SPECIAL THIS WEEK Another New Industry, n( ruB. Better Mine Ventilation, it pK. State and National News, Page. SPECIAL THIS WEEK The Story of the Flag, 2nd vage. Latest Fashion Notes, 3rd Page. Ideas for the Farmer, th rw VOLUME 11. REYNOLDSVILLE, PENN'A., WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1902. NUMBER 9. A NOVEL SCHEME FOR THE BETTER VENTILATION OF COAL MINES. R. D.ALBRIGHT j . Plumber, Gas, Steam and Hot Water Fitter Hugh Haggerty has Invented a Device for Getting 4ir and Food to Entombed Miners. BING-STOKE CO. JULY CLEARANCE SALE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Every Department Joins in This Clearance Sale. BING-STOKE CO. DEPARTMENT STORES- Where there's Everything that People Wear and . Most Things People Buy. JJOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE IN OUR SHOES. No reason why you can't be. No reason why you shouldn't be. Prices and Style are Right. Best SKLwrnoN in the City. Let Us Fit You. ' W. B. LOVELESS CO. (fth and Ponn Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. CPRING IS HERE AND BO 18 Northamer & Kellock. And we are hotter prepared than ever to do cabinet work or anything In the wood working line. Upholstering and repair work of all kinds done promptly. Picture F"rnii-iIiiB We have Just received a large line oTyioture Moulding and we carry a line of room moulding in stock. Call and examine our line and get prices. Our cabinet shop is so small and our business is getting so large we will have to do something to get more room, so we have decided to sell off all our framed Pictures at Coat 7.00 Pictures at M.OO Pictures at T.00 Pictures at $.00 Pictures at $.1.00 Pictures at 12.00 Pictures at 11.00 Pictures at 5.65. $4.50. :).H0. $3.10. 12.25. 11.(10. 75o. all the rest In the same proportion We are also agents for the Kane In side Sliding Blind and Patent Screen Windows. Remember the place Northamer & Kellock, Woodward Building, Main St. N E A T N E S S,- A CCURAC Y, PROMPTNESS, Guaranteed In every job turnod out by The Star office. NEW LINE OF MEN'S AND BOY'S SUITS FOR THE FOURTH OF JULY SALES. We have just piled on our tables another large assortment of Men's and Boys' Suits, bought especially for the Fourth of July sales. In up-to-date styles in all wool Thibets, Serges, Cheviots, etc., in blues, blacks and the latest fancy striped and checked effects. Tailoring ab solutely faultless ; perfect fitting and cut in the very latest approved fashions. All at remarkably low prices, quality considered. See our Line of Men's suits at $8, $10 and $12, and our Youth's suits at 5, 6, 8 and $10. Also the small boys 2- and 3-piece suits from 98 cents to $5.00. Large assortments of Boy's wash suits from 48c to $1.65. Also a fine assortment of Boys' shirt waists from 25 cents to 75 cents. Men's and boy's straw hats in all the swellest Porto Rican, Pana ma and Yacht shapes, at prices rang ing from 25c to $2.50. ' Men's white vests In nil washable fabrics, both white and fancy colors, from $2.50 to $3.50. Men's shoes and oxfords Comprehensive showing in all the swellest shapes and leathers. Extra ordinary lines at $2.50 and $3.00. Also large assortments of Trunks, suit cases and traveling bags. M 1 -. H. W. EASON & CO. Next door to Postoffice. H. W. EASON & CO. Hoover Building. Hugh Ilaggerty, of Llndsey, visited the family of his brother, Thomas Ilag gerty, In this place several days the past week and was a caller at The 8tar office yesterday forenoon. Mr. Haggerty spent thirty years of his life in and about the coal mines as miner, foreman, Are boas, &c, and Is well posted In mine work. He has gotten up a plan in shape of a tube for better ventilation in minus and to save life In case of men being en tombed In the mines, which frequently occurs in various parts of the country. If Mr. Haggorty's plan Is put In use, men can be communicated with In case of entombment and food can be sent to them through the tubo, which can be run Into every part of a mine whore cars are lifted or left. Mr. Haggerty recently returned from a trip through the Connollsvllle and other coal regions and he has presonted and explained his plan of bettor ventilation, &c, to a num ber of mino superintendents and mining engineers and they all speak very high ly of It. Mr. Haggerty hopes to get his plan Introduced into some of the mines In Pennsylvania soon. Fire at Falls Creek. Early Friday morning Falls Creek was visited with a (30,000 fire. Hotel LaMontagene was one of the building destroyed. The DuBoIs Courier says the losses were divided up as follows: GUbret LaMontagne, hotel building, 115,000, Insurance about (3,000 ; H. S. Emery, proprietor of the hotel, furni ture and stock, (8,500, Insurance (2,500 ; Mrs. Hlndman, of DuBoIs, dwelling house, (2,000, fully Insured ; John Hicks, farmer of Warsaw township, Jefferson county, (1,500, no insurance; John Draper and Harvey Pastorlus, oc cupants of Mrs. HIndman's house, furni ture and other effects, (1,000, no in surance. Added to these are the smaller losses of the fifty or sixty guests of the hotel who succeded In saving very little of their belongings, some of them escaping In the apparel they wore at the time they were vroused from their slumbers. New Salvation Army Officers. Captain Florence Donnersberg, one of the most efficient offloers In the Sal vation Army, has taken charge of the work In Reynoldsvllle. Captain Don nersberg came direct from Franklin, where she has been stationed for sev eral months. It was her second ex perience In that city, which certainly attests the high popularity in which she was held by the Franklin people. Captain Donnersberg will be assisted by Lieutenant Harbst, and as both are good musicians and hard workers, the Reynoldsvllle corps may be expected to take on a new Impetus under their man agement. When the captain and the lieutenant loft Franklin the press of that elty was loud in its praise of their work and we hope they may succeed as well In Reynoldsvllle. Excursion to Niagara Falls. On Saturday, July 12, the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company will soil spoclal excursion tickets to Niagara Falls and return, good going on trains indicated below and good to return on regular trains until July 10, Inclusive, at the following low rates: Brookvllle, loaves 8.50 A. M., faro (4.50; Reynoldsvllle, loaves 8.23 A. M., fare (4.50; Falls Creek, leaves 8.10 A. M., fare (4.50; DuBoIs, leaves 8.00 A. M., fare (4.50. Passengers from Brookvllle, Reyn oldsvllle, Falls Creek, and DuBoIs change at Red Bank to through train leaving that point at 11.03 A. M. Don't Fail To Try This. Whenever an honest trial is given to Electric Bitters for any trouble It is re commended for a permanent cure will surely be effected. It never falls to tone the stomach, regulate the kidneys and bowels, stimulate the liver, invigorate the nerves and purify the blood. It's a wonderful tonic for run-down systems. Electrlo Bitters positively cures Kidney and Liver Troubles, Stomach Disorders, Nervousness, Sleeplossnoss, Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, and expels Malaria. SatUfactlon guaranteed by H. Alex Stokes. Only 50 oents. Save Ten Per Cent. County Treasurer Gil C. Reitz will be at the following places on date1 mention ed to receive oounty, poor, bond, state and dog taxes: Hotel Imperial, Reyn oldsvllle, Tuesday, July 1st, to reooive taxes from Wloulow township tax payers; Wednesday, July 2nd, at same hotel to receive taxes from Reynolds vllle borough taxpayers, and on Thurs day forenoon, July 3rd, at Ross House In West Reynoldsvllle borough. ' Those who pay their taxos to oounty treasurer will save ten per cent. if A Man Li To You, And say some other salve, ointment, lotloi, oil or alleged healer la as good a Buelflen's Arnica Salve, tell him thirty year I of marvelous ou re of Piles, Burns, Bolls, Corns, Felons, Ulcers, Cuts, Boards, Bruises and Skin Eruptions prove it's the best and cheapest. 25c at H. .Mex Stokes drug store. Rathmel. Joseph Painter and family visited at Falls Creek Sunday. Mrs. Wyse visited at Eleanora and DeLaney last week. Mies Mary Smith, of DuBoIs, spent Sunday with her parents here. James Thompson and son, Harry, of Eleanora, spent Sunday with their family here. W. H. Thomas, of Clearfield, visited his parents here over Sunday. The Fourth will be very qulot here, as thore seems to be nothing special on program for the day. Rev. A. J. Meek preached an In teresting sermon here Sunday after- Just Mention a Word to the Editor. There never was a paper In any local ity that gave us all the news, says an exchange. It Is often that some persons come or go that the editor does not see. It happens that a family is missed several times. They get the Impres sion that the paper does not care to mention them or has a grudge against them. It Is a mistake. The paper has no Ill-feeling, no spite, no enmity against anybody. Most people take the local paper. Don't be afraid to give the editor new of interest. Perhaps you think the paper has shown partial ity; but try and see If It doesn't treat you well If given a chance. Saves A Woman's Life. To have given up would have meant death to Mrs. Lois Cragg, of Dorches ter, Masts. For years she had endured untold misery from a sovere lung trou ble and obstinate cough. "Often," Bhe writes, "I could scftrcely breathe and sometimes oould not speak. All doc tors and remedies failed till I used Dr. King's New Dlscovory for Consumption and was completely cured." Sufferers from Coughs, Cold, Throat and Lung Trouble need this grand remedy, for It never disappoints. Cure Is guaranteed by H. Alox Stokes. Prloe 50c and (1.00. Trial bottles tree. Letter to fir. Jim Sharp. Iieynohhrvillt; Pa. Dear Sir: Two names stand for the best of everything In pafnts, the Long' man & Martinez Pure Paints. They are Just the paints to decorate your town or country homo; to brighten it up, making it fresh and attractive, and Ideal In appearance. They cost in the original packages a fow cents per gallon more than thin paints, but whoa the necessary oil Is added their cost Is about (1.20 or 30 oents per gallon loss than thin paints. Plooso go to Royn oldsvllle Hardware Co. for prices, color cards, etc. Very truly, Longman & Martinez, Paint Makers. Reduced Rates to Providence R. I. On account of the meeting of the Baptist Young People's Union atProvl donee, R. I., July 10 to 13, the Pennsyl vanla Railroad Company will soli ex eurslon tickets to Providence and re turn, on July 8, 9, and 10, good to return until July 20, Inclusive, from all stations on it lines, at rate of single fare the round trip, plus (1.00. Need Mora Help. . Often tho over-taxed organs of dlges tlon cry out for help by Dyspepsia' pains, Nausea, Dizziness, Headaohes, liver complaints, bowel disorder. Such trouble call for prompt use of Dr. King' New Life Pills. They are gentle, thorough and guaranteed to cure. 25o at H. Alox Stokos drug store. . ' Go to D. Nolan' shoe (tore. They are soiling Queen Quality shoe for (2.60. All kinds patent kids, enameled box oalfend plain kids; lace and button) neavy ana ugnt soiae. . . ; v ... .. ' . ' We meet any prloe on waif paper or, palnU. Stoke. Don't fall to get a pair of solid leather shoe for (1.25 at MilUrens. i A Full Line op Bath Tuns, Lava-' Tories, Closets, Ga9 Fixtures and Gas Light Supplies; Bath Room Specialties, Towel Racks, Soap Holders, &c, Alway9 on Stock. Office and Show Rooms on Second Floor of Syndicate Bldg., Main St. Robinson's Robinson's. JJEW SHOE STYLES I I I I I I I I If you want Shoes that are stylish yet serviceable, comfortable yet dressy, Shoes that conform to your feet in every way, Shoes that are easy the first time worn, Shoes that you will appre ciate in every way visit the store where they sell WALK-OVER Price (3.50 and (4.00. AND QUEEN QUALITY Price (3.00. Children's and Misses' Shoes ai specialty. ROBINSON'S.- -ROBINSON'S. REYNOLDSVILLE HARDWARE COJVTY. QRAND CLEARANCE SALE. New Ware Room. In order to make room to rebuild our ware-room we are compelled to reduce our stock of Hardware, &c. During next two weeks we offer special inducements in prices on the following: Buggies Plows j Harrows Stoves Pumps j Wheelbarrows Building Paper Tw0 Jhtee Doors J Windows REYNOLDSVILLE HARDWARE COM'Y. N, HANAU. I am closing out my stock of dry and gents' furnishing goods at 25 going to quit business, fl .00 Uross Goods Klc MAc dress goods, - ttfx; 7.V drew, goods, Mo Vtc Oarthuiere - 20c 35c Cashmere 240 00c Ointhmere 474e - lso I'lalda lie Ho I'lulds - -60 11.00 Hroudcloth 7Uo 1.20 Broadcloth - B5c l.OOrillka 7Uo 7Se HI Iks - B7c OOc Bilks . 48o 45c Silks - aso No Hriii.li nincllnR 7c Ac lirunh HludliiK - 40 28c Table Llneu - 2oo BOo table linen - 40c 70c table linen 60c itoc butcher's linen . - . Mo 40c butcher's linen HOC 8c cambric Unhid - 4c , 50c ladles' shirt waist 40c goods and clothing and per oent less, than cost, f 1.00 ladles' shirt waists Il.:i8 ladles' shirt waist 11.50 ladles shirt waist SUB ladles' shirt waist SI. 23 baby dresses . 7Ac baby dresses BOo baby dresses 2Ao baby dresses. 75c baby skirts - 80c baby skirts . 2Ac baby's skirt 10c child's stucklnirs 12Kcchlld's stockings lHc child's stockings 28o stand covers -So balls sllkateen 10c yard sllkateen . 18c yard atlkateun . l.UO Henlblecorset 1.00 Ilex I hie corsets HAo flexible corset 80c flexible corns t 40c tlexlblu corset ladles Am Tc HOC . . Hoc AC - aic Iwe 4.1c auc ion TKc 10c 12WC lUo 4C 74o 10,o 1.U0 KIO tt5o 40c 2iki In black and blue, wiuare ami rouuu S18.00 suits 114.00 suits 12.00 suits 10.00 suits S.00 suits t.00 suits 4.00 suits clay worsted. cut suits. ftl.00 10.00 . . 8.80 7.28 B.80 g.50 8.40 CLOTHING. (10.00 suits 8.00 suits' 7.80 suits 8.80 suits .00 suits B.80 suits AO suit YOUTH'S SUITS. T.W .28 6.00 4.78 4.U0 k.78 3.7 Chlldrens' Knee Pant's Suits 16.00 Suits, . . . a.uo 4.80 suits - ... a. . 4.00 suits . 2.U0 8.80 suits . - 2.80 , 1.90 suits . . 1.00 l.OOsuita - . - TSo 78c knee pantt - - AAo , 80c knee pauM - 42c 28o knee paula - loo 2Ao child's overalls - ltio , Men's 18c llneu collars 10c Hoy's 10c linen collars .' To ' Men's 28c rubber collars 10c Meu'sSOc uecktlea 3Uo ' Men's 28o neckties - luc Child's 10c necktie - - so