The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, February 12, 1902, Image 1

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Our Want Column If you noed, $
want toKoll. or have lost anything.
II A telophono hna boon added to
our oflloo equipment. Orders for
Job work Bent by 'phono will rocolvo
prompt attention.
It costs but one cent per word for each I
The "end of it all" on the winter wearables, and
if you want in you'll have to step lively. Tfs a money
paving chance to you a Iosb to us of profits and quite
often a slice of the original cost, but that's no matter and
we're willing to part with the last
Suit, Overcoat, Cape, Jacket, Furs,
Wool Underwear, Hosiery,
Sweaters. Blankets, Comfortables, Wool Boots
Wool Sox, Arctics. Overstioes
Willing to say good bye to all winter goods at a saving of
15 to 35 per cent to you. It's a good buying time there'll
be no disappointment for you if you trade at
Bine-Stoke Co. Deo't Stores.
Buy the celebrated
Stoves and Ranges and run no risk
as they are beyond question
The Handsomest,
Most Durable, and
Perfect Working
Stove Manufactured.
If not as represented, money refunded.
. Call and see our fine big 6tock just
received. Beats anything ever shown
in the town.
Opposite Hotel Bclnap.
and Embalming.
I am also headquarters for
I can have your picture enlarged
at a reasonable price.
I also
Office and ware room in rear of
G. W. Klepfer's 5 and 10
cent store.
J. H. rlllQlieS.
At Cost.
A. Katzen, of the People's Bar
gain store, has decided to make
a clearance sale of clothing for
30 Dnya,
He will Bell
Mens Boys and
Children's Clothing,
including men's pants and hats,
at cost.
These goods are all first class.
but are to be Bold cheap in order
to make room lor spring goods.
Call in and see my stock and
be convinced that I am offering
you big bargains in clothing.
fl. Katzen.
J Hrportrd hf The Star' j
V Knrflnl ('nrrpultntlili'lita. 1
Mm. J. TI. Null visited at Punxsu
tawney a few days last week.
Charley Wolfgang, of Frostburg, was
n visitor In town over Sunday.
News Is rather searco this week or
else wo do not hear of what tukes place
in our town.
Mrs. Lowls Dt-llo had tho mlsfortunn
to fall and badly upraln her right wrlc t
Saturday last.
Did thu ground hog see his shadowy
Well, yes, I guess so, or ohie ho Is a
false prophet.
Wo hear tho older peoplo say that
this weathor reminds them of the
winter of forty years ago.
Thero will be pi-caching services In
the Baptist church Sunday, February
2.1, by Itov. Gold, of Llnchburg, Pa.
Protracted meeting will begin In the
M. E. church Tuesday evening, Feb. 11,
conducted by the pastor, Hov. Scott.
Supervisor Holman is kept busy theso
days shoveling snow out of the roads,
somo of tho roads being pretty nigh
blocked with snow.
When the men who work at the shaft
meet they do not ask "Is It cold enough
for you?" but Instead they ask "have
you got tho bounce yet?"
As the timo for tho election of town
ship officers draws nigh wo suppose
every man has mndo up his mind how
ho Intends to vote and, we hope It Is for
the best man, irrespective of party.
Harry Plttman has moved his barber
shop and pool tables from tho Fyo and
Rebor building (now owned by Mr.
Allen) to rooms along side the Palace
restaurant. Humor says ho will be the
next proprietor of that hostlery.
L. M. Horm Is cutting props.
W. J. Mooro is on the sick list.
Z. S. Uurkott is working at Smith
vlllo. Wo had news last week but missed
tho mall.
Our school is closod this week. Tho
teacher Is ill.
Hetrick Bros, are hauling props to
Hochoster Mines.
Miss Chloo Hotrlok Is spending a fow
weeks in Beech woods.
Miss Edyth Smith visited friends at
Mill Creek last woek.
Irvln Burkett and John Zimmerman
made a trip to Empire.
Soth Moore, of Stonylonosomo, had
business in this place Friday. 1
A number of men of this place shovol
ed snow to Oklahoma last week.
Miss Mlnnio Smith is working at
George Boiler's at Aliens Mills.
L. M. Horm and J. A. Hetrick made
a business trip to Rochester Mines
John Zimmerman is a candidate for
supervisor. John Is alright; wo think
we will olect him.
O. G. Schugars, who was working at
Rolntown, roturnod home Tuesday.
Work was shut down at Rointown on
account of deep snow.
A. B. Moore Is looking very happy
over tho arrival of a girl baby. A. B.
nurses the cat no more; ho tolls tho cat
to get out of bis way, and says "I havo
not time to nurse you, I must rock
tho cradle."
Lot Reed was In town lastTuosday.
Our streets are paved with snow
Walter King was at Roynoldsvlllo
last Friday.
Cal. Dickey is attending college at
James Beattle was lu Reynoldsvillo
one day last wook.
Gil C. Reitz, of Brook vlllo, was in
town on Thursday last.
John and Henry Foltz drove to Roy
noldsvllle Wednesday last.
Himes and Dickey Bro. have com
pleted filling their ioe house.
Frank Sadler, of Anita, is seen in our
town quite often these days;
If you have the password you can
get coal at the Wishaw mines.
MIbs Annie Scott, of Desire, called on
friends at this place lost Friday.
William Sprankle and John Dickey,
were in Roynoldsyille last week.
Lloyd Dickey was on the sick list last
week and oould not attend school.
Mr. Himes will open a meat markot
on Main street in the near future.
Henry Folu resigned bis school and
is working at the Luoosboro mines.
James F.wing's horse had a narrow
escape from sudden death last Friday
Drouker Is hauling hay from Alex
Dlokey's to Roynoldsvllle for Ed. Burns,
the' liveryman.
A couple of our people wont out
slelghridlng last Wednesday and they
Occupied toy Clothing Store, Dental Office
and YounuMen'a Association.
A MONO the number of substantial improvements on Main
street last year was the two story brick erected by Dr.
B. IJ. I louver, a picture of which appears above. The build
ing is 22 feet wide and 85 feet deep. ' It is a red brick build
ing with n brown stone front. The first floor is occupied by
II. W. Eason & Co.'s large clothing store. This room was
fitted up especially for the clothing store and is conveniently
arranged. Two front rooms on second floor were arranged
especially for Dr Hoover's dental rooms and they are well
lighted and are excellent rooms for dental office. The rear
of second floor is used by the Young Men's Reading Asso
ciation. It is divided into two rooms with folding doors
between. There are also bath rooms and closets in connec
tion with rending rooms. The entire building is wired for
electric light and piped throughout for gas and water. It
is also heated throughout with steam heat. Such buildings
are certainly a credit to our town.
ran against a white snag and had to re
turn home und take a now start next
Tho Hormam sisters enjoyed a
pleasant sled ride to Rathmol last Sat
urday night.
Daniel Wolfo, of near Punxsutawnoy
road, was soon In our town one day
last week.
There Is a man In our town on the
sick list. Sleighing parties don't agree
with him.
Samuel Shankle is filling Newcome &
Hllston's ice house with a vory fine
quality of , ice.
A. J. Plfor, of near Big Run, was
tho guest of Mr. and Mr. William
Dickey last woek.
Mrs. W. II. Vclt and Mrs. Shankle
went out sleigh riding lust Friduy after
noon for the good of their health.
William Dickey is hauling lumber to
Reynoldsville planing mill. Mr, Dickey
intends to cnlargo his store room next
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McClure, of Du
Bois, were tho guests of his brother,
James B. McCluro, in this place last
Ono of tho morchants says that he
doos not have muoh to. do until after
school hours und then he don't got time
to take a chew of tobacco.
Thore was a slod load of young people
drove to Rathmol last Sunday night.
Thoy ull roported a good tlmo but Amos
hud to occupy thu hind scut. He
thought it would be much warmer In
tho tnlddlo of the slod.
A slow horso is not tho right thing
this cold weathor. A purty drove
through town one day last wook whose
horse was so Blow that tho jingle of the
belles froze fast to tho straps. It re
quired a whulebone whip to thaw them
Transaction in Real Estate.
Louisa D. Reynolds, Executrix, to
John King, for lot in Wlnslow town
ship. $030; Fobruury 1, 1002.
John W. Upttngor to A. Sobrlg, for
land in Knox township. t300; Decem
ber 11, 11)01.
Mary Dillman and J. P. Dlllman to
A. Z. Snydor, for lot in Roynoldsvllle.
1350; January 1, 1002.
Norman D. Matson to U. J. Matson
and W. R. Hasselback, for property In
Washington and Wlnslow townships.
H0.000; January 30, 1902.
R. M. Matson, et al., to Norman ,D.
Matson, for property in Washington
and Wlnslow townships. (10,000; Janu
ary ii), 11)02.
Mr. Louisa M. Shaffer to Annie B.
Guthrio, for land in Wost Reynoldsville,
11.00; August 21, 1001.
Closing out sale of coat and oapea at
Men and Measure!.
In our presont state of prosperity we
must not lose sight of those prinoiples
that have made us what we are. Nor
can we over estimate the importance at
this timo of placing in office ardont ad
vocates of our tariff legislation and our
foreign policy to which our country
owes its present advancement.
In our party caucus held in Lindsey
some three years ago, and before we
had reaped the fruits of our Ropubli
can policy, Mr. G. W. Porter, now our
candidate for the nomination for As
sembly, eulogized our tariff system, and
spoke in glowing terms of the benefits
to bo derived from our foreign policy
The results of succeeding years show
clearly Mr. Porter's foresight when ho
depicted our nation' advancement as
a oonsequence of our Republican
measures. It is fortunate that we have
such material In our party. We can
also congratulate ourselves on the fact
that Mr. Porter is determined to carry
on this campaign to a finish. He has
declared openly that be Is In the race
to stay and under no considerations will
ho withdraw from the canvass.
A Voter.
Lindsey, Pa., Fob. 10, 1902.
The annual meeting of the Reynolds'
vlllo Building and Loan Association
will bo hold Monday, February 17th,
1002, at 7.30 o'clock p. ro. to elect four
directors and one auditor. The follow
ing persons were nominated for direct
ors at the monthly meeting held Jan
uary 21st: For directors, John M. Hays,
Thomas E. Evans, Milton S. Sterley,
M. M. FlBher and A. J. Postlethwait
For Auditor, M. C. Coleman.
Attest, C. J. Kerr,
L. J. McEntire, Seo. ' President.
Letter List.
List of unclaimed letters "remaining
in the postoffloe at Reynoldsville, Pa.,
week ending Feb. 8, 1902:
T. J. Williams, J. H. Thomas, Mrs.
Carrie Lindsey, Wm. Hlndman, John
Metzgor, Wm. Deemer.
Foreign Passareth Arcidi.
Say advertised and give date of list
when calling for above.
A. M. Woodward, P. M.
We are offering bargains In merohan
diso, reducing our stock, and will rent
our rooms, as am on the road selling
McCormlok machinery and can't run a
store at the same time. We have sev
eral horses to dispose of and wagons and
harness. At the new chop mill below
company store you will find all kinds of
feed. M. C. Coleman,
Wireless telegraphy (Parent Co.) all
dividends 13.50 share regular price 18.00,
18.00, Jai, D. Shaffer, Bloomaburg, Pa.
H1rjH Scliool Bulletin.
Edltor-ls-ohiof, 0. I. Mk; AnllUnl Editors,
Ohrtottiio Brown,
Annlo Iltkr 1 Local Editor, Lont
The Shakespearian society was post
poned lust week on account of the audi
torium being occupied by the "Mothers'
Dr. Nealo visited the high school last
Vila Arley is on tho sick list.
Notwithstanding the severe cold
weather we have hud the last fow weeks,
tho school building has been very com
fortable. We certainly have a good
system of heating, far excelling that
in our former building.
The McKlnloy momoriul exorcises
were well attended by the town people.
McKlnley's life appeals strongly to
every boy and girl. No president of
lato years has been loved by the child
ren of our nation as was McKinlcy. Tbo
offering for the McKlnloy fund was not
as large as we should liked to have had.
A monument to Wm. MeKInley Is a
monument to American manhood and
strong self-reliant, industrious pcrsover-
Ing youth. This memorial is to rlso
above tho grave at Canton, Ohio, whero
he will flnlnlly rest, according to his
own wish.
February might be called a patriotic
month. Altho' it is a short month
many important events occur. Feb. 12
is the birthday of Abraham Lincoln,
one of our martyred presidents. Fob.
22, is Washington's birthday.
A large audionco greeted Champ
Clark last Friday evening. Tils lecture
was up to the high standard of our
other entortalnmcnts and was cortainly
a treat to thoso Intorcsted in political
Our school hill has been almost im
passable. The sidewalks have been a
glare of Ice for tho past two weeks.
Several pedestrians on Friday evening
received slight shocks when returning
from the lecture. Coasting is fine. The
children enjoy coasting and also the
children of a larger growth.
The 20th Century Club of Room 13
have olocted tho following officers:
Pres., Sara Kollor; V. Pres., Bessie
Sensor; Sec, John Plyler; Critio, Mar
garet Daily.
The Shakespearian society will have
a mock trial Feb. 28. V
A slelghrido given by tho Senior
Class was a thorough success. The
oartv consisted of 11 bout eighteen Sen
iors and Juniors with Miss Dally, Miss
Kunes, Prof. Lenkord and Prof. Mc
Clure as chaperons. Leaving Royn
oldsvllle about 2:00 p. m. wo arrived at
our destination, Punxsutawney, about
6:00 p. m. and partook of a sumptuous
supper at Hotel Pantall, whore we wore
reoelved with great kindness. Several
members of tho pnrty, whose names we
will not mention, wore greatly taken
(?) with Punxsutawney and were very
reluctant about leaving. After some
delay tho merry party started on its
homeward journey, arriving in our
native town about 12 o'clock midnight.
We all had a pleasant time which will
not soon be forgotten. ,
Mrs. Soffel's Offense.
If Mrs. Soffol is guilty of no worse
crime than that of having her sympathy
excited bocause the Biddies were shut
up In iron cagos awaiting death, she is
not to be severely censured,. It is the
nature of women to be sympathetic.
Thore are physiological reasons for it
over which she has no control. She is
made for motherhood, and helplessness
or distress appeals to her with a force
that mon cannot understand. It is that
tendernoss which fits hor for maternity,
and which is a part of her being. Very
frequontly we bear of women taklpg a
morbid interest in some brute in human
form who has committed a crime that
should exolte only execration in the
human breast. Thoy never do it, how
ever, until tho wretch is In the hands
of the law and Is rendered powerless to
further Injure socloty. For that very
reason women are unfit to administer
justice, and would be unsafe even as
criminal lawyers. If, however, Mrs.
Soffel was prompted by a guilty love
for the depraved being for whom Bhe
abandoned everything, she is either In
sane or a moral monstrosity. To for
sake the sacred duties of motherhood
on account of a base passion for a des
perate criminal, places her outside the
pale of womanhood. By accompanying
Ed. Blddle with the ldoa of living with
him, and leaving four or five small
children at home, she was violating a
law of naturo of which evon a wolf or a
hyena would not have been guilty.
Punxsutawney Spirit..
Wanted Mon and women solicitors
for some of tho newest, brightest and
best selling publications printed. Life
of McKlnloy, Under Both Flags, etc
A golden harvest for tho energotlo.
Address to-day, - The Household Pub
llshlng Co., Erie, Pa.
' ' . 1
' f