The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 21, 1901, Image 1

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That to tmmiually swells from the J
morry, morry Christmas bolls will
be doubly enjoyable If you make to
your friends a gift. What so suit- 2
able ns a gift renewed every week X '
In tho year Tub Star.
f If you have anything to soil, any- x
thing to oxchnngo, If you have lost I
anything, found anything, or want
f " anything, use our "Want Column." J
I One cent per word. I
s ... s
Men's and Boy's Furnishings for Xmas Gifts
Of handsome or comfortable wearing apparel. A eelectiou from our list of 3
offerings for the next two weeks will be almost certain to please them. 3
g All grades from the cheapest to the 1n?st
t with gold, silver, horn or ivory handles.
B Special values at 1.75, 2.00 nnd 2.50.
For men or boys. In n large variety of
styles. Everything from woolen to
seal skin, at from 25c. to 8.00 per pair.
Every stvle that is made, yon will find
here in nil the latest designs and color
ings, large varieties of bows, teeks, as
cots, four-in-hands, once-ovcrs, combi
nation, nnd the new shield puffs for the
high lay down collars. All at popular
What more appropriate gilt from wives
to husbands or from children to
fathers? We have all kinds in every
fashion, in every shade and color, of
every material and style of decoration.
Our stock is the grandest and our prices
the smallest.
Of all discriptions, a complete assort
ment of handkerchiefs from cotton to
the finest silks; some plain white, color
ed bordorcd and initialed think of a
fine hemstitched, initialed handkerchief
for 10c.; silk ones at 25 nnd 50c.
Swcnters of every description. We have
just received a large assortment of
sweaters especially for the holiday trade
in all the new colorings and weaves for
men, boys, and children from 2 years
up. If you are thinking of buying a
sweater don't buy Ix-fore seeing our
We have mufllers made up in all shajics.
Large assortments of the squares at 25,
50, 75, S5, 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50, the al
ready shnjK-d and padded mufllers at 50,
75, X5, 1.00, 2.00 and 2.25, in all colors.
Also the knit sweater stvle in all colors,
at 25, 50, 75 and 85c. "This line is com
plete nnd up-to-date.
Put up especially for presents. 1 pair in
fancy box, some with glass lids nnd
some fancy pajier lids atf0, 65, 75 nnd
1 .00 a pair.
Made of fine flannelette in stripes nnd
plaids at 50, 75 nnd 1.00.
Another large assortment of .the very
latest slinks in hats and caps among
them the Panama and the New Pnmlico
hats in all sizes and shades. Nobby caps
for boys in all colors nnd shapes.
In splendid qualities of percale of the
newest striiie and check effects. Style of
cuts, in pink nnd white, blue and white,
and black and white laundered a pair
of detached linked cuffs with each shirt,
all sizes and prices.
Special suits nnd overcoats for the holi
days. Stylish blouse suits, for boys of
from 3 to 12 years. New holiday styles,
faultlessly made serges and cheviots
neatly trimmed nt 1.25,2.50,3.00,3.50.
nnd 5.00.
Roys winter overcoats nnd reefers made
in fight styles nnd big values at 1.25,
2.25, 3.00, 4.00 and 5.00.
Hoys knee pants, stripes, plaids nnd
plain colors nt 18, 25, 50, 75, 1.00, 1.25.
Clothing for the young men in the same
style nnd quality of workmanship ns
that for the grown men, the Ix-st made
for the money paid.
Overcoats for young nnd old men in all
the newest styles 42, 44 nnd 50in. long
oxfords, brown, black, and blue, with
worsted, serge or silk linings at f rom
18.00 down to 3.90 for men; and from
12.00 down to 2.90 for young men; we
think we have the Ix-st assortment of
styles, sizes and prices to be found nny
where in our town or nny of the sur
rounding towns. Call and convince
yourself that this is the best place to buy ,
clothing. Goods that do not give satis
faction must be replaced by new gar
ments or money refunded. No risk to
run for the consumer whatever.
H. W. EASON & GO, 1
S Next Door to Postoffice. Store open until 10 p. m. until Christmas. Reynoldsville, Penn'a. 3
Want Column.
Rb)r: One cent per word for each nnd
every limertlon.
For Sale 30 feet front on Main st.,
1 lot east of opera house. Inquire of
E. M. Evans.
Bureaus, bodstencts, Ac, at big bar
gain prices. A Iho chairs, wash stands,
etc, saved from Are and pood as now.
Call on or write Frank J. lllack, Uoyn
oldsvllle, Pa.
For sale Good piano at very low
price. Heason for selling: parties are
leaving town. For particulars Inquire
at The Star office.
Fine second hand sowing machine for
sale cheap., Inquire at The Star office.
To Let Residence on Hill Btrcet.
Also one on Worth street.
M. M. Fish eii.
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenses were
Issued the past week by John D. Evans,
Clerk of Courts of Jefferson county:
Robert A. Rogers, of Klttanning, and
Sadie M. Over, of Pittsburg.
John B. Swyers, of Sugar Hill, and
Molllo A. Stegall, of WlnchoBtor, Ind
iana. Mathew Lelborton and Esther Lav
erlck, of Prescoftvlllo.
Charles Moore and Margaret John
ston, both of Desire.
Jaroos Adamson, of Soldier, and
Lizzie Yoho, of Wlnslow township.
C.C. Watt and Maude Shields, both
of Jefferson county.
Christmas Oift Suggestion,
While wondorlng "what under the
sun" to get your husband, wlfo, brother,
slBtor or friend for a Christmas present,
has It occurred to you that a year's sub
scription for The Star would be an
excellont present, one that would bn a
gentle reminder overy week during tho
year of the giver. What othor present
could you get for 91.00 that would recall
tho giver so often. The STAR gives all
the Important local and county news
every wook. Call In and buy a year's
receipt for your frlond. It will be ap
preciated. Try It.
Pants Almost Given Away,
Seventy-five dozen pairs of pants are
now offered for sale at tho Reynolds
villo Woolen Mill for from 75 cents to
$1.50 per pair, which Is loss than half
price for those goods. This offer will
bo open for DO days and persons want Ing
a bargain should not miss this oppor
tunity. Tho pants are guaranteed to
bo first-class winter pants.
Pockot books and travelling cases at
S toko's.
Silverware, tho largest stock at Good -cr's,
the jowolor.
Bargains at tho Roynoldsvllle Woolen
Mill In ends, seconds, remnants, blankets,
Ilannols, hosiery, shirts, pants, &o. But
a small quantity of each of the above.
First oomo, first served.
Transactions in Real Estate.
M. W. Smith to Annie Pollum, for
land In Washington township. 125;
June 28, 11)01.
Central Land and Mining Company
to E. Neff, for land In Wlnslow town
ship. S!); November 14, Mil.
James Burns to Thomas Swanson. for
property in McCalmont township. $6T0;
August If), 1!K)I.
Jane Sharp to James Filmore Sharp,
for lot In Wlnslow township. ftTO; De
cember 11, 1U01.
Henry Zimmerman to Punxsutawney
Street Railway Company, for land In
McCalmont township. December
9, 1(H)1.
Joel Bust to W. R. Best, for land In
Wlnslow township, $300; June 22, 1!I01.
Adam Mlllor to Thomas B. Grafllus,
for property In Big Run. $375; July 13,
Did Themselves Credit.
An Incident occurred during General
Sweeney's lecture before the teachers'
Institute Monday evening, that Is
worthy of being recorded, as It shows
the place Admiral Schley has In the
hearts of the peoplo and their readiness
to accord him full credit for his splen
did victory over Corvora's floet at San
tiago. The lecturer wbb discussing our
navy, and stated that an emergency
never arose but a hero was forthcoming
equal to It, ciMng Paul Junes, Commo
dore Perry, Admiral Dewey, and finally
Admiral Schley as examples. Dewoy's
name evoked cnoers, but there was a
storm of applause at the mention of
Schloy's name. Gonoral 8woonoy de
nounced In scathing terms tho naval
clique now hounding Schloy. Brook
vlllo Dcmncmt.
You Need a Stove.
Ours are guaranteed or money refund
ed. We keep ingrain and brussolls car
pets, prario grass, China and Japan
mattings, linoleum, cork carpet, tablo
and Moor oil cloth, iron bods, pillows,
mattresses and feathers, couches, rock
eri, dining and kltehon chairs.
HALL'S House Furnishing Store,
Opposite Post Offlco.
Says He Was Tortured.
"I suffered such pain from corns I
could hardly walk," writes H. Robin
son, Hillsborough, Ills., "but Bucklun's
Arnica Salvo completely cured them."
Acts like magio on sprains, bruises,
cuts, sores, scalds, burns, bolls, ulcors.
Perfect hoaler of skin diseases and piles.
Cure guaranteed by H. Alex Stoke, 2"o.
See that fine assortment of rings at
Goodor's, the jowolor. From $1.00 up
to $125.00. Every ring guaranteed to
be solid gold.
Japanese napkins glvon free to every
person buying oysters at Frank's res
taurant for festivals or society suppers.
Don't forgot Goodor, the jowolor, for
holiday goods.
fancy pieces of china to select from
at Hoffman's, the jeweler.
Republican Primary Election In Feb'iusiy.
There was a large attendance of
county committeemen at the Republi
can convention held In the court house
at Brookvllle Wednesday afternoon.
The resolutions presented at the meet
ing held in Brookvllle on 4th Inst., pro
posing several changes In the rules
governing the Republican party In
Jefferson county, mention of which was
made In The Star on 11th Inst., was
passed unanimously. Among tho
changes was that In presidential and
gubernatorial years the primary elec
tion for nominating all candidates for
state and county offices bo held on third
Tuesday of February. The polls to be
open from 7:00 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. Each
momber of the primary election boards
are to got $2.00 per day when polls aro
open all day.
The passing of resolution to hold tho
primary election next Fobrunry means
that the candidates will hustle from
now until that time. The candidates
that we know of positively are as fol
lows: Congress, Hon. W. O. Smith, of
Assembly, Hon. Henry I. Wilson, of
Big Run, Lex N. Mitchell, of Punxsu
tawney, Curtis R. Vasblnder, of Brook
vllle, S. Taylor North, of South Young
Sheriff, John H. Null, of Sykesvlllo,
J. W. Curry, of Snyder township, Char
les Hawk, of Young Township.
Treasurer, George M. Oaloy, of El
dred township, R. U. Mcintosh, of
Washington township, J. B. Means, of
Perry township.
Register and Recorder, Gil C. Reltz,
of Brookvlllo, John D. Evans, of Brook
vllle. l'rothonotary, Cyrus H. Blood, of
County commissioner, Jacob Shaffer,
of Rathmel, Newton Webster, of Polk
township, Harvey D. Haugh, of Union
township, A. F. Reltz, of Beaver town
ship, Jacob C. Smith, of Young town
There are others who will bo candidates.
Macklnaws and homespuns at half
price to closo out at Roynoldsvlllo
Woolen Mill. .'100 yds macklnaw 54
inch, in black, brown, blue, and grey,
at H)c. yd., just the thing for over
shirts and horse blankets. Also 1,000
yds homespun 54 inch at 35o. yd., theso
are first class bargains.
Hats at cost at Mrs. Suttors.
Fancy golf gloves at Mlllirons.
Suo Robinson's show window for tho
most complete lino of sllppors In town.
Mon's gum boots for $2.50 at Robin
son's. Watch repairing a specialty at Good
er's, tho jeweler. All work guaranteed
to give satisfaction.
A big reduction of from 25 to 35 per
cent on men's and boy's clothing will bo
given at the Peoplo's Bargain Store, A.
Katzen, proprietor.
hi ir
BING-STOKE CO. deft store
It's a happy, contented lot of Christmas shoppers that's crowding our stores these days. They are getting what they want and makimg
their Christmas nioney go to unexpected length. THE STORE WHERE THERE'S EVERYTHING THAT PEOPLE WEAR AND MOST
THINGS THAT PEOPLE WANT has caught the Christmas contagion that's everywhere and is now in splendid shape for Xmas trade. The in
vitation is cordial and we welcome you to an early inspection of
The greatest gathering of Gifts, Sensible, Useful, Practical and Beautiful that's within your reach to-day.
This does not tell Half the Story.
When you buy n basement bargain be
sure to give a GU6SS Oil ttl6 081116 Ol that
tiandSOIJie dOll "in our show window. You
may be the lucky guesser. Contest closes at
10:00 p. m. Christmas Eve.
A Partial List of welcome
Gifts for Men and Boys
It Your Inclined to be Practical .
Give a gift of clothing. Any man or boy will
thoroughly enjoy it. Here's a hint of prices:
Men's Overcoats $4 to $20. Men's Suits,
3.50 to $18. Boys' Overcoats, 1.98 to $12.
Boys' and Youths' Suits, $2 to $12, Mens'
and Boys' Trousers in widest range.
Fine Footwear Is another ftappu
Holiday. Hint.
In the whole county you'll not find the 6hoe
satisfaction of Bing-Stoke Co. We've Foot
wear for all the family and 6cll only most re
liable shakes.
Men'i Shoes I Boys' Shoes I Women's Sh's I Girl' Shoes
z.oo i
Kid Gloves,
Scotch Wool Gloves,
Holiday Neckwear,
Fine Suspenders,
Wool Sweaters,
Fancy Hosiery,
Dress Shirts,
Scarf Pins,
Cuff Buttons,
Silk Handkerchiefs,
Linen handkerchiefs,
Suit Cases,
Satchels, Etc.
The various lines
suggested here mere
ly hint at the wealth
of pleasing, sensible
things that we have
for the male contin
gent who are to be
remembered at
Christmas time. A
matchless variety
linked with except-
Much In our basement for modest purses
Useful, practical things, handy for house
hold utility and home comfort. The base
ment is by no means the least attractive
part of this store and holiday buyers are
finding that out.
For your wife, mother,
sister or sweetheart, our big
cloak department has many
splendid gifts.
Furs In allStules
75c to $25.00.
All Suitable Things Dear to the
Feminine Heart for Xmas Gifts.
Automobile coats,
to $25.00.
Will be Santa Claus' choicest
gift (or many a little girl. Ho's
making doll headquarters hero
and at bis request we aro show-
Inn knnAiuil. nf twin t. I f i . I il . I n .
, M u Mill I.U. .J 1 ugRutiiut, UU1U .J
tonable price advan- Md UDlque klndi of th8 doll
tages is bringing fltmliy. From the plainest to the
best. Prloes ifr. to 14.08.
One's fancy has
widest play in our
Christmas stock.
Every taste has been
provided for. Gifts
for old nnd young
any of them will
bring pleasure, to
the recipient. We
name a few of the
most appropiate.
Silk nnd linen hand
kerchiefs, Kid, Mocha Gloves,
Golf and Silk Gloves,
Linen Table Cloths,
Linen Napkins,
Linen Towels,
Chatelaine Bags,
Toilet Kequisets,
Work Boxes,
Fancy Baskets,
Toilet Articles,
Etc., Etc.
Women's Jackets,
Natty styles, $5.00 to
Other welcome Things.
Silk and Flannel Waists, Capes, Fur
Coats, Silk Petticoats Walking and Dress
Skirts, Knitted Shawls and Fascinators,
Dainty Neckwear and Fine Hosiery.
Holiday Slippers.
One of the best holiday remembrances.
We show many styles for men, women,
boys and girls. All prices.
ll.lVtoiU.60 Otto to i
OHo to 93.60 dUo to 12.00
: 1