tnyn tlic llnxtnn lli-rnld: "Tim nnlT rpl iilr-n.ure in I'p fntmil In tlif pm session of prcnt rlrlirs, I In fivln 1hpm mvnv, n Mr. CiiriieRlP I (loins." TIip rntitrovcrer n lo wlidlit-r British or Ainorlenn Ituomntlvr iu the liPtlor I ft very niie-slrietl iilTiilr. Thn NorthPiistrrn Kiillivnv of Kiiclnnil has Just onli'lt'it twenty luioinntlvea from rhlciigo niniiin.T. Crime In Inereiinitur rnplill.r In Urlt tsh Inilin. TIip tulsoii" In Hip IhI fiscal yenr lontiilneil .1Hi.SN4 liiiiintcs, or M.fHH more tlmn llii'jr coiitnint'il 1n 1SB1. Klllipr Hiitlfli rule I nniklim fnore rrlmlitntn or Hip lims hip IipIiib administered with Bieiilor severity. TIip eliniiiol seems tn Ip In tlsnner of pxllnctlon In Hip Krenrh Alps. In unite of Hip nrilnnii lielnlits In whlrlt It mnkes ltd Imiiiip It In IiiiiiIpiI liirlrl leanty. Meiisiires of iii'iit;elliii Kltnilnr to those- employed In I'.ip ItnllHU Alps ore culled for. Mnssnchitsctla I .iiptirllnff n Stnte bathhouse nt Revere Heiiflt. It was patronized Inst summer lv TIO.IHM per sons, 11.0 per ronl. In excess or Hip patronage of Hip previous, yenr. 'I'hp totnl receipts imioiinlPil to JllSJ"'.'. an BtrernRP of nliont twenty-two cents p.'r capita. The bicycle In to Im made a per manpnt piiulpmrnt lu Hip Frown Army. Twenty etnnpii tiles lire to lie provided with n thirty -six-pound wheel, which run lie eitrrleil on Hip back when necessary. An eneiny would of course iniike llicni useless dy the Judicious ilit llltiii loll of H few lin nil fill of tucks. The nniinnl report of Hip I.IkIK house ISotml of Hie l.'tiltt'd Suites show Hint It fllreeted mid controlled more Hum thirteen hundred lighthouses nnd beacon 1 i k li t r. more Hum two score lightships nnd nn Immense iuimler of other nidtt to mi vluutloii, of warn ing nnd signal to mariners, lis lieueficent work Ik of int'Stliniililc lin fiortauee nnd usefulness. Telephone connection lie! ween flrent Ilrlluln, Itclglum nnd llollnnd have been liberally Improved of hite. .When It N renieniliered Hint less Hum a, third of a century him passed nlnce the first telephone messages over a distance of Kevenil miles were ex changed, nnd when the fur reaching expansion of tho Ionic distance sor vice Is tn ken Into account. It Is lea ounhle to expert Hint before the grandchildren of to-ilny have become , grandfathers London will be talkhiR with Melbourne and New York with Manila, exclaims the New York Tribune. The power of the shortest word In advertising becomes doubly evident when one remembers that It Is possible for a hunuiii bolus to get through life on fifteen hundred words of English, that Shakespeare's voeobitlnry, whirl) was the greatest. Included betWMin rtlfty nud sixty thousand, and that fully a quarter of the people of the United Btates communicate in slang ami set phrases; that they are not only incapable of expressing them elves in ordinary English, hut that the erase sentence from Stevenson, Johnson or Wordsworth Is not In telligible to tlieinv stntes Printer's Ink. Irrigation In Arlsonit lias been the subject of nu Investigation conducted by the Government, the result of which are now available. Within ten years 545 miles of camils and ditches were constructed at a cost of $1,508,. 400. The totul increase in irrigated land in ten years has beeu 110,575 acres. At a low estimate Its present average ivalue Is $30 per acre, or 587,250. Irrigation has added this large amount to thn farm wealth of the Territory. The total number of acres of Irrigated crops is 137,233, while the total number of acres of land Irrigated Is 185,300. The differ ence of 48,103 acres represents ap- proximately the area of pasture land Irrigated. The consternation of the English over the American Invasion increases day by day. Home effort has been made to stem the tide by the initiation of American products, but so far it lias failed of success. For example, an Englishman attempted to Imitate the American duyllgbt bank robber. ' He entered the most promising banking house, revolver lu baud, and called on the clerks to hold up their bunds. He shot the cashier deud, but on being tackled by a clerk be turned the re. volver on himself und cheated the gallows. The Idea was bold, but be canse be lacked American skill the Imitator failed, as most imitators must. The Germans have been uo more suc cessful with their Imitations of American sewing machines, bicycler jld some other article MEDAL OF HONOR. Soldier of Medical Corns Performs Deeds of Heroism at Battle of Csnda River. Orn. Smith lin rcrmiinifiiilctl Priv ate IMiitr. or Hip medical department of the army In the Philippines for a tncdnl of honor as a reward for hero. Ism at the battle of (landa river, Island of Snninr. llelntz rmtKht as lotiK as able, while shot throiiKh both nrnia and with a bail boln slash in the back. Alter recovering from a faint ing ppell. with both nrms In slings, llelntx directed the work of carrying the wounded till they arrived at Val bayog. There were six skirmishes In llatangns province Tuesday. The In surgent did not nmke a single aland. Several Filipinos were killed. The Americans had only a few men wound ed. Aiblltloiinl troops have been sent to Hen. Hell, who is currying on nn aggressive campaign In liiitnngas. Taynlias and l.agiina provinces. Six to Lopez, Agulnnldo's former secre tary, has agnln been refused permis sion by tien. Chaffee to land under mil itary protection without taking the oath of Allegiance to the t lilted Stntes. which, he says, would nullify his Influence with I lie Filipinos. lo pez offers lo act as a peace commis sioner. (!ov. Tart was present Tues day at a farewell reception in his honor, previous lo his deuarlure for the F nltod State!;. GARFIELD LAW 13 VALID. Liable to Fine for Failure to File Expense Account. The question of the nlhllty of the nnrtleld corrupt practices la" ' presented to the Ohio supreme court Wednesday In the Mate vs. I.. A. Ilns sell of Cleveland. .Mr. KiikkoII was a ciuidhlnte for congress and on his fall tire lo Hie his expense account, as re quired by law, the prosecutor brought suit for the ll.npn line provided. In the common ideas court the ease was decided In favor of .Mr. Itussel. but the circuit court reversed Hie Judg ment. The right to a seat was not raised in Hie case. .Mr. Kiibxvll having been defeated. REED A MILLIONAIRE. Middle Name Draws Him a Dig Fortune in Maine. Thomas H. Heed, ex-speaker of tho house, now of New York, has been In formed that he is an heir to $;.ooo.ooii worth of property In Portland . Mc The land belongs to Hie heirs of tho orlglnul Ilrackett of the town of old Falmouth. It was leased for ft term of years and thn lease had expired some time ago. but that fact has Just been discovered. 14,000 Men Idle. Fourteen thousand men nnd boys have been rendered Idle because of the flood In tho Shaniokln, Pa., dis trict. The fourteen eol lories owned by the Philadelphia & Heading rail road nnd the Pennsylvania railroad In that region were Hooded. It will be several days before all tho collerles will lie able to resume. It Is estl cated that the collerles have been Camaged to the extent of To 8ee by Telephone. The Independence Helge, of llel gium. says t hut. Dr. Sylvestre, former ly nn American hut now a naturalised French physician, lias Invented a spec togrnph which enables users of the telephone to see each other. AT THE NATIONAL CAPITOL. Tho president Monday nominated Clayton Mc.Mlchael to be postmastei at Philadelphia. Pa. Judge Darling of Vermont, formally assume 1 the duties of assistant serre tary of tho navy Tuesday. Chairman Hay of the house commit tee on Judiciary Wednesduy Introduc ed an anti-anarchy measure. Senator Mule Tuesday Introduced a bill authorizing the enrollment and or ganization of a United States naval re serve. The limine committee on foreign affairs had an Informal hearing Wednesday on the subject of Chinese exclusion. Germany has officially Informed the United States of her purpose to com pel Venezuela to pay tho Just claims of German subjects. A bill wna Introduced Tuesday by Mr. Penrose authorizing the payment per diem pensions to all officers and enlisted mnn of the United States army who served in the Civil war. The state department received fur ther news regarding Miss Stone Wednesday, but believes It to be In her interest to give out nothing now, except tho American representatives are doing all that can be done to bring about her release. Secretary Knot has renewed his ef forts to secure the retirement, with added grade, of the army officers who have participated in the three wars, tho civil war, the Indian wars and the Spanish-American war. Inquiries have been made at the state department In an Informal way as to what attitude the Kovernment would assume in the event Germany 8 uou hi desire, to seize a port of Ven ez.uela. The president. Andrew Carnegie and Secretary Root discussed the 2fi.lHiO,. oou educational project at luncheon at the Wlilto House Wednesday. .As a result of the negotiations be tween Secretary Hay and Mr. Brun, the Danish minister, tho last obstacles of substunce tn the preparation of the treaty of cession of the Danish West Indian Islands have been removed. The comptroller has authorized the organization, of the following new banks In Pennsylvania: Tho First Na tional bank of Herndon, capital 125, 000: Adam 8. Hepner, cashier; the citizens National bank of Slatlngton, capital 5i).(ioo. H. H. Mlsson, cashier. Lord Brassey says ihm British navy U men mod ships sxcels and other two tutrles. NO MOPE ST niKCC. Pence Conference Petwcen Lenders ol Capital and Worklngmcn Appoints Committee en Cenclllnticn. The conference betwer n Hie b nderr of Inlior anil capital cloud in New York Tuesday, with a decision to glvr the plan to lir.nno:i!i:.-' their lutcn -itf a practical test. It was unanimously agreed that the working details shall be perfected by nn executive :irn mittee of .'Hi. chosen lu equal numbers from Hie ranks of organized liinor. the ureal Industrial and Pnanc till lenders ami the public not hlcntlltc.l with either of the otlur two Interests. In the altcrtioon Clinlrimiii Csenr 8. Htratis and Secretary Itnlph M. F.asley. with Archbishop In laud. !' until- Han lia, Samuel (lumpers, president nT Hie Federation ol Labor; President .Mitch ell or the Cnlted Mini' Winkers: Frank P. Sargent of the Itrotlierhood :if Locomotive Firemen, and others who had taken part In Hie conlercnce met lo select Hie executive commit tee. The following names wer.e an iloiini eil: To Represent Employers and Capital. Cnlted Stntes ScmiUir Mark A. tfantia; James A. Chambers, American (ilass Company: Wil liam II. Plahler. National Asoscla Hon of Stove Manufacturers; S. H. Callaway. American Locomotive Works; Lewis Nixon, Crescent ship vnrd: Charles M. Schwab. Cnlted States Steel ( 'orpomtion : II. II. Vree land. Mi tropolltan Street Hallway Comnnny; Charles A. .Moore. Maclilii" .Manufacturing ( 'ompanv; John P. Hoekereller. Jr.; K. I). Itlpley. Atchi son, Topeka Santtt Fe railroad; Marcus .M. .Marks, National Assocla Hon of Clothing Manulactiiiei!--: .Inllm Kriittsehnltt. Southern I'aclllc tall roa d. To Represent Organized Labor. Samuel Compels, American Feder stlon of Labor: John .Mitchell. Cnlted Mine Workers; Frank P. Snrgent, Urotherliood of locomotive Firemen; Theodore J. Shaffer. Amalgamated As sociation; James Inincait. Crnnltc Cut ters Cnlon; Daniel .1. Kcefe, Interna national Association Longshore men. James O'Conncll. Interna tional AsosclaHon of Machinists: Martin Fox. Iron Moldcra union; lames K. Lynch. Typngranhical union; Fid ward K. Clarke. Brotherhood ol hallway Conductors; Henry White, (iarmcut Workers; Walter MacArthur, ban I'lauclsco, To Represent the Public. Kx-Preslilent (1 rover Cleveland: Archbishop John Ireland: Bishop lien ry C. Potter. Charles Francis Adams. Boston: Cornelius N. Bliss. Charles W. Fllot. Harvard university: Frank Mil .McVeagh. Chicago; James II F.cklcs. John J. McCook, John (1. Mil burn of Buffalo, Charles A. Bonaparte, Baltimore. Chairman of the conference, ((scat S. Strauss nnd Secretary Itnlph M. Kasley, are ex-offlcio members of the committee. A Biib-commltlee of threee to con sider plan, si-ope and proceedure, wa? apiMilnteil. CABLE FLASHES. Germany denies that there Is any Intention to seize jl Venezuelan har bor. Emperor William, of Germany, has decorated Marquis Itn. tho .Id panose statesman, with the Order of the Hed F.agle. Gov. William Gregory of Ilhode Island died nt his home at Wlckford Monday. He had been Hi for several months. Earthquakes were felt In tho prov ince of Catania, Sicily, and In the southern Italian provinces of Cnlabrla and Lecce. Courtenay Walter Bennett, who has been British Consul at Bihao, bus been gazetted Counsel General at San Francisco. The papers In London, Eng., express considerable satisfaction that the United States sennte ratified Hie Hoy- Paunecfote treaty by ucb a large ma jority. The reply of the government of Ar gentina to the Chilean note was dis patched Monday. This reply Is con- reived in terms which would leuve no doubt as fo its acceptance by Chile. The Venezuelan General Vicente Sanchez reports that l.ono Colombian Liberals, distantly supported by 4.000 Venezuelan tropps, captured the Col jmblan seaport town of Kio llacna. A dispatch received from Nkandhla, Zululand. dated December B. tells of a recent action near l.uneberg. Trans vaal, in which Commandant Ixmls Botha was shot through the left leg below the knee. At a conference of motive power oilUers at Calcutta, India, It was do elded to call on the British builders to submit designs for 10 light and heavy broad and narrow gauge en engines, from which standard types can be established for use on tho In dian railroads. A dispatch received in England from Peking announces that the Im perial Court left Kal-Feng-Fu Satur day, benfnd for Peking. " A schaunor which arrived at Colon, Columbia, Monday reports that 70 Col umbian government troops who left Colon a fortnight ago for V ion to Frio, had an engagement with the Liberal forces at Nombro de Dlos last Friday. Tbo meeting of naphtha firms at Baku, RusBta, summoned to deal with the exKirt question, resulted in the withdrawal from the union of the firms of Nobel & Mantaschcff. Other bouses, beaded by the Rothschilds, arc said to have formed a combination. Prof. Bebrlng, a Gorman, at Stock holm, who was recently awarded the ! Nobel medical prUo of Hil.Suo kron ers, announced that his experiments demonstrated the possibility of ron derlng cattle Imniuuv for tuberculosis vy inoculation. CONGRESSIONAL NOTES. LVII. CONGRESS. Knox Confirmed. After live hours' discussion Monday he Senate ratified the Isthmian canal realy with (Beat Britain by a Vote if 71! to . The nomination .of P. C. Knox as attorney general was con limed with only oil" (Senator Jones ) ilsHcntliig vote. The resolution ill ectlng the committee on Judiciary te nipiire Into the subject of anarchy was adopted. Senator Warren Intro luceil an amendment to the Constltu .Inn granting Hie right of suffrage to ivomcn. As a mark of respect to the late Marriott Bror.lus of Pennsylvania the Senate niljourned nt fl:.'in p. m. Chairmen Named. The appointments for chairman of he various committees of the sennte were announced Tuesday. Senatot "Yy Introduced n Joint resolution auth irlz.lng the president to Invite the ltig of Slam lo visit this country. During Hie executive session Steven (tone was confirmed as marshal ol he Western district of Peiinsvlvsnln; II. W. Archibald to be Judge of Middle llstrlet or Pennsylvania, nnd Morion Mc.MlehncI, postmnster at Phllndel ihin. The bill to provide temporary Mine for the Philippine Islands Ichutcil In the house Tuesday. rev was Duty on Silver. Senator Penrose Introduced a bill n the sennte Wednesday for the pro ettlon of silver iiiIiiIiik. It provides, 'or a duty of 2.1 per cent on i?.l silver mported. or on ore in uniunnutnclured 'orni. Also a bill lo give recognition o uou commissioned officers and men if the Pennsylvania militia, who re tponded to Hie call of President Lin oln In 1 St;: to defend Hw state. In he house Wednesday the bill to pro vide revenue temporarily for the Philippine Islands passed by a vote of lfi:i to U'S. AMERICANS FEAR UPRISING. Report That Alleges a Sericus Situa tion In Philippines. A letter received nt tloug Kong trom in American General nt Manila says hat Secret Service reports from all .he provinces of the Island of Luzon (how a remarkable and widespread re vival of the spirit of rebellion there. The American army expects a general intlireuk throughout the Island of Lu '.on and is taking vigorous measures U suppress It. Manila Is the center jf discontent. General Chaff en has frequent parades of the garrison through the city's streets to display American strength and fearing an at tempt at general massacre of Amerl ans arrangements have been perfect ?d to concentrate American women and children in the public buildings on ihort notice. OBJECT TO A SONG. Don't Want Children to Sing of the Star of Bethlehem. Max Hndner, a Hebrew, represent ing a dozen or more families of tlu' name nationality, hns Died a protest with the Canton (O.) board of e'lucn tlmr against the use of certain song ind text books In the public schools. Thn Hebrews object to a song that ontalns the name of Christ and refers to Him as the Star of Bethlehem. They also object to poetry that refers to Christ. They don't want nny mention of the Lord's Prayer In the schools. BUFFALO SHERIFF STEPS IN. Advertises the Sale of Exposition Property on December 20. The sheriff of Erie county, Njw York, has posted notices of sale ol tho eximsition property, consisting of the electric tower, the manufacturers, art, agricultural, horticultural and bazar buildings, the stadium and the contents of the various buildings, the foundations and pipe connections, and II other property on the grounds. The iolo Is stated for December 20. SIGNING PAPERS IN BLANK. Case Agaisnt Gov. Stone's Right tt Do So Dismissed. A rase Involving the power of Gov. Stone of Pennsylvania to attach hie slgnatuie to blank state papers, which In his absence from tho state are af terward filled In by some one In the executive service, was dismissed Mon day by the stato superior court fin wunt of proper Jurisdiction. Hurrying Freight Trains Kill Two. On west bound freight ran Into tho rear of another at .New Creek bridge at Keyser, XV. Va., on the Bal tlmore and Ohio Railroad Saturday. J. p. Maxwell, conductor, Grafton, and C. T. Sharp, bragenian, jvewburg, w Va.. of the first train were killed. Three cars were wrecked and the ca boose burned. COW FULL OF SHOT. Farmer's Cow Pastured Near a Cluo Range and Then Died. One of Ezra Atwater's cows, at Cleveland. O., died Friday. She had been sick for two days. Throe veter inary surgeons said she died of lead poisoning. The oow was pastured near the gun clubs range. Ezra was puzzled and held a post mortem. He found six pounds of shot in the cow's stomach. He telephoned the Cleve land Gun Club that his $150 cow bad died. The club agreed to pay for bj.r. Mayor McNamara's Christmas Gift Mayor John McNamara. of Barber ton, O., has announced that he will give Christmas presents to the tenants of houses and business buildings owned by blm. Sixteen occupants ot storerooms, offices and dwellings will be handod free receipts for tbelr De cember rent. The gifts will amount lo t0. Copenhagen want a world's fair U 1904. DOC WITH RABILS. Woecter Canine Had a Habit of Nip Olng Cattle Before Hydrophctln Developed, W. M. I.nndls, a farmer living Jusl west of IV mister. O., Inst fall harborei! a tramp dog. After the dog bad br ei nil the place n few weeks It wnf noticed (hat It had n habit of tilpplnr the cattle on Hie legs. During tht latter part of November the dog went mad and was killed. Within the last Tew days a number of hogs, sheep am two cows were sel.ed with convul slnns, frothed at the mouth and be came paralyzed. All died after tin nsunl remedies had been given them Within the Inst few days all the cows seven lu number, began to act queer ly. An examination showed ugly sorei alMiiit the head. These, too, wer seized with convulsions, and woii'i try to bite themselves. Dr. W. F Deer or Woosfer and Dr. W. II. Me clnln of Jeromevllle, members of tbi State Live Stock Commission, de dared that all were suffering fruit hydrophobia nnd ordered them killed All the other stock on Mr. I.nndls rami was placed In quarantine, will orders to dispatch It the minute b exhibited any signs or tho disease. Burglar Kilts a Woman. Miss Harriett C. Murphy, sister ol Councilman John A. Murphy of Pitts burg, was shot nt her homo by a mid night hiirglnr Monday night and tiler lu a few minutes. The iimrderer es caped. May Talk With the Stars. Dr. Joseph S. Ames, one of the must distinguished members of the fai ult of Johns Hopkins university. Paltl more, ,1d.. believes that by Mareonl'i system of wirdrs telegraphy, commit nlcatlon between Hie earth mid romi of the other planets is not beyond po slblllty. James C. Fargo, prci-lilent of Hit American Express Comnaiiy. mine ed thai each nt the Iu.imio t iMployts o Hie corpoiation would re-elvt I Chil.stinas girl of $10. Schley Hns Appealed. Admiral Schley .Monthly retpiesteil Secretary Long to withhold action on the report of the findings and the op In Ion of the court of inipiiry until he tiled a statement of object inns Poctmoster General Resigns. The resignation of Charles Emory Smith, postmaster general, was ac cepled by President Hooseve)! Monday and Henry C. Payne of Wisconsin np pointed to the position. Must Die on the Gallows. Georpe Carter, the negro who killed a man named WhlsMer In Charleston lilsiiit a year ago, was sentenced by Judge Hall to be executed January 31 Carter was previously sentenced tr be hanged March 22. 1H01. MATCHES USED IN A DAY. 6um Total So Enormous That It Is Hardly Computable. "How many matches are struck Inn single day?" asked an enthusiastic young statistician, "and how many cords of wood, and how many tons of sulphur, and how many units of heat are represented In the world's dally consumption of matches? Here Is an Interesting problem. Matches, of course, are not used In all the coun tries of the world. There are many primitive peoples who are still kin Jling fires by striking sparks from flinty substances. Just as our ances tors dltl In the long ago when tney made pots and kettles out of clay and stones, and knives out of bones and the harder formations In the crun of tho earth. Somo countries are so damp that matches can m. be used with convenience. In many of the trop ical countries which may be classed as civilized, matches can not be struck on account of the dampness, except on the rough, sandy edge of the box. But In the great and more advanced countries of the world matches are In almost universal ubc. Exceptions mu.v be found tn rural sections that are al most completely isolated, like some portions of agricultural Germany or remote parts 4if the United States, for that matter, hut these exceptions are very rare. Getting back to the daily consumption of matches, it is really an enormous thing. The consumption in the United States daily Is something enormous. Roundly there are 80,0'Ki,. 000 persons In the United States. On the accepted allowance of live for each family this ireans 16.11110,000 fam ilies, so right on tho Jump we would have 6,0(iii,nn0 stoves which would consume at the very lowest an aver age of three matches each and every day, or a total of in the evening the lamps must be lighted In each of these h-.-mes. Then there ar the hotels, tne restaiir&ntv, the saloons and the business places generally which keep open at night, with tholr millions of gas jets and lamps, and it Is reasonable to assume that the con sumption of matches in these places would equal. If It tlid not surpass, the consumption in the homes of tho country. Mind you, I have said noth ing about the factories and Insula Hons of that sort, and nothing about the vast quantity of matches con sumed dally by the smokers of the country, the cigarette- fiends, and the fellows whose pipes are always going out. Why a fortune goes up dally, in matches' smoke, and the sulphur, and wood, and units of heat wasted in this way is something startling." Pensions As An Aid to Enlistment. England Is imitating the pension system of the United States. There is a bill In Parliament providing a genuine for pensioning Uie widows and or phans of soldiers who have dieti In the South African war. This measure la being hastened by thte official ol tne War Office In order to stimulate enlistments in the army, wblcn &r now very low. On November 14 the University tl Munich wai 75 year old. DUSINKW CJVRD3. MITCH KM, ATTOHNKY-AT-LAW. (ifflr on WmI Main street, opposite Commercial Motel, ICcnnldHvlllt, f's. Ilia q m. Mcdonald, attokn ky-at-la v, Nolsry Public, rent ein(s ngent, I'stftits secured, collections niatln tirnmiily. OM.-s In Nolan Mock, Itcynoldnvllle, Ph. gMlTH M. McCUF.lOHT, ATTOUNKY-AT-LAW, NotsrT Public and Ileal Flle Asenl. Cd lection will receive prompt Hltftiilo'i. (ifft.-e In Krofhlli'h Henry block, nesr pinlnm.-e, ltryntdlsvllln Pit. A. C. WHHELKK, PHYSICIAN AND SIJIIGF.dN, (nice ti iit nt i lii Ptiikti liiitldlm:, corner Main Slid I Kill direct. 11. K., KEY NOLDSVILLT., PA. ttexldent (Innllsl. Initio Unmet huddlis nel iliHir lo ioioftl"e, Main sirt-i-t. itrhilti. ne In tiporatltut. jy t7u r7.M k a ns DENTIST, (iff lft nn pi'oiifl FliMir if Flril Nn I liitiul bung building, Mnln tret'l. It. DkVEIIR king. DENTIST, Cfllc tin second floor Re jrnnlilerille UosJ F-lnlo llliln. Main struct llcrnollNvlllc, P. I)" W. A. HF.NHY, DENTIST. (ifH.'S on HCi'oiifl IliHiriif Henry Urn, brick building, Minn lrri-l. E. NEFF. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE And Itciil KslitlP Agent, lit-rnold-vlllr, Ph. jjirra, hkijNai HKYNOMWVIiXK. I'A. FIIAKK HINT., l'niHtt,r. Klrt rlsts In every piirlleiilsr. Located In tti very cciiiru of I lie tiMiinf. purr of town. Free 'him to hikI from train nnd coiimndioiis Htnilromn fort-nmrnprlal trsvplrs. L. M. SNYDER, Practical Horee-Shoer and General Blacksmith, Moron sbrMMng (lone in the nesfpat maonM set! by Hip IhipnI Improved method!. K ItHlrtns of wll kintlt carefully snd promptly di ne. f AriHrACTioN Ucaramtkeo. HORSE CLIPPING Have Jimt received a complPte apt ef cna chine tior- cllppera of lateat atyle 'M putters I iitl ntn prepared to do cltijjilnK In ths best IKiHHiMe hiHnner at rPHtonuiile ratea. Jackaon ft. near Kit lb, KejnoUlsvIHs, Pa. Daintiest Styles in Footwear . . SHOES HUILT OIN HONOR . . . Our footwear for ladies mirrors the latest dic tates of Dame Fashion. What is proper and pop ular in Oxfords and High Shoes, in dainty styles and worthful leathcrsis here. Up-to-date shoes for gentlemen. Also handle first-class working Bhocs. Our prices, like our styles, Are All Right. Johnston & Nolan, KOLAN BLOCK. afr A afr 4 AAA Want You Clothing to Fit 7 Then you ought to goto J. C. Froehlich, Mer chant Tailor. My line of samples are well worth anyone's time to call and inspect. Re member all work is fuaranteed. Cleaning, Repairing and Altering a specialty. J. G. FROEHLICH. Near Centennial Hall. WHEN IN llOUilT, TRY" Thar hare atood ihe tuiolyaarf, Snd havs cured thouaanda el eaaca ol Nervoua Diaeuae. aucS aaUebility.Duilnaaa. Slaaplaia a and Varicocele, Atropky, They clear the brain, atreaatheai the circuUlioa, eaka digettloa perfect, and In-.patt aeaiiny to the whole belaa- All diaiaa and loaaea ate ciecked ronxAfaln. r23&ZS. ilea eltea eroirlef IheaaiDtelaaanity. CeaauM noa a Death. Mailed aealed. Price ti pea al boaea, with IraexUd leg., I luaraaua to cure a rWuud Ike aaoaey. e-eo. Bead la arm eoo. For sale bjr fa. .! 6 take. m ai w Right this Way for your PICTURES, riCTURR FRAMES, EASELS, MOULDINGS, ' nooKs, STATIONERY, TENS, INK, TEN'CILS, ETC. Cabinet work of nil kinds fade to order. Upholstering and re pair work ol all kinds done promptly. We guarantee all our work nnd vou will find our prices right. " Abo iiunnla for Krine putpnt. tVliiiltiw Hcrncre. nnd lieltle llllnda nnd Screen litmrt. KMltntilPH clict'tfiiil; given. Nortnamer & Kellock, Xaoitnar4 Rnlldlnzi .Main Ml reel. PENNSYLVANIA KAILItOAD. IKjKFAUJ & AM.WiHANY VALLEY blVIHIOM, Low flniilii Division. In Etct May 26, 1901. lEa'tfrn Standard Tim,'. r.anTWAitn. ' f..10l"NojOl"Seio7 p. n r. at. IMltshuru It 1.1 9 in lied Hitnit II Jul II Id LnwtmliHni !i 4tr 11'! New llcthlelit'm .... in t:i It 47 ti.ik Klilirt! in si! Miiyivlllc Ml :! II Stimnii'n'llle I" :i Mr.H.kvllle I II in II mi, Yl U town Jl Ml in I'uller 4it J- Ml III! l(eynnldTllle.. Illd II :i t I'Ktirtinst H M!t n, I Hilt Creek ' II 4 I 1.1 Ilillltp 7 Hi (II .V I ZS ShIiiiIh T I Ti I -ft Wlnu-rliiirn .... 7 -"I 1 41 I't-fiiillt-ld 7 1 V Tyler 7 44 t l lleririftette i ( ' l n '-V lirlftwrKH n 4". .... 'lira I A.M. A. H. 4 OA 4 IH 4 m 4 M ti m 5 ! a m 7 65 I W ' i ;n II t Ml i 0 AS HI' .1.. in os 4nii to 7 l";Mri(. 7 44 , t7 M I 2Dl r. Mir. at. Trtiln VII '"iintlayilea en HutxtiiirsS ( a. m.. H'-d Hnnk 1 1 . Hi HnxikCiili' Keytioititiviiie 1.14, hull" ( ro-k I .tt. Ihillol- t.4'i p. tn. WrtlTWAMII NoiOS No 104 l.o 101 No. 114 No. I Ifl STATIfisa, A. It,' A. tt. A. M P P. Prlftwood (trttrit Hettnefelie Tyler IVnnfl'-ltl Winterburu .... faiiiila llllHfile Fltlle Creek Panftinst :ynoldhVllle.. Fuller Inwa BrtK.kvllle Htlmrnervllle.... Mayavllle (Hkltlflire It fi IS ill Ml 5 VI 411 11 ftl TB 17 n ? 4 S3 7 00 7 0S 7 1 7 : 7 42 7 44 7 m S 11 S SI i'i 7 V. VI SHI 7 VI M 7 : I ! :n 7 4-1 ii SI tl V 27, :r: s (I '7 (in 7 IV 7 :ri! 7 47' 7 .vi: ml h m a 4.-.! H ( 1 If, I 101 17 8 11 1 30 5 21 a xi J'.Vi 1 :e H 44 IS 4(H 14 1 SB s no 14 ao n:i I) 1.1 (I it! :vl ' l t 9 :i' ti s: in in 4l i New Hetlilt-liem 4 V I.awionhani.... Ked Hank 1'ittKtiurg ;:i rm 1 l1 an i s 7 an! .... jlOlSl .... P. M. P. M, 'ii i m. p. ru. p. m fraln W2(Snndnyi leave ImR'iia 4.10 p.m. Full creek 4.17, R"vnnld-ille4.:, Brookyllle .'', Ked Bank .:, I'ltKliiiiK M P- m. Triilne niitrked run dully: i dnlly, exrent S'ltiday; t flux atntlon, where alKnula rouxt be aiiown. Philadelphia & Erto Rnilrosd Division In eflect Mk.v 2'lth. lf0l. Trains leave. Driftwood as follows: EASTWARH :" a m Train I.', weokfi.ire, for Rnnhury, Wllkeharre, HhzIcIoii, I'lHttville.Hrrant.ui, lliirrlHluirK and the lutermedlats ta tlona, arrlvlnir nt I'IiIIii'ii1IiIh 4:23 p.m., New Yirk,ft;;aip. m.: Haiilnmre.SiOO p.m.! Wawliinirton. J: 1.1 p. m I'ullmsn Parlor car from Willlnmsixirt In Plill;itlelihli and pae aenHer rriHCheH f rum Kune lo I'titladelphla nd Wllllamaporl to Huh Imore and Wash Inettin. Ii:4p. m. Train 4, dully fur Siinhury, nar-rl-lmrit and prlneipiil interniedlitte atatlnna. arrlvlni at Philadelphia ":'tS p. m.. New York lu:2llp. m.. Bitlilinnre 7::1 p. tn., wash- ii.glun H::i.1 p. m. vetiiiuiea parlor ear and paveiiser rouelien, lliiifulo to Pblladel iilU and Wiitlilnglon. (C p. m. Train tl. dully, for Har rn.hius and Interniedlnie atutlnna, ar r.diiii at I'hlladelplilH 4:2.1 A. M.: New York, .I3 a. m : liiililmfire. 2. Hi n. m.; Waahlnxinn 4ti a. M. 1'iillman KleitpinK ears from llrrllmrg to Phlliidelphi and New York. Philadelphia p:ienuerB enn romaln In tiierper until'! urtied iiniil 7::ra. m. 11 :ti p.m. Train 4.dally fur Sunhury, Harrla luirs nnd Intermediate) alntinna, arrlvlna at Phllao-lphla, 7:.2 A. H.i New York, i ( a. h. on week daye and 0.:M a m. on Sun day: BalHniore, ,;l.l A. M.: Waahlniton. 4:M a. ai. Pullman Hleepem from Erie, ind WtllfHnt-ort tn Pliiliidelphta, and WiUlanvtport l" Wathlnition. Paajtenser roit'hee from Krln to Phlladnlpbla, and Willlatnport. lo Baltlnvire. 2: 17 p.m. Train 14, dn lly for Punitory. Harrla hurtr and prtnelpal interniedlitieatat lone, ar riving al Philadelphia 7:22 u. m.. New York 9:M . m. weekday, i Hi. .ft a. ni., Sunday) Halllmnre 7:1.1 a. m., WmhliiKlun, 8:30 a m. Vetlhuled bufTet Mleepinz eara and paa enirr rwhi't, llultulo to Philadelphia and Wa-htniittin. I.K a. m Traiu 7, daily fur Buffalo. ria F.mporlum. 4:: a. m Train 9. dully foe Erie. Rld wny, and week diiyt for Dullula, Clermont aud priiu-ipal Intermediate atitttona. 1:44 a. m Train 3, dally for Erie and Inter mediate point. 3:tH p. m. Train 11, dally f"r Buffalo via Emporium. l:4Ap. m.--Tratn 61, weekdays for Kane and Intermediate latlona. a. m. WEKKDAYS. a. m. lu 4.1 ar Clermont lv II 00 II 04 II 07 II 10 11 IS 11 M 11 2ft 11 40 12 01 10 :ih in .11 WiNKlvale Qillnwood Itnittii'a Uun ItiHtanler ft ruin lit. Oleu Hael Joliteionhur lv Uida-wiiy ar in n 10 2.1 in 211 in it .is o p.m. p.m. a.m. ii. ni p.m. 7 00 13 10 7 07 U 17 r is 7 21 12 :0 7 ii 12 33 7 in 12 M 7 33 IS 40 7 43 12 SO 7 47 12 M 7 SI T SI Id 8 on J io 4 16 1 25 p. in. 4 II 4 22 4 27 4 M 4 :n 4 42 4 4H 4 14 4 iff 5 15 s ;tn 7 ao i is v is ar Rldswnyly Nland Run Carm'n TrnHfr Croytantl SliortH Mills Blue Koelt Carrier BrtK'kwavv'l Lane M Ilia Mi-Minn Suit llarveyx Itun lv FnlN C'k ar lv fiuUiiiaar r si a on S n.1 1 S4 1 SI 1 47 I 4-1 l ;n 1 tin II 2M t 1 tt 1.1 II II B 07 0J S3 47 H 4.1 4 :i s ; 5 23 7 on 7 us 7 01 4 57 a 47 I 43 3.1 4 M 10 I 1(1 1 M 1 05 4 30 1 13 4 12 12 S3 5 3 12 24 4 SO 11 47 4 (tl 11 10 e sh A 44 6 10 ar FallaC'k lv Revtiotdavtlln BnMikvll!o New H-'UvTm "III 1 20 .1 17 21 1 32 .4 :i4 4 51 1 Sll s on. Ii :n 1 :w 4 4.1 Ked Hunk lu 111 J SO 7 2.1 1 30 f 00 lv Plttaburgar 12 34 6 30 Hi 13 p.m. a.m. a.m. p n, D-m. p.m. For time table and additional Information conault ticket aiieitw. J.B HUTCHINSON J. B. WOOD. Oaa Manasst O a. Paar A(