The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, July 16, 1902, Image 5

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    Wt Star
SitbHcriptiim $1.00 per year in aiiranre.
O. A. ft TF.PIIKMftON.Kdltor Mild Pllk.
Rntnrcrt nt. the pmtofflro lit Ueytiolclmllle
I ., u Wi'onil L'lnn mull mm lor.
Ci'MMKnvii.i.R Tri.ttrnonit No. til.
If you ncod tony special work done, call
At C. F. Hoffman's.
t Always hero. Work guaranteed. Eyes
'examined free. Glasses furnished lit
reasonable prices. ,
Beurs tho Motto,
"Coolness to All."
It's our soda saluto, flrod
not with guns but with
foam. Thorn's bound to
be a hot time before tho
September equinox, und
our fountain of delicious
drinks will bring relief
to Old Sol' victim. Keep
cool and help to ' keep
others cool In this sum
mery onoountor between
nickels and perspiration.
ft Little ol Everything.
Eugene Morgan moved to Lowtstown,
111., last week.
r The Interior of post oftleo was re-pa-
pered this week.
Robert J. Thomas has moved his
barbershop Into the Tapper brick
The hard rains last week compelled
, tbe Sandy Link crock to get out of
Its bed.
Regular preaching services tn the
- Presbyterian church next Sunday. Rev.
Reber will come borne Friday.
Viotorio, seven-month-old son of Don
to Del Principe, of Soldier, died Sun
day evening and was burled yesterday.
P. McDonald has a gang of men at
work tearing up and loading the rail
road Iron In the Harvey Run lumber
The Imperial Hotel 'bus, that was in
the shop for repairs, is on again. It
looks better now than It did when It
was new.
Dr. H. W. Trultt, who had two years
experience in dental business at Canton,
Pa., has opened a dental office in New
H. A. Cochran, who has charge of
City Hotel restaurant, was forced to be
' off duty ten days on account poisoning
hi right hand.
Kiartln Plyler, of Reynoldsvllle,
roasted tbe ox for tho people at Sigel
for Fourth of July celebration. Mr.
Plyler is an expert as an ox roaster.
' . Daniel Buwlby, who spent three or
' four weeks with relatives at Slrouds
burg, Pa., has returned home much im
proved In health and is at 'work Id the
tannery agai d.
Tbe old wooden ware house in rear of
Reynoldsvllle Hardware Company store
has been razed to tbe ground to make
room for tbe new ' brick building.
Work on foundation will be started soon
Francis D. Smith, Prof. C. W. Lenk
erd and Solomon Shaffer started yester
day for Coalport, Ky., to attend a
A meeting of tbe stockholders of a coal
company at that place which they are
interested lo.
Rev. W. F. Flick and wife, of
Petrolla, Pa., were guests of the bitter's
brother. Martin Plyler. and family oa
Fifth street several days the past week.
Rhv. Wtok. who Is pastor ol tbe M. E.
eburch at Petrolla, preached in tbe M.
Q. ebur undy evening.
The Altar Soclot.y of the Catholic
church hold a lawn fete on tho parson
age lawn Saturday evonlng.
The Daughters of Rebekah held a
lawn feto on M. F.. Rldgoway's lawn In
West Roynoldsvlllo Inst evening.
Joseph Macro has embarked In the
grocery business. He has taken charge
of the Macro store on east Main street..
William Barclay had a narrow escape
from death or serious injury ono day
last week by fall of coal In Sherwood
mine. His loft foot nml arm were In
jured. Tho Punxsutawnoy ,S;mf says there
Is a now throat disease- which ho been
diagnosed by a l'unxs'y physician as
' rootorltls, " and Is peculiar to base
ball cranks.
Eleven members of the Knights of
Golden Eaglo of Reynoldsvllle drovo to
Boechtreo on Tuesday afternoon of
last week and visited tho K. O. F. lodgo
at that place.
A groat game of ball will be played
at T)u I tills this afternoon, the weather
favorahlo, between a team from tho B.
P. O. K. lodgo of Reynolilsvillo and
team of DuBois Elks.
Daniel Brewer and son, Edward, L.
M. Alilorton and Grant Aldorton wore
over In Clearfield bounty this week
gathering huckleberries. Mr. Brower
says they are not plenty this year.
M. Hoch Snyder, piano. Three, and
one half years study in Vienna. Famous
method of Theodore Tsehetlzky, teach
er of Padorewskl. Will tako earnest
and appreciative pupils. Hotel Im
perial. Ladles of the Helping Hand Society
of tho M. E. church will hold a lawn
fete on tho M. E. parsonago lawn this
evening. If the weather Is Inclement
the ladles will sell leo cream and cako
in basement of M. E. church.
Prof. R. B. Teitrick, superintendent
of tho public schoolsof Jefferson county,
attended tho State Educational Associ
ation meeting In Pittsburg the first
week In July and was re-elected a
momber of tho executive committee.
Mrs. I-ovl Heldrlck died at her homo
in Brook ville on Tuoaday morning,
July 8th. Death was caused by liver
complaint. The body was taken to
East, Brady Thursday morning for In
terment. Tho deceased was In the
54 th year of her ogo.
Mrs. Bradshaw, wlfo of Rev. Brad
shaw, pastor of Brockway vlllo Presby
terian church, died In the Adrian hos
pital lust Wednesday evening. An
operation had boon porformed on hor at
noon Wendesday. Funeral was hold
Frldny afternoon at Brockwayvillo.
An entertainment consisting of roagto
lantern views, phonograph and recita
tions was given In tho Presbyterian
church on Tuesday evonlng of last
week under the auspices of Miss
Doslilu Brook's primary class of Presby
tnrla Sunday school. Over 111.00
was realized out of the entertainment.
L. P. McCloory, one of the supervis
ors of Wlnslow township, who Is suffer
ing with asthma and heart trouble,
wont to Pittsburg one day last week,
aocompanled by Dr. A. H. Bowser, to
consult the physicians at West Penn
Hospital as to the advisability of Mr.
McCleory entering hospital for treat
ment. He was advised to go to some
summer resort.
Some parties shot off a stick of dyna
mite In front of thcChlnaman's laundry,
on Fourth street, tho night before the
Fourth of July and broke all tho large
window glass in front of building.
Windows were broken In some of the
other buildings In tbe immediate vicin
ity of the laundry. Mr. Nolan has se
cured the names of tho parties who sot
the dynamite off and he expects them
to pay for the windows.
Twelve Reynoldsvllle men are fixing
up a camp In the woods back of Henry
Stevenson's farm, abovo Sandy Valley.
A building 14 by 32, with a porch
9 by 32, is being erected. Tbe camp
will be formally opened next Sunday.
The names of the stock holders are:
John O'Hare, John Censor, John A.
Wolsh, Thomas Green, W. W. Wiley,
Albert Reynolds, F. A. McConnell,
Frank J. Block, Ed. Goodor, Joseph
Welst, Ben C. Reed. George Hughes.
In a recent issue of The Star the
tatoment was made that N. B. Lane,
of Lanes Mills, started the first steam
saw mill in Jefferson county and intro
duced the first circular saw in the
county. Col. Ira Beobe, of Sandy
Valley, who is about same age as Mr.
Lane, Informed a reprensontatlve of
THE STAR that the aforementioned
statement Is not correct. Thomas
LI ton started first .steam mill and
Mr. Beebe Introduced first circular saw
on tbe waters of this section.
Tom O'Hare, Punxy'a fast right
Solder, owned the town last Saturday
night. He made three apparently Im
possible catches in the second game
with tbe Cubans, and set the audience
wild with enthusiasm. He took two
halls right off tbe fenoe after running
through water up to bla ankles and
made a sensational dive for another one
after a desperate run, coining up out of
the muddy water looking like a drown
ed rat, but still grasping the coveted
sphere. Punxsutawney tSpiiil.
Leg Broken,
John Fuller, who was braking on
P. R. R. between Oil City and Oloan,
N. Y hud his right ankle broken about
eight weeks ago. He Is visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. CI. W. Fuller,
near this place.
Taken to Hospital.
Robert Barker, Jr., tho 12-year-old
boy who had both legs broken above the
knees at Big Soldier tho last day of
June, is not getting along very well,
and was taken to tho Adrian Hospital
on 'Mo noon train yesterday for treat
ment. Charged With Robbery.
Marshall Harvey, of Eleanora, was
arrested July 3rd on charge of robliery.
lie gave ball In sum of (1,000 for his
appearance before 'Squire E, Neff, In
Reynoldsvillo, at 11.00 a. tn., J.nly 22 for
a hearing. John Brctman is tho
Opening New Mine.
The JelTorson & Clearfield Coal V
Iron Company Is opening a new coal
mine about n tulle above Heynoldsvllle,
on tho R. V F. C. R'y, short distance
north of tho opening of the Old
Diamond mine. Men were put to work
on It last week.
In Hospital.
Miss Mamie Plyler, a clork In Blng
Stoko Co. department stores, Is In West
Penn hospital, where sho had an
operation performed on a deceased
bono back of hor left ear. Sho Is get
ting along nicely since operation and
will return homo In a few days.
A False Statement.
Some of our exchanges published a
statement that a lynching was narrowly
averted at Heynoldsvllle on tho Fourth
of July, which Is false. An Italian did
attempt to shoot a man but tho crowd
that gathered had no Intentions of
lynching tho Iko and the officer was not
Interfered with while taking tho man
to lock-up.
Swift Resigned.
II. Earl Swift, an electrician who has
had charge of tho electric light plant
in Reynoldsvillo slnco It Btarted, has
tendered his resignation to tako effect
August 1st. Mr. Swift has accepted a
position with tho Brookvlllo olectrlo
light company. Mr. Swift is a line
gentleman and good citizen and wo
are sorry to see him move away from
Roynoldsvllle, but wish hltn bucccss in
Work Six Dsys.
About tho nitil die of Juno, at tho re
quest of the officials of tho United Mine
Workers of America, tho coal miners of
this section decided to only work four
days a week, hoping by that action to
assist tho nnthraclto minora In their
striko by not producing enough coal to
allow shipment of bituminous coal to
fill orders thatwero formorly flllod from
anthracite coal regions. A circular has
been issued by tho organization remov
ing tho restriction of only four days
u week, and tho minors aro now work
ing full time.
Home from the Southwest.
Charles S. Duvis, aclvll engineer who
has been in tho employ of a mining
company several ycuri and has traveled
through tho "wild und wooly" sections
of Mexico, Arizona. Chihuahua and
other territory between tho Gulf of
Mexico and Paciflo ocean, Is visiting
his parents, Mr. ari Mrs. M. M. Davis,
In this placo. Churlex has mado soino
trips that he had to rldo seven days on
a mules hack, after leaving tho cars,
before he reached his destination. Mr.
Davis expects to remain hero three or
four weeks. From hero ho will go to
Torres, Sonora, south of Arizona,
where he will accept a position with
tbe Cruston Colorado Company.
Special Tax in Winslow Twp.
The last week in Juno a petition from
the supervisors of Wlnslow township
was presented to the court of Jefferson
county asking for a mandamus to lovy
a special tax to pay tbe debts of said
township. The petition was read in
open court, and tho court authorized,
ordered and directed L. P. McCluery
and F. P. Best, supervisors of Wlnslow
township, to levy and collect during
the present year a special tax of 4 J mills
of the assessed valuation of all property
In said township taxables for county
purposes for the year 1002, and to raise
thereby the sum of (3,889.8!) to bo ap
plied to tbe payment of the Indebted
ness against suld township.
Gone West for Heslth.
Miss Minnie Wbltmore, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Jonotban Whltmore, has
gone to Casper, Wyoming, for benefit
of her health. Miss Minnie loft here
Wednesday morning of last week. She
intends stopping a month with relatives
at Tecumseb, Nob., and will go from
there to Wyoming. It Minnie's health.
permits she will teach school at Casper
at a salary of (00.00 per month. There
are eight rooms in tbe Casper schools
and there were only one hundred appli
cations from teaohers who wanted to
teach there. Miss Wbltmore, who
taught a number of terms In tbe schools
of this borough, and could have bad a
room for next term bad she applied, la
an exoellent young lady and is a good.
teacher. Her many friends in Reyn
oldsvllle and vicinity hope the change
of climate will restore ber health.
Three Thoussnd Already Rslsed to Buy
Clay Vein Meeting Friday.
Two weeks ago mention was made In
TiirStar that thero was talk of a new
Industry for Reynoldsvllle brick, tllo
nnd pottery plunt which would give
employment to a largo num1or of men.
Slnco that time soma ol our active citi
zens have taken the matter up and have
raised (3,000 to buy thirty acres of nn
excellent clay voln near Reynoldsvillo.
Tho clay Is as fine as can be found In
tho country for making brick, tiling or
pottery. C. J. Kerr and W. D. Wll
Hams, the gentlemen who solicited the
subscriptions for money lo buy tho land,
say they will have no illlllcnliy In rais
ing enough Block to build the plant,
which makes It a sure thing that the
plant will bn built.
There will bo a meeting Friday ovon-
Ing to organize a company, and any per
son Interested Is requested to attend the
meeting. A tllo and brick plant would
bn a paying investment. Wo will havo
moro to say about this plant next week.
Rufus Kirk Resigned.
Rufus Kirk, who has been In tho em
ploy of the coal companies, Hamilton
Coal Co., I'owors, Brown & Co., Bell,
Icwls & Yates and J. & C. C. A I. Co.,
at Reynoldsvillo for twenty years, last
position as head bookkeeper in the
Jefferson Supply Co. store, has resigned
Hint position and at present is taking a
much needed rest. Ho is interested In
coal mine, at Annnndalo, Butler
county, which a company Is now trying
to buy. If tho salo Is not made Mr.
Kirk will go lo Annandalo to assist in
ooking nftor tho mlno. Tho output
will lie Increased.
W. A. Loading, who was Mr. Kirk's
assistant, Is now head bookkeeper in
ofTcrson Supply Co. storo and Chester
Hounds, of Rochester, N. Y., is Mr.
Loading's assistant.
Robbers Visited Four Houses.
Monday night of this week robbers
wero at work in West Reynoldsvillo.
They entered the houses of O. H.
Johnston, W. P. Woodrlng, J. W.
Dempsey and, Mrs. Barbara Dunklo.
At all four places tbe uninvited visitors
gained entrance through windows.
Thoy did not secure any plunder at
Woodring's and Dunklo's and not much
at tho other two places. At Johnston's
they got (3.00 In cash, a razor and a
dozen of eggs. They stolo Mr. Doinp-
soy's shoes and a silver dollar. They
did not go to tho second floor In any of
tho houses, but they ransacked through
all tho cupboards and drawers on first
Harvey Myers Married.
J. Harvey Myers and brldo, of Fair-
mount City, Pa., visited the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Myors, in
this pluco last week. Mr. Myors and
Miss Augusta A. Golrholm, of Fair
mount City, wore married in Pittsburg
Juno 3()th. Tho brldo Is a sister of Mrs.
I. F. Plyler, whoso husband was in the
grocery business at this place about a
year ago. A caltthumplan band seren
aded Harvey and his brldo tho evonlng
they arrived In Reynoldsvllle.
No Principal Yet.
Tho Reynoldsvillo school board mado
another unsuccessful attempt last night
to elect a principal for the borough
schools. Tho throe directors who aro
not in favor of re-electing Prof. Len-
kord dropped their first man, Prof.
Pontz, and took up another man, Prof.
C. V. Smith, of Bedford Springs, but
the vote was a tie. Tho school board
will meet next Tuesday evening to
ballot again for principal.
Weed Returning.
On Monday of next-week, July 21st,
A. B. Weed, who was train dispatcher
in the Low Grade office at this place for
a number of years, but was transferred
to the dispatchers' office in Pittsburg
last year, will resume his old position
as dispatcher In the Reyqoldsvllle of'
flee. Mr. and Mrs. Weed expect to ar
rive hero tbe latter part of this week.
They will not go. to housekeeping in
Reynoldsvllle at present, but will board
at ono of the hotels.
Large Class Examined.
On Thursday of last week; County
Superintendent R. B. Teitrick ex
amlned a class of twenty-seven in the
publlo school building In this borough
for teachers' ' certificates. Just how
many of this number will be given
certificates will not be known for
sevoral weeks.
Notice to Customers.
After August 15th, 1802, we will dis
continue all premium schemes. Will
not give any premiums after that date.
J. A. & 8. C. Henry.
Twenty dollar bicycle given away at
Stoke's Famous Soda Water Depot.
All 15.00 dress skirts In all colors for
13.60 at Millirons.
Bicycle given away at S toko's Famous
Soda Water Depot. Full particulars
Saturday morning.
Men's patent leather shoes, made of
best stock, mostly small sizes, a regular
(4.50 shoe, go on Friday and Saturday
at only (2.1)0. Btng-Stoke Company.
Start the summer right by drinking
Reynolds' soda. It fine.
Twenty dollar bloyole given away at
Stoke's Famous Soda Water Depot.
John D. Nolan Succumbs to Typhoid Fever at Sandusky, O.,
and His Remains are Brought to Reynoldsville.
John D. Nolan, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel Nolan, of Reynoldsvllle, died at
Sand iiKky, Ohio, July 8, 1002, at 11.40
a. m., from typhoid fever. John had
been slek three or four days alxmt
middle of June, but was feeling so much
better that ho went to work on tho
Saturday two woeks previous to his
death and worked several hours In tho
rain. After that ho had a hard tussle
with tho fever and finally succumbed to
tho ravlslilngs of tho disease. July 4 1.1 i
his parents received word that John
was In a dangerous condition. On ac
count of poor health Mrs. Nolan could
not go to hor son's bedsldo and Mr.
Nolan had some Important matters to
look after, but Thomas and Kato Nolan,
brother and sister of John, went to
Sandusky tho afternoon of tho Fourth,
and Mr. Nolan went the following Sun
duy afternoon. All three of them wore
at his bedsldo when ho expired.
Tho body was prepared for burial and
placed In a fino casket and shipped to
Roynoldsvllle, arriving hero at noon
Wednesday, A lurgo number of the
members of B. P. O. E., of this placo,
of which order John was a member,
wero at tho rullroud station and march
ed to tho Nolan residence on Main
street ahead of tho lifeless body of their
departed brothor. The casket was
opened In tho parlor and a largo
number of peoplo wont to the houso
during tho ufturnoon and overling to
tako tho last look at tho young man
who was popular and bad a host of
friends on uccount of his kind hearted
ness and gonlul disposition. John
Nolan was a young man who never
lacked for friends, no matter wboro ho
went. During tho nine or ton months
ho spent In Sandusky, as a brukemnn in
tho B. & O. R. R. yards, he succeeded
in winning many very.warra friends.
Funeral services were held In the
Catholio church at 0.30 a. m. Thursday
and that large church was filled with
trlonds and neighbors. Rev. P. J.
Donahuo conducted Requiem High
Mass. Rov. Edward M. DrUcoll, of
Oil City, sang tho offortory. Fifty
members of the Elks attended tho
funeral In a body. Tho funeral was a
vory large ono. The floral contribu
tions were beautiful, consisting of tho
following pieces: Gates ajar, from B.
Henry Bone, of Barnosboro, Pa., son
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bone, sr., of
this place, and Miss Elizabeth Mu
Gulre, of DuBois, were married at the
home of bride's parents on West Spring
avenuo, DuBois, at 8.00 p. m. Thursday,
July 10, 1902, In tho presonco of Im
mediate friends of the families. Rov.
J. Vernon Boll, pastor of tho DuBois
Presbyterian church, performed the
marriage ceremony. A wedding dinner
was served. The brldo and groom re
ceived many presents. The brldo Is
known to a number of Roynoldsvllle
people, as she' camo here with John
Reed's family when they moved from
DuBois to Reynoldsvillo and remained
here until recontly. Mr. Bone and
bride went to Barnesboro, where they
will reside. Their many frlonds wish
them happiness In life's journey. Rob
ert Bone, sr., and wife, of Reynolds
vllle, Walter Bone and wife, of Prea
oottvllle, Robert Bone, jr., and wife,
of Soldier, attended tbe wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bone, si., have
twelve children, nine sons and three
daughters, and they are all married now
but one son.
Ice cream either by dish, pint, quart
or gallon at J. H. Double's, near hose
bouse No. 2. Beet In town.
Bicycle given away at Stoke's Famous
Soda VVater Depot. Full particulars
Saturday morning.
Those who have tried our want
column find it pays to do so.
P. O. E., star from Clork's Union,
cross from Mr. and Mrs. Isnaa Swartz
and Miss Nellie Sutter, white carnations
from A. 11. and J. E. Faseninyer, and a
beautiful boquct of roses from an
unknown friend. -
John 1). Nolan was born (n Drift
wood, Pa., September 7, 1870, making
him almost 20 years old at timo of
death. John railroaded on Low Grade
Division a few years, but something
ovor two years ago accepted a position
ns clerk in Johnston & Nolan's shoo
storo, where many of our towns peoplo
became well acquainted with him.
July 8, l!KH, ho left Reynoldsvillo to
look for work elsowhoro. Ho expected
to emhurk In tho mercantile business at
Sandusky this fall, but his hopes wero
blasted by tho Grim Reaper and his
loved ones now mourn for him. John
wuh a bright young man and had the
ability to make a successful buslnofii
The following net, nf town rrtlnt.tvni
v and friends attended the funeral: Miss
Kato Gleason, John McMuhon, sr., John
MoMahon, jr., R. Gleason, of Drift
wood, James Brown, J. M. Marsh and
wife, of Brookvlllo, Dunlol Fitzgerald
II. McOcohen, of Rldgway, P. T. Nolan
and wife, Mary Nolan, Nollio Dorcey,
Annlo Mcl'hclcy, Mrs. John Kuns,
Kato Nolan, John McCarty, M. J
Curmody, Mr. McGarlty, of Johnson-
burg, Mrs. P. W. Kane, of Toledo,
Ohio, Albert Sutter, of Franklin, J. E,
Mitchell, of Brockwayvillo, Father E.
M. Drlseoll, of Oil City, Mamio Curth,
of Sandusky, Ohio, William Howard
and wife, of New Kensington, William
Collins and wife, Annlo, Margaret,
John and William Collins, jr., A. II
Fasenmyer, William and James Martin,
Hurry Keener, Warren Mohney, Mr,
and Mrs. Hanley, Minnie Fasenmyer,
of Now Betblehem, Patrick Collins and
wlfo, Patrick Colne and wlfo, of Falls
Creek, Patrick Dorcoy, of Pittsburg,
J. E. Fasenmyer, John Dorcey, Mrs. T,
P. Duano, M. J. McEnteer, James
Murphy, Charles Gleason, of DuBois,
John Mullroy und Sarah Mullroy, of
Bonezetto. Daniel Nolan, jr., brothor
of deceased, who is now working in a
jewelry store at Greensburg, came homo
to attend tho funeral.
Electric Railway to be Extended From
Eleanora to this Place.
The readers of The Star know that
tho Punxsutawney Passenger Street
Railway Co. and tho Bituminous Rail
way Co. both had applications before
the town council of Reynoldsvillo for a
franchise to build an electric railway
through tho streets of this borough.
Council has had tho matter under con
slderution for two or three months, and
at a meeting hold on Monday evening
of this week the Punxs'y Passenger
Street Railway Co. was granted a fran
chise In this borough. The Una will
likely bo extended from Eleanora by
way of Wlshaw and will come In
on Pleasant avenue side of town. Tbe
company Is to put up a (25,000 bond that
work on tbe road will bo begun inside
of sixty days and to be completed as
soon as possible, barring legal proceed
lags, if any.
Sue the Oxfords and shoes at Millirens.
Twenty dollar bicycle given away at
Stoke's Famous Soda Water Depot.
Our soda has a flavor so distinctively
Its own. Reynolds Drug Store.
Bicycle given away at Stoke's Famous
Soda Water Depot. Full particular!
Saturduy morning.
Men's enameled shoes at D. Nolan's
shoe store for (2.50, formerly sold tor
(3.00 and (3.50.
Our loo cream soda looks like 30c,
only five. Reynolds Drug Store.
Oeorga Davidson Fell Off a Railroad
Bridge Into SwiR Current.
George Davidson, an employee at
Ilouklns mill, two miles west of Royn-
oldsvlllo, fell off the P. R. R. No. 2
bridge, Just east or Hopkins, at 2.00 a.
m. Saturday, July fith, and was drown
ed, Davidson and James Rankin had
attended tho Fourth of July celebration
at Reynoldsvillo and about two o'clock
Saturday morning, as John Best was on
his way to Hopkins, ho found tho two
men sitting on oast end of hridgo. Ho
tamnu to lliem u few minutes ami all
threo started for homo. Just as Best
and Itankln stepped off end of bridge
thny heard a splash In tho water and
looking down saw Davidson In thocrcoK.
Best ran down to tho bank, and
although unable to swim, ho waded Into
the creek until ho got Into tho water
ovor his head but could not reach
Davidson, and had n struiritlo to got
out of tho water iiinin himself. The
creek was high nml as tho bracket was
ill the dam the water was swift anil
Davidson could riot sa-vo himself nnd
went down to death. Tho peoplo of
Hopkins wero notified Immediately
and men began fishing for tho body, but
it was not until about II. nil a. in. that
ho body was found. It had Bono down
the stream about loo yards below tho
bridge. Tho body was brought to J. II.
Iluglies' undertaking establishment In
this placo and prepared for burial.
Saturday evening, July d, the body was
luxon to iNowhcrry, suburljoi willloms
port, for burial. Tho deceased was a
member of tho Knights of Pythias
lodgo of Nowberry, and Cluwson Early,
member of K. of P. lodgo of Reynolds
villo, and E. B. Falls, of Hopkins, an
old acquaintance of Davidson, wont with
nooy to ivowtHirry.
i ne arowned man leaves a widow and
five small children at Nowberry. Ills
father, James Davidson, was burled at
Newberry about two weeks before the
drowning accident occurred.
Nichalo Gave Bail.
Nlchalo Fasoo, an Italian. vas arrest
ed July 4th on charire of carrvinir con
cealed weapons with Intent to harm
others. Ilo was in tho lock-up from
rriuay aiternoon until Saturday evo
nlng, when ho eavo bail In tho sum of
(.100 for his appearance at court.
iMcnaio drew a revolver to shoot
James McDonald on tho afternoon of
tho fourth and that is what caused his
arrest for carrying concealed weapons.
we understand that Nichalo was
abusing a boy on Alain street when
James McDonald Interfered and the two
men had a fight. They woro both
arrested, hut as the officer laid his
hands on Nlchalo that Individual drew
a revolver und shot at McDonald, but
somoono struck tho Italian's hand in
tlmetos"nd bullet into sidewalk nnd
prevent It from hitting some ono. Both
men wero fined for fighting, hut Nlchalo
had to pay an oxtra fino for shooting In
tho borough.
Farewell Social.
Mombors of tho Baptist Voung
Poople's Union gavo Miss Minnlo Whit
more a farewell social on Tuesday evo
nlng of last week, as Minnie was to
leave tho following morning for Wyo
ming. Tho social was a complote sur
prise to Mlnnio. There was a largo
number present. Ico cream and cako
woro served. Two Sunday school
classes, that Minnlo had boon teaohor
of, presented her with an elegant Ox
ford teacher's bible. Minnie had always
been a faithful and hard worker In tho
Baptist churoh and will be greatly
missed In church work.
The Pleasure of Drinking.
Is nover appreciated quite so much as
on a hot day beforo our soda fountain.
Then and thoro, it Is a joy not to be de
nied. Our soda water is very popular,
and steadily gaining in popularity bo
cause It represents a rare combination
of choice materials, perfect equipment
and expert skill in preparing, mixing
and serving. That Is a good deal to say
In ono breath, but como and taste the
soda drinks, all flavors, and see for
yourself how good they aro. Stoke's
Famous Soda Water Depot.
Organize Friday Evening.
Thore will bo a meeting of the sub
scribers to the proposed brick and tile
plant at the Building and Loan office
on Friday evening, July 18, at 7.30. for
the purpose of organizing. All persons
Interested are invited to attend.
Solicitino Committee.
Lad's Neck Broken.
Hershel Schoflnor, seven-year-old son
of Perry Schoffner, of Falls Creek, was
run over by a hose cart Monday eve
ning at Falls Crook and had bis neck
broken. He only lived a few minutes
after the accident.
Card of Thanks.
Tho ladles of tbe Woman's Relief
Corps adopt this method of expressing
their thankfulness to the Sons of Veter
ans and others for assistance and pat
ronage on the Fourth of July.
Mas. S. E. Wl30R,Sec.
Designer Coupon.
We will continue to give coupons with
each purchase in dry goods and notions
departments until August loth. Save
tbe coupons and when your purchases
amount to(15.o0 you get the "Designer"
free for one year. Co.
Blcyclo given away at Stoke's Famous
Soda Water Depot. Full particulars
Saturday morning.
Special clearance sale at Millirens.
We sell good soda, Its the kind you
want. Reynolds Drug Store.
Twenty dollar blcyclo given away at
Stoke's Famous Soda Water Depot.
All tbe latest staple soda drinks all
the latest fancy ones. Reynolds Drug
Wash skirts in linen and. duck. Any
skirt In the house at 75c at Millirens
If you don't appreciate good soda, not
much use in coming here. Reynolds
Drug Store.
Queen Quality shoes at D. Nolan's
shoe store for (2.60.
Twenty dollar bicycle given away at
Stoke's Famous Soda Water Depot.