Wlt Star Subscription $1.00 per year in intranet. O A. BTKPII UNION. Kdltor mid I'nb. WEDNK9DAY, DKCKMUKIt 4. 11K)1. ' AhIikTTmm'IiiIi'mMih'bI mMr. pnTiiTTn'i1iv'tT WnlnemliiY nl Kijrnot(lvllli, Jinrin To. H.. dm-mi'd In tlii lnt'riitmf Hi'vihiIiI-ivIIIb .inl.lITirn(iiuMHiiiljr. Non-pollUi'ni.wlllttent Rll wltli fulrntw,. timl wllltiimHM-litlly frlunil Iv IowanIm tbp InlHirliiK rlii. Uommunli'MliiiiK InKMiili'il for tMilillmtlim diiiat Iw noi'iiiniiitiilvil lijr Iho wrltir' niim. not for piiDlli'iktlon, hilt n n Kiiiiriinl.-f of (oodfnllh. liUeri'Mlim nnn lttmn milli-ll !. AilvMrtlnliiK mil's iimdo known on niilli'n tlon nil Ills offlfP. . . IrftnKliijr rmmiiiiiitrn11on nun rnnimn of Ufertlwrnontu nliouUI rtni'h till otlli-o liy Mondny noon. Siilm'rlnt Ion nrlwll .on pnr yonr, In ml vnnre. AdilnK nil rmniniiiili'nt loim to O. A . Blfpli- nnon, Hnnol(ltvllli, Entrnxl nt llio Mwiollli-e Bt. Ui-ynoldnvllle second clans mull mntli'r. Tho window Rlnss worker' Insurance) plan, which liim bticn voloil on by tho ubordlnnte lodgi's of tho nwMH-lntlon, wns npprovoil. Hy tin' now tlnn 1 ho holrs of tho monitor will rooolvo $1, 0(H) on tho death of any nu'intor. Tho formor Insurance) 'was IIIiH). Xuthmal Olas Huthjii. With a fine stores In town a can to found outside) of tho largo cities, thoro ii no earthly excuse for any ierin In this place or surrounding ciiminiinlty going or minding to tho cities or other town for goods of any kind. Try homo merchants. Compotlon was never as sharp in Iteynoldsvlllo as It Is now, and tho buyer gets tho benefit. See? The Clarion Jarkronian and tho C'lnr lon Republican have consolidated and will hereafter bo published as tho Clar ion Jiqmblican. One of -tho reasons given by Editor VVhltohlll for discon tinuing the Jarkmmian was "the field Is too limited to siip)ort three papers." Ho also said: "Few ooplo who havo not had actual experience realize tho amount of work accomplished hy tho man who undertakes to edit a local pa per, and at the samo timo keep tho books, look after advertising, job work, subscriptions, otc." You are right, nro. Wtaltohlll. The Oama Was Cancelled. The "Indian" foot ball team of this place was booked to play the "Colum bia" team of DuUols at tho latter place Thanksgiving, but on tho morning of the day the game was to bo played tho DuBols team cancelled thoengagemont, and on Friday ono of tho DuUols papers got funny and said, "Rcynoldsvillo was afraid of the cars" and that "Manager Frank Bohren'a silk workors, of Keyn oldsvllle, owing to getting into tho tangle of a spool of unwound silk, that tbey could not got out of, they failed to put In an appearance." Saturday the tame paper made tho following state ment: "It was stated In this paper yester day morning that there was no football game between Itoynoldsvlllo and Du Uols on Thanksgiving because the form er team backed down. This statement was published on tho Information given to the reporter upon authority presumed to be good; but It Is understood that the game was canoollod by tho DuBols management on account, as a party to the engagement says, of tho weathor indications which wore very unfavor able." Christmas Gift Suggestion. While wondoring "what undor the sun" to get your husband, wlfo, brother, elstor or friend for a Christmas presont, has it occurred to you that a year's sub scription for The Star would be an excellent presont, ono that would be gentle romlndor every week during the year of the giver. What other pres ent could you got for $1.00 that would recall the giver so often. The Star gives all the important local and county news every week. Call In and buy a year's receipt for your friond. It will be appreciated. Try it. Card of Thanks. I take this method of expressing my heartfelt thanks to the friends and neighbors for their kind assistance dur ing the sickness and death of my daugh ter, Julia. John Brennan. Horses for Sals. An extra good lot of draught teams and single horses for sale or exohangod. All stock guaranteed as represented at Brookvllle fair grounds. A. man stepped into Milllrens the Sl"?d7 Bnd Baid: "Here is one of your 10.00 suits I bought 5 years ago. I would like to get another one just like It" It isn't any wonder Milllrens suc ceed. Umbrella's from 40 cent to $7.50 at Butters. Umbrellas, just the thing for a nice Christmas present from 13.00 to $10.00 at Gooder's jewelry store. Come and get prices on Lorgnette chains at C. F. Hoffman's. Belling shoes, that's our business. Robinson's. Come and see the bargain counter of hoes at Johnston & Nolan's. The finest line of watches at Gooder's jewelry store. Over 100 gold watches to select front. Forjrour new orereoat or suit, try Milllrens, the reliable. ' One hundred pairs of ladles4 shoes at Johnston & Nolan's below eost 'Watches from $1.00 up at Gaoler's Jewelry store. Up-to-date wearing apparel cost do snore at Milllrens than past idea on $ THE GREATEST "r in ir rr-r nnn rr DEPARTMENT STORE or fa fa fa fa fa fa A fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa MILLIRENS Hats Dependable Winter Clothing The Dollar you pay us for wearing apparel always comes back to you with an increase in the way of good wear and satisfaction. The kind of wearables we sell makes us friends. The more you wear them the more you pin your faith to M-I-L-L-I-R-E-N-S. y-CCCCCCCCCOC i up-ill r-wr, ....... Ti ft NEW M UKt. INJ r- W I GOODS, NEW J BIG STONE BUILDING Jj and Shoes. ! MEN'S SUITS AND TOP COATS OF TIIK HIGHEST (1KADE. If you liave been paying from to f 40 for your huUr made by tailors, we would like to have you take time to Bee what can be done here for $12.00, 14.00, iflC.OO, I? 10. 00 and $18.00. Heady -to-wear clothing an we Bell it, represents the top notch of good tailoring. Men's Winter Suits and Top Coats RIGHT IN STYLE MAKE AND PHICE. Our chothing department gives unbounded oppor tunity to the man who would dress well and keep within a moderate price. $3.50 to l.r0 will get a young man's stylish suit or top coat. Suits of exclusive olive, green, oxford, brown and nobby Btripo. Some have the fancy re versible vest, same as cut. Overcoats in tan mixtures or oxford coverts, tail ored in Chesterfields, Itaglnns, yoke, or the famous swagger style. A STEP HIGHER IN SUIT AND TOP COAT QUALITY. - flO gets unusual excellence. This is a modest These suits come in unfinished worsteds, diagonals, vicunas, clays and fancy worsteds. These overcoats come in kerseys, meltons and friezes, all colors, all styles price hut it means much more quality here than it and each coat or suit bears the union label, guaranteeing well made, clean garments, does in any other clothing stock in this county. Men's Boy's & Children's Head wear. The new "WAL DORF" is the latest arrival. It is shown in black end nutria, $1.50 and $2.00. Well made stiffhats, of correct shape. AH shapes and dimensions, $1.00 to $5.00 for the well known Knox Hats. Cape and Toque for the little fellows. . .V J' II M Tl 3 ?. i"1 , GOOD WARM Wool Underwear OK THESE COLD DAYS. MEN'S AND HOYS' OLOVHS. fa . , MSmlmW mlA fa nm U A greater selection than nil others combined. Golf gloves, all colors ami all grades. leather gloves from the mule skin to the finest mocha, 2rc to $4-.00. Natural Randon, should brinu more money, only 25c. Fleece lined, double plush back mid nat ural, 50c. Dr. Wright's fleece-lined natural wool and lnncy fleece-lined and wool, $1.00 to $2.50 jkt garment. Men's and Bous' Good Winter Shoes fa Our stnn'Jnrd shoe is the world wide fa well known IJostonian shown in' all the fa late toes of enamel, patent calf or vici fa kid, $3.50. A solid leather shoe for A $1.25 Visit us early for your Christmas shopping before the big rush sets in, as the first selections are nicest. Have anything laid away vou do not care to take home. And remember we are the leaderB i fV serviceable merchandise. No old stock carried over from last Beason fa fa IWI" 1 1 -rC X The Great Reliable Store. ,.'-LVl 11111 VZ1 lw, Big Stone Building. & 0? f i 'T T TRY H. IV. EASON & GO. For Boys' and Men's Suits, Overcoats, Shoes, Underwear, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Neckwear, Etc. We have large assortment of anything you oan think of for Men and Boys at prices aa low as ii" consistent with reliable merchandise. Goods must give satisfaction or money cheerfully refunded. We close at 10:80 a. m. Thanksgiving Day for the balance of the day. H. W. EASON & CO., Next door to Poetoffice. Reynolds ville. Pa. AT TUF DTr OTADL7! BUSINESS IS EARNEST It abounds, increases, inultijdies daily. No lull, no inertia, no apathy. Stagnation is unknown here. Activity is Bupreme. Autumn season and holiday business abounds with enthusiasm; yet this boom is not wholly normal. It is greatly brought about by our constant effort to improve our service to you, to show you the best merchandise in the market, to Bell goods that are made by reliable manufacturers at the lowest possible prices, and to treat all with sincere courtesy. Perhaps you have noticed in our advertisements that we dc not continually talk cheap goods. We want to emphasize the fact that we do not handle any merchandise on which we cannot put our stamp of recommendation, NOTICE We buy only from reliable manufacturers upon whose guarantee we can conscientiously place our guarantee. This is how we can guarantee every dollars worth of goods we sell. This is how we can cheerfully refund you your money if purchase not satisfactory. This is how we can guarantee our prices to be the lowest for ivhich you can buy seasonable and serviceable merchandise. We will mention below a part that goes to make up the volume of our business. t ft X 9 LINENS. GOODS. Our assortment of Dress Goods never was so complete. We have all the leading shades in the different weaves for 25c a yard up. Our French Flannels have also been very good this year as is evidenced by the fact that we had to just place an order for a new shipment. Turkey Red Damasks, guaranteed fast colors, at 25, 35 and 45 cents. Half bleached Damasks in Linen, 36 inches wide at 25 cents.. 4-t inches wide at 50c. A verv pood heavv half bleached 62 in. wide at 65c. Bleached in widths from 36 inches to 60 at 25 to 50 cts. a yard. Best bleached in snow white with satin surface at $1.00, 1.50 and 2.00 a yard with napkins to match. We have just received a shipment of sheets and pillow cases. We sell sheets 81 x 90 at 45, 55, 65 and 70 in hemmed and hem stitched. Our Outings and Canton Flannels are one of our strongest lines as we almost daily re ceiving new shipments of these. 6c, 8c and 10c a yard. fiT -f" A XQ! We have just received a new supply of "WOOLTEX" gar 1 M A M f rV sT. ments which have become so popular in the last year. We have - now a good assortment in the three leading styles, the 27 in. coat, the length and the Jong coat, pur coats range from $5.00 to $35.00. We have also an unbroken line of Males' Jailor-Made huits. Suits frorn $5.00 to $25.00. Our best ns sqrtrncnt js the popular price $J.Q.0Q and $12.0Q sujts. TTYTTTP Q We have just received a shipment of Furs comprising all the new JP IJXVOt tn?ns manufactured, The Florodora in Beaver, Martin, Fox and Hfibfe are the leading sellers at present, We have the Electric Seal from KSc to $3,50. inc near is a long rjoa at 7.ou, We have but one pgt of mink furs left at $30. We will just mention our Kid Gloves, Golf Gloves, Veilings and Bona in Chiffon, which are all very good. We close at 10.30 a. m. on Thanksgiving for the balance of tho day SHIGK 6c WfGNER, TH6 BIG STORe. Next door to PostofRce. Reynoldsville, Penna