LAWS THAT ARE LAPSED THERE SEEMS TO BE NO END TO SUPERFLUOUS LEGISLATION. Ttia American Hm to obey More Laws Than ! a Illiro or Any Other .'onntry This Multiplicity of Si Clreat Rihiii lu His Many Lawyers. To be a law-abiding American cltl ten requires mortt of an effort tban in expected ot the citizens of any other country on the face of the map of the world. Not only doc the American have to obey more laws, but he has more law-makinK bodies tban any other country. He has his congress, the state legislatures and municipal bo gles, all of which have power to make laws and enforce them. No lawyer knows how many laws there are fn the state of Louisiana, for lnsta'icp, much less how ninny laws t:iero on; In the Vnltcd States. When, ever a question Is submittel to a lawyer about the simplest proposition, it requires three or four days of ftti-en-uous investigation before he is e!:le fo form an opinion as to what the legislature (lid do or Intended to lo, and even then It is not a certilnty thnt the law Is as the lawyer trunk It is. There are about 14,000 ordinances iu force In the city of New Orleans elone. How many thousand laws thcie are in the state no living man can tell. Citizens expectorating on the Bids walk are violating a law. Cltl.ens throwing refuse into the streets are violating a law. Motonr.en running their cars faster than six miles an hour vlolr.te an ordinnme. Trains which block a crossing longer than five minutes violate the law. People driving horses rapidly on any of the streets can be arrested by the police iind fined. Men or women lingering on the street corners are guilty of a misdemeanor. It ib a penitentiary of lense to can a ter without a stamp on H rn is undressed to another. It is a penitentiary offense to open a letter adJressed to another under any circumstances. It Is an offense to soli goods on Hundny. Gambling and lot tery games crimes. Taking money from another for the purpose of shield ing him or his business is a very ser ious crime. It is a misdemeanor for a farmer to permit his hogs to run nt large In cert districts. The list might be prolonged inJefl nitely. It would fill a strip of paper an wide as the ordinary railroad track anj reaching from New York to Hong kong. rs say that there is hardly a ma '11 mis blic who does not at some time .ng the year violate come law, state, national or city. Tlio reasom why so few arrests are made la that most of these statutes are more honored in d I mine than in their rigid enforcement. Laws are ehanirej with every suc ceeding session of the legislature. A great a lawyer as Mr. KruttschnUt said he did not believe a person could take the statute books of 18." 5, or about that time, and find a single law which is in torce today as it was the.i. The beginning of many of the pi-cwiit laws are there, but they have been amended and amended until they hate completely lost their original shape and effect. Most of the acts of tho legislature as recent as ten years ago have been repealed and changed so that they re not all what they were in the beginning. It Is apparently the passion of every legislator, for reasons political or otherwise, to try to get tne e lre regulation of the affairs ot the citizen changed to f.ilt his parti cular notions of political economy, and bo be goes to tho capltol with a bunch of bills in his pocket and he begins Introducing them the first day of the session and keeps hammering away at them till he manages to get one or two of them through. Then there Is the man in the legislature who does not care how much legislation gome of the other parishes get so long as they let him and his affairs alone. He Is perfectly willing to vote for tho other man's bill If the other man will vote for one of hia bills and vote against gome bill for him. It was something of this condition of affairs which nia.lo the legislature of a state not very far from Louisiana geriously debate for four or five days and nights the pro position to Incorporate a brass band and make every member thereof ex officio justice of the peneo. The gun tleman who proposed the measure, when asked why he wanted to make tho horn blowers and the . banner bearers officers of the law, replied that It wag necessary to give thora this power In order to enable them to pro tect themselves against the populuec, which was In the habit of going early to bed and which manifested a clec-IJ'id objection of being waked up by a braua horn just us they were beginning to get their first cood sleep. Bills just as foolish as this have been proposed In other legislatures and have served a rather good purpose in the eyeB of the lawyers. In that they consumed time which might have been spent in a way much more in jurious to the interests of the state. It Is a fact that every legislature passes more bills than It repeals. The new laws cover hundreds ot pages. The lawyers hav.e to try to familiarize themselves with the most Important legislation. It la an absolute impossi bility to try to absorb all of the acta of the Bolnns, because that is a task ' which would send a man to an asylum before he got half through. Aa showing the number of laws passed by congress, a blU wag passed three years ago providing for a com mission to recodify the statutes of the United States. That commission baa been steadily at work every Jay of the year, and Ib not bait through with lu job. - It in thought that by the ttm the present generation Is grown an 1 the lawyers now living hnve reached their rewards there may be an end to this work. Certainly the work will go on for five or ten years longer. Vet congress Is supposed to pass few er bills than the ordinnry state legis lature. Olio man rt signej his seat in congress to get on the commission, on the ground that It was a life Job and he did not have to make any effort to get reelected. Another member of the commission has died during his term of office, but still the commission goes on, and when the present mem bers die there will be a new set, and when the new set gets old It Is ex pected by tho lawyers that the work will be finished. This multiplicity of laws Is an ele ment of lawyers' lets. When a law yer knows it Is going to take him ttaicn days to find out if a man's cow can cat the grass on the pasture of another man in a certain pntb-.h liq must charge about the value ot the cow for an opinion, because he will hove to contribute services worth tho value of the cow before he is through with his investigation of the question. As showing the difference in tho number of luws It Is set down that there is only one lawmaking body in all tho kingdom of England, and thut Is tho House of Commons, or rather the House of l'arllnment. They make all the laws, both the larger and the smaller ones. They' make the laws riguluting the running or cattli At large, as well es luws provi.lliiK the means for carrying on the govern ment. There are no diu'mct legisla tive bodies. All the legislation comes from one source. Consequently, there Is very little of the conftission appar ent here, because there Is need for lit tle local legislation. There Is only olio law making body In France and only one In (in many. All thee great bodies consi..rr the smallest local questions when there is occasion for It. but when there Is no necessity for a violent change they go ahead. Lnws have stood for hundreds of years in these countries without a change.-an! the probabilities are that they will stand for centuries more. They were made on broad lines tliHt were core fully considered and elastic enough to fit changing conditions. Tho lawyers In this city who dis cussed this question are at a loa to know how to Btop the craze for making new lawu. unless it be to have a spe cial session of the legislature called for the expreys purpose of repealing some few hundred acts which are now on tho books find which should not be there. In the meantln? tho average man proceeds daily in his career of crime. New Orleans Time?-l)c mocrat. LIVING IN LONDON, It Is Mot ftninl I'Iiii-s for s Mnn of Kmnll Income, An American, who, in tho classical language of his country, is at present "located" In London, wants to know whether ony city In tho world is quite so nigpardly as our town. He has been going the round of the London reatau rants, and has encountered lu tho management of them- a spirit which (iistresses him. "There is, to begin with," he says, "a charge of from I'd. to td. for guarding your hot and coat in the cloakroom, and a tip in addition Is expected. You want to waah your hands another 2d. or another 0d., and another tip. You take up the menu, and behold! there Is an intimation that a charge of 3d. each person will be made under the guise of "tablo money." The charge varies accord ing to the nature ot the place 3d. Is the lowest, Gd. perhaps tho average; at a great many restaurants It Is Is., and In at least two thnt I have visited Is. Cd. The only difference Is that In the lower-priced restaurants it' is called 'table money,' and In the higher-priced ones placed under the cap tivating heading of couveil. To my mind, an entrance fee, -frankly de manded at the ioor, would be much lew offensive than to find yourself asked at the end ot a dinner to pay tor the trouble and expense of clean lag up tho. cutlery you have used." His conclusion of the whole matter is that "London lives by Imposing a fixed tariff on the accessories that In every other city I have ever been to are thrown In gratis;" and he thinks that being a gentleman is one of the most expensive professions an Eng Unman can have. He declares it to be an utter delusion that London Is a cheap place to live In. "For the poor man," he says, "the man whose In come is less than 800 a year, thare is no city where les-a can be had in the way of comforts and even the ne cessities of life. In New York It is only the luxuries that cost; the ex penses of every-day living may be as greut or aa small as one cares to make them. New York, In fact Is laid out for tho poor man. From the transpor tation system to the price of such fun damental chargB on the household treasury as coaL ice, fuel, meat, bread, milk, and fruit, almost every thing consplrcg to bring him in a good return for a very small outlay. All these things are cheaper in New York than In London" London Chronicle. A Tsat of t'rlenctahlp. A gentleman bag tried the follow ing peculiar way of probing the ties of friendship. He sent letterg to 20 intimate friends asking for the loan of 1. Thirteen of the two dozen friends did not reply at all; Ave de clined to lend the money; two prom ised to send it on the next day and did not do tt; one sent big "laBt ten shil lings" and only three sent the full sum asked for. Tbe supplicant and all the "friends" be bad written to are well off. St. Petersburg Novo Vreinya., THE SONC OF THE AUTOMOBILE. Chock I Chnekl 1 nome In ft swirl of steam, Or foul with the reek of oil, Conceived In a mad Inventor's rlrenm, And bora of his thought nnd toll; My henrt Is nllnma with n hidden tire, Ami I rtteh with a hurtling- speed On, on to the guel of my heart's desire Oil, I am the tireless steed ! My voice Is the cry of the hunter's horn, And I crush 'ntmlh my throbbing weight The sncre or the child wltb A reckless scorn, Like the wheels of s heedless fnte; My heart Is nil. I me, for my food Is lire, And I burn with Insntlnte greed, As I rush to the gonl of my heart's desire Ob, 1 am lbs tlltless steed ! New York Heiold, HUMOROUS,. Nell What a delightful converta tlonntlst he is. Hello What did he talk about? Nell Mo. Teller Time Is money. Askln Why don't you make money, then? Teller I haven't time. ' "In the matter of wedding pres ents," says the Cynical Uachclor, "it Is better to give than to receive." "What's the matter with you late ly? Has she thrown yon over?" "No; that's Just what she refuses to do." Sillii-us Do yon believe that clothes make the woman? Cynlctis More of thun the woman makes the clothes. Illobbs Why do you suppose Hard uppe is raising whiskers? Slobbs Maybe he can't raise the price of a shave. Wlgg Uorrowell did me out of SO cents the other day. Wagg I never before knew Uorrowell to do things by halves. Wife Oh, doctor, Ilenjamln seems to be wondering In his mind. Dot-tor (who knows Ilenjamln) Don't trouble about that; he can't go far. Tommy Pop, to prune a tree Is to cut the limbs off, Isn't It? Tommy's Pop Yes, my son. Tommy Then does that make prunes grow on it? Hook Where do you suppose the greatest pleasure comes In to the wom nn who entertains? Nye In not send ing Invitations to some other women. Mrs. (ifitlabout She appears to be pretty well-to-do. They say she's got quite a collection of oltl laces. Mrs. Noiker From her family's old shoes? "A woman's favorite weapon Ib a tear," remarked the Wise Ouy. "Yes, even the Eskimo women are addicted to blubber," murmured the Simple Mug. Tom I don't think I'll ever get up enough courage to ask you to marry me. You know "faint heart never won fair lady." Belle (blushing)-B-but I'm a brunette. Cholly Your father bowed to me very pleasantly on the Blreet today. K;lith Indeed? Ma m m a said he'd make some awful blunder If he went without his glasses. Lovelorn I've written her two let ters, propoMng to her, but I haven't got any encouragement yet. Funnicus well, what can you expect? One has to write 13 letters before he gt ts "encouragement." When It's tnn liolim Sick, One of the local girls' boarding schools includes among Its day pupils a young miss of 17 years who repre sents the concentrated affection of her parents, a sister and a number of old er brothers. She bubbles over with merriment, is healthful to a degree that alarms the family physician and speeds through her lessons as thought fully and regularly as could be ex pected of a girl who takes music les sons nnd must give linit an hour a day to each member of a large family, The other day she went to school in good spirits, but succumbed to a tooth ache at the end of her -first study period. Instantly the whole school went to work to nurto her possibly out of recognition of her father's In fluence and his interest in the school. She was taken up" stairs to the room ct one of the boarders, blankets were heaped on her until sho almost smoth ered, the superintendent came in the room and lowered the blinds, tho his tory teacher came and offered edibles end every girl In her class poured In after each recitation period to inquire how she was. lint no one gave her any remedy for her toothache. She lay there two or three hours, Btiffcrints bravely and counting the figures in lue wall paper design, when suddenly the pain censed. She accordingly arose put on her wraps and walked homo, Yesterday she vouchsafed to tell her home folks something about it. "Why In the world didn't you tell us before?" they all asked. Then the sly little school girl's eyes began to twinkle and she replied demurely: "Well, you see, I knew if I did you would have my tooth fixed for good and all. And Its a mighty lot of fun being sick In a boarding school, 'specially when. you don t know your lessons." Washing ton Star. m The Quips of Utile Ones. Grandad What makes you look so unhappy, Willie? Willie 'Cause nobody never calls. me good unless I'm doing something I don't want to do. Some time ago little Waller bad oc casion to differ with his uunt upon some trifling matter. "I tell you," said auntie, playfully, "I know a few things." . "And I know as few things as any body I guess;" said Master Walter, in dignantly. "Daddy," asked little Jack, "where doea a snake begin when be wants to wag bia tall?" Mamma (at the breakfast table) You always ought to use your napkin, Oeorgle. George I am twin' Jt, mamma; I've got the dog tied to the leg of tbe table with It. Motherhood. ANOTHER GHAND REPORT FROM HIS MAJESTY'S DOCKYARD, AT PORTSMOUTH, ENGLAND, TThera Upwards ol 10,000 Mea Are Ce stsatly Employed. Sometime sgo the Portsmouth Time and Naval Gazette published a moat thrill ing nnd remarkable experience of the wife of Mr. Frederick Fayne, himself connecter with the Portsmouth Dockyard for many fears. The report produced a great sensa tion, not only in Portsmouth, but through out the country, being considered of suffi cient importance for reproduction and ed itorial comment by the leading Metropoli tan and Provincial Press of England, as showing tbe marvelous powers which St. Jacobs Oil possesses as a cure for Rheuma tism, its application having; effected a per fect euro in the caw of Mrs. Payne, sfter having been a helpless cripple and given up by several physicians. Wc have now further evidence of Its in trinsic value aa a Pain Conqueror. Our readers will do well to follow the intelli gent nnd lti(7lily interesting details as given in Mrs. Rabbets' own words: To the Proprietors St. Jacobs Oili Gentlemen My hiifbancl, who is a ship wright in His Majesty's Dockyard, met with an accident to his ankle and leg, spraining both so badly that his leg turned black from hie knee to his toes. The Dr. aid it would be months before he could put his font to the ground, nnd it was doubtful whether he would ever get proper Use of his leg again. A few days after the accident I had a book left at the door telling about St. Jacobs Oil, so I procured a bottle from our chemist, Mr. Arthur Crcswell, 3T0 Com mercial Road. I began to me St. Jacobs Oil, and yon may guess my surprise, when, in about another week from thnt date, my Inn-band could not only stand, but could even wall; about, and in three weeks from the time I first used the Oil my husband was back at work, and everybody talking about his wontlerful recovery. This is not all. See ing what St. Jacobs Oil could do gave me faith in your Vogeler's Curative Compound, also favourably mentioned in the book left at my house. I determined to try the compound on my little girl, who was suf fering from a dreadful skin disease, the treatment of which has cost me large sums of money in going from one doctor to an' other with her all to no purpose. She has taken two bottles of Vogeler's Curative Compound, nnd one would now hardly take her for the same child, her skin has got siu-h a nice healthy colour after the sallow look she has always had. I shall never cease to be thankful for tho immense benefit we have derived from these two great remedies of yours. I think it a duty to recommend these medi cines now I have proved their value. (.Signed) Et.iZAnr.Tit S. R Annrrsj, 03 Grafton Street. Mile End, Landport, Portsmouth, I-'nglniid. A liberal free sample of Vogeler's Com pound will be 'cnt by addressing St. Ja cobs Oil Ltd., Italtimore. The above honest, straight forward state ment of Mrs. Rabbets' evidence is strong er nnd far more convincing than pages of paid advert iscmcnts, which, though in themselves attractive, yet lnt-k that con vincing proof which Mrs. Rabbets' descrip tion of her own enperiencc supplies. St. Jacobs Oil lias a larger sale throughout the world than that of all other remedies for outward applioation combined, and this can only be accounted for from the fact of its superiority over all others. Pome people are such natural born liars that they look aliamcd of themselves every time they arc caught telling the truth. . Wo rertina lue. for every packngo of Put nam Vaum.eib lire that fulls to s'lvn satis faction. Monroe Drug Co., Vulouvillu, Mo, it takes a level-headed man to survive a stroke of Rood fortune. Six Japanese artists are to bo dec orated by tho French government. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children Hucccssfully used by Mother Gray, nurso lu the Children's Home, lu Now York. Curo Feverlshcuu, Bad Stomach. Teething Disor ders, mtivo nnd rcgulnte tho Bowels nnd Dettroy Worms. Over S0.000 tiwtimoniuls. At nil druggists, inc. Huruple mullet Kitti. Address Allen . Olmstend. l,Hy, N. Y, One of the liuenos Ayrea ncwupui era has a ccneultation room in which, the tour can get ntcdical aij and medicine free. TO EXTRACT LEAD. New Method of Getting It Out of Ore Discovered. Dr. A. F. Linn, ot Springfield, O., professor of chemistry at Wittenberg College, has discovered a method by which lead lu solution may be "thrown out" In tho form of pure lead by the use of an electric current. The com mercial possibilities of the discovery. It Is said are great, as the plan may be applied to extracting tho metal from the ore. The method consists In get ting the lead In a solution containing an excess of phosphoric acid and then allowing an electric current to act up on the solution for six or seven hours. Tho lead Is then .found to be deposited In a smooth gray coating at tho bot tom of the receptacle. Jeweler's Dummy Clocks Wrong. A paragraph has been going the rounds of the press that the dummy clocks used by Jewelers and other dealers In timepieces aa advertise ments always indicate the hour of S : 1 8 to commemorate the precise mo ment when President Lincoln was as sassinated. Lincoln did not arrive at Ford's Theater on tho fatal even ing until 9 o'clock and Mooth did not shoot him until after 10. His death occurred at 7:30 the next morning. Alsbsstlns. the only dnrsbl wall coat Ins, take Ihs plaos of soallnn kslaomlnos, wall txaprr ana paint for walls. It can h vaed oo plaster, brick, wood or oanvaa TRADES FOR EACH TOWN, Phlllpplnot In Dagupan Would Not 8aw Boards In Their Village. A characteristic of the articles pe culiar to the Phlllpplnos Is that tiny can be had only by going where they are produced, except very occasional ly at an exhorbltant price In Manila. At Callaalo are made, In limited quan tities, fine hats and cigarette cases of the fiber ot the bole palm, which can be bought nowhere else. At Luchnn they make an even finer hat, to be had only there. Paete, another town. Is noted for Its woodcarvlng. Other places may have the same materials and as skilled men, but they will not make for you what Is not peculiar to the place; If asked why they say, "It Is not our custom," and that Is a final reason with them. Near Dag upan there is a town where almost every native Is a carpenter ltv trade. An nrmy officer stationed at Dagupan wished to have some boards sawed; but In Dagupan It could not be done; he must go three miles to the neigh boring town of carpenters, or go with out his boards, ' - RIVAL STEEL TRUST. French Company Soliciting Orttait at Lest Than American Rates. Tho Steel Trust Compnny of France has representatives In Chicago en deavoring to obtain contracts at less than American trust prices. It Is claimed by these representatives that one contract was signed Wednesday. Hene Illume and Caston Blcjelt, who were sent to this country by the French company, say the steel they sell Is made by a new process, which Is known only to those engaged In Its manufacture. Hy this secret process they assert their concern can produce the best steel at about half the cost ot American manufacture. The Frenchmen visited the oltlces of tho Burlington, the Alton and other rail roads, ami It Is said the first named roads made contracts for large con signments ot steel to be used in the manufacture of tools for their machine shops. Studying Glacial Movements. A recent number of the Meteora loslsche Zeltschrlft, culls attention to the tine that may be mnd of the fall of red dUBt, which occurred over most of Europe on March 11 last. It was suggested some time ago that studies of glacial movements and phenomena might be facilitated by coloring a con siderable portion of the surface of a glacier, and then noting the rapidity of movement and the folding and frac- Ituring of this partlculur colored stra tum. The dust storm of last March colored the Kuropeun glaciers on a grand scale, and thus an excellent op portunity of making critical studies of these glaciers hag been provided, which could never have been brought about by artificial means. Cough "My wife had deep-seated cough for three years. I purchased two bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, large size, and it cured ber com pletely." J. H. Burge, Macon, Col. Probably you know of cough medicines that re lieve little coughs, all coughs, except deep ones The medicine that has been curing the worst of deep coughs for sixty years is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Thnt sliss I J5c., He. II. All ruUti. Commit your ibirtor. If he inys take If, then tin ns he ?t. If lie tslls yin mil to tnko It. thsn duti't tsks It. He kuowi. Lsavs It with htm. We stc willies'. J. C. AYF.I1 CO., Luwsll, MslS. The Prince and Princess of Wales are to have a residence on Deesldo, and have selected Cralgowan, near lialmoial, which has hitherto been tho residence of the King's Commissioner, Writ For tho Bowels. Nomntter what ailr you, headache to aean eer, yuii will never (jet well until vonr bowels are put rl(,'lit. Casiahkth help nature, oura you without a gripe or pain, protluue eusy natural movomeuts, cost yuu just lOcuutsto start gettlag your health bnuk. Carcaiieth Candy Cutiiurtio, the gemiiue, put up In metal boxes, every tnhlet has 0. C. C, stamped on it, Uewaio of Imitations. The California giant trees, or Cequeias, are, in the opinion of HicharJ T. Fisher, probably 5000 years old. tl a permanent ly cured. No llts or nervous nesE after llrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Great NorvuKeBtorBr.2 trial bottlo and tmatistfrua IT. K. H. Ki.iSK,Ltdtai Arch Mt., Piilla., Pa. lie who laughs last is slow to see tho Joke. H. H. Giiken's Hons, of Atlanta, fla., are tho only successful Dropsy Specialists In the world. Hoo their liberal rfferin udvortluo uiout In another column ot this papor. It is prrposed to increase the strength of the I!e)g-iuu army to 180,000 men. 1'lso's Cure flan not be too blgniy spoken of as a cough cure. J. W. O'Buikm, ah Third Avenue, N., Minneapolis, Jlinu., Jau. tt, l'JUO Cupid and the burglar both laugh at locksmiths. Alalbastln oan ba usrd over paint or paper) paint or paper can be used over Alauostlne, lruy onlv tn five pound pack ayea, prouurly labeled; take no aiibsiltuia. Prl " Mrs. L. A. Harris, a Prominent Member of a Chicago Woman's Political Club, tells how Ovarian Troubles may be Cured with out a Surgical Operation. She says : " Doctors have a perfect craze for operations. The minuta there is any trouble, nothing but an operation will do them ; one hundred dollars and costs, and included in the costs are pain, and agony, and often death. " I suffered for eight years with ovarian troubles ; epent hundredi of dollars for relief, until two doctors agreed that an operation was my only chance of life. My sister had been using Lytlhv E. l'lnk li urn s Vojretnblo Compound for her troubles, and been cured, and she strongly urged me to let the doctors go and try fiie Com pound. I did so as a last resort ; used it faithfully with the Sana tive Wash for five months, and was rejoiced to find that my troubles were over and my health restoretl. If women would only try Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound first, fewer surgical operations would occur." Mrs. L. A. Harris, 278 East 31st St., Chicago, 111. $rooo FoitFi:iT if Tin: aiiove letter is sot genuine. Y1iph wonion are troubled with irregular, suppressed or pninful menstruation, weakness, letu'orvliten, displacement or ulceration of the womb, thnt beRi'inif-down feelinir, iiiflitiiiiiiatlon of the ovaries, back ache, bit iiiting- (or llatulcuee), general debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, or are liesot with such symptom as dizziness, faintnesa, liuwitutlu, excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, "all-gone" andMwaiit-to-Jie-left-iilone" feelings, blues, and bojielessness, they Hhotilil rememlier tliere Is one Plukliuni's vegetable Compound T rjrttMt frtM nf trfonij ii fr Rrowrr or nili Hrixuui irliln too rr. It wit! grow whrTi rr farm" atifihfi i ryiaat f buj.M tcM lluiottiT, f-r cr. W Br Um In tf4 . TDIOI ft? UnMP armnau kt l7 tls pi.,iI4 S'.,.i. ... fr T well, Stlcr inru torts will predate Rum vpim Foildcf PlantQm Grasses and Clove mm Tf'iLS i tiaio lhi lirrtt tmr nt farlittr In in Hi i. W bar l he Adt S'lreit rriipM. "or oiant i earn 'jy jtfl -T ftur IcJinllila la ffvt fur M taut pf f ri if tf ft'. Hn.!"l Kal and Jiwurt Vlrmrla Kapff Biakc h iy4 D if rmr at e. a rwuml fmatlbte. M warrant ruriilsti a hinirltini orp ttf rift n mri I iJT lUtr iMwO.lRKI pound wM the at fw jfsra). 111,111 1U1H nv-vi. BriTT r 're: tMir liinliiia ! ttno't fur Ml Urns Vt ft tl'B Inrifxt fritwrrs. Chela ' Hi. m hum a irenetidnui iImI of afll"l r"B, enra. radlabm. maftliir If-rf'ft'-l-. Our MUftf Miff (aitlcicr and fartacr wants. For 1 0c Worth $10. T tr fr "aL a ffreai taift'n wua a ,..fV- 1 tm ita ! HiftlM tn y. "ir CriPaB "1'-Boseilari JES- JOHNA.SAl Oar rat tlft'o with ft Itrf rnnlitrof rr farm S4 mil UMfi rt - aoaltlvr-lt war 8ALZERSEEDCO. The greatest liny In the world Is that of IieiiKal. Measured n a straight line from the two InrloHiiiR peninsu la Its extent Is about 420,000 square miles. There Is more Catarrh Id this section of tho country than nil ol tier cllseu-jen put toother, unci nuttl tho lost faw years wna supposed to be Incurable. For ft (treat many years doctor! tirououueed It a local dlbeasn and iirescrlurit ueal remedies, nnd by constantly falling to euro wltb loonl treatment, pronounced It in curable. Heleuno has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional dlseuxo and therefore requires eolistitutiiiunl treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J, ilhenny 4 Co., Toledo, 0,,lstlin only constitutional cure on tho market. It Is taken Internally In doses from lOdrcps to a teaxiooiifiil. It acts direct ly on the blood nnd mucous surfaces o( the system. They offer one hundred dollars Tor any enso It fails to cure. Hend for clreulnni and testimonials. Address F. J. C'ucnev & Co., Toledo, O. Hold by DruKRlsts. 75e. Hull's Fumllyl'llls are tho bost. Over a thousand parcels are lost every day on lliltlsli railways. Capsicum Vaseline Put up in Collapsible Tubes. A HiibUtutfornd3uprlor to Muatinl or any oilier pitiftter, tin. will nut blister the most deUc( kin. Tb puiii alUyiMY and rurMlva qua!ltU of tlilinrti ! u wuUilwtTul. ItwUlfttopthatootuavbe at once, anil relieve Uwadm'b anil aclatti-a. V rwoouiinrmtl It aa tlia bant ami infest aitamal count wr-lrr it ant known Uu aa aa iterml rameily for lwlna lu thai'hst and utoutmhandatlrUeuiufttlr, nourtUwlo and trout y c jiiiiltltitB. A trial will provu what we ciilui for It, and It will b found to b Invaluable lu tbe household. Many people aajr "11 Is the beet ot all your preparation. frlce, .l cent, at all druir.Bte, or other tUultia, amount to u lu poatauv atanipa we will send you a tnbe by mail. Mo article ahould be accepted by tho public unites tbe aauie oarries our labl as otherwise it la uot venuine. CHEESEBR0UG1I MANUFACTURING CO., 17 8tts Strsst, Nsw York City. Many allmenta, particularly throat and lunt; troubles, are attributable to unsan itary wall coverings Alabastlne baa In dorsement ot physician and eaultarUns. trietl ana true remedy. Lydla E. at once removes sucn troubles. . f LI BttOIWVS INERMIS ihf entarr. Wr r tbe IntrMtarm m4 r inr wsn in Amrrica. wc r nrwir)ui ml hit Bitd !( Md Ml of mm lira I r :! lb mid. II I an arrkU'itliftl i It. It U ft auBff BAkrr. TrjUlorlWI. w. ii ( Ik sflwasfHWsl tbis fur Juu to Wt. l-rttftlag Mllft. ntnnta tan nil In anr nitlalMii ariMle. it.r htrgvat ) leldrri an4 ate i inter i.ximt-a a crop n n. ry. r g rrm n VI I-T --- JIB ' pf f rent fcnrr: if 1lmoiai1 JHf Bull wbart piBld I. Jfr onlnti.Mvcl it kutltv. ftftd B ft f .ik-V Hue vratlabl' lard, inch heam and man other mod rvr,4 ftlftfttlB, 111 IB4 lt Batik aT TSJh 'iin cr nut n"J. rb flu tt a start. KEEP YOUR SADDLE D ' Trie ORIGlNALl POMMEf Black oavtLionv W PROTECT aOTH y RIDER AND 3APDI Lacm.oftst0 itaiajibi inll SHOWING FULL LINE Of GARMENTS AND MATA A.J.TOWtR co.bostvn.rmjj. GREGORY Cl r f4 Sclil mnlir - " - IhmWKr rsnt. rfciiit fur f rr culalmnt.. t. i. a. uuiuuf m, itcutiwii, la. Self-Thrsadinc Stwin? MarhiRn Hnnriia i Slinl0 'r?'1 w" wl" "V-'1 "imrle liackaceawoittpd tlouU Autowatu: Nwll. Cu.,M Nuaaau St., M. V I1HI1UGV"" BIBCOVEET: i I M ni'iilula ...J III J.. , ".T: free. wssss s SDKS. Bass, AUaau, Oa. liold letlltl H ItllftWIn McILIIENNV'S TABAS'CI WANTrn-L-tlyorOcntleman asftole rerrtiu'jiHvJ in tht tr IrttMlUv: B ihirv orcDDiniiushtii. Full nri-tli l ulwii ailditsa I'huemx u;a.Co.t 4& WroaUway.N. V J F. N. u. io, oa. w irz trl H bunco nncia A LI tLSt tAILS. I 1 , I I I Boat t juja byrap. Taivs Uumi. Use I in Tirno. 11 mi rv tinmu'lsia. Atsbastlna mIi.h. v. - ,.1 tlons. Anyone can brush It on. Aek V'-aiw cur iint onm, "Aianasiine I r. Aiaouune Co.. orond Uapids.. i&JaVTK 1 I a "VI I I tv'mv -v iv I JVW I i i - 1VW1 T i i !