The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 13, 1901, Image 4

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    CTe Stnr
.Stihwrtplirm $1.00 per vr n i(fwtwr.
A. Ktlltor and Pub.
AtilnrlrH,n(lrnt lornl imiipr.iiultlMii'dPVi'ry
Wetlnowliiy at KpyniiMtvlllc, .li'fforsnn l'n.
V.. dKVIIIml III till' IlltlTI'MlH llf Kl'VlllllllaVlllO
jnaJi'tTiTAonrniitity. Non-iHilMlrtil, will iri'iit
all with fnlrm. mill will lii'i'ipiH'liilly f rlt'iiil
v tnwnnln thr ItilHirliiit rlut.
llommiiiilriitlmn Inli'iiili'd fur tiiilillcntlon
ain.t hn ncconii'iinliMl Itythn whiit'h iihiiii',
not. for uiiDlli'iitlon, tint h n mmninli'i' of
V-.ind fnltli. Iiiti'rt'1ltitf iiowh hi'riiHHiilli'hf'il.
Ailvirlllnil hum mini" known on iippllru
tlon nt tlilmiffli'i.
fienitlily foiiiiiiiinlciilloiifi mill rlintitfn of
'iJvi'rtlHi'mi'ittH hIiouIiI rtMii'li Oils ollli'n liy
IVioniliiy neon,
Siitmrrtptlon prlrrtt.iOMr year, In iidvnni'i'.
Afldrfi iilleninmunlriitton. to r A. Hliph
n"nn, Id'TnoliNvllli', I'll.
Rnlnred nt t li piHtoltlcp nt. Kcynolrtflvlllp,
Pa., a. iierottd rlns. mull nmilrr.
Miss Julia SclnniRrs, who In working
In Iloynolilavllle, spent Sunday In thin
pi noo.
MIm Kmma Bliss, nf Dormer's Cross
Roads, wax a Hormtown visitor Hununy.
7.. S. Burkott wont t) C'urwensvlllo
J. I). Smith was at Kiiiorlckvillo
Miss Cora Horm Is visiting lire gi'Hml
paronts, Mr. and Mr. Daniel Donry
at Docmor's Croas Honda.
Mrs. Georgo Horm Is very 111 with
Levi Schugnrs, of Isomer's Cross
Roads, passed through Hormtown Wed
nesday. W. H. Schugars Is hauling hay at
S. J. Dean moved to Heynoldsvillo
last week.
II. T. Craven went to Michigan,
whore ho expects to remain for somo
tlmo. Christmas Oift for Little Money.
Sent as a year's subscription to The
Ymtth't Companion 1 .75 will huy the
fifty-two weekly Issues of The. Youth'
Companion for l!K)2. It will buy the
two hundred and fifty fascinating stories
In tho new volume, for UK):!.
It will buy the fifty Interesting special
articles contributed by famous men and
women to tho new volume for l!K)2.
It will ontitio tho new subxeriher who
sends In his subscription now to all the
Issues of lite Companion for tho remain
tng weeks of P.H11 free.
It will entitle tho new subscriber for
1902 to ono of The Companion' now
Calendars for 11HI2, lithographed in
twelve colors and gold.
Full Illustrated announcement of the
new volume for 1IK12 wll be sent to any
address free. '
The Youth's Companion,
I9n Columbus Avenuo, Boston, Mass.
Spreads Like Wildfire.
Whon things are "tho best" they be-
como -me nesi selling." Abraham
Hare, a loading druggist, of Belleville.
wnuis; -ciectric isiuers are tlio
best soiling bittors I have handled In 20
years." You know why? Most diseases
begin In disorders of stomach, liver,
' kidneys, bowels, blood and nerves. Elec
trlo Hitters tones up the stomach, regu
lates liver, kidneys and bowels, purities
the blood, strengthens the nerves, heneo
euros multitudes of maladies. It builds
up the entire system. I'uts now life
ana vigor Into any weak, sickly, run
down man or woman. Prico .10 cunts
Sold by H. Alox Stoko, druggist.
Winter Excursion Route Book.
In pursuanco of Its annual custom
the Passenger Department of the Penn
sylyanla Hailroad Company has just ls
SUed an'Ant.lVA nnrl fuminn..linnulN
book descriptive of the leading Winter
roSOrtM Of thfl K.ftut. unH M.iti.k nnA l...
- --- - - "."I Muu Hiv
ing the rates and various routes and
uuuiuumuons oi route or travel. L.lke
an tne publications of tho Ponnsvl
vanla Railroad Company, this "Winter
Excursion Hook" Is a modol of typo
graphical and clerical work. It is bound
m m uauumiuic UIIU nritlNMO COVOr in
colors, and contains much valuable in'
formation for Winter tourists and
travelers in general. It can be had free
oi charge at the principal ticket offices
aI I- H i 1 . . i ,
in inn i uunsyivania ivauroaa company
..111 I , .... ' J
or will be sent nostnald iinnn ann'iea
W. Boyd. Assistant Goner-
tlon to Can
1 Passenger Agent, Broad Street Sta-
nun, rnuaaoipnia.
Letter List.
List of unclaimed letters remaining
in me postomce at Koynoldsville, Pa.
week ending Nov. 9, 1901:
John Berly, Mary Smith, Goorge A
Schilling, J. W. Miller, Mrs. Jennie A
Deemer. R. P. Dnnlnn
Say ad vertisod and give date of list
waen caning ior a novo.
A. M. Woodward, P. M
Oreat Luck of an Editor.
"For two years all effort to oure Eo
sera In the palms of my hands failed,"
writes editor H. N. Lester, of Syracuse,
Kan., "then I was wholly cured by
Bucklen's Arnloa Salve." It's the
world's best for eruptions, sores and all
skin diseases. Only 25o. at H. Alox
Stokes drug store.
For rent Store room 28 x 60 ft.
quire of J. C. King & Co.
If you want a nloe shoe cheap, call at
Johnston & Nolan'a shoe store.
Good Bt and good shoes at the lowest
possible price at Johnston & Nolan's.
This Week we Start a Grand Sale in onr New Room.
With new goodn, In fact everything new. Our aim linn been, and we have succeeded, in making thin utore the inont HiitiHfnctory place to deal in HeynoldpvillH and wir
rounding community. Our ftore i the largeHt nud the ntock the bent for the leant money.
The cold weather will make you think about warm garments to wear. The next thought in, Where in the right place to go and buy what you need at the right price?
M1LLIKENS have demonstrated that their goods possess character, style and fit, and always at the lowest prices. Onr stock this fnll surpasses all former displays.
Ve have four times more room than we ever had, the stock Is larger and better than ever, Hie counters and shelving are fairly groaning under this mammoth stock. We give
unbounded opportunity for economy to the man or woman who would dress well and keep within the bounds of a moderate juice. Now we don't claim to have a patent on
selling merchandise but we do claim that no permanent success can be built on a shoddy foundation and as each of the' eleven years of our mercantile history has gone on
record with bigger sales than the preceding year, our goods must have been right ami the garments we show this season ure the best yet and while we advanced the stock
and qualities, we have at the same time decreased cur prices. '
Men's Business Dress Suits. Winter Overcoat Buyers.
What your eyes see, that is the best evidence".
VVc challenge every clothing dealer and depart
ment store In this town. We alone are the leaders
in the clothing business. We buy for spot cash, watch
every turn in the market and buy and sell thousands of
dollars worth every year. Yon can readily understand
why we are in a position to do better by you than any
other dealer. We don't ask you to take our word. (JO
AROUND! Investigation will tell the story. It will
bring you back to this store every time.
Among these suits you'll find all the new weaves that
are now the rage. There are French flannels, serges,
cheviots, worsteds, cassimeres everything. 100 differ
ent patterns of cloth to one that you will find elsewhere.
"When men see this great stock towering up from a
whole room full of tables and racks, they'll say Millirens
is the store for them. How can they say anything else?
We have made wonderful sales but none to compare
with this one. The prices on these suits we guarantee
can't be matched and they are as follows: $5.00, $ 15.00,
$7.00, $8.00, $J).00, $10.00 and up to $18.00. Come in,
see for yourself.
You will have a selection here which represents
widest choice of the best winter styles and fabrics. This
season the correct overcoat is of two kinds: the medium
and long length. Wre've kept this requirement in view
when the coats were bought and have them both in ox
fords, tans and browns, though blacks and blues are
popular with many. Wo have them all. They are all
extremely handsome. Home silk-lined with satin sleeve
lining at $10.00 that's simply a hint. The general
range is from $5.00 to $18.00. Every overcoat is a mar
vel for the money any way you look at it. The Union
label is sewed in each garment.
A big line of Hoys' Double Hreasted
Knee Pants Suits
These suits are in the new weaves. There are sizes for
ages 8 to 16 years. You get a big selection of styles
and different kinds of cloth to choose from. The goods
are all wool. No house anywhere can meet our prices
with garments that will match up with these prices:
$1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $5.00.
Fall flttlre ior women and Girls.
An opening display. It's a collection of the dis
tinctly new things. It will be approved by every wo
man who visits the department whether they coine as
sightseers or buyers. The dashing winter modes in
suits, skirts and jackets are superior to those shown gen
erally about town. Come and see for yourself. Polite
sales-people are here to exhibit the garments. There
will be no urging to buy. No woman can afford to miss
Hi in great display.
Winter Jackets.
For women or misses, in Eaton box front effects. Made
of broadcloths in heavy weights, lined with silk through
out, trimmed or plain, $5.00, $7.00, $9.50, $10.60,
$15.00 and $17.00. The choice is broad and the values
matchless. Call and see them.
Dress Skirts.
Made of cheviots trimmed with satin bands in flounce
effects, make very stylish, priced exceedingly low
$2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00.
Now remember the place The Big Building with the Stone Front.
We sell everything to dress Men, Women and Children out from the sole of their feet to the crown of their head. We want every person within a radiu9 of 12 miles
to come in and see this new building and mammoth stock at exceedingly low prices. A few of the ladies have been in and seen a portion of the ladies' goods and gave us
high comments on the stock and tell us that our prices are lower than they ever saw.
I H- W- r5fSON 6c GO. I
I W. G. & B. Clothing is the Best that is Tailored. 1
There are several hundred wholesale clothing manufacturers in this country. Of this hundred you may count on the
fingers of your one hand those whose attire is in the first rank. We have bought from what we think the best clothing house
in the country. The garments are tailored and finished up to the rigorous standard set for our apparel. We insist upon
styles that are up-to-date in every detail the garments must be superior to the average. The man who buys here tn
the first place saves money because we shave prices down to the lowest possible limit. In the second place he gets the best
ideas of the most skilled designers and cutters in the country. In the third place he gets a perfect fit. These garments are
made to fit him. Alterations free of charge. What custom tailor can otter you more, even at double our price.
I w k
IV. ft
5 V v
Notice of Application for Charter.
Notice I. herebj riven that an application
will be made to the Governor of the
Butte of I'BiiunylVBnla on the 20th day
of November, by U. W. Lmikerd.A. J.
ItavlH. K. B. Tfltrlck. O. E. Kramlli'li
and K. H. LoiiKwell under the ma of A mm, in li
ly of the Uoumiunwealth of Punnttylvanla,
entitled "An Act to provide for the Incorpora
tion and Kviculatlou of certain Corporal Ioim,"
approved April 81, 1H74, and the .upplemenl.
thnrnto, for the Charter of an InU'iiUi d (lor-
. 1 . l .L A 1, ......... I I . . U I
yceum Bureau" the character and object
whereof la that of dolnu a funeral Lrceum
and Kiiterlalnment Hureau bualneMa, and for
tueee purpoHee, to have, poaaee. aud en.loy all
tuerlvhu. benettia and prlvlleKeaof the .aid
AC OI AJwemuiy auu iw .uppiemenia.
CMiLuk U(Hiai,
paBoii, Pa., November t, ltul. Bollciton.
g ffV'-niifci
4 y Jt mA
Men's Overcoats.
Stylltih garment made of all wool mixed
vicunas, out with the proper full backs. AIho
black and blue Keraoy, papular box stylea.
These coat oan't be duplicated at the prions
M.tfO to 18.00.
Men's Suits.
, Cut In the very latest styles front reliable
thlbets and vicunas; also the seasons new
Ideas In mixtures, checks and over plaids.
Kach detail of make and tlnlxh is looked after
in a way unusually found only In suits of a
hltfhor price. Prices from Kl.bO to $18.00.
Young Men's Overcoats.
Medium or lonff coats, some with yoke,
others box effects. All the now swell effeots
and materials are represented hero. Prices
from 2.U0 up to $12.0(1.
Young Men's Suits
Aires from 14 to 10 years. Made from black
thlbet, blue or black cheviots and fancy
tweeds and casstmeres. 13 road shoulders ana
up-to-date In every detail, rare values from
(2.25 to 112.00. '
Good assortments of hats, caps, shirts, neck
wear and underwear for men and boys. Also
the best assortment of trunks, suit cases,
traveling bags, etc.
We Clothe Boys Better
than they hare
ever been before.
Progress Is the motto of our boy
department. It is not only to the
front with the largest selection of
styles but also shows a great many
novel Ideas. Butter workmunHhlp
and finish cannot be found.
Boys double
breasted suits.
Boys double breasted Biilts of ma
terials ranging from relluble woolens
to flnest of (abrles; no matter what
the prico your money's worth Is
guaranteed. Choice from $ti."i0 down
Boys Sailor Suits.
The latest sailor blouse offucts some elulviratoly trimmed, all neatly
made. A wide range of choice In the correct materials. Highest quality
ut ."i.OO then ranging In price down to IKIe.
Boys Three Piece Suits.
Three garment suits in all the new and staple fubrica of tho lattest pat
terns and tailorings. A choieo of those dressy suits that are unrivaled
at our prices, which range from tti.OO down to $1.25.
Boy's Stylish Overcoats.
The very latest yoke effects In ex ford gray and novelty materials, ax
well as the plain fabrics, out lined and finished in a perfect manner and
showing a matchless value from $ti.00 down to $2.00.
Boy's Warm Reefers.
Snug, warm and stylish garments with coat or storm ootlars, priced
from $.1.50 down to $1.25.
We have started a bargain counter this week; on it you will find goods at greatly reduced prices. These goods consist of 2
shirts, caps, gloves, neckwear, shoes, etc., there are not many of a kind but perhaps just the size you wear. Men's white 50c. 3
laundered shirts, 35c. Men's 75c. shirts, 48c. Men's $1.00 shirts, 73c. 50c. caps, 35c. Boy's caps 19c. Men's $2.25 shoes 2
98c. Neckties at 5, 10 and 15c. 3
Next door to Postoffice.
Reynoldsville, Pa.
I rarwiMiwrartM
There is no time of the year when
the housewife takes no much pride in
nice Table Linens, Napkins and Tow
els as at Thanksgiving. We have just
received a shipment of imported
Linens and kindly invite your inspec
tion. We have Linen from the hand
looms of every flax producing land and
we dc not hesitate in saying our best
ones are strictly all linen because they
are not blemished with cotton or tow.
See the assortment of patterns as they '
will interest you.
tkg big STOrce.
Nkxt Door to Postoffice.