The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, February 12, 1902, Image 4

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    rfc Star
tTirrrtxt; r rrc r : n. rrrrr mrrrt: r trrn rr rrrt
Subscription $1-00 per imr in mlvttnrc.
t! A. aTKPIIKN" MH' nA ,,,,b
WKDNKSDAY, FKHUUARY 12, t'.H)2.,nn..r miMMirill'VPrV
Woilni'.ilny nt Hi-ytmltlnvlllf. Jeffeiwn J .
imf.lnfferHimomiiity. Niin-Hilltlriiwllllr'at
all with fulriiiw. mill will l" especially friend
ly tiiwnnl thr liiiniriiii! ri mf.
(Inmmiinlrntlonii liitnnili-il for nnlillrnt
mint w a lniimnlcil tiy me writer n num.-.
not for miiilli-iiMon, but an a gimriinti'e of
fjod fnl til. Intorixtlnn news ltemiolle ten.
Arlvartulntr rtilpfl nilldo k nnwn on applica
tion at IliU oflli'O. . . .
I.cnKliiy enmmmileallona and rhiinire or
1 '
See this Space For Millirens
76 per cent Sale next week.
AiviTtlsi'mi'nlii mioiiiu renin mmu"" "j
Snlrlptloti irWl.nnp(.ryinr,ln jdvnnrp.
Addrpni nilcnnmiiiiiicwiiinii iv. n
Kntervil nt th piwliittlc lit Keynolrtavllle
Fn., MRUCond clitm mall mmiw.
HrMMKnvii.n Tm.Ki'iiown No. "I.
Petition Presented to Council Requesting
it and an Ordinance has been Framed
To be of Brick, Stone or Asphalt.
A meeting of tho Town Council was
held Friday Feb. 7, at 7 ..10 o'clocK p. m
Pwilnnt. holhln In the chnlr. Mem
bors present Cochran, Cottle, Smith,
FarnnU and Ivlnff.
Minutes of the previous meeting
rnnrl nnd nnnroved.
Thn mutter of niacins an electric
lio-ht. Mt. Hoso IToiish No. 1 was placed
in the hands of the Light Committed
with power to act.
Chief Hiii'ircM C. Mitchell reiHirtod
receipts for fines, licenses, Ac, to bo
w no.
I3y motion bills and Interest amount
ing to7(1.40 was ordered drawn.
The Clerk was instructed to send
atatomcnts of assessments on Main Bt
and (iordon Alley sewer, east end, to all
parties interested, notifying thorn to
nay the same to John II. Kaueher,
itorouerh Treasurer, on or before March
10, 1902.
A motion to extend main sower in
Piteh Pino Run to creek was carried.
A imlltlnn atirnnri hv a mRliirltv of
property owners in interest and number
abutting on the line ol tourtn street,
from Jackson to Grant street, was pre
son ted and read. On motion the follow
ine resolution was passed: lbwtlvvd,
That the borouirh BoliclUir foe authoriz
ed to draft an ordinance authorizing the
navlnor of Fourth street from south sldo
of Jackson to north side of Grant street
to be presented at the next regular
meeting for first reading, and that the
ownors of proporty abutting on tho lino
of the nroooscd imnrovemenls be noti
fied to appear and lilo their objections
to the passage of the said ordinance
Notice Is hereby given to J. E. Bel
nap, J. H. Corbett, D. M. Holger, F. S.
Hoffman. E. C. Burns. Thomas Green,
John Consor, D. Nolan and Patrick Mc
Donald, residents of the borough of
Reynoldsville, and to M. Allgelr, a non
resident of said borough, parties own
ing the properties abutting on the line
of Fourth street, from tho southern line
of Jackson street, to tho northern line
of Grant street, in said borough, and
notice is hereby given to all other par
ties in interest, that thu Town Council
of the borough of Rcynoldsvillo have
boon petitioned by tho majority of pro
perly owners, in interest and number,
' abutting on thu lino of Fourth Btrcet.
' ' from the southern line of Jackson street.
to the northern line of Grant street, to
improve the above montioned portion
of Fourth street, bv grading, paving
and curbing the same. That said Town
Council have prepared an ordinance
authorizing and directing the grading,
raving and curbing the portion of
Fourth street lying between the south
orn line of Jackson street and the north
crn line of Grant street, and that said
ordinance will pass first reading before
aid Council, at the session of said
Council to be held on tho 3rd day of
March A. D. 190Z, at which time you
may be heard in rotation to said ordi
nance, file your objections thereto and
your reasons why said ordinance should
not pass and become a law of said
Roynoldsvllle, Pa., Feb. 11, 1902.
Attest: H. C. Deidle.
L. J. McEntire, Pres. of Council
See. of Council.
The following is a conv of said ordl
nance as prepared for said first reading
An ordinanoe authorizing the crad
ing. navlntr and curbinu of Fourth sf,..
from the southern line of Jackson streot
to the northern line of Grant street
Whereas, It appears bv a petition
and affidavit on file in the Council
Chamber of the Town Council of the
borough of Heynoldsville, Pa., that a
majority of property owners, In number
and Interest, abutting on the line of
Fourth street from the southern line of
Jackson street to the northern lino of
Grant street, the lino of the proposed
improvement, have petitioned the
Council of said borough, to grade, pave
and curb, that portion of Fourth street
living between the southern line of Jack-
aoa street and the northern line of Grant
street, in the manner and form as di
reoted bv law: that said cradinir. nav
ing and curbing, are public necessities
(or the public travel and convenience
and that the costs and expense of said
(Trading, paving and curbing, be assess
ed upon the properties benefitted, ac
cording to benefits, if sufficient ean be
found, la accordance with the provl
Blocs of the Acta of Assembly in eucb
cases made and provided.
Ben. 1. Be it ordained and enacted bv
the Town Council of the borough of
Ueynoldsvllle, in Council assembled,
and it la hereby ordained and enacted
by authority of the same, that Fourth
atreet. from the southern line of Jaek-
aon street to the northern line of Grant
atreet, be graded, paved and curbed and
the street committee of said Town
Council, be and is herehv aiithni-ind
and directed to cause the aarae to be
graded, paved and curbed.
Sec. 2. That aald portion of Fourth
atreet shall be graded, paved and curb
d am follows: The (Trade ahall be dnur.
mined and established by a survey made
by gome competent engineer, employ
d and directed bv auid Town Council
Thn Davlnir shall be done with oond
substantial paving bricks, blocks, auxins
r asphalt, setae toil by said TownCounotl
and to be Impervious to water. The
width of said grading, paving and ourb
ing shall be determined by said Town
Council. The curbing of aald jxirtlou
of street, shall bo of atone, the aiUaea
lons aud setting thereof to be there
after determined by aald Town Council.
Xhe vtreet oommittM of aald Town
T ..-! .,n.WM.;.'".1
i ' 'fc','iinirwiir-i ,um ti
Candidate lor the Republican Nomination for Sheriff of Jeffenon
County at tha Primary Election Feb. 8.
Council is hereby authorized and em-
powered to proctied to purchase mnter
lals, employ an engineer and laborer
and make all necessary contracts to
establish the grade and to grade, pave
and curb said street, as herein set lortn.
u .1 Snld irrndinir. Having and
curbing shall bo subject to all the laws
of the State of Pennsylvania and the
ordinances of tho borough of Heynolds
ville, now In force or that may hero
after be pansed. regulating the grading,
paving and curbing of streets or parts
of streets.
Sec. 4. That the costs and expenses
of said grading, paving nnd curbing, be
assessed upon the properties benenueu,
if sulllclent can bo found. In accordance
with tho provisions of the Acts of As
sembly relating to and regulating the
Sec. 5. That any ordinance or part
of ordinance conflicting w ith this ordi
nanoe bo and tho samo Is hereby re
pealed so far as the sumo effects this
To The Voters of Jefferson County.
Not belntr able to see all my friends
nnrsnnnuv. I take this method or ad
dressing you in regard to my candidacy
for the Republican nomination for tho
From early youth I havo been en
gaged in industrial pursuits, first work
inir on the farm and then In tho work
shop, In which callings I have been
brought extensively into contact wun
farmers, manufacturers, minors nnd
workmen in general. My relations
with the working people have always
been lntimato and cordial. I have thus
been led to devote a considerable portion
of my lime to the study of tho industrial
conditions of our State mid Nation, and
havo becomo familiar with the business
needs and acquirements of tho indus
trial slasses.
Without doubt wo aro tho leading
nation of tho world and our phenomenal
advancement is largely duo to itepuo-
lican measures. I havo alwavs held
that our tariff system was tho key
stone of American procxoBS and tho
foreign policy of President McKlnloy
has from Its inception, especially oom
mended itself to me as wise and judl
tioliovln? In the prlncinlo that tho
people should select tho man, I am do
termlned to make a strait forward can
vass and under no considerations to
It would give me great pleasure
my friends could spend a few hours in
my behalf at the polls on the day of our
nrlmarv election, on February 18th
next. I shall bo deeply grateful should
I havo the honor to receive the nomi
nation for Assembly. If elected. I will
do all I can to secure for our county the
representation in the Legislature to
which It is entitled under the uonsll
tutlon. Also to havo hotter schools
better roads and a better system of
taxation. G. W. Porter.
John H. Null, Wlnslow Township's Can-
uiunic, is reserving 01 tne Vote of
Every Man who Wants Justice
Impartially Administered.
In this Issue of The Star will K
found A picture of John II. Null i,f
Sykesvillo, Republican candidate for
BhcritT of Jefferson county. Mr. Null
Is serving a term as const ahln nf Vln.
low township nnd hoa mud,, u ,.,,,,.1 ..ill.
clal, and If nominated and elected would
make a good sheriff. Ho would see that
tho law is enforced. Mr. Null should ro
ceivo tho solid vote of Wlnslow town-
Btiip, Ueynoldsvllle and West Ueynolds
vllle and Cnoiltrh vntaa In t.lin nllini. rto.
clncts of tho county to nominate him.
Wlnslow Is the largest township in tho
county and nono of hor citlxens have
ever been nominated to fill the otllee of
sheriff, and this is tho tlmo this town
ship should nominate the sheriff. Be
sides holdlnir the oll'en nf eonstnhlfi
Mr. Null is also trnmn wnrrlnn nf Wlna.
low township. Ho navs strict attention
to business and for that, penann hm
made a few enemies among the lawless
pooplo of tho township. John H. Null
was born In Henderson township 48
years ago. tus nrst ballot, oast H7
years airo. was for Henuhllonn andi-
dates and ho hns always remained in
tno itcpunuonn boat. Ho Is a carpen
ter by trade and is a momberof the car
penters' union, a fact which should not
bo Overlooked hv IrVwii nro-nnlvnt.tnna
In stature Mr. Null Is an Ideal man for
sheriff, and all things considered we
believe he should bo nominated. If not,
why not? Ho Is capable, would perform
his duties faithfully and Wlnslow town
ship is entitled to the office. What
more can be said of any of the othor
Tour to California.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Personal
ly conducted Tour to California will
leave on February 2". Passengers will
be transported to El Paso, Texas, in
special Pullman oars. At the lutter
point they will bo transferred to the
"Mexico and California Special." com
posed exclusively of Pullman purlor-
smoklng, dinning-room, drawing-room,
sleeping compartment, and observation
cars, which will be usod over the entire
trip back to New 'York. Whllo the
best hotels will be used where extended
stops are made, the train will be at the
constant command of the party.
Round trip tickets, coverinur all nee
essary expenses, $375 from all points on
Pennsylvania Hull road exoept Pitts
burg, from which point the rate will be
For further information aonlv to
ticket agents: or address Geo. W. Bovd
Assistant General Passenger. Agent
A fair sized audience attended Rnv
W. II. Shawgers' illustrated lecture In
toe court bouse last Thursday evening
Ten Night la liar Koom." Those
who were ureaeot were greatlv pleased
His stereontloon pictures were trood
It is a very effective temperance leo
ture. We understand he will dullvei
the leoture. aooomnanied bv the nleturea
at several point in the county after
r H. -i . . ..v. i .i i ,,
ed by all who have an opportunity to
boar it. Ex. In Centennial hall, Friday
evening, at 8 o'clock, under the auspices
of the Temperance Union of Rcynolds
villo. Admission, adults 2ms., children
. Pld you see those obeap shirt waists
at KUUersr
Big bargain Jn boating stoves at
muster lUcqjr.. tuil and see the stoves
for line wearing apparai for men or
boys, go to U. W. Eautup Cp. ext
uoor w runt usw
Leg Broken.
Mrs. James Brlttnn. of thn TWnh
woods, met with a serioUB accident one
day during tho first part of tho week
and as a result will be laid up in the
house for some time. She was working
In the barn and In going from tho barn
to the houso tho high wind blew tho
barn door from its himrea. The door
fell on Mrs. Britton and thu result wa
she had a leg broken. Dr. Jav C.
Booher, of this place, was nailed to
dress tho injured member and at last
account she was reported as getting
along as well as could be expected
Falls Creek Herald.
Thomas Snlaln. ono of tho promoters
of the Now Bothlehom (Pa.) "window
company, has sold all his interests there
and returned to the Pennsylvania com
pany at Kane, Pa. Gotmnotier ana
H. W. Eason Sl Co. have a full line of
trunks, suit cases and travelling bags of
.11 descriptions at remarkably low
Durlnc the past week the Americnn
Window Gloss Co. nut out tho fire at
ono of their furnaces at Hazelhurst, Pa.
and tho men were transferred to the
company's other furnaces at that placo
i.i f,..i.-j
We are selling ladles' shoos from 50o
to $1.50 per pair. Those shoos cost
,60 to $3.00 per pair. Johnston &
The county auditors were in session
. .... ..
nuL seventeen aavs auaiunir tne no
counts of the different oountv officers
1 nev report that thev were material v
.. . i ... j i ,i . i it. i . i
oatjiHU-'u ju ulna ing .tuts nuuil. uy mo
careful aud systematic manner In which
the countv officers kept their books and
accounts. Brook vilie Heptiblican.
Suttera for coats.
HAVE YOU SKEN our fine
line of SleigliH, Fur nnd
Hurti Blankets?
THIS is the kind of weather
J VU aAVVU lllVlile VU11 It 1 1 V I
Examine our Stock.
Reynoldsville Hardware company
About'stock taking time and for the next two
weeks I am going to sell all good9 at cost.
All black and colored dress goods reduced to actual cost.
$1.50 dress goods nt
l.(H) "
Wc "
(lOo "
f 1.2i. All 50 cont dress goods at 88 cents.
1.00. All 25 " " 19 cents.
75o. All 15 ' " 10 cents,
(inc. All 12 " " 8 cents.
ftOo. All 10 " " 8 cents.
50 cents to
40 cunts to
All black Taffetn reduced from
$1.00 to 70c
Hfic to - 72 Jo.
75o to - - 050.
All Mercerized Lining reduced from 35c to 25c.
lining reduced from
18 cent to 14 cents. 121 cents to
15 cents to - - 12 cents. 10 cents to
And all Cambric linings at 3-c.
J. ,T. Clark's thread H cents a spool,
as O. N. T. 4 cents a spool.
Merrick's as gool
Paper of pins
5c Paper of pins
5o Paper of nuedles
5c Klastlo
7o Klastlo
10c Klastlo
Factory Yarn
7o Saxony Yarn
2o 25o Bolts 17o
4c 50c Bolts - 35o
4o lllo Shooting 15o
4o 20o Sheeting - 18o
5o no Outing 5o
8o 8c Outing 6(o
50o Table Linen, 40o
a.r0 Table Linen 25c
4o 25o Table Linen - lfo
5o Calico prints 4 and 4io
Same Reduction on all our Clothing.
OfCluyvllle. Silliject to action of the Ko
pulillcuiiH of JutlDnuiii county at the primary
eluelitm Keliruury IN, 1UU3.
Want Column.
RutH: One emit tier word fur eiu'li and
every luHerlluu.
For sale A good, well finished six
room house, near public school building,
West Heynoldavilte. Good out build
lngs. Inquire of D. E. Shearer.
Ono house for rent and two housoa
for sale on Jackson street. Inquire of
Pr. J. 11. Neale.
For sale A complete barber outfit,
Including chair. Will be sold at a bar
gain. Inquire of M. Phillips, Reyn
oldsville. Havo sovoral pieces good now carpet
for Bale cheap, also will weave your
carpet any day. Teopecl Dismay,
weaver, West Reynoldsville.
Wanted A good boy between 16 and
18 years old to learn the barber trade.
Inquire at R. J. .Thomas' shop. Boy
must board at borne.
Found A brwn leather cbatlaln
bag. Inquire ay thUoBlce.
Fire your hole-y
Rubbers keep your
feet dry with a new
Keep the wet out
and the warmth in
Ladies' Alaskas
60 cents.
Rubbers are cheap
er than colds. Lad
ies,' 35c and 40c.
Men's, 60c and 65c.
We have a wear
able school shoe for
children. Price $1.
Bargains in Coats,
Suits and Skirts,
We have a few odd garments left that we don't care to carry
over Hummer. The season is getting late and we would rather let
you have these at any price you may suggest than to keep them.
Our Clearance Sale is now over and to complete our preparation
for the Spring season and to make room for new goods, we are of
fering bargains that may Beem ridiculous, but we can back up our
assertion with good honest goods aB we always have done. We
have home very good coats in Black, Brown, Castor, Tan and Blue
in the 27-inch length with and without yoke. These are all very
good garments with the same style and workmanship that charac
terized our garments this season. They range in price from $5.00
to 15.00. Examine these and if any suit you the coat will be
yours at a very email price.
We have also a few.shorfjackets that we will close at very low
prices. These range in prices from $3.50 to $15.00. We have still
a few Suits to cIobo at any price.
Kindly note below the following prices which actually repre
sent garments of real value:
Short Jackets
$3.50, 4.50 and 5.00 to close at $1.75.
$6.50, 7.50, 8.50, 9.00 and 10.00 go at 3.50
$11, 12.50, 13.50 and $15 to close at 4.50
$7.00, 7.50, 8.00 and 8.50 to close at $3.50
$9.00, 10.00, 11.00 and 12.50 to close at 5.00
$13.50 and 15.00 to close at 7.50
40 cents.
35 cents.
All colored taffeta reduced the same
All percaline
ISoents. ,
7 cents.
There are only i doz.
$5.00 Bkirts at $2.50.
A few to close,
and are broken sizes
$8.00 skirts at $4.00.
Children's Jackets
A few left at i price.
3' THSBiesTORe. ,.,. , to
i Next door to Postoftice. Reynoldsville, Penn'a. J