CHAIIGEJF LIFE. Some Sensible Advice to We mea by Mra. E. Sailer. "DtA Ma. Pihham : TVhen I passed through what Is known rohanfre of life,' 1 had two years' suf fering, mddn heat, and aa quick china wouia pass OTr mo I my Mprnw waa rarlable and I never could tall for IT MRS. K. BAILBR, Preildent Garmaa Relief Aeeoclatlon, Lot Angeles, Ca). day at a time how I would feel the next dar. Fire bottles of IjydlA E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound changed all that, my daya became days f health, and I hare enjoyed every day ince now aix years. " We have used considerable of your Vegetable Compound in our charitable work, as we find that to restore a poor mother to health so she can support ner- lirnA thnu aiwn1iik niwin Vi if such there be, Is truer charity than to fire other aid. You have my hearty endorsement, for you have preven yourself a true friend to auffertng wo men." Mm. E. 6Aii.tR, 758 S Hill fit., Los Angeles, Cal. 5000 ftrftH fsfcwo Ut tmone It est f emifftt. No other person can give sneh helpful advice to women who are nick as can Mm. Plnkham, for no other has had such great experience neraaareas is juyim, Mass., and her advice free if yen are sick write her yon are foolish If you don't. FORTUNES FOUND BY ACCIDENT. Queer Placea Men Have Hidden Large 8ume of Money. "In the sure knowledge that man doeos not turn to his bible until he Is in the greatest distress, I have placed $500 in notes between pages 141 and 142 Hamburg. 1879." This curiotiB and welcome letter was found by a Hamburg shopkeeper when, in dire misfortune, he had determined to sell the family bible that had been In his possession for many years. Looking through It before taking It out of the house, he found the letter and bank notes. At such a critical time a for tune would not have been more wel come. The shopkeeper had failed In business, his wife had long been 111, and,, consequently he was much in debt. The discovery of over $60,000 was the result of a game at hide-and-seek. Some children were playing near the ruins of an old mansion in the Canton of Argoore, Switzerland, when one ot them, hiding from the others, found a large box partially burned. It was almost filled with money, jewelry and other valuables. The father, on behalf of the children, claimed $5,000 aa a reward for their find. His claim was contested, how ever, and the Swiss courts eventually awarded $500 to the children. Impoverished Blood, Whether due to inheritance or caused by' a depleted condition of the system, is tne cause ot much agony, Vogeler's Curative Compound, when taken for this trouble is a means of salvation. It creates new fresh tissues and pure red bloo4 corpuscles and by giving strength and tone to the great vital energies of the body, it enables them to perform their nat ural functions. The reader should not lose sight of the fact that Vogeler's Curative Compound is made from the formula of one of the most eminent physicians. Send at once to St. Jacobs Oil, Ltd., Baltimore, for a free sample bottle. Mm. Mahv HnsTi.av,6 Court, Goeport Street, Coventry, writes : " Several yeara ego I met with en accident through a (all, hurting my hand eo badly that I wai unable to uae the same lor five weekt. I tried everything I knew of but did not receive iny benefit. Finally, as a last resource, 1 applied St. Jacobs f lil and after using the first bottle 1 could move my Angers, alter the second bottle I could open my handand finally I regained the use of my hand and all pain left ae . It mu on ly by the use of St. Jacobs Oil that 1 am now able to follow my employment." nsrjsiorjKW5 I' lAtttVrluolpal Lis Am Id or U.S. Panoloo Bureau. MunnnaiiTLiiiV PrnoAftutAii c m ma udiuauuK claltua.Mty tiuu niiiif ; MiHiUk kit ic tine Boat Coutih firup. xauiea Oo44. Vn Id tlm. KMifl b? (irtiBfllats. l'V'f''aveV if ALAdASTI N THE ONLY DURABLE WALL COATING Ae DeetSffOBe ksyee of fser Is sad oaosurb I yea save three here. Baby assy nearer. Sal esjUMSSkrtm" i a i AnActrvr rnMDANV r.-A mi.i. A eressrerakerM . vew va-, mi A Curious Story, A curious story about the royal tour comes from rortsmouth, England. When the Ophlr. with the Duke aid Duchess of Cornwall on board, was nearlng St. Helena, the signal waa made to the attendant cruisers, St. George and Juno, as it was desirable to reach port before nightfall, "Can you steam another knot?" and the Juno replied, "Yes, four tf you please."' This answer was regarded as Imperti nent and when the vessels reached Portsmouth, as a mild form of pun ishment, the Juno was ordered to lie up the harbor, while the more re spectful St. George came alongside the dockyard. And the Juno Is lying at her moorings still. Vnlon Pacific Railroad officials have created consternation In the Boulder oil fields by announcing that nerly all the deeds for property sold during the past six years contain clause expressly reserving the miner al on the land, Terra cotta sleepers are In use on Japanese railwsys. The Increased cost Is compensated for by the great er resistance of decay. FITS permanently eured. Nff fluornervnns ns after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Ornat NerveKMtoror.Satrlsl bottle and treatlantree Dr. K. 11. Kuki. Ltd., 931 A rub St., Phlla., Pa. Vlckers. Sons & Maxim, the British shipbuilders, have decided to erect a motor err mpnufactory. Row's This? We offer Ope Hundred Dollar Rnwardfor any ruse of Catarrh that cannot be curad by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. 3. ( tcNSY A Co., rrops., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J.Cns ney for the last 15 yeara. nml believe him per fectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga tion made by their Arm. Went ft Tacax, Wholesale DrugRlsts.Toledo, Ohio. WAi-Dmo.KirtHAxAMASvrs.Wholesale Drug gist", Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Infernally, ant ing directly upon the blood and mucous aur faces of the system. Prieo, 78c. per bottle. Sold by all DrmrKists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family fills are the best. Any season of the year is planting tim with the undertaker. Half- Sick " I first used Ayer's Sarsaparilla in the fall of 1848. Since then I have taken it every spring as blood-purifying and nerve strengthening medicine." S. T. Jones, Wichita, Kans. If you feel run down, are easily tired, if your nerves are weak and your blood is thin, then begin to take the good old stand ard family medicine, Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It's a regular nerve lifter, a perfect blood builder. fl.Mitattlt. Allaraiitits. Ask your doctor what he thinks of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. He knows all about this grand old family meUelns Follow hit advice and we will be tatlsned J. !. atss Co., Lowell. Mass. JOHNSON AND B08WELL. The Biographer a 8hrewd Man, Wro Knew His Value. It will be said, and truthfully said, Bob well was a great artist. So in deed he was, a superb artist and a self-conscious one. Nohody knew bet ter than he what a great subject good luck had put in his way. He loved Johnson with perfect sincerity, but he also loved that James Boswell who from his earlier days had been sim ply devoured with anxiety for literary fame. Boswell saw his way to write a book the world would willingly let die. But theao considerations fall al together to reassure me; indeed, It is Just these very considerations that fill me with alarm. I am dreadfully suspicious of great artists bent on im mortality. Their one object, their fixed and almost fierce determination, Is to make a great and lasting Im pression In the minds of men; and ta do this they know, else were they no artists, that they must make great sacrifice they must leave some things out they must put other things In the color must not be too bright In this place or too faint In that. Much has to be sacrificed ere you can pro duce either a great book or a great picture. What If Jt Is the truth? Suppose, after all, the Johnson we know and love is, Indeed, only Bos well's Johnson. Something, of course, must be allowed to the Idlosyncracl s of the biographer. Nobody sees any thing in exactly the same light as Kn ottier. Burke's Johnson, Levitt's John son, were doubtless all different, each from the other, and from Boswell's Johnson. Kalsomines are temporary, rot, rub off and scale. SMALL POX and other disease germs are nurtured and diseases dissem inated by wall paper. ALABASTINE should be used in renovating and disinfecting all walls. a f isiim - Slvlii I'rtintnsr the Apple Trees. A writer In the Country Gentleman fns: "It might be well to call atten tion to the Importance of caring well for tho apple trees. So far as my dbsorvntlon extends the trees contain far too much wood. Suppose that your trees contain 1200 limbs, great and small; each of these limbs or twigs throws out a quantity of 'new wood em-h year. The production of this wood Is a constant drain upon the parent stalk. We will supose that 400 of these limbs are lopped off and If the same energy or vitality Is hrenght to hear on tti remaining son limbs the new wood thrown out will reach a much higher state of perfec tion. "The same rule will apply to the fruit. Too many limbs furnish the opportunity for nn excessive number of buds, and with favorable conditions you got too many blossoms, with the result of far to ninny sets; and your tree, uunhlo to sustain the great drain upon it, yields a large number of Inferior apples. With fewer limbs you g.'-t a smnler number of apples, but at the harvest you realize as many in bulk, and these are merchantable and will oomnmnd a much higher price In any market." Transplanting Xnreerv Stork, Losses are apt to bo met with in transplanting fruit trees from tho nursery to the orchard. We often notice that the trees have received tome sharp set back the following season. I well remember tho time when it was generaly expected that out of every lot thus transplanted, a fair percentage of them would die an another percentage would drag along in an uncertain existence for several years, then perhaps to die or prove worthless, with a necessity for re planting. However, as the requirements of nursery tree s and the art of transplant ing them hss becomo better under stood, the percentage of loss has been materially decreased. It Is now the prevailing opinion that there need be but littio Ions, in he near future, by proper management. Of course this means greater skill In transplanting and greater care on tho part of the shipper, as well as of tho receiver. Many of these young nursery trees arrive at their destination In poor condition for planting. Many times this is due to the fault of the ship pers. However, until both the nursery men and the transportation compa nies can be made to do better, the purchaser must try to make up for their ignorance or carelessnes by careful transplanting and after treat ment. A. E. Taught, In American Cul tivator. The Spread of Glanders. Glanders is caused by a special germ which usually gains entrance into the body through the drinking water. A horse affected with glanders generally has a discharge from the nose. In drinking, this discharge gets into the water and Is taken up by another horse In drinking and thus becomes exposed and liable to develop the dis ease. The disease may show itself in a few days or It may take months, de pending on the condition of the system of the animal. Other modes of contamination aro through the bedding, blonkets, curry combs, brushes, feeds, etc. llorae owners should know for their own pro tection some of the symptoms point ing to this disease, In order to secure the services of Borms competent vet erinarian. As a rule there is a dis charge from the nose in tne so-callod glanders, the animal is more or less thin, the coat Is rough, as it l:i termed and there is a swelling of tho glands between tho lower Jaws. Thcoo symptoms often occur In other dis eases so that a veterinarian 'should be Vailed to discriminate between the diseases. Other symptoms arc pres ent only of interest to the experienced veterinarian. In so-called Farcy, little swellings appear in different parts o'f the body and often break open and discharge a peculiar kind of pus. To prevent the spread of such a disease is very Important to horse owners. It can be done . by having your horses examined occasionally, and especially if any suspicious symptoms present themselves. Southwestern Farmer. The Vegetable Oarrien. Cut down asparagus when half with ered. Clean up tho bed with a hoe, spading Is Injurious, and apply a four-Inch coat of half-rotten manure. Beets should be taken up before hard frosts, the leaves cut an Inch from the crown, then stored In sand or dry earth In a cool cellar or in pits. A gooj way to blanch celery Is to lift tha plants from tho ground, leaving a little soil adhering to the roots. Take common flour barrels, put about two Inches of sand In the bottom, and on this place your celery in an upright position, one layer to a barrel. Put in a cool cellar, cover it with a blanket and in six weeks tho celery will bo bleached to the tips. If at any time It seems to be too dry sprinkle lightly. Cabbage plants sowed In Septem ber should be pricked into colt) frames, putting about 600 to a 3x5 sash, setting the plants rather Jeep. Frames for this, made of rough boards, are eight Inches high In front, and a foot at the rear, with cross raft era and cl-jats to support and fit close, ly to the sash. As cauliflower ap proach maturity, shade with paper, or by turning down the leaves, or by bringing the leaves together at the top and tying. Winter young planll the same as cabbago. Treat carrots the same as beets. Chicory for use a 4 salad, may be dug and rtored In sand In a dry cool cellar. Endive should be bleached when the growth Is well along, by gathering tip the leaves and tying at the top. Blanching ends Its growth. Lettuce and tomato seed sown In a well protected place this month, and covered through winter will give early plants In the spring. Potatoes should bo well dried, but not unnecessarily exposed to light, ever for one day, before storing In perfectly dark bins, not over three feet deep. Tumpklns and squashes require for winter a cool dry place, secure from frost, a cellar In some respects per haps being better than a house. F. H. Sweet, In The Kpltomlst. I'rlvate lalr.vlnc Creamerlfta. At the recent Vermont Dairymen's association, John Ft. Condon said he believed that Vermont farmers should avoid creameries, make their own butter and sell it direct to the con sumer, nl order to do that one must he so situated that he can make a first class butter In quantity and qunl Ity the year round. Probably not one-fourth of the farmers are thus fortunate, and the majority of those are now doing that and are or should make butter of a higher quality than most of tho creameries. They have everything In their control, while much of the .milk and cream when taken to the creamery Is oft quality by being kept long or from other causes. J. C. Sherburne of North Pomfret advocates absolute cleanliness In the dairy, stable and the food of the cow. I would add also In feeding. There are some things that tf fed Just before milking will taint the milk, but if fed soon after milking, will have no bad effect. I believe that silage should be fed soon after milking and cottonseed on gluten, and in fact, all other by products except bran, should be fed with It. I think creamery managers and patrons are not zealous enough In having done and doing everything the best way to make the nicest butter that can be made, yet I believe the creamery Is a great benefit to the or dinary farmer. I again refer to Mr. Candon, where he says; "the most profltnble way to dispose of the skim milk Is to feed It direct to the cows.' And why not? The most essential element of food in it is protein and that is what is lacking In nearly ail the crops we raise, and butter la worth three or four times as much as pork or veal. I would have my cows come In from Septem ber 1 to December, winter no hogs, unless a breeding sow, keep only calves enough to supply the dairy and feed the surplus milk right from the sep arator to the cows during the fall and winter at least. D. W. Farrand, In American Agriculturist. I raven tint lb Growth of Horns. A common method now to do away with the horns is to prevent their growth by the use of chemicals on the calf. This seems to have had Its be ginning about the year 1800, and Imme diately grew into favor. It 1b quickly and easily done; It Is comparatively painless, causes no nervous shock, and it Is done at a time when tiere is no milk flow to injure. The ordin ary method is to uso a stick of caustic soda or caustic potash when the but ton or small horn can first be felt, clip the hair from over tho button with a pair of scissors, wet the end of the stick of caustic with saliva, and rub the skin over the horn vigorously. The operation requires about two minutes. The work can be done very easily by one man; In fact, as easily as two can do it. The best ago at which to per form this operation is as soon as the button of the young horn can bo felt with tho finger. This Is usually when the calf is nlnut a week old. But it can be done with perfect success up until the time the calf Is a month old or even older. If the operator is' careful to make a thorough applica tion. It Is better to use the caustic on the calves when they are young enough to insure that the operation will bo effective, and this age is from three days to three weeks. As It would savo time and material to oper ate on a number.of calves at the same time. It might be well to allow the first calves to' reach the limit of age. In our work at this station we have used tho stick caustic potash or caus tic soda entirely, and in its use we necessarily handle it with care, never allowing it to come In contact with the it has a burning or corroding effect, and will take off the skin very quickly. This can be prevented by simply wrapping the end of the stick in a piece of paper to serve as a handle, in applying the caustic to the head. It is well to not allow the spot to become too molBt, as it will run down the side of the bead, making a sore, removing tho hair, and leav ing a scaro that may show and then there is danger of it running Into the eye, which would certainly cause blindness. It would be well to have some water htantHng close, so that tho caustic could be dipped into it a couple of times during the application. In using tho caustic, thorough rub bing is necessary and Insufficient rub bing has caused many failures. It is well to rub until the skin over the horn begins to look red, as though the blood were about to start This will take from 15 seconds to one-half min ute to each horn. Buletln No, 7b, Maryland Agricultural Station. Three-fourths of the earth's surface cannot be cultivated, owing to moun tain lunges, swamps and barren ground. t do not believe Plso's Cure for Onsomp. linn hasanennnl foreonghs and colds Jon 1 Boras, Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 15, 1900. Oanrrr causes 4251 deaths annually in London. Aak Yonr Dealer Tor Allen's Poot-Kaae. A powder to shake Into yourshoes; rests the feet. Cnres Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Bore, Hot, Callous, Aohlnf , Rwestlng Feet and In growing Nails. Allen S Foot-F.nsa makes new or tight shoes easy. At all druggist and hoe stores, 96 oents. Rnmple mailed Pass. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. It has been decided to found an eye hospital and an asylum for the blind as Ceylon's memorial to the late Queen Victoria. All goods are alike to Fotsam Fidslkss !t. aa they color all libera at ona boiling. Bold by all druggists. Mestagai From Trains. When a traveler In the grand duchy of Baden, Germany, wants to send a telegram while he is In the train he writes the message on a postcard with tho request that it be wired, puts on a stamp and drops it Into the train letter box. At the next station the box Is eleared and the message sent out. Health will come with all Ha blessings to those who know the way, and It la mainly a ques tion of rlg-nt-llvlngr, with all the term implies, bnt the efforts which strengthen the system, the games which refresh and the foods which nourish are Important, each In a way, while It Is also advantageous to have knowledge of the best methods of promoting freedom from nnsanl tary conditions. To assist nature, when nature needs assistance, it Is all Important that tho medicinal agents used should be of the best quality and of known value, and the one remedy which acts most beneficially and pleasantly, as a laxative, is Syrup of Figs manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. With a proper understanding of the fact that many physical Ills are of a transient char acter and yield promptly to the gentle action of Syrup of Figs, gladness and comfort come to the heart, and if one would remove the torpor and strain and congestion attendant upon a con stipated condition of the system, take Syrup of Figs and enjoy freedom from tho aches and pains, the colds and headaches and the depression due to inactivity of the bowels. In case of any organic trouble It Is well to consult a competent physician, but when a laxative Is required remember that tho most permanently gratifying results will follow personal cooperation with ' tho bonciiclal effects of Syrup of Figs. It is for sale by all reliable druggists. Price fifty cents per bottle. Tho excellence of Syrup of Figs conies from the beneficial effects of the plants nsed In tho combination and also from the method of manufacture which ensures that perfect purity and uniformity of product essential in a perfect family laxative. Ail tho members of tho family from the youngest to the most advanced in years may use It whenever a laxative is needed and share alike in Its beneficial effects. We do not claim that Syrup of Figs is tho only remedy of known value, but It possesses this great advantage over all other laxatives that It acts gently and pleasantly without disturbing natural functions, in any way, as it Is free from every ob jectionable quality or substance. To get its beneficial effects It Is always necessary to buy the genuine and the fall name of the Co. California Fig Syrup Co. is printed on the front of every package. Louisville, ALL Havana Filler is t You can't buy a Cigar of better quality for 10 cents each. "FLOIVODORA" Bands ar ef aamo, value aa tasa from "Standard Navy." "Jolly Tar," ' "J. T.t" " 6warho)ad." " Vlaoo "ssd ' Star " Tobacco). WATiRPROOl OILED CLOTHING aWA Whan jro ut sarttvtnta bearing the above traoWrkou havs ths rasult of mor than half a century of exseritnc bached by our guarantee). SOtl BY ItrtHSMTATtVB TADB BYmwUtt A.J.TOWeBCq.tOTON.MA3. as. B-. as Genuine stamped C C C. It ever sold In balk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sail "Something jost ai food." San Francisco, Cal. Ky. New York, N. Y. ami 3n r y JflV Capsicum Vaseline Put up In Collapsible Tubes. A Sahatltnfe for ana Snperlor to Mnstaril or any other plaater, and lll Bnt bUeter the moat flellcate akin. The pain allarlnc anil enrstlre qna'ltlea ot this aril le era wnnderfnl It will atop tha toothach at once, anil relievo headache and arlatlra. Wereeommend n aa tho beat and aafaat external Mnntor-rrrttant known, alao aa aa eitemal remedy for peine In tho eheat and stomach aad all rhetunatlc aenralaie and ironrf o. mplslnts. A trial will pros what wo olalm for It, and It will nofonndtohe Inealnablo m tho honeehotd. Many people ear "It la the beet of an yunr preparations. " Prtoe, 15 cento, at all dnuraieta, or other dealer or by eendlna- this amount to tat In poetair atampa we will aend yon a tnbo by mall. Mo article should be aoaepled by the public nnhws Ibo noma carries our label, eo otherwise re to no irennuio. lULtLNKUuutt nAnui-nbiuKinu w. IT Bute Btrstt, Hew Tort City. SALZER'S SEEDS. Great catalogue, with larre nnniber of seed samples, msllcd i.n rei slpt o' I1 W nnh I O.OO to ret s i srt. rtalzcr'e llaalr Crushed Mhclte. llcst no earth, l .rll. bar. : 3. ;j tor Atulua. ;Vo for lou'lbs. JOHH A IALZEB SEED CO., La Crowe, Wis. T. !. V. 11, 'Ot Ift A D fil T Vi'nll Paper. Border aamo prloo, 111 H DULI alao'-'-, 4n, 80, 4o, So up. Kim. plea free, tains wall Vs., Boartr Falls. Pa. 3 FOR O