PRAIRIE D0G9 DOOMED. Inability to Find Sultabls Poison Ha Deferred the Fate. Prairie dop.s are becoming; an unmiti gated pest In the West, and their ex termination la ardently desired but difficult of accomplishment. Professor I,antz of tha Kansas State Agricultural College, In a communication to Gov ernor Stanley, says that the prairie dona are destroying the ranRea In Western Kansas and Nebraska and Eastern Colorado, cattle preferring to Ico without grass to eating that mnlch baa been run over by the dogs. In Kansas alone the prairie dogs occupy a million and a quarter acres. Pro fessor I.nntz, who had charge of the expenditure of $.".0(i0 appropriated by the last Kansas Legislature to he used In finding some means of killing oil the pests, baa experimented with pol ona for six months, but aa yet baa failed to find any that Is successful. A Turk holds that the day begins exactly at sunset. At that time he sets his clocks and watches at the hour of 12. A watch which could run for weeks without gaining or los ing a minute would be of no special value to the Turk. Katnrallr prop! wnt to b Well for Chrlit u. for nothing to prnmntee happfne and food chofr. Therefore, take Garfield Tea new; it cure all derangement of ttomach, Hrer, kidney or bowel ; It clean tha vt tem and piinfie tha blood, thua removing the ranae of rhenmntiam, gout and many chronic dleeaae. It ia good for young and old and baa been held in tha higheat repute for many yeara. Phralclane recommend it. K you write thirty worda a minute your pen ia traveling at the rate of 300 yarda an hour. PtTKAa Frri. Viz dn not atain the liende or epot the kettle. Bold by all drug (lata. The largest element in American popula tion ia Celtic. too Reward, anoo. Tho reader of thia paper will be pleaaed to learn that there ia at leant one dreaded din es that science ha beon able to cure in all ire ataajc. and that ia Catarrh. Hall' Catarrh Our i the only positive enre now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a eon atitntional ilieae, require a constitutional treatment. Hall Catarrh Cnre ia taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and ma eon nrfaor or tho ytem, thereby destroy ing the foundation of' the diieaae, and giving the patient atrength by building up the con stitution and aaitinv. nature in doing it work. The proprietor have to much faith in It curative power that they offer Ona Hun dred Dollar for any that it fail to cure. Bend for lit of teatiraoniala. Addrera F. J. Cukskt A Co., Toledo, O. gold by DmRgit, 75c. Bail Family Pill are the beat. Conscience ia a good deal like an alarm clock. We get o uied to it that we don't tnind. Hi on9 air "About a year ago my hair was coming out very fast, to I bought a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. It stopped the falling and made my hair grow very rapidly, until now it is 45 inches in length." Mrs. A. Boydston, Atchison, Kans. There's another hunger than that of the stomach. Hair hunger, for instance. Hungry hair needs food, needs hair vigor Aycr's. This is why we say that Ayer's Hair Vigor always restores color, and makes the hair grow long and heavy. h.n . ah ttit- If your druggist oan send a one dollar and cannot u apply you, we w: in oxpres you a bottle. Be atire and giro the nam of your nearest exrreee Tee. Addreaa, I. uai H Co., isweii, sfaaa. ifJZODODT TOOTH POWDER Thi bast that Monty and OCe Exp.rltnoa oan produoo. fcw At all stores, or by mail for tha prioa. HALL A RUCKCL, New York. Capsicum Vaseline fat op in Collapsible Tubes. A SnbatttnU for ad Saporiar to TntM 1 or any 4 wtU ao Mtetw th aaaa dUaai Ma. Tb pala aUarlDa- and enatre traailtl of ttd astir) ra woaxUrfsL ItwUlaasaithataathaabe asanas, and rail haartaoh and anlatfa. VeaieeemaMBd M a lb beat aad aataat eitanul aawaai-liillaail anowa. ala aa k axianal rarasdy Sat fame la lb nhl mlsnianhtillrhiTnarl, snitllfi jd biihi j anmiilalnai AtrlalwUlBvovewbat waolaUa tor M. and it VIU mtoondtob hivaluabla ia the bauaabold. Many poplsy "M la ib beat at aU gear preparation. Mo. ISaanaa, ataUdraaTttatt, r other daalara, lu illn IhH amoant to a to postal stamp w will aand rn tub br maD. ' aloaitlatoabonldbaaeeeptad br tbapnblle snlaas tb eaaa earrla ear Ubel, ea stbarwla M ia aot CHECSEBROUGH 71ANUFACTURING CO. 17 tuu treat, w Ton City. $8.00 one of the Buva best made XflO Lb. Platform Scales ever Sold. Wall mods. WILL LAST A LIFl TIMC. FULL Size Platform. Catalogue free. jonu (he TAra ths raauurn, auiuHAai-rox. a. s. DROPSY"T DISrjOTHlY!.woi rllf nd nfs vont ao. Bou vf ImiiaioolsJa 4 10 dava1 InUaa lfi. ii. a. ansa's aoa. a a. auaate. aa. Cold Sfadnl at ItnaTaJe Expedtlea. McILHEIVNY'S TABASCO I I Beat Uiua-b fcyrup. Teats Good. Deal I In tlma Sola br awuta, r household hints : relieving n Chnkln Penan rouiiillng n iwrson mi the back tiutll his ribs cave In nr the spine Is rtlslo-' nteil nuiy be nn Interesting method to treatment ifor the nilinlnlstrntor". bin there is n more si n-lblc, ami ef fectual way of relieving the milTcrer. Krciiiicinl.v the obstruction is nut be voml the reach of n long, slim finger, l-'orcep nf some kind, however, will prove more effective. If these are not within rcni-h. a small wire with n hook bent on one end may be used to ad vantage tin some obstruct inns. In this mill similar emergencies curry a tlrin bauil. but work lightly anil deftly. 1 Hiring the operation, ihe head of the perion iittlii ted should be tlvown well back anil the tongue depressed, so ns to perinli of the freest possible acres to the throat. If the obstruction is so low as to be Invisible or has passed into tile windpipe, it constitutes n case to: ii good surgeon, r'ortunntely, enough air can usually be Inhaled to prevent immediate suffocation. Home Magazine. When the Kitchen Knnce la Cranky. When your kitchen range Are refuses to bum brightly and the oven fails to bake or roast properly, do not blame the run ge until you have tried to find the reason for the trouble. A clean" range Is n necessity for sailsfnctory i-ooklng. 1,1ft olT the cov ers and see if then- Is not a layer of line ash on lop of the oven so thick that It lessens the draught, and pre vents the bent from penetrating to the oven. This should be lifted out and Hot swept into the tiro or down be side 1 lip oven. Hriish the side of the oven clenn. then get nt the most Important part, the hot torn. Nome ovens have n plate on the Inside Hint lifts out, some a plate on the outside; some nre made to be drawn out altogether. If you have a stove mnn once to clean for you anil see how he does it you will not need him again. Notice how he gels at tile bottom, and above nil, see that he leaves things so that you enn take out. the cover or oven yourself when you wish to. You call get the ordinary M-rapcr at. any department store, and also n longhauilled dust brush or whisk broom. These will answer In nearly every case. This Is a dirty job. but should be attended to once u month. Much often depends upon how the fire box is kept. Masses of clinkers are allowed to gather on the bricks. These should be removed by common salt placed on them while the tire is hot. If they do not come off the first day they will the second or third by using more unit, nnd tapping them with the poker, bo not let ashes or cinders gather about tho top of the fire box. In starting a Are dump everything out. Do not try to mart a lira on top of ashes or cinders, as It will often sulk for a whole day. The cinders can be burned to good advantage on top of the fire afterward. Use us little pnper as possible In starting, and do not pack the coal in. Fill the box to the top of the bricks and no further. Tok ing the tire spoils it, shaking never hurts it. If you range sets Into the wall and the pipe runs si might up into a sheet iron board, and tho draft la poor, the chances are that the pipe does not con nect with the flue, but runs Into the open space above the hoard. Have the pipe run up into the end of the flue und you will find a vast Improve ment. Then, If things are sot satis factory, there must be sorathlug wrong with the chimney. , Rice, Baked with butes Two even tablespoons rice, one quart milk, obo cup of dates, atoned, one salt spoon salt. Bake very slowly, with just enough heat to keep mixture bubhling gently. Btir once or twice; then allow to brown. Buke one and a half hour, or until rice is thoroughly soft. Serve very cold. Potato I'uucuki'n Pare, wash aDd grate four large or six small potatoes into n bowl and add quickly to them the beaten yolks of two eggs, half a teasiiounful of salt, and a tablespoon ful of tine bread crumbs. Bent in gradually the whites of the eggs, beat en to a froth and saute by spoonfuls on well-greased, smoking hot griddle. String Beung with Cbecse-This is not a coiumou way to cook beans but once tried it will bucoine a. favorite way. Cook the beuus as usual, after slicing them lengthwise in fine strips; drain. Put a tublespoonful of butter In a frylug pan over a hot fire; when melted add the beans, half a cup of milk, a teuspoonful of salt and a dash of cayenne pepper, and lastly stir in n heaping tablcspoouful of grated Par luessn cheese. Let all c-ouk together for five minutes aud you will have a delicious dish. TRIBE TRAVELS ON PASS. Piute Indians Still Rids Prss en Can tral Pacific Road. The blRgoat free pass vr Issued waa th one which the builders of tha Crntral raolnV gav to Johnson Sldrs, chief of th Plnte Indians of Nevada, for hlmsplf and people for life, to rlda hack and forth on all except passen ger rara na much as they pleaaed. It haa been a source of delight to tha Indiana to think that In one rase, at least, their paleface friends showed the gratitude which la so seldom ex pressed. Those were politic aa well as wise men who daringly started that early road, even before New York and Chicago were connected by rail. They knew that wltnont the friendahlp of ine Indiana me ishk wouin ob aimoni Impossible, and they began by treat ing the Indians well and keeping their word with them tho only "Indian policy" necessary and tho only one which hns ever succeeded. If you have tovcr happened to ride through Nevada on the railroad you must have been Impressed by tho fnrt that the Indians make themselves very much at home on the trains. They swarm over the platforms of blind baggage cars, on tho platforms of blind baggage cars, on the platforms of the mail and ex press cars, and on top of the core and empty flat cars. Sometimes a freight train pulls Into Reno with more tons of Indians and their baggago than It has of freight and there Is not a cent for any of them to pay. If there Is any possible excuse for them to travel they aboard and go until they get tired or get to the limit of the State, which ends their pass. Leud Telephones for Ships. One of the most important Instru ment on modern vessels is the so called loud talking telephone. Ex periments have recently been mads with It in the German navy, and have proved so satisfactory that instru ments are now being placed on most of the large sea-going ships. The spe cial value of this telephone lies In tha fact that a captain standing nn the bridge can easily hear any words that may be spoken to him from the in terior of the vessel, even though a violent storm may be raging at the time, and can In turn transmit without straining his voice his own orders to officers or men In any part of the ves sel. Had accidents have occurred through a misunderstanding of orders given at a critical moment, due to the fact that the words were not dis tinctly heard, and It Is only reasonable to assume thnt casualties of thia kind can be avoided In tho future through the use of this loud-talking telephone. Unable to gland For Month Brcaui o' Sprained Ankle. Cl'RKO BY ST. .t A Con Oil. (From the Cardiff Time.) Among the thonaand of voluntary endorse ment of the great value of Rt. Jacob Oil for praina, stiff nem, and aorene, i that of Mrs. O. Thomas, Aleiandra Road, Gelli, Yibrod, Bear Pontypridd, Bouth Wale, who aaya: "It i with great pleaanre that I add my will. Ing testimony to the invalnable excellence of your celebrated Rt. Jacob Oil, a experienced In my own cae. I apralned both my ankles In walking down iomt atep o aererely thai I waa unable to tand for aereral month. The pain I uffered waa mott levere, and nothing that I turd helped me until I applied BL Jacob Oil, when they immediately became better daily, and In a abort time I waa able to go about, and soon after I waa quite cured. I am now determined to advise all pernor suf fering from paina to nt thi wonderful rem edy, which did ao much for me." lira. Thorn does not enlighten n a te what treatment ahe punned during the month the wa unable to stand, and daring which time he was suffering to much, but we venture to (uggeat that had ahe called In any well known medical man be wonld have at once have prescribed St. Jacob Oil, for it haa conquered pain upward of fifty yean, and docton know there ia nothing io good. Tha proprietora of St. Jacobs Oil have been award ed twelve gold medals by different Interna tional exhibition aa the premier pain-killing remedy of ths world. The committees who made the award were in each inatance com posed largely of the moat eminent medical men obtainable. Mr. Thomae evidently did not know the high opinion in which St. Jacob Oil ii held by aimoet every progreulvo med ical man. tThina i creator than Russia. Great Bri tain, Germany, France, Japan aud ths United autre compineq. Beat For the Bow.Ii. No matter what ail you, headache to s eanoer, you will never get well until your bowela are put right. CAecASETe help nature, euro you without a gripe or pain, produce eay natural movementa, eoet you Jut 10 cent to itart getting your health back. Cas- caskt Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put u IB aaeial boxes, every tablet baa U. stamped on it. Beware of imitation. The beat opportunities era those ws make for ounelvei. WUh All Marrj Chrlatmaal And tell them of Garfield Tea, whioh euros indigeatinn and liver diaorden and iniuree tba return of many happy Ohriatmaa Dinnen by removing the cauu of dypepia and ill health. We may ail be generous to s fault when the fault i our own. Religion is not taught in any Japanese achool. FITS permanently eured. Noflt or nerroui neaaiterfirt day s me of Dr. Kline's Oreat Nerve Reatorer. tli trial bottle and treatiae free Dr. R. H. KLisa, Ltd. ,81 Arch St., Phils. Pa, Greek fire was probably made of bitu men, sulphur, naphtha and nitre. Mn. Winalow'a Soothing Syrup for children teething, (often the gum, reduce inflamma tion, allay pain, euro wind colic. a&o a bottle. Now they are uiing a graaa-eutting au tomobile in tha Wet. Pise' Our is the best medicine we over ued for all affection of throat and lunra. W, O. EpaLT, Yanbunn, lad., Feb. 1U, 1900. Gold pana were tint made in 1810. Their sals to-day is 1,600,000 s year. A Cbrietmaa Fblloaopher i Be aaka three great gifts Health, Wealth snd Happineaa 1 Then give him Garfield Tea, it bring Good Health, promote Happine snd make the purmit of Wealth poaaihle. A married man's love doean't grow cold so long ss his breakfasts srs kept warm. HZWirlZ nra-ion'iF'ttrat.r C00K.8 A SICK MAN WELL PUT INTO A HOT STOVE ANO BAKED UNTIL CURED. The Theory of the Mrjr-Hnt-Alr Proeea I to Intensify tho llaneflt of the Tnrklah and Similar llntha im Danger or ttnaetlng the Patient. Knsllsh publications nre giving some space 1o what they call the "baking cure," by which a sick ttinu Is described as being "put Into a stove and cooked tint II be Is well." A hospital devoted to this treatment has Just been estab lished nt London, nnd the Idea seems to lie wholly novel over there. In tills city, on the other hnnd, where it Is knonn ns thermaerothernpy a word ctymologlcnlly iinlmpenchnble, but to be found only In the newest dic tionaries nlso called tho treatment by Mtperliented air, P.ellevue bus used the process several years, nnd a private hospital on the west side of the city practices It a I most exclusively. An other such Institution exists In Phila delphia, nnd still ot hets In Cincinnati and Chicago. The theory of the dry-hot-air cure Is to Intensify the benefits of Turkish mid similar baths. The patient's head being outside the machine, nnd in at mosphere of ordlnnry temperature, his body cnti stand much more beat than If the exposure thereto was complete. As the treatment Is essentially local. provided nothing Is the matter with his biol. there Is no need for a mnn to breathe other nlr than he is used to. There Is nothing startling in the gen cral conception of cnloritlc thernpeu tics. The hot-water bag Is one expres sion of the principle, nnd the homely mustard plaster another. The ruins of Athens, Alexandria, Bagdad, Cairo, Constantinople, Damascus, Herculn ileum. Pompeii, nnd Itotne contain the remains of hot-nil baths uncrpinlled to-day. Among the famous baths nf the Kternnl City, those of Agrlppn. ('aincnllit, Diocletian, aud Titus, none was without. Its caldarlum. or hot-air t number. Hippocrates, I'elsus and t'alcn extolled hot nlr ns n therapeutic agent. The Turkish bath is really a ltomnn revival. Constant Ine Intro- r-uced It l".o Byxntitlutn lifter bis con liticst. The ltitro.:.ectlon of the tbermaero thcrnplc npparntus nt once raised the temperature to which It Is possible to si'liject the human body from 170 to 4(K) degrees. Of course, neither the whole body nor any vital organ can be pot to tiny such heat. Between 275 and liHd degrees is the hottest that is safe for the truuk. To discriminate nmoug beneficial temperatures, three machines nre used the body, the leg nnd arm nnd the local styles. Tho body nnd the leg aud arm machines differ only in size, shape nnd a few minor de tails. The walls consist of three cou centric cylinders, separated by spaces nf an Inch nnd a half. The outermost tylinder Is of nickel-plated sheet cop per, lined with asbestos to minimize the external radiation of heal; the middle cylinder, of sheet steel, also asbestos lined; nnd the third of brass. with cork ribs to protect the pntlent from burning. Bunseu burners, ns many ns may be veiiuired. supply the beat to the space between the steel and copper cylinders and the products of combustion pass off through three flues. The steel cyl mder radiates tho heat, through many perforations In the brass upou the body of the patient. Fresh nlr is con Mitntiy fed into the second space, or circulating Jacket, aud escape into the tines nfter It has been vitiated. The patient lies upon u mat of fibrous magnesia, covering a layer of asbestos. The cylinders are mounted upon massive metal legs, nnd at either end of the body machine are wooden ex. elisions for the head aud lower limbs to rest upon. The apparatus looks like n combination of bed nnd stove, which Indeed It Is. It weighs about fifty pounds and the leg and arm machine 4Cgl. Tho lutter bus a glass door through which the attendant may watch the limb. The local device is a cork-rimmed instrument with various uttaehrueuts for the application of a swift, current of hot air to the car, all orts of common sores, and other pnin ful spots. The attendant mauipulntes the contrivance and regulates the tem perature. The air comes from a tank where it is stored under pressure, aud is heated as released. The treatment is employed to reduce obesity and relievo writer's cramp, fo rhcuuratiainT neuralgia, sciatica aud gout, pneumonia, asthma and pleurisy boils and ulcers,' but not tumors aud ouncers. The great danger is of literally roast tug the patient to death, although uo such fatality is on record. In addition to the protection afforded by the mug uesla mat and the cork ribs of the Ivass cylinder, each pntieut wears a bathrobe of outiug flannel, and must satisfy his phystclau In a physical ex nmlnation not only of the nature of his ailments, but of his ubility to eudure the process. His temperature, pulse aud respiration are taken, and If bis heart and lungs tiro not all right, the usual treatment Is modified according' ly. If they are radicully wrong, he will have to seek some other remedy, The average stay In the body-machine is from fofty-five minutes to an hour, Nearly every organ Is affected In some way. The skin becomes first flushed and theu mottled, and prickly beat may appear. The secretions of the sweat, sebaceous and lymphatic glauds are greatly stimulated. Epi thellul cells Increase, especially In the neighborhood of former eruptions. Af ter a few treatments tho eutlre epider mis becomes much softer and smoother. The heartbeats quicken from ten to twenty-five minute over the normal, unless the action of tho beat Is allowed to continue; more than aa hour and linlt. when lh?y become very rapid And feeble. From a couple to half a dozen more breaths than usual are drawn every minute, but the effort of over-exposure Js the snme ns upon the pulsations. Tito blood becomes more alkaline, nnd the numlier of ted cor puscles temporarily multiplies, but nnnemla may follow excessive ex posure. The temperature of tho notiy Is likely to rise from wo io live de grees above the regttlnr iilnety-elglit nnd a half. The sensory nerves urn soothed aud the patient may fall asleep. Leave him too long In the oven, and you may expect muscular twitching and general Irritability. Home patients say Unit after n limb hns been hetited nwhlle the release from pnln causes n sensation of the loss of thnt member. When the hent Is first turned upon the mail In the stove-bed he feels only n mild nnd genial wnrmttt. Below IfiO degrees no Inconvenience Is experi enced. Then be becomes thirsty, and the nurse gives him n sip nf water not too cold, which modest draught Is re pealed whenever be signifies bis de sire. At 18(1 degrees he becomes aware of ninny tiny strentnst of hent like so many sharp needles Impinging upon Ills body, but still be does ntrr suffer. He Is drenched with perspiration, nnd his feet seetn to have "gone to sleep." Some of the sweat Is actually turned Into steam, nnd may ho seen Issuing Ijxiiii the funnels atop the machine. jl inr negreen one iiecomcs iirenmy. nnd for the remaining eighty degrees to which it Is safe to subject a mnn functionally sound, tho experience Is said to be not unlike some of those described by De Qulncey. If the pa tient slumbers he is ensily restored by the rubbing that closes each treat ment. Then he rests nn hour or two, nnd upon going abroad, should bis cnmplalut permit, feels an exhilaration. Suppose a man hns a bud leg nnd lakes, say. 3.10 degrees of hent. It Is bard to convince hint he Is not being rousted nllve. His heart thumps fran tically, and bis blood seems ready to boil. Bags nf Ice nre applied to bis bend, one after ntiother. until the or deal Is over. lie does not get nil the he wants, but only n mouthful for the asking, finch hent would kill sooner or Inter were It not very dry. Its humidity is practically nothing. It was the humid bent that made this city so unplensnnt this summer. Massage anil electricity are applied subsidiary to tlicrmncrotbcrupy. if deemed expedient. An Interesting ad junct to the hospital In this city Is an ndjustable stnirense for the use of I in rt 1al cripples, who constitute n. tun- Jorlty of the patients. In determining their progress toward recovery. It Is it wooden Isosceles triangle, with sliding shelves along the equal sides, the third resting upon the floor, pulling out a shelf furnishes a step, and the steps may be as near together or as far apart ns seems fit, or nt Irregular In tervals, within certain limits. The pa tient can thus discover exactly what he can do In the way of climbing and descending stairs, and when he has nscertiiliied may utilize the framework lor practice nnd exercise. A woman who snld she had not walked for thirty-two years learned over again. Just as she bad iu the first place In childhood, and has experienced uo subsequent dltliciilty. accord I tig to the head nurse. Another achievement claimed for the concern is ihe reduc tion of a well kuowu public man in fifteen treatments from 218 lo ISO pounds, which weight lie has retained ever since. E. B. P.., in New York Evening Post. Thought II Vu Mail. The Into Count de Lesseps was trav. ellug on one occasion In a French rail way train. In a compartment with two commercial travelers. "I beg your pardon, sir," snld one of them, fancying that he belonged to their fraternity, "tire you not a trav eler?" "Certainly I am," said the Count. "We thought so! Whut is your Hue?" "Isthmuses." N "Wh-wu-wbat." asked the puzzled commercial, "what nre they?" "I am introducing ship canals," said lie Lesseps, gravely. The commercial travelers feared thnt they had fallen lu with a lunutlc, and wero makiug their preparations to es cape, when tho Count bunded them his card, and put them at their cits-.'. Penuy Mugnzlue. A Cat Save Seventeen Live. Seventeen persons owe their lives to tho actiou of an old pet cat. At day light Buxton Tr trace Hotel was de stroyed by fire. The flames were dis covered by Jerry, the hotel eat, which rushed iu frantic haste to the bed of Mrs. Aunle Meunlngcr, the landlady. Springing on her face the cat awoke her, and by frantically scratching away the covering aroused the woman to her danger, Then tho cat rushed through the house, caterwauling and scratching at doors until the lost guest was out. AU bad to dress running, wrapped in blankets. Two babies were In the house. " Jerry will bt re membered with a medal. Munltou (Col.) coircspoadeuco lu tbo Chicago Becord-Heruld. Bow Deeerta Are Reclaimed. Ia the Western country, where the farmers depend mostly on stock rais ing, a tract of five, ten or twenty acres can be Irrigated by meuus of wells pumped by wludmllls or engines. This small tract gives a large yield per acre ia the form of vegetables, fruit aud ulfulfa, enabling the farmer to keep pigs aud cows sufilclcut for home use. In some sections, such as the region about Gordon City, Ivan., irrigation is practiced ou a large stale. lievicw of Bevlsws. eves' M mts- Fame &k?i lief nanaBBBXMmi lydia Em Plnkham'a Vegoiablo Compound It trill entirely cure the worst forms of Female Complaints, all Ova rian troubles, Inffummat ion and Ulceration, Fnllinp; and Jimplaccmenfc of tho Womb, and ronspquent Spinal "Weakness, and is peculiarly adapted to the C'hnnrjo of Life. It has cured rnnro coses of Tlackacho nnd Leucorrhrra than anv other remedy tho world has ever known. It is almost infalliblo in stick cases. It dissolves and expels tumors from the Uterus in an early stag9 of development, and checks any tendency to enncerous humors. Irregular, Suppressed or Painful ifenstrnation, "Weakness of tho Stomach, Indigestion, Moating, Flooding, Nervous Prostration, Head ache, fJeneral Debility quickly yields to it. Womb troubles, causing pain, weight, nnd backache!, instantly re lioved and permanently cured by Under all circumstances it acts In harmony with tho laws that govern the femalo system, and is as harmless as water. It quickly removes that Boarlng-down Feeling, extreme lassi tude, "don't caro" and " wnnt-to-be-left-alono" feeling, excitability, irritability, nervousness, Dizziness, Falntness, sleeplessness, flatulency, melancholy or the "blues,'" and backache. Theso are sure indications of Female Weakness, or somo derangement of tho Uterus, which this medicine always cures. Kidney Complaints and Hackacho of cither sex tho Vegetable Compound always cures. No other fernnlo medicine In tlio ivorld lias received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. Ho other medicine tins such a record of cures of female troubles. Those women who refuse to accept anything else are re warded a hundred thousand times, for they get what they want a cure. Hold by Druggists everywhere. Itef use all substitutes. Mm (gUFIFHH pilli STRENGTH! flii PURITY! Illigj FLAVOR ! SoBti only in t-lli. Packages. Premium List in Every Package. Tor fhe rouml Uon heada cant from ihm fronts of UON COFFEE wrapparm eve mail FREE 1ht moat valuable pr&uenim over fforvd. Hro ore some of the LION'S LATEST GIFTS: falorrd Was rrayone scholar1 jar. Cornelian Atare far the bnrei Klre'llle Dalla for Utile glrle, firing Top which I lie ajrchln IrtlrUi Boa af Jarkatrawe a lively game. 1'lne rinnrr. nil well.knewn I fMr "C'hllflhr.od liar" la enre Io plcaee, Am will "Vlolrra and Nweet Pen. (ilfl from Heaven' a a rem ofart. A l.lvplr Tnle" enow a-uppie amort I "MlileHweethrnrt" I very rnte All are pretty, beyond dlepat I Baal 8leel Carer and Slelaaora tea .A men- the prearnta here for root flnltonhole HclsMora we end alonv. I.adlea Peuknivee or Jarkknlvea etronffs llellgloae Plrtnrea. rich and rare. 'loth-bonnd Novel road everywherei Diet tonarira for dally vae. Aad Tapestry Cover we ran prodarei eiiibarrlpttou to Amerlrn n tueea." Pocket Mntrh ajnfe. lb beet yrt eaa plea'a Necktie, varied In drl;n tnpei.der that are really Mar I And food Mteel Raxora. hoiiow reaad. With Leather Rasor rttrapa are fooadi A Weddlna- Rln. a Tnronelee Ring. An Opal Uiai will pleaeare brlai. A Oarart Kinf for youth or man. A Ilroorb-I'lii made on aeateat plant A Oliver nrarelel for lb wrlt, Aad Belt Ilalr Combe made of ToriaUe-aliell ftlx llalrplna of Ihe aame. aa wrlli And Rubber DreMlncf onto o Ana With Hair Braehee-a varied line I A Porcelain Clock enraly charms, ' We've alo tho that lve alarm. Aad Walcbea. too. foroitberaes. Which man or vtomaaeaaonaem Tbere'o Handkerrklefa far man aad wife. l.ace Handkerchief to laat a llfei Aad, for the I.adlea' prclal uae, einppertera. Oariora, wo prodncoi A Hhopplai Baa. or Ladles' Belt. Or Pocket. Bok to hold the "aeMt," , Aad Mllvor Tea or Table Hpaoaa Are lined la eur Premium boeost A Kltchea Knife aa abarp aad keea. Conaaicuoa In the I aeea. And 1.1 a ea Towel heuaewlfe'e pride. For Lion Head w will provide. Tooth.Uru.heeihat aroatro.i aad la. With bristle white aad f eaalaei And Hllver Napkin Rime ea neat Their eaaal yon but aeldoa meal i A heat of (IO both small aad (rent. Tao aumeroa la eaamoraloi They're here ta meet tho varied views Of the who HON COrPEB as I Illustrated Premium Woolson Spice rr f srr f. ,,.n anMwauBwiuawiaiacaw How Truly the Great of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Com pound Justifies Her Orig inal Signature. fl List In Every Package. Co., tolkdo, ohio. I A . i