The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, October 15, 1902, Image 8

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Tlipy Can. Wlthont Mneh Trooble, TJ
Mnde In fUnnl '" and "No," U
Mmkr l.'nud nml In I.le Dnnn iti
(he Word of Command.
t Tliero nre o tunny tilings that l
hm-so win lie tnttKht to do, any Sue
ce.-, tlml It Is lnirtl to toll trnlch K
select ns I rest illtfstrntliiB the inctliotll
by which wo touch them. The follow
In u. however, will fmiiili the key:
Take n )ln In your linnil, ntiit, ftnii'l
Itil! nl.ronKt of n ImrNe's near slioul
der, prick him HruII.v on tbn breast
Tliln rcHcinMci the bile of n fly, nni
to drive oil' the nulfvuieo he will lirlna
down bin nose to IiIm limnst. This yov.
accept ns 'Yes" nnd Inimcilluti'ly re
wnrd blin by ferdlnu him n lump ol
tiiKiir or some olhcr trille tbnt bo likes
Ilcpcnt the opctntlon till be tirlnf'
down bis bend nt the slightest move
incut of your linnil townnl bis tirenst
By degrees you cnn suBstltute a niniplc
dnwnwnnl movement of the linnil
Whlfll Is less tiotlcenblo to nil onlook
or, but pipmlly olTecllve.
BtimdlnK in the 0111110 iiosltlon, prick
bl 111 llKblly w ith 11 pin 011 the. topof lilt
lieek. Ho will nt once shake bis bend,
which Is nccepteil ns "No;" then re
ward Mill lis before. Itepeiit this until
be slinUes his lienil nt the leant upwind
niovemetit of tho bund. This rIkhiiL
ns be lent lis his lesson more perfectly,
run be Krnbinlly lessened until It il
very slight Indeed. To sny "Yes" or
"No" Is n very simple trick, nnd yet
there Is none tbnt shows to better ml
vnnlnRo. Of course when n horse linn
thoroughly lenrned to obey the sliriinli
you rnn link blm mmiu questions and
then, by the motion of your hnnd,
mnke blin sny "Yes" or "No" as you
To tench n horse, to shrike bnnds, fna
ten a short strap to one fore foot below
the fetlock. Then, stumllng In front (
the horse nnd Imvlng the strnp In your
band, sny, "Shnke bnnds," nnd Im me
diately pull up bis foot and tnke It In
your hnnd. Then, still holding the foot,
reward nnd rnress blm exactly ns you
would If he had given It to you of till
own necord. Keep repenting the oper
ation, being enreful to reward blm only
while bin foot Is lu your hnnd. He will
very soon lenrn to give you Ids foot
the momei;t you rench your baud to
ward It.
To tench n horse to lie down at a
"word of command flrst select a good,
smooth piece of greenswnrd, where be
will not hurt himself. Hnrness blin
with a surcingle and bridle nnd strap
tip bis off fore foot. A common breech
ing strnp is best for this, the short
loop nrouml bis foot between the fet
lock nnd the hoof a,nd tho long one
around bis forearm. Fasten one end
of a strnp to the near fore foot below
the fetlock, pass the other end up
through the surcingle and tnke It Id
your right liiuid and the bridle rein In
your left hand. Tush him slightly, and
the moment be steps pull sharply on
tho strnp.
This of course will bring him to his
knees. If he Is a horse of any spirit,
lie will KPticrnlly fight very pertina
ciously before ho goes down; but, hav
ing tho use of only bis two bind legs,
lie soon becomes wearied and rests
with bis knees on the ground. Now
pull bis bead toward you, and ho will
full over tho other way.
Hold I1I111 down for some minutes,
meanwhile speaking to him very sooth
lngly. Feed him lumps of sugar; In
fact, make ns much ns posslblo of him
while In this position. Then relensa
blm and repeat the lesson. Ho soon
learns to lie down very readily, and
then you cnn omit strapping his oft
fore foot Later you can also abnndon
tho use of tho strnp nnd surcingle by
taking bis nenr foot In your band.
Then you din accomplish the purpose
by simply touching the near fore leg
-with your hand and finally by a mo
tion of your band toward bis leg.
You should always accompany tba
. signal by the command, "Lie down!"
Iiy degrees he learns Its meaning, and
the signal can bo dispensed with. ' If a
horse Is Inrgo and strong, the trainer
must bo cool, wide awake nnd alert;
otherwise be may make a botch of It
and lujuro the horse or himself or
An English traveler who has visited
every nation In the world Is authority
for the statement that one food is uni
versal throughout nil countries. "There
is not a part of the world," be says.
"where you cannot get nn egg." While
la western China, however, be at flrst
bad some difficulty in getting even
eggs. The natives could not understand
blm and refused to recognize the pic
tures he drew as pictures of eggs. "The
way I got out of the difficulty," bo
adds, "was that I squatted down on
ray haunches, flapped my wings and
cock-o-doodle-doo'd until the entire na
tion grasped what I wanted, and I was
Imply provided with hundred of
Possibilities at the Fact.
If Instead of the cramping imprison
ment of boots and shoes the foot from
Infancy were allowed a free and nat
ural development, It may be questioned
whether under such conditions It might
not be rendered capable of performing
other functions besides those of loco
motion and sustaining the weight of
the body. Certain at least It la that
some unlucky mortals bora without
arms have managed to -use a knife,
fork, spoon, pen, paintbrush and even
a violin bow. rail Mall Gaaetta,
Good mm Ilia Word.
Mortified Bridegroom Yon told ma
your father's wedding present would
be a chock for four figures.
, Blushing BrtdaWeU. Isn't $1L80
faux rxuresl Cmcagq Tribune,
Origin ti Jlarlkinka.
Moat- tmvelera la .Inimn -Would 8TTt
pose tbnt so genernl n Jnpnneso inata 1
tut Ion ns tho Jlnrlklshn wns of native
origin, but not so. An old resident of
Yoknhnmit writes to the Kobe Chroni
cle: "For several ypnrs after the Insti
tution of the Jlnrlklshn it wns general
It understood ninomr foreigners In Yo-
kohnmn tbnt Mr. (lolile, 'half robbler.
half missionary," wns Its inventor, mr.
tloble, though a rough looking sort of
man, wns regarded by tho foreign resi
dents of the port as an nonesr, con
intent itilaslnnnrv. t believe It wns be
who built the first missionary ebnpel
In Yokohama, and ns long as it msiea
It n known n 'Mottle's church.' He
whs In the bnblt of taking long r am
bles In the country nnd doing a lime
nnitillliiir liiiHlness. nud. If inv memory
serves me rightly, he gnvc a com mis-
slnn to n blacksmith either in Knwasn
lil run 1m Toknliln. tietweeii Yokohama
and Tokyo) or In Fujlsnwn to construct
the first Jlnrlklshn. The veiucio cook
nt once with the Jnpnnese. but not so
mining the foreigners, with whom it
wns some time before It beennr.e a pop
ular means of locomotion. Mr. Ooble
wns nn American citizen."
Tnktnic 11 1 m at Hla Word.
Joseph Jefferson In his biography
relntes wlmt wns probnbly the lnst Jest
of Artemus Wnrd. When the famous
wit lny dying In Southampton, he wns
attended by bis devoted friend Tom
Robertson, the author of "Cnste," who
wus nlso a friend of Jefferson.
"Just before Wnrd's death," writes
Mr. Jefferson, "Hobertson poured out
some medicine In a glass and offered
It to his friend.
"Wnrd said:
"My denr Tom, I enn't tnke tbnt
dreadful stuff."
"'Come, come," snld Robertson, urg
ing blm to swallow the nnuseous drug.
'There's a good fellow. Do, now, for
my sake. You know I would do any
thing for you.'
"Would your snld Ward, feebly
stretching out his band to grasp his
friend's, perhaps for the lnst time.
"'I would Indeed," snld Robertson.
" 'Then you tnke It," said Ward.
"The humorist passed away a few
hours Inter."
Napoleon flat Ills 8nanlclntr.
During bis exile nt Film Napoleon
related that one day bis mother's
mother wus hobbling along the street
in Ajneclo, Corsica, and tbnt be and
his sister Timllne followed the old
lndy and mimicked her. Their grand
mother, happening to turn, cunght
them In the act. She complained to
Mine. Letltla. Pauline was at once
spanked" and disposed of. Nnpoleon,
who wns out lu regimentals, could not
be handled. Ills mother bided ber
time. Next dny, when ber son wns off
bis guard, she cried: "Quick, Nnpo
leon! You are Invited to dine with the
governor!" He ran up to hla room to
chnngo his clothing. She quietly fol
lowed and when she Judged tbnt the
proper time bnd come rushed into the
room, seized her undressed hero before
he guessed her purpose, laid him ueross
the mnternnl knee and belabored blm
enrncstly with tho flat of her hnnd.
Ancient Skyscrapers.
Numerous conflicting estimates hnvo
been mndo of the height of tho tower
of Italiel, but oue fnct never bns been
denied and that is that It was a sky
scraper. St. Jerome In bis commen
tary on Isaiah says that the tower
was already 4,000 paces high when
God enme down .to stop the work. A
puce Is about two and one-half feet;
therefore 4,000 paces must be 10,000
feet; consequently Babel was twenty
times as high as the pyramids (which
are only, about C00 feet). Fotber Cal-
mot says tho tower was 81,000 feet
high and that the languages wero con
founded been use tho architects were
confounded, as they did not know bow
to bring the building to a head. More
over, it Is understood that the Chinese
language of today was originally the
same language as the high Qerman,
A Pretly Caatom.
South American lovers have a pretty
custom. It Is welt known that when
the petals of the great laurel magnolia
are touched, however lightly, the re
sult Is a brown spot which develops in
a few. hours. The fact Is tnkon ad
vantage of by the lover, who pulls a
magnolia flower and on one of Its pure
white petals writes a motto or message
with a bard, sharp pointed pencil,
Then he sends the flower, the young
lady puts it In a vase of water, and In
three or four hours the message writ
ten on the leaf becomes visible.
A Coincidence.
"So that young man wants to marry
your suld Mabel s father.
"Yes," was the reply.
"Do you know bow much his salary
"No; but it's an awfully strange coin
cidence." "What do you mean?'
"Herbert asked the very same ques
tion about you."
The Baby and tka Faater.
Father of the Pastor (after the ser
monHow Horace baa changed since
be was a babyl
The Mother What an Ideal Of
course be has changed.
Father What I mean Is that when
ha was a baby he used to keep me
awake. Boston Transcript
Beyuad Hint.
Dncle Josh- (at the theater) Be goan
durnedl Kf they calls this yer blood
fn' thunder stuff mellow drama, what
In sufferln' hayricks do they think Is
real rip stuff? Town and Country,
A Meaa Taraet.
Nance Jack Morton proposes In this
letter. I wonder If he really love me.
lie has only known m a week. -
The Brother On, then, perhaps he
Tba (tare Little (Jreatares Kadwn
as Anemones,
The queerest pets In the World nre
kept In a bountiful row of ck-nr, flush-
n g, round glass funks on nn upper
floor of a largo nqtiurlum. As you ap
proach tho tanks you behold glowing
little groups of color and artistic blend-
ng ti ud mingling of fantastic weeds
nnd shining stones. Then when yon
peer Into the tanks 3-011 seo whnt nt
first seem to you Just like particularly
haudxnmn nnd gorgeous flowers grow
ing alt over the little rockeries. Home
of the flowers look llko dainty pink
iiidI white nnd yellow and purple and
rrlmson dahlias. Others look almost
like daisies, with laeellke petals.
Others look like little star flowers, all
pure white nnd perfect. Theso flowers
lire of nil sixes, from tiny ones bnrely
large enough to sen to grent ones al
most targe enough to till n saucer.
f tut If you will watch these "flow
ers" for a few minutes you will Jump
suddenly, for nil nt once you will see
one move Its petals. Then yon will
see another nnd another do It. (Slowly
tho petals unfold or contract, with
little Jerking movements, sometimes
twining In tho water like snnkes.
Tup smartly on the table on which
the tanks stand, nnd like lightning all
the petals will hnvo dlsnppcnrod.
These sen flowers nre renlly not flow
ers nt nil. They nre living creatures.
know n ns sea nneniones.
For many years a scientist has
tended nnd fed them, and the little
animated flowers actually have come
to know blm. When be feeds them, ho
puts n little bit of fish on the end of a
long pointed stick and puts It care
fully down Into the wnter until It is
nenr tbn anemone. It did not take long
for the beautiful things to understand
It, nnd, wberens nt first they used to
withdraw their petals and shut up
tightly when the stick approached.
now they twlnn gracefully nnd stretch
their dainty nnns out ns fur as they
can go In order to reach It. London
Why It Is the Best and the Ckeapest
In the World.
"Everyone knows, either from ei-
perleneo or hearsay, tbnt tho enb serv
ice in London Is the best nud cheap
est In tho world, but few of us know
why. So when I was over there I
mndo It a point to find out."
The womun who occupied the other
sent In the bnnsoin looked ns If she
would like to hear tbe result of bis
lnvestlgntlous. "It is mainly due," be
continued, "to tbe fuet that licenses to
drive ends nnd buses through the Lon
don streets nre hard to got An appli
cant must furnish the most satisfac
tory proofs of his honesty when he
files his nppllcntlou at Scotland Yard,
and bis references ure carefully veri
fied. Then ho undergoes such a rigid
examination ns to bis knowledgo of
streets nud localities that but little
moro than hnlf tho candidates mnnago
to pull through It. Those who do are
then tested ns to their ability to drive
through the crowded thoroughfares,
tho test being n practical one, with nn
Inspector of police, who Is himself an
expert driver, seated by the side of
the would be John as We threads bis
way through the J11111. Pfolmbly SO
per cent of the applicants come to
grief during this test, as tho slightest
Infraction of the rules of the rond or
the exerclso of bnd Judgment In con
trolling or guiding bis horse means
absoluto failure. If successful, the
applicant Is Impressed with tho Im
portnnee of returning nil articles left
lu his cub to headquarters without do
lay uml told that an attempt to mnke
excessive charges menus the forfeiture
of hla license The result Is compnra
tlvo safety to the pusseugers In cabs
nnd n reasonable certainly that there
will bo no attempt upon tho 'cubby's'
part to overcharge his fare." New
lorn Tribune.
A Story of Cervantes.
Cervantes onco gave a proof that his
generosity wus fully equal to bis gen
lus. In tho early part of his life he was
for some time a slave lu Algiers, and
there ho devised a plan to free himself
nnd thirteen of his fellow sufferers.
One of them traitorously revealed tho
design, and they wero nil brought be
fore tba dey of Algiers, who promised
tbeui their lives on condition that they
revealed the contriver of the plot.
"I wus that person," at once cried
Cervantes. "Hnvo my companions and
let me perish alone."
Tho dey, struck by bis Intrepidity,
spared bis life, allowed him to be ran
somed and permitted him to go borne.
rilna to Ills Misery.
"Ah," bo slgbed, "I was happier
when I was poor."
"Well." they answered coldly, "It Is
always posslblo for a man to become
poor again."
But somehow the Idea did not seem
to impress him favorably. Chicago
Tba Viewpoint.
"That man Is extremely suspicious,
as be thinks every one he sees Is a
shudy character, aud uuturully too."
"It's his nature, I suppose."
"Not at ull. He wears smoked spec
tttcles." Bultlbiore Herald.
Didn't Seem Possible.
Mr. Stnyluto Is that clock right!
Miss De rink (wearily)-! think It
must need cleaning. It's been two or
thrco hours golug that last hour.
Stray Stories.
You can't have a good time today
unless you forget tomorrow, and If
you forget tomorrow It will .punish
you when It is today. Atcblsou Globe.
Somewhere In the world there ar
110,000,000 big copper pennies, but no
body appear to know where they are.
iilnea on MoantalaTopa.
Nothing In engineering Is more ro
mantle or curious than the fashion In
which the ordinary conception of a
01I110 as nil opening penetrating far be
low the ordinary level Is reversed
where Inducements offer to climb high
above the earth's surfnee before pierc
ing Into It
There Is, for Instance, tho Rureka
gold mine, probnbly tho highest In tbe
world, sltuuted 14,000 feet tip In tba
Andes range, not fnr from tbe city of
JiiJuy, In Argentina. Ro high is this
mine that It Is only worked with great
dlltleulty owing to the "mountain sick
ness" nnd to similar troubles to which
workers nt this Immense altitude, al
most three miles In tho air, arc sub
Nenr Chqcnyn, In Bolivia, there Is the
Vein del Cundro mine, whero silver ore
Is extracted 13,0110 feet above sea level,
while the same metal Is wrought nenr
I"eo)o. In the Cordilleras, 12,400 feet
above tide wnter. The produce from
all these Is carried on mule back over
tremendous mountain paths to points
where it can be plHeed on Mil or bo
concentrated Into more portable form
for further transit by wagon to the
sealMiurd. Stray Stories.
Cool (tardea Spots.
A glncler when it dislodges itself
and sails away over the Arctic ocean
never travels alone. In the wake of
every large one flonts a line of smaller
The Eskimos call this phenomenon
"the duck and ducklings," and any
one who bns wntched tbe progress of
the elder duck followed by ber brood
will appreciate tbe aptitude of tho
Strange ns It may seem, plants grow
and blossom upon these great lee
mountains. When a glacier is at rest,
moss nttnebes Itself to It, protecting
the Ice beneath. Just as sawdust does.
After a time tbe moss decays and
forms a soil, in which tbe seeds of
buttercups and dandelions, brought by
the wind, take root nnd flourish.
Those who have traveled In arctic
lands say they have found no point
yet where the poppy does not bloom
during tbe brief northern summer.
The Skin.
Bathing to many persons Is a term
embodying an expenditure of time aud
considerable trouble. It Is probably
because they do not cleanse tbe skin
until it gives visible signs of Its needs.
Now, the skin 1 everlastingly throw
ing off Impurities which you cannot
always see with tbe naked eye, but
which will be readily found In the ap
pearance of the bath water even when
one bathes each day. When you can
wetir a white collur a few hours with
out marring Its spotlessncss where It
comes In contact with -the skin, you
may have some excuse for thinking
that you are perfectly clean and not
before. Tbo neatest person I ever saw
could nut boast of such an achieve
ment, for (he thing Is well nigh Im
possible. Nuture bus provided the
pores for drainage purposes, and in
health they work without ceasing.
Boston Traveler.
The (Hasina Moaaa.
The power of song among tbe brute
creation has so long been associated
In our minds with tbe feathered trlb
alone that we do not think of It as be
longing to any four footed animals.
Yet there Is a mouse that sings why,
nobody knows. It Is a small animal,
with very large ears, which arc moved
about much while singing, as If that
were necessary to the success of the
vocal performance. The song is not
ns you think, a prolonged squeak with
variations, but a succession of clear,
warbling notes, with trills, not unlike
the song of a canary, and quite as
beautiful, though some of the notes
nre much lower. One great peculiarity
Is a sort of double song, an nir with
accompaniment quite subdued. Upon
first bearing this one believes that he
Is listening to more than one mouse,
bo perfect Is tbe Illusion.
The Loots Styles.
It was the French King Louis XL
who Invented gold luce, and It was
Louis XIV. who ordered all tbo silk
upholsteries of tbe pulace done In
white with figures of gold and blue
and a touch of red. Tbe loulslne silks
are named after bltu, and all the
French kings of the name of Louis
have had their names brought down to
posterity through the Invention of
some article of dress, whether it be a
Louis Quince heel or a Louis Seize
coat, while to Ixuls Quutorie belong
the honor of a cuff and a bat
A Genloe.
Small Son I know what I'll be when
I grow up I'm going to be a great In
Pupa That's encouraging, certainly,
Whnt .makes you think you have In
lentlve gcnlusT
Small Son Why, I wanted to take a
screw out and I couldn't And a screw
driver, so I unscrewed It with your ra
zor. Short Stories.
A Woadev.
An advertisement was inserted for
some one to take charge of tbe choir
and play tbe organ at u village church.
The following was among the replies:
"Sir I noticed your advertisement for
an organist aad music teacher, either
lady or gentleman. Having been both
for several years, I offer you my serv
ices." Mack la a Kama.
Being Informed that be was to be
taken before a Judge whose name waa
Justice, a Georgia negro exclaimed:
"De goodness en gracious! Bf he
gimme what Ills- name call fer, I sbo"
Is gone!" Atlanta Constitution. -
A word of kindness Is seldom spoken
In vain. It 1 a seed which, even when
dropped by chance, spring BP
I A Scholarly Milkmaid.
Ho overtook ber 011 tbo roadside
while wandering for his henlth lu the
"At Inst," he snld, "t hnvo found a
typical milkmaid of old New England.
Bee her blggSuntmiinet, ber dress up to
her shoe tops, her plain but Pent cal
ico nnd the very pnll Itself. It Is a
morning for adventure, and I will
speak to ber."
He quickened bis wnlk nnd was soon
nenr ber.
"Fine morning this morning," be
snld. "I would like to help you carry
the pall."
There wns 110 reply, but be felt tho
roguish smile that he knew wns hid
liinlcr the sunhonnet. Ho be kept on
doing all tbn talking until they reached
the bine Into which sho wns about to
"Cnn I go with your be asked. .
K'10 turned and faced blin.
"No. sir; you may not, nor do I do-
sire your attentions'.- It Is bnd enough
to have a grown man splitting his In
finitives, but when be shows his Ig
norance of the proper use tit should
and would and then raps the l.-llinnx
by using cnn for mny I think It Is only
my duty to tell blm tbnt the summer
school Is In session about ten miles
from here." New York Times.
Witty Members of Parliament.
Chnrles Jnmes Fox once made re
marks on government gunpowder In
the bouse of commons which Adams,
nui-ther member, thought offensive to
the ministry, and the two met, as even
wise men did In tboso days, to shoot
one another. Fox refused to fire, do
chirlng he hud no quarrel, but Adams
aimed and shot, slightly wounding bis
adversary. When It was over, the two
shook blinds, and Fox wns happy
enough to sny, "You'd hnve killed me,
Adams, If It bnd nut been government
Oilier men there have been who would
not sit through a speech for the gov
ernment's snke, much less fight a duel.
"What's going?" somebody nsked n
member of parliament when a minister
bud got up to speak. The M. 1'., hur
rying on, snld, "I am." The story re
calls one of Lord Krsklne, who was
stopped lu the lobby with tbe question,
Who's up?" "Windham." snld Kr
sklne, and the other asked, "What's ho
011?" "Ills legs." . replied the witty
Oneae Kept flood Friday,
There was once a woman In Albany,
prudent and cautious about tho litera
ture read by her children, who .ap
pealed to Bishop lion ne for advice and
Instruction In the tuntter. They con
sidered nnd discussed many Juvenile
books, the bishop either approving or
condemning them as they came up for
Judgment until Anally "Itublnson Cru
soe" wns named.
"Do you think It suitable for my
Tommy?" asked the woman.
"Oh. yes," replied tho bishop. "It Is
quite a harmless narrative nnd has
pleased boys for ages. Besides, you
know, there Is some reason to bcllevo
Robinson Crusoo wns an Episcopali
an." And tbo bishop's eyes twinkled.
"Indeed!" exclaimed Tommy's moth
er. "Why. I never knew tbnt."
"Yes," continued the bishop; "you
will remember tbnt bo kept good Fri
day." How It Happened.
"It was kinder funny that Is, over
look 1 11' the seriousness of It," snld the
landlord of tbo Fettyvlllo tavern. "You
see. Miss Bnlirlellu Lanks, who has
not menutu' any disrespect to her, you
understand been nn old maid so long
that It's generally believed to be chron
ic, approached the rnilrond crossin',
and 11 brnkemnn waved n red Aug nt
her to wnrn her of the dnnger. She
thought be was tryln' to flirt with ber
and advnnced toward him with a smile,
and n cn boose tbnt wns bnckln' up
struck her good and plenty. Luckily
no bones were broken, and the flrst
thing she suld when she recovered con
sciousness wns 'Ob, this Is so sudden!' "
Sniurt Set
Hedgehogs no very strong In the wn
ter, swimming with ease against a
rapid stream, and with their muscular
claws they turn up the nests of trout
or sulmon and make a goodly haul
therefrom. They will breast a very
rupld stream, and cold water, as near
the freezing point as may be, seems to
have no terror for them. The eggs of
the snlmouldie are a welcome prey to
nearly every animal that will face wa
ter. Aquatic birds, rats (both bouse
and water), hedgehogs, beetles and
their larva', the so called fresh water
Shrimp, are deadly foes.
Her Privilege,
Husband What's wrong with that
bouse we looked at yesterday?
Wife-It's too big.
Husband Well, tbe one we visited
Inlay, then?
Wife It's too small.
Husband Say, what sort of a bouse
do you want?
Wife Sir. I don't propose to commit
myself! Boston Tost
A Crael Death.
"Norah," snld her mistress, "I want a
chicken smothered In onions for this
"If yes want It killed In as cruel a
way us that, mem," replied the indig
nant kltcbenmald, "yez'Il bev to do It
yersllf." Chlcugo Tribune.
"How many servants do you keep?'
isks tbe first matron.
"I didn't keep twenty-two last year,"
confesses tbe worried housekeeper.
Baltimore American.
A Man's Word.
Tbe greatest liar on earth tells tbe
truth to blS' doctor. Tbe most truthful
nan alive Is toinptod to lie to the as
sessor. Satf Francisco Bulletin.
Our iiltui, ntili-h an lmv In MiceHfiit npernilon In mnny places throughout the
I'OMiiir-y, In one thai pill clol liinii lninron mi entirely imw plim.
The Mlilillemnn takes no part wlinlever In our tailoring ImiIiiom. We Inks his
plni-x ill the mill mill Iiy mi lining cliunxe the price of H ;.'. ail null tiifl.Mm.
to Mnn
AHot'T MATMllAI.H. Tin-re Is no'lrotibli-lo m-i-om-ninlcrliilx hli h rnn Im iimde
nti i HI nt fir, m. tun there Im trouble lo eeore sitytlilnir to ennui the well known
'iibrlm tnrneil mil h the Untitled Woolen .Ml I In lo cll fur ''i.i. I IiiiIn Hie wirl of K'kkIh
f KVe V',11 fot fir, 10.
UK IA 1 1, (ill I Ml. We employ none lint the liext f l 1 1 1-! union workmen, from
the cutter lo Hie one who pot no the ImtlotM, and every gnrrm-fit ttenr the IJtitno
THE BIG TAILORS, 44 N, Brad" St., DuBolS, Pa.
NORTH noimti.
I'ltuihiinr I
Alli-Klienjr f
rtfwl Mn it-rove. .
I'litix-ntfiwneT ar a. m
I'liiKiiiUtwm-y ljt 6 Ml
IIIk Hun
C. fc M. Junction
Kill In creek
JohiiHouliiirK. ..
Ilraildiril Ar.
Hoe heater . .
Aitilltinnnl triiln leaven Hotter for PiinxmUW'
ney 7:;ln a. m. daily, exee,it Hundaya.
ROI'TII Bdl'Nti.
Ililffaln I.v
novlfonl ,v.
HriH-kwayvllle... .i.
l-'alln Creek .
IniHola f V
& m. junction
111k Run
t'ulixMitawney a
I'uiixMiiUiwney Iv
Went Minnrove...
Altiuheny I
AiMllinnal trnin leave Punxmitavtrnejr for But
ler f:!1, p. M. daily, except Snndaya.
Noth On Rundayi train 8 arrtvea Buffalo 8:18
P. ., Korheater 7:0ft P. M., and. train I leavea Buf
falo 9:00 A. M., Rochenter 8:1(0 A. M.
70 72
Arrlre. Leave.
falla (,'reek
....CAM. Junction. .. .
...Olearli'd, Mkl. Bt. ...
....Cluartl'd, N. Y. C
Leave. Arrive.
A. M. I P. M.
It 1 It
t 7 00) 2 38
7 IT s -
7 is
7 M
8 OH
8 16
8 82
4 17
4 8'J
4 45
P. M.
A. M.
Daily. t Daily except Sunday.
General Pmwenuer A (rent,
(Form N. P. 2.) Rocneiter. N. Y.
Northamer & Kellock.
And wo urn hotter prf)roil tlian
i-vi-r to ilo ciihitn-t work or unyl hlntf
In the wood working line.
nnd repair work of all kind dona
Picture Fratnlng
Wo have jimt received a largo lino
of I'lplure Moulding an( WR carry a
lino of room mouUlins; In atock.
Call anil examine our lino awl gel
Our cuhlnot nhop U m xmall and
our Inirtlm-Hi Ix (fi tting wi lurifo v
will havo to do Homethlnj? to get
moro room, no wo havo decided to
noil olT all our framed'
Pictures at Goat
$7.00 Plotnrea at &Y(tT.
ftrl.iH) Picturim ut - ,10.
5.00 Picture at M.rU
1.00 Picture at
t t.(M) Pictures at S-.'.2.r.
S'J IN) Pictured at tl 00.
$1.00 Picture at 75o.
all tho rent til the same proportion.
Wo ure aUo uijerU for tho Kuna In
hhIh Sliding Blind and Patent Screen
Ilcmciulier tho pluco
Northamer & Kellock,
Woodward Uuildiuir, Mala St.
A full line of mi milieu fouatantly on hnnd
I'li-tui-e fratulnn a ,-,pe,-lliy. Otrh-u and aura
room tu runriil Mis tlargarwl Kvaua' ru-kvt
auiro. UealUnuc near cor. Uraulaudttbau.
) " I a
I 9 on t 4 tu 0(1
1 10 1a! hi to a
1 6 lj 10 W
(.'.'.'.'.'. ii !!'.'.'.'.'.. s 11
i 7 0111 11
l.' if 1. w. I 7 401 12
12 10 1 2 an 7 mi ii n
o; t rm 7 fri! 12 s
11 an! on s m
40' 11 w 1 ml Hi 1 of
Ml 12 (,71 Z 'JD r. M. 1 It
A. M. 1 Ull IS'J 121
1 4i: 4 IT IM
1 Mi i II 2 21
2 4 . f 2- 1 If
8 Oil 6 1
S Wli 20 4 01
t a. r. m. ip. . 1 a. a.
Ar.l 6 Vt 1 1" 6 3
rs''i -:- ! 7
re. I A. M. P. M. I P. M. I P. H. I A. a.
1 a. a. a. a. 'a.m. p. m. I p. a.
!. 7 80
1 3P 10 15
t 7 IS li 0i. 12
1 8 20 12 !
8 42 12 Mj 1 K
91'i I 42, 2 21
4i IV,! J 87
10 21 2 K0 P. M. I 8 II
10 4 ' 2 47 t 8 40 S A
10 M 2 y 8 fyi 8 31
0 4.' Ill on Ii7
I 7 0S 11 24 121 (M
I 7 -ill 1 1 4ii 8 X I 9 4u 4 13
7 r. a.m. 8 U P. M. I 4 It
BW 1 9
H 17 4 19
8 40 '
9 07 fitt
9 47 8 84 18
11 00 4 5 7 IS
A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. A. M.
75 78
r. m. p. m.
8 80 1 OTi
8 2H 12 40
8 12 12 84
7 81 11 81
7 18 11 88
fT 10 til SO
P. M. A. M.
Oil n rnn tee
a Perfect
The Union
Lnliel on
lyow Orudo DivlHlori.
la Effect May 25, 1902. lEiitern StiiKhnJ Time.
Nolo No.113 No.10llTr,IOSlNo107
ATATIONf. A. M. A. M lA. M.l M.!p. H
I I'lti-iiiim f i.', ( 9 on f I :m t 05
Red Hank ii II Hi 4 Oft 7 55
I.aww,ntnirn 9 40 II ! 4 l 8 07
New Ketlileliem .... 1(1 I I 11 47 4 fill 8 S7
I link Uldtfe in -i 4 5m t8 4:1
MiiyHvllle ill .1, llSn 6 04 pt 4
I Hiininiervlllo 10 4:1 5 21 t9 Of)
' lirookvllle I A in II on 12 24 ft:.-' 9 22
Iowa oi 21 ll in : Mi ;9 :il
fuller i:S"lllii .... t ft" t9 87
ReynoldHVllle.. 8 41 II iti 13 82 11'. 9 50
I'line.mst 51 Ml 4(1 t8 JO ....
KhIIk Creek 5 II 4 111 4 3" 10 05
DtlllolH 7 05 11 M 1 25 4 1 M0 HI
HbIiiiIh 7 17 lit! 0 52
Wlnlerliiirn .... 7 W ISO 7 05
Penntleld 7 35 I 55 7 10
Tyler 7 41 2 t(l 7 f Note.
Keiim-tette 8 If." 2 SI 7 44
Ornnl x l :w t7 M
Driftwood H 45 .... I 2 05 I 8
I A.M. A. M. P. M. p. a r. M.
Train I'll 'nndajri leaver I'll tburf 9.00 a. m..
Red Hunk 11.10 Hrookville 12.41. Keynoldnvllle
1.14. KuIN Creek I.."!, I in Holt I.:t5 p. pi.
N o 10 N olO Mimt No. 114 NoTiit
Wlnterhurn ...
KalUCn-ek ....
?urnnif rvtiln...
v 1 l.i 111
t) 41 Ml 4
50 11 V,
7 171 12 22
7 2.5 !-:
7 44
8 H
12 4H
1 05
1 Jl
8 2M
4 ;7
1 u
il 5
7 04!
7 I -,
7 :;
7 47
7 5.1!
. 12
I 3.
t5 l
5 50
x I 591
i iti a i2
mi i: y z',
1 'Sl .
New Bethlehem
9 :il 2 :x
8 45
I.hwmiii ham.
Red Hank....
9 57 iA l;
7 4
4M to in! a aol
7 25
mi 15 ii2 :r.;i 5 : 9 45
A. m.ip. m.lP. M. r. M.
Trnln 942 iundny" lenvoa DuHota 4 10 p.m.
Full ( reek 4.17. KeynuliNvlllf-4 , Brook vllle
5 Red limik . '. I'ltlaliiirn 9.41 p. ni.
Train marked run daily; I dally, except
Piiiidayi t flaie atulion, where MiKmila muni be
allow n.
t'hiladrlphm k Erie Kail road Dlvixion
In effect March 24th. Ii02. Trains leave
Driftwood ox follows:
9:14 a ni Train 12. weekday, for Hiinliury,
Wllkextmrre, llaleiou, Piittsvllle.rleranUin,
!litrrlliu-T and Ihe intermediate ata
Hons, nn ivlnu nt I'lillndelphiit 6:l p.m.,
New York, 9:Mi p. ni. s Baltimore. 6:l p.m. I
Wanliintiion, 7:15 p. in I'ullninn Parlor rar
(mm W llllamort lo Philadelphia and p
penrer f-i-e-he f rom Kane lo Philadelphia
nnd Willlatnxixirl to Baltimore and Wash
a. m. WKKKDAT.
s. m.
i 45 ar Clermont Iv
.. li on
... II 04
... It of
.. tl 10
.. II In
... II JO
... II 28
... II 41)
... 12 01
10 :M
in ;
iMiilih' Bun
(ill n llarel
pi .l
In 25
10 20
in II
9 55
9 40 Iv UidKwayar
and Connections.
7 i
7 -"I
7 09
7 to
7 01
8 57
p.m. a.m.
4 ID
4 2H
4 :u
4 .17
4 41
4 51
i.- v -n
arKldzwsylr 7 no 12 It)
Mill Haven 7 10 12 9)
2 IU
I 54
I 51
1 47
I 41
1 XI
9 25
9 15
9 II
u n?
9 02
8 U
8 :
.1 25
i royland
Mhort Mill
Blue K.-k
Hrm-kway v'l
I. line Mill
Mr.VtInn Hmt
Harvey Bun
Iv Fall t'k ar
Iv IhiBol ar
7 21 12 :i
7 25 u :
7 2 12 ;
7 ; 12 40
7 4H 12 50
7 47 12 54
7 51
8 i
6 4-K 1 l
... 1
8 35 I It)
8 ;m . i 15
8 10 I OA
8 .! I if
ft 12 12 52
5 39 12 24
4 5n II 47
4 05 II 10
I D 9 0U
7 54 I n l 5 02
8 00 I 10 5 III
8 15 I 2.1 5 W
ar KallHt
k Iv
H 111
5 HI
i V
:Cf VIHlld.H'
t In HiiMik vllle 8 -'il
New llellil'lil H M
I 5
i &
H-d Bank 10 in ;i 20
ly I'lllatmruttr 12 M 5 .10
p.m. a m
a.m. u.ui. D.111. u.tu.
rr tune nton-i aim suiin-ioiiai luioruiainni
ronault tlokul axein.
Ueo Manaiter Oon. Pans Ant
12:511 p. m.- Train s, daily for riiinliury. Har
riliurtf and prim-lial IniermediaieMlatlon.
arrlvlin! al Phlladelphln 7:;ci p. 111., New
York lu-21 p. m.. Hiilninoie 7:.. m., Wali
injiton 8::i5 p. n. etiliuled parlor iara
and paaHenirer eoai-li-. BulTalo u Phlladel-
nlila and Walilnirt4tn.
4:00 p. iu. Train . daily, for liar-
rlHOunr and InU'rmedlate alallona, ar-s
riving at riiiiaiii-ipiua : a. m.i new vera,
7.U a. m.i baltlnmra, 3.JH a. m.; WaHliiuKlou
4.IJA a, M. Pullman Sleeping- cam from
HarrUhurx to Pliiladelphtit and New York.
Philadelphia paaM-user fan raoialu In
aleeuer uiidUrurhed until 7::ai A. a.
Il:ii5 p.m. Train 4. dally for rioulmry. liarrlif
burs And Interinediaui atAtloua, arriving at
Philadelphia. 7:22 A. M.i New York. 9::u
A. M. tin oek day and 10. a a. on Sun
day; Blll'lniore. 7:15 A. M.i Waahlimlou. X:.t)
A. a. Ptilltiian aleeMra from Erie,
and Wllllaniauort to Plilladalphia, aud
Wllllaitiiairt to Washington. Paantter
roai-he from Frla to Putladulphta,. and
WilliaituitMiri. to Baltimore.
12:27 p.m.-Tralu 14. dally forfunhury. Harrui
burix and prinetim!
rlvlng at Phlladelpliiu 7:22 a. nt., New York
9'.tl a. in. weekday, 1IH..0 a. oi., Sunday)
Haliinaire 7:15 a. ni., Watilniitou, H:'M a m.
YeHtlliuted buffet Hleepius ear and pa
aenirer ooa-Iio, Hutfulo to 1'blladvlphia anil
5:.T3 a. m. -Train T. dally for BurTalo via
4: J" a. m. Train t. dally fnr Krle, Bldg
) . and week daya for, l leruiont
and pHu pal Inter aimllal maiiou. -
:5Ua. lu.-Traln li, (.ally for Etta and later
mediate plnta.
1:4A p. bu-Train l dally tor Buffalo via
S:5p. m.-Tralnt. weekday (or Kan aad
1 5 50 J
81 f
8 52
1 IH
7 42
7 4H
7 5H
t8 12
w ;to