The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 27, 1902, Image 1

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    Sandy Valley
Mlia Annie McGhee Is visiting In Du
Bolt. The farmer of this vlulnlty are com
plaining of the potato rot.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, of Erie, Pa.,
are visiting at the homo of Henry Stev
enson. The festival held at the church Sut
ure; evening whs it success, netting
J. C. Crlbbs U hauling stonn
days. He Intend putting it cellar tin
der hit house.
W. T. Cox and wifn. Mrs. W. .1. Boner
and Mrs. ChrMio took In tint picnic ut
Oak Ridge Inttt Thursday.
Adam Smith unil Muy Stmutrt.of Hits
place, hied themselves to ltr.Hikviiln
last week mid were quietly married.
The coal land lens d by Mr. Crawfmd
and W. H. Sunn. , Miiiii'tliiu- uo, Is be
ing taken up ami pnhl fur as fust as
titles can bo secured.
Tho dread dlauiiw. diphtheria, has
broken olit near the V.illey at the homo
of William Travis. Wu understand 111"
patients are convalescing.
Mr. and Mrs. .Iain k McOhee were
Called to Fulls Creek Sunday on iicc'niint
of the serlpus illness of Mrs. MelJheo's
later, Mrs. Cliarlulto Meiiitroy.
There Is a pulr of half slarvod ruts
meandering around Vtio Valley. They
attack all kinds of poultry. They have
already killed and devoured four half
grown turkles on VV. T. Cox's farm.
Probably som) of the render of The
STAR don't know why the stream Unit
empties Into tho Sandy Lick crook near
the Valley Is called ('anther linn. The
writer has been Informed i hat away
back about the time Monks was hum;,
a man and a panther had a fie lit up the
run near Where where the Cox eoul bunk
Is now located, and when the tin tit wits
finished tho man was In three or four
sections and the panther wus not as
hungry as It was when the light was
started. The writer thinks that he has
the bayonet of the man's gun, but is
not sure.
An engineering corps Is working
around the valloy and there Is consider
able mystery connected with the matter.
Tbey go right Into people's gardens and
front yards without asking permission,
and drive stakes and do as they please
In general. If anybody asks them what
they are doing they just look wise and
keep on driving stakes. There Is con
siderable guessing among the citizens
aa to what It means. Some think It Is
for a railroad while others think they
are going to slackwater the raging
Panther Run. The writer gives II up.
He don't know.
Squabble Hill.
' Lewis Smith has returned from Pitts
burg. Messrs. Stephenson were threshing
on Saturday.
What about ithat man that hud hU
Bing-Stoke Co.
Bing-Stoke Company
Where there's Everything that People
Wear and Most Things People Buy.
horse and buggy tied In tho middle of
the road ? Oh ! I was Just turning
around !
Karl Craven took u load of apples to
DnBoW on Thursday.
Whence came that barefoot step and
that bare-headed man ?
.laek Smith visited at. the home of
his parents over Sunday.
Mrs. (i. B. Slilixliedoekcr is visiting
her parents In Clarion county this week.
Misses Lucy Fox, Klva Cox a id F.dim
Wiirnlck visited Miss Mary Shlndle
decker on Sunday.
We witnessed an unusual sljht ou our
streets on Sunday. It was a fox And a
bull-dog hitched together: quite it team!
W. O. Harris made a business trip to
DtiHois lust Friday afternoon.
Mrs. A. VV. Mulhollnn Is visiting her
parents in West Virginia.
Hubert Smith and his mother drove
to DuDois Sunday evening.
Miss Davis, of nenr Harrlsburg, vis
ited with Miss Lillie Ward last week.
Robert Monroe and sister, Llz.le, of
Anita, called on friends here last Sun
day. Mrs. Wm. Tucker, who went to Eng
land ubout thr.-e month ugo, returned
homo last Thursday.
Reduced Rates to Denver.
On account of the National Fraternal
Congresa, to be held ut Denver, Col.,
August 2(1 to 30, the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company will sell excursion
tickets to Denver, Colorado Springs, or
Pueblo, Col., from all stations on Its
lines, at rate of slnglo fare for the round
trip. Tickets will be sold and good
going on August 22 and 211, and will be
good to return until Soptembor 30, In
clusive. Tickets must be validated for
return passage by Joint Agent at any of
tho above-mentioned points, for which
service a foe of 25 cents will bo charged.
For specific rates and conditions, ap
ply to ticket agents.
Shatters All Records.
Twice In hospital, F. A. Gulledgo,
Verbena, Alo., paid a vast sum to
doctors to cure a severe caso of piles,
causing 24 tumors. When all failed,
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve soon cured him.
Subdues Inflammation, conquers Aches,
kills Pains. Rest salve In the world.
25c at II. Alex Stoke's, drug store.
Advance fall
styles ere arriving
daily in all de
partments. The Kind uouLlke
If you have a taste,
for correct garments
no matter If you want
to pay but a small
price, remember the
stock we handle
solves the problem.
I'HBlllOIIHble ClOlllFK
lor 'Ion aud Ui)
or all atfea.
In tho ready-to-wear
department we
have suits to fit all
and guarantee perfect
clothes. Suits and
trousers made to or
der $15.00 to $.15.00.
Fittlnrj Shoes
for all Weather
A shoe must be
heavy enough to pro
tect the feet from the
weather and light
enough to make easy
walking. It is not
wise to buy a pair of
shoes so heavy tbey
are clumsy or so light
that they are not a
protection to the feet.
The shoes we sell
have the rlgh t weight
and are sold at the
right price. For men,
boys and youths,
ladies. misses and
children. Ask to see
Walton school shoe
for boys.
- ; ir tii -t ': " - ;'
Pastor of the First Presbyterian
deliver the address in the Reynoldsvillc Presbyterian
Church this evening.
Fiend at Work.
Some soulless ghoul cut the wire cable
at Rochester mine last Wednesday
night. It was evidently his Intention
to cause tho cable to part when a train
load of cars were coming out of tho
mines, as the cable was cut In several
places, In ovory case alt but one strand
being severed. What his motives were,
no one but himself knows, but It was a
malicious trick and one that might have
caused serious accident or even loss of
life. Fortunately the person whose
business It Is to sue that the cablo is all
right, discovered the trick In time to
prevent an accident. Dulitm ili-prem.
Freezer and you will be Strictly In It.
This freezer is made of the very best material,
Cedar bucket, block tin can, and with proper
care will outlast any freezer made. We have
sold Ci) of these freezers during the past month
and in every case they are givingentire satisfac
tion. This shows that the freezer will do all
that is claimed of it.
Remember the Up-to-date is the only freezer that
will make ice cream in a minute and give satis
faction. Sold only by the
Reynoldsville, Pa.
Wanted -40
To Work in Our Decalcomania Department
No special experience required.
The average wages of the girls
now employed in this depart
ment is $2.25 per day of nine
hours. For further information
apply at the office of the
Ford China Com'y
Ford City, Penn'a.
if"1 i
"" ' "- ... . . . -i-
Church of Marion, Ohio, who wil
Look Pleasant, Please.
Photographer C. C. Harlan, of Eaton,
O., can do so now, though for years be
couldn't, because he suffered untold
agony from the worst form of Indigest
ion. All physicians and medicines
failed to help him till bo tried Electrlo
Dltturs, which worked such wonders for
him that he declares they are a godsend
to sufferers from dyspepsia and stomach
troubles. Unrivaled 4 for - diseases of
the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, they
build up and give new life to the whole
system. Try them. Only 50c. Guaran
teed by II. Alex Stoke, druggist.
More Girls
AUGUST 27, 1902.
Smith Reunion.
The decundants of William Smith,
deceased, held a reunion at the home of
James E. Smith In Washington town
ship, Jefferson bounty, nn Thursday of
last week. James E. Smith, William
Smith, of Beech woods, and Mrs.
Anna Mlllen, of Nebraska, are the only
surviving members of tho family. The
reunion was held in honor of Mrs.
Mlllen, who Is visiting In this section.
rtiere were a large number present, but
all the Smith descendants were nut
present. A write-up of this reunion ap
peared In tho Du Unls C'otinVr Saturday
signed "K. T.," In which the writer
"This reunion did not embrace the
different brandies of tho Smith family
resldtng In the neighborhood, other
wise the farm houses throughout the
vicinity would have been left lu charge
of the bouse dog and cat. To assemblo
ull the Smiths and their connections
would mean a general Invitation to all
and sundry. The grand total would
mount Into the hundreds."
All Were 8aved.
'"For years I suffered such untold
misery from Bronchitis," writes J. II.
Johnston, of Droughton, Gn., "that of-
ten I was unublo to work. Then, when
everything else failed, I wus wholly
cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption. My wife suffered in
tensely from Asthma, till It cured her,
and all our experience goes to show It
Is the best Croup medicine In the
world." A trial will convince you It's
unrivaled for 'Throat and Lung dis
eases. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00.
Trial bottles free at II. Alex Stoke's
drug store.
Reduced Rates to Pittsburg Exposition.
On Wednesdays, September 10, 17 and
24, and October 1, 8 and 15, 1902, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
sell excursion tickets from points on the
Low Grade Division, Including the Sligo
Branch, to Pittsburg at reduced lates,
Including admission to Ihe Exposition.
These tickets will be good going on
regular trains on day of Issue, and will
be valid for return passage within four
days, Including date of sale.
Room -sized floor rugs at Hall's.
My t But Isn't Reynolds' soda good?
Dorothy Dodd. Here In September.
We will show In Au
gust some of the new
things In early fall
foot gear. Plain neat
shoes are the correct
thing for fall and win
tor wear. See our
tith and Penn Ave.,
Pittsburg, Pa.
Northamer & Kellock.
And we are better prepared than
ever to do cabinet work or anything
in the wood working line.
and repair work of all kinds done
Pictures Framing
We have just received a large lino
of Picture Moulding and we carry a
line of room moulding In stock.
Call and examine our line and get
Our cabinet shop Is so small and
our business Is getting so large we
will have to do something to got
more room, so we have decided to
sell off all our framed
Rlcture cat Goat
17.00 Pictures at
tn.00 Pictures at
5.00 Pictures at
11.00 Pictures at
13.00 Piotures at
$2.00 Piotures at
$1.00 Pictures at
all the rest in the same proportion
We are also agents for the Kane In
side Sliding Blind and Patent Screen
Remember the place
Northamer & Kellock,
Woodward Building, Main St.
A full line of supplies constantly on band
Picture framing a specialty. Ortti'e and ware
room In roar of Miss Uarnaret Evan' rackttt
siora. ttoaldeuca near cor. Oraut aud ttti ata.
Edward Cot Drowned.
Edward Cox, a woodsman who was In
the employ of P. McDonald at Sher
wood and Harvey's Run aliout ten years,
was found dead In the Sandy Lick creek
near the Berwind-Whltu shaft above
DuUois on Friday main of last week.
There was only about eighteen Inches
of water In tho stream where body was
found. He had taken off his hat, coat,
vest, collar and tie and shoos and left
them on the bank. It wus reported
through several papers that Cox had
committed suicide, bu', there Is a ques
tion about that. Twice Cox came very
nearly dying from hemorrhage of the
stomach and when he was suffering
from a hemorrhage he claimed that his
stomach would puin him as if on fire,
und some of his friends think It possible
that ho was threatened with a hemor
rhage nnd waded Into the water to Ho
down to cool himself off and became
weak and helpless and was drowned. A
number of Reynoldsville people were
acquainted with Cox, as be hoarded at
Hotel Imperial for a time.
The Great Punxsutawney Fair.
Going to tho Great Punxsutawney
Pair ? Better go, It promises to be one
of the best weeks tho town has ever en
joyed. Firemen's convention Monday
and Tuesday. Special attractions se
cured by the association, large exhibits
of stock, grain, fruit and everything
that tends to mako a good fair will be
there. The entire five days will be full
of amusement and entertainment. Spec
ial rates on all railroads.
Letter List.
List of unclaimed letters remaining
in the postofllce at Reynoldsville, Pa.,
week ending August 23, 1902:
Miss Mame Covert, MlssR. S.Agnew,
J. J. Morgan, Esq., W.' A. Hays, Miss
Sophia Grlok, William Downey.
Say advertised and give date of list
when calling for above.
E. C. Burns, P. M.
Go to D. Nolan's shoe store. They
are selling Quoon Quality shoe for $2 .10.
All kinds patent kids, enamolod box
calf and plain kids; lace and button;
heavy and light solos.
The individual tailor is only di earning when he thinks he can
duplicate the prices, the values or the methods of a great wholesale
tailoring house such as we represent. '
The Desbecker
Block Tailoring Co.
Who are also working and hustling while their competitors talk and "dream,"
which explains their high place in the tailoring business of America.
They aro represented by over 3,000 otfier live agents besides ounelves
And their business has grown to proportions that have almost created a
panic among their competitors.
That's why we can dress you to the "queen's taste" in garments that will
meet favor In the eyes of any man or woman at prices like these.
Ilup Ilup
and can't be matched elsewhere for leas than one-third more money. ,
That's what brains and hustle and 20th Century Methods have
While our competitors talk and dream, we're ready to show yon our samples,
quote you our prices and let you judge for yourselves,
Next door to the Postoffice.
Same Thing at Reynoldsville.
Punxsutawney has a Saturday night
feature that possibly Is not possessed by
any other town In this end of the Btate.
And that is hor Saturday night crowds
on the streets. From early evonlng till
ten there Is a contlnuod procession of
people. Many aro out tnnrkotlng or
shopping, somo aro on pleasure bont,
others are out for their health, somo ap
pear to wander aimlessly up and down
the streets and hore and there groups
are seen at a stand-still. Mon, women,
children, girls and boys and an occasion
al baby carlage. Sometimes a yelping
dog gets mixed up In tho tramping
crowd only to bo kicked out Into the
street whero thure Is raoro room for It.
And did you over try to cntcb what tho
people aro talking about? You may bo
sure they were not all conversing about
tho sumo thing. Hero como two young
ladles und as they pass all you catch Is
"ho said and she said," "Is that so?
well I declare !" Punxsutawney A'etr.
Wo have the same thing in Reynolds
ville, only the crowds aro larger on our
streets, and If the editor of tho Aeu
doubts this statement we can convince
him of tho correctness thoreof If he will
come over to Reynoldsvlllo some pleas
ant Saturday evening and try to get up
or down Main street. About the only
equul to tho crowds on our streets on
Saturday evenings will bo found on
Broadway, New York City.
Reduced Rates to Denvei.
On account of tho meeting of the
National Association of Lotter Carrlors,
to be held at, Denver, Col., Soptorabor
1 to 0, tho Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will soil excursion tickets
to Denver, Colorado Springs, orPuoblo,
Col., from all stations -on Its linos, nt
rate of slnglo fare for the round trip.
Tickets will be sold und good going on
August 211 to 31, and will bo good to re
turn until September !10, Inclusive.
Tickets must bo validated for return
passage by Joint Agent nt any of tho
above-mentioned points, for which
service a fee of 25 cunts will bo charged.
For speciflo rates and conditions, ap
ply to ticket agents.
Just Look at Her.
Whence came that sprightly step,
faultloss skin, rich, rosy complexion,
smiling .face. She looks good, fcols
good. Here's her secret. She uses
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Result,
all organs active, digostion good, no
headaches, no chance for "bluos." Try
them yourself. Only 25o at II. Alox
Stoke's drug store.
Boys and girls save your tablet
covers, a handsome cart given to the
one getting the most covers of the 1,000
tablets. Robinsons.
ReynofdsviIIe, Pa.
S-fl-JjOO swig