IN THE CAlt KITCHEN 8NUQ MANNER IN WHICH EATABLE9 ARE 8T0WE0 AWW. Met hnd a hr Whir Mores , pleulahefl Which OlM Oat Km Route Th lloom Kor the Walter. Th Cooke mnd Their Work. The actual stnndlng room In tbe cnr kitchen consists of nn Blslo only wldo enough for two men to pirns Mich other And nbout fifteen feet long. On one lde In nn unbroken row of rnngeg, the very bent sort Invented, for when men do womeu'i work they are not content With makeshift tools. On the other aide la a ateam table for keeping things hot, other tables and some of the re frlgerntors, for there are many. Hot water and cold is held In cylinder, trblcli lie along the celling and look like the projectiles used on torpedo boats. One refrigerator Is devoted exclusive ly to fish, which lie shining on blocks of clear Ice as tempting as In any fish market Until I hnd actually seen this refrigerator It hnd been my practice to refuse flsh In trnvellng, feeling there was some mystery about Its preserva tion, but now Indeed, no such thing. I had fnncled the whole menu cooked at once In enormous quantities, like a sol dlers' mess at camp, and my fastidious car appetite hnd revolted and faded away during the flrttt course, but now I eat with relish, knowing the condi tion of the source of supply. Another refrigerator Is entirely for meats and game, another for fruit and even bnjad and cake are kept In a re frlgcrutsV that they retain their mois ture. Outside the kitchen there Is a sacred Icebox under lock and key, and no man may put his hand therein ex cept the steward or housekeeper of the dining cnr. There twenty-live kinds of wine are kept, and there will be show n to you, with a manner awed but proud, the royal family of champagne with cool, gold crowned beads sitting on nn Icy throne. Put to go back to the kitchen, thnt apartment Is occupied by three men all In white, with perhaps a blue cor don for tradition's snke. who serve deftly and capably the hlveful of wait ers that swarm at the open square lit the Inner end of the room. It Is a wise provision that prevents closo con tacts, for cooks are apt to bo "redhot" at the crnclnl hour of dinner serving, and, besides, the car kitchen can con tain no more men than the three cooks, who broil, roast atew and fry the numberless fancies of tho pntrons' pnl ates. These men work hard. The head cook, whose salary Is about $70 per month, stands farthest from the .window where the waiters clamor and Is a bit more serious. The middle cook, on $15 salary, Is lively or sub missive according to tho man ho ad dresses, and the end cook duels tlmo to chaff tho owners of the dink faces who call orders, and sometimes he Blngu as happily as a conceited boy 11V J fc4ftlaVO MIS A. ULUI V VII hUW Vltauva. stage. These three men mnko up tho white capped trio we see peering out of the windows of the dining car as It slips Into the station. All the other em ployees of the train come Into contact with passengers and have Interesting experiences, but these are confined In the galley and are eager for scant glimpses at the station. Sometimes the car has a little balcony at tho end, where they can escape the heat of their quarters, a needed relief In sum mer time. The waiters have a pantry adjoining the kltcheu and opening into It only by the little aquare window with a counter on cither side. When your or der Is given and the waiter disappears, this Is where ho bns gono. Here are kept supplies of dishes and silver, and here It Is the waiter makes up the dishes of cakes, fruit and cheese you call for with which to tie up tho ends of your appetite. Before the dining car Is drawn away from the enryards the special house keeper who hns It In charge must see that every sort of supply Is on hand and In sufficient but not too lnvtah, quantity. Sometimes there are ninety persons to feed, sometimes one-third that number, but the probable number on the various runs la known. In loug Journeys there are commissary sta tions along the way where the car may be restocked, but this Is seldom neces sary except with such perishables as cream and milk. Have you ever heard a porter agitating that subject with tatlon employees at Buffalo or else where? That means the emergency has arisen In the dining car. Such things might easily happen In a larder where demands are Irregular and mar ket scores of miles away. It Is a won der they do not happen oftener when we reflect that economy In pertshnble , things la exacted' from the steward housekeeper. Just before be lends bis black com missary to announce dinner to the hun gering pasengers every man slips on Jacket and apron of whitest linen and by this little act of costuming la con verted at one from the nondescript man of the streets Into the most spruce of servitors. Then, with everything ready In the kitchen and with bis flock of assistants about him, the house keeper of the dining car awaits the coming of bis guests. And In they come, thoughtless blessing takers, with never a reflection on the hours of prep aration by the army of men that It wa taken to give them the degree of comfort which la purchasable for a Qollar MIL AJnslee Magazine. ' Tho river flows quietly along toward Um aca, yet It always geta there. It en'-hf t well to remember this when pi an trjlfjjo nun things. Chicago Happy ThonatM of m Wnn la m Flsi An operator fur a estern railroad who had served his coinpnny long and well was called Into the olllce one day nnd asked If he thought he could hold down the Job of night dispatcher. He promptly replied that he could and wan told to report for duty thnt night, and his chief Instructed htm In whnt he wns to do. Jiint after the chief left the olllce It began to blow and snow, and the trains commenced to run late. The new night dispatcher soon jfind develop ed a bnd case of "rattles' and almost cried. He did not wnntntt accident, and he could not hnndln the trains. So a hnppy thought struck liliu. As fast as a report came In ho replied, directing tho conductor to take a siding mid wait for orders, and It was not a great while until he hnd every train on the division sidetracked. Then he took a book, lighted his pipe and sat down to wait for daylight In tho morning the chief appeared with anxiety written all over his face. "Any accidents, Johnny?" asked the chief. "Not an accident. I've got 'em all on the sidetrack, snowed In and wait ing for orders, and you will have to get 'em out. I am going to blow tills Job." It took the chief and his force nearly all day to get the trains straight ened out and tratllc resumed on the road. Indianapolis News. False Talis For Horses, False tails are extensively made for horses, old favorites especially, whose caudal nppendnges present a wornout and moth pa then appearance, like Pe truchlo's "old niothy saddle," and his prodigiously liiotliy get up ("Taming of the Shrew." Ill, 2). They nro also worn by funeral horses, and by other horses of exquisite outline selected for n par ticular kind of work, but which are somewhat spoiled lu appearance by the possession of a rat tall (bald, like a rat's). These useful appliances, how ever, nro not constructed exclusively for harness horses. 1 hnve seen rows of bogus tails, artistically Joined oil to the crupper, hnnglng up lu a cavalry barracks ready for Instant service, be ing slipped on Just like a finger stall. The "line ends" or false tails used by nobody but "horse copers" or low swindlers are most Ingeniously fastened on the animal's bare back by Invisible meaus. A. dealer lu horses never looks at a horse with a bad tall, and he al ways goes to tho best market only. Chambers' Journal. Robin Plor at Delna- Deed. One morutng a well kuown naturalist was greatly surprised to see a rolilu lying on his back evidently dead, being rapidly pulled round and round by an other bird of tho same species. The nnturalist at once came to the conclusion that be had come In time to witness the end of a deadly eu- couuter, and that the live robin was Indulging lu the cruel triumph of drag ging his victim's 'lifeless body over the stones. But ho was mistaken, for suddenly the live bird went down upon his back, his wings and legs were stiffened, nnd he gave every appearance of being dead, while the other robin who had been shnumilug death hopped ou his legs nnd proceeded to serve his com panion in the same way as ho had done him. Filially the two birds Hew away together to a neighboring tree. Sow the People of Sanvlr Keep Time. The people of Sanglr, an Island of the Malay archipelago, keep time by the aid of an hourgtuss formed by arrang ing two bottles neck to neck. The sand runs out lu half an hour, wben the bot tles are reversed. Close by them a Hue Is stretched, on which bang twelve sticks marked with notches from one to twelve, with a hooked stick, which Is placed betweeu the hour last struck and the next one. Oue of these glasses keeps the tlmo for each village, for which purpose the hours are sounded on a gong by a keeper. Four Kinds of Pupils. The Talmud says there are four kinds of pupils the sponge and the funnel, the strainer and the sieve. The sponge Is he who takctb up everything, and the funnel Is he who taketh lu at this car and lettetb out at that; the strainer Is he that lettetb go the wine and re tnlneth the dross, and the sieve Is be that lettetb go the bran and retalneth tho line flour. The student who be gins at least to wish to belong to the last named clnss will uot have been seut to college In vain. Ilia Watebrtos;. Mrs. Suburb Oh, my dear, that mag nificent watchdog you brought borne yesterday Is gone. Mr. Suburb Eh? Did bo break the chain? "No; but an ugly looking tramp came around and acted so terribly that I let tho dog loose, but Instead of tearing the tramp to pieces be went off with him." "Great Scott It must have been the same tramp I bought blm of." A Little Baroa.tle. Maid (to lady at door) Mrs. Spencer la not at homo. Caller (who knows differently) Ob, I'm so sorry! But never mind. Tell Mrs. Speucer wben she comes In that I called to say that I'm awfully glad she goes out more than she did. I've always wondered why she kept herself cooped up In the bouse all the time.-' Boston Transcript Carelaaa Aboat Tbalr Hair. Peasant women In Siberia wear shawls or kerchiefs on their beads, while the rleb women wear uo head covering whatever. A traveler receut I7 returned from that part of the world says that a Itusnlan woman who la otherwise trim aud modern In dress will go about with ber hulr disheveled to the point of the ludicrous. COMMISSIONERS' STATEMENT OI Finances of Jefferson County F"OR THE n mount Outstanding Districts. C'om.sitor. roiinijr. Iloml. "mm. InTiT- r" Porter B. Pnyder t 17 211 2lnn in Wl IVrcriit. on 17 -I 21 m to wi , off IS 117 Id 61 II 7 IIHMI - ' '. : I'nllc A. ". i.ik-kwinkI fi S5 Him 1.1 HI rtiliniiift vlllli N. A. Mi'I.hiikIiIIii Wl rli 21 4a 42 f.ll Per cent, on IW 17 117 I'! 5S IK Percent, otr Il:i Til ;tl 74 IVI 2n Hmount Outstanding for 1901. DlSTiticrs. ( I'lil.l.KCTOIl. (Vnly Iloml. Hlntu Hon. I Poor. Hiiriuot S. II. Hnvlcr $ in III f 7 IK I :tl I 21 : film Itcuver T. M. Ilriedua HI 21 50 mi .1:1 07 42 110 II" in Hi ll (I. It. Mull 411) lii lli-J IW la H7 7! im '.HI 14 Hid Kim U. I. Calmer 2: is lit im im 14 in 14 :m IIH2;I lliiH'kniivvlllii f. II. Crawford 274 HI Hit 7". 1147 nil ;m HIM s(l Hi-ooIo IIIb I. H. Ilcnslcy I'M sti f.n ST 57 11 mi mi m .17 t'luvvillu U rn. Phillips jib w Iii:i ;iv id ni ;r.i 141 21 Clover I. II. Wilson Hit a 4; H 7 7711 H 2s t'oticit loloi l.nther 17 lis ih ;c 11411 4411 an ;r Klilieil T. M. Htuhlmun :ili 115 155 ai 12 11 Tl mi :m7 4.1 inMli i. r. Mowers U! in in 7.1 I in :m :m 124 ; llentll M. lli(M 4! HI 21 SS nn 7 kl .11211 Heinle ihoii A. .1. Sprnif lie 'Mils lli fii: Hi ill m 711 212 4" Knot t. '. Htcwurt I .HI 41 74 M 17 Hi 70 o I HI HI M, ulimiiit J. C. North 24H :m nun 41s; 1111 711 12111.1 Oliver 1. V. Klsenlmrt 507 lis II! Wi 2.1:11 4U n 2M 4H I'eny II. V. (lourley avi ; 21m 4! 110 51 im im l?s :n I'lneerei k ('. II. Wctrell 11.111 1117 11 Hi',17 ail :i lir 11; I'olk A. H. I.oekwiHMl Hit Its 4lli: 111 Hit 2tl 411 NO H7 Porter rims. Miller ill si 7s 117 741 411 jn IM si I'liuxsiituwncy A.M. I'lis'k 1,1.11 HI mil 711 till 57 si 711 7 in ItcvuolilsvUlc II. YV. Hwnrtx 1,1715 2H7 li III) fill Wl so ftss in Itllllt'old H. tl. r'lllk 214 2s 12? 2:1 I 'I ill 411 "n lis M Kute I. (1. 1'iH'liriin hit ki 2.1 si as .1; 72 mi , ; 75 .Snviler Hiunlll'l r'. Miller 41 lr III", 41. 11 I! Its HI) "HI o-J Hoiiiiiiervllle K. It. Kitty 12 ?n 17 21 lit 71 la to 22 7:1 t -11 Ion I. C Morrison 2:1 a; 47111 ft no 1:1211 nam Wnrsiiw H. IV. Wells fi7 41i lll 41 42 Hi" si im arn sn Wnliiii'.(iiiii It. K. Morrison ill 7:1' 2; M li'i 41 l hi mi ami 711 Willow Amos HtronsH mm 2s 2111 nr. so (11 iiin mi ;wn im We-l He Itolilsvlllo , lleo. Ileiiipsey 11.171 M so H ai 2(1111' (llli: Werlhvllle t. J. Hloriner (I ki 7 'i Hi s '.14 Youim W. A. Mi'Uve 2411112 2 ls 4s Hi si 111:140 4iW ,2 r'ulls I'eeek John Cubic 2H4 21 lis 4:1 2H 2n M sn 12s 117 Percent, on H.7HI HI 4 mil Ml I .mi is i.uis s'l (12S1 i7 Pi i eeiii. off 7.1ml 11; a,i:n2 aa hiij 4al l,;i si .1,714 aa Kei elpts and xprnilltiirr lor 1(101, HKCKIITS. Ain't In Tiensiiry ill Inst settlement, (10 (liiKliinilhiii lilies I'ms) nnd previous, is.ntni HI Dtllxiiinillliu lilies (or llml ftl.l.M 12 inei Tim i.ien It ml lis 'im. 01.... ;r! 17 I'nseuteil Tux l.len It ml for limn,.. 2,:tKftHI lireiest l ux l.len Iteeora ror iiui 1:10; Hotel Licenses Hill HI Iteileniiitloii ree'd from Treasurer's Mule nook 411 mi t'oiionWloiiers' Hecel(it llisik coniinonweiinii i imis 2.1101411 Hospllul Accounts 1,112.1 mi Poll l ux II 2.1 Itents, Ml 2.1 hire nnd Onnie Wardens' Hills,.... IlllUa old Plunk, . . 4 ll Medlcnl L'erllllciitH HI ml Clurlon Hnd Korcst count les, for imlntlni CnnkslHiric lirlilue ls Ml Ucdc millions ree'd from Coinmln- slottent' hind Issik. 8 Wl Three I'onrlli Hlnlu 1'crsoiml tux, 4.AH7 lltf ff.ift.Mll 42 KXPKNlllTHHKS. AssesmtV lillls B.42.1 112 Auditors' liny 21s M Aiidilinff Protlionolnry's accounts,.. .Ml nil A luteals 1:11 70 iiriiiu'es auu uiiuiro repairs j.iimii llliink hooks and stationery 774 HI line Association, Vfc Commonwealth Hun SWIM llallots l-'eliriiary election I7.1IHI llallots November elcctlni I.liim lliilmicn liueSherlir Cliesuutl 11124 llooths nnd ballot hoxes 1:i4 U) llin liil of Indluent soldiers 621 IKI tlurltil of nnuncrs &KK) County llomis Hudoomed, Herles of IMM, IMII, KI.IKKIIIO Couiinns redeemed, 7:10 HO CouimlsslonerH' Attorney 2.KIH0 Coilli Crier 1HS 00 Cousiahles' returns 4:t4 111 Ctlteof Court HouseClock HUM) Commissioners' Convention til a I 'oilili'V for prisoners 1 UN 711 Commlsslonum' pay- Murray,.. ilium Wehsler 70 HO Hawk 7.12 00 Commissioners' clerk 7(10 HO Common wen Ith bills 3.1171 at) Co nmonweallh hills dlitcliarKe cases, 2faii7 t '011 nt y HuperiniciiOMtii 'jimnu 1 11-11 let Attorney, James V. Murray, Tmoo Dellverluff r'ehrunry ballots 2ft II lieilverlnit November ballots, 2.10:1 I '.led Ion hills I'ebruary 1.111 (Ml Klectloii bills November l.lMOs r'xpre. chal-Kes, 14 41 h'nel nnd I.lffht 1.0s:i44 I'uinltore for Court llousn, l.illNI 110 l ln mid Oiime Wnrdens' bills, IKI IM I'relithl and baulliiK 41) 17 Hospital hill Ills (HI Head Slonus for Holdlurs 2.V1KI InililestH - 71 !1H Imtulsltlims 7140 I nturest oil County Honds HS HO .liii.ils, (Inind HIIIIS Jurors, Pel II 2,2aiHI2 J urors, Traverse J,HIHHM Jury CoinmlsslouerH' pay 112 12 Janllor's pay 41ft IKI Jail Physician Iikioh I.I very I1I111 Wl 7ft Menls for Jurors I4H 2ft Mcillclnt) for prisoners 147 IM Penitentiary hills 1,542 (Ml Percent ime dun Treasurer from set tlement of 1IKKJ HO 00 Probates and fees, Una 2ft Pro! luminary's bills, Chirk mi ail Prollionotary's bills, llluod, I,i:i7llll Post 1010 and box rent, Ill (III Printing Kepublleiin (IHoft) Ml .10 Kcpuhlleaii (llml) Ma on liemiMiriit, 4imiMI H11I1II 2s lift News 70 IK) Heeord, 70 Htl Mar HO IKI Herald 8 00 Volunteer ,, 20 HO J. P. (Iconic. Ill Hfl lii form Hcliool, Murxaiita, ., Ma on immmmmmmmrammmmnimmnmmimmmmfe! - --" - '4JSJL Til' . 1 1 1 Ci'tanFTBlr.lrJ; " 'J COOK AND HEATING STOVES, B CHINA AND DISHES, s g CARPETS AND UU0S, 3 & MATTING AND LINOLEUM. B B BABY CARRIAGES AND GO CARTS, 3 TZ. ANYTHING TO FURNISH A HOUSE 3 I AT HALJi'S,0"- uuiuiuiuuiiuiiiiuiuiuiuiuauuiiiiuiiiaiaiuiaiuiiuiiiis; H IIH EAR IOOI. for 1(197 and 1900, Doff. 27 Ml 2.1 IKI 17 4:1 4 1:1 21 fi 111 II! Heforni Hcliool. Hiintluitilon Kepalis 10 I inirl llmi-c and Jail Itoail dtimaifes 1 ItedemiilloiiH paid Itefumllnff Orders lledeeined Iteulster mid Kis onler, J. II. Kvans, K0111I and III liltre views Kent for telephones ItepnlrluK prisoners' shoes, Wupplles for Court lliiu-c and lull, ... Hheiltr's iiereenlnjo collectlnit Hues, Hheep claims Htenotfi-tiHhf r's pay Hlnle tax Transcrlbliiff records Teleirrams Talesman Tipstaves TrniiNcrlhliur notes of testimony, .. . Travellnu expenses and luileaii'e,.. . Waler rct, Hlierllf's hllls- llonrdlnic prisoners Attemllutf court IHdnys f:i per day Miiklim ticks and pillows lteinovlim prisoners to Morioihta, Kemovlnil lulsoners to pelilleli tlary Kemovhiff prisoners to IhintliiK don Itemovliiff Insane to Warren Itcmnvlmi Insane toeouiity home, Hoap, hronms, etc.. for jail, Tobacco for prisoners U iishliur for prisoners, III llnff ticks Jail report Drawlnu special lury t tart' of Kva Mutter w hile sick, ... 117 Commitments at ftocts. each .. 122 lilschmircs al ftocls. each Huuimonliiff 4s4 J urors at anc.eacli lirnwlnit Jurors .... Hewinn 7or .lull Publlsblnu court pris'laniallon... Piibllshiiur election pris lauiatlon, Cleanluff Jail Couimonweallh costs Has tor Jail Treasurer's PercentaKii Collectlnir Ss2.4,0 S2 Treasurer's percciltlln pnylliff out r 1. 410 22 t'ash In treasury, M as 411'. Ill 110 IKI 4-1 4:i 2H II ft!" Hi (lis 01 M 7.1 22 Hft l:m iki 4 !U ! 74 Tun (10 (I.4.VI 21 S.I KI I IK) 11 IKI 2ns mi as! lii sn IKI U24 IKI 2,ftS4 (Kl .11 (Kl 1 10 41 lit 278 Hit 110 22 HI .V) II 12 47 1:1 an 711 174 !S in im ' H 7(1 OKI 7a .in III IKI 14.1 211 II! IKI Is mi 2 IKI 2 7 ft .Ml If! ana si 12 7(1 R!4 71 1. 421100 . 21.KI2 4II f ,MI 42 General NtHleineiil. ASHRTS. County tax oiitstandliiK for I1HK) nnd previous 1.11) 411 lined tax outstanding for ltKKj and previous KIIIN Slate tax outstanding for IIK10 and previous (SIH7 Don tax oiitslandliiff for IIkkj nnd previous 44(12 County tax oiitsiaudlnff for 1IKII ",Hi'.4 17 Until! tux olllslanrilnff for I1KII a.inr! ;( Hiuic tax oiitstaiiiliuff llml 1110 4:1 Doff tax oiilslamlimi for HKil I.7mis tTnseatert tax outstandluff, county... a,l).11i ir ensealed tax oulsiaudlnff. bond H!a ail Heated tax oiitsiaudlnff. county 2.tlt7 24 Healed tax outstiindliiff, bond 774 (HI Hospital accounts, l.ajofta Cash In treasury, 2I.RI! 411 1.1.2111 7H , io.OiKKKl MH (Kl . tt,1.0.'iM7N I.IAIIII.ITIK.S. Counl y hond series 1SH4 Due county otllcers, AssuU over liabilities 4.1,2111 7S JEKPKItBON OVNTYl S. Piirsuiint. to law, we, the underslffiied Com missioners of Jell'eoton counly, publish the lorffolliff sliiiemeni. 01 llie receipis and fx and also present thiMissets and llabllllles ol Iht only ou the (lib day of January, 1IKI2. Witness our liiiuds and seal of olllcu, this zsthduy uf January, IKU. W. C'. KlurrHy, l-KAl. New ion Webster, Iskai. AI, Hawk, ska 1, Atlostl Comnilssloners. A. E. CIAI.IIKAITII, Clerk. Detroit I Gas I Stoves I Railroad Rumors, rumor Is current to the . effect tlntl wlinn tho I". H. II. assumes control of the P. A N. W. it will build a con- tii'i'tlni; link down the Mahonliifr to tho Vulley rtmd bImivo Klttnnnlnir, thus shoi ttnitii; the Ulstaneo from I'unxsu tawnoy to l'lttshuig by about thirty mill's. It will also, it Is said, extend tho Anita branch to Fuller Station on tho Valley, a distance of only soven miles, and thus have a route of Its own from the Indiana, JofTerson,' Cambria and Westmoreland county coal fields to tho Great Lukes. This would appear on lis fuim to bo a very (food move on thu part of tho P. It. It., and Is said by knowing persons to Ihj its okject In ac quiring tho Pennsylvania fe North- westorn. l'unxsutawney Spirit. Two Weeks' Tour to Florida. Tho second Penrfsylvanla Railroad tour of tho season ; to Jacksonville, al lowlntf two weeks In Florida, will leave Now York, Philadelphia, Iliiltlmore, nnd Washington by special train on February 1R. F.xcurslon tickets, Including railway transportation, Pullman Hccommoda tlotiji (oiio berth), and meals en rottfr In both directions while ttnvellnif on tho spi clal ti'Miti, will Ih- sold at tho follow- Jug rates: New York, ,"i0.(H); Philadel phia lliii'i isliui'ir. Hnltlniote and Wash ington, $8.(i(i; Pittsburg, ."i.'l.(K: and at pi'oportioimtu rates from other points. ! or tlcKets. itineraries, and other In formation apply 1( ticket HL'cnttt. or to Cleo. W. Ilovd. Assistant (ienornl Pas- si ne;er Agent. Hroitil Streot Ktation. I'hilndolplilii. COMMISSIONERS' STATEMENT Or THE FINANCES OT TBI POOR DISTRICT OF JEFFERSON COUNTY For the Ytar igol, llerella nntl ICipendltilres for 11)01. Br.CKIITS. Am't In treasury nt Inst settlement, I I4,:I77 10 tiul'.tiinilltm tuxes, llml .. .. I7.IKIS 111 .... Ii",iKm(Ki I7 is .. . fii HO HM risir itonus rremliims on IHuiils... lliiMiiiiul aieiiutits Met'otoiell Mouse Miscellaneous , -'7,K!7 SI KXCKNIIITI'IIKS. Architect Itliicksmlthltue .ft ,14? V ei in Itlnnk tsMiksinwl slatioiiery lliluclmt Inmates to county Iminn,... Hi incline Insane from Warren Iliilitnce ou (.'iiunt v Home contract,.. 23, t 'uttlim anil thriwlilmr Kraln,.. . Caskets and trlmminirs ('oiilHins redeemeil 8 I'ommlssloners' pay Murriiv, Uehsier Hawk Cleik (llllhriiilh Allorney White luilllnii nnd cnsliiu well 17 M 4S 47 44 :i! ,74. IH XI IKI 204 US .KMiim ain no .IV i im :wi ik' 2IKIIKI 2VI (Kl 222 .Kl 1117 :.i I'KlliIectiiiits lirutrs KiiKlncs, holler, pump and fixtures ... 2, Kxpress, Ktiirii on county home contract Kniiliie oil I'relithl nod ImiillnK Farm Implements I'erllliwr i'lirnlshlnir home, a. :i7 l 2d 2S ft 14 ! H7 as 70 411 211.1 7(1 K2 IK) S4S 2(1 r net ami UKiit l-'lisir oil ()i(s.'erles and provisions, (las anil electric fixtures Horse Ithuikcts and tuiruuss Horses Hints, emtio and poultry Hardware Iliisiiltiil hill Warren Uixmout Polk WeruersvUle Adrian Insurance 1 l.alMir on farm I.I very hire I.umlier Mantles and icrates, Nursery stis-k tlillslde relief Orders of relief Pump house I'lumlilmt and material for water unci lias Hues Posiiute Hil t III HI 1177 (Kl 7ii7 (is 14(1 IKI 4411 IKI 414 III ss; ,ti7 sn 4ii'i 1(1 11 (Kl I.I 7S 17SH0 .II7S (Kl 2sl 2:1 C'l .VI 4:i it'.(l IKI 220 IS 174 H7 n.1 :ts 41.1 4U 44 mi ISM) PriiitliiK Iteservolr ItefuniliiiK orders redeemed Heeds and plants Hewerime and illtchliiir Shoes and clot hint; 1( Hularles nnd wattes J. N. Kelly, superintendent, Mrs. J. N. Kelly, matron A. K. Maimer, physician, Much McMaiinlitle, ('. A. Snmrnervllle Charles Harrah Thomas Walruer Vern Menus ' MiKtle Itiiuitliman Amandii WolfitoiiK Tera Kowan Mary Huuithers, Mary Xholiert Katie Shohcrt Kli.aheih McI'iiIIoukIi Kmma llarmim Trltvelluu expenses and mlleiiito Toilet paper Treasurer's perccntiutu for collcctliiK jls.'.' lit, 1 percent Treasurer's percentaitu for paylniroiit IW:il.M (Si. 2 er cent Cash In treasury 7, HI 4.i7 111 411 122 20 7:1 III ,(H1K 7J 401 OKI III) IK) l.VKKI It 1 2 40 IIS 114 82 IKI 22 (Kl 2s !!) 54 20 24 00 Ml :) lis in is IKI 17(i 0 0(1 MK) 147 27 20 00 K20 DKSR3 ,224 77 7,H27S1 Oon.era.1 Stottoxxiezit. Assm. INsir lax nulstandtnff fur 1001 IJiiMfuied tax eautsndlnff fur 11)01. ,. ChkIi in Treasury Llubl 1 1 Hen ovur aweia ...$5,714 S .... "8 SO .... T.8si4 77 ...86.0(17 05 100,000 00 ,.$-.vooon ,. 25.000 00 100,000 00 I.HBII.ITIXS. iir hnndi Istun '000 nr henUii Imuu ltlol Inventnir ef proiliiRa raised on farm Hi 4 hnsllsts iislN. 104 buslislii rye. 17' buh-l hiickwheat. lis biistiHis wheal. ISO hiiNliHiH rorn. Sou llllsliela puiato. Ho tens hwy. Ijll tonsklraw. 10 Iiiiih cornfiidtler. Gstlniate value nf produce t 1,49 50 1760 I hs. uf poik, 4S0 lbs. of beef, 8 Ttl 1 eslves 168 00 slock en farm a rows s on 1 bull , 8!) 00 IH shiiau Ml 10 W hnsd auws S 00 4 horses 72S 00 Shoes snd eltiinlnir uo hands T21 IH Oaakeu and Irluiuiinira M Urucenmi US 00 JEKTKItSON COUNTY, 88: Pursuanl to law, we, tho uiiilsmlltned Commls slonera of Jerferstin county, publlib the fnreirolng atsteinenl 01 tn rare du and axuenuitunw ot 111a Jeifrraun c luiuy Pimr lllalrlcl. fu Urn year llml. and nisi preie-ni iha asseu and llsblllilea of Inn aamit ou llie tun uav i-i January, own. Wltiieuuur band, aud anal of officii tnU88ta day of Janusr? . iwni. W.CM11BBAV, rsiL NKWTON WKBXTKR, HkAL.1 AL. HAWK, (HKiL.) Athwi: Coamiuulouoni A. E.UJ.LBRAITH, Clerk. AUDITOR'S REPOP?" OF THJ J '. FINANCES OF JEFFERSON ''COUNTY, FOR. THE Treasurer's Aernnnt. OIL C. flRIIX. Trrnsurer. In aeninnt with Jnf. fens.a ciionty, fur th year Idol, im. Toammmt In tranr? la't setllenifnt.. $18OHSS0 Tiiaiiumnt dainty tax fur llu 47.7(11 4S T'lmiifnilil llnnd tux fur H-01 ll.ttKIIO T'laomiintSiRietax fur llmi 0,01 .'18 T'l Hlimuiit ll"I Iri for Idol .67S(K) Tu (iiiistsndlnir tsi fur l(K) 17 707 S7 T'i nutsiiiiidini tan fur iswi and (.rsylous 0 00 To niTKiiint nt hou-l llc.nnt-s lur Itml win nn To ammint H ststs ierinl ta retnrned 4.0S7 (Kl To auioiini from Comiiilnl mer e receipt Issik 8,H(i si To nmoiint of lii'deinpiionsreeelvrd 441 OK To amount of unseated tax received for ll 8.H8S81 To amount este.t tax celved for 'S, lit) and tlmo 821 17 To amount of Interest received nn un sealed Ihx 18 01 112,7(l-i H4 cn. Bt countT orders redeemed . $:d,SSnl4 : Hy Hmount reiurn orders re- ll(S.(UI.(J Br amounl refundlni urdrni re (K8 8S 29 41 t.ari7 10 800 (Kl Oeemeil By amount exoneration orders redeemed !) amount pud County Super intendent By amnunl I'oitntr bonds re- deeilled, series '00 and HI 10 (Mm (10 Hr iiiriount coiiHins redeeteed.. 78 00 liy State TrenNllrcr'l receipts for SIS e tax paid S,4.'21 Br amount tisleinptlona paid oul 4Ht 48 By Amount outntsndmir lax for lUimaml previous 820(8 By amount outstanding tax for l"l 144814 By Treamirer'e percentsire for c.ll.-i tlliil s,4;o Kl al I per cent 824 71 By iii, Mint Treaiuirer's ner- eetiiaite for psvitiii out $71,- 4riU 22 al 8 pert-em 1 428 00 By amouiil county fundi. In treasury 81 MII4H $112.705 04 Trersurer's Areoiint ivltli lonr Funds for 1IMI1. a (111. C. 11KITZ, Troasiirei of I'uur Fuud for HMd Dfl. T.i amount In TeiiMirv at lust i-ttlcment$14 877 10 To amount of County poor Tax for Istl... 23 S7S 14 To amount proceed froln Pisir Bond XS.IN0 7 lo Hinouni from tofnmis.tloner a Itecelpt Book 802 (8 f(J8.78.' 49 CR. By imoiiui county Poor Orders redetmed$4S,57l 11 Hy amount H.-iiini orders rdeeim d 1S6KS llv Hinouut lierutiiilnir Orders redts-ioed.. 40 By amount eouisms redeenied 8.SO0IH) Hi sin' not oi.imaniliiui 1'isir tax for 1MI1 6,714 88 By amount ticHsurer a pen-entaffe for colleelloir 8IS..MI (Wat 1 percent lKaeo By amouiil treiemrer's imreeuiaffe tor pavluir out $411.4:11 SI al 8 percent 048 M By amount of Poor Funds In Treasury 7.324 77 (8-1,787 40 Nherlira Aeeount, J. M. CHRSVI'TT. Sheriff, In account with Jef ferson County for llie year IBul. DR. To amount of orders drawn $1.8114 18 CR. Br amount due at last settlement .'. SS 81 By bllla for boanllna' pnaouers, etc 8.828 0V $8,804 28 Cniinty C'oinnilssloiier'a Acroiiiit. W. C. MURRAY. CointnlislGuer. CR. By amount due at last settlement 18 00 By 108 days as Coinmlssloner 81(8 00 $709 00 TOWNSHIP ACCOUNTS. Amount Road. School, Poor. Wat-r Mint and Rlnklnar Fnnda tn County Treasurer bands and doe ttie following Borouahs and Townships aa per Auditors' Reillruienl for Ibe year 1901, DlitrlrU. Harnett Heaver Brook vllle Ilns'kwavvllle Bell Clayvlllu Clover F.ldred (iasKIII Ilenderron Heath Knox McCalmont Oliver Perry Piece reek Poner Punxsutawuer Polk IteyuolilHVllle Itinirifold Rose Snvder Union Warsaw WHtliluirton West eyooldsvllle.. Wlnslow You nit Total llospltnl Account. Amount due Jefferson Count? from the follow ing illatrlcla fur the maintenance of tnaane In asylum. From Plnecreek Townnlilp $520(12 From Roue Townshli 702 41 From Kldred Township 7 90 Amount Mirrharjred lo County Commissioners W. c. Murray. Newton Welutur and Al. Hawk no the following orders: Order No. 601, No. 550. Nn. 874. No. 788, No. 700, No. 020. No- 1018. overpaid Sheriff. Toisl sureharited Commlsslonera $282 88 The asiouni surcliarfred to County Commission era as above has been tald by the Sheriff. JxrrxKaoN Cot'NTY, 88: We. the understirned Auditors of Jefferson coun ty. In ibe state of Pennsylvauia, do certify, that JOB WORK N E A T N E S S; A CCURAC Y, P It O M P T N E S S, GuiiriinlL'ed in every job turned out The Star office. by THE YEAR 101. To amount of orders irawn., !(Ki 00 k W. C. Ml'BBAT. Poor Director. nn. Bf 1W dayi at Penf Director M 00 DR. To amount of ardors drawn 8M)00 NEWTtm WtriSTffrt, Commlmloner. v ' on. By fmoiinl dns at last fen lenient 1w 00 By ibh dsri u Oommlnloner 67S no S5 60 DR. To amount ordera drawn , 70 00 To amount due Webster 45 no fits 50 HKVTTON WERSTrR, Poor Dlreotor. IB. By loo dsra aa Poor Director 890 00 DR. To amount ordera drawn 8SO00 AL. HAWK, Commlialnncr. ' CR. By amount due at last settlement By 800 day aa Commissioner ... 08 00 ... 781 SO $82450 ... TRnO ... 78 80 $824 SO DR. Toameunt orders drawn To amount due Hawk AL. HAWK, Poor Director. CR. By 100 days as Poor Dlreotnr DR. To amount ordera drawn ..... 850 00 $50 00 C'nminlsalnnera' Clerk's Account, A. E. G ALBIUITA. Clerk for CummUitonen. CR. By one yai'a salary aa clerk $700 00 DR. To amount ordera drawn 700 00 A. E. OAI.BRA1TH. Clerk for Poor Director CR. By one year's (alary as clerk for the Poor d I rectorr 800 00 DR. To amount ordera drawn 800 00 Rteward'a Aeconnt. J. N. KELLET, Steward of County Horn. CR. By H year'a salary aa steward 500 00 DR. To amount ordera drawn 800 00 County Nnprrlntendent'a Aeconnt. R. B. TEITRICK, County Superintendent. CR. By youchera Bled .... $900 ( DR. To amount ordera driwn 800 Janltor'a Aeeount. GEO. H. GROVES, Janitor. CR. By amount due at ant settlement $ 18 00 By one year'a aalary ai Janitor 480 00 $408 00 DR. To amount nf orders drawn. To amount due Grovea .. 499 00 .. 40 00 $406 00 j Roads School Poor I $ 18S$ 4 95 $ 8 81 1SS7 18 40 77 7 40 0 80 8 (U 80 04 8HH4 .18 4SI 8 90 8 28 1 Mi S4 0I 88 78 1 811 8 .SN I 2ft 801 88 01 40 92 8 10 602 M 8 0S 181 18 7 88 4 40 47 VI 85 80 0 SO 88 4S HI l 105 HI 8 2(1 4 84 40 (18 842 87 80 8 81 10 28 4)8 18 IS 82 08 10 88 85 8 80 4 22 85 80 80 42 IB 22 1(10 08 1S8 78 88 M 70 87 16 88 1 7(f 14 22 8 78 18 48 IS 65 7 AH 8S 100 IW 4 84 Sim 04 05 K8 07 S8i 15 04 15 04 108 ON 67 20 88 49 84 1(11 544 1 0 6 8! 08 $1024 11 $1880 08 $ 300 70 sink ing' Fuud I.lKbt 84 54 84 49 11 07 48 5 89 18 48 In pursuance of tbe 4lli section of an Aot entitled "An Act relating; to counties, townships, etc., passed I he 12th day of April, a. D.. 1884," we met In the Commissioners' olllce. In the borough of Bnsikvllle, Ha., on the tint Monday of January. A. D. Idol. It being- the 6th day of aald month, and did audit, adjust and settle the several accounts required of us by law, agreeably to the leveral Acta of Assembly and aupplements therein, ac cording to the best of our Juda-ment and ability, and llnd them as aet forth In the above report. le witness wh. reof we have hereunto set our hande and aeala at the ethos aforesaid, tola 88tb day of January, A. D. 1902. W. A. lWeOKK, (sl.) H. C. KWINU, iskaU Allest. tSKAL) , M. F. Woods. Clerk. February 6tt, 1902. 1 NVITATION S, VISITING CARDS S TATIONER Y, At reaaoriublo prices. Whun la need ol these things call at The Stab offloo. STAR OFFICE.