ashes, and tlint detonations from
ti. eruption were heard In the cap'
liul. There have been frequent earth.
iiakos, and nnother eruption is re
p.ncd In the department of Tomhu
Vr.llea.ble Iron Plants In Concern Willi
$20,000,000 Capital.
The rcmblne of the malleable Iron
plants of the country has been formed.
The deal has been ponding since last
July. The capital ol the concern Is
pluceel at SSo.'Nin.ocii. The concerns
involved are: Trait & Hilswprt'u,
liuflalo: Michigan Malleable Iron Com.
pany. Detroit. Mich.: White-ley Mall.'
nblo Iron Company. Mnneie, Ind.; Chi
cago Malleable Casting Company
West Pullman, II!.- Moline Malleable-en
Company. Si. Chnrlos, 111. Judg.'
Gray Hnd Mnx l'ani, ol New York aiv
the promote rs.
Rocievell'i Proclamation Point Out
What Thi Country Ha to Be
Grateful For.
More Cattle Than Gold.
The season Just closed v ilncss.M
the hnavlest cattle shipments front
1 Ik; Hlack hills country ever known.
and. it is believed, more cattle were
sent from that, section since July
than from any ntlur place in the
west. Totnl shipments have exceed
ed 100,0110 head. The value is e lo?o
to ?S,i.iul).000.
The annual thanksgiving proclamo
tion Inn been IsRiicel by lreslilent
Roosevelt. It notes that the people of
the United States had mom to be
thankful for during the last year than
had any other peeple. Th day act
apart for ohaervanee la Thursday,
Novvmher 27. The tet of the proc
lamation I aa follows:
' Uy the President of the States of
A Proclamation:
"According to the yealry custom of
our Kople it falls upon thei Prewlilent
at this season to appoint a, day of fes
tival and thanksgiving to Uod. Over
a century ami quarter has pjwacil
since thin country took It place
among the nation of earth, anil dur
ing that time we have had on the
whole more to bo thankful for than
has fallen to the lot of any other
people, Generation after generation
has grown to manhood and paused
away. Kach has hnd to bear. Its po
culiar burdens, each to face its spe
cial crises, and eaoh has known yean
ol grim trial, when the country was
menaced by malice, domestic, or for
eign levy, when the hand of the I mm l
was heavy iiton It In drouth or flood
or pestilence, when in bodily distress
and anguish of soul It paid the pen
alty of folly and a frowanl heart.
Nevertheless decade by ductule) wn
have struggled onward anil upward;
we now abundantly enjoy
well-being and under the favor of the
Most High, we are striving earnestly
to achieve moral and spiritual up
lifting. The year that has Just i-IommI
has been one of peace and of over
flowing plenty. Harely hns any peo
ple enjoved greater prosperity than
we are now enjoying. For this we
render heartfelt and solemn thanks
to the Giver of Ooeitl. anil we seek to
praise Him. not by words only, but by
deeds, by the way In which we do our
duty to ourselves, and to our fellow
men. "Now. therefore, I, Theodore Roose
velt, President of the United States,
do herebv designate as a day of gen
eral thanksgiving Thursday, thn
twenty-seventh of tho coming No
vember', and do recommend that
throughout the land tho people cease
from their ordiriary ocenpat Ions and
in their several homes and places of
worship, render thanks unto Almighty
clod for the manifold blessings of the
imst year.
"In witness whereof 1 have here
unto set my hand and caused the seal
ol the I'nited States to bo allixeil.
"Done at. the city of Washington,
this 2:th day of October, In tho year
of our Lord, one thousand nine hun
dred and two. and of tho independ
ence of the I'nited Stales, the one
hundred and twenty-seventh.
"I'.y the President.
. "Secretary of Btale."
Commission Traverse Course That
Takes Them Beneath Susque
hanna -Ask About Rent.
Ashe Still Fall.
The latest news from the southern
part of Mexico is that the people are
less alarmed over the shower of
ash?g. There were, up to Saturday,
45 distinct shocks of cnrtheuiake at
San Cristobal.
Rear Admiral Hobley D. Kvans ha.i
assumed command of the Asiatic
Major Harry M. Wright, Ninth Cav
alry, recently returned from the
Philippines, has been retired at his
own request on account of ill health.
Secretary Hay and Mrs. Hav have
Rone to Simsbury. Conn., for the dedi
cation of the chapel erected by the
secretary, as a memorial to his son,
Ade lbert Hay.
As Minister Concha held up Colom
bia's response on the canal matter,
the state department will appeal to
the Bogota government ilirect over IU
minister's head.
Cornelius T. Griffiths, acting cash
ier of the District of Columbia and
Maryland branch, of the Equitable
Life Insurance Company, has been ar
rested, accused of embezzling $4,5oo.
Judge Advocate General Lomloy
lias sent out advertisements calllnp:
fy proposals for the const ruction of
two armored cruisers of the Tennes
see class of about lCmo tons dis
placement, the bids to be opened Jan
uary ti, 1903.
Tho fact thai President Palma has
returned to Washington the draft of
the Cuban reciprocity treaty without
his approval h:.s not shaken the be
lief of the olnoiuls that ihey will
liave a treaty reudy to submit to Con
. gress this winter.
The United States will participate
tn any benefits that may bo derived
by Gormany, Great Britain and Fiance
in the arbitration announced in Paris
by M. Delcasse of the questions as to
the foreign holding of lands and prop.
. erty rights In Japan.
The case of Passed Assistant Pay
master Charles W. Penrose, U. 8. N
wno was xneu uy court-martial on
charges of irregularities while pay
master of the Michigan, will be set
tled by the abandonment of further
proceedings, and acceptance of his
resignation from the naval service.
First Lieutenant Von Xfredow has
been .appointed German military at
tache at , Washington, beginning bo
cembur 1. He has been adjutant of
the First Cavalry Brigade of the
guards and is an olllcer of the Cut
asBlor Guards lot' the Household
The navy department has received
a decision by the comptroller of the
treasury to the effect that enlisted
men on the retired list of Hie navy
re entitled to the extra pay of 71
cents for each medal of honor, pin or
service bar earned by them,
Alfred Jcp.gup, head of the testing
laboratory in the supervising archi
tect' office of the United State
treasury department,
Dynamited the Safe While
Overawed the People.
Four robbers dynamited tho safe of
the, Iowa State bnnk at Prairin City,
Iowa, and escaKd with $4,000. One
held a -rifle over Watchman Kraklne
for three hours, whilo another work
ed on tho safe ami two patrolled the
htreet and held off half a ao.en citi
zens. When they had secured the
money they fired a fusillade to terrify
the people.
The arbitration commission decided
while on their tour of the Wyoming
valley to adjourn Thursday until Fri
day. November 14. when the taking
of testimony will b-gln In Scrnnlon.
The first four days of this week will
lie taken up In Inspecting the mines
and mining towns from Ha.lcton
south to the end of the hard coal
field. All of the territory Is In dis
tricts Nos. 7 and ! of tho United
Mine Workers or America, and Is un
der the jurisdiction of President
Thomas Duffy and John Fahy, of the
union, who will accompany the com
mission. Chairman Gray said thut
the object In taking a recess of tine
week was for the purpose of giving
both sides sulllclent time to prepuro
thelr cases, and also to give the
members of the commission an op
portunity to examine the Isair s. How
long It will take to hear all the testi
mony for the miners cannot be esti
mated. The t'i7 Individual operators
will also be given nn opportunity to
be h-ard. The arbitrators spent the
entire Saturday in and about the city
of Wllkesbarre visiting one mine and
mnking'ii tour of several of the towns
on the outskirts of the city. The com
mission next visited the Dot ranee
colliery of the Lehigh Valley Coal
Company. t North Wllkesbarre.
Nearly two hours were spent in the
mine, about x'iO feet bdow the sur
face. The mine Is a very gaseous
one, and the cotniiil.ssloneis and other
members of their party were cum
in lied to carry safety lumps. The
commissioners saw u vein of coal
about 1(1 feet tlilck, which is three
times the thickness of the scams of
coal seen on Thursday and Friday.
One ol the gangways traversed by the
commission runs under the Susque
bannn river to tho west side of North
Wllkesbarre. Saturday was All
Saints day, and was religiously ob
served by the many foreigner. No
coal was mined In the Dorrance and
many oilier collieries. The company
ofllclnls drew the attention to the
commissioner to this enforced cur
tailment In the production of coal.
The partv visited South Wllkesbarre,
Ashley, Sugar Notch and Plymouth,
Inhabited principally by mine work
ers. The commissioner did not
leave the trolley car. but wherever It
stopprd a crowd would gather, which
gnve the oii:!'iissioiieis a chance to
ask questions regarding rents and
other living expenses. On the re
turn to Wllkesbarre city the party
boarded a train and n turned to
Si ronton. The nrbiltatora left Si i an
ton lute Snndav night for lla.leton.
where they will continue their. In
spection of the mines. Bishop Spald
ing, by Invitation of Itiidiop Unban,
preached In St. Peter's Cath dial at
Scrai'ton Siindp;.' morning. His fel
low commissioners attended the service.
Transport Sheridan Brought Six
Corpses Into San Francisco.
Six deaths occurred on tho trans
port Sheridan on thn way front Manila
to San Francisco. Cal. They were:
J. Howell, late private Troop C, Ninth
cavalry: W. T. Hawthorne, employe
quartermasters department-; W. J.
Johnson, lato private Troop C, Ninth
cavalry: Thomas Sawyer, civilian-.
Frank L. Durrln, private Company V,
Twenty-nintli Infantry, and an unas-
lignocl private, T. O. Dodswork. The
body of the late Arthur C Mclvinmin.
former chaplain of the California vol
unteers, was brought homo for burial.
Furnish the Steel Combine With
9,000-Ton Carriers.
V flet of the biggest steamers on
the great lakes, whose total cost will
exceed tlo.OiM.iHMi, is to bo built for
the I'nited States Steel Corporation
through the Pittsburg Steanudilp
Company. All will be of theao dimension:-:
Keel. 5r0 feet; beam. 58 feel;
depth of hold, 30 feet, and on a mean
drart or IS feet of water they will
carry 9,000 tons each. It is believed
the boats enn carry iron ore from the
head of l-Ue Superior to tho furnace
dock ot Lake Krle and Ijtke Michi
gan at less than 50 cents per ton.
Present rates arc 75 and 80 cents.
Grand Jury Brings Crime of Body
Snatching Home to Physician.
The grand Jury at Indianapolis,
Ind., returned 2." indictments In the
grave robbery cases. Five indict
ments have been returned against
physicians who are charged with com
plicity in tho "body-snatching; busi
ness" for failure to keep record of
bodies received, among whom is Jos.
C. Alexander, demonstrator at the
College of Physicians and Surgeons.
From evidence given by Kufus Can
trill, the chief of the gang of ghouls.
luO bodies have been stolen from
cemeteries during the last year. The
ghouls say two of the physicians ae
coniiianied tin m on several ol tholr
night trips. Ten bodies were found
buried in the basement ot oue of
the colleges; four bodies were found
in enekB on tho street, where the
hard-pressed ghouls bad dropped
them; one body was concealed for
two days in a saloon and 30 were
found In cold storage In an lee rreuni
factory In Louisville. t
Inspect Work of Miner.
The commuwionera appointed by
President KiMisevelt to adjust the dif
ferences existing between the anthra
cite nilno worker and their employ
ers have made a tour of the extreme
upppr coal fields, near Scranton, and
saw every step taken in the produc
tion of coal from the time It is blasted
from the ground to the point where it
is scut to market ready for the use
of the consumer.
Prevent Money Stringency.
Nearly $100,000,000 has been re
leased from the United States treas
ury during the past Ave weeks for
the purpose of relieving the string
ency, as follows: Addltioual de
posits of government money iu na
tional banks, lK.0O0.000; purchase of
government bonds, Z0,500,tHM); added
to national banks' - circulation, ti t
000,000; release of reserve- held
against government , ' deposits, f 40, ; rebate of Interest 13.300,
000; total, $S5.K)0.000. -
One Ohttin.iM Missouri Judge Still
Defies the Federal Court.
Samuel C. Peden, ex-ludgo of the
county court of St. Clulr county, Mo.,
v.-ho has been in Jail at Muryville
since May, 19ol. for contempt of
court in refusing to order a tax levy
to pay bonds pledged for the Tebo
H Neosho railway in ls7ft. was or
dered released by Judge John F. Phil
lips, of the United States district
court. While in Jail Peden Kent hi
resignation to Governor Dockery, uud
successor was appointed. Thomas
Nevlit, presiding judge of the county
court, is still In Jail, where several
pf his predecessors, all having refused
to respect the United States court'
commands to order a tax levy for tho
payment of tho bonds, had previously
spent their terms of office.
Sues for a Million.
William Meetutzer. of Altounn.
Pa., lias entered suit against tho
Pennsylvania Railroad Company for
$1,000,000 for en alleged disciimlua
tion In freight rates made against
him by the company. Ho u lieges
that ho shipped a certain grade of
coal to all parts of tho United Status
and that the company charged hi in
higher lutea thuu bis competitors.'
Auto Man Sent to Prison.
Judgo Kellogg, at Yonkers, N. V..
sentenced ti six months In the peni
tentiary W. U. Raymond, whose
automobile collided with a trolley car
and caused Injuries to 22 persons. The
motorman testified that the automo
bile had crossed the track In front of
the car three time within a short
A Biltl.ili cable is contemplated
across tha P.ielllo ocean.
Official report shows large Increase
In southern Iron and steel trade.
General Miles on board the trans
port Thomas, has arrived at Manila.
Operators' disposition to cavil may
embarrass the anthracite strike
Josiali Flnton and his young grand
son were killed at Ypsllantl, Mich., by
a trolley car.
The bank of Charles K. Knapp. at
SchIuh, N. Y was dynamited and
$".,000 stolon.
A large portion of tho South is
threatened with a coal famine because
of poor car service.
A negro murderer was burned at
the stake iu the presence of 4,000 peo
ple at Darling, Mass.
The Furemon Shoe Company, of Cin
cinnati, O., ha.4 assigned. Liabilities.
$70,000; assets, $10,000,
William Hocbuck, aged 10 year, an
opera singer, was killed at St. Louis,
Mo., by a suburban car.
The executive officer of Western
and South western line at St. Louis
renewed agreement on Issuance of
An attempt Is being made to a coin
bine of all the big stock yards In the
country with a capltalizall-jn of $ioo,
J. P. Morgan called on Senator Han
na in Cleveland on what Is Ihoify.I.t
in mean a combination of coul In
tore -its.
Governor Yates, of Illinois, Is sick
at Springfield with typhoid fever, but
his physician says there is no causa
lor uluiiii.
The striking dock laborer ut Mon
treal. Canada, were grunted their de
mand for increased wages and return
ed to w.irk.
The II. C. Frlck Coke Company has
dropped nearly l.oiio fuundrv coke
buyers, and will greatly reduce It.e
urniy ol clerks.
The northern part of Michigan wa-i
visited Tuesday by the heaviest lall
of snow si-en so early In the season
in many years.
The Methodist Kpiscopal hoard ol'
bishops. In session nt Wilmington.
Del., decided to meet on April iie,
Bin;!, at Meadvllle, Pa.
Martin Cornelius was held up by
lubbers mid relieved of $ with
which ho was going to pay for some
real estate Bt Appleton, Wis.
The estimate or the expenditures of
the New York city government in
1003 is $97,11M.031, a decrense eif
'oo,r.ti from the budget or B02.
William Thompson, lias "Billy
llHof." was shot anil killed by other
burglar at Portland, Me.. In a dis
pute over the division ol plunder.
The British government will build
tin most powerful and fastest cruis
ers In the world, which are expccied
to do better than SO knots uu hour.
At St. Piuil, Minn., Ucv. John
SUrllia was consecrated Catholic
hU'iiim of Lead, S. I)., and He.
James J. Keane bishop of Wyoming.
The steamer Korea, which arrived
nt Sa:t Francisco from Yokohama,
bioke the Pacific record by makiug
the voynge of 4,000 miles In ten ehiyu.
i no tierman government win ap
point Dr. Lewald its commlsslotier to
the St. Louis exposition, and ask the
Heichstag for $500,000 for its exhibit.
Muquerader was taken for burglar
by Air. W. A. Mcl.ane, of Covington,
Va., and after killing him she dis
I'overed tho corpse was that of her
V. W. Chliin. proprietor of a S(.
Louis matrimonial ageuct' that Is said
to have taken In $100 a day, was ar
rested on charges of using the mails
A suit was filed In the United States
supremo court. cimlng up from the
circuit court of Alabama, designed to
test the validity of the new Alabuma
The anthracite strike commission
held Its first meeting at Washington
with the opposing parties, and decided
to proceed to Scranton to begin its in.
Chicago & Alton ofllclnls notified
all shop employes of the system thut
the request for a general advance In
wages lmd been granted, commencing
November 1.
Archie Woodin was si'iitenci'd nt
Mt. Plea.annt, Mich., to the peniten
tiary far life for the minder of bin
wife's father and mother, Mr. uud
Mrs. Joseph Gullck.
Striking students and the faculty,
of the State Agricultural college at
Lansing. Mich., havo agreed to arbi
trate, students to return to classes.
pending the result.
President Cassalt. ef the Pennsyl
vania railroad, has sent a letter to
the Hapid Transit commlsultm, New
York, pleading for early action ou tli
tunnel franchise.
A letter from a Mormon wife, read
at the M others' Congress Iu session
at Pittsburg, resulted in rosotutlor.b
calling on Congress to make polyg
amy a national, crime.
A courier from King K J ward
bringing a mysterious messago either
lo President Roosevelt or to the
British embassy In Washington lund
ed In New York Tuesday.
A miH'tlng of silver workers, rep
resenting the 8,000 of the craft em
ployed In New York city, Brooklyn
mi-1 Newark, decided to go on strike
-unless granted a nine-hour working
Catenl, who recently returned from
America, bus been urrested at Lea-
born. Italy, ou Busplclon of placing
on the sleps of the blshop'a palaco
a bomb thut killed ono pernou and
wounued two others.
Ldward Blew, of the commission
firm or Blew 6t Armstrong, pleaded
guilty at Minneapolis to forging u bill
of lading and was sentenced to seven
and one-half years in the peulleutiaiy
The Jury In Ni'W York in the libel
suit of Victor Herbert agaiust the
"Musical Courier," after bolug out an
hour and a half, brought in a verdict
for $15,000 in favor of tbr plaintiff.
Workmen Employed In Niagara Falls
Sewer Were Overcome by Sul
phureted Hydrogen.
By a sudden rush of gas, supposed
to have been aulphurcled hydrogen,
four met! were killed and three ser
iously Injuri'd near the Twenty-fourth
treet heading of the big tunnel trunk
sewer at Niagara Falls, New Y'orlt.
Friday. The dead are Lawrence
Fisher, George Rhode. Hugo Swsn
son. Niagara Falls: William Bradish.
of Tonawanda. The seriously af
fected were Romano Kovlch, not ex
prctiMl to live; Sam Finch, coleired,
and Michael Mnlroy. foreman, all of
Niagara Falls. Thirteen men. com
prising the entire second shift, were
working on the sewer. They had Btart
ed a heading at a ne w level and bad
loaded up a blast which was to he dis
charged. Alter loading they walked
back about. 225 feet between the head
ing and the shutt at Twenty-fourth
street, but before they could reach
the shaft, four o the men fell to the
floor of the tunnel, over which a
stream of water was flowing. The
ethers, becoming alarmed, pushed
ahead to the shaft.
Meat Ha Become a Hlgli-Priced
Luxury in Germany.
Increasing pressure Is being
brought to bear on the Geituun gov
I't'iiment to open the frontiers for the
importation of foreign iiuimuU utid
a relaxation of the regulations to ex-
elude meat exports, or tor something
which will afford relief from the ex
cessive prices of meat. The bysl beef
retails at 41 cent n pound, and other
meaU are proportionately high. The
wholesale prlce-s In the Gorman mar
kets are from 1", to 2."i per ce nt higher
than In those of neighboring coun
tries; hence the people who advocate
government action ussert that the
scarcity of animals is elm? to the
closeil frontiers and tho exclusion of
foreign dressed meats, the Gorman
farmer being unable to raise enough
nnlmnl for their country's riipilte
73,000 Cacet In the Philippine
Per Cent Fatal.
Wilting from .Manila Chief Quar
antine Otllcer Perry e-st iinulcl
iTi.t'Ou cases of chob-rn bed occurred
ill tho Philippines since .March Jo, :
and that the mortality 7. pi-r
eoi'.t. According to latest report .--i
(lu re hnd been lo.uoo ibalhs In ;'ie
city of Nanking, China. During tin.-
week ended Si'p!"moer I ukto wore
!'.I07 caes nnd H:.'"H de.uhs In l.r.,"p"
places Iu Kgypt. Ol (be JS.jJO cucec
registered betwein July Ki nnd All
gust 15, 23.0S4 were fatal.
Treaiury 8tatemnt of Circulation,
Coinage and Receipt and Ex.
The monthly clre-iilatlon Ktlati-meut
Issued by comptroller of the currency
shows that nt the cluse of business
October III. loo tiie totnl circula
tion of National bank notes was
Mo, I7l!.3:i4, an Increase for the year
of $2n,"i!4.U5l, und an Increase for
tli:' month of $l.1,4S2,7:!li. The clr-t-ulatloa
based ou United Stale bond
amounted to $ U.'.TS.I.ISM, an Increase
for the ye-ar of $7.5X4,575, and an In
crease for the month of $1 l,y fo.iu.l.
The circulation si-cured by lawful
money aggregated $tl.5::,l I.'., an In
crease for the year of $l2.i",075.
and an Increase for the mouth f $1.
r,12.Bl. The amount of I'nited
States registered bonds on deposit to
secure circulating not'- was $:W8,.
4.12. H7o. und to secure public depivlts
f I4!l,21ij.!i20. TV1 monthly culnug
statement issued by the director of
the mint shows that for the mouth of
October, isu2, the total coinage was
$l.4.'),r.r.o, as- follows: Gold, $l,Sllo,
ooo; sllv r. $2,2S7,Ono: minor e-olnn.
$2S2.n5il. The monthly comparative
slate mi-tit or the government ivcelpM
und expenditure shows thut for tip)
month of October the total receipt
were $".I.2!1.22. and the expendi
tures $lii.!io4.!iiiii, leaving a surplus
ror the month of $4, The sur
plus for the corresponding month lust
your was $;i,2oo,oon. The? receipts
from the several sources of reve-nue
at'f given as follows: Customs IJO,.
741.770, Increase. $:;,:!00,ouo; Intermit
i'"Vi'!iue $20.47fl.!M2, doeri'Bse; $:i,0oii..
0011: miscellaneous, $l,172,ti4H, In
crease $1,200.1)1111. For the four
months of the prese-ut lineal jiar the
roi'clpt havo exceeded the expendi
tures by $i:i,5oo,iMio, Oue year ugo
the rioeipts for the coi responding
mouths exceeded III'.1 i-xiieudinires
by $27.300,1100.
Action by the Quakers.
The five years' meeting Soi Viy ef
Friends nt Indianapolis. Ind.. Issued
1111 appeal to all Christian e-liuu-he
In the country to nppolt delegates 10
a conference in Washingiuti on the
second Wednosdoi..- of .March, l'joii, 10
dUeuss prevention uf the llipior
An Iowa Banker Mlcsinn.
A special to Council Illufls from
h-harpsburg. la., says: II. K. Chris
lonsen. president tf the Farmer and
.Mechanic bunk, a private Institution,
I missing. The funds of the bank
pre said to be eleploteil in a stun
variously estimated at from $:i.',ooo
to I'
... 74
... '
.. W
... H7
... m:
... 4 01
... 9 0(1
. is -n
. l'J Ml
. ill nn
. K ou
..if i
... M ll
.. s on
4 in
4 mi
13 Ml
'.'1 M
It M
if tt
N Ml
Gr!n, Flour and Feed.
tVhet-No. 2 red : $ M
iiy inu.
Com Nn. tallow, rtr
No. ttji'lluw, aholitri
MiXntl "sr....
Ci-Wo. 1 whit
No. H white
Flour Winter pntnnt
Kiini-jr straight wlntvre.
Ilaf-No. ltliiiuih
I.'lover N11. I
roeil No, 1 while 11. lit. Ion.
iwa Hrniru luitlilllnitu
Bran, bills
niraw v ileal
Dairy Product.
Rutter Elln i-reamery . , .
Ohio rramry
Kaiii-f rountrr roll
t'beeea Ohio, new
New Verk, new
Poultry, Etc.
Ho per lb
I'hlukeDS dremrd ... ,
tail fa. and Ohio, firth
Fruit and Veaetable.
(ireen Beane per ba $'! e
Potato t'mnvf white er Mis SO
l'atjta0tmr tilila ?
Onloua per barrel t ' I Vi
Kloiir-Wlntw Patent M $:t r.l M
Wheat-No. -i red.-. M 7
Corn-mixed H N
Kkkm !
Boiler-Ohio i-reamerr
Flour Winter Patent 1M 401
Wl-eat- No. 't red r M
Com -No. if mixed l'J 70
Oaia-No. white -Hi W
BuUT- I'reniin-ry, exivn !Ti
Ke l'eiiue Irani. ihs: Dl 1
I Intir fatem $:! " 4 01)
W heat -Nn. and Til 74
I orn -No. ! :. oil iV
Oat No, 'J While .. W till
Putter-e renin.. rr illHi A'i
b( Statvand t'eiiheTlwinla ill
St. Lo'.ti Eoodler Conviiteii.
IMimin.l Iteisi b. a former member
of the luenicipn! I.oum- ol ilclenales. at
SI. I etils. was convicted i t perjury
in I'.is testimony :e f ire the i;rand
Jiirv :n to the IV-j.oiio baoi'.le i'.mil
milled to a. cure the pas?.:ii;e :;l' the
Ptibiii biin railway franchise ' bill and
f?lve.-n live years in the penitentiary.
IVlethodiat Fund Is T.13.OUO.00O.
The board of hislioMS 0 the Mil'i-ti'.li-d
Episcopal e jiu-ch :it Wiliiiinn-
The Diae Fast Disappearing From ". "''' b.ue appointed i.isbops
the Philippines. -er. warre n an. "'"' '"'
I iiiiltee on the twenli. th century
Governor Talt I'lililes irom Manila iliauk offeiiiiK fund of $Jo.i'oo,oeO,
that the eholera has practically dis
appeared from the Island of l.tizcn.
and that in Mniillc there have only
been an aveineo or two cades a duy
Intely. Only live proline.:; are now
BPrloiiFly affected, Hollo. Occidental
Central Stock Yard. Eat Liberty,
J'rline hravr, l.'fflto HAW I in S 0 '
I'lline. 1..1U to leiju Hi M
Med'iini, l.vj to i.m His S 111
t el heller ijmi
Uli.-Iiit, IWI11 lullu I1.8 3 7-1
Infiiuiori 10 fair 8 u'
Oien, (-onitnnii to tat slim
Ciiitiiiioti tuKHixl lat biilii iiutl row Dot)
Mil-u cow . t-iu-h !'
Lllla liillcb lOlia, eaoh 4i'uJ
Frltne heaTf hog I Oil
Prime medium welKbia I li !
lii-Bt heavy Torkere ami iiivtlliiiu... HSi
liood to choice pie-leoi'! 7 i n
llootl pic ami Hunt jrorkt'r US
PlK8. common totiiiiil ,l7-'
l.'niumou to lair I) I1'
KiiUKha ft 7f.
blnn COj
Extra, meilluni welltera $ 3.V)
Oooit 10 ihuiue :J l.'i
ali-illuin 7.'i
t'vuniiou to fair I W
J ambe clfriped
l aiuue, k.i m choice. i-l!.peO
Lauilia, enmrnoh to fair, cliloied..
neil. .
biirin Lauioa.
ft .15
r. :
:io 1
Vent, eitra
Veal, good In rhop-o ..
Venl, i-oiiirnon lioiivy.
V eal, louiuiuii to fn:r.
4 81
li III
4 .VI
It 0,1
Hi Oil
7 0".
7 0.1
0 70
8 70
S 40
4 Ml
6 00
wiih'li noiv ir.i'.outits to $
Small A&seta for Large Debts.
Nenros, Cavl.. Hiiiiuir and Aiisanm.
Tho percentage of mortality has been
reduced to generally below u0 per
Will Attend Reception to Gen, Wright
and May Hunt Bear.
I 'resident Ituur.evclt will make u
trip through u purl of the South uliutit
the middle of next mouth, the pri
mary object beln lo attend the re
ception by the i ll incus of Memphis to
flenoral Luke Wright, vice governor
of tho Philippines. Silbseciuently it is
expected that the President will ac
cept an invitation to participate In a
bear bunt In the canebrukes of Mi-e-
Daughters of an Arkansas Farmer
Most Horribly Murdered.
Mary, Sophia and Mary (iibson,
whoso aueB range from 17 to lo
yi-nrs, daughters of Thomas Crilisnii,
a negro fanner at Wynne, Ark., were
in 111 li roil . David Cross, a captured
negro, admitted that he had seen t'le
killing and suld that a mvio uumcd
Johnson was guilty. The glrlu were
butchered with an ax.
Killed by Motor Cycle.
Frank K. Ulwell, of Urooklyn, an in
ternational authority on motor cye-l-lug,
was killed near Hlcksvllle, L. I.,
while participating In a club run. The
head stem of his mncliino broke us ho
was speeding along at a fast clip,
and he was hurled to the ground vvnh
such force that hla neck was broken.
Epidemlo of Measles.
The St. Petersburg, Russia, corre
spondent cable that there la an epi
demic of measles on the Kami hut Uu
peninsula. Ten thousand persons
have tiled of the disease and the
popiilutlop of some country village:!
have been neurly wiped out.
Rebate Tin Wage Adjusted.
The new rebate tin wage scale has
been satisfactorily adjusted. Tho tin
worker accepted tho new culo pro
viding for a reduction of L'3 per cent
111 wage on rebute tin, ami the com
pany accepted the foot notes as added
to tho soulo by the tin worker. For
every soven or so boxes of domestic
tin manufactured, 0110 box of tin for
exfxirt may be mude. The rebate tin
may be made in whatever mills the
company may select.
Henry Roper, formerly of the firm
of Charles llulghf . Co., brokers, tiled
11 petition In bankruptcy in New
York. Tha liabilities are placed at
?2o".NS5, uiiHocuied, and due chiefly
10 banks on accommodation paper. A
watch nnd chain und ordinary wearing
apparel lire given 11s asseU.
The railroad commission at Ha
vana has grunted to the Cuba Com
pany the right to register, in the name
of uhe Cuba Hallway Company. $.0,
01111,000 of capltul stuck.
Tho Japanese e-nbinet has adopted
the proposed scheme for naval ex
pansion. 1' involves an uii'ioul ex
penditure of SSS.'JVi.oiio for lo years.
The battleships are to be built in Ku.
iaiiil, uud I lij' cruisers in Kiiglund,
Krone e uud (lei'iian) .
The "ORlclal .Messenger." of St.
I'et' I'libni g. Kitisla. aiiiiounces the)
disMissal from Hie hi-iuv of thn
tii-and Duke I'rml Alexaiidi'nvllch, an
uncle of the czui.
The Cerninii KeicliHtag iliscussel
all ilinelldircnt propose-i oy U10 So
cialist and Liberal:) eiupowt ring Hi
Miiiidci'iath to put goods on the Ire'
list win-never German syndicate se!l
goudi abroad cheaper than they do a.
The Municipality of lieilln. Oer
luiiny. ban decided lo devote the new
$"o,oon,oiio loan largely to prodi-shar-ln
entt-.'prlses, Including $15,000,00.1
for tho erection of gas worka war
Tegel, six iiilh'S from Berllii, and for
the const ruction of a wholesale meat
Emperor Francis Joseph was
driving from his count ry pluce at
Si hocnhi'timt, Austria, the lap's, s at
tached to Ills carriuge bei iune unman
ugeuble and he jtini)ied out of the ve
hide and walked the remainder of the
illstanee to the Hoffhtirg.
A telegram has been received at.
Muullu from General Summer at Zam
boauga. Mindnnoa. saying he Is tils
posed to give the Uucolotl Moros more
lime to make peace before capturing
and destioylng their btroimhelds.
.The plenttt'ultiess of n.oney which
fharurtcrlzcd the October niaiket hi
Loudon, Kuglaud, has betn succoodud
by conditions coiiipcllinji heavy bur
lowing from tho hank at 4 )ier cent
In order to moot Stock exchange set-tlcnii-ut
and moiitlieud obligations.
An liii iviine in gov; ruuieiu disburso
iticius Is untlciputell.
Eleven representatives id' the Urlt
lall workman's commission who urcj
helrg sent to the United State by
Alfred Moseley bailed Tuesday from
Liverpool, Enxlund, on the steamship
Lake ChJaaipluin for Canada.
Demand for Alt Products Continues
Immense- Scarcity of Coke Close
Many Blast Furnaces.
R. G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly rteview of
Trade says: Speculation waits upou
politics, but legitimate business i not
disturbed by the approaching; elec
tion. New labor controversies have
been promptly settled by advancing
wages, and the gradual improvement
in the supply of coal has reduced
prices ami restored activity In manu
facturing. Compluinu are Increasing
as to the tardy movement of freight,
miles of cars being stalled by the
lack of motive power, and many roads
re-fuse to accept further shipments
until the blockade nre relieved. Low.
or temperature has stimulated retail
sales ef seasonable merchandise, but
frost comes too late to seriously In
jure agricultural products. Liberal
e onsiihiplion stu-iinins quotations In
most lines, domestic dc mantis being
supplemented by larga export. Oper
ating expenses of the railways havo
increased in many cases to such a de
gree that ne-t earnings are somewhat
curtailed, but gross earnings for Oc
tober thus far exceed last year' by
4.7 per ce-nt and those of l'loo by 13."
per cent. Undue significance Is at
tached to the announcement that tho
Frlck Company will not advance next
year's price for coke above $3. Al
though this is in line with other con
seri'Uive efforts of lending interests
to prevent Inflated prii'es. the prob
able influence 011 tho outside market
will not be great, as the hulk of out
put will go to the plants of the United
States Steel Corporation. Meanwhile
salts are row being mude at $lil In
extreme rases, and the scarcity ha
closed more blast furnace. Tho
future courso of the Iron and steel in
dustry will be largoly influenced by
this fuel shortage, much business be
ing perv.anently lost to noma pro
ducers, and price- In some depart
ments already show the effect of dis
organized conditions. Railway need
have not diminished, numerous large
order conataiitly appearing, while the
pressure for locomotive i causing
large premiums to be offered. Struc
tural shape for bridge and ship
building are next Iu point of urgent
demand. Agreement on the tin plate
wage scale may secure a lot of busi
ness that new goes out of the couutry
and some reduction In price is ex
pected. Raw wool U very firm at tha
loading eastern markets, which are
Bhippiug freely to the mills. Failures
for the week numbered 233 in tho
United State, against 191 lust year,
and 22 In Canada, ilmnpared with 21
a year ago.
Bradsrroet' nays: Wheat, includ.
lug flour, export for the week end
ing October 30, aggregate 5,997,620
bushels, agaiust 7.060,317 bushel last
woek, 6.672,888 bushel in thl week
latit iyear. and 3.C12.421 btmliels in
1900. Wheat export since July 1 ax
gregate 91,428,937 bushel, against
106.728,939 bushel last aeasou, and
63,874,564 bushels in 1900. Corn ex
port aggregate 153.205 bushels.