The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 20, 1901, Image 4

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OTIte Star
Mi'iirrijiion $t.OOirr trir in mlvnnrt.
V A. MTKI'IIKNflON. Kriltoranit Tnb.
wTniNKsiuvT novkmhkk . hhh.
Knlrtil nt tli ixwlofllre nt. Uynililnvltlo,
I'n., imm'iMiiiit rl nmll mnlli'r.
Tlio proHcnt lnliitt lnim ni-o thntthprn
will lie Uopiilillrun cnnilldiUt'H gnltiro
next spring for tin; various county olllwn
to bo filled, exwptlng tho olhYo of pro
thonotary, mid It Is not nt nil likely
that C.yrnn 11. Hlood, tho present In
cumbent, will linvo nny opposition for
tho noiiilnntlon for n second term. Mr.
Wood pays strict ntteiitlon to bimlnen
and hns proven himself to lie so com
petent mid accommodating during hi
prenunt twin that It would be. b wawto
of tlmo mid money for miy oilier Hepub
llean to bo a candidate for prothonolnry
In 1!M)2, mid we In-llevo this fuet I o
well known Hint no Republican, mutter
not how anxious ho may bo to run for
tho nomination, will nniioiinep himself
against Mr. Mlood, for he corlnlnly linn
tho lend for next time.
Old fogylsm ha n pretty strong gi'lp
on iib, iMM-hnpo for evil, perhaps for
good, mid doe not Deem to mind liiiieh
tho ravings of countless magazine and
journals devoted to protest against tho
ways of this (tald old world. Hut fogy
lsm drives men mad sometimes and the
madness appears In the nonsensical
names and mottoes adopted by tho re
form magazines. Out In Colorado a
brilliant lined Journal Is Issued an
nouncing Itself as a "pungent periodi
cal of pessimistic prownsltkR published
on prtnelplo In the Interest of the per
vorted and tho pious, tho pauper and
tho prince." Another ealls Itself "a
journal of protest," and devotes pngo
after pago to mere fault Uncling with no
other aim than to find fault, and as It Is
all written by one man, one Is Inclined
to remark thnt "ho doth protest too
much." This journal assures tho pub-
llo that It 1b a "molo-hllnd, stupid thing,
right only in its Instincts," and some
98,000 pooplo Boom to approve this sen
tlmcnt by subscribing for it. Which
seoms to show that tho profession of
protesting is a paying ono.
Tho pooplo, somo of them at . least,
like to bo humbugged, even as Show
man Barnum used to observe. From
tlmo to tlmo advertisements appenr In
the papers of "AbscntTreatmontCures"
wherein sorao enterprising Individual
does solemnly agrco to euro all mortal
ailments from ingrown toenails to lep
rosy simply through tho agency of his
most magnotic mind not neglecting to
montlon that payment must bo tnado in
advance. That theadvortisemcntsshould
appear Is not strango, for 'tis a habit of
men towards men to hoodwink them
when they can. Hut that these Impostors
should find victims so numerous Is pass
ing strango. Ono of theso hoalers exhl
bits sworn testimonials to thoelTcct that
"by earnest thought the healor had
caused a third set of tooth to grow In his
patient." Anothor avors that after six
teen days of the healer's mind treat
ment, hair had grown on a bald head
of twenty-seven years standing. Fori
tunatoly for the people tho unlm
aginative ones Uncle Sam Isconserva
live to the vory core and, fulling to
see the reasonableness of this modern
method of hoallng, bluntly calls Ha fake
and denies the use of the malls to such
as are dotected.
This Is a very practical age In which
It Is taken for granted that all men are
born free and unequal, but It is hard to
understand why the English nation
noted ever for Its sound, shrewd vlows
of life, should persist In allowing their
ancestors to think for them Id one par
ticular the veneration paid to one who
happens to be born in the family of an
aristocrat. There was a time when
war was the business of mankind
when the lords of England had a mis
sion In the world, when veneration for
them was as reasonable as It was pru
dent but that was all long ago. The
Duke of York, heir to the throne, has
just completed a trip around the world
and wherever be stopped, his trip was
a continual ovation. Yet what has he
ever done to merit the applauso of the
world? He happened to be born In the
family of a noble, and the Enellsh na
tion takes It for granted that the child
of a lord has by birth all those accom
plishment which others can obtain
only by constant endeavor and study.
It is nonsense, but tho delusion Is com
plete, and the aristocracy, absolutely
useless now, thrives on the taxes of the
masses of the nation. Some day the peo
ple will awaken and when tbey do the
streets of England will run with blood
even as the streets of France did in the
demon dance of fury one hundred years
ago, when poverty, rags and common
sense clinched In death struggle with
a useless aristocracy snapping the life
of the nation.
Notice 1 hereby given that an application
will be made to the Governor of fuunaylva
nlnon Wednesday, 11th day of December, A.
I)., W. T.Cox., H. A. Stoke, Jame. O.
Mulliollan, Thomaa McOrelitht. lolin li. Bur
top, under the Act of AsMeinhly, entitled "An
Act U provide for the Incorporation and re
gulation of certain corporation," approved
April 2U," 1H74, and the several supplements
thereto, for the charter of an lnumdeu cor
poration to be called Ueynoldsvllle LlKhtaud
Power Company, the character aud object of
which la the manufacturing- and supplying of
light, heat and power or any of them by elec
tricity to the Dublle In the uorouirh of Itevn.
oldavllle, jefferaon County, Peunuylvauia,
Grand Opening
5$ from 3 to 8 p. m.
Sj Grand Opening
1 from 3 to 8 p. m.
THURSDAY, NOV. 21, '01.
On that flay we shall throw open our doors to the appreciative public. Every man, woman and child will be
welcomed into our new department store. We shall use every effort to make thin opening one to be remembered by all.
YVe want the crowds to swell our aisles bo that every available space will be taken.
Our store on that day will be what we aim to make it in the future, viz: oiuvof the most up-to-date and progressive
stores in Pennsylvania. So while you are listening to sweet strains of music furnished by one of the finest orchestras
in the country, you can pass from counter to counter and feast your eyes on such innumerable novelties as you have
failed to see before. Think of the storel Every dollar's worth of goods new, no old styles in anything to worry about
and a grand selection to pick from. So let us urge you to put everything aside. Your day's work at the house will not
be lost, it will be your gain to attend our grand opening next Thursday.
Remember the date, THURSDAY, NOV. 21, from J to H p. m.
I H. W- EfSON 6c GO. 1
I W. G. & B. Clntliin? is the Best that is Tailored. I
z There are several hundred wholesale clothing manufacturers in this country. Of this hundred you may count on the
fingers of your one hand those whose attire is in the first rank. We have bought from what we think the best clothing house 3
; in the country. The garments are tailored and finished up to the rigorous standard set for our apparel. We insist upon
: styles that are up-to-date in every detail the garments must be superior to the average. The man who buys here in
E the first place saves money because we shave prices down to the lowest possible limit. In the second place he gets the test 3
ideas of the most skilled designers and cutters in the country. In the third place he gets a perfect fit. These garments are r3
S made to fit him. Alterations free of charge. What custom tailor can offer you more, even at double our price. 3
and to auch peraona, Dartnerahlp and corpor
ations reiouiui tnerein or aojaceut inereuj aa
mar deelre the aame, aud for theae purpotiea
to have, poaaoaa and enjoy all the rivhla,
benefits and privilege of aatd Act of Aaaewb
ljr and the supplement thereto
' Kmith M. MoOuwht, Solicitor.
BejixoldavUle, fa., Nov. U, IM.
1 t '3. v
4 r) '"J
Men's Overcoats.
Styliah (jfarments made of all wool mixed
vlcunao. out with the proper full backs. Also
black and blue Kersey, popular box styles.
These coats can't be duplicated at the prices
1.1.00 to 18.00.
Men's Suits.
Cut Id the very latest styles from reliable
thlbets and vicunas; also the seasons new
ideas in mixtures, chocks and over plaids.
Each detail of make and finish Is looked after
in a way unusually found only in suits of a
hlifher price. Prioes from $3.50 to 118.00.
Young Men's Overcoats.
Medium or long coats, some with yoke,
others box effects. All the now swell effects
and materials are represented here. Prioes
from 92.90 up to12.00.
Young Men's Suits
Ages from 14 to 19 years. Made from black
thlbet, blue or black cheviots and fancy
tweeds and casslmeres. Broad shoulders and
up-to-date In every detail, rare values from
12.25 to 112.00.
Good assortments of bats, caps, shirts, neck
wear and underwear for men and boys. Also
the bust assortment of trunks, suit oases,
traveling bags, etc.
We Clothe Boys Better
than they have
ever been before.
Progress is the motto of our boys
dopartment. It is not only to the
front with tho largest selection of
styles but also shows a great many
novel Ideas. Hot tor workmanship
and finish cannot be found.
Boys double
breasted suits.
Boys double breasted suits of ma
terials ranging from reliable woolens
to finest of fabrics; no matter what
the price your money's worth is
guaranteed. Choice from $ti.50 down
to 90o.
Boys Sailor Suits.
The latest sailor blouse effects some elaborately trimmed, all neatly 3
roado. A wide range of oholue In the correct materials. Highest quality
at S5.00 then ranging in price down to 00c. 3
Boys Three Piece Suits.
Throe garment suits in all the new and staple fabrics of the lattest pat- 3
terns and tailorings. A choloe of these dressy suits that are unrivaled
at our prioes, which range from $5.00 down to $1.25. 3
Boy's Stylish Overcoats. 3
The very latest yoke effects In ex ford gray and novelty matorlals, aa
well as the plain fabrics, out lined and finished in a perfect niaoner and t
showing a matchless value from $0.00 down to $2.00. 3
Boy's Warm Reefers.
Snug, warm and stylish garments with ooat or storm collar, priced
from $3.50 down to $1.25.
We have started a bargain counter this week; on it you will find gpods at greatly reduced prices. These goods consist of
shirts, caps, gloves, neckwear, shoes, etc., there are not many of a kind but perhaps just the size you wear. Men's white 50c.
laundered shirts, 35c. Men's 75c. shirts, 48c. Men's $1.00 shirts. 73c. 50c. cans. 35c. Boy's cans 19c. Men's $2.25 shoes 2
98c. Neckties at 5, 10 and 15c
Next door to Postoffice. Reynoldsville, Fa. 2
There is no time of the year when
the housewife takes bo much pride in
nice Table Linens, Napkins and Tow
els as at Thankngiving. We havs just
received a uliipment of imported
Linens and kindly invite your inspec
tion. We have Linen from the hand
looms of every flax producing land and
we dc not hesitate in saying our best
ones are strictly all linen because they
are not blemished with cotton or tow.
See the assortment of patterns as they
will interest yon.
Trie big STorce.
Nkzt Doob ,to PoBTorrics.