The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 03, 1902, Image 8

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, 7
Method That Enforce an Rlntiorta
rtm at Hook ken ln.
An American tiiiltnt nt Oxford ny
thnt In certain of tho iMlTwuliy n.l
legee B luon mny bo for At mwrl to tho
ball itor that Is, tho room lir-low the
dining "hull," whore tho fiinoy proior
lea of the colloiro ore 1liliiyl for. wilt.
There nr ornngeit from Florida mid
Tangier, apples from Now Ktiglnnd,
toga nnd dates from tlio lvnnt, pntm-s
from Italy, candled nprlcots fron?
Ifrnnco and English hothouse urn pen.
All nre uprend upon the tithlo like n
gorgeous Veiietlnn picture, lint nt ei
ther end of tho room Mnnd two Oxford
"scouts" xvUta account books In tholr
A man tnkes a tniigerlno nnd innlics
a llttlo pestitro townrd tho scout, wha
silently records, "Urown, omnia1, two
pence," and looks up to catch tho next
Borne one asks. "How much nro
chocolate creams, lllgglns?"
"Three ha'pence for four, sir," nud
the student urges threo neighbors to
hare his pennyworth.
The minuteness of this bookkeeping
Is characteristic of precise Kiigllsli
ways. The weekly bills always bear
a charge of twopence for salt nnd tlio
like, and once, when I lmd not ordered
anything for tho day, there was nn un
specified chnrgo of a penny In the
brenkfast column. I asked the butler
.what It meant Ho looked at tno hor
rified. "Why, sir, that Is to keep your nnmo
on the books!"
t asked If such elaborate bookkeep
ing were not very expensive. "In
America," I snld, "wo should lump
the charges nud devote tho money
saved to hiring a better cook."
lie explained that it nhvnys had
been managed so. That was sulllclent.
Youth's .Companion.
j The Iron Mnttlvn.
Tho Iron maiden Is a terror Inspir
ing torture Instrument mnda of strong
wood coated with Iron. It opens with
two doors to allow tho prisoner to be
placed Inside. The entire interior Is
fitted with long, sharp iron spikes, so
that when the doors nro pressed to
these sharp prongs force their way
Into various portions of tho victim's
body. Two enter his eyes, others pierce
his cbest and, In fact, iuipalo him nllve
In such a manner that ho dies In the
most agonizing torture. Persons were
condemned to death by tho embraces
of the iron maiden for plots against tho
governing powers, pnrrlcldo, religious
unbelief and murder.
The date of this instrument Is tho
fifteenth century. It is believed thnt
the Iron maiden is purely and peculiar
ly a relic of old Nuremberg, as at thnt
date we do not rend of it anywhere
else, while the annals of that town con
tain many allusions to Its terrors.
i Dla Flrat Taata of Discipline.
1 Admiral Jouclt, probably ono of tho
Jolllest seadogs our navy ever knew,
once told this amusing story of his
early days as a cadet:
"I was a sociuble youngster," he
ays, "and when I went to my first as
signment, the Independence, and saw
the stars and 'stripes floating over it 1
remembered my mother had taught
me that my first duty was to tho flag,
so I attempted somo conversation on
this line with the executive ofllcer who
had received me when I ennio on board
and who was one of the strictest disci
plinarians In the navy of that day.
" 'Silence, sir!' ho roared at my first
question, his face red with anger. 'Si
lence, slrl Who gave you permission
to speak? Let me hear only six words
from you, sir, whllo you are on this
hip "port," "starboard," "yes. sir,"
and "no, sir.'"
"And this was my first dlsclpltno In
the navy."
I Crowns by Wholesale.
- It Is told of one of the ancient kings
of Egypt that his coronation proces
sion occupied a whole day in passing
through the city of Alexandria and
that 8,200 crowns of gold were carried
by the servants. One crown was threo
feet in height and twenty-four feet in
circumference. There were also car
ried In the procession sixty-four suits
of golden armor, two boots of gold
four and a half feet In length, twelve
golden basins, ten large vases of per
fumes for the baths, twelve ewers,
fifty dishes and a large number of
tables all of gold. Twcnty-threo of
the 8,200 crowns were valued at 334.
400, and It is not surprising that the
procession was guarded by 1)0,000 sol
diers. St James Gazette.
A Joker Anions: Birds.
The bluejay Is a practical joker. It
ts his habit to conceal himself In a
mass of leaves near the spot where
mall birds are accustomed to gather
and when they are enjoying them
selves In their own fashion to sud
denly frighten them almost to death
by screaming out like a hawk. Of
course they scatter In every direction,
and when they do so the mischievous
rascal gives vent to a cackle that
sounds very much like a laugh.
I Fatal Worry.
' Hewitt It Is worry, not work, that
J ewett That's so, especially when a
fellow worries himself to death be
cause he cannot get work. Brooklyn
t OC and On.
"How will you have your hair cut?"
queried the talkative barber.
"OUT snapped the disagreeable pa
tron. And the barber cut on. Boston Globe.
Twu ArttdetaL
I EUa What would you do If you bad
sjy bead of hair?
tC Ttks It back and exchange It
Ks w lark Press.
Try Till Drop a I'rnny.
iriive you ever noticed the Interest
tfcnt money attracts even if It Is only
a Slimlc cent? The next time tint t yoil
see n copper roln ilropiM-il in n street
car Just observe. Kvery eye In tho
our will turn to tlio spot where it
dropped, nnd there will be niiiiilfextcd
n real general concern over lis recov
ery. Two or threo lienils lire likely
to come In oriitnct over the point of its
dlsiippenrauco, nnd then their owners
will tlrnw suddenly bnek nnd try to
nppenr unconcerned, but In another
second they nre nuniii leaning forward.
Tlio mil ii who dropped the rent Is
usually Hie first who nppenrs to Imvo
brushed memory of tho trivial occur
rence aside, but Just ns soon lis tho
eyes In the ear have turned from lilm
his own nre suro to go back to tho
floor In tho hnpn thnt tho trunnt coin
Will bo seen.
When lie has gone, there Is a re
newed Interest mining tho passengers,
for tho stiifio of "finders keepers" lias
arrived, nnd those near tho spot of
dlNiippearanco become quite diligent
until they nro nwnro they make n cen
ter of attraction. Hut Interest In that
Utile coin Is not lost whllo there Is n
passenger left, nnd when tlio car Is
empty tho conductor takes his turn
and resurrects tho cent. New York
Making- Tlirm All One.
An elderly minister Is fond of telling
of n "break" lie once Hindu at a double
wedding of two Bisters. It was ar
ranged that tho two couples should be
ninrrled with ono ceremony, tho two
brides responding nt tho sumo tlmo
and the two bridegrooms doing tho
same. There hnd not been any pre
vious rehearsal, ns tho minister hnd
come a long distanco and had reached
tho church but a few minutes before
tho tlmo for tlio ceremony.
All went well until It ciimo tlmo for
tho minister to say, "And now I pro
nounce you man nnd wife."
It suddenly became obvious to the
minister that tho usual formula would
not do lit the case of two men and two
wives, nud he could not think of nny
wny of making "man" nnd "wife"
plural In tho sentence. In his despera
tion and confusion ho lifted his hunds
nnd said solemnly:
"And now I pronounce you, ono and
all, husband nud wife!"
A lift end Its Oilila,
A notorious gambler, who died somo
tlmo ngo, once wagered n thousand dol
lars to ono that six would not bo
thrown with a pair of dlco ton times
In succession. His ofTor was taken up
by a fellow clubman. Tho dlco were
brought, and his opponent actually
threw six nine times In succession. Tho
gambler then offered $-170 to bo free
of tho bet. The other man declined,
had his tenth throw and fulled to get
another six.
Just to show Inyv very llttlo tho av
erage man knows about tho doctrine
of chances a well known mathematic
ian has pointed out the real odds about
this bet. Tho chances wcro no less
than t!0,4U0,l5 to 1 against six being
thrown ton times in succession; there
fore tho real bet should havo been
about $00(,0K) to 1 cent ngnlnst such a
thing happening. I'ittsburg Guzetto.
A Drawback.
"Well, James, how are you feeling
today?" said the minister to ono of his
parishioners, nn old innu sulTcring
from chronic rheumatism. "You aro
not looking as brisk as usual."
"Nn, sir," replied tho old fellow snd
ly. "I've been gey unfortlult tho day."
"How, James?"
"Wecl, sir, I got a letter frn a Glasca
lawyer body this mornln tellln' me
thnt urn cousin Jock was deld an' that
he had left mo twn huniier poun'."
"Two hundred pounds!" repented tho
minister. "And you call that bard
luck? Why, It Is quite a fortune for
you, James."
"Aye," snld tho old man sorrowfully,
"but tho stipid lawyer body dldnn pit
encuch stamps on his letter, an' I hud
a halo saxpenco to pey for extra post
age." London Tit-Bits.
Sand Swept Asia.
In the arid lands of central Asia tho
nir is reported as often laden with
fino detritus, which drifts llko snow
around conspicuous objects and tends
to bury them in a dust drift. Even
when there is no apparent wind the air
Is described as thick with fine dust,
and a yellow sediment covers every
thing. In Kbotnn this dust sometimes
so obscures the sun thnt at mlddny
ono ennnot see to read Quo print with
out a lump.
.Varnish From Seaweed.
A kind of seaweed which Is plentiful
on the coast of China furnishes an ad
mirable glue and varnish. When dried,
It Is waterproof, nnd it is employed to
fill up tho Interstices In bamboo net
work, of which windows are frequent
ly constructed In that country. It Is
also utilized to strengthon and varnish
paper lanterns.
A Cheerful Proposal.
A .Scottish beadlo one day led tho
manse houscmuld to the churchyard
and, pointing with his finger, stam
mered: "My folk Ho there, Jenny. Wad ye
like to lie there too?"
It was his way of popping the ques
tion. A Composer.
Hoax I thought you suld that man
was a musician?
Joax Nonsense!
"You certainly told me he wrote mel
odies." 'l told you be was a composer of
heirs. Hf sells soothing syrup."
A Marrying- Man.
u a marrying man?" was
i somber looking gentleman
" was the prompt reply i
"Are A
asked of
at a rectf It
tui a c
Tyman." ,1
nanny In Knsland.
Few people are nwnro how strict a
Ruulitilli Is still legally ordained In
Knghind. Tbu Lord's day observnuco
act forbids not only Kuiulay trading,
but nlso every possible occupation
walking, riding, rowing or nny gnniu
mill strictly enjoins upon nil subjects
over iiiuo years of ngu attendance at
church. At the opening of every as
size tho royul proclamation for tho
preservation of molality Is rend. Poo
plo who nro then present for tho first
time nro astonished to henr thnt tho
monarch forbids nnd calls upon tho
magistrates to punish absence from di
vine service on Sundays, nny playing
of cards or other games of chance or
haunting of public houses on tho same
day. Kverybody found in nn Inn dur
ing service hours Is liable to n flue of
NO rents, tho landlord to ft penalty of
(2.40, nnd for a successful prosecution
church wardens nro entitled to a re
ward of till. As recently us 1801 Isaac
Walton, a manservant, was lined $2.30
for refusing to nttciid church on Bun
day when ordered there by his mis
tress. About the same tlmo n mother
was prosecuted by her son and actual
ly Imprisoned for not attending church.
Don't Du It "Just For Now,"
Many young people form habits
Which cripple nud handicap them for
life by doing things "Just for now."
They let things drop wherever they
happen to bo "Just for now," thinking
that they wilt put the book, the tool,
the letter or the article of clothing lat
er where It belongs. When these young
people grow up to manhood nnd wom
anhood, they find that tho habit of
putting things down anywhere "Just
for now" has become a tyrant thnt tills
their lives with confusion nud disor
der. It takcj no more time or effort
to put a thing where it belongs in tho
first place than It does later, perhaps
less, and tho chances nro that If you
do not do so at tho proper tlmo you
never will. Even If It costs you a llt
tlo Inconvenience nt the moment to
put everything In Its proper place, to
do everything nt the proper time, tho
orderly and methodical habits which
you cultlvoto In this way will Increase
your power nnd usefulness a hundred
fold nud mny save you much trouble
and mortlficatlou In tho future, Suc
cess. Tried Hard.
At a trial at Auburn, l'n., ono of the
witnesses was a green countryman
unused to tho ways of tho law, but
quick, us It proved, to understand its
principles. After a severe cross exam
ination, says an exchunge, tho counsel
for tho government paused, and then,
putting on a look of severity, ex
claimed: "Mr. WHMiis, has not an effort been
mudo to Induce you to tell a different
"A different story from what 1 told,
"That Is what I mean."
"Yes, sir; several persons havo tried
to get mo to tell a different story
from what I havo told, but they
"Now, sir, upon your oath, 1 wish
to know who thoso persons nre?"
"Well, I guess you've tried 'bout as
burd as uny of them."
Displayed Some Strength.
"Well, Willie."
"You wouldn't pick sis out for a
strong woman, would you?"
"Hardly. Your sister Is a quiet,
gentle girl."
"Well, that's all you know about It
Bho Just puts It on. Why, I heard
that big man that's been cnlllng heiv
tell his chum last night that she threw
blin over. I don't know what It was,
but If she threw hliu over anything
she's a bird." Chicago Tost
Prevention of the Flight of Birds.
To prevcut birds from flying with
out tho barbarous and Injurious sys
tem sometimes practiced of cutting
their wings It will be found sulllclent
to tlo together with a thread threo or
four of tho largest feathers of ono
wing. This destroys the balance, tho
wings do not act symmetrically In tho
air, and flight Is rendered impossible.
Fowls, pigeons, etc., may be kept with
in bounds in this simple fushlou.
Merely Misplaced.
"Captain," said the cabin boy, "Is a
thing lost when you know where It
"No, you fool," answered tho cup
tain, who, being a wise mun, ubhorred
frivolous questions.
"Well, sir, your silver teapot Is at
the bottom of the sea."
Exit cubln boy. New York. Times.
It Wouldn't Work.
"I found," said the man who fre
quents the races, "that I seemed to
win every second day, so I made up
my mind to take a fresh sturt and bet
only every second duy."
"And bow did you come out?"
"Well, I think I must havo started
tho scheme tho wrong duy." Chicago
The Kind of Judge He Wanted.
Tho story Is told of an Irishwoman
who tried to console bcr husband with
the remark that bo would have a fulr
trial and an upright Judge. "Yerra,
woman," replied her spouse, "what'd I
want wld an upright Judge? What I
wants Is a Judge that'll leun a llttlo."
Opportunity has all bcr bair on ber
forehead, but when she has passed you
cannot call her buck. She has not tuft
whereby you can lay hold on her, for
she Is bald on the back part of ber
head and never returns. Itubcluls.
TIib average amount of wutor that
should be tulacu dully is from two to
four pints, or from four to eight glusses.
More water 'should be drunk In hot i
weather than In cold. I
4'rnvllr Crushed.
William llllss when president of tb
Boston and Albany railroad was once
called beroro the railroad commltteu of
the .Massachusetts legislature to testi
fy ou trnlllc matters, nnd a young
member who was serving his Hist
term undertook to examine him.
"I want you to tell me how much It
costs to haul a freight car from Ho;tnii
to riprlngilcld," said tlio member.
"I don't know." replied Mr. Itllss.
"You don't know'"
"That was the answer 1 gave,"
"What nre you, nnywny?"
"Of what?"
"The Boston nnd Albany railroad."
"Well, sir," began the legislator In
rising voice, "If you nre William Bliss,
president of the Boston nnd Albany
railroad, nud you don't know what It
costs to haul freight from Boston to
Bprlnglleld, who In the iiaiiio of heav
en does know?"
"No one that 1 know unless It Is n
member of the Massachusetts legisla
ture who Is serving his first term."
Another member continued the examination.
It is related tnat an Indian ciiler
once approached General Crook nnd
wanted to borrow n cannon,
"Io you expect mo to loan you a
camion with which to kill my sol
diers?" the old veteran Inquired.
"Xo," the chief replied; "kill soldiers
with a club. Wunt cannon to kill cowboys."
New Ware Room.
In order to make room to rebuild
our ware-room we nre compelled to
reduce our stock of Hardware, &c.
During next two weeks we offer
special inducements in prices cm the
Buggies Plows Harrows Stoves
Pumps Wheelbarrows
Building Paper Two T'yT" Doors Windows
I am closing out my stock of dry
and gents' furnishing goods at Z
going to quit business.
fl.OO lireiw IJihhIh Kin
k:h; dreHH goods, - - itfte
7fti: drcHH irooris, ftftc
IV I'llHhluern - 211c
3. V I 'iinIi mere - 24i'.
UOe CiiKluiuiru 47'ii!
Inc IMiiIiIh
Se I'luliU - lie
il.00 llrnlldi'lotb 7lk!
SI .20 llrniidulolli UV
11.011 Silks 71k:
7.V. HIIkH - 57c
mil-HI I kH 4.V
4. V Silks uftu
He Hrusb Wilding 7it .
.V lliiisli lllnilliiK . 4e
iV Tnlilo I.I lion 2i !
fide I it I lt? linen . . 4iic
7ilc liihlc linen to:
mic lititrlmr'H Ilium - 22
4Ue biuelier's linen inm
ftc cambric, lining 4c
AUu lutllus' shirt wulst 40c
In hhtck unit blue, cluy worsted,
MMIIirtl unu rounu cui HUllM. iniitH
114.00 soils
12.00 aulta ... suits
s.oo suits
8.0U suits
4.00 suits
8.011 suits
ti.OOsilllH ...
ft.ftO HIlltM - .
4.M suits
SOUSA AND HIS BAND, Sept. 3d to Sept. 16th.
OF BOSTON J S0pt' ,7t" t0 SePt' 23d
" CREATORE. the svengali
MFU ATTDAfTinNQ IHI hauntid swing. mt. pelei in eruption.
ADMISSION 35 CENTS. Ons Firs fop the Round Trip on til Railroads.
tils flrentest Mistake.
"Tho mistake of my life." snld tho
reminiscent innn, "was when I wns
selling patent medicines In Itussla
Ono day I nttetided n review of a crack
regiment nnd suddenly every man In
the ranks begun sneezing for nil be
Wns worth. In n trice I had my sum
plo case open and was trying to sell
the coinnilssnry n cnrlond of my nntl
grip pellets when he rudely Informed
tie that the troops were only hulling
with delight the arrival of Genera
Aknchooehebedooskl." Judgo.
fnennsclans Self Crlllflsin.
Mr. X.. the subeditor, was nsked to
write on nrtlclo on superstition nnd Im
becility. When the article wn printed, the
opening sentence wns found to be ns
follows: "That Imbecility Ih not on the
wane, perusal of the following lines
will limply demons! in to." Courrler du
ArciimnlntlnK Wentfli.
Could I climb to the highest place In
sthciiN 1 would lift my voice ami pro
claim: I'd low citizens, why do ye turn
nnd scrape every stone to gather
wen I til nnd take so little care of your
children, to whom one day you must
rclinqulnh It nil? Socrates.
London Is considered n crowded city.
yet 0.4 per cent of Its Inhabitants oc
cupy ono room tenements, whereas In
Bombay It Is 30 per cent.
good anisiulothlng and ladies
pur cont less than cost. Am
tl.OOIiHlloH' slilrt wiiIhIm 71k-
i.;r iiuiii'H' hIiIh whim, si. 12
il .M IihIIch Mill 1-1. wills) (1.15
I . I ft IikIIch' xlilrt wiiIhI line
31.23 tmhy drimsoM n-"m!
7.V Imliy di-CHKci. - ti."o
filk! Imliy ilrcMstm - :nc
2Tic Imliy ilrcHMM, - 11k;
7'ic Imliy HklrtM 4.V
(Ule Imliy Nklrt - :i'.k;
2.V Imliy'H skirt Ilk-
Ilk-child's MiM'kliiK - Ti.jc
ri'4e i-lilld'H Ml.w k Iiium Ilk-
IN! chilli's HlncklllK 12',C
2Tic stand covers - ilk;
Sc IihIIh Hllkllteen 4c
Ilk: yunl Hllkuleen - Tic
I. 'h- yiiril Hllkiileen lie ,r
9.m llcxllilimnnet, l.ll
II. im llexlliln I'omeU K-le
sTm- flexltile corset ti."n:
Nk! Ilexllile corset 41k?
40o Ilex I hie comet ik:
Cbildrons' Kneo Punt's Suits
svi.oo Halts, ... a.oo
4.10 suits - . il.fto
4.00 suits . . . 2.110
:i.:V Bulls 2.;VI
1.50 suits . 1.00
ll.OOsulls - . ;.-,:
Tile knuu pun is - . .Vm
Mic leneu pants . - 42c
2'x; knee punts llic
2-m: child's nvurulls . I'.h-
Mim's 1.1c linen collnrs Inc:
Hoy's l'k! linen collnrs 7c
Men's 'ic rublier collars l'.k-
Men's .Mm nuekt lus - - J!k;
Men's 2.V neckties . Ilk-
Child's 10c nec-ktlu lie
of the
Sept. 24th to Oct. 4th.
Oct. 6th to Oct. 18th.
l I " ."" ft:'
i. L
Rcynoldsvillc, Pa.-'
KAirr.r.N timf.. i
P. H.
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ler 4:::" p. l. Uuily, cxecpt Suiuluya.
Notk On RniKlnyt train 6 arrlvcn TlnlTnlo 8:111
p. .. Km'iii HU r i :u.i p. m., Rim tram 8 icavet liut
fuln'J a. m , Kncliester 8:;0 a. u.
V. M.
P. M.
Arrlvo. Leave.
IteyimliUvlllo .....
, . t'ulln rri'ek
. ...C. t M. Junction. ...
ClirwetiHvlllo ,
...(.'liarll'il, Mkt. 81...,
Lcnvo. Arrive.
P. M.
1 2.1
t 2 15
8 311
1 Oft
t 7 OtJ
2 an
8 2
12 ID
7 07
8 V
8 3 '.
8 12
12 :il
7 1
7 81
ii r,i
7 6lJ
4 17
4 32
4 43
7 lHl
11 3K
8 0!
t 7 ltl.tll 80
8 hi
P. M. I A. M.
A. M.
P. V,
Dully. t Dully except Sunday.
Gvuurul I'uiti iit-i'r Aftent.
( Form K. P. 2.) Uochetter, N. Y.
With um You Can Buy
Ilorsos, Ifai'iicss,
McConnick Iiiiitli'i's.
Mowors, Kakos,
nui'ttilii!i In
To clone out stock.
A pair of well bred
Mil visa COLTS
foil SALK
ThriM'-ytmr-olil buy tunra, pucur
Konr-yi'iu-olil lilnek uiuro, trot-
Ileal Ii kiml iul woll bitikun to
Hlnulv or iloublu.
The Reynoldsvlllc
Milling Goinpany.
Urlntj Your Product Co
rirroi rurr t. unw, tm.
S.nllwun I '
l'f ton ikliiliMj hr t(M
On tht t ll thnt pupl tw.
InH ( iM.ora hi It f.ll tnna.
Hut mlliliika in gt Urn Umi
Pari atrark kir4 ll nuralMi
Thnt nl4 Mt rran quickly hint,
Init I fnnn4 hf n.klnf Vanna
Thn( 'twu rnttra't Prttf hint."
Tf hi, I thmi in! than, natn It
ftVi U irnk tho taint 4nn4t,
knA I nnrlf had n mn-hnral
rlhlatntr that yon halt nana. .
Khan I taw wif wark tjntt laalfM
Th.t I call. tn rrt Kalnti
Int Hi'f. tot, cnnld nal ahVt It
'Twta fair "ratttt'i flat Fittf faint"
Init naw, alrt, hrt'a mj trltri
I'lfty gallant aanil toma,
Of rnnr brlthlaat ralnVn taltr. Kn4IIC. .
Tnn aaa lha Hun iwna ntltllnff
Anil I wantH aamfthiagqnaintf
la I thanrht t'4 taat an tH.r
Par faor "I'lttoa't Kna Traal raltL"
Tann tralf,
Tht San In tht In.
San1 for nwih of Pnlnt K nowl.
lkn nnd AilTlrn Krt to
Mllwiiaiken. wit.
Iiw (.rudo Division.
In Effect May 29,
1902. lEaittm SUndtrd Tlrr.a.
No I0 No. 113 No.101, No ICS Nolo?
I'ilt iliniu. ....
Kcd litioK
l.nwiooliiirn .
Sin lt. thl,.i,
link Klilno...
Miiysi llli-
l-illiilni't'l llll'
low II
I lllll l-
TulKI ri'i'k..
WliiiiTlinrn .
IN'iiiillulU. . .
Ill'llllfZI'ttO. .
irii in
M IA. M P. M.IP. M.
7 M
8 07
H 37
tn 43
il 411
tit on
n 22
t 87
10 Oft
10 10
IK'il Hunk II.
J.U. I'allx Cri
i".inji, ii iniMim ..mi n,. rn .,
Ill Itiookvllli. 12.41. Idiynoldnville
I'K i IIIIIIOIH l.iifl p. m.
.... A ( v on 1 1 n
.... H 2i II III 4 Oft
II 40 II t 4 In
.... 10 I I, II 47 4 rm
.... 10 20 4 ftx
.... 10 2'i 11 Ml ft 04
... PI 4.1 821
ii in ii ihi 12 24 ft ::"
tn 2i in in y mi
til i til III tft ftM
ii 41 il ;t; Yl r 8 l.-.
til ftl t 4 20
II ft" II 4 1 13 8 311
7 oi fii IK i r 40
7 17 i :tr k
7 30 1 Ml 7 OS
7 3ft IV) 7 10
7 43 2 03 7 IK
" I'l 2 2H 7 44
8 11 ,.v. t2 UN t7 M
i 8 4ft i 3 0ft 8 20
A.M. A. M. P. M. P. M
No 10 NolC6 No,02 No. 114 No. MO
A. M, A. M.lA. M. P. M. P. M.
.... 4 6 Ift ,11 20 .... I 5 60
... t 41 til 411 .... t 17
.... B Ml 11 ftft .... 8 2A
.... 7 17 12 22 .... IW
.... 7 2ft 12 30 ... 7 00
.... 7 SO laiift .... 7 0ft
.... 7 44 12 4 .... 7 1H
It 20 8 till 1 Oft Oft 7 a
il ;7 8 10 1 20 5 12 7 42
t :t! tft lx t7 48
8 44 8 23 1 82 8 27 7 68
t ftH t8 IB .... tft 43 t8 12
tf l tft Ml t8 18
7 ift h mi i m e on 18 ao
7 '! tH 03 J2 12 8 1ft ....
7 47 tn in J2 2ft a; ...
7 M 11) 22 ... t an ....
noi : a :ih 8 4.) ....
h 31 v .17 j;i on 7 14 ....
8 4ft 10 III 8 20 7 2ft ....
11 1.1 4.12 ill 30 t 4ft ....
A. M. P. III. p. ni.p. M. P. M.
Wlntiirburn ....
Now lli'llili'lmni
Hi'd Hunk
i luiii iriinuiiyiil'llviiH lilllloln 4.10 p. til.
1 ii ll ( nii'k 4.17, Hi'ynoldHvllle4.), Brook vllle
ft.Ki. Red Hunk 11.30, Pit Inborn .30 p.m.
rriiliniDiiirki'd run dully; I dally, exenpi
htinduy; t IIiik nintlon, where nliinala must h
lhllatlclphia & Erie Kullroad Division
In effect Mupch 24th, I!H12. Trains leave
Driftwood an IoIIowh:
9:04 n m Train 12, weokduys, for Bunbury.
Ilk.'Hhiure, lliizli'lon, I'otuvllle, Benin ton,
lltirrlnliurir and tlio Intnrmedlate nta
tloiiM, arrlvlnu ut I'lilliuli-lpbla 8:23 p.m.,
Niiw York, :;)p. m.i liiilllmore,8:00 p. m.i
WiiHlilintion, 7:fft p. m Pullman Parlor car
from llliumport to I'blludulplila and paie
mniL-.'ri'ourlieH from Kano to 1'hlluili'lplila
and Ullliuiniiuoi t to lliiltlmore and H ii.U
Ington. Joiisoniiuro Railroad.
a.m. WKEKOAY8.
a. m.
10 4.1 art'li'rmontW
11 00
It 04
11 07
It 10
11 18
11 20
11 28
11 40
12 01
10 314
10 :tft
10 31
10 2ft
10 20
10 11
Hmltli'n Kun
Glen lluzul
V ftii
0 40 lvUUlKwuyur
Uidgway & Clearfield Railroad
and Connections.
p.m. p.m. a. m
7 30 2 Ift
7 20 2 04
8 a ur Rlilu'waylv 7 00 12 10
A 10
2ft Mill Haven 7 10 12 20
U 15 1,'royluiid 7 21 12 30
B 11 HhortH Mills 7 2.112 33
8 07 lilua Uot'k 7 !H !' m
7 (XI
7 oft
4 20
4 30
1 54
1 .11
1 47
I ;:i
l a
1 28
I Ift
7 01
8 .17
8 47
8 43
i! ;
4 34
4 37
IB Carrier 7 38 12 40 4 41
o iiroi.'KWuyv l 7 4:1 12 50
M 47 l.iini's .Nfllla 7 47 12 54
8 43 MitMliiu Suit 111
4 ftl
1 -tl llurvey. Run 7 54 I ml ft 02
Hill Iv Falls (J'kur 8 oil llll 8 10
Ji Iv I lull, ils ar 8 15 12ft ft 3ft
il ft arFalisCk Iv In 1 20 5 10
II 12 12 .12
3 M 12 24
4 .10 1 1 47
4 0ft II 111
1 30 U IB)
p.m. ii.iii
o ii ili'VliolilHVIIIe 8 23 1 32
8 10 HriKikvlllu 8 50 1 .10
New Ui'tiil'iu Dim 2 3"
Red llankf 10 10 i 20
Iv 1'itubui'itar 12 3ft ft 31)
5 :
0 00
7 24
.. .. . .1 "" uuiuuuai iiiiormauuu
rousitli tli kui utfiils.
l.en MiiiniKer Uen. Tawt Agt
12:ft0 p. m. Train 8, dally for Sunbury, Ilar
rlliur unil pi lni'liulliiturmedlaieiatlouii.
4-uiiivnitj at l'lilliiili'liliia l:.a p. m New
1 ork IU:il p. iu.. lliililuiuri! 7:30 p. tu Wacb
Inuioii :.!. p. i. Vestibiilcil pin lor car
i ami iiiiKseii-eri''lii'n, Hiillulo to I'blludel
plilu and uslilutun.
4:m p. ui. Train U, dally, for Hur-''
r slitifj; mid liiterinedluie Httitloiis, ar
rlilnuatriillaili lplilii4:24A. M.i New Vork.
7.1.1a. ui.i lltiliiinoi,2.:io a. m.i Wasliliixlou
.in A. M. l'n Iiiiii n Sleeplnji ran. from
lliirrUlmrjrtol'lillaUelpliltt and Now York.
I liiliidelplila pusseiiKcra fan remain In
Bleeuer undUturlK'd until 7:30 A. M.
11:11 p.m. Train 4,dally for Kunbui y, llarrln
biirij and intermediate atailoiiB, urrlvluir at
t'bilaiii'lpbla, 7:22 A. M. New York. ?:
A. M. on week duy and 10.3s a M. on Sun
day! Ualtlinoru, 7:1.1 A. m.i WahliiKUjn. 8:30
."'.... u""'an nleitpem from Krle.
" VVIlUuniHiiort to l'blladelpbia, and
Hlllluniaport to WaabiiiKU'ii. FaaMeuirer
eiiiii-lie from Krle to rUUudolpliia, and
Wlllluwsporito llaltlmore.
13:27 p.m. 1'i ulii 14. dally for Sunbury. llurrl
burn and princlpul
rlvlnit at Vblludolplna 7:22 a. in.. New York
?i;tf.- "' wwl"luy Il0.il3 a. ui., Sunday)
Hull more 7: Ift a. ui., WiiliinKUiii, :M a m.
Vemlbuled buffet nleeplng earn and pun
HiuiKur coaches, Buffalo to I'blluUeluUlu and
8::h a. rp. Train 7, dully for Buffalo via,
a. in. -Train 8, dally for Erie, nidB-
Ullli llllll uuiiL ilouu .v.. T1..H..I . ..a
;Jtt. in.--li;itlu it, Uully lor KH nud Utr
a:4;) p. in.- litilu W, dully lor tiuffulu vl
ft:4Ap. iu. trulu ai, wH)kdyn tor Ktuio ttuk