The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 24, 1902, Image 7

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Wm Sick Elarht Yenw with
Female Trouble and Finally
Cured by Lydla E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
DtAn Nm. PisKnAm I hare
Sever in my life given a testimonial
before, but yon have done much for
me that I feel called upon to give you
this unsolicited acknowledgement of
President of Oakland Woman' Hiding Clnb.
the wonderful curative value of I,yllil
E. Pinklmm's Vefrctuble Com
pound. lor eight years I had feumlo
trouble, falling of the womb and other
complications. During that time I wa
more or leas of nn invalid and not much
?-ood for anything, until one day I
ound a book in my hall tilling of
the cures you could perform. 1 became
Interested: I bought a bottle of Lyrfin
E. IMnliliam's VcfrctuMo Com
pound and w as helped; 1 continued in
use and in seven months was cured, and
since that timo I have had perfect
health. Thanks, dear Mrs. Vinkham
again, lor the health I now enjoy."
Mm. JttKKlK O Dosxn l 27 East Mat
6t., Chicago. f S000 for fit if atmt
taHfmonlal It not gtrmtne.
Women suffcrinif from any
form of femnle ills can bo cured
by Lydla K. Plnklmin's Vegeta
ble Compound. That's sure.
Mrs. I'inkliamndvlscsslck wo
men free. Address Lynn, Mass.
For five months no rnin has fallen
In Greece.
Cure For Aathina.
Bnfferors from Athma, Hay Tcvcr or
Bronehltls will lo Interested to learn that
Dr. R. SehtfJmann'a "Asthma turn" liiBtant-
ly rellovojthe most violent attack. Insur s
comfortable aloep and has offpotod' curi'S In
thousands of eases that had provlonsly tried
very other remedy In vain. No wnltlnp for
results. Its notion In Immediate, direct and
eertain. So Arm is his confidence that the
doctor requests this paper to announce thnt
he bos sent to druggist of this town, as
i Well as to all other drupgrt"t i in this coun
try, samplo packages of his remedy, wbio l
will be given free to sufferers of above com
plaints, who apply promptly, thus offering
an opportunity to such as bavo not yet tried
the romody to make a personal tent which
will oonvlnce the most skeptical.
Tenons falling for any reason to receive
a sampl paekago from their riruggl'-t will
receive one free by mall by sending name
and address (en losing 2 cent stump' for
postage) to Dr. It. Bchlffmann, Box 814, bt.
Paul, Minn.
There are 23,000 pores in the hand of a
man. There are 4000 muscles in the body
of a moth.
- Sir Joshua Fitch told a story at
the nature study exhibition in Lon
"don Illustrating the popular wonder
at scientific knowledge. Sir John
Avenbury was showing the heavens
through his telescope to some neigh
bors and servants, when one exclaim
ed: "I do not wonder. Sir John, that
clever people find out the sizes and
distances of the stars and how they
move; but what heats me Is how you
ever could tell their names!"
All Bodily Aches
If bonis
all how
wiU Im
pose on
I r
customer by offering them, when Ala
basUu la ouIIm! fur, cheap kalitomJuta
that will ttpoil their walla, 8uch action
la oerUtiuly prompted by
u ch
( 1 1
commend theinwlYM to bonattt riA)ert.
AJuUiutttiio, a U u ruble ctunent bane vail
oofctiutf, not ft kulHouiinn, oaMu uo more
to apply tiitta cheap done that aixilla
your walls tuid injure the bruit h of
your family. Ua dry pow
der, ooine In pockagfa, ml it with cold
water, in n hlte and fourtwan beautiful
tin lb, for use on laterei walla, wood
wiling1, brick or can van, fluiwrior to
paint or paper. Full direction on every
poo k age, Aalr druK(iit or paint dealor
tor aample card of liuta or writ to
Sheep Taate In Mntton.
Whore n sheep Is killed and not
yn-oprrly cooled, the "sheep tnste" Is
llnlile to remain In the flesh. All sheep
possess this "mutton flavor," hut In
varying degrees. It may be stated con
fidently thnt scrub sheep used for the
work of elenrlng nwny brush nnd
weeds, nnd not fed nny time of their
life on grnln foods, will bo most likely
to hnvo the most objectionable flavor.
This Is nlso supposed to apply to
sheep of the wool breeds, such (is the
Merinos of the different families. Piic-h
sheep nrc considered more "grensy"
thnn others, from the presence of n
great suply of "yolk" In their fleeces.
Possibly this wool oil makes the flesh
of such sheep peculiarly liable to the
tnste that many find objectionable.
There nre. however, many Merino men
who specially feed certain of their
lambs for killing, and who say that
their flesh Is of good tnsto nnd quality,
nnd we have no reason to doubt their
word, nltlionsh we have hnd no chnnce
to int mutton from such sheep.
It Is n matter of fact, however, thnt
the flesh of the best mutton breeds
nnd of their well fed crosses has no
objectionable flavor, unless the carcass
U too suddenly cooled. The flavor. In
fact, Is very ptilntnhln to most folk, nnd
In our opinion Is due to both feed nnd
breed. It Is corlnln thnt foods do In
fluence the flavor of mutton nnd more
especially of mutton breeds. Shep
herd's I'.tillctln.
11 (iw to II rt Itld of Sorrel.
There Is no direct method of exter
minating sorrel; It Is too tenacious of
life to be enslly vanquished. First ef
forts must be given to cultural meth
ods. A succession of hoed crops. If
extra enre Is taken to let no plants es
cape destruction, will greatly reduce
the number, but plants nt the edges of
the field nnd seeds in the soil will be
likely to restock the ground. It Is
genernlly In pnstures nnd clover lnnds
thnt the weed Is the greatest pest,
w-bere It Is not nlwnys expedient to
use the plow.
Hnt whether the ground Is under the
cultivator or In sod, chief rollnnee must
be hnd upon the means for Increasing
the fertility. The land must be made
to grow good crops by using manure
or chemical fertilizers. In this way
the weed Is choked by the other plants,
nnd nlthouch It will not be extermin
ated, yet It Is so much reduced as no
longer to give trouble.
In this connection the use ef nlr
slaked llmo Is especlnlly to be recom
mended In addition to the fertilizers.
Lime has had a reputation In this con
nection for a long time, nnd recent ex
periments confirm the opinion. Its np
plicntlon will do no harm to other
crops, nnd Is usunlly decidedly benofl
clnl to thorn. It Is a corrective' for ncld
soil. Improves the mechanical condition
of stiff soils, nnd makes the natural
fertility of the ground more quickly
available. It should lc applied on sor
rel Infested flelds nt the rate of' one to
five tons nn sere. Professor J. C. Ar
thur, In Nebraska Fnriner.
The Warfare Against Vfnta.
The majority of weeds have followed
In the footsteps of man nnd have been
Imported to America from other coun
tries. Nature provides that the ground
shall be covered with vegetation of
some kind, nnd where a man has taken
the tte6t from the soil nnd left It de
pleted, have pastured his flelds until
weeds have grown nnd made rubbish
heaps, weeds which nre peculiarly
adapted to grow under these condi
tions, take tho place of grasses and
plants, whence they spread over the
better fields of that and adjoining
Where sonpy water Is thrown It will
e found tho grass will die nnd plnntam
spring up nnd spread rapidly. A farm
er who keeps his fields well fed with
manure, who treats his pastures In the
right woy, who bums his rubbish and
who hns proper drains will find bis
warfare against tho weeds greatly les
sened. Yet with everything thnt can
be done, weeds will alwnvs exist tn'
greater or less extent, cud It Is well to
see ir some or them have not a few re
deeming troits. It Will bo found that
dock is a good remedy for the stlng of
nemos, rigweed will keep tho soil
from washing In the fall In nuv irarilen
where It Is common. Chlckweed It Is
Bnw can be used ns a weather prophet,
ns it expands if it is to be fine nnd
closes before rain occurs. Dandelions
shedding down when there Is little or
no wind Is also a slirn'of rain. Tblstlna
nnd somo -other weeds have flowers
that contain very sweet nectar nud arc
good food for bees and liiittnrfliou
"Every cloud has a silver lining," so it
enn ue seen weeds nrc not altogether
nn unmitigated evil. II. E. Ilaydock,
Id The Epltouilst.
Practical Uncle Jlalainir.
To raise ducks ns anything else nnd
enjoy It, one must be in earnest, not
to say enthusiastic. Early sprlug is
the time to raise ducks, rather than
later, as the hot days of summer seem
to have a bad effect on the eggs.
Chose the place for your nests on the
groutid, with fresh sod for the foundu
tion. Cover lightly with straw and
form the nests wit If tho bands. Hens
are much bettor sitters nud mothers
than ducks. My hens have their nests
for sitting iu a part of the house re
moved from tho other fowls. Tho ben
does not seem to evince any surprise
tliut the eggs do uot hatch In twenty
one days. She evidently does not
reckon her days very well, for she will
sit faithfully for the twcuty-elgbt that
It takes the ducks' eggs to Incubate.
8e that th hens bavw something to
eat every day, hnt do not feed heavily.
Fresh water should always be before
them, also ashes for dusting. I thor
oughly dust the hens with Insect pow
der when first tnken off.
The Inst week of Incubation the eggi
should be sprinkled several times with
warm water. Whnt joy when the first
little head, with spoon bill, peeps out
from under Its mother's wing. How
wild they nre, though. They seem born
with more of a dread of man than nre
chickens. For the first twenty-fout
hours they need nothing but brooding
nud a little water. After that for sev
eral days they should have only well
baked Johnnycnke, moistened with
sweet milk or water nnd always plen
ty of water to drink. I give It to them
In low, flat dishes, so they may have
tho pleasure of paddling In It. Of
course the water must be renewed
often to keep It clean. Ducks should
never bo fed without water, ns they
cannot swallow tlielr food without it
They should never he shut up fortht
night, or for any length of time, with
out water.
Always provide ducks with shade. I
believe tho hot sun Is at times as harm
ful to them as the chill of which ouy
one who raises ducks stnnds In dread.
They must not be allowed to get wet
nnd chilled until feathered. Even after
that It Is belter to protect them during
a severe Btorni. Continue the diet of
cooked corn meal until four week
old, varying with a little moistened
bread, milk curd, etc., when one can
begin to use any food that Is sultnlill
for chickens. From tho first let the
ducklings have plenty of grass nnd
green food. Give tliem nlso nil oppor
tunity to cntch files nnd bugs. It Is
wonderful the nmount of hugs nnd filet
they will consume. I know of no bird,
except the goose, thnt Is so fond of a
good pasture. Hewnre how yon feed
them new corn in the fall, when first
husked. Let them get used to It grad
ually. Like other fowls, ducks must
bj provided with grit of some klud.
Adah A. nun-ell, In New England
Rtncka nnd Stacking!
Stacks answer quite well for storing
grain, in sheaves, if not left longer
than two or three months. A well
made stack, however, will stand secure
for a year or more. Even with plenty
of barn room, stacks nre an ensy and
simple way of storing grain pro tern.
Very many farmers do uot kuow how
to innlte a stack. The sine qua non
Is to keep the middle high and the
sides uniform. Thnt Is nil. The il
lustrations will show the modus oper
tindl of stacking much better thnn
could be explnlued by pages of writ
ten description. Figure 1 sho.wg the
stand nnd foundation. Four or five
good sized fence rails arc laid upon the
grouud. These nre floored with slabs
nnd old boards, as shown. In begin
ning the stack it Is necessary to begin
In the centre of the stand, and from the
centre woiit in a circle until the edge
of the stand Is reached. About twelve
feet square Is a good size for a standi.
This gives a base diameter enough for
a stack of from 1200 to 1800 bundles
or sheaves of oats, wheat or barley.
Figure's shows mode of construction,
the middle always being kept highest
and getting wider to tho eaves, when
it Is narrowed In suddenly and grad
ually brought to an apex. At thli stage
some old struw or swamp gnus must
ho preserved for topping. Figure 4
shows the stack topped and secured
with poles, four In number, tied at the
top with a piece of rope, nud allowed
to bang, equidistant, down the sides
of the stack. This keeps the stack se
cure from wind and rain storms. J,
A. Macdonald, In New York Tribune
v- ..7
V .."..""" y
a Cockney noil's Scheme In Make the
tlllarlty L'nanhnons.
"While 1 wns In Melbourne," said n
Wnshlngtonlnn who recently visited
Australia on a business mission for a
IMtlladelphtn manufacturing concern,
"I wns present nt a stag dinner given
by nu Englishman who had only n
short time before struck It rich in the
gold flelds. He was middle aged and
a cockney of the cockneys. He had
been poking around the auriferous hills
of Australia with a pick for more thnn
twenty yenrs before he struck the ledge
thnt made him n millionaire many
times over.
"Ho was a bachelor, nnd when I got
to Melbourne he bad only recently got
his magnificent domicile In running or
der. He had nbout two dozen servants,
the top mnn, of course, being a charac
teristically grave and Imperturbable
English butler, a fellow ns stiff as a
lamppoKt nnd with about ns much
humor In his enrenss as a nlncpln.
"The stng dinner was a pretty Jolly
affair. It was attended by nbout twen
ty well known men-nbout-town of Mel
bourne,, and some performers from the
Melbourne vaudeville theatres were
engaged to entertain the guests.
"The English butler presided over the
feast with the solemn manner befit
ting his kind. The fun ran around
the table like n breeze after the wine
began to operate, hut nary n giiu
crossed the features of the haughty
butler. He stood nt the sideboard ns
straight ns a persimmon tree, with his
arms folded, and his countenance wns
like n mask of tragedy when the host
and all of the guests were nil but roll
ing out of their chairs with laughter,
"I was sitting on tho left of the host,
nnd I observed that the preternatural
gravity of the butler was getting on tho
host's nerves. Whenever the laughter
was nt Its height the cockney million
aire would glance up from beneath his
bushy eyebrows nt the butler, only to
perceive thnt not so much ns a muscle
of that dignitary's face was twitch
ing. " 'Blime me,' I heard tho host mutter
savagely to himself two or three times,
'w'y don't that bloomlnk cove larf,
"Even when the vaudeville people
began to execute their cut-up stunts
the butler never gnve the slightest In
dication that he saw anything funny
In the proceedings. Finally n mono
logue chap whose line of talk rently
was screamingly funny, got the floor,
nnd It wasn't long before he hnd every
man nt the table Just n-roeking nnd
holding his sides. The host his eyes
glued upon the butler's face to see If
the professional entertainer even was
capable of drilling n grin nut of his
face. P.ut It was no go. The butler
stood like a rock. To all Intents and
purposes he might just as well have
hnd paralysis of the facial nerves.
"The cockney host couldn't stand It
nny longer. Ho Jumped iit of his
chair showing that he wns Just a bit
unsteady ou his legs, which was nat
ural enough, considering the way the
corks had been popping nud rushing
upon the butler and catching him
around the waist he threw the imper
turbable servitor onto the floor, threw
open the butler's coat, dug the fingers
of both of his strong, pudgy bauds Into
the butler's ribs to tickle htm, and
bawled as he leaned over the man:
" 'Larf, y' bloody Stoughton bottle.
larf! That's right, larf! I.nrf till y'
bust, y' bloomlnk cove!'
"The butler, convulsed with uncon
trollable shrieks of Inughter under the
tremendous tickling he was undergo
ing, yelled to be let up before be went
off Into ' Me teiics,' but his employer
went right on tickling his ribs with nil
his might until the butler was cx
haiiRted. Then he let him up.
" 'III kuowed Hl'd make y' larf, y'
bloomer, un' now that ye've lnrfed, I'll
give y' a rise In y'r wlges,' snld the
hoRt, gleefully, resuming his chnlr. The
butler got up nud the feast went on."
Washington Post.
Ihe Hallways of Jnpan.
The lutest railway returns of this
country show that thero are fifty-eight
companies whose total mileage Is 37(17,
says the Nagasaki (Japan) Press. The
State-owned railways hnve a mileage
of (M 14. The capital Invested in these
undertakings is 247.05U.lu0 and 181,-
5"!l,-m yen. Of the total mileage only
SUMS miles nud seventy-two chains are
open to traltlc, and tho rest Is either In
course of construction or lu a state of
suspension, owing to lack of working
capital. This remark applies with
equal truth both to the Government
nud private railways. It Is proposed to
raise the fnres on the Government rail.
ways to the maximum rate of three sen
per mile, as against the present scale of
two sen. Tho highest cost of coal, In
(reused wages of employes and the in
creasing number of trains to be run
nre quoted us the principal reasons for
this step.
Sultan Dacoratea Children.
It Is doubtful if uny American family
has ever received as many foreign dec
orations as that of Mr. Leishmun, Uni
ted States Minister to Turkey. Accord
lng to the European -press the Sultan
hns presented to him the gold medal of
Llakat, to Mrs. Lelslinuin tho Grand
Order of Chefaknt, to Miss Martha
Irishman, their oldest daughter, Ihe
same order of the second class, and to
SIlss Nauey I.elxhmnn, who Is only
seven years old, tho Chefakat Order of
tho third cIiim. Another young lady
who has been honored by the Sultan In
the same mauuer us Miss Nancy Is the
elght-ycnr-old daughter of tho British
Ambassador to Constantinople,
The bed of the Black Sea anil l.ia,
of the Caspian have been raised by re-
posted earthquakes and ohuunols
which were formerly navigable are no
longer so.
Sphinx Crumbling to Dust
D. .O, Longworth of the. "Sphinx"
newspaper,' Cairo! Egypt, Who is now
In England, brings the warning that
tho wondrous marvel of the ancient
world, the Egyptian Sphinx, Is rapidly
decaying. It will not now, he says,
be able long to withstand the altering
climate of Egypt, due to the Irriga
tion of recent years. A few yenrs ago
an hour's downfall of rain once a year
was a novelty In' Egypt. Tho natives
regarded It as some dire message of
reproach from the gods. Tho Irri
gation and Ihe many trees about the
Delta has changed this. Fifteen to 18
days' heavy rain falls now every year
on the head of the Sphinx. The se
vere "Khamseem" sandstorm follows
and cuts Into the soddened limestone
of the ancient monument, literally
whittling It away all over the surface.
Proper Way to Exercise.
Instead of wearing out their strength
In contortion machines, relief-seekers
should flee to the woods and the
mountains, should pitch their tents
In some neighboring wooded high
lands and share the fun of hoeing out
a trail to tho next spring; should
gnther raspberries In the deep clefts,
and climb trees In quest of squirrel's
nests: should fetch their own fuel from
tho pine-knot bottoms, nnd arrange
expeditions to the highest peaks of the
neighborhood. In that manner, a two
weeks' camp In Elysium will suffice
to lay In d reserve store of health
for several months of town life; and,
besides, experience will prove that
with a practical purpose and the stim
ulus of visible results enables an inva
lid to beguile himself Into an amount
of exercise unattainable by the man
ual of the horizontal bar.
A Prize for Matches.
The Belgian government offeTed
several years ago a prlzo of 50,000
francs for the Invention of a pasto
lor matches that did not contain
white sulphur. Many products were
submitted, but the judges recently re
ported that none ol them fulfilled the
required conditions. They were et
ther defective In inflammahiltty or
Ignited with friction on all surface
alike. Some of them gave oft In
flammable gases of a poisonous na
ture. Vegetables In Cuba.
In Cuba cabbages frequently weigh
as much as 20 pounds. All vegetables
do well. Raddlshes may be eaten from
14 to 18 days after sowing, while corn
produces three crops per year. Sweet
potatoes are perpetual. The natives
dig up the tubers, cut them off nnd
plant the old vines, which produce
a new crop In three months. All sorts
of fruits horticultural and greenhouse
plnnts and bulbous stock are grown
with the most gratifying success.
FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervoun
ness alter first day s use of Ir. Kline's Great
NervcRestomr.t'itrial bottle and ti-pnttspfn-e
Dr. It. H. Kline, Ltd., Ml AirhHt,, Phlla., Pa.
Children that nre hard to raise should
he brought up with a round turn.
J. R. Simpson, Marquess, W. Vs., says:
"Hall's OatnrrhOum cured mo of a very bad
case of catarrh." Druggists sell It, 75o.
There's plenty of room at the top, but
sot at tho top of a church ateeple.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for children
tnntbing.soften the (rums, reduces Inllamina
tlon.allays paln,enn-a wind eolic. 25o. a bottle
The stamp nn a love letter doesn't al
ways stick to facts.
Plso's Cnre Is the best medicine we oyer used
lor aU attentions ol throat and lungs. Wn.
O. Endslet, Vanlmren, Ind., Feb. 10, 1900.
Some men's prospects are so fine that
they can't be aeen.
" For two years I suffered ter- B
... . i . -. i . n
noiy irom dyspepsia, wuu gicai
depression, and was slwsys feeling
poorly. 1 then tried Ayer's Ssrts
psrilla, and In one week I was
new man." John McDonald,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Don't forget that it's
"Ayer's" Sarsaparilla
that will make you strong
and hopeful. Don't waste
your time and money by
trying some other kind.
Use the old, tested, tried,
and true Ayer's Sarsapa
rilla. ti.MlMH. All tratltata-
Aik roar doctor what ta thlnka of AyWa
SartaparlUa. H know, all about thlt Rrand
old family madiolna. Follow ala adTlco and
wowUlbaaatliSod. .
J. O. ATSa Co., Lowall, Maaa.
Dizzy? Headache? Pain
back of your eyes? It's your
liver! Use Ayer s Fills.
Want yonr moustache or beard a
beautiful brown of rich black ? Use
Buckingham's Dye
sOctl.of druggilttorR. P. Hall Ji Co., Naiaua, N. H
Gtnuioa (tamped C C C Vevsr sold In balk.
Bcwart of um dealer who tries to tea
"somcthlag jmt as good."
It aM cited with
it Thompson's Eyi Vitir
was area, ai
Mrs, Ida L, Gregory, President of the j
roets' and Authors' tlub of to!o-S
rado, President ol Colorado Art Club. :
Director o! School of Industry and
Desien. Vice-President o! Sherman.
Art League, Is Ona of the Leading!
tlub Women ol Colorado.
In a i-pc-oiit Inttor from 2 firnnt nvc
nuc. Deliver. Colo., tliln iirutnlix-ut lu
Some iirar nan mil hubnnrl mtf-
fereil ' I pom iinr-ruim )vont vtt ton anil J
arit-(a(ii0 trlfft a frirutllji tlrunntHf
h bfamh t hnme a bnttlnnf I'erunn,
III health tra rentitreil mm If ur,
hi appetite wan increased nnd rent-
fill Hire p came to him. 1 therefore
heartily endnrte l'eruna an an lion-
et remedy trorthii the anod thtna
XprvotiR prostrntlon is so frequently
nKRoclme-d with systemic entnrrh tint t
some doctors do not tlistlDRiilsli I-twet-n
tht two. In systemic caturrli
the dlscnse hns pervaded the whole
system mid there is a constiint loss of
vltul fluids from the mucous int-m-brnnes.
A (front mnny people are dcietorliijr
for nervous proslriition who would lie
Immediately cured ly a course of re
runs. Pcrunn nmk os elenn, henlthy
mucous membranes. l!y this prescr
vntiou of the fluids the wenkenlno
drain of their discharge Is prevented.
Ihe medical profession Is Just bcglu-
TM2 HSH as a
sfon hns n history.
Tfiia is told in an
intorestinff booklet
-. i - .A
tviik.1i is oura Tor
the asking.
MtiKtra of
mm r.rnni ash
OH SALfc EVttlYfH2R. Mn
Prince Orslnl, who li the owner of
the beautiful Lake Neml, near Rome,
has facilitated In every possible way
the efforts of the Italian government
to raise the two galleys of Caligula
which were sunk A. D. 41 off the
shores of this lovely sheet of water.
Sufficient has been recovered at pres
ent to disclose the astounding fact
that the vesselB in question measure
respectively 225 feet and 237 feet in
length by 60 feet and 75 feet In width.
Their decks were evidently covered
with splendid mosaics, and already
an immense number of magnificent
bronze objects, among them a beau
tiful head of Medusa, aro to be seen
at the prince's villa, where eventually
a museum is to be organized of ob
jects in connection with tho sunken
I MI?S. IDA ,. GREGORY Wmi Jy&k '
jh. TYrviti!
Heat Perspiration, Lameness, and Soreness incidental
to Canoeing, Riding, Cycling, Tennis, or any Athletics,
no other application so soothing, cooling, and refreshing as
a bath with Cuticura Soap, followed by gentle anointings
with Cuticura, the Great Skin Cure.
Million nt Women uae CUTICURA SOAP far preserving, purifying- and
beautilyintf the akin, for cleansing (he aralp ol crusla, acaira. and rfanHrulf,
and (he eloppinff ol falling hair, lor aollening. whhening, and aoolhing red,
rough, and aore handa, for baby raahea and chafing, in the toria ol palha
for annoying Irrltadona and inllamir-aliona of women, or loo free or offen
aive perapiradon, in the form of washes lor ulceradve weakneaaes. and many
aanalive. antiseptic purposea which readily auggeal themselves, aa well aa
for all the purposea of Ihe toilet, bath, and nursery. CL'TICUKA SO AH
combines delicate emollient properties derived Irom CUTICURA, the great
akin cure, with the pureat ol cleansing Ingredients and the moal refreshing ol
flower odours. Nothing can Induce thoae who have ouca used these greal
akin purifier and beaullflers louse any others.
Sold tamucMut the arorld. nrttisa depot: r. rtawarav aom, St. Cltarierlma
Sq., London, E. C. FoTrsa Daue and Chm. Coar., Sol Props., Boaua, V. S. A.
cwinatappax me.
Rcmeilj known In tho Medical Profc'sloii.)
-I (I ' M S". . :12 niHMW
imM " mm i
aoo ,, ..
nln(t to nwnken to the fnct thnt chronle
ciitnn-h, -!-pi--lull,v systemic catarrh,
will soon produce n condition so nenr
ly resemlillus nervottt prostration that
It Is very dllllcult to toll one from the
I'crunn, cures these canes without
If you do not derive prompt nnd snt
Isfactory results from tho use of Fe
runa. write nt once to lr. Ifartmnn,
glvlm; a full statement of your ense,
anil he will he pleased to give you his
vnlunliie advice mn t iw.
Address Ir. llartmnii. President of
The Hart mnn Sanitarium, Columbus, O.
I have Ix'tn ue!u3 Ripaus Tnbules
for nearly n year ami hnve derived
a prent benefit from them. I bad
suffered with stomach trouble and
dlszintts wiieu going to bed at
night. Seelus that the Itlpans Tab
tiles relieved me. I coutlniied the use
of thom to the present time, and
my stomach is now In good condi
tion nnd the dizziness has left me.
At dnttrifiaU.
The Five-Cent packet is enough for so
ordinary oceation. The family bottle,
cents, eontuns a supply lor a year.
rt Coutfh Syrup. Vates Good. CM 1 1
In tine. Buhl 1 1 rtrnirfjtPtn. pf
.'VIHII'V Js L 1 "WW-- Mill I
mf.cA-ru j
P. N. V. , '0.'.
U t S J 1 qnick roll' and ourw w.tnt
cam- fiuo ol to.t(nt,niaift ind IO dnja' tnwilmaaa
roo. Sr. a. a. oaiia'saoai, a a. auaata, aa.
j: )