'Mloney't Wedding Day." The humorous blunder and em barrassmcnts of Dun- Moloney's court 8hlp with the Widow Clnnry have stlr- ted up more hrnlthy laughter than any two dranintto productions rolled Into one. The author truthfully claims that It was written for' laughing purposes only, and since Its birth has been the source of exhaustlcss fun to countless thousands. The preps of tho large cities pronounce. It the real big comedy- drama success of the season, and wher ever it appears crowded houses greet It and relish Its three hours of gemilno enjoyment. It brims with merry mis chief, tells a story of deep Interest, nnd revels in as much real mirth as run be bunched Into one hundred and eighty minutes, with a good, big, hearty laugh guaranteed for every minute, James L. MeCabe as "'Dun Muloney" Is match less in Celtic comedy and Hibernian wit. Tho supporting comedy comes with tho best of press approbations. At Reynolds opera house Saturday eve ning, Oct. 4. Tickets on sulo at Stoke's. Special Low Kates to Exposition Tor tho Pittsburg Exposition the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg Rail way will soli excursion tickets from points on Its line. Falls Creek to Fenel ton inclusive, to Pittsburg on Wednes day of each week commencing Sept. lOtli and continuing until October 15th Inclusive, at a single fare for tho round trip, plus 2.) cents for coupon of ad mission. Tickets good for return pas sage until Saturday following dute of sale. The New Fall Goods are Ready And none too soon for your interest if the hints that Nature gives forth are heeded. There's plenty of real autumn weather near at hand, but you'll find all the needed wearables here. It's a display of the new and stylish of the better grades and qual ities, but the prices do not indicate it, and the values are certain to keep you coming. Frost Time and Furs are in order most Fur Time. of the time this year they could have been in use all through the summer. Now they become a neceBBity and should be selected at ouce. All the stylish and up-to-date furs at prices that are at tractive. About Stockings and Underwear. Closely watched is this section a 1 w a v s the reliable sorts of hosiery and underwear to be found here. There's no wishing you hadn't if you change your money for any of our needs in hosiery or underwear. Stylish Weaves for Tailored Suits andf Skirts. . Broad cloths, Cheviots and Home- Bpuns;all the best plain colorings, all Stylish Waistings French flannels and outings, new and nobby ready to wear waists, nice house wrappers and dressing sacques. Separate skirts in all the new patterns. Shawls for these cool mornings. Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear, Hand kerchiefs, Collars and Ties, Purses, Chatelaine Bags, Ribbons and Laces. All your needs supplied in the Dry Goods and Notion Line. HI KE CO Where there's Everything that People Wear and most things People Want.j j jk I VOLUME. 11. Low Excursion Rates. Wednesdays, October 1st, 8th and l.rth, are the only dates on which you can visit tho Pittsburg Exposition this season at a single fare for the round trip, plus 25 cents for coupon of admis sion. The new exposition Is a great at traction and the special features are of surpassing excellence. The engage ment of Creatore Bnd his band closes October 4th, Dumrosch Philharmonic Orchestra, October fith to 18th, la a grand treat to the music loving public Ticket are on sulo at all stations, Du- Dots to Fenelton inclusive, good going on date of salo and returning until the following Saturday. For full informa tion consult the nearest agent of the company. Letter List. List of unclaimed letters remaining in tho postofflce at Roynoldsvllle, Pa., week ending Sept. 27, 1902: Jno. MeClellan, Jno. Miller, George Harvey, Nora Covert. Luciano Oddl. Say advertised and give date of list when calling for above. E. C. Burns, P. M. the tasteful, toney mixtures, Fit your mind to your price then Bee how nearly we fit the merchandise to your mind. Excellence of Never be fore i n Our Black Goods, such shape to serve you in this item as now Standard or Fancy Weav es that would do credit to any store await your selec tion. A Season of Seve r a 1 handsome Garment Selling. lots have lately ar rived. They'll be sold on a close margin of profit, with a view to doubling our gar- ment business during the season. DEPTSTIS hje REYNOLDSVILLE, PENN'A., WEDNESDAY, NEWSPAPER LAWS. Soma Rules That it Would be Well for Subscribers to Understand. The following rules are laid down by the Government for the protection of newspapers : Subscribers who do not give express notice to the contrary, aro considered as wishing to continue their subscrip tion. If subscribers ordor the discontinu ance of their periodicals, the publishers may continue to send thom until all ar rearages are paid. If subscribers move to other places without Informing publishers, and papers are sent to the former direction, they are held responsible. The courts have decided that refus ing to take periodicals from the office before removing,' and leaving them un called for, Is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud. If subscribers pay in advance they are bound to give notice to the publish er at the end of that tlmo, if they do not wish the publisher to continue It; otherwise the publisher Is authorized to send it on, and tho subscribers will bo responsible until an express notice with payment of all arrears, is sent to the publisher. It is a dangerous trick for a man to allow his subscription account to run on from year to year unpaid, and then toll the postmaster to mark "refused," or to send tho editor a notice to dis continue the paper. Goes Like Hot Cakes. "The fastest selling article I have in my store," writes druggist C. T. Smith. of Davis, Ky., "is Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. Couirhs and Colds, because it always cures. In my bix years of sales it has never failed. I have known It to save sufferers from Throat and Lung diseases, who could got no help from doctors or any other remedy." Mothers rely on It, best phy sicians prescribe It, and H. Alex Stoke guarantees satisfaction or refund price. Trial bottles free. Regular size, 60o and $1. Wash skirts in linen and duck. Any klrt In the houso at 75o at Mllllrens. GENTLEMEN When you are ready for something as dif ferent from the ordi nary run of Men's Shoesas a Havana is from a stogy, try a Walk - Over AH styles, all leathers. $3.50 and $4.00 They will lend char acter to your appear ance. Robinson's i THE NEWS OF J 1 NEARBY TOWNS. Reported by The fttar'a ftperlal f'orroapondenta. Emerlckvllle. R. Welser Is In Pittsburg this week. Misses Hose Cathers and Vera Durns, of Rcynoldsville, are visiting relatives here. Misses Laura Brady and Jennie Harp, of Brookvllle, were the guosts bf Miss Edylh Schugers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Stewart, of Deem er's Cross Itoads, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Emollne Fates. Verner Keys, an employee of P. R. R., of Pittsburg, spent Sunday with his parents, J. R. Keys and wife here. Miss Edna Damn, who has been visit ing here the past two weeks, returned to her home at Rcynoldsville Saturday. Mrs. E. E. Schugers and Mrs. Fred Durns and daughter, Tressa, of Reyn oldsvlllo, spent Saturday with friends here. Jamos Neale and wife, of Knox town ship, and Mrs. Annie Dctrick, of Sha mukin, are visiting at the home of Jerry Mowrey. Mrs. William Moore and grand daughter, Lala Shaffer, spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. D. R. Raymor at Heynoldsvillo. Sykesvllle. Miss Margaret Reed and Miss Maggie Deoiner visited in Dig Run over Sunday. 'Squire A. W. Sykes, who was com pelled to shut down his mill on account of low water, Is now running the mill full time. Mr. and Mrs. William Lamb, of Pitts burg, are visiting Mrs. Lamb's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Zimmerman, at this place. The men from town who work in the mines at Holvatla, have been enjoying a weeks vacation on account of the ex plosion in the mines at that place. Our town has been over-run with shows the past few weeks and they seem to draw a crowd eaoh night. Some people have money for shows If not to pay tholr dobts. A valuable cow belonging to Jacob Sykes strayed upon the railroad track last Sunday morning just as the South bound "flyer" came along, and now Mr. Sykos must buy milk. Paradise. Sarah Keller was home over Sunday. Ed. Syphrlt spent Sunday In Dutch Paradise. Millie Sheesley, of Eloanora, was In Paradise part of last week. Alfred Sheesley la able to walk again without the use of crutchos. Miss Organ, of Reynoldsvlllo, visited at Grampsy Spencer's last week. Ruth Cathors, of Snyder town, spent Sunday with her parents In Paradise. . Pearl Barret, of Reynoldsvlllo, visit ed her parents Saturday and Sunday. The majority of the farmers In this vicinity have their pumpkins threshed. Thomas Cathers started for Lock Haven on Monday morning to attend school. Jake Prlester and family, of near Punxsutawney, spent last Sunday In Paradise. Mrs. W. A. Shcosloy and Tena Strouse spent Sunday afternoon with their cousin, Mrs. Beatty Keller, who is very 111. His Life in Peril. "I just seemed to have gone all to pieces," writes Alfred Bee, of Welfare, Tex., "biliousness and lame back had made llfo a burden. I couldn't cat or sleop and folt almost too worn out to work when I began to use Electric Bit to rg, but they worked wonders. Now I sleep like a top, can eat anything, have gained in strength and enjoy hurd work." They give vigorous health and new life to weak, sickly, run-down peo ple. Try them. Only GOo at H. Alex Stoke's drug store. Those who have tried our want column find It pays to do so. REMEMBER And see our style be fore purchasing your Fall Shoes and Slippers. Wo have more of a sel ection than you can find anywhere else In the city. You know you want the latest. Any one does who dresses well. OCTOBER 1, 1902. OAS EXPLOSION IN MINE. Six Men Badly Burned and Mutilated Two Died in Hospital. Tuesday of last weok a terrific ex plosion of gas occurred In the mine nt Helvetia by which six men were badly Injured, two of whom died In the Adrian hospital. The scene of the explosion was over two miles from the entrance of the mine, and was the result of drill ing Into a pocket which was filled with gas. When tho drill entered the sub terranean cavity thecscaplng gas caused a loud roar, followed by an explosion, which put tho mine lights out for a half tnllc from where the explosion took place. Following are the names of the un fortunate men: Dennis McGee, Jjihn Sheakar, John Glenn, Owen Glenn, Fargle Boner and Michael Fender. The last two named died at tho hospital. By use of telephone we got some par ticulars last Wednesday morning of the explosion, wrote an article for The Star, bad it set in typo and In closing up the forms the article was overlooked and the omission was not discovered until the entire edition of the paper had boon run olT, and that Is why there was no mention of tho explosion in lust week's issue. Reduced Rates to San Francisco, On account of the meeting of National Wholesale Druggists' Association, nt Monterey, Cal., October 7 to 11, !0, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will soil excursion tickets to Sun Fran cisco or Los Angeles from all stations on Its lines from September 28 to 30, In clusive, at reduced rates. Those tlckots will be good for return passage until November 15, Inclusive when executed by Joint Agent at Los Angeles or Sun Francisco aqd payment of CO cents ma lo for this service. For speclflo Informa tion regarding rates and routes apply to ticket agonts. See our new fall styles in suits for men and boys. H. W. Eason & Co. New hosiery In flccce-Uned cashmere and all-wool for ladles, misses and child ren at Mllllrens. 1 At HALL'S Iron Beds, Bed Room Suites. Side Boards, Velvets, Tapestries, Ingrain Carpets, China and Japan Mattings, Havalind, German and Austrian China Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets Nottingham, Insti ' point and Bobbi net Curtains, Go-Carts, Cradles and Cribs. Gas and Coal Cook and Heating Stoves. ANYTHING YOU NEED TO FURNISH A HOUSE. At Halls Opposite Postoffice. NUMBER 21. Surprise Party. Mrs. L. F. Haines, whoso home Is near Doomor's Cross Ronds, was given a surprlso party last Thursday. There were eighty five of the oldor people present during the day and a number of young peoplo during the evening. Mrs. Httlncs received a fine couch, rocking chair and a number of other presents. The peoplo carrlod well filled baskets of good things Bnd at meal time thore was an abundance for all. The follow ing Rcynoldsville ladles attended the party: Mrs. David Postlewalt, Mrs. S. Lattlmer, Mis. E. E. Schugers, Mrs. D. H. Nort limner, Mrs. John H. Baura and daughter, Miss Alda, Mrs. L. II. Boyle and Mrs. Whltmlre. Reduced Rates to Pittsburg Exposition. On Wednesdays, September 10, 17 and 24, and October 1, 8 and 15, 1!K)2, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets from points on tho Low Grado Division, Including the Sllgo Branch, to Pittsburg at reduced lates, including admission to the Exposition. These tickets will be good going on regular trains on day of issue, and will be valid for return passago within four days, Including el a to of sale. Out of Death's Jaws. "When douth seemed very near from a severe stomach and liver trouble, that I had suffered with for years," writes P. Muse, Durham, N. C, "Dr. King's New Life Pills saved my llfo and gave me perfect health." Best pills on earth and only 2'.o at n. Alex Stokos drug store. James L. McCabe's "Moloney's Wed ding Day" will take place at the Reyn olds opera house Saturday evening, Oct. 4. It is tho merriest jumble of fun and wholesome comedy over put togother. The company is headed by James L. Mc Cabe and comes heralded by press and public as capable of amusing an audi ence through three nets of this bright est comedy-drama presented this season. Tickets on sale at Stoke's. Horrick's shoes at D. Nolan's shoe store for 12.00 and $2.50, formerly sold for $2.50 and $3.50. -THE- COLUMBIAN LEADS THEM ALL. i T c3 II We have just received another carload of The Celebrated Columbian Stoves and Ranges And can show you the finest display of stoves of every description ever brought to Reynoldsville. Remember the Columbian stoves are GUARANTEED to give perfect satisfaction and you run no risk whatever in buying them. & keystone: HARDWARE COMPANY. Reduced Rates to Washington. For the Thirty-sixth National En campment, G. A. R., to lio hold at Washington, D. C, Octobor 0 to 11, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell round-trip tlckots to Washington from all points on Its line at rate of 4tt single fare for the round trip. Tickets "!'' will be on sale from October 4 to 7, In- ' elusive, and good to return until Oc tobor 14, Inclusive. By depositing . ticket with the Joint Agont at Wash -Ington between October 7 and 14, and the payment of 50 conts, an extension of tho return limit to November 3 may bo obtained. For specific rates and further In formation apply to nearest ticket agent. But One Trust Company in Pittsburg Having capital of $2,000,000 and surplus and profits of $1,000,000. Deposits $10,000,000. Pays 4 per cont. Interest on savings deposits, subjoct to with drawal of $100 without notice, and 2 percentonchecklng accounts. Interost enmpounnod semi-annually. Do all your banking by mail. Send postul for two hundred year calondar free. Pittsburg Trust Company, 323 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. , America's famous Beauties Look with horror on Skin Eruptions, Blotches, Soros, Pimples. They don't have them, nor will any one, who uses Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. It glorifies the face. Eczema or Salt Rheum vanish bofore It. It cures sore lips, chapped bands, chilblains. Infallible for Piles. 25o at H. Alex Stoke's drug store. Haven't you known men and even more often women who think they are doing a favor to tholr children when they shield them from any effort? When they let tho girls sit at ease and read whilo tho mother does all the housework? Thoso are not good fathers and mothers. They aro not kind, they are simply silly. President Roosevelt. Go to D. Nolan's shoo store. They are selling Quoen Quality shoe for $2.50. All kinds patent kids, enamolod box calf and plain kids ; lace and button ; heavy and light soles. VOTTCF, OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATRIX, C. T. A. Estate of Henry Pmlth, late of Wlnslow townshlp, JelTorsoD county, deceased. Notice Is hereby Rl von that letters of Ad ministration, 0. T. A., upon theestatoof said defeased have been granted to tho under signed, and persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment and thoso havlnu claims or demands against the sume will make them known without delay to Ida Housi.er, Amlnistrntrix, O. T. A. Sandy Valley, Fa. A - l W. B. LOVELESS CO., 6th and Peun Ave. Pittsburg, Pa. 1 Crr.er Il&ia aad Fifth St. Iteynoldsville, Penn'a. i I ) u -