The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, October 22, 1902, Image 1

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Reported by The fttnr I
ftprrlnl 'orreondrnl. j
Sandy Valley.
Minn RoshIo Carrier, of Summervlllo
I visiting at tho home of W. K. C inrvln.
Rev. J. C. McKntlre prcnehi'd lo tho
church at Sandy Valley Sunday, Oc
tober 10th.
J. C. Crlhlm U building a cellar wall
under hla house. Charles rVunipton, of
Went Reynnldsvlllt!, In the at tUt.
James McCihee, Jr., anil wife, and
David Fleming und wife, of F.Iciimoi n,
visited at thn home of .lames Mcfihcn
last Sunday.
II A. Sherwood Ims bought V. T.
Cox's grocery store. TIo will handle
fresh moat In connection with the i:ro
eery business.
Thu Pennsylvania It. It. Co. Mirv.-yed
a line from Sherwood xtation to I hi' Cox
coal mine the pant week. Thin makes
throe roads, all dlffnrent ronton, sur
veyed to 'that mine In the pnst threo
There are several loam hauling coal
from near Pancnast to Sherwood siding,
where they ure loading It for 'hoiiio of
the local coal haroiiH that aro npi-! n tr I ntr
up at every ciiws road. They are hIioII
Ing tho woods In every direction for
oi ml.
Bandy Valley Is coming to tho front
as a coal center from present Indications.
There are two minus being opened In
Quito ii while win- r TIIK HTAU nmhIi-im hnvo ri:ul nlimit thn wnmiVrful Vni Nw York
RiU'ktil Sinn. H't'y uct-nni.-d u n h ut hn- mm ti'i ntul citulil mil pitMolltly lintl Hum to write
tin ud. Uy a im ri I ri'ii'llmj of thi fitllnwhi lUt you will unlit ihnt thn t-utnt low pH
urn vitll ni our tmi. Tiiit N tilwavM t ht cnv hnt i in our timny i'intonmr-4 will mutllly tumlfy .
uoyimrimlcf owry unlt'le at tin- prims tncnlioni fl In-low.
I I Till (aOOll.
14 rows of pin, - - le
1 Lai'ite npool linen thread - le
S hair pin - - le
20durnlio( tieedles - 1c
It rent 4iood.
AO Yardn muehlne ihread - - 2e
fttvtiohl t'ollar button - 'Je
1 Dor.en hone collar button - - 2e
3 rent taonda.
2ftc pack ape needles !k
CurliiiK Irons - -Ik
4 rent taoodn
flOO t'arpet Taekfl racket price 4e
Hafet y Vlns No. a, 2c i So. Ik'l So. , 4e dox.
Fine f'rash. all Hhruh'A - - 4v
. Clarke O. N.T. thread '.'OOydh - - 4c
vuriin niik iiinnu - - -
2A VnveloMn - 4e
Lamp chimney So, 1, 2 und S - 44
6 rent ood.
Turkey red tahleelothn, twin wide, Homo
merehanlN ak nde our price 2fc per yd
B-4 oil cloth per yd-Mc. Per roll - 1 .tlft
2.V .lean knee patilN, rucrket prh-e, lUe
White linen tahht ehnhs. nil out term, ros-
ular nrlee tltc K'MhIh
fl.OO Corset at
Me cornet , racket price
1' t)oTeth at.
60 foot clothex linen -
0 piece toilet net
Oil cloth window ahadnn regular 3V
votMiH w. . jacket price
Home meryfiuntHHeU these at
only 41k!
It would' require a whole newspaper to tell ahnut the goods In thin store. We want you t
aci'ept this as an Invitation toeall. You will net noold tfoods at everything In new here.
only do you uive atttentlon to
Cole'S.Original Hot Blast Stoves.
No puttorlnK around nn nh-l,'iiklnir kIovr evpry few in In men.
AJ'i!!e.","l,e" T,,r ne'Kfc' ". wlio mivo up the brunh and duHt-p ,
una aooiiltxtuii a ooi.s't hot hlaht, Willi lu pute.iU'U dutlub iwlirouiuv.r.
Rynoldvllle, Penn'a,
are the best
T hev are &1wrvs a11 ;nnl
(guaranteed) always carefully
tailored, always a perfect fit.
The best ready-to-wear
clothes made. -
The navr&ivlA In "P.! OTH.
You can t
ing them.
Suit or'
and upward;
sight of the vlllaito and the Sherwood
Is a short mile distant and the Cox mine
just north of us. Wo expect to have a
town with a burgess and town hall, wa
ter system, electric light and moro tax.
ation, everything In fact that Is neces
sary to make our citizens contontod and
Coorgo Fuller Is confined to his home
with typhoid fever at this writing.
Miss Minnlo Zimmerman, of this
plnee U seriously III with pneumonia.
Mr, and Mrs. O. J. Rcnnot, of l)u
IlnU, visited at the home of Joseph
Mrs. McMlnn, of nrockwayvllle, Is
visiting with her sister, Mrs. John
Cable here.
Mrs. Locinda Schugars Is visiting
Mrs. James Carrlur at SuramurvlUe at
this writing.
Mrs. W. 11. Mownry of this place, at
tended tho funeral of her sister, Mrs.
Ltndscy, at Kane.
Win, Smathers and wlfo, of Clarion,'
We Mi-1) you uninltowttrw ni prlri wlitrhaome
liini-i'huiitM t-itniiot luiy mvomlfl ut.
KN' Niifltitf hottlo fltttnitfl, - - Re
Urns, hrnvy Win rheckeu' or ntrlped o verm I In,
irnll v a tmrtmln ut WK. our rU'. 44c,
I ( i'Hw und stiut't'14, per net Hnk
1 dozen li'iul immii'IIm - fV
Curt it I h n !, nil color, ttc eiii'li
('hltiheu'M WiiIhi 0f
2.V (xii hurmo'H H)e
iHh t oll'ee iiiIIIh - - mi-
Mi'ii'- wot kliur.Ientt pun In - fttv
i?l oppi ti hIiiiwIh ... 74t
t'lilhli i'it underwonr from MX' to 24c.
iiliu in elih-kn - - H'.V
We entry ft line of Toys iiihI Ctilnnu nre nti
which weeunnot mention prleen, hut nuaruti
trutoKUve you per ient 1uh than other
fl.tKMluek rntitn, ociil - TV'
Mi'ii'm nlovew from We up t 7We
)e lias nutnth'H We
Mm' (.a mantlert - IV
.Me Moyt' Hwealern - Wfc-t-e
Men's SwaaterM, at our ntore for 4Ht
We humlle a lame line of Yarn on which we
cm wave you .Tit pur emit let than other More
3't yiml hlaukoiH, gray or tan color, regular
price, our price, tkV.
lleHt cotton - 10e pound
Our llneof Men'n Caps will nurprlno you In
iMiii my linn prii'e.
jtdle h ShawW from 2.V up to
I.adleV nil wool umlur-Mkiria
.''lower pot from 4c up lo lllc
:1V all-wool kue nautH
(ihiHH worker, union made overalla
Ladles l.V tleecu lined hime,
obtainable for the A
CLOTHES are here.
afford to miss see
overcoat $ 10,
Sly 1 . BooKjforrnothmg .alouratof
were the guests of the tatter's parents,
Dan Muttern and wife, Sunday.
C. C. Marts and wife, of DuDols,
spent Sunday with the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John MarU.
Mr. C. M. Dinger and wife and Miss
Edna Ubiiiu, of Iloynoldsvllle, spent
Sunday with relatives here,
William Tucker and wife visited at
Anita last week.
W. G. Harris was numbered on the
sick list last week,
Gordon Clark, of Soldier, spent last
week with friends bore.
About fifty went from here on the
excursion to Eloanora Sunday afternoon
D. L. Snedden and wife, and M lottos
Ileten and Mary Mohney were at Eloa
nora Sunday.
Peter Jurkowskt, a Russian, was
killed In the Kathmul mine last Wed
nesday by a fall of rock. He was a man
about 30 years old. Leaves a wife and
two children In Russia. Jurkowskl bad
been working at Rathmet about Ave
months. He came from anthraolte
coal region after the strike was de
clared on. Funeral service was held on
lawn In front of the houne whore Jurk-
oWHkl boai-dod Friday forenoon, and was
conducted by a priest from I'unxmitaw
liny. Tho body was taken to l'unxsu
tawney for burial. Tho Rathmnl, Virgi
nia and Maplewood mines wore Idle Fri
day on account of funeral and about 200
numbers of the U. M. W. of A. attend
ed the funeral.
The nowest, flnostcloths.
the latest designs, all
the most fashionable cuts
for tho summer season.
Call at our shop and
see samples of oloth a
complete line and let us
convince you that we are
the loaders in our lino.
Reasonable prices al ways
and satisfaction guaran
teed. Johns & Thompson
See our Line
Estimates furnished for
Plumbing, Steam and Gas
R. D. Albright,
Neitdoor to Oorwln's Pboto Gallery.
and you won't believe It till you see it. Just for once, try the style'
of a ''DOROTHY DODD." They cost 13.00.
P. 8 Of course we will glva you particulars of the 14,000.00 Prize.
Bing-Stoke Co. Department Stores.
1. O. O. P. Resolutions, In the doath of brother
John A. Craven, Knynoldnvllle Lodge
No. 824, 1. O. O. F. has lost a worthy
member, one who was respected and
loved by all who knew him, a kind,
loving husband and father and a good
eitlzon and neighbor, a true man.
lUmilvrd, That while we mourn with
those who mourn, our hope bonds over
his grave a bow bright of a blessed Im
mortality ; our brother shall rise again.
Jietolvtd, That In this sad and sudden
horeavement we extend to the widow
and fatherless children our heartfelt
sympathy and point them for true oon
eolation to our Father In heaven. As a
lodge we recognize In this dispensation
the voice of the Master saying "be ye
also ready."
Hemhvd, That this memorial be
spread on the minutes of the lodge, a
copy sent to the family, and printed In
The Star.
V. O., L. J. McEntkek, )
P. ., J. N. BMAit., 5-Com.
Reduced Rates to New Orlesns.
On account of the meeting of the
American Bankers' Association, at New
Orleans, La., November II to 13, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
soil excursion tlokots to Now Orleans
and return, Novomber 8 to 10, good to
return within elevon dnyx, Including
dato of salo, at reduced rates. Uy de
positing tlekols with Joint Agent at
Now Orleans on or bnforo Novomber IS,
and the payment of a foe of f0 cents, nn
extension of the return limit to Novem
ber 30 may bo obtained.
For specific Information regarding
ratos and routes, apply to nearest ticket
Ooes Like Hot Cakes.
"The fastest selling article I have In
my store," writes druggist C. T. Smith,
of Davis, Ky., "Is Dr. King's New DIs
oovery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, because it always cures. In my
six years of sales It has never failed. I
have known It to save sufferers from
Throat and Lung diseases, who could
get no holp from doctors or any other
remedy." Mothers rely on It, best phy
sicians prescribe It, and H. Alex Stoke
guarantees satisfaction or refund price.
Trial bottles free. Regular size, 50c
and It.
The City Hotel restaurant oyster
sandwich Is somothlng new and dull
clous. Try ono.
Estate of Isuae Cnlila, lute of tho Uorouxli
of KnynoldHviiiM, aix!PiiMa. ,
N.l..a Im liaraliv ulvnll Hint letter of na
mhiUtHiliin mum tlin .tutA llf .lllfl (llMMKlpilt
have been RTiuitnd to the undumlKniid. All
person Itianlitnd to suid estate are riuestr(l
to make payment, and tlione IihvIiik clnlinx
or aenisiia aKninst me name win niunu m
kuown without duluy to
Mart A. Oabi.b, AdmlnlRtratrtx.
U. F. Cahlb, Administrator.
Beynold.vllle, Pa.
C. miivhell, President!
Heutt nf llallmnd. Vlre Pres.!
John 11. Handier. Cashier.
Directors) i
0. Mitchell, Beott McClelland, J. O. King
John II . Oorhett, Daniel Nolun,
O. W. fuller, J. H. Kuucher.
Does a general banklni(tulneand aollclts
tne accounts or mercnanu, proieiwiouni men,
farmer, mechanic, miner, lumbermen and
other. promUluif the moat careful attention
to the du.Iuoh of all person.
Date lie poult lioxe for rent.
Pint National Bank building, Nolan block
Fir Proof Vault.
Let us assume that your shoes
fit you. Now, what next 1
What Is most Important V
Unquestionably, STYLE. De
mand that a shoe shall possess
style. If ltbas"style"you want
It; If it has not style, but every
thing elso, you don't want it.
The style of a "Dorothy Dodd"
Is unique. It oannot be dupli
cated by any other maker be
cause the "Dorothy Dodd is a
totally different construction
from any other ladies thoe
Besides being exclusive in
atyle, It holds the foot firmly
at the waist (that's the instep),
prevents the toes from slipping
forward, and gives a oorreot
poise In walking. It makes
the foot look nearly a whole
uU. .malla. Thai), nn.lnn.
OCTOHEK 22, lt)02.
. . BULLETIN . .
A special mooting of the Literary
Society was held Thursday evening for
tho purposo of electing officers. Thn
result was as follows: President, Jay
McCiaw ! Vice-President, Margaret
Stoke t secretary, Iiona Black j critic,
Villa Aley i program committee, John
Coleman, Will Reynolds, Anna Klahr;
editor, F.dwnrd llardnian ; assistant
editors, Clydo Murray and Jny McOaw ;
local editor, Coo ShnlTor.
Tho baso bull season closed on Oc
tober 0th, In a bla.o of glory. The
True Blues wore greatly incensed by an
artlclo which appeared In the last
Issue of the Bulletin, concerning the
first gamo played and they appeared on
the grounds with blood In their
eyes. A great numbor of spec
tators wero present, but tho cheering
was all on tho high school's side, for
although the Truo Blues hud a great
number of "rooters" present, they had
no clmnco to "root." The features of
the game on the True Blues' side wore :
first, a good deal of kicking, and second
bad umpiring. For tho high school,
first, lino butting all around and second
heavy work by the pitcher, Will Roy
nolds. Knough scores wore made In
tho first Inning to win tho gamo. The
superiority of thu high school team was
made plainly evident to even thu most
inexperienced spectators. After the
True Bluos came to real l.e they could
not win the game, they put forth ail
their enorgy to keep down tho score,
but again the superiority of the high
school team was shown for with re
doubled efforts they advanced the score
to 12-2 In favor of the high school.
At last, through exporlonco, tho True
Blues havu como to realize that the
high school Is master of the game and
greatly suporlor in ability to tho True
Blues. '
For good first-class bnked
goods such ti8 fine Marble
Cake, English Wine Fruit
Cake, French Fruit, Dev
iled Cake, Angel- Cake,'
Lady Fingers Jelly Drops,
Kisses, Maroons and
lots of other good cakes.
A fine selection of all kinds
of cookies; a good line of
Fresh Bread and Farker
House Rolls, Buns, CofTee
Cakes. A nice selection
of pies always on hand.
WeiMluyH ami l' title a
. Specialty, (live tin a Vail.
It V CEM EST on Red Seal Lye
We wish to Inform every family In
and around Roynoldsvlllo, Pa., that we
havn marlo BPKnonmnnl.1 urltVi ftll tVin
grocers and druggists to give them a
in uoun (juukuko ui j-iuunury xtiueing
free of charge provided they rail or
send to thnlr utirp Ami hnv a Kift.lncr
Top Can of
at tbe regular price, 10 cents. The Rod
Seal Lye is a great disinfectant, soap
maker, washing fluid maker, water
softener. It is tho greatest cleanser on
earth for sinks, pipes, drains, closets,
eto. It Is far superior and goes much
further than washing soda, washing
powder, ammonia or chlorides.
Full Directions With each Can.
Ask your storekeeper for the Red Seal
Lye and take no other brand and be
sure to get the blueing, free with every
can. Most all tbe grocers and druggists
have the lye in stock or will have It in
a few days. Tbe Red Seal Lye makes
two gallons of washing fluid while other
brands only make one gallon.
Call at Reynolds' Drue Store to srot
Ingredients for tbe washlug fluid with
the Rod Seal Lye.
P C Toouon & Co,
Edward llardnian
Assistant Editors
Clyde Murrny,
.lay MirUaw,
Local EnrroB
Cora Shaffer,
Mention was made In the last Issue
of tho Bulletin of the collection being
takon up for the support of tho baso
ball team. The amounts turned In by
tho teachers are as follows:
Room 14, Kl.OOi room 13, 1.1.80; room
12, ; room 11, 7.rK). j room 10, 25o!
room 9, 10c i room 8, 35o ; roc in 4, fio. It
will be noticed that all the rooms on
tho unpor floor contributed except
room 12.
Miss Clark, Superintendent of the
Girls' Charity School, In Han Juan,
I'orto Rico, gave an Interesting talk on
"Character" before the high school
last Tuesday morning.
Hon. S. B. Elliott gave an Interesting
talk before the pupils of the npier Boor,
last Friday morning. Ills subject was
The girls of tho senior class aro great
ly Indignant becauso there wore no
"slttln's up" the night of the eclipse.
When the absonce of tho masculine
momborsof the class was being explain
ed one of the fomalo members Innocently
Informed the school that "We waited
for them till 10 o'clock." Hard luck.
A few of the juniors are living in ex
poctancy. Their class-spoons aro prob
ably on tho way.
The seniors and juniors have noticed
a genoral migration of the "subs" to the
front part of tho room.
The mock trial held before the courts
of the Roynoldsville High School was a
decided success. Edward Hardman sued
Lawson Rood for alienating the affec
tions of Cora McCrelgbt. He lost the
caso but Is greatly elated to think he
has no competition In the wooing of
Miss McCrulght.
Senior No. 7 believes tbe sun Is the
center of the earth. I wonder why?
Thore has boon no one absent nor
tardy in the high school since the be
ginning of second school month.
We have just received another carload of
The Celebrated Columbian
Stoves and Ranges
And can show you the finest display of
stoves of every description ever brought
to Reynoldsvillc. j
Remember the Columbian stoves are
to give perfect satisfaction and you run
no risk whatever, in buying them.
Chrysanthemum Excursion" to Pittsburg,
To accomodate those desiring to see
the magnificent display of chrysanthe
mums now blooming In tho l'hlpps Con
servatory, Schenley Park, Pittsburg,
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will soli excursion tickets to Pittsburg
on Sunday, Novembor 2, from the fol
lowing stations, at rates quoted, good
only on trains Indicated: Driftwood,
rate 11.00, tlmo, 4.45 a. in.; DuBols,
rate tl.fiO, time 0.20 a. m.; Falls Creek,
ratetl.CO, time 6.27 a. m; Reynoldsvllle,
rate II. HO, tlmo 0.4 1 a. m.; Fuller, (flag)
rate 11.40, time O.fifta. m.; BrookTllle,
rate tl.2A, time 7.1G a. m., Oak Ridge,
rate 11.00, tlmo 7.5.') a. m.; Now Botble
bom, rate 11.00, time 8.01 a. m.; Pitts
burg, arrives 11. 1(5 a. m.
Returning, special train will leave
Pittsburg, Union Station, at 7.00 p. m.,
and run through to Driftwood, making
all stops cast of Rod Bank. Tickets
will also bo accepted on DuBols Ex
press, leaving Pittsburg at 5.05 p. m.
The excursion rate will not bo accopted
on trains, and passengers not provided
with tickets will be chargek the reg
ular full fare.
Expending Millions.
'3. M. Floosch, chief engineer of the
Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg, came
to Pittsburg yesterday to look after the
shipment of rails and other material
for tho completion of branch linos In
Indiana county, Inoludlng the extension
to Indiana. Chiof Englneor Floesch
stated yesterday afternoon that the
work on this project Is progressing
rapidly, and It Is bolleved the lino will
be ready in tho early spring. Mr.
Floosch is also engineering surveys for
several additional branches that will
open valuuhlo coal and lumber territory
in tho northern part of tho state. . The
cost of tho Improvements at hand is
estimated at 10,000,000. Pittsburg
JMHiuhh Oct. 17.
Out of Death's Jaws.
"Whon doath soemed very near from
a severe stomach and liver trouble, that
I had suffered with for years," writes
P. Muse, Durham, N. C, "Dr. King's
Now Life Pills savod my II fo and gave
me perfect health." Best pills on earth
and only 25c at II. Alox Stokes drug
Bo when you buy a Knllon of paint you get a
Rallon. Cut down the iiiali(y Hndrhop thn
price. That' what immn nntknrs do. Whon
you pay forairnllonof I,. A M.piilnt.ynusct It
every time, ft, thn paint that, you add a
gallon of oil to. 4S color to wloot from.
ReunoldsYllle Hardware Co.,
Bole Agents, Itnynoldsvllln, Pu,
Manufacturers, s Philadelphia, Pa. '