The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 19, 1902, Image 4

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    TlnnoTvlmnnT Qfn"nn in UTrtt DmvPnnT
JJUUai llUQlll 0LU1U 1& 1M 1U110U
It doesn't claim to be. It makes no claims to being better than it is. It makes no wild, extravagant state- !
ments in this paper that it cannot substantiate. This is one reason why we still succeed. We believe in hon
esty for honesty's sake. We are enthusiastic about this business, and with reason, and if our enthusiasm at fj
times seems to get the better of us and we write our advertisements in stronger terms than you think is right, ??
tell us about it. It is not with any intention to deceive. We mean to have our advertisements honest in letter
as in spirit. We know the store is'nt faultless. What store is ? But we are working hard to strengthen its weak J?
points. We are keeping store for YOU, and we're glad to have you take a lively interest in it. The twenty- jjj
five specials quoted below are of supreme importance and mark the flood tide of rare opportunity.
28 inch, Ya Wool Serge, colors grey, tan,
brown, red, blue, green and l'2Vac yd.
44 inch all Wool Serge, all colors at oOcyd.
All the latest shades in wash taffetas at
40c vd.
44in. Liberty Silks, every one charges you
7"c yd. our price Goc yd. All dclicifte
shades just received.
$1.00 yd the very latest swellest thing in
Foulards, 23c, fitter than elsewhere.
Just buy a waist pattern and see how good
it seems not to sec another like it in town.
For this week only we shall show 50 doz.
ladies' house wrapixrs; full w idth skirt,
fast colors, blue, black and red, at 50c.
If vou have not seen our line of Dress Skirts
ft will pay you to do so.
$1.35 Mack figured mohair with good
lining, bound nicely, a regular $2 skirt.
$2.003 shades of grey homespun; trim
med in black soutache braid, 3Ya yds in
width, a beauty at the price.
Taffeta Skirts $0.75, 8.00, 10.00 and up.
Black mercerized waists at $ 1 .00. Nuff scd.
$3.50, 4.50, 5.50and up buys a black taffeta
waist that will surprise you. We are
showing a beautiful line of fancy silk
waists, original in design and make up.
20in. natural wood handles, our regular
75c kind.
New lines just received. A pretty french
girdle, linen batiste, at 50c. Corset mak
ers denounce all colors, and advocate
white only. We are still taking special
orders on corsets, we do not keep at 10c
less than sold at other stores.
5,000 yds all you want or as little as you
wish at 0c yd.
4 feet corrugated white curtain poles, com
plete with fixtures 10c each.
Eureka carjKjt warp, in Ya lb spools, all
colors and white, 20c lb.
3,500 yds of this wonderful gingham at
10c yd. We bought our line early hence
we save you money.
We have a special number that we sell at
15e, we will match it with anv other
sold at 1 Sc.
We sell only gloves we enn guarantee.
2 clasp and new foster hook lace at $1
pair. All new shades in Centemeri kid
gloves, 1.50, 1.00 and 2.00.
100 Defender brand muslin gowns at 48c
regular 05c kind. 100 corset covers
while they last at 10c each.
25c gives you 15 kinds to select from,
buys n belt that will please you.
Just Received 100 pieces of all silk taffeta
ribbon. No. 40 and 60 at 18c yd. 100
bolts all silk, satin taffeta, No. 40 and
GO, at 25c yd.
We would invite you to see our line before
buying elsewhere, for if you do, you will
buy here. These are our three specials:
49c pair a curtain worth 65c.
65c pair full width and length.
75c pair one that sells elsewhere at $1.
fa :
Remember the above goods are guaranteed perfect in every way.
IMILJLJRRNS Department Store !
. s cTfue t Star
Carlyle pays tbo following tribute to
silence: "Tbe great silent men! Look
ing round on the noisy Inanity of tho
world, words with little meaning, ac
tions with little worth, one loves to re
flect on tho great Empire of Silence.
The noblo silent men scattered here and
there each in his own department;
silently thinking, silently working;
whom no morning newspaper makes
montion of! They are the salt of the
earth. A country that has none or few
of these is in a bad way. Like a forest
which had no roots; which had all
turnod lnV leaves and boughs; which
must soon wlthor and be no forest.
Woe for us if we hed nothing but what
wo can show or speak. The great Em
pire of Silence! higher than the stars,
deeper than the kingdoms of death. It
alone Is great; all else is small. There
is a time to speak, 'but for the great
er part, a time to keep silence. But
then the honor which an ever ready
tongue brings one. Alas, yes! but as
a famous ancient once said of the
statues: 'So many statues In that Forum
of yours, may It not be better if they
ask, where is Cato't statue?' "
The famous "valley of dry bones"
mentioned in Ezekiel has its counter
part in Africa. A traveler unacquaint
ed with the nature of tbo country might
have some disagreeable feelings if he
should come suddenly upon a dalo filled
with trees white as chalk, boughs bare
and forked, with empty pods clustering
about the branches like flakes of snow,
and with thousands of little thorn-flutes
whistling with a plantlve melody to the
breeze, a melody which deepens Into a
booming dLrge in the strong gules a
ghoulish forest of bones, as it were,
guarded by the wailings of ghosts. This
is the description given of an acacia
forest. The Bute like sounds are pro
duced by the thorns, which are hollow
with a single opening, caused by inserts
drilling Into them when young.
During the month of March the mem
bera of the I. O. O. F. fraternity in this
state are usually very much interested
in their soml-annual election of oflloer.
This month in addition to that question
the Odd Fellows of this dlstrlut have
another equally interesting matter to
consider, that of tbelr expected visit
to Rldgway on the 2oth of April to take
part in the annual demonstration at
tendant upon the Order's birthday in
Amerloa. The prospects are for a "big
day" and the past record of Bldgway is
u:ant guarantee that all hopes will
lit i.
Applicable to Reynoldsville.
it is almost Incomprehensible to tho
Inquirer that In a number of Pennsylva
nia towns "tho advisability of organiz
ing boards of trade" should still - bo
under discussion, and yet such Is the
melancholy fact.
For the benefit of thow towns we tako
this occasion to say that the duty of
these premises Is to organize, not talk.
In no city or town In which a Board
of Trade, by whatever name It may bo
known, did its duty has there ever been
regret ovor it organization. In no city
or town In which such an organization
docs Its duty will there bo regret bo
cause such a body Is formed.
It is an obvious truth that the busi
ness men, acting togetbor, can do moro
for a community than the Individuals
acting singly, because in the latter
capacity they may be pulling at cross-
purposes, and thus thwart each other.
Through the unity of purpose which
organization secures this end la averted
and the results which all desire are assured.
Honco wo repeat, don't talk; just or
ganize and set to work. There Is plenty
to do In a majority of the towns of the
State. Philadelphia Inquirer.
The above article is timely and par
ticularly applicable to Reynoldsville at
this time. The question of organizing
a board of trade has been agitated in
these columns from time to time and
we believe that the time has now come
to act. The matter can be discussed
from now till dooms-day and unless the
business men and others who are Inter
ested In the prosperity of Reynoldsville
take some action, nothing will be ac
Common School Diplomas.
Examinations for common Bcbool di
plomas will be held In the public school
buildings at the following plaoes and
Reynoldsville, Saturday, March 22;
Punxsutawnet, Saturday, March 29;
Brookville, Saturday, April S; Brock
wayville, Saturday, April 12.
These examinations will begin at 9.00
a. m. It. B. Tkitkick, Supt,
Everything good to eat at the Bel nap
restaurant. ,
Taffeta 30 In. wide at Sutturs.
Fine line of carpet samples are being
sold by Prlester Bros, below cost. Call
and see them.
A glance at the Hotel 'Bel nap restau
rant bill of fare is evidence that you
can got plenty to eat.
Just think of it! Nolan is selling
Queen Quality shoes at 12.50, Call and
see tbein.
J. B. Badey, of Kane, spent Sunday
Dr. B. F. Shires, of Patton, had busi
ness hore tbo first of this week.
Mrs. Allen, of Soldier, spent Sunday
with friends here.
Miss Annie Kinnerburg, of DcLancy,
called on friends hero the first of this
J as. MuClusky wears a broad smile on
account of the arrival of a boy at his
house last Saturday night.
The Patriotic Ordorof Americans was
Instituted here Monday evening March
10th, with twonty-onocharter members.
Mrs. J. A. Pollyard, of Camp No 0, of
DuBols, was the Instituting officer, and
W. G. Harris, of this place, the organ
izer. Twenty mombers of the DuBoig
camp were present and assisted In the
work. Tho membership of the P. O.
of A. consists of malo members of tho
P. O. S. of A., and ladles from 10 years
of age up. The motto Is, "God, Our
Country and Our Free Schools."
W. G. Harris seoms to be very proud
over tho arrival of tho young P. O. S.
of A. boy that camo to his homo lust
Sunday afternoon.
Hot Springs, Ark.
A long and interesting letter from J.
M. Culp, who is at Hot Springs, Ark.,
was received too late for publication.
Mr. Culp went to Hot Springs with A.
J. Sprague and wife, W. C. Spraguo,
Allen Cuthors and F. H. Reber, all of
Paradise. Mr. Culp says there are peo
ple at Hot Springs from every state In
the Union. The weather Is fine there
like our May weather. The first day
the party arrived at Hot Springs, Feb
ruary 28th, the streets were being
sprinkled. Tbey have ooal there, but
they mostly burn wood. There Is one
tavern at Hot Springs that has seven
hundred beds in it. The streets are
full of blind and lumo beggars. Mr
Culp says, "I visited Sulphur Springs
and Hell's Half Acre, the most lone
some place I have ever been In. It Is
certainly well named, except the fire
and brimstone. There will nothing
grow on the half aore. It Is covered with
small stones and rock." Mr. Culp says
the men and women of Hot Springs
are mostly tall, and there are a large
number of oolored people at that place,
Csn't Keep It Secret.
The splendid work of Dr. King's Now
Life Pills Is dally coming to light. No
such grand remedy for Liver and Bowel
troubles was ever known before. Thou
sands bless them for curing Constipa
tion, Sick Headache, Biliousness, Jaun
dice and Indigestion. . Try them. 25u
at H. Ales 8toke's drug store.
Button for wash goods.
Claims Paid.
W. J. Shaffer, agent of the Central
Accident Ins. Co. puid the following
claims recently:
DuBols W. L. Schwem $120.00, J.
II. Moore lf.00, Ed. Huuso KUrt. II. E.
McQuown 1".00, Kdw.C.Counsll$2;i.00,
R. Q. Counsll f.'iO.OO, It. B. Mooro
115.00, W. L. Shaffer $10.00. Reynolds
ville Frank J. Bluek $.100.00. Brook
villa Margaret J. Newcomb $45.00. F.
G. PfatT $24..'18, Willlum MoOrotly $5.00;
Punxsutawney Patrick II. Munn
$20.00, Sarauol F. States $25.00, Elmer
H. Hess $10.00.
New Wool tux garments at Shlek and
A lot of carpet samples Just tho right
sl-.o for rugs, for sale for less than cost.
J. R. Hlllls.
Want Column.
Rntcs: One cent Dor word for oaeli and
evury Insertion.
Lost A largo fox hound; color, bluck,
tun and white, with purt of left ear off.
Has boon gone several weeks, Reward
will be paid for his return to Hughes'
Hotel, Rathmel.
For Runt 6 room house on Juekson
street, near 5th, possosslou April 1st.
L. M. Snyder.
Full blooded fresh Jersey cow and
calf for sale. Inquire of C. Mitchell.
Fresh cows for sale. Inquire of E. C.
Burns, Reynoldsville.
One half acre of ground In Reynolds
ville borough for sale for $50.00 If sold
la 30 days. Inquire of E. Neff.
Mullein, Ph.,' In Corlwtt biilldlntr, TiioBdiiyx
and WediiuKtliiyti. I'nuMlco limited IoUIsvuhum
of the Kyu. Eur, Now) and Tliront.
A Spicy
Spring "Ad"
Might attract your attention
for a moment, bula careful exam
ination of our sum pies and designs
Newest and Most Fashionable
Sprlna Attire
Will convince you thut we are
the leaders In Gents' Tailoring In
lieynoldsvllle, Experience, com
pleteness of stock and 1-ousunable
prices cannot fall to satisfy you.
Johns & Thompson.
43 ,
With th-j approach of Spring and the showing tendency of what the
people want, the manufacturer has been enabled to decide upon the
matter of production. Styles have been decided upon and it is no long
er a question of what is going
to be worn. We are prepared
to show you all the latest pro
ductions and all the artistic
productions of merit of the sea
son. Never before have we
shown our goods with as much
confidence in their merits as is
true this season.
LINE OF 1902.
As a matter of news, SILK
and LINEN is very strong. These Linen effects in the various patterns
in tlie embroidered effect, in the Satin Stripe and Polka Dot are
very artistic and are proving themselves a winner.
Satin Foulards are also very strong this season.
We can only say for the Wash Goods that this season is by far sur
passing anything ever known before. The wide range of patterns in
different effects does much credit to the Bkill of the manufacturer.
,and SUITI N G S
In Skirtings and Suitings
Reynoldsville Wool
en Mills have attain
ed a degree of popularity in the large trade centers equalled by few
manufacturers in America. They are able to supply only a very small
part of the demand in New York City for their product. We can place
our recommendation and guarantee on Reynoldsville Woolen Mills'
productions without hesitation or fear of dissatisfaction arising.
We have tc offer this week a special number of LADIES' WHITE
APRONS AT 25 CENTS. These are on Bale and will go at this price
as long as they last. We will not be able to duplicate them at this
price. Secure your aprons, if in need of any, while the opportunity lasts.
We receive this week a shipment of "WOOLTEX" GARMENTS,
including Suits, Jackets and Skirts. Secure your EaBter garmentB
early. ,
Next Door to Postoffice.
-TuB Big Storb.-
Reynoldsville, Penn'a.