The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, October 22, 1902, Image 7

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    Young girls at
this period of life,
or their mothers,
are earnestly in
vited to write Mrs.
Pinkham for advice; all such letters are
strictly confidential ; she has guided in a
motherly way hundreds of young women ;
and her advice is freely and cheerfully given.
School days danger days for American girls.
Often physical collapse follows, nnd it takes years to recover tho
lost vitality. Sometimes it is never recovered.
Perhaps they nro not ovcr-carcinl about keeping their feot dry;
through carelessness in this respect tho monthly sickness is usually
rendered very severe.
Then begin ailments which phould be removed nt once, or they will
produce constant Buffering. Headache, famines, slight vertigo, pains
in the back and loins, irregularit y, loss of deep ami npix'lite, a tendency
to avoid the society of others, are symptoms all indicating that woman's
arch-enemy is nthand.
LydtA E. Plnkhssm's VegetaTlo Compound has helped many a
young girl over this critical period. With it they have gone through
their trials with courage and safety. With its proper use the young
girl is safe from tho peculiar dangers of school years and prepared for
hearty womanhood.
A Young Chicago Girl " Studied Too Hard."
"Dear Mrs. Pixkiiam: I wish to thank you for tho help and ben
efit I have received through tho use of Lydla E. Pinkliam's Vege
table Compound and Liver Pills. When I was about seventeen
jecrj. years old I suddenly seemed to lose my usual good
arjiffi. health nnd vitnlilv. Fntlinr Kfiiil T Ktiidipil ton
hmtittSanX! prescribed tomes, v.meii 1 toon i tno
WS&SfZt4fflF:il auart
vSgs&TyTK tho l1!. of 3Ira. lkham's great cures,
rSSw&ji the paper ot Jlrs. llnKiiams great cui
S-'ra and linding tha symptoms described i
swered mine, I decided I would give Ly
K Piikhju' Vogctablo Compoum
sWr trial.
e.-fl k tn ilirwr
and I
"Miss Pratt Unable to Attend School."
Dear Mrs. Pinkham: I feel it my duty to tell all young women
how much Lydia K. Plnklmm's wonderful Vegetable Compound has
done for me. I was completely run down, unable to attend school, and
did not care for any kind of society, but now I feel like a new person,
and have gamed seven pounds of flesh in three months.
I recommend it to all young women who suffer from female weak
ness." Miss Alma Pratt, Holly, Mich.
Lvdio, F. IMnkhnm's Vegetable Compound Is the one sure rem
edy to be rolled upon nt this important period tn a young girl's life.
FORFEIT U cannot forthwith
ahu UitUuoQiulA. a-Liah will
Rescued by an Owl.
King Robert tho Bnko, according to
tho well-known story, once owed hlu
safety to a spider. Anion? the Tar
tars ot Central Asia there la a belief
that one of their khans or chiefs wns
preserved, long years ago, by the
Oreat Horned Owl. He bad hidden In
a thicket to avoid capture by some
enemies. By and by his pursuers
came to this spot. The first thing they
saw was an owl sitting en a bush.
What did this menn? It Einniflert in
thoir eyes that this bird would not
rest quietly there if any man were
lying concealed close by. Therefore
they argued that the khan could no;
be there, and so thny hurried on to
search for hlra olsewhere. At night
fall the khan made his wuy to the
camp of his men, end told them how
tie had been saved from certain death.
His story caused Ihcm ever afterward
in look upon the owl with reverence
and love. They wore Its feather in
their caps as a pledge of victory.
k Feetache
All Bodily Aches
n i it
I TAW. 1
but tho doctor thought different and
without relief. Koadinrr one day in
'ompound a
I did not say a word to the doctor ;
miPM 1 bought it myself, a:iu took it according
- tnim rpmilm-lv for two nionths.
foimd that I gradually improved.
that all pains left me, and I was my
old self oneo more. Lii.lie E. Sinclair,
17 15. 2id St, Chicago 111."
produce the nrlnnl lnttort and slgnatarat at
tmvt their ahiioluta aenulnerieMI.
B. I'lokliam .MatlUiloa Co., Lynn, dim.
'T am--
They Are Now Being Successfully
Used for Treatment of Animals.
UoontKen rays nro now being sue
cesKfully emplcu-ed In Germany for
treatment of Janimals. Professor
Hoffman, director of the Royal Veter
inary Hospital in Stuttgart," has em
ployed them with uniform satisfac
tion. He began by using the rays on
dead horses in order to establish the
time ot exposure necessary for vari
ous parts of the body and organs.
Later a Roentgen picture wbb taken
of a live race horse which had brok
en Its leg, in order to ascertain wheth
er the parts were well adjusted. Me
dium timid and well-behaved animals
have been photographed with the
rays apparatus without special pre
cautionary methods If familiar with
the noise of the camera outfit Un
manageable horses have been proto
graphed after being harnessed with
heavy blinkers and dosed with Booth
ing medicine. X-ray pictures of ani
mals. Professor Hoffman says, are of
highly practical value, enabllns tha
detection of a variety of diseases,
with cattle also they are destined, he
thinks, to play an important role. He
even thinks it possible to locate tu
Irrci.losis germs or -allsea 1 puttlrlrr.
In a r-egatlve way tto rsiyi will cor
rect common mistakes of veterinary
men, who, through blind diagnosis,
are often led to administer the wrong
sort of treatment
- If great cold turned our atmosphere
to liquid air It would make a sea 85
feet deep ever the surface of tha
whole globe.
A crowd of troubles imtd htm by,
As he with conniKB watted.
Hti sniil: " Wlmre lo yon troubles fly
Whan yon nro thus Imlatoii V "
" Vie no," thny i:ilil, "to those who mops,
Who look on life tlfiuid
Who ttenkly sa.v jrooil-hye to hope
We ko whore we're expected."
Wuverley Magazine.
She You used to say I was an angel
and now you call me a goose. Ho
Oh, well; it's just a question of
Tommy Pop, what Is a promot
er? Tommy's Pop A promoter, my
son, Is a mnn who can make a penny
look like 30 cents.
"Was there a ring cf sincerity In his
tolco when he proposed? "No, but
there was on engaKement ring In bis
pocket." New York Sun.
Blobbs Plunger Is so hnnl up that
ho liB3 had to sell his favorite ninie.
Blobbs Then sometimes It must bo
tho Inrk or money tlmt makes the mnre
He I dreamed Inst night tlmt 1
proposed to you nnd was accepted.
She Pshaw! Isn't that too bad?
"Why?" "Well, dreams go by contra
ries, they nny."
Fond Mamma Isn't baby getting
big? Just see how solid he Is. Papa
He does seem soll-l this morning,
and its reniaikablo because ho ap
peared to ho all holler" last nlfiht.
"No, my father nnde her break thl:
engagement." "What was the trou
ble?" "The old mnn discovered that
c-nooftho young fellow's ancestors had
been a floorwalker In a rolling mill,
or something."
Chief of Polic e Why man, what
could wo do with you on the force?
You're a cripple. Applicant (with
some heat) A man with a club foot
sir, ought to be equnl to two ordinary
policemen In a fight!
Fond mother (listening to bnby't
cries) What a sweet-toned voice she
lias, dear! She'll bo a splendid singer.
We must send her to Ituly to have her
voice cultivated. Husband (Irritably,
from behind tho evening papcrJSend
her now.
"You see, ma'am." began the profes
sional beggar, "I got my arm scalded.
I'll be glad to show you " "Nevei
mind," Interrupted Mrs. Koaldart.
"You're only wasting your time here."
"Not at nil, ma'am, my motto is: "So
Double to show gooili.' "
American Bride Indeed, count, yes;
I do love you very much. Count lloy
Ion de Ilakliovisnek Ah! Zat will re
pair my ruined Ufa. American Bride
And I bring you, you know, a million.
Count Boylon, etc. Ah! Zat will r-re-pair
my r-rulncd chateau!
"Wasn't It a terrifying experience,"
asked his friend, "wnen you lost yout
foothold, and went .sliding down the
mountainside?" "It w:ts exciting but
extremely interesting," said the col
lege professor. "I "ould not help no
ticing, all the way clown, with what
nUoluto accuracy I was following
along the line of least resistance."
"Uncle," said little Johnny, "tell
me how you charged with your war-
horse up the San Juan hill at the head
ot your troops." "Well," said the bat-t'.e-scared
veteran, "I mottled the fiery
nnlmal, drew my sword from its scab
bard, rose in my stirrups, cried 'For
ward!' and sunk the spurs deep In
the quivering' flanks of my gallant
steed." "Yes!" exclaimed tho boy,
breathlessly. "Go on, uncle. Tell me
the rest of it." "There isn't any more
to tell, Johnny," said his uncle, with
a penBlve sigh. "The horse balked.'
I'orttisRl Near Itutn Kant.
Poor, debt-ridden Portugal, with her
people breaking into revolt because
tho government dares to make an ar
rangement by which her foreign crea
tors will get a portion of the Interest
due them, forms a pitiable contrast
to that nation In the days when her
people were the greatest traders ond
colonizers in the world; when Da
Gama doubled the Cape of Storms
and "the gorgeous East poured In her
lap all gems in sparkling showers."
With a population of 6,000.000, Bhe Is
burdened with an outstanding debt of
over $635,000,000, about evenly divided
between external and internal obliga
tions, and, as a side Issue, has a float
ing debt of something like $60,000,000.
With & large balance of trade
against her and an annual deficit In
her budget, it seems like a hopeless
task to try to put the little kingdom
of the Lusltanlans on a paying basis.
Yet Portugal has resources which, if
developed, would add greatly to her
wealth and paying ability, and colo
nies, now a burden upon her, which
she might dispose of for sums sura
cient to go a considerable way toward
rehabilitating her finances.
There are between 7.000,000 and 8,
000,000 acres of land, capable of pro
ducing rich crops, now lying unculti
vated tn the kingdom. She possesses
considerable mineral wealth, but for
want of coal and cheap transportation
a large proportion ot ber valuable
mines remain unworked and new ones
are seldom or never opened. Chicago
Sentinel feln.
rain u more or a Messing than a
curse to the human race. It warns
not only of danger from flame or frost,
but tells of derangement of function
In any and every part of the body. The
decayed tooth, the cinder In the eye,
the LbsceBS, give notice that relief Is
required to prevent worse changes,
Through plain the affocted part or
organ Is enjoined to rest, wblcb Is
aature's sovereign cure for many Ills.
The chronic maladies most to be dread
ed are generally painless, hence lnsidu-
oui and often Incurable. Popular Sci-
Call for 8ouvenlrs That Cannot Be
Complied With.
Colonel William H. Crook, the vet
eran disbursing ofllcer of the White
House, sometime ago arranged to give
a few canes of historic value to his
friends. When the Interior of tho
Executlvo Mansion was being torn to
pieces by the contractors who are re
modeling the building, Colonel Crook
obtained some of the flooring In tho
room used for so many years by pres
idents. He was especially careful In
selecting portions of the flooring over
which Lincoln had walked, sat and
done business in the trying days of
the country's hlntoty. No man In
Washington knew hotter the habits
.of President Lincoln around his oftlco
thnn Colonel Crook, whose first work
at the White House was as bodyguard
for the great wrr executive. Many a
day and night Colonel Crook, who was
then a pollt-tmaii on the city police
force, remained with and near to Pres
ident Lincoln. Ills mind Is full of
rcmlnteccncrH nf just how the fimous
President worked, v.hnt kind of a desk
he nved. how be bandied himself, and
other details of personal Interest. On
obtaining the flooring from the par
ticular spot he hnd selected Colonel
Crook sent the timber to a wood work
''.an and bad 0 dozen or so canes made
!cr presentation to his friends, who
rppitilatcd most highly the gifts be
cavtse they were confident of their
historic value. Mention of the canes
vas niadj In the Washington Star.
"10.x the consequence that during the
'1st two months Colonel Crook has
rcn unable to meet tho demand, and
o has been kept busy with a gratui
tous correspondence. Several female
organizations of n benevolent a,nd
charitable nature In Washington have
gathered hundreds of pieces of timber
and almost every article from the
wreck of the Interior of the White
House, and propose to convert them
Into small souvenirs to be sold here
and elsewhere, the proceeds to be
used by the organizations In their
work. The relic huntlnij at length In
terfeired so seriously that visitors to
the grounds had to be shut out. and
the few who were admitted got In by
a card from the superintendent In
Quaint Uses of Common Words.
Crowd yes the old English name for
fiddle or violin. Good-by Is a con
traction of "God-be-wllh-you." Fash
Ion was the old name for a certain
disease of the horse. It is alluded to
In "The Taming of the Shrew," where
Petrnchlo's horse Is said to be "In
fected with the fashions." The com
plaint Is a common one now, but not
among horses.
Ilrni'i ThluT
We nffcr One Hundred Vnllnrn TWnril for
ny cae of Catarrh that catinut be cured by
Ball's Catarrh Cur.
F. J. I'nisrT A Co., TnMo, O.
We, the uti'lcmipncfl. have known F. J.
Cheney for the laet 15 years, and believe him
perfectly honorable In ell buflfnem trannar
ttons and financially ablo to carry out any
obligation made liv tlioir firm.
Wist A Truax Wholesale Prnsnlnts, Toledo,
WiLniMO, Kinsar ft MiliYiM, Wholesale
DniBlts, Toledo, Ohio.
Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, art
)n directly upon tho blond anil niueoua sur
faces of the system. Testimonials sent free.
Jrlce, TSe. per bottle, bold by nil Druggists.
Ball's Family lills are the best.
An ostrich lives about thirty ycara, and
the average annual yield of a bird in cap
tivity is from two pounds to four pounds
of feathers.
FITB permanently oured.No HI or nervous
ness after first day s use ot Dr. Kllnu's (treat
KexvoKestorer.!3trl:il bottlnnnd treatlsefreo
Cr.H, H. Klims. Ltd., U31 An;h St., l'hlla., I'll.
The cook can generally be depended upon
to stir things up.
Mrs. Window's Boothlng Syrup forchlldron
toetlilng, soften the gu ms, reduces lulluinma
tlon, allays pain, cures wind oollc. 35a. sbottlo
American machinery, tools and sewing
machines are used all over the world.
Tlso's Cur for Consumption Is an Infallible;
medicine for couxlis and eolds. N. W.
Samuel, Ocean Grove. N. J Feb. 17, 1900,
The experience that makes a man poor
er should also make him wiser.
Money refunded for each package of
Putnam Fadeless Dyes if unsatisfac
tory. Bcpentnnco is too often embodied in the
Words: "What will people tluuk ?"
Syrup. of fTs
(he-iWst family I&x&tiv
It is pure.
It is gentle.
It is pleasant.
It is efficacious.
It is not expensive.
It is good for children.
It is excellent for ladies.
It is convenient for business men.
It is perfectly safe under all circumstances.
It is used by millions of families the world over.
It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians.
If you use it you have the best laxative the world
Victoria's Boundary.
Trofessor Gregory, of the University
of Melbourne, Is delivering a series of
lectures on the "Geography of Vic
toria." In one of them he pave nn In
stance of the happy-go-lucky fashion
In which business was conducted In
Downl.ig street In the olden (lays. Halt
a century ago, when the Port Phillip
Province was detached from New
South Wales and erected Into a new'
colony tinder the name ot Victoria,
It was the Intention of tho Imperial
government of the day that the River
Mttriumhldgee should be the North
ern boundary. But the clerk In the
Colonial office who copied out the en
abling document, never having heard
of tho river with the long aboriginal
name, ond being uncertain as to Its
proper spelling, coolly substituted
the Ttlver Murray In Its stead. No
body noticed the change, but It made
n vast difference to the new colony.
Victoria would have been twice Its
present size If the original arrange
ment hnd been adhered to. and would
have Im lulled tho valuable pastoral
provinces known as Itlverlna, which
stretches from the Murray to the Mur
rtimbldnen. Alt.iotinh M lln-urnc. the
Victorian capital, has always done
most of the trade with Ulvcrlna, tho
district continues to be olllcially ruled
from Sydney.
Tito medical profession has con
ferred no sinnll boon cm many suffer
ers by Inventing a Greek, or pseudo
Greek, term for their otherwise demo
cratic complaints. The last of these
Inventions is recorded this week. Tho
dlsenso is fnsslness and the medical
name Is mysophobla. The mysopliobe
Is he who, when seated by his table,
lifts his Rlass to see if It Is fingered
and If he detect a smudge uses his
napkin to dispose of It. In short, my
sophobla Is the exagRciatlon of that
respect for cleanliness which con
vinced Svengall of the madness of En
glishmen when ho surprised the Laird
In his matutinal tub. Tho lady In the
play who seized on every one's watch
chain and began rubbing It with cha
mos leather was a mysopliobe, and the
Irritating mnn who bets your pardon
and picks some mlscroscople piece of
IIiitT from your sleeve Is another. The
servant, though most would benefit by
Inoculation with tho disense. who In
sists on dusting papers Is another, and
'ie disease Is widely prevalent among
all housekeepers In the spring. It Is
nice to know at last Just what to call
It. but the medical press Is more In
clined to suggest scientific names than
A Cyclometer Was the Means of
Bringing Him to Justice.
Science sometimes be Mies the bur
glar whose knowledge is not strictly
up-to-date. A thief who broke Into a
house the other day leisurely packed
his plunder In a compact bundle, tlien
added a bicycle to the stolen articles
and rode off. So far he had exhibited
commendable common sense, for it
Irn't every thief w ho Is clever enough
to steal the moanB of transporting Ills
stealings to his own lair. Hut he had
overlooked the fact that attnehed to
tho wheel wus a cyclometer which reg
istered the exact distance ridden by
the thief on his Journey home. When
pursuing Justice caught up with the
burglnr ho had disposed of all his plun
der except the wheel. The little cy
clometer's record of distance traveled
proved the rase against the thief, for It
registered the exact distance from the
house to the thief's quarters.
Glaciers Getting Smaller.
- In Switzerland the studies of many
years have determined the lact finally
that the glaciers are not only steadily
receding, but that their rate of reces
sion Is becoming greater each year.
There nro only a few glaciers that still
grow. The Uoveyre glacier In Canton
Wallls Is the only ono that has in
creased steadily since 1892. Tho fa
mous Rhone glacier has receded al
most 800 yards since 187(1.
American citizens of PollBh birth
and extraction are Interesting them
selves In the project for the election In
Washington of a statue of Count Casl
mlr Pulaski, the intrepid Lithuanian
who served with distinction In the Rev
olutionary war.
(To Tke Pe-ru-na Medicine Co., of Colambas, 0.)
"Pe-ru-na is All You Claim For It."
Congressman 1). F. Wilbcr, of (Jnoonta, N. Y., writes:
The I'cruna Mtiiiclne Co., t'ofunibus, 01(0;
Gentlemen "Pernuaded by a friend I have tried your remedy and
1 have almost fully recovered after the use of a few bottles. I am fully
convinced that Penmate all you claim for it, and 1 cheerfully recom
mend totir mriffcfne to all who are afflicted with catarrhal trouble."
Vavtd P. 1l 6er.
P-rn-n n I'revnnttve and Care for Colds.
Mr. (.'. F. (liven. Sussex, N. B Vice-
President of the Pastime Boating Club,
"Whenever tho cold weather sets in I
have for years been very sure to catch
a nevire'colil. which was hard to throw
off, and which would leave after-effects
on my constitution the most of the win
ter. "Last winter t was advised to try Pe
Tuna, and within rive days the cold was up, owl in five days more I was a
well man. I recommended it to several of
my friends, and all speak the highest praise
for it. There tn nothing Itke Peruna
for catarrhal afflictions. It in well
nlf,h infallible as a cure, and 1
gladly endorse ft." C F. Given.
A Prominent Singer Snveil From Loss of
Mr. .luliun Wcisslitz, 17S Pcneea street,
H.itfalo, N. Y., is corresjioniling secretary
of The Sniigcrliist, of New York; is the
leading second bas of the frwigcrlust, the
i 9
Tha Only Durable Wall Costing
Wall Paper ! anwnltsry. KslwmlnM arc tn
porarr. f". rub S od K-sl A1.AHAMT1NE si a
rur pt-rniinnl and arurlia wall raaluc rMtr
,r tro bniili ly in cold wmr. For !
tr point d-ul.r. rn-rri. hr HI V IS rirstuBS
ALABASTINE CO., Grind Rapldt. Mich.
SSk to i"" BrstShtt
Genuine stamped C C C. Never sold In balk.
Beware of the dealer who tries to sell
"something just at good."
P. N. V. 4H, '02.
lUiltS WHtllE ALL f Lbt Ml
Ontp-li Srrup. Tastes Om
(All ft.
in tinm. Hotri hr nnisrirmii.
Cm M
CI .
Its component parts are all wholesome.
It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects.
It is wholly free from objectionable substances.
It contains the laxative principles of plants.
It contains the carminative principles of plants.
It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are
agreeable and refreshing to the taste.
All are pure.
All are delicately blended.
All are skillfully and scientifically compounded.
Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to
the orginolity and simplicity of the combination.
To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine.
Manufactured by
Sn Francisco, CtvL
Louisville. Ky. Now York. N. Y.
largest German singing society of New
York, and also the oldcxt.
In 1AU9 The r-angcrlust celebrated its
fiftieth anniversary with a lurae celebra
tion in New York City. The following is
his testimony:
"About two years ago I caught severe
cold while traveling, and which settled
into catarrah of the bronchiM tubes, and
so affected my voice that I was obliged
to cancel my eng.'incniciits. In distress I
was advised to try l'eruna, and although I
had never used a patent medicine before
I sent for a bottle.
"Words but illy describe my surprise to
find that within a few days 1 was greatly
relieved, and within three weeks I v.-os en
tirely recovered, i am never without it
now, and take an occasional dose when. I
feci run down." Julian Wcisslitz.
If you do not derive prompt and satisfac
tory results from the use nf l'eruna write
at once to Dr. llartman, givinsrafull state
ment of your case nnd he will be pleased
to give you bis valuable uilvicc gratis.
Address Dr. llartman. President of The
llartman .Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
Tha Preferred Stock of the
W. L, Douglas scho.
Capital Stock, $2,000,000.
1,000,000 Preferred Stock.
1 ,000,000 Common Stock
Shares, 51 OO Gacfi. Sold at Par.
Only Preferred Slock offered for 8'le.
W. L Douglas retains all Common Stock.
Thf Prcf riTPd Stock of fh W. C. DmtnlrisHhofCom.
Eitny uys U'lter limn Snrirm IfHtik or Government
loads. Kvery doUtsr of ttork otlt-rrrt thf public h:t
Dfinna it mortMiuina donar
wnnhof ni'timl Mtn. V. U
Io;iirl:it cont timet to own
one Imlf of the UikIth'ML mmi
1h to remain tho t-llve lie4
of Itie i'oniNrn.
Tliu huHitR'iK tn not nn on
'w"'yi ltronpeeT. ia a
ftMeiiinriftlriitett iliririend pf
Ay er. Tina m the InrcefUhiitmett
fy In the world .roihi-iriB Mrti't
tioodvear W elf dlnnil Sewed
Proi eux) thorn, nnd hm n
wy been InimetiM'.y pront
nble. There hiw imt bt'ii ft
year In the pnm twelve hei
the .mincH hiu not earned
in MUi emmi mum morn
rhati the amount necetttqirT
dividend on ihi preferred stork of 1 ofjo.OiO.
Theattnunl hum new now Ik t,Ht. it tt increnMntr
Tery rapidly, and will eiit;il i;,unnu for the. yeitr Ittrt.
She factory In now turnum out 7tUi twim of Rhoe jut
ny, and un addition to the .Nut tn Wititr limit which
will Inert-ann the fApwiiy to liMirai paint mt d;ty.
The renon I am often rtvr tin- 1'ielencd Stock for tul
U tn jrerpHuitte the htmtnt'ttii.
If yon wtHh to invent in the brut f.ho? bntlneifiin ftm
world, which li perniHnent. and reii-lve 7 per cent on
your money, yon ran pnrchuwotn' nhareorniore 111 tin
Sreat liumneH. Rend niont-y hv caidiii-r'a chii-k or i-erti-od
check, 1 mule payaMe to W. I.. HoiiiiWti. If then
t no tvink In yinr town, tend money by express or
pout oft hi1 money ordt'r.
rroMpecttiH in vi net full Information about thin (treat
and pro 1 it ulde business Dent upon iippllcatiun. Adore
W. L.. IIOLULAs, Urot-kUsU, Mum.
11 Wl S qoick rli'anftmir. wont
ami.. But, of tMlimoniaiu .lid todays' troatmant
kroa. Br. H. a. oautN'sauas. So m. AUaaia, 8a.
Thompson's Eyo Watsi
-rrllwnfisV M