V Snlmeription $1.00 per tenr in advance. (I A. TKPHKtNOfl, Kdllor and Pnb. WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1902. Anlmlenmidmitlnoiilpiiper.puhllMirriovrrv Weiliii'idiiy nt Heytiulilitvllln, Ji-lliTwin Co. 'dnvntpd to the Intercuts of KeyiiolilKvllln jnrt Jnffprmincnunljr. Nnn-K)Htlriil.wllltri'at all will, fiilriii-sw, unci wllllii'imuuelitUy frli'iul- towimln the InlHirlnn rims. Communications Iniomlcd for puliHcntlon uiunt be nwomimnlcd by the writer's muni', ot for nunllcnllon, but SB gunrnntee of Kol faith. Interesting newii Items solicited. Advertlnlna rates madu known on Kpplli'R Hon t thlsofflcn. , , LenuMy communication, nml cnnnim of 4rrtlemnts should roach this olHca by Monday noon. Subscript Ion price II .0(1 per ynsr, In nd vnnre. Address all communications to O. A.Btcpb naon, Hoynoldsvllle. I'a. Entered nt tbn postnfllcs nt Reynoldsville Pa., as sscondclas.mnll matter. BltMMICRVIM.lt Tm.wnoNK No. HI. Through the manipulations of a few Individual! the price of meat has been advanced to unusual 6gurcs, causing, It Is claimed, wide distress among the poorer classes. It would not be a had thing If the prices would go still hlghur and stay there. The result would natu rally be the abandoning of flesh as food and the adoption of a diet purely vege tarian the true diet of man. There s no practice more repulsive than the voluntary slaughter of life to feed life. Cannaballsm Is abominable, and we would die rather than eat the body of our friends. Now there is no material difference between the flesh of man and the flesh of the lower animals. It bo comes, therefore, purely a question of whothor the lowor animals have souls or not, whether It Is lawful to take their life, and the commonly accepted theory Is that they havo not. Perhaps they have none, but It Is pretty hard to understand why one animal man should bave and other animals built upon the same general lines, with brains and a kind of reason, should not have a kind of soul. And somo very eminent churchmen, Wesley among others, have defied anyone to prove that animals have no higher spirit. But viewed from standpoints entirely materialistic, It Is a mistaken Idea that meat Is neces sary for strength and health. Those familiar with nations whose diet Is wholly vegetable fruit, nuts, grain assert that not only are tho men as strong physically, but can live on far less than the flesh eating races. One thing they lack, however that pug naclty and brutalness so common to every beef-eating people. A loss which Is surely not to be regretted. One of the most prized advances Id medical science was the discovery of and belief in the agency of microbes toward producing disease. Upon this pivot the general practice of medicine has balanced almost entirely during tho last few years and It had come to be almost universally accopted as the true solution of disease. Startling enough sound the words of one of England's most eminent physicians when he boldly asserts : " I claim that the poisons of the contagious diseases are not and can Dot be the product of a bacillus; that these microbes are not constant and therefore cannot be the essential ele ment In producing diphtheria, typhoid lover, cholera and the plague; that con sumption Is not due to the ravage of tho tubercle bacillus." He furthor claims that not only are these microbes harmless but exert a positive beneficial influence, the healthy body being filled with them at all times. It Is true that during the Illness of a person these bacilla become Infected too, and from this has rtRen the mistake of believing them the cause of disease. Want Column. Hates: One cent per word for each and very Insertion. Wanted Two or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping by man nd wife. Address, with terms, A. B., this office. For Rent Two six-room houses in West Reynoldsville. Inquire of W. L. Johnston. For Rent Good houso near the glass plant. Inquire of E. Noff. For Sale Two lots on Main streot. Inquire of H. J. Hughos. For Sale Two lots on Fifth st. In quire ot H. A. Swab. Found Pitch fork. Inquire of I. M. Each, West Reynoldsville. Lost Small gold watch with fob.lost last nlffbt. Finder will be rewarded bv -" leaving watch with postmaster. House, lot and barn on corner of Third and Jackson sts. for sale. Size of . barn 28x32 ft. Inquire of L.F.Hetrlok. Bids Wanted. The Reynoldsville Real Estate Co, will receive sealed proposals for the digging of a ditch, laying sewer pipe therein, and refilling a sewer aocordlng to the plans prepared for same to be ' found t G. M. MoDooald'i.iffioe. All ' . bids must he in on or baftf.-Saturday, May 10th, 1902, at 7.00 m right to reject any or an Diets rmat a. G. M. Mel UD, . -yp. . . m . .. 1 V W can supply yourw . . lb the paints or window- shade line." Any size hade mado to order. Stoke. A lot of carpet samples Just the right lis fyr rug, for sale for less than cost. . j.r -mis, , . i . - V ? 'C'!t tflnners at Hotel Beluap C rut m unurMsed. , .. . 1 THE NEWS OF 1 NEARBY TOWNS. Itpp'ortcd by The Blur's I Mpr lal Correspondents. 1 Snndy Valley. An Infant of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ilauk, of Crenshaw, was brought to this place and burled in the Epworth ceme tery Sunday. J. C. Crlhhs has bought ten acres of land from W. T. Cox out on Cherry Lane. He Intends to Improve It at once. James McGhee and wife spent Sunday in Eleanora. Richard Bowen, of Roynoldsvllle, Is prospecting for coal on the Cox land one mile north of this place. The diamond drill Is working day and night. We wIbIi him abundant success. The present Indications are that there will be a largo fruit crop this season. James Orcutt, of Johnsonburg, visited friends here the past week. W. J. Bonner spent part of last weok In Brookvllle as a juror. W. T. Cox was at Punxsutawney last Friday on business fur the Stiinmcrvllle Teluphone Company. Mrs. Pantall, of Punxsutawney, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller. Tho Slier vood mine Is working steady these days and the miners are contented and happy. We understand there Is several years' work hore yet. News has been rathor scarco for the past two weeks. Therefore, we have been silent. Possibly we might pattern after tho correspondent of a paper pub lished Ave miles east of this place and write up a lot of old happenings. If the readers of The Star, wants news of that description we might Inform them that Munks was hung In the year 1820, that Rev. Geo. Seamore preached In Snndy Valley In IStil at early candle light, or that Noah and the elephant played bull In the ark and Nonh sent the dove out on a fly, or that Columbus discovered America In 1402. and that George Wash ington held the hatchet In his left hand when he admitted to his father that ho out down the cherry treo and kept his right hand free to ward off the blow he expected to get for doing It. Now, If our neighbor correspondent calls that news, we don't agreo with him. Wlshaw. Thomas Beattlo Is very sick at this writing. Thomas Maxel, who Is working at Rathmel, spont Sunday with his family here. James B. McClure Is on the sick list. There will be a danco at the pavilion next Saturday night. Alex. Lowery and Robert Harvey, of Eleanora, were In town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hollonbaugh were tho guests of Ed. Htllts last Sunday. John McKUlip fell last Saturday even ing and hurt his back. Sarah Jane Web, aged 5 months 21 days, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Web, died Sunday morning, April 20. Funeral service was hold at residence of the parents Wednesday afternoon, conducted by Rov. Harry Teagarden. Interment was mado In the I. O. O. F. cemotury. Emerlckvllle. A party of Roynoldsvllle people took suppor with Israel Snyder, sr, and wife Sunday, consisting of Miss Mable 81 pie, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Greoychak, Mrs. Gertrude Sheets, Mrs. Minnie Rhoden nd Mrs. Dora Yenowlne. Miss Ethel Scbugars, of this place, Is visiting relatives in Reynoldsville this week, Mrs. L. E. Dinger, of Arcadia, Indi ana county, is visiting friends here. James Catbers and wife, ot Big Sol dier, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morgan in this place. Israel Snyder, sr., is able to be about gain. . Rathm I. Joslah Gregory, of Now Florence, called on friends hero last Saturday. H. L. Marshall, of DuBols, spent Sun day hure. A. W. Mulhollan had business at Panto last weok. Mrs. H. B. Wysu Is visiting friends at Crenshaw. Theodore Pomroy, of Anita, vlsltod here Sunday. Miss Mary Smith, of DuBols, spont Sunday bum. There will be preaching in the M. E. church next Sunday morning. Stand Like a Stone Wall Between your children and tho tor tures of itching and burning eczema, scaldhead or other skin diseases. How? why, by using Bucklen's Arnica Salve, earth's greatest bealer. Quickest cure foriUlcors, Fever Sores, Salt Rheum, Cuts, Burns or Bruises. Infallible tor Piles. 25o atH. Alex Stoke'a drug store. Coca Coja tickets redoemed at Reyn olds Drug Store. Served right. A glanoe at the Hotel Beluap restau rant bill of fare is evidence that you can get plenty to eat. Sutter's for wrappers. Prlostor Bros, are selling carpet samples below cost. Big bargains. Those who have tried our want column find It pays to do so. A Woman In the Case. April 2l)th Glos Coulmlglio and James MarrflKxo, both of Sugar Hill, inndo In formation bufore 'Squire Laird, of Hen derson township, ugulnxl Frank Leo for surely of the pence and assault and battery. When Leo hnd not been ar rested Wednesday forenoon Coulmlg lio Bud Marrnxzn thought 'Squire Laird and his constable were tooslow and they enmo to Reynoldsvlllo and mndo the same Information against Lno b fore 'Squire Neff. The Reynoldsville Justice promptly placed tho warrant In Con stable Warnlck's hands and he went to Sugar HIM after Leo and before six o'clock that evening the Italian was In the Reynoldsville lock-up. Tho sntno evening 'Squire Laird and Constable E. C. Rudolph enmo into Roynoldsvllle to got Leo. for whom they had a warrant. They Insisted and demanded thut tho prisoner be turned over to them, but they were Informed emphatically that ho was In the clutches of 'Squire Neff's court and they could not get him, so they gave up the chase. Lno remained In the lock-up until Friday afternoon, when he was to have a hearing. Be fore noon he was taken Into 'Squire Neff's office and he made Information against James Marrazzo for threatening to kill him. Marrazzo was promptly arrested and put In lock-up. This complicated matters somewhat and be fore tho hour set for hearing arrived all threo cases were settled. It appears that a thlrten-yenr-old girl figured conspicuously In thu trouble. Frank Leo Is In love with the girl and wants to marry her and Glos Coulmlglio also wants to murry the girl. James Marrazzo, the father, Is opposed to Leo and wants his daughter to marry Coul mlglio, whilo the girl und her mother prefer Leo, and that was the cause of all the trouble. Reveals a Great Secret. It Is often asked how such startling on res, that puzzle the best physicians, Bre effected by Dr. King's New Disco very for Consumption. Here's the secrot. It cuts out the phlegm and germ-Infected mucus, and lets the life giving oxygen enrich and vitalize tho blood. It heals the lnflumed, cough worn throat and lungs. Hard colds and stubborn coughs soon yield to Dr. King's New discovery, tho most Inful liblo remedy for all Throat and Lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles 50o and II 00. Trial bottles free at II. Alex Stoke'a. Bids Wanted. The Star Glass Co. will receive bids up to May 25th for the quarrying and delivering of stone for the supply of sand for the Are of 1902 and 1003. We reserve the right of acceptlngor reject ing any or all bids. W. F. MARBHAIX, 8ooretary-Managor. The Star Glass Company will rocolve bids up to May 25, 1002, for roofing and putting tho same on south end of facto ry building. Specification will be found at conpany office. We rosorve tho right of rejecting any or all bids. W. F. Marshall, Secretary-Manager. The Star Glass Company will rocolve bids up to May 25, 1002, for supplying Ice tor the Ore of 1002 and 1003. We reserve the right of accepting or reject ing any or all bids. W. F. Marshall, Secretary-Managor. ' Letter List. List of unclaimed letters remaining In the postoHice at Reynoldsvlllo, Pa., week ending May 3, 1002: Henry Mlggle, John It. Reed, Esq , Miss Margaret Showers, William Kirk, Miss Sophia Hookmen, Mrs. Fred M. Baker. Say advertiBod and give dato of list when calling for above. E. C. Burns, P. M. Large assortment of shoos for men and boys at H. W. Eason Si Co.'s Sutter's for fancy hoso. HOME COMFORT. The sandy exterior of a piece of upholstered furniture Is likely to cover up weakness of oonstruotion that would oonrtemn It, were you able to see the Inside. Therefore we warn buyers to avoid the showy, shoddy articles ana to pin their faith to article thai are hon estly made and Kraoeful In deaina. Artlules that are absolutely dependable aiidare guar anteed, bear this mark. Kftpei) t proltrd P7i re liurs C M I O A O O, We believe yon will be satisfied with any pi ehase you make Cs-ki coous. par- U nLlet MU now about II. A aale of Karn-' V now on. . Parti- oularlygood fuikiwlug prloes. Reduced Rates to St. Paul. On account of the National Baptist Anniversaries, at St. Paul, Minn., May 2(1 to 2S, tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company w ill sell excursion tickets from all stations on Its lines to St. Paul or Minneapolis, May 17 to 10, good to return not earlier than May 21, and not later than May 20, nt greatly reduced ratos. Thcs.t tickets will be good for return passage only when executed by Joint Agent nt St. Paul or Minneapolis and payment of 25 cents mndo for this service. By depositing ticket with joint agent not earlier than May 21 nor later than May 20, and payment of 50 cents Bt time of deposit, an extension of return limit may be obtained to leave St. Paul or Minneapolis not Inter than June 30. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. At K TEN PK1I rF.ST. Pursuant to an Art of Assembly f will at tend at tbe following lime and pinre ti re ceive county, poor, bond, slate middoK taxes for the year 1KB, to-wlti Eldrcd. Mentb and Itnrnctt townships, Mon day, Junes, at Hotel Hlni'l, II) a. m. to 4 p. in. tiorslca borough nnd I'nlon township, Tues day, June H, at Hotel Ulctiu, It a. in. to II n. in. Hiininicrvlllc liorntiiili and Clover township, Tuesday June , at Commercial hotel, Sum niervllle, Srlio to II p. m. Knox township, Wednesday, Juno 4, nt Hopkins' store, 0 to 11 a. m. rinecreek township, Wednesday, June 4, at the store of R. Wiser, Z to 4 p. m. Warsaw townblp, Knst, Wednesday, June It at Fox's HoleJ. II to 11 a. in. Wasblnirton tou-nshln. Wednesday. June II, In afternoon, nt Hotel Hiitclny. Wcslvlllc, and Thursday, June 12, at Rockdale store, S to II a. m. Kails Creek borough, Thursday, Juno 12, at Hotel l.itinotitiimic, I to ft p. tn. fnyder townsblp and Itrockwayvlllu bor oimb, Friday, June 1:1, al Lomiii House. Polk townsblp, Haturdiiv, June 14, nt house, nf Fulton Hchotlncr, II to ll a. in. Warsaw township. West, Saturday, June 14, at Wasson'a store, 'i to 4 p. m. Heaver township, Monday, June III, at store of II. (.'. Itch , ll:.) le II a. ni. Worthvllle Imrmiuli, Monday, June HI, nt Hotel I to : p. la. Ulmtirold township, Monday, June 10, nt hotel, 4 to I) p. m. Porter township, Tuesday, Juno 17, at Elk In's store, II to II a. m. Perry township Tuesday. June 17, nt Hotel, Perrysvllle, I toll p. in., and at the store of Kr.n (lout ley, Krostbui'K. Wednesday, .III no IN stoll a. in. Younir township, Wednesday, June IS, nt nfllcn of 'H(iilie Laiulson, Horatio, 2 to 4 p. in. Clayvhle horoiiKh, Thursday, June 111, at Hotel Haley. Punxsutawney horoiiKh, Friday, Juno Mat Hotel Panlall. Younir township, Saturday, June 21, ut Hotel Pantall, 7 a. ni. to I J in. Hell township. Monday, June 2:1, nt tho house of lluury llrown, U to It a. ni. Uasklll township, Monday, Juno 211, at Olb son'a store, 2 to 4 p. in. Hill Run boroiiKh nod Henderson township, Tuesday, June 24, at Hotel McC'luro. Henderson nnd McCaluiotit townships, Wednesday, June 2ft, ut Hotel Wayne, V a. in. to 12 ni. Met'nlninnt township, Wednesday, Juno 2S, III Anita, al Hotel McOreitor. 2 to II p. ni. Oliver township, Thursday, Juno 2(1, nt Oliveburir, S:;m to 1(I:H0, n. nt , and nt He a House, CnolsprInK, 1 to 4 p. in. Wlnslow township, Tuesday, July 1, at Im perial Hotel, Ucynoldsvillo, in tho afternoon Reynoldsville boroiiKh, Wednesday, luly 2, at Imperial Hotel. , West Hcynoldsvlllo borouijh, Thursday, July 8, In tho forenmn, nt the itoss House. Ilrookvlllo boroiiKh, Monday, July 7, ut tho Treasurer's oltleo. Rose township, Tuesday, July 8, at tho Treasurer's olllee. Ten per cent will be added to all taxes not paid County Treasurer before duplicates are placed In tbe biindsof boroimli and township collectors. Mercantile, restaurant mid bill iard licenses will be received at all places visited, and nil licenses remtitulnit unpaid lifter the first diiyof July will lie placed In tbe bands of the proper otltcern for collect ion, us per Art of Assembly, till..', IIKIT, May 1, 1IKI2. 4 ouiily Treasurer. A Spicy S St Spring "Ad" Might attract your attention S for a moment, but a careful exam- tnatlnn nf ni, nil mnlna und rlf.slirna St ... --I--- Of Newest and Most Fashionable Sprlny Attire Will convlnoo you that we are tho loaders in Gents' Tailoring In Roynoldsvllle. Experience, com pleteness of stock and reasonable prices cannot full to satisfy you. Johns & Thompson. The season for beautifying the home is here and do you know how especially well-equipped we are to help you in this direction? OF CARTETS AND MATTINGS we have many beautiful patterns to choose from. All Brusselu Carpets MADE, LAID AND LINED FREE. GOc to 1.40 per yard. MATTINGS 14c to 40c per yard. BED ROOM SUITS $16.00 to $00.00. Sideboards, $12.00 to $75.00. Extension Tables,$3.75 to $27. Brass Trimmed Enameled Beds, $4.00 to $18.00. , The furniture wo buy Is not made for appearanco only. It must havo quality anddurablllty to reoommend It.' J. R.' HILL! A. KATZEN, . People's Bargain Store. Owing to to the late spring we were unable to place many spring goods on snle, so have decided to offer the jwople of Reynolds ville and vicinity these goods, which are new in quality and style, at a Reduction of from 25 to 35 per Cent on the dollar. You cannot afford to miss this. Remember our op erating expenses are not large, which -makes these low prices possible. Below we quote prices on a few lines which you will see nt a glance can be purchased nt our store for less money than elsewhere. Big assortment of Ladies' Shirt Waists all new. Ladies' Shirt Waists, former price 40c, now 25c and up to $1.65. LADIES' SUMMER GAUZE, from 5c a piece up. Big assortments ladies' TOT SKIRTS at low prices. Large sized BED SPREADS, a bargain, former price 90c, now G5c. Ladies' UMBRELLAS, from 3Sc up to 1.55. DON'T MISS TIIIS-A fancy silver handled umbrella, former price, $1.25, your choice for 75c. Big assortment of LACES nnd EMBROIDERY nt very low prices. FELT WINDOW SHADES, 9c. First class cloth Window Shades, 22e. Large assortment Children's Spring nnd Summer Caps. Big assortment Men's I'ANTS from 65c up to $3.95 per pt ir. Large assortment Men's nnd Boys' HATS. Men's Top Shirts from 25c up to ifll.UU. Men's Summer Undershirts lrom 25c up. Homember these goods rro till NKW. You will find them what we represent. Call and examlno for your own benefit. !t don't cost you anything to in vest igato. Our motto: Quick Sales Small Prices. A. KATZEN. tir,,, 1 4? 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 3 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 42 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43, 43 43 Snick THE SPUING SEASON is opening under very favorable and lying conditions. I tries of this community are all running at full men are all taking a firm hold on the confidence in the tuture. In fact dicative of a greater fore. A 1 1 a l Ate aii tnese tilings serve say in keeping with pared than ever to assorted stock of merchandise and we have made tion for your convenience in dealing with us. House cleaning time things which always Lace Curtains Window Shades, Sheets, ' - Pillow Cases, In addition to this we inl interest at present Silk and Linen Waist Silk and Lace Skirts, 50 cents to 3.75. Gowns, 50 cents to $1. Shirt Waists (White and Colored), 50o to WOOLTEX GARMENTS at In fact you can buy you can a cheap grade We guarantee NEXT DOOU TO POSTOFFICE, X Up DO YOUR EYES TIRE? Is Your Eucsloht Imperfect 7 I will visit the Imperial Hotel, Reynoldavlllc, May 10, 1902, and American House, nnoOKVlLLE. MAY 10 AND 17, i All tho best methods for I exnminntion of the eye. ' 0. 0. GIBSON, Optician. AGENTS WANTED I.IFKOF T. M! WITT TALn tUI!, hy Ins mm, Ur.v. Kit an it Dkwitt Tai.maiir nnd HMMielntp pflimin of dlirlHtlnn I l-rn Id. Only iKxik pikIoihciI hy TultniiKofiimlly. Enoriniiiis linillt ftiriisi'ntn who urt tiulrklv. outfit 10 (eiitM. Write liiimi dliitnly CLARK & (JO., 223 8. 4th St. I'hllii. fit. Mention thin I'npor. Woodward '. fi W. EftSON S CO. Try Youths ; y V, i i hi 1 li Neckwear, Io? All suit You will sortment of Trunks, Suit ..-ik,ch & THG BIG STOKe. he weather ia becoming settled the condition of Keynoldsville prosperity than has ever been . . . Wap as a stimulant to the merchant, we v these prosperous conditions we serve the trade. We have a larger and' being on we have not neglected follow house cleaning: 10 cents 4o cents 20 cts. a pair want to call attention to a few to all ladies. Batiste, 50c yar Goods at all prices. Gloves, 25 and Defender Muslin Underweai Drawers, 18c Corset Covers, a Wooltex Suit, Skirt or Jacket of goods. our prices lowest KEY r 1 Spring isllcc 1 AND SO IS I Nrthamer & K lock nd we are better proiifed than er to do cabinet work ofcnythlng (.the wisid working line oimtrrtfz 1 1 work of all Bids dono ruimir plmptly. FMcRjt-e Framing 1 nave just received arge lino ojl'Icttirn Moulding sn o carry a 01 roum mouiui In stock. pi ana examine our e and get T1 II cabinet shop is small and liusiness Is getting large wo iave to do somefing to get room, so we havl decided to ttT all our framed 1 res at Co 1 Pictures at S.85. W.50. M.80. IU.10. 12.25. tl 60. 75o. A) Pictures at I Pictures at Pictures at I Pictures at VPIoturcs at (IPiotures at In the same 1 oportlon. Wa are hF eent f the Kane In- siiriini Blind an 'atent Screen Windows. . , Romemb.106 P' A Kellock, Nor lamer "ding, Main St. 1 n 1 4)r Men's, 1 bVIs Clothing,! them and TTnts f!nnj Shirts, bry,TJnder- wear and flhoes. grades am every po also fine Travelin and the force. Bui the prospei m general realized .-w are betfj greater pi to sect at all to 6 cents, ft i. c to 9! to 5(f centos items 10c to $3.75. all chf atj aUimes. rices to I T etbook. f he largest as-1 fases anA Bags S at J jsonable pricesY J $ I I A I r i p.re: l ' puer cr bara- I brices. u ii nr r cents. & to 2.5o m ) cents, m m o 1.00. l 5c. than ; ', K U & 1