The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 24, 1902, Image 4

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Slick ! Wanner
In looking through our new fall lines you will
be particularly impressed with the variety of
styles. There is scarcely any limit to ideas of
style, and the beautiful effects in the great variety
of novelties in
Especially will please all. The many new ideas
offered this season make this store of special in
terest to every lady who desires the very best and
newest things. Our reputation for always show
ing the most clever styles is assurance that our
styles are all right.
We find already much enthusiasm shown in
French Flannels, Flannelettes, and colored outings.
In heavier Dress Goods our Meltons are again very
strong as well as the harder finished Worsteds.
French Flannels, 45, 65, 75c
Flannelettes, 10, i5, 18c
Colored Outings, 10, i5, 18c
Meltons, 1.00 Yard
Black and Colored Goods from 50c to $2,50.
Velvets Ah
ery promis
ing season.
The fashion journals
all bespeak for . . .
Velveteens in black and color, 50 cents.
Silk Velvets in black and color, 75c and $1.00.
Velvet Cords in black and colors, 85c.
Are stronger than ever. New styles for fall are now
We carry also for Stout Ladies the "Cresco"
This corset has given such satisfaction to ladies who
have been breaking steels that it has become very
well established in the favor of the trade.
In repetition of the past few seasons the Wooltex
people stand pre-eminent.
The Wooltex Garments
km. wl r$tj
The "Wooltex"
Garments have
become so well
known that to
say "Thi9 is a
Wooltex Gar
ment,"is sufficient
guarantee that
the style is all
right and it will
wear. See the
the latest fad of
the "Wooltex"
people. It has
already become
very popular with
the dressy trade.
Gall and Seethe Monte Carlo
Next door to P. O.
Reynoldsville, Penn'a,
Conrad Mendel wag In Pittsburg the
past woek.
Silas Clark, of DuBols, ipent Sunday
n this place.
Miss Margaret Ilandyelde Is visiting
In Klttannlng.
Clarenco H. Roynolds Is In Klttan-
"nlng this week.
'Hqulro W. L. Johnson Is In Clarion
town this week.
Thomas Thomas vssltod his parents
at Anita Sunday.
Andrew Whoalor Is In Missouri buy
ing a car load of mules.
Miss Tressa Burns spent Sunday with
relatives In Summervlllo.
Charles Mohnoy nnd wife vlsltod at
Hawthorne the past woek.
James E. Mitchell, of Brockwayvlllo,
was in town Thursduy night.
C. A. Burlett Is taking In tho Expo
sition at rittsburg this week.
Miss Helen Soeley is visiting relatives
In Hldgway and Johnsonburg.
Miss Nancle Boyles, of Strattonvillu,
Is the guest of Mrs. I. M. Hoch.
W. P. Hetrlek and family, of Big
Run, visited In town this week.
Mrs. Mr. J. 11. Nettle and Miss Ella
Doemor aro In Kane this week.
Hen C. Heed and wife spent several
days In Brookvlllo the past week.
Dennis Flvnn and wife, of Ridirway,
visited Mrs. Mary Flynn last week.
Miss Marv Wlndlo Is visiting Miss
Mollio IMhcoII In Now Bethlehem.
M rs. Carrier, of Falls Creek, was tho
guest of Mrs. I'M. Clark over Sunday.
Mrs. John H. Kaucher nnd daughter,
Laura, visited In Brookvlllo Thursday.
Thomas Tanner, the liveryman, and
wlfo, attended the fair at Clearlleld last
Mrs. Henry Norrls has boon visiting
at Hlairsvillo, Indiana county, two
MIbs Cora Case, of Brookvlllo, was
tho guest of Mrs. J. O. Johns Monday
G. H. Adam, editor of Broekway-
villo Jiceord, was In town a short time
Mrs. C. A. Barlott and children are
visiting her parents at Wlldwood, near
l'ittsburg. '
Miss Lucy Ruopp, of Niagara Falls,
was the guest of Mrs. Isaac Swartz tho
past week.
Mrs. Wash Craig, of Callensburg,
was tho guest of Mrs. W. S. Hobs the
past week.
Daniel Nolan, jr., of Greonsburg,
Pa., spent Sunday with his parents in
this place.
Mrs. R. E. Shannon wont to Connolls-
vlllo Monday to spend two weeks with
her parents.
Frank A. McConnell. nrOnrlotor of
Frauk's Tavern, was In New Bothlo
hem Monday.
Fred Burns and wife and August
Guthrie and wlfo vlsltod In Summer'
vlllo laBt week.
Harry D. Clark, formerly proprietor
of a restaurant in this place, waB In
town yestoruay.
George Weymouth, of Lock Haven,
Hon. A. C. Hopkins' partner, was In
town yesterday.
J. J. Ross, of Wellsvllle, Ohio, spont
Sunday with his brother, W. a. Uoss,
at the Uoss Mouse.
Mr. and Mrs. William Pifor. of Big
Run, woro the guests of Mrs. James
Dickey last Sunday.
Mrs. James W. Gillespie, and daugh'
tor, Cathorlno, will go to Pittsburg to
day to visit relatives.
Mrs. Grant Means, of Saltsburg, Pa.,
visited her sistor, Mrs. J. b. Doemor,
in this place last woek.
Mrs. C. O. Anderson and her sister.
Miss Mamie Scott, have boon visiting
In Pittsburg tho past week.
Fathers T. Brady and P. J. Donahue
are at Carabridgo Springs, Pa., this
week" attending conference.
W. C. Furgeson and wife, of Pitts'
burg, woro the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
U. W. Porrln tho past week.
Miss Wlnnona Morso, of Driftwood,
U visiting her aunt, Mrs. M. E. Itldge
way, In West Ueynoldsvlllo.
Mrs. Frank J. Block will go to Brad'
ford this week to visit her parents. Sho
expects to remain two wooks.
Mrs. G. W. Morso, of Driftwood, was
called here last week by illness of her
sister, Mrs. M. K. Kidgoway.
Mrs. Jacob Hulnos, of Glado Run, Pa.,
visited her nephew, M. E. Rldgoway, In
Went lloynoldsvlUe last week.
Mrs. E. D. Soolov was culled to In
dustrlal, West Va., last week by the
serious illness or ner daughter.
Walter II. Clure has moved his
household goods to Irving, N. V, Mrs,
Clure wont to Irving Thursday.
George and Miles Hunter, of Wlna
low, vlsltod tbelr sistor, Mrs. J. R,
Miltlren, in this place last week.
D. E. Small, of Limestone, Clarion
county, spent bunday witn his brotnor,
J. JN. small, in West Ueynoldsvlllo.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Corbott, of Bvrn
dale, were guests of the lattur's aunt.
Mrs. Anna Wlnslow, on Jackson street
Mrs. Andrew Wheeler Is visiting hor
parents, Mr. ana Mrs. Hmltb MO'
Crelght, at Florence, Washington
county, fa.
Mrs. Jamos McKay, of Eloanora, Is
visiting her daughter. Mrs. Acnes
Handyside, postmistress and grocer, at
f rescollvllle,
Mrs. Margaret Robooca Sykos and
daughter, Miss mien, or aalem, Oregon,
are visiting 1110 former's son, U. W
Sykes, in this place,
F. O. Wilson and Andrew Greevohak
who have charge of departments In the
Rtiynoldsvllle Woolen Co. plant at this
place, visited tbe Brookvlllo mill Satur
day aiteruoon.
Charles Norrls. of Allegheny Cltv.
visited Mi parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Norrls, near this place three weeks.
Charles came home to increase his
avoirdupois and he Is now In nosscsslnn
of the proof that he accomplished what
ne came lor.
Thomas O'Haro. baseball 1st. who has
been playing with Ilurrlsburg team for
a month, returned to this place yostor-day.
John W. Kolloek nnd Clnronco
Schugars nro In Butler this week and
ill likely locate thero until next
Dr. Hold Wilson and wife, of Brook-
vllle, wero tho guests of tho former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. U II. Wilson, In
mis pinco Sunday.
William Hume was palled to Cook's
Run, Clinton county, yesterday to at
tend the funeral of Ills sister, Mrs.
Elizabeth Hillings.
Elijah Allen, of Rennvn, who owns
real estate in Ueynoldsville, was In
town yesterday nnd hud his name ad
ded to The Stak list for a year.
James Campbell Is at Emlenton this
week attending the full session of the
Clarion Presbytery ns a delegate from
the Ueynoldsvlllo Jresbytorlan church.
Mrs. T. C. Reynolds was called to
Harrisburg yesterday on account of tho
serious Illness of her husband, Captain
Reynolds, who holds a position at the
Irvln Klnek, the iieeommodatlng and
polite clerk In the clothing department
of Millirens department store, returned
Monday from a two weeks' visit with
relatives at Buffalo, N. V.. and several
other places.
Mrs. James W. Stevenson, of New
York City, who has been visiting hor
parents In this place, will start for her
homo to-night, stopping in Philadelphia
several days with her sister, Miss
Elizabeth Davis.
Mrs. L. J. MclCntiro and son, Harry,
returned Thursday afternoon from un
overland trip to Cllntonvlllo, Venango
county, Callensburg, Clarion county,
Clarion and New Bethlehem.
Mi's. Frank Mitchell, of Driftwood, Is
111 at the homo of her brother-in-law,
Lawypr C. Mitchell, on Grant street.
Mr. Mitchell came over from Drift
wood yesterday to see his wlfo.
John Ward, sr., formerly of this
pltt;!e, who has resided at Ruthmel
three years, has accepted a good posi
tion at East Brady and will soon move
to thnt placo. Mrs. Ward went to East
Brudy Monday to look for a house.
Nicholas Welseh, a glnss-blowor,
moved from Westmorelund county to
Roynoldsvillo last week. His brother,
Joseph, also a blower, came with him.
These two gentlemen worked in the
plant at this placo during Inst tiro.
M. W. McDonald, of Turtle Creek,
spent several days at homo of his mother-in-law,
Mrs. Thomas Reynolds, jr.,
in jarauiso, roturning home yosterduy.
Mrs. McDonald, who hud boon visiting
nor nioincr several months, roturned
home with hor husband.
II. W. Knuon & Co's suits and over
coats this fall are equal to any tailor
made garments In stylo, make and Ot.
Millirens Is the only place In town you
can find a genuine mocha glovo at $1.00.
Men's enameled shoes at D. Nolan's
shoo store for $2.f0, formerly sold for
$3.00 and $3.50.
My I But Isn't Reynolds'soda good?
Don't miss tho closing out salo at
J. J. Butters.
My 1 But Isn't Reynolds' soda good?
Now purses, belts and ladies' fancy
goods at Millirens.
Want Column.
Untost One cent pur word for each and
pvury Insertion.
For Sale Lot No. 7 on Jackson st.
Inquire K. Neff.
Wanted Sowing girls. Inquire Hoyn
oldsvllle Woolen Co.
For Sale Two teams of heavy draft
horses, 5 to 8 years old, two new Conk
Hn wagons nnd two set double harness.
J. A. Christie, Sandy Valley, Pa.
Boarders Wanted Pleasant accom
modation for four men. Inquire at
The Star olllce.
For Rent 7 room house on Worth st.
M. M. Fisher, 7th and Hill sts.
Farm for sale The George Henry
farm In Wlnslow township. It contains
100 acres: (10 acres cleared, balance in
second growth timber. House, barn
and wagon shed almost new; fine orch
ard: good water. For particulars in
quIroofA.G. Milllren, Ueynoldsvlllo.
For Sale Good U-rooin house on East
Grantstreet i good water nnd fruit. In
quire of L. J. McEntire, Sec. Reynolds
vlllo B. & L. Association.
For rent, House on Jaekson street.
Inquire of Dr. J. B. Neale.
For rent Two largo store rooms cor
ner 4th and Main sts. J. H. Corbett.
Wanted Girls to learn winding and
cloth picking. Apply at Enterprise
Silk Company oflleo.
For Sale Good cow. Inquire of G.
W. Stoke, sr.
For Sule Town lots on Grant, Main,
Jackson, Church and Worth streets.
Inquire of Mrs. J. L. Test.
For Rale A seven room house, lot
0 by 1.10 feet, In West Roynoldsvillo.
M. E. Weed.
Tlnit we unve an artlrlnnf noorqiiiillty
the slump of our prrsoiml kumiiimich
tiy onVrlnir It for siilo. We hciirtily
riTorimiend I. & M. Pnlnt his'itnsn It
fultlllH well nlKh Impossible conditions.
Highest merit and lowest iictuul cost.
Moro to any about It at our store.
Reunoldsvllle Hardware Co,,
Solo Agents, IteynoldHvillu, 1'u.
Jno. Kelly's famous shot's for women
for fall just In at Millirens.
"Wnltons" school shoes for boy.
World beaters for tho price. Ding
Stoke Co.
Ask to so our oxford gray rainy day
skirts at $2.50. Just In at Millirens.
When visiting the city.
Remember you get
more for your money
than any place you
can shop for Shoes.
Not in quantity, but
quality. Ask to see the
tlth and I 'e tin Ave.
Pittsburg, Pa.
The newest, flncilcloths,
the latest, designs, all
the most fashionahlecuts
for the summer season,
Call at our shop und
see samples of cloth a
complete line and let us
convince yoii that wo are
the leaders in our linn.
Reasonable prices always
and satisfaction guaranteed.
Johns & Thompson.
Cotnefl With
Tlecsnse the torn pnrat tire Is even
clny nnd nlnlit, nnd cold nre only
H memory. Thon there Is comfort
In dressing In a warm room with
out start 1 ii v n now Brn
All these comforts, and
more if you buy
Beworo of Imitation.
Keystone Hardware Co.
Solo Agents, Hcyrmldm'llle, Penna.
PLUMBER Gas, Steam and Hot Water Fitter
Dealer in Plumbing Supplies, Bath Tubs, Lava
tories, Sinks, Closets, Gas Fixtures and Gas Burn
er Supplies. Bath Room Specialties Towel
Racks, Soap Holders, &c. Monarch Instantane
ous Automatic Water Heater on display. ? j
Estimates Furnished, Olllce and Show Booms noxt toCcrwin's PhotQ Gallery,
m 4A
When ready to buy your Fall Suit or Overcoat, look here. A splen
did showing of Men's Top Suits and Ovefcoats for Fall.
Thore Is no exhibition of Men's and Boys' suits within your reach that equals our
iramnnso full gathering, The very lutest und best Ideas of tho foremost makers of
clothing In tho country find full expression in tho handsomely designed and finely
tailored garmuntB wo bIiow this season. Tho fabrics in the batter grades include all
tho high class novelties showu by tho tony tailors, and the stylo and fits, even down
to tho lowest priced suits, nro all that can he desired.
Men's Suits at from $ 3,50 to $20,
AT $12 00 Wo bavo just placed upon our tablos a vory handsomo lino of Men's Fall
Suits, In two and three buttoned double-breasted sacks. The latest crea
tions In Fancy Hootch mixtures, Homespuns, Fancy Worsteds, Black Tblbets, etc.,
tailored in faultless manner und as perfect in fitting qualities as you can got In a suit
at double tho price 91.2. OO.
Choice Fall Styles for Boys and Children.
Fully ready to eupply the boys with suitable Fall Clothos, olthor to knock about In or
for dross wear. Hundred of school suits In strong, serviceable fubrlcs, well 6owed and
stayed, at prices you'll appreciate. Novelties for the little ones, now Ideas In sudors,
norfolks, etc. Also a handsome Una of smartly tallorod suits for the older boys, with
either short or long pants. We are offering values this fall that will win and keep
your trade. Boys' kneo pants suits from 7"o a suit to $(1.50. Boys' long pants suits
from 2.7Bto 9IS.OO.
MCfJ'C TTWnPTPWP AP Boadv with the largest and bost solootedstook of Men's
mCiX O nnd jJ(iyi. underwear shown In tho town. Medium
and extra heavy weight underwear In natural wool, cnmelhair, plain oolor wools, non
shrinking merino and plain or floeoo lined underwear at from 24c to 92. OO.
Min' Fall Wat Stylish stiff hats for men in
ivieu urau rats tb(J neweal and moHl fllHhlonilblo
blocks, with correct Btylo. Wo offer you the best qual
ity thut can possibly be sold for tho money. Our
Price, l.OO to 3.00.
nft T-Tat We are showing a lot of new stylos In
wvu als Mon's Soft Hats. Wide brims and low
orowns have the call. Uur assortments will please
you. Colors are bluok, tan, pearl and stool. Prices
from 50o to $2.50.
Boys' and Children's Headwear 'lnSin
colors or fancy mixtures, In golf, club, eton or yacht
shapes. Prices 20a to 7So.
TltVn'Q riirtc A bettor and more up-to-date assort
men a mris mont of dreBs cqM D()t
found than we are showing for fall. All the new nov
elties In plain or fancy colors can bo had right here at
tho lowest possible price. A lurge assortment of heavy
work shirts, best values ever offered. Also the bost
50c and 75o overalls that's to be found anywhere.
Tho best, $2.00, $2.50, $.'1.00 and $:i.5() shoes made.
Correct Full styles in all leathers. Superior lu tit,
finish, muteriul and putting together to any shoes
shown ut the prices. Also all of the best makes In
work shoes at lowest prices.
A full assortment of good Shoes for boy's both for
dress und school wear ; made from all tbo best leathers.
New styles in Neckwear.
Full assortment of Trunks, Suit Cases and
Traveling Bags.