The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 12, 1902, Image 8

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Miseries and Irrllnt'tonii InHdrnt
' Ipon HI" Ittnrl la Life
Antliony Trollops' a "tnrt In llfo wns
unpronilHlntf. A ho know no Inn
rnnki'R. niH-lcnt or inntli'rn. ho liwnnn
vliiHsii'itl ushor nt n m-hool In Hriwurtu,
Willi I1i promise of n oninilwdim In
tin- AitHtilnn nrmy. Thou lio win imtl
tlcnly tinimfoiTt'il to il rlorkuhlp In the
Inm1ni poRtolllco. He wan illmniiillfl''l
for tho now position ly koiiitiiI Ikiio
rnnro nml kpm-IhI Inciipnrlly for tlio
flmploBt nrltluiH'tle. A vnttuo thront
Hint lio must piiM n oxnniliiiitloii win
forKotton bi'forc It wns put lulo i-xccn-tlon,
nnd Trollopo ohnrnetorlnslfnlly
takes oconnlon to denounce the ytem
of competitive exninlnntlon py whleh
ho would lmve leen excluded. Menu
Willi bo wn turned looao In London
nnd attempted to live like a nentlemnu
on 90 ft yenr. The result, nro Indicat
ed by ft couple of anecdotes.
A money lender once ndvnneed him
4. for which, first nnd Inst, bo pnld
COO. Thin person, ho any, beennie o
much nttnehed to him n to pny n dully
vlnlt to hl ollleo nnd exhort him to ho
punctual. "Theno visits wore very ter
rible nnd can hnrdly bnvo been of nerv
ine to mo In the ollleo." This mild ro
mnrk npplles nlso to tlio visits from tlio
mother of n young womnn In the coun
try who had fallen In lovo with him
nnd to whom he "Ineked the pluck to
Klve n decided negative." Tlio mother
used to nppoiir with n basket on her
nrm nnd nn Immense bonnet upon her
hend nnd Inquire In a loud voice be
fore nil bis companions, "Antliony
Trollopo, when nre you going to mnrry
my daughter?"
No wonder that ho wns miserable,
lie wns hopelessly In debt nnd often
unable to pny for n dinner. Ho hated
his work, he says, nnd he hated his
Idleness: he quarreled with his supe
rior. Who thought him hopelessly In
capable nnd felt that he was sinking
"to Iho lowest pits." At Inst he henrd
of n place In the Irish postotllco which
everybody despised nnd wns successful
on npplylng for It, because his masters
wero glad to get rid of blm. At the
tame time they Informed bis new supe
rior that be would probably have to bo
dismissed on the first opportunity.
National Review,
Ice cream Is said to be nn Infallible
remedy for hiccoughs.
Skin cleanliness, or, In other words,
frequent ablution of the whole person.
Is a powerful preservative ngninst all
Infectious and contagious diseases.
To cure n sprain brulso a handful of
sage leaves and boll them In a gill of
vlnegnr for Ave minutes. Apply this
In a folded napkin ns hot ns it can be
borne to the part affected.
For Inflamed eyes uso tho whlto of
an egg beaten to n froth nnd ndd to It
a tnblospoonful of ronewntcr. Apply
with n piece of cotton wool, which
must bo changed ns often ns It dries.
,A soothing drink for sore throat thnt
Is recommended Is made of n pint of
y bnrley wnter brought to n boll over a
hot fire, to which is ndded wlillo stir
ring until dissolved nn ounce of the
best gum arable. Sweeten to taste.
Light being an clement of cheerful
ness, as much of It as the patient can
benr without discomfort should always
be admitted to the sickroom, care be
ing taken to keep reflecting objects,
such ns crystals and looking glasses,
out of the invalid's view.
. Infusorial Earth.
In the whole catalogue of "chemi
cals, minerals and rare elements," the
prices of which are quoted every week
by trade Journals, perhaps no namo Is
more puzzling to the uninitiated than
"Infusorial earth." Still, If one knows
much about dynamite be Is aware thnt
this Is the stuff employed ns an ab
sorbent to hold the nitroglycerin of
that famous explosive. It was Nobel,
the great - Swedish engineer, who
founded a number of attractive prizes
to encourage scientific progress, who
first discovered tho trick by which
nitroglycerin could be safely bandied.
Infusorial earth Is composed of the
slltclous shells of minute vegetable
orgnnisms, diatoms which reveal won
derfully complicated and beautiful
structures under the microscope. New
York Tribune.
It Reached film.
A letter was received at the postoffice
In Washington directed to the biggest
fool In that city.
The postmaster was absent, and on
bis return one of the younger clerks in
formed him of the receipt of the letter.
"And what became of It?" Inquired
the postmaster.
"Why." replied the clerk, "I didn't
know who the biggest fool In Wash
ington was, so I opened It myself."
"And what did yon find In It?" In
tjulred the postmaster.
"Find?" replied the clerk. "Why,
nothing bnt the (words. 'Thou art the
man.'" New York Herald.
a Afflicted Brothsr.
Brother Dickey was under the weath
er the other day. In describing bis
symptoms he said: "Yes, sub, hit's true
dat I ain't feelln' half welL In de fust
place, 1 "dieted wld rattllu' er de
bones; den I troubled wld battln' er de
eyelids, 11 f tin' er de lef leg, wobblln'
er de right foot en crackln' er de top
skull. All I needs now ter finish me
complete Is six months er de unj'lnted
rheumatism I" Atlanta Constitution. .
. abslttat For Soap.
There are few people to whose
skins soap seems an Irritant. They
should use bran. The sons of one of
the old klugs of Uollaud were forlild
dcu the as of soap- They were to us
bran aud a slice of lemon, the latter
to remove 4tiktalna. Napoleon never
uatxl soap, but kept bis hands buutt-
t JL'j wtli. tjr tha dm of bru.
Poison fr Absorption.
The slow Absorption of many poisons
chnnges In some more or less modified
form the complexion, but nrseiile mid
ammonia show their effect about as
quickly ns any. The popular belief
that nrsenlc clears the complexion has
htl ninny silly women to kill them
selves with It In small, continued
It produces n waxy, IvoryllUe nppenr
ance of (lie skin during n rcrlnlu stage
of the poisoning, but Its terrible after
pffects have become too well known to
innUo It of common use ns n cosmetic.
The eiTects of niiinioiiln upon the
complexion nro directly opposite from
that of nrsenlc. The llrst symptoms of
nmmonln poisoning which appears
among those who work In amnion la
factories Is n discoloration of the skin
of Hie nose nnd forehead. Tills gradu
ally extends over tho face until the
complexion has n stained, blotched nnd
unsightly nppeninnce. With people
who take nmmonlii Into their systems
In small doses, ns with their wnter
nnd food, these striking symptoms do
not appear so soon. The only effect of
tlio poison that Is visible for a time Is
a general unwholesouieuess and snl
lowuess of the complexion.
t'nillK'strd Pond.
The recurrence of the flavor of food
for some time after eating Is always
nn indication, writes n physician In a
medical Journal, thnt the food Is not
being properly digested. "I can taste
It," we say after eating canned fruits
Slid vegetables preserved by adding
riillcyllc acid or formaldehyde, sub
stances that embalm food against tho
digestive Juices as completely ns they
protect It from tho microbes of tho
outer nlr. And "I can tnste It" would
probably be the report of one who bad
made n benrty meal on a turkey kept
several months In cold storage. "A
man trying to live on such meat would
simply starve to death or die of blood
poisoning," ndils the physician.
He does not fall to remind us that
the storage warehouse Is generally a
convenience nnd n benefit nnd only
when misused a source of danger. Hut
neither he nor nny one else could find
a good word to Bay for mnnufneturers
who put slow poison Into a food prod
uct. The fitting punishment for them
would be to give tlieni nothing to cut
but their own canned stuff.
The Illrd Thnt Files I.on ;.
Mr. .1. Lancaster, naturalist, who
spent five years- on the west const of
Florida studying birds there, came to
the conclusion that of nil the feathered
tenants of the nlr the frigate bird can
fly the longest without resting. He hns
seen one flying for a whole week night
nnd day without repose.
The frlgnte bird can feed, collect ma
terials for Its next ami even sleep on
the wing. Apparently Its wings can
be . controlled automatically, without
the power of Its will, and It probably
adapts Itself to take advantage of the
upward or bearing force of the wind.
The spread of the frignto bird's wing
Is great, nnd It can fly at n speed of
ninety-six miles on hour, without seem
ing to flap its wings much.
The albatross Hint "king of the high
sens," ns It hns been called Is larger
than tho frlgnte bird, but If It follows
a vessel for four or five days It has to
rest on a rock or on the ship Itself.
An Impudent Doe.
One day Denu Nash Joined some fine
ladles In a grovo and, asking one of
them who wns crooked whence she
came, she replied, "Straight from Lon
don.". "Confound me, mndnm,H said he,
"then you must have been warped by
the way!"
Sho soon, however, bad ample re
venge. The following evening he Join
ed her company and, with a sneer and
a bow, asked her If she knew her cate
chism and could tell him tho name of
Toblt'f dog.
"Ills name, sir, was Nasb," replied
tho lady, "and an Impudent dog be
rrovlns; Polarisation.
The polarization of the human body
can be proved by allowing a strong
current to flow through the body from
one end to the other, tho hands being
placed Jn two basins connected with
the poles. Tho bands are then dried
and placed In two other bnslns of wa
ter connected with the wires of a deli
cate galvanometer. A current In the
reverse direction to the original one Is
then found to flow from the body.
Johnson on Poverty.
Poverty, my denr friend, Is so grent
an evil and pregnant with so much
temptation and so much misery that I
cannot but earnestly enjoin you to
avoid It Live on what you have; live
If you can on less. Do not borrow
either for vanity or pleasure; the vnul
ty will end In shame and the pleasure
In regret. Samuel Johnson.
Woman's Intuition.
Tess She says she can't understand
why people call him a Batterer.
Jess She does, eh 7
Tess Yes; I guess It's because bo
never said anything flattering to bcr.
Jess More likely ho did say some
thing flattering an0 she's trying to
make herself believe be was In earnest.
Philadelphia Press.
A Praroolona Vonnvalar.
Tommy Momma, the teacher says
Iff wrong to wound anything.
Ills Mother Yes, dear.
Tommy Well, papa wound the clock
last night. Jewelers' Weekly.
To keep boys off the street corners
famish them with a room to tbolr Ilk
lug and muke their boy friends wel
come to It.
j In Holland oo landlord baa tbs power
of rtislDg the rent or of vlctiug a tenant
A Rohhrrr That Was Witnessed br
a Womnn Harlan Sleep.
A lady spending the summer In tlin
country, some 'JO miles from her city
residence, dreamed that the latter was
robbed, she herself being a witness of
tho robbery. In her dream she sow two
men, one of whom limped. In the net
of rummaging some trunks In the hall.
A en ml le stuck by means of lis own
wnx on the newel post Illuminated the
scene with n dim light.
After finishing llielr work with the
trunks the men went up stnlrs to a
closet, from which they removed cur
tains and hangings stored for the sum
mer months. The dreamer observed
that they overlooked her most valuable
curtains, which hnd been placed well
back on upper shelves.
Suddenly she seemed to bo transport
ed to her birthplace nt Auburn, N. Y
where she especially noted tlio bronze
figure of nn Indian which surmounts
the prison edifice.
At breakfast the next morning she
related her vivid d renin to those pres
ent, five of whom arc now living ami
vouch for the fact. Subsequently It
wns found I lint the clly bouse hud been
entered and robbed. On tho newel post
were tlio marks of the cnndle. The
curtains hnd nil been taken bnt the best
set, which were found where the dream
er had seen them.
Suspicion was directed to a painter
who had been nt work on tho house,
who wns lame nnd who disappeared
Immediately nfter the robbery. Inves
tigation of this mnn's character showed
thnt he hnd served a term In tho Au
burn penitentiary. Health Culture.
Prune nnd the Pnlntn.
There wns much dllllctitty In Intro
duclng the potato Into France. It was
only toward the end of the reign of
Louis XIV thnt It began to be used.
The learned had opposed Its introduc
tion systematically, snylug It produced
leprosy, nnd the common people re
fused to test It even on their live stock.
A trick nt Inst established It. Fields
were planted nil over France with po
tatoes nnd carefully guarded until the
tubers were ripe, It being given out
tbnt these fields were growing a new
thing specially for the king nnd that
trespassers would be prosecuted. Now,
the laws at thnt time were severe. A
man might be banged when he bunted
In the wild forest, for the game was
the seigneur's, almost each one of
whom kept bis private gallows. Tres
pass against the king Implied, there
fore, terrible punishment.
The danger of the punishment proved
Itself an alluring bnit As the contriv
er, wise In foresight, hnd seen, the
fields that were purposely left uugunrd
j cd were, pillaged right and left, the po-
tntoes eaten, some kept and planted
j and the tuber at last cfTectunlly Intro
I duccd In France.
IrTlnn's tntensltr.
I The piercing eyes nnd Intense ex
I presslon of Henry Irving ouco had tho
; effect of making n fellow nctor alto
' get her forget that he was on the stnge
at all It occurred In Manchester dur
ing n rforninnce oi "Macbeth," nnd
In the scene where Mncbeth says to ono
of the murderers. "There's blood upon
, thy face!" Irving put so much earnest
i ness Into his words Hint the murderer
j forgot his proper an.iwer ('"TIs Unn
! iuo's. then") and replied In a startled
i voice: "Is there? Urcat Scott!" He
fancied, as he afterward Bald, that he
had broken a blood vessel Ledger
IN EFFECT JAN. 5, 1903.
SASTSRM TIUB. 12 8 14 1
Leave, k. u. k. u. r. u. r. h. p. m.
Aitty t 4 10 .10 00
Butler 10 12 6 21 11 21
Craigsvllle. 6 65 11 67
Went Musktovs 211
Echo 11 26 8'J
Dayton 6 Ml 12 40
PunxMitawnov sr k. M. 12 OH p. M. 7 80 1 20
Puuxautawuey Ivt 6 60 12 10,t 2 20 7 80 1 22
Biff Run 6 0l 1H 7 43 1 86
C.AM. Junction. 80 8(H) 8 00
Dllltols 40 12 60 8 10 8 16 2 05
Falls Crock 8 60 12 67 8 20 p.m. 2 12
Droekway vllle... . k.u. 1 10 191 2 28
HUlnway 1 42 4 17 8 08
JoliiiHonliurg 1 64 4 81 8 19
Mt.Juwett 2 4S 6 SU 4 14
Newton , 8 01 6 4S
Bradford Ar 8 SO 6 20 6 00
k. M. P. M. P. M. k. M.
Buffalo. Ar. 8 80 U
koclieatvr t!W 846
Arrive, k. u. P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M.
Additional train leaves Butler for Punuutaw
noy 7:30 A. M. dally, except Uumluyi.
. Rochester
. M. A. M
P. M.
....It 7 46
1 0 00
9 00
1 Iliiffiilo Lv.l
10 16
P. M.
k. u.
Vi 45
2 21
2 37
3 11
8 24
i OS
4 18
i 20
4 U)
Brail ford Lt.
Ml. Jewott
t 7 46
vi in
l i 8U
11! 65
8 ft
9 86
I Kittiiwuy
; HnickuajrviUe... .
1 42
9 411
1 611
10 21
2 sol
P. M.
. rmii (Tuva
CAM. Junction
Hlif Run
A. M.
10 ti
10 Ml
11 00
2 47
8 40
8 60:
t 6 40
2 66
0 47!
8 !:
7 IS
1 2
7 so
11 SI
9 21
PuiiXHiitawney ar
11 40,
8 8:1
8 83
9 40
' j'uiixkuutwuey iv
A. M.
r. m.
I Kiilio
Wi'nt MoHirrovu..
: CraUaviUu
8 II
8 J
8 i!
9 Oil
9 471
4 19
6 84
8 40
I 16
AMi-iihcny I
11 00
A. M. A. M.
I Additional train leaves I'unxsutswnejr fur Hut
i lor i:ib r. u. daily, eict'pt gundsys.
76 78 tAITIHM TIMB. 70 72
p. M. p.m. Arrive. Leave, a.m. p.m.
1 26 BeynnMsvllle ilV
8 80 Hi rail" C'ruek. t 7 00 2 4:
8 20 12 ? llullols 7 07 8 26
811 U 2H ....O.AM. Junction.... 7 1' 8 82
7 81 1140 Curweimvllle 7 48 J 17
7 1 11 an ...Cluarlt'il, Mkt. Ht. ... Ion 4 82
f7 10 til o ....Cleartt'd, N.Y.C 1 10 4 46
r. m. I a. m. Leave. Arrive. A. m. p. m.
1 Pally. f Dally exoait Sunday,
Usitarai Faaseusw Avent.
(ronaM. r.aj
aWaussuH-, lu I,
We proelnlni nur offer, to tho ppopl-t
that vn sell VINO!, on it punitive h""
anion. If it does not succeed In hriillt
Ingymi wo will refund llioehliiiiniiioiini
of pumlmsn money. '
If you nro troubled with any nt tho
following ailment wo know t hnt V I Nt il,
will help you. Anyway you k In ,n 1,1 1. vi
yourself tlmoliniino tVh'n hnii"llt''d ' by
It, particularly as you Inko no ri:;k in
losing money if it does not help you.
Alt Run Down,
fin Appotlta,
All TmtJOut, DobHHtnied,
Oalst riosh,
Indigestion, Dot Strong,
Weak People, OMPoopIo,
Palo Women,
Bronoldiiis, Palo Chlltlron,
Soro Lungs,
Irritability, Nervouanmas,
Chronia Colds,
Hacking Cough,
Nursing leathers,
Voak Mo titers
Come In nnd Ret a book which tolls nil
about VINoL.
For .
is proving to tlio most satisfac
tory shoe we have ever sold.
We have " Waukwclls " in all
sizes anil styles, and ran highly
commend them for style, easy fit,
nnd long wear.
!e sure and see them before
purchasing inferior shoes sold at
the same price.
We know the"VaukweH"shoe
will please you.
VJoynolcbiVillo, I'ennn.
I hose Lold
arts quite ininho.b
litabio on windy days
where stoves or hot -ir is used.
But (and without the coal m&h reaping as
fT??' iJroat a. bervofit) the exposed rooms
of all kinds
!&"' :."';r' .H'
wm ML
'if' AT HALL'S,0--.1" 1
iUiUiUiuuiuiiUiiiiuiu iiiiu
Nollr m ImtiOiy pM'Tt tint--tlio tnrlinr-
11 III llllt'rA' -UliHrMtfW IWI M It'll J. K. JuiltlMfltn
Mini . Iltilnn, iinili'l (Hi-firm nutim, nf Joint -r
ti fiml iSnlTin, wtm tiMiiniiHy ll lfol v,i'il titi
1'W :!7lh iliiv-iif ' ilti ml i y A. f. I Tin
hi:ih aIiI It (-iindiictix) hi tint fill mip liy
Mlhl l. NuIhh In hW nM Miitiif.
All id- Mi nvWiir I In "MM iirn llU'l'Mlltl it in In
lit' tm 11 hi J, K. Jlltttlitllll, W ho tin HiH Im 11 1 1 v
In Mirlvi mill t'l'i-rlitl for itm mi mm- iiikI
ili'in'iMiN nn Mid nnrl h(r-lilp inn to lio, n r
M'H It'll io mm hi l. Si lilt n. for lll Vlil nt
.t. K .tmiMHTlIK,
I). Not. AN.
IfWii iliUvUli . I'll., ! i b. li Wl.
I will vinlt th'l lMl'F.I(t f HOTIX.
Rrynoldsvlllr, Mo roll IJ, 1904
nnd Amki;k:an IIoithk,
(1.(1. (iiliSON, Optit ian.
Carpet r
I am still in the business
to weave your carpets
insiile ol a week's notice.
Prices as low as they
ever was
10 Cents a Sq. Yard I
For weiivlnir, and when I
(m niHli tlio chiltn Hud fur
wuiivlmr, ilie n iou nro f
i i( a pi iu nd in t Im
squari) ynrii, pt'lcu 20 colita.
10 oihk'i'h of u pounil lo tin!
Hqiiiiro ynnl. prlno 22 cunts.
! of n pniiml lo tho
ipiiiro yiii'il, prluo 25 ci'iils.
One poiinil to tlio
elimro yiu il, prlco ".0 c.'iitrt.
Will weave It, nny wuy yoii
wiuit It. iviiv.', 20 yiiidn or
iiiore, nml will pay frulifhl "no
viiy. umi linllihiy' Hie
l).-iil kind of eliuin, nil ply.
uuil will sell you n carpet, very
elieiip. Yours llespi el fully,
Ilex KM. Went. Heyimlilsvllli!, I'll.
i rtr 1'. II. II. lli-iot.
be Warmed
jvo te!l you more about It?
It may put c'lollata In your pocket.
lti'j noldsvllhi, I'a.
IDCAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiitori.
promptly done at
iuiuiuuiii liuaiiUiuiuiUiucs:
Hiivnil I'nnililelril nor hliifk-UiHiur Mite, Willi
,uh Ion lo will yuii it line of IIibImhi H'iMim nnil
1 wil !ihmI.
fn; NtrMn ImeU h-inl ihmii'IIh,
I ifitti (if iiln. -
(Ifirnliiwf Hri"lh'i,
I tbmn mm I H iHilmim,
I I'tirjii mih lltii'fi iliiftfttt -
4 Witt UimhIm.
V, tfnM ftilliir litHfiiim ...
Ht mil. ni'M'lilttt' ilii'ftifl -
I Mown hone nillm- button -
it I Vlt 4.IMMl.
2Ai virkau(t itccillfH ...
4 vvtit fJoodn
!W) vli"llk thriMirl -
! hir I rtith, nil hnnci
I'lnikU. N T. (htrii(rtiO xtU
WMM'nnM't Tiirlm- i-iirkcl pVlcn
niiM-ijr i rut. t, zr mo. -&, m' I nn, ,
uiiiio fimry pi iri miitnti- racket prlrn
t r fit i iioonn.
3ft "hei'if, writ hit' iiicr, A" en vt'loprn W Imt
ft (lHXt'IM'tlltlM'1 (tills - fM'
I'MMi'V litix or liiltt'l niftt 11 tilnrpti In hnx (W
W flHll Cllll IlI'M MlM" - fftc
l-iiff'H from Ir vd nn In - iv
H Mnltltitf puns .... h
in' hnt-m iHiiilii pniii- our price - I'h;
,-.H lif iiiiihm V - 1 1 1 1- liril'H - lisj
l.tifllfM Micki l ImmI(h, nil Htyt4 . lu to Mr.
IiIkIIc frfh' rliittnliilii I'HirH- our nrlrit 2!ic
I'h 11 f if nlcklc Imt-k coinli - - "r
.''If window nliuilf'Hitront Ion if nprlrin roller
iMiiiiroiocry iroin m per yu up to - rr
li'tikcsof luuiHli'y Niiim . y.v
Dr. Murray Building, Main St.
Suit or
Union Label on every Garment.
Wc are now ready with a full line of the choicest up-to-date
Spring and Summer Fabrics.
t i r 'wriETir cent ur y methods
Single I'Hce From Mills to
Single Vropt Man Direct
In regard to the workmanship on these garments ,
wc employ only the most
Dub Woolen
40 IN. Brody St.
I receive goods every day in Wash Goods, Dress Goods and Silks.
A. P. C. Ginghams,
Kverett CiitiKhums,
Silk TIhhuo,
10 cents
8 cents
2.", to 50 cents
I want to close out my Clothing stock. If you want to save
money now is your time.
Men's Pine Ruck nnd
81") and $1 Suits for I0.
812 and $1:1 Suits for 8.50.
Pino Ctwsimero Suits, fcl.iO.
Mens Punts, K.'l.OO for l.fir..
' 2..r0for 81.7.).
Men's Pants,
CHILD'S SUIT. $1.50 for fc'1.50.
Child's Suit, tl.dO for M.OO.
Child's Suit, :i.50 for 42.50.
Child's Suits,
Reunolflsville Hardware Co.
Carpets Carpets
. . Carpets . .
Measure your rooms, plan out any changes you may
contemplate. March is the time to purchase your Car
pets. All the new Spring patterns are here and if we are
any judge of beauty, the carpets are handsomer than
ever before. If you are not familiar with Reynoldsville
Hardware Company Carpets, we may say that we've
never sold a carpet that we are ashamed of, and the new
stock is made up of just good, time-tried grades of which
we have made a reputation.
We are looking for n volume of business; to introduce '
such results we are satisfied with small margins.
Reynoldsville Hardware Go.
TO Al.lit
tlin arilv il ot new iruc1-. e are 'now' In
Summer u.hkJi at N. Jr. ilscliRt pi Ires. '
PltR'M - KflAT) THEM CAItKr'tltXV.
Turkey n IiiMccIoOin. nnin wide, mime
riHM-cmuMf hk 4fc our pni'i zno per ya
it ii n ti iiofii iiiiiic rioiPiH, mi paiiornHi reji-
innr orirp imvt iioor m -
$12? I'tirii fro til h liRr imlrt,
-4 oil ciotn pi yn im. rr ruin
fiV rof-MtH, nickel prtrn
1 net cup nnd HauceiH, per net
IV Minitle. our nrlco -
$! 2. nil wool piiiitM, ( I til prlco
i'M ,Mnii pun in, riickct price, -
IITm- Overnllfi. rRcket nrlcn
Kliie nlckle plutcd fimcy lump, winid mer-
nmniH tiMH Ti nt io i:.ii, oui pneo
nlckln oliitcfl ctmnldnrn
f I liKtid Hurts, ;u in. loiitt, racket prlcn
fl.fiO Aliirm cltM'kn.
Oil clotli window Rlinrleft reKulnrdSc
KHirU N. V. racket price - - 21c
$1.00 Iroy loriK plililH - ?;Vi
Itoyn UveralN - t2r.
fl piece toilet net ... ,
7c LiiimdcrfMl Nhlrt Npectal bnrtialn aftc
tiliiHH worker'H overulU reieular Ihc itM)dn
ourpHco ...
Meti'n workitifi fdilrt), - - lite,
liHcp coi ltilni from 4 c up to - $?.00
Hemetnber we irtvn you otir hico curtiiln, em
broidery nml I'icM nt New York City prlcen.
Fine Nllk rlhlHiti No. ft, (k-t No. 7, 7n No.
no. ja, hicj no. in, mcj n. jk, I7ci no. w,
I Kcnieinbcr our enameled warn, tinware and
I KlitHMWtire Ih worth comttitf mlliw to nee.
ReynoldaVl lie, Penn a.
$15.00 oVr.
skilled Union labor.
Mills Tailoring
DuDolst Va.
Granite Cloth,
Storm Sorffo
30 cent
50 cents
bo cents.
Lome in and see lor yourselt.
Bluo Cloy Worsteds
W and $10 Suits for
7 and 8 Suits for
$ up.
Boys' Suits,
Men's Pants, 1.75 for $1.35.
Men's Pants, 1.00 for 75o
$2 00 for ll.fiO.
Child's Suit, 12.00 for $1.50.
Child's Suit, 1.50 for 11.00.
Child's Suit, 11.00 for 75c.
$2.75 for $1.95. 1