r 1 7 Che Stnt Snlnteriptum tl.ooptr tmr in nd'wrc. , RTKPIIKNNON ICdllor ana no. WKDNKSDAY. AI'lCll, HH2. " A n IniliMM-nrti-nt 1-nl in pi-r. iulillliril I'Vrrjf I.... ..4 tl .I.Lv .ltl-t'Mlllt I IK inrl.Ti'ffi'rwim-mmly. Nim-pnlltli-l.wMltr t nil with fiilrm-s. ami will irr.iiiiy ' ' i"- U.Vm!mii'il.-ii,l.im t..l.-nil.l tor Ill-;i"n muni li nivnmimn imI JT ' w""'r " 2"I .... inn n n imriinli'K i1 fulfil. liili'M-stlnu IU'WUlfl'inHHllllrMlMl. Advi-rOslna ruti-a mndo known on iiillfii- "K V SSnm.inlr.llon. and chaw of aJ"rtli.-mnnta "lioiild reach llila oOlro by Adore nu coiniiin"" -" " EnVin" f . h -it. U.-y nol.lavllli. Pa., unwomi imhw mini num.-.. HrMMrnviixiTTf-i .kimionk No. HI. Court News. Com. vs. G ratio Ksparotn, gulling li quor without llcenao. Nol. proa, allow ed by tho court. . Com. va. It'O Craft, lawny; iK-fi-n dunt irioiuls guilty; aentitnuo atiapcndi-d during (food behavior. Com. vs. Psrt nml Myrtlo Hiiznrd, ns enult and lmtt.'i-y. Jury And defendants not guilty, and defendants and nroai-cu- tor to each pay half tho coats. Com. vs. ChrlHt Drcsta, eelllng liquor without license: defendant .lends guilty, Coin. vs. niehurd Scott and Harvey Scott, assault and battery; defendants pleads guilty. Defendant Harvey Seott sentenced to pay a fino of IO.K) to the Commonwealth, pay costs, Ac, and tho defendant Uichaid Scott to pay a fine of 10.00 to tho Commonwealth, pay costs and to undergo an imprisonment of thirty days in tho county jail. Com. vs. Hiehard Scott, surety of tho peace; defendant to pay cost and enter into a recognizance t- tho Common wealth of Pennsylvania in the sum of t."fl with surety to bo approved by the Court, for the good behavior of defen dnnt for one year. Coin. vs. Joseph Phelan, burglury; de fendant sentenced to pay a fine of 41.00, pay the cost and undergo an imprison ment In the penitentiary for a period of one year. Com. vs. Wm. Butterabaugli and Geo Hawkesworth, breaking and entering dwelling. Hawkesworth pleads guilty, and sentenced to pay costs, 15 fine and to serve KO day's in the county jn.ll. Jv'ol. pros, as to Outtersbaugh. Com. vs. Arthur M. Lutes, assault and battery. Not u true bill and county to pay costs. Com. vs. Allesandro Espoelto, selling liquor without llnconse; verdict guilty. Defendant sentenced to pay costs, fine of 500 and to serve 4 months in county jail. . Com. vti. Charles Steel, larceny; ver dict guilty. Defendant sentenced to pay costs, fine of $15, and to serve 3 months In the county jail. Com. vs. James Yeager, alias A. K. DeLarmo, forgery; defendant pleads guilty. Sentenced to pay costs, fine of 1 and to serve 0 months In Allegheny workhouse. Com. vs. Leonard DeAddrle, assault with intent to rape. Not a truo bill, end prosecutrix, Maria sorlz, to pay costs. Great Day for the I. O. O. F. All arrangements have been perfect ed for the Odd Fellows' anniversary . celebration at Rldgway on tho 2fHh. Besides the securing of all the attrac tions that bave characterized such gatherings in the past history of the association, many new features have boon added and tho members of the ..fraternity from this pluce are looking forward to an unusually good time. excursion rules have rx en secured on the railroad and extraordinary prepa- i rat imis aro being mado by the Ridgway peoplo to properly care for tho visitors, ' The special session of tho Grand Lodgo and the school of instruction hy Grand Lodgn officers which Is booked for Friday evening preceding the "big day" will attract many Past Grands and othor membora of tho Order to Ridg way on that day. The fact that the mooting win oe favored hy the pres ence of not only tho Grand Master of tho Stale, but also the Gtyind Warden and Grand Marshal, la evidence to all of the standing the Northwestern An niversary Association and its officers have In Grand Lodgo Circles. The Oreat Dismal Swamp. Or Virginia is a breeding ground of Malaria germs. Sols low, wet or marshy ground everywhere. These germs cause weakness, chills find fever, achos in the bonus and muscles, und may induce dan gerous maladies. But Electric Biltors never fail to destroy them and euro malarial troubles. They will surely pre vent typhoid. "We tried many reme dies for Malaria und Stomach and Liver troubles," writes John Charleston, of Byesvllh), O., "but never found any thing as good as Elcotrio Bittere." Try them. Only aoo. H. Alex Stoke, guar antee satisfaction. D n't forgot Mrs. Sutter's Thursday und Friday, ClothcrafU opening Those who have tried . our want column find It pays to do so, , ' " Fancy hose at Sutter's from 15 to 60 I cent pair, Any color you. can aak for. Clotbcruft. i Carpet samples below cost at Pries tor I Eros.' furniture stora. Letter From South Carolina. Uuur.im, S. C, April 1 i, 1IH)2. Kdltor Till-:, STAIi: Many Inquiries tiro mado concerning tho Miller Lum ber Company, located In Mnrnwoll coun ty, South Ciirollmi. Tho are located In li siindy, level country. Tim soil is adapted for rnlslng cotton, watermelons nml Bweet. potatoes. This Is one of tho greatest watermelon sections In tho south. Corn Is grown hero to, hut does not prove very profitable. Tho ell mate is delightful in tho winter. There has heed no snow and very little rain the past winter. Spring opens from six to eight weeks earlier than In Pennsylva nia. Com Is six indies high and cotton and watermelons are up at this writing. The Miller Lumber Company begnn operations on their timber last fall, but on account of not having a siding to the mill site until January, of this year, their progress was greatly hindered. They have a fine tract of timber to work on. It Is fourteen miles long and is from a half to a mile and a half wide. It contains live thousand six hundred acres, iho Uig Salkehatchee river i un through the entire length of it. Tho timber Is mostly cypress, poplar, pine and nsh. The cypress grows to an enormous size, some trees measuring 22 feet In circumference. Poplar also grows to a large size. Mr. Jonathan IVcmer, of Jefferson Co., Pa , who whs with this company the past winter, says that tho timber Is of tho finest qnallty he ever saw, and that portions nf It will average seventy- five thousand feet per acre. To iiinnufncture this timber they hnvo a good sized saw mill and planing mill situated at a favorable place on the S. A. L. Ry nml on the Salkehatchee river. 1 hey began sawing March 2nd and have been running steadily since. They have purchased a stenm skid ding and loading machine to supply tho mill with logs. With this machine they haul whole trees to tho tram road, where they are cut up Into saw logs. Tin y tire then loaded on the trucks by the machine and ar hauled to the mill or river. They Bro able to skid the timber off u hundred acres of ground without moving tho machine. The ca pucity of the machine is ubout twenty five thousand feet per day. The Co. drilled for water and found a flowing well at tho death of ono hun dred and thirty feet. This is very valu able to them as it supplies them with very good water, which Is not genorally found in springs. Spring water is like ly to be Infected by malarial germs In this country. Datid K. Pir-'KR, A Nearly Fatal Runaway Started a horrible ulcor on the leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, III., which defied doctors and all remedies for four years. Then Hneklen's Arnica Salve cured him. Just us good for Bolls, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Corns, Scalds, Skin eruptions and Piles. 25c at II Alex Stoko's drug storo. It does not appear to be genorally known that a law was enacted by the Pennsylvania legislature hist May by which the holder of an unrecorded deed is liablo to lose it for want of record The law provides that all deeds and con veyances must be acknowledged and recorded In tho office of the recorder of deeds within ninety days after execu' tlon of said deed, and that every deed that is not recorded may ho adjudged fraudulent and void. Brookvlllo Tkmo' crdf. Want Column. Ri.Iih:-1)iib cent nur word for cueli and every UiNiu-tloii. For Sale Jersey cow. Inquire of Adolf Landeii, Washington twp. Fur rent House In Prcscottvlllo. In voire of Kd. Mi.Civight. For Sale Two lots on Fifth Bt. In quiru of II. A. Swab. House, lot and burn on corner of Third and Jackson sis. for salo. Size of ba. n 2Sx32 ft. Inquire of L. F. Hctrlok a a, H 5 Id a H u I o D Si u u 5". a a y. o H o fed H J L. a o -a a. e o I tn a 'J3 I I . 0 CD O W I T. cri Jh" a in o w w m in ca h O . woo CJ I i 2 o 9 Z H s HOWE'S MOVINQ PICTURES. High Class Exhibition to a Crowded House Scene Included i Prince Henry's Visit. Pictorial art hold n high pltieo In 1.ho history of mankind. In earlier days it pictured great events and the stirring stories of tho l-nco. Gradually It de veloped artistic effect, pleasing the vyo with tho colorings and creations. Tho cooing Infant finds Interest in n picture book and thu older people travel to art galleries thoro to view tho works of the old Flemish and Italian masteia, as well as tho work of latter-day paint ors. in our own day tho II I iM mi ted papers show what Interest pictorial work incite. Photography w as one of tho great In ventions of thu last .century, and moving picture were developed In the closing hours of the nineteenth century. It Is certainly a great step In advance of lifeless scenes. Hero before lis, accurate and seemingly endowed with life, are to bo seen tho great scone of life, the wonderful picture of nature. Hone's moving pictures aro the nemo In their line. Mr. Howe' visit to Hudson aro looked forward to with anticipation. His picture have little of that fluttering which often mars the scenes shown by others; his view are clear, distinct and seem animated with life. Kach visit ho brings along new pictures to delight, to entertain and educate the beholder. That ho keeps up to the time was evidenced last night by Ills pictures of tho visit of Prince Henry to this country. Miss Roosevelt christening the Muteor, tho iiild-occnn trip of the German royal yacht, and other pictures of like Import. Tho pictures of the Alps, tho climbing of tho glaciers, and other scenes of Switzerland elicited much interest. Tho oiilorta.lnmc.nt Is enlivened by some humorous Illustrations, and also hy some wonderful trick pictures, which perhaps pleuse the audience better than anything else. The reproduction of the work of the famous Houdln fairly set tho people wild, and they could have enjoyed it for another hour. Paige, the clever clay modeler, is still with the entertainment. A house packed to the doors was In tho Opera house, and Mr. Howe can count on the same thing next time ho comes here. Hudson, (N. Y.) Hiyinter, March 21, 1002. At Assembly hall Monday ve iling, May 15. lUllUIIOI 1KI OF REYNOLDS V1LLK. Capital, $50,000. 820,000. Surplus, . Mitchell, I'ri-Kldi-im H-oll ltlf-li-lliiiil, Vli-r I'rr-n.t John II. Kniiclier, l ashlnr, Directorial . Mitchell, Di'ott MeOlnllanil, .t. O. Kliitf John II. Co. licit, tl. K. Hi-own, U. W. Fuller, J. ft. Kuueliur. Does a izeiieriillianklnffliiisliiPHsanil solicit! tan accounts or merchants, )t-orcMlotial men. farmers, inechiinlcH, miners, liimliernifin anc others, promising tho moHt caruful iittmitlon to inn i.iiMini'HHiir all person. Pure Deposit lloxos for rout. Klrst National Hank biillillnn, Nolan block Fire Proof Vault. IQFFjiLO, HOCHESTEB I PITTSBURGH XT. OONDEN8EO TIMB TABLE IN EFFECT JAN. S, 1903. KORTH BOUND, BASTIBN T1MI. 14 Leave. A. M, P. H. p. H nttirmrg 1 Alli-gheir 1 " Biitlvr V00 t 4 10,I0 00 10 12 5 21 11 28 11 67 CralgnTllle 6 tv e 20 a as 8 AO T BO 7 80 T 4:1 8 on 8 16 we. I Moegrove Echo , lmvtnn 11 26 12 40 1 20 1 22 1 Fuiixaiitawney ar A. H 12 OS p. i ruiixiuiawney ivt 6 60 1 12 10 t 2 20 BIk Run C. A M. Junction. 60(1 C 80 S 411 60 2 M 8 00 8 10 8 20 8 8-1 4 17 n.iliola Falls llrctV BrockwayviUe.... Klilnwav 12 GO 2 OA 12 M 1 10 p. at. 2 It 1 n A. U. 8 Of 8 111 4 14 Johnson Imrp; 1 M 2 4! 8 01 i 81 Ml.JOWtill Nowtnn Bradford Ar. r 2-.il 6 4S 6 20 8 80) b (X) T. r. h. A. M. riaffalo... .Ar, 80 7J0 H 45 Kool. later ....... - Arrive r. a Aililltlonal train luavea llutli-r for Punnutaw noy 7;80 A. M. dally, except Uuiulaya. SOUTH BOUND, KAtrrcaN Tina. 18 11 Leave. Rochontor ilnffaro. Lv, A. M. P. M t 7 46 2 00 0 08 To if p. i A. M Bnwlford Lv Nuwiou U I .......I, t 7 4Bl 12 10 i-i au 12 66 12 46 a 8 42 V 86 9 4 10 24 1 m Johaioiikurg 2 21 liiiixwKjr HriM.kwayvllle... Falli Crock 1 mi 3 87 2 80 P. M. 8 11 10 42 10 68 11 00 2 47 8 411 8 60 8 67 8 26 8 84 C. kM. JuuctVoVi! fr6 40 A.M. 3 6ft R r Klin i'oiiXNiitawney ar 7 18 7 2d 11 24 3 21 4 03 11 40 8 Kl 8 40 3 I UIIKBIIIMWIIUy IV 7 80 A.M. 3 86 r. Mi Kcfio ..'.'!!!!;;!;! WuMt MoMaruve.. Cmlirnvlllu. Butler AlU-Khetiy I I'ltUburg Arrive 8 11 4 N 8 2-2 S S OH "i'it! & 41 6 II 4; 11 IM t 4ft 7B A.M. A. M. P. M Aililltlonal train Icavo I'nnxautawuoy for But' lar tM p. m. dally, except HiinUaya. CLKAHFIKLD DIVISION. 76 78 aAii-aMN tim a. 70 72 P. M. P. M. Arrive, Leave. A.M. 1 26 t OTl ReynoMivllla Falladrtwk DuBoli . ...O. AM. JuiKitlon... , CurweiMVllIti, ...Clcartril, Mkt. W. ... ....Uluam d, N. V.C Leave. Arrive. 8 80 8 20 1 2 23 a 8 It 4? i 12 86 12 2A 11 411 11 8H 8 II 7 81 7 13 3 Hi . 7 1H t 7 10 til 80 r. a. A.M. I.M. Daily. f Dally except Buuday. KDWAKD 0, LAPKY, t v, . dlauaral laawnvr Aunt First National Bank With u You Can Buy Horses, Harness, Wagons, MoCornriok l?iin!ors. Mowers, Makes, (irindeis. Hartal oh In GROCERIES DRY GOODS To flow out stock. Store room to let with viti g rooms overhead. V:ir CHOPPING 'u.V,. The RcynoldcSvillG Mlllliia Company. Bring Your Produce to J. C.Kintj&Co.V 1 u : : : : : n iz : : : j um : : r : 1 A Spicy . Spring "Ad" $ for h nionn-nt, butu L-arcfiil t-xain- x Ination uf uui' Humplva anil iIchIums Newest and Most Fashionable Sprlna flttlre Will convlnuo you that wo nre W the luiiuVra in (junta' Tuilot-ln); In f lt-nolilvllle. Kxpci-lmicc, corn- $ nieienosa oi etocK anil ruasoiiiinlu iirlces cannot fall to Batlxf y you. i Johns & Thompson. i 1 There's inspection. LADIES' GARMENTS. Our Cloak Jtoom is shining resplendent with all the new production of thu WOOL TEX manufacturers. In addition lo these aro tho Ladies' Shirt Waists in plain and em broidered front, Silk and Linen material. Wrappers, Defender Muslin Underwear and Mercerised Underskirts. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. This Includes a matchless collection of Table Damasks, white, cream and colored, Towels, Crashes, Sheets, Pillow Cases and Luce Curtains. There aro a great many inducements in buying goods where tho stock is complete. We have an assortment from which you can select any design or any color to bo found in the market. Tho season is on for LACK CURTAINS, Sheets and Pillow cases. We have a line of these that can't bo equalled anywhere in price and quality. SfilCK 1-4 . A. KATZENi' People's Bargain Store. Owitur to to the lute fipi iii!' we were tniftlile to phiee nmnv sprinir tj;oo(1s tin sale, so l.nve decided to oiler the jieople ol Keytiolds- ville Mild vicinity these ijoods, which are new in finality and style, at n Reduction of from 25 to 35 per Cent on the dollar. Yoti cannot afford to miss this. Kcinembtr our op crating expenses nre not large, which makes these low prices possible. Below we quote prices on n tew lines winch 3-011 will see at a glance can be purchased fit ottr store lor less money than elsewhere. Big assortment of Ladies' Shirt Waists all new. Ladies' Shirt Waists, former price 40c, now Uae and tip to $1.0;-. LADIHS' SUMMIiK OAUZI-, from fie a piece tip. Big assortments ladies' TOP SKIRTS at low prices.' Lace Curtains 2-i yards long, former price toe, now USc. Large sized BKI) SI'KHADS. a bargain, lormer price 5)0c, now G.'c. Ladies' UMBKIvLLAS. from rise tip to i.nr. DON'T MISS TIIIS-A fancy silver handled umbrella, former price, $1.12;", your choice lor 75c Big assortment ol LACKS and LMBKOIDIvkY at very low prices. " Misses' and children's black, seamless hose, former price 10c, now rc. FI-LT WINDOW SIIADI-S, Oc. l-'irst class cloth Window Shades, 22c. Large assortment Children's Spring and Summer Cans. Dig assortment Men's BANTS from 0;"c up to $3.95 per pf lr. Large assortment Men's and Bovs' HATS. Men's Top Shirts from 2"c up to $1.00. Men's Summer Undershirts from 25c up. Uomotnbor those good a aro all SEW, You will find them what we represent. Call and examine for your own benefit. It, don'tnottt you anything to invetitriite. Our motto: Quick Sales Small Pi-lee. V KATZEN, a Giant Railroad CALLED "THE BIG FOUR" BECAUSE IT CONNECTS FOUR LARGE CITIES. There is a series of departments in this store which we call "The Big Four" because they connect us with the larger part of the Dry Goods buying population in this corn unity. They are Dress Goods, Silks, Ladies' Garments and House keeping Goods. DUKSS (iOODS. Th! rwvMt and uiipmttMl.mtml growth of our Dress (loorl busineHs ia one of the HigiiWuiinl nigna of Urn lime. Wo am aciumnt for it in no other way thau that our line contaiiiri butter valiuw. our ftock lian thu hot :inrtmiMit, and our price is much lower than Umihh goods hi hn bought for cl'wh.Tti. Wo can readily believe this, for since the addition of the Ivnoldsville Woolen Mills Popular Meltons, Venetians, Thibet and Klaimuels. thoro Ins boon a constant increase in the domand for these goods. There isn't a single thing in Dross Goods tint wo h ivon't got and at prices that we believe can't bo met els iwhoiv. In tho finer weaves, you know what onr Grenadines are this year, our Ktamines, Mohair aiid Camel's hair, Worsteds and Silk ooinbined. Novelties and Plain Fabrics, all now, choice and attractive. 4 SILKS. HxquisitH materials for waists. Dresses, Skirts and Trimmings. We want to Include in this our high grade Silk Batistes in Linen and Embroidered effects. Embroidered Swisses and the Innrest and most Dopular assortment of Waist Goods ever brought to your & WftGNER Spring isllcro A,NI)SOlS Nort hauler & Kcllock And wo nri) bettor ii-ciai'i-il than f over to do cnliiiiet. work or utiyllilnR In the wood wot kiui; line. UpHolst?rlri and repair work of nil kind dono promptly. Picture Prntnlng We hnvo J. Ht received a lnrgo line of Picture Moulillni; und wn carry a linn of mum niniildln In Block. Cull and examitiu our line and get prices. ' Our eahinot ahop la ao (.mail and our btiHinca pi tting ao large we will have to do aouicthiug to got more r a-ni, hi wo hnvo decided to noil olT all our framed Pictures r t Cost M.Ot) I'leturcB tit .,.05. $11.1111 I'iet.irea at ..r0. W.tlll l'lc.tiircH at .'1.S(. 4.imi I'ieiui-eH nt :uu. :i 00 I'lctiirea ut -..2.r,. $2 IH1 I'htturea Bt ll.tll). l.(l(l I'icturesat "5o. till the real In the an mo proportion. We aro ulao agents for tho Kane In- aide Sliding lllitid und Patent Screen Windows. I(i;inemb--r the place Northamer & Kellock, Woodward n.tilding, Mnln St. THE CASH NEW YORK RACKET STORE It n:ty siMprlsc yem tlmt wo hn vp not ndvortlwcrt murp. but wo nr not llko pnme mcr-i-litintH win have ln't'ti ntriTlnjr prlzfM iiihI picmiutn to tliolr ruwtnmrrH. In th lori(f run yiiui- fnin hascs will iot you iwlrc iiM nnirli. Von know yourself thttt until wo rnrno hre a v-iir nf i you dlil not hnv I hf npHMt unity of Iniyintf ynni itikhIh nt Now York Kiurkot prlcu, l'rcnii(i v,v arc i:t midiiII t'Xpt'iiu und lvo our oustotuerH thelM-noflt In low prlretf. 1 I out f-noilH. '.' hair plti-4, 'I V(N (OlflcHI lilCf N!cUI liiicli ifinl )i'ttc)K, 1 1 low nf ;ih-.. 'jn (In) nltiu tifi 'Hi. I J.:u iw Hit linuii tlniMiil 'I oriif 4;ool. ' irtOd ii'll!if Inn tmiH 'iri ViikIh mui'lilnr thrond I Dttt ii Ifoiif t'liMui-luiltuns J (Till CaOOilM. p'lrkiio not'dlcs 4 oont IJootln riht Cm net Tnck- -rnckft pi lc fi-t v I'll- N. 2. 'Zi No. i'i,;i'i No. 3, flu yiN llk tint ;iU - I' ltu f 'rn-ii. nil siiiidcs CliirkV . N. T. tbrond lOU yds hit futicv pojifl but Inns ruckot price 1 Iti" tiiui-N. I,:unp I'hlfiHioy So. I. - it ( CHI lnfMMI", r sbi'otH ui lMnix pupi't-, 'i tMivLdopt'M lie. box 2 box os bliirlnu', lc ((dnzrn idot In s pins - - - fio tVi foot iMotlio- Murs - 100 Hii-lino nlrklo bin'k onmlti - - W hlto niotnl kttlvoN, rotciiliir IV Kood 7c I'idt w indow sluidcs fi foot Imii; Hprlnrf ml lor h I.V-Mntn li's, nur prlro - . - - ftp l.iu'os from 1 yd up to - - Kk p'i fuuii't v-our prlco - Mir lillOWll-ll bl llsll lfH Itt si whips, - - 10c V idoth window shiido roRiilur iiV mnuls N. V. nudiot prlco - - 21r THE CASH NEW YORK RACKET STORE, SOL FRIEDMAN, PROP., Dr. Murray Building, Main St. -THE BIO STORE, -KEYNOLDSVILLE, PENNA. lxvvnr.rc a..j::... school nuuiiuiiuiii MONDAY, MAY 5th, ' Fifteenth Sent I - Annual Tour Lyman H. Howe's pir-wnlntlon of tlio mm t ma it mm vh MO VI Ml I'WTVliKH IX THE WOHLU. Poaltlvely Everything New.' , An entire new collection of Amorlcan and foreign aeonea; Including China, tho I'hillppiucH, South Africa, Venice, Switzerland, eto. Everything up-tu-dutc, Including a aurioa of scones allow ing Prince Henry, Alioo Roosevelt, the Preaidetit, etc. The most elaborate and HiicecxHf.il exhibition in America to day. The result of our perfected mochanltmi la the nearest approach to pictures without flutter or vibration that has ever been attained. Prices 25, 35 and 50 cents. Diagram of remirved Boats at Stoko's Wednesday, April 30th, 8 o'clock a. m. AGENTS WANTED I.IFKOP T. 1EWITT TALltf tCIF, bv IiIh win, Itav. KaANK Iikwitt TAi.MAiia-anil aiwni-lato cdltorn nf ChrlHtlan Ik-raid. Only lunik oi.flnrm-il by Tulmiuro family. Knnrraoun prntlt torn ire nls who act ii.ilck'y. outfit Hi rr-nti,. Wrltv Immi-dlatoly CLAHK & CO., 2S3 H. 4th St., I'hlla., I'll. Montlon IIiIh Pnper. ?!.00 boyn Itiriff pants - - - 7.V iioys ivfTiiiis ... w,. plncotollot M-t - . tt 7'k Litiiiidrrod Shirt spool ul barsaln -tJliits workor'H oviTiillt roulur 7Ac K'kmIh our prlco - 44c Mon'n working fdilrts, - Luco etirtuins from 4c up to - 2 ( ruibroblcry from 2' por yd up to I'Jc 1 sot ciifw and suucorrt, por ma - ;jrt HIZCS - - i"Jc Itrrnornbor wo r!vo you our Incr curt nlnn, era- broldory and Ween ut New York City prices. Wbltn llnon tttblo cloths, all patterns, reff- ubir price (ittc jkhkIs - - ;(tV 2-V Jotin knee puritu, ruckot price, lc, ;t"c bntomH, - 24c Iiv Ovcrulls, racket prlco 2 tc :t5c Wnshbourd, - - Ilk! $l.2.' hand hhwm, 31 In. lontf, rncket price A0; Ahirm clocks, . 7lo I ross fhlrtH, ' 44c u p to 64c I. udloft pocket books, nil stylo JOtolHc Ludios .' chutohiln bnir our prlcn - 2c I'.'cukOMof laundry soup - 2Ao Turkey rod tiiblctdnths, fiflln wldo, some morchnnts usk 40c our prlco 2flc por yd 5-4 oil cloth por yd-IV. Pur roll - $l.ttf .Vic corsotH, ruckot price - - ;tltc Tlf CorsotH nt - 41m; II. tXMJorsotM ut - . Wtc LiuIIch' Kuncy rltiffn, lie FlriOHllk rlbtnin No. 5, Vj Nf). 7,7c; No. R.Oc; No. 12, loo ; No. 10, lllci No. 22, 17c i No. (H), 22c. Uomotnbor our ennmolod ware, tinware and kIuhhwui'o 1m worth cumin mllcH to Noe. V ReynoldavlUc, Ptnn a I I I I to to to to h to to to to t to to to to to c L U S