r IVientucu n.ut kirn An kin Cured by St. Jacob oil Gksti.kmiir A short time ags I scrsruly Trrenchod my foot and anile. The Injury was rcry ps Intnl. and the cnntaqurnt Incon venience (being obllgml to Veep to business) WM very trying. A friend recommended Hi, Jacobs Oil, and I tako great pleasure In In forming yon thnt one application wna aiiffl. clent to effect a complete core, To a busy nan to simple and e (Tcctlre a remedy i In valuable, and I elmll lose ao opportunity of suggesting tho mo of Bt Jacobs Oil. Yours truly, Henry J. Dnlm, Mannger, The Cycle Co., London, England. Bt. Jaenha OU li anfa and anre and iwrer failing. Conqopit pule. Osborne Homo in the Iele of Wight, Queen Victoria's favorite residence, is to he the-home of the Duke of Cornwall and York when he returns from hi trip to tlie coloniea. A collector ta resrionsible lor the ntnte Went that men of promise generally be come men of note. FITS perraanen II y en red . No ft ts nr nerront Beaa after flret day 'a nun of Dr. Kline's Oreat Iferre Restorer. 2 trial bottle and treatise free Dr.lt.H. Ki.isk. Ltd., 1181 Arch Ht.. l'bila. I'a. Because a man's a barber that sie him no license to lather his wife. Good Tor Bad Teeth Not Bad for Good Teeth Soiodont 25e f m Soiodont Tooth Powder 25c V T 75c il-ntiir The reputation of W. L. DoiiKlna a.'I.OO .and S3. 50 ahoeti for atylo, ccnilort nnil wearhaa excelled nil oincr mnkca cold at -theso prices. Thia exoolle.nt reputation hna been won by meTit Hlone. VV. Ij. Douulna .ahoeahave togivo better antiafnclion than other 3.00 nnri 3 ,,"(! chnra beemme hia reputation for the bent S3.00 and K3.K0 shoes must be niaintuinnu. The stnnilnrcl has alwaya beon iliccd o high that tho wearer receives mure value for his money tn the W. L. DoukIiib ;i,00 and t-3.60 hoes than he can get elsewhere. W.Li. Uouglaa sella more 3.00nnd 3.E0 ahoea than any other two mnnulncturcra. If. I. Douglat fl 00 Oill tdqe Liim cannot as equalled at ttnu prre. mhmmm mm mm dm of thm mmma hiph mrmmm frrMr uma tn mna nog mnd mm lost mm frond. Bold by the bet t nhoe dealers everrwher. 1nli4 MHin liKvinif M . 1,. lNtit;)iiH hm with Miue nii(lprli stRiuprU uu biiltom. How to OnlVr .y Mull.-If U . I,. pmiBlU pnorfl art ftot tta lo ycut town, urmi nrder ilirrfi i S.V"7: tMiOMtVTit fciywhrrf on rffif il pttca n uui!i. nuMiMtniiii nr fwrm.", i vuv oin ui'n n it wni w I i i niakp yon I""' " "i w m. m iMit- lont mudi1 itirwii. In hit If. fit nnrt nr. ifiKe ntt'iinn'mcnti i foot Mflhon noii riudI : rMnt upiihiiv warn; riam or cap tor; henry, nitnt ur 1 1 inn MHHD, fit giinrantrnt. CUMlrM. W. I.. l.Miul. Itr.K-ktuu, Ma DONX GET WET! Trie ORISINAl OIUCD CLOTHING MAOt m BUCK (A Yf LLOW IS SURE PROTECTION CATALOGUES FRK aowwfi run line op oarmcntj and mats. AJ.T0WEB CO.. B03TOM M A33. ASTHMA-HAY FEVE ;J CURED BY .i(?tU-s FREE TRIAL BOTTLE Ad;w DR.TArt.79 .1307 STlN.Y City $900 TO $1500 A YEAk We want intelllteiit Men and Weraeu aa Traveling Kepresanutivea or local Managere; aalary lo a year and all Kpeuaea. according to eipcrience and ability. We also want locl reprMcnlilivm ; m-y l9 to H a week and commiMiou, depeadtug upon the time devoted Send utiiiiip lor full partlculari aod ala position pielcrcd. Addreu, Dtpl. II. THJT IlKT.l COVI'ANV. rhilodelpliia. fa. E ZNOIONOT.11 8uopefully Prtmeoutes Claims. Lata Princltial Blimlb.r u B. F.n.lon Bureau. Jyi.lu civil war. liadjudloauiigclulma.atty luce DROPSYmim an BtMk at tastunnntau and t O daTa' iraaiaiaiiZ r. at. a. a. aua'a aoaa. ae a. auaaw. (a. Ta aaaao Ikat aa Waat Palalfamnra- HclLHENNY'S TABASCOJ P. N. U. 40, 'Ul. 3ZC:C3T Ttotb Powdir 25c Urge Liquid and Powder HALL St .RUCKF.L. New Yorf 1 1 for More Thin, n Ouui'lcr of l t li It. -aaaWaWaW- . is. ...,. T. IUIII I J In ttme. Hold by flruffir.iit. r f IlESUSCITATIONBY 1IEAT A S0VEREICN REMEDY FOR USE IN SUSPENDED ANIMATION CASES. tr. T. n. l amhert'a Method of Treating 1'eraona ftuppnaetl In Ite ttrownett la tn Apply Heat to the Fmrfliea nt the ltodvome Ttemnrtinble Tnaea. "A't- oflon Trnil of jmoplo aiiiipoaptl to lip tli'owncil Hint tvrrp aoon tnkpn from tlx tt-ntor, tint 1lf wna extinct, trrltp llpnry t. Itonn, of tiPAilnrilln, In n Ipttcr lo Hit! Ibiaton Trnnaprlpt. If, n I IipIIpvp. gtirh poraong ooulil linvp Iwn pnallv rpauarltntPtl hnil thoap jiroscnt known -whnt to do, auili tip cotmla iirp moat dlatrraalnR. Jn 1S7H Dr. T. B. I-nnilprl, tif Now Tovk City, innilo ptibllp in n IIMlp bonk a new tnoHiod of rpanapltnllon, wlili'h hits riTPlvnl gurpi-lalnply llltlr nttt-n-lion. rr. Lninliort ttnforttiuntfly mln- plt'd wllh his prnrlli-nl direct long much Ktipprflnnng theorizing, tint thp acnxllile pcraon enn enaily uiHlrrstand lila m :iln contptillon. Ilia oovprolgn tvnipdy for tntgppnded nnlmntlon rnuaed by atrnngnlntlon la tho nppllcntlon of hent. to the mirfnce of the body, lie Insist tlmt there la little ur no wntor In the lunirs or a drowned person, nml Hint nutopsy allows this, lie nlllrma Hint the epig lottla In ancli ensea closes niitoiiintl cully upon the windpipe. Hence, the llrst thln to do In Hlniply to lny the body for it moment on Ita fiice nml let the water drnln from the month nml nose. Then turn It over nml wnip I he whole body, except nose nnd mouth, in ninny clolha, nnd then pour eon Hlnnllj- upon It wnter na hot na one'a lmml ran bear. liubbliiK la needless or worse. Home of Pr. T.nmberl'a teninrknble flecounts will make my mennhiK clnr. Tlnu, n blni'k boy fifteen jeni-a old fell early one morning Into the -water of the bnrlior nt Ilnvnna nnd tvn taken out npiinrently dend. lie wn laid on the roof of n bouse, n phvsl- flnu culled, nnd for nn hour or more the usual mean of resuscitation -were ti led In vnln. He wa then left on the roof, exposed to the fierce heat of .n tropical sun. Five or six hour later the coflln wn ready, nnd two men went to the roof to brinjr the body, but round the boy nllve nnd very .lit Hi worse for bl ndventure. A man win tnken out of the East Rlvor nt Forty-fourth street. New York, who had apparently been under water for nome time, lie wn laid on Hie rnsH near by under n hinzlns cum mer huh. After several hours tUe po lice took him on a stretcher to the stn lion, -where It wn noticed thnt bis heart was bonHnn. A brisk rubbing or ins ears soon restored him to life. A boy of thirteen years, llvlnu In Ohlllicolho. Ohio, rode a horse Into a river, where Hip horse, stumbling;, threw liliu Into the water. The proom, who -was -wllli the boy, succeeded at letisrth In Belting the lmy out ill nu np pnrently lifeless condition, but was so bonified that bo did not obtain help tor rnlly mur nn hour. Then the fam ily physician onme, who wrapped the body In blankets as hot lte could make them, renewing them constantly. In fifteen minutes tho boy gave a fali'it sigh, then a feeble groan, and In ten minute more was fully restored to consciousness. it. i.nmnerc wn once a passenger on a stennier which was lenvlue t leveinnd for Buffalo. About 8 o'clock 1. m. a deckhand fell Into the water. nnd his body was not recovered until a little nfter 9 o'clock, uud was then rolled on.a barrel, etc.. till nbonf 10 o clock. Then the captain enmn to Dr. Ijtmbert and asked If anything more could be done. The doctor rcnicui bored some remarkable resuscitation of animals by hent, which ho nnd wit nessed when a boy. but hnd thou uever experimented with heat upon drowned liuninu beings. Hut the enptnln ncreed with Him that It could do no liurm to ny. ur. L,nnuiert awafhed the body in wet sheets and kept them ns liotn Ills bands could bear. At about 11 o'clock ho detected a feeble nnd Infre quent pulse. After about five .minutes moro there eume a gasp, and at length Another. Tho pulse and breath became more frequent, nnd nt 12 o'clock the man was conscious nnd spoke. About 1 o'clock the man put on his clothes nnd walked off to bed. The nex t morn- ins the mun. tlmugli very cross, was llhnllt Ills TV..eb nu n.i,nl I about his work ns usual. And this treatment has nlso beeu found effective with infants that have never breathed and persous strangled py Hanging. Dr. Lambert's theory I that tho cessation of respiration and circulation is not necessarily death nt all, but simply nnlure's method of preserving life until tho heat needed to warm the Mood ond stimulate the nerve centres can be supplied from without. It Is better that cold blood should not cir culate. And this state, when there is no paralysis from fright or shock, nnd there was robust health, may persist for a long time. However this may be, tho method suggested has one great merit. It is not exclusive. Those who have more faith in other methods may try them and if they fail may resort to this. And the bare possibility thnt these things are so should command for thorn thoughtful consideration and the widest publication. . Fifteen-Year Hack Subicrlutlon. The Indianlan, of Warsaw, sued a fellow who owed it for a nfteeu-year eral," aald Simonet. "that consldera service. The delinquent had been get- Hon would irenernto in-it- v.. ting the paper these many yeara with- -'- - "" before a court, he declared ho had or- dered It but for four months, The Judge, just a Tortla, ruled that as I he accepted he paper week by week he should pay for It, and pay he did. Still, one la led to wdbder what kind of a publisher It la ujio would credit I man for ao many year. A DOTINO f ATHEff. Rent nia on Away on l.lllte Rxenralon With Salntary lteanlta. A doting AVnphlngtoit nveutip fnth er ndmlnlstereil Interesting punish' nient to lilt wayward son the other evening when the bitter wa taken homu by a party of friends, Intoxicat ed. The young man wn In a pnsslve KiiKllllon. He could walk n little with support, but lie couldn't supply tho support himself. Hi tognlKnncn of what wn taking place round hint wns very Indefinite. 8oon n be wn received by 111 fnther the latter ordered a earring and drove bl boy to 1'nton Hint Ion, On (he wny hp took all the money out of hi pockets. Upon arriving nt the station lie pur chnsed a ticket nnd a berth to Chi cago, He gnve the former to the conductor of a train nnd be saw Hint the yniina man wns put to bed In the proper berth. Then be returned to Ills home. Next dny n wall came over the wires from Chicago. The young ninn wn strnmlcd tn the Windy City, nnd bad no friends or nc minima lice there. All this be told in Hie telegram. "What are you doing In Chlcngo?" wired the. father back lu answer. Hack enme n confession that bis spreelng companions, who had a dis torted Ideas about Jokes, hnd put lilm on n Chicago train without money. "The plan Is working flue," said tho father to himself. "I will let hi in think about the 'Joke' a little longer." Tlie wayward son wn given Just five days to think live tiny of hun gry stomach, outdoor sleeping ond strenuous life stunts. Then the dot ing father scut him money upon which to return. Now the young niau. remembering bis thrilling experience nnd confident ly believing his friends were responsi ble for It, ha "cut out the old crowd," to use bis own expression, and Ih on the "water wagon." The doting fnther says be may tell tlie boy tlie "Joke" some day when there I no danger that be may be driven to drink again by It. SL Louis: Post-Dispatch. WISE WORDS. rollsh Is not purity. Hoses need no rouge. Tho love of the lnw leads to liberty In It. The loss by grinding Is the gain of the axe. Temperature often depeuds on tem- pi'Miuent. A traitor Is not be who fails but be who flees. When life will not bear grain dig In It for gold. Keif Is the shortest and the deepest dellnition of slu. The spells of avarice build the tomb of nil the virtues. Love's softest words often bnvo the subllmest echoes. It Is aJwnys easier to pnilso virtue than to pursue It. Rig words do not always carry great weight of meaning. Sympathy nnd sincerity are the sis ter keys to all hearts. Except life be deepened Its widening will be Its wenkeuiug. The advice that is dear ns a gift will bo dangerous ns a guide. A slippery character will not Insure you against friction lu life. All ngree that It is more blessed to give thiiu It Is to receive advice. No mnu will ever be wise who Is un willing to be esteemed a fool. Itanj's Horn. Something; New In Mechanics. Great Is tho humor of woman when she doesn't uiciid It. Great Is tlu nerve of woman when sho doesn't need it. And grout nre the nerves of woman when It so plenst s her. This conibiniition Is bliiinnblo for the fol lowing: A very pretty girl sat In a Iiug ltduud railroad train eu route for Manhattan Beach. Suddenly tho whistle blew. It Is perhaps not neces sary to say that a Long Island rail road whistle Ib moro eUicacious than otherwise. It is tuned to tho key of . . ... J W and Is operated with a great diapa son, giving out a different brand of yelping shriek than nnjtlilug known to nature. To repeat, tho whistle whistled. "Oooow," cried tile pretty gin. "isn't tlmt awful? . I should think the rallroud company would bnve these things oiled. It lu 1111 out- rase." Her companion had often lieard of wetting whistles, but never beard before of oliiug them. Think It over. llrooklyn Times. Airship I'osalbilltlea. If this Frenchman's air-shin is ner. fected the faucy of Mortimer Collins may no longer be described as purely whimsical. Iu "Squire Sllchester'a Whim." which was published lu 1S73. Mr. Achlllo Gllet steers his bulloou from Guernsey to the Eugllsb coast anu descends on the Squlre'a estate, Very Impertinent," said the Saulro. "Tuty ure trespassing already. They .ignore the important fact that the air uoove my manor is as much mine aa the earth unrlornnntli "Ah. if bniinnna ai.m.i.i t,,.m would have to fence your plot'of air ana set spring guns and inun traps." - Boston Journnl Chronic Dyspepsia. Finding undigested food in the stomach of a Siberian mammoth that una been dead 60,000 years breaka the record for chronic dygDensla. Lmii. villa Courier-Journal, . Household. prtnoiomfw Accompaniments nf Dlahea. There I an unwritten law regarding the accompaniments of various dishes which la changeless In the daily bill tf fnre. Who, for example, would nerve ronst turkey without rrnnlierry a nee, Ifimh without pens, venison wlthottt currant Jelly, or fish without cnbbnge? With renl, lnmb uud all white ments, pens, brans, cnbbnge, cauliflower, spinach nnd, In fnct, most vegetable growing above ground are best. With roasts, turnips, enrrots, parsnips, corn, nspnrngns, onions nnd tomatoes are nil suitable. Bplnaeh 1 usually served with veal. For fowl, potatoes are generally mnshed; for ronst beef, peeled and linked In the jian wllu tho ment, nnd for fish, fried. Cherry Jelly. Cherries nuike a delicious, but not very firm Jelly. They nre Improved In till respect by milling one-fourth cur rants, nlso by not using fruit thnt I over-iipe. Mush the berries slightly nfter they nre In the preserving kettle, nnd plnce the kettle on the bnck of the stove where It contents will coot slowly. I'se no water. When thor oughly done put a few of them Into ft Jelly bag and press out. the Juice (you pet more Juice If yon stone the clier rle; then the process of extraction I the same ns for any jelly). To n pint of juice nllow n scant pint of sugnr. Hull tlip.Jnlce nlone twenty minutes; ndd Hie sugar, made hot In the oven, stir till dissolved, let boll briskly one minute nnd 1111 into the Jelly glasses. Very nice to serve with gniiie or for sandwiches. limns Two Ways. Wash the beans in two water, 1hcn souk before stringing, ltreak them In Inch lengths nnd boll until tender in well-sailed wnter. Drain very dry, then put them bnck In thp stewpnn with n light seasoning of red nnd black pepper, and a tnblespnonful of the best salad oil to every quart of bonus uncooked. Ret them over slhw Are for live minutes, slirrlng most of tlie time. Turn out Into a hot dish upon very crisp toast, and serve with either quar tered lemon or pepper vinegar. In stead of the oil fnt bneon mny be used. Fry hnlf a dozen slices crisp without burning them, then put the drained beans In the bneon gravy, nnd stir well over the lire until It Is nbsnrbed. Herve on a hot dish with the bacon laid on top, nlong with hot cornbrend nnd ullced cucumber In vinegar. Second Wny Holl the benns nfter stringing until tender, drain nnd put In a deep dish with nlternnte layers of sliced onion and very thin bacon. Hake until tlie onion Is well done. Serve hot with cornbrend and stroug pepper sauce. Tomaioea In Jelly. These tomatoes make a very attrac tive salad course served with a mayon naise dressing. They nre usually pre pared from canned tomatoes, nnd nro ns delicious ns they nre dainty In up. pearance. Season a enn of line, solid, brilliant red tomatoes with a little cel ery salt, or, If Hits Is not convenient, grate about a teaspoonful of crisp cel- ry smiK luto a can of tomatoes and season thein with plain salt. Cook Hiein nbout five minutes, nnd when they have been thoroughly boiled this length of tlmt) ndd two-thirds of a package of gelatine, which has been soaked for two hours iu two table spoonfuls of water. Hemovo the to matoes from the tiro us soon as t lit) gelatluo Is added, slir them very thor oughly until the gelatine is mixed evenly through tliein, nud distribute tho prepared tomato In cups, tilling each cup two-thirds full. Set tho cups away In a very cold place until the tomato .has beenmo a firm Jelly. When you nro ready to serve the Jel lied tomatoes, turn out each on a bleached lettuce leaf, and stick a slender bit of celery stalk In one side. Arraugo the tomatoes, which resem ble tho fresh vegetable, and leaves on 11 iiw eiiinu pinner, nnu servo thein with a spoonful of fresh, Arm mayou liaise on each tomato. i - jt. iiii A square of loosely knitted wool makes a good floor cloth. ItoII cabbngo, onions and other strong-smelling food Iu uncovered ves eels. Cienn the beets before boiling Hu m, but bo careful not to break the skins if a blight color is wanted after they' are aone. Lacking fruit Juices, a tnblespoonful of currant or cranberry Jelly stirred into a glass of cold water gives a pleasant drink. Cane-seated ciinlr bottoms that have sagged may be tightened by washing with hot soapsuds and then drying them in the open air. A saturated solution or borax and water rubbed on with a sponge, then followed by clear water, will remove a glaze tho result of wear from black goods. A loaf of atalo bread may be fresh ened by pluuglng into cold water and then heating it in a quick oven. A very atalo loaf may need to have two or three plunges In the water. It must b eaten at once or It will be harder than It was In the first place. . mm w I'l mm THE MAHKETA MTTSntiRd. drain, Plonr nd Peeil. 1Vti.T No. 8 red I (IS C9 live -No. 2 M HJ Cons-No. 'i yellow, esr flS'V 6H' No. yellow, shelled V( 1 Mixed oar..., 61 fi Oaib- No. whlto n( 41 No. 8 white 8'5 40 Fi.ors Winter pntent S W) S Hi Fancy Htrnlght. Winters 8 70 8 53 Uat-Ko. t timothy JS 00 In Si Clover No. 1 11 Oft 11 50 Ftr.n No. 1 white mid. Ion.... Ill 00 21 00 llmwn middling IS DO 19 60 Hrnn, hulk 18 00 18 2.1 BrnAW Wheat 8 00 8 25 Ont 8 00 8 25 Dairy Tmdnott Ill'TTKH- F.lgin creamery 21 iV Ohio ernnmery 21 ' 22 Fancy roiititry roll 14 U Cm-.icaK-Oliio, new 10 V 10! hew York, now 11 lltj roultry, eto. nsa per Ih lli 12 CHirstTia dressed I 14 EooaI'a. and Ohio, fnh t9- 20 Frtilla and Vea;etaulo. Osms Ukasb per bushel 7.1(9 90 1'oiathks I'lincy whlto, bid. 3 7 ) A 00 Cahnaok per tiiirmL 1 51 1 71! Omoxa ier biirrel u 60 2 75 II ALT I MOKE, Ft.orn Winter Patent 9 Bl'? 8 9J Wiirat No. 2 red 8H' SS' Coax mixed 112 62' 'at SHy s'J1t Knns. inij iy llurmu Ohio orenmnry 22 2 J,' I'lllLA-OeXPIIIv Flora Winter patent t .1 41? J 7.1 WlitjiT No. 2 red .. 7-i' 73 Cons No- 2 mixed Oats No, y whlto l-CTTKR Creamery, oxtrn. toon I'ouiiaylvnii'iu llrsta. 62 44 2i( 2J P2' 42'j' 23 21 SEW VOItK. Fiotn rnletit" , W iir.AT No. 2 red Cons JUo. 2 tlAis No. 14 White Ill-Tim Creamery tons blntu uud l'eiina 1 00 9 3 8.1 . 71 V!i , 02 W( , 41 41'' . 1,1 22 . 21 22 livk s roc It. Central Stock YairiU, K lit Ull jrtf, Pa, 9 6 00 CATTLE, Prime hnavv, 1B0O to 1(100 lbs... 5 8) I'llnie. 1J(H) to 14(10 ll 5 (10 Medium, 100 to 1100 II. ;li Flit lie (era 4 fl l lliiteln r, WO to 1000 lia. 8 75 t mniou to tnlr 2 5(1 Oxen, common to fnt 2 60 Common togood fut UullaAouwa 1 60 Ml loll cows, unuh Is 0J txtrii milch cowa, eneb 87 6J nooa. I'rime medium weights. 7 00 Ileal heavy yorkera nud modluui 7 00 i 7A 5 no 5 26 4 76 8 60 4 2) 4 00 tH 0(1 60 0 0 7 2J 7 15 0 75 7 85 6 li'J 7 80 5 (15 8 80 e 00 Wood to choice imckora. . . 6 60 Oood pigs uud light yorkera... rigs, common to good I'rlino heavy hogs Couimou to tnlr Houghs fcliu'a ".'..".I nitp. 7 25 5 73 7 25 6 00 0 23 5 00 Extra, medium weight welbors. 8 Si 4 00 . (uuim 0 nu Medium g no Common to fnir 1 2 J Lninbs clipped 8 81 Lniul s, (rood to choice, cllppod 8 0J LauiLs, eonnuou to tnlr, clipped 2 5) btiriug Liimlia 8 1)1 8 75 8 411 2 25 4 01 : 8 40 2 6!) S 25 CALVES, Venl, eitm 1 6 00 7 7.1 1 eal, good lo choice. 8 00 5 00 J enl, common to fnir 8 Oil 4 60 eal, commoii heavy 0J 4 00 THE DRIFT OF TRADE. Encouraging Feature of Business Sit uation Normal Condltiona Are Now Restored. R. G. Pun & Co's weekly review of trado says: Normal conditions have been fully restored in tho distribu tion of merchandise, the placing of delayed orders stimulating thefew lines that appeared to halt. One of the most gratifying features of tho busi ness situation is tho pronounced pref erence for the better grades of goods, clearly Indicating tho improved flnnn clnl condition of consumers. Resump tion of work progressed rapidly In the steel Industry since the settlement of tho labor controversy, and there Is lit tle discord between employer and em ployed in other lines. Stability of piiceB. without lunation, Is the rule, except where the uniiBunl size of crops Introduces a special factor. Steel production Is now progressing at nearly the average rate. There are interruptions and delays through In ability to securo special lines of ma terial, and higher prices are quoted for both stool and Iron bars, steel hlllota and some other slinpcB. In pig Iron there wns tho greatest activity slnco tho stiiko began, most brands reaching higher prices. Sales or 35,000 tons Uessemer at vnlley furnaces were re ported, equal to $10 dellvored at Pittsburg. Other largo orders wero under nego tiation, and producers look for a rising market. Higher prices for billets wero partially nominal, owing to tho Im possibility of securing doliveries. A record breaking output of steel rails is practically assured for 1901. and the new year will open with an unpar alleled volume of business on the books. Plates and structural mater ial are very strong. The market for footwear la still on a strong basis. Leather and hides still reflect tho heavy demand for finished iiiuuuciB. ami exports are also a sus taining feature. Textile lines were well engaged as a rule, much better news being received from cotton spin ners at the north, and southern mills are busy, though there is less night work. Wool Is quiet but Arm. Steadiness in quotations of corn at the present high level Is all that pro ducers could desire. Making full al lowance for the smaller yield, and the decrease in exports, which has thus far been much greater proportionately, there does not appear to be satisfac tory reason for the rise of 16 cents over last year's flgurea and 25 cents ovor the price at thla date in 18!)9. Shipments from tho Atlantic coast for the week wero 728,020 bushels, against 1.660,018 bushels last year, and 2,854 477 bushels two years ago. Wheat la well sustained and atill h.. ter prices are promised by the heavy txport movement. nothing Uquals St, Jacobs itu. For nh'timatlam, Qont, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Cramp, Plcnriay, Lumbago, Bora Throat, Dronchitii, Horeneaa, limine, Toothache, Headache, llncknche, Teetache, Palnn in the l'hfit, Tain In the Bnck, Tains in tbe Hhoul dera, I'alnt in the Limb, and all bodily achei and pMni, It acta like magic, 8afe, turt and ncvet felling. France has ten regTmenla'of soldiers In Africa. Tlie fnreleaa actor and the careless fish erman have not much in common, but they resemble each other when they for get their linea. Facta paekaaa of PtJTSA FniLKa Dtb eolora either Hilar, Wool or Cotton perfectly at one boillnj. Hold by all droi(nliit. It la aaid that the Japanese Emperor haa 2,000,000 to gratify his deiire for entertainment. It' eaaier to put up with the prodigal ton than to put up for him. If hot' This I we offer One Hundred Dollars Iteward for anr raae of Catnrtb that cannot be cured by Hall'a Catarrh Cure. F. .t. CHF.srt A Co.. Propn., Toledo, O. We.thenn''.enlRned, hare known F. ?. Che tier for the last IB years, and believe him per fectly honorable in all Villained tronrartinns and financially able to carry ont any obliga tion made bv their Arm. W'r.nr A Todax, Wholesale Druggiata, Toledo, Ohio. WM.nisn, Kinka A Miavix, Wboleaala T)rngglit. Toledo, Ohio. nnil' Cntnrrb Cure i tnken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and miirona ur face of the system. Price. 75c. tier bottle. Bold br all DruggiM. Teatimnninli free. Hall's Family l'illt are the best. It's risky for a young man to give hia best girl a fnn it can make a cooluesa be tween them. Beat For l lie Hon el. ftn matter what alia yon, headach lo a eanrer, you will nerer get well until vour bowels are put right. CAacAnr.rs help nature, cure yon without a gripe or pain, produce easy natural movements, cost you Just 10 cents to start getting your health back. Cab caukts Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put up in metal boxes, erery tnlilet haa C. C. C. eiatnped on it. llewaro of imit-ttions. Primrose was at first the prime rose, or the first rose thnt opened in spring. Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrnp for children teething, soften the gums, reduces inllnmma tion, allays pain, cures wind eolio. 2Jo a boltl Truth is atrnnger than fiction because it is so much more rare. riso'a Cure for Consumption Is an Infn. .', medicine for coughs and colds, N.W. Samuel, Ocean Urore, N. J,, Feb. 17, 1900. One way to have a houscwarming la to put in lots of coal. flLLIONS of Women ass-isiea oy t-uueura L at uiai li aXaL a&aL Lai asiaLd J bbJ' fiflli), usE Mr Si JLVJtt. iwmying, ana ceautuying; the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, vhitening, and soothing red, rough, and rare hands, for baby rashes, itchings, and chafings, in tlie form of baths for annoying irritations and iiiflanimatbns, or too free or oflcnsive perspiration, in the form .of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest them selves to women and mothers, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. No amount of persuasion can induce those who have once used these great skin purifiers and bcautifiers to use any others. CUTICURA SOAP combines delicate emollient propesties derived from CUTICURA, the great skin cure, with the purest of cleansing ingredients and tlie most refreshing of flower odours. No other medicated soap ever compounded fa to be compared with it for preserving, purifying, and beauti fying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. : No other foreign or domestic toilet soap, however expensive, is to be com pared with it for all tlie purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it combines in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE, the BEST skin and complexion soap, and the avii iwuci ana Dacy soap and hi . Compltw External and Internal Treatment for every numour. Jl JJ - fn"n of CmmnaA Soap, to elaaaaa tlia skln ot waau ul m " lllllvUlCl 1512"', ?". luflammailon, ud Irritation, Mdiiwtk wavwuiai and haalj and CirnouaA HaavLrsicr, lo cool and oUuIT. VUB te blood: A Sinr u R 1. .ft.. VI 2!zi J TH E SET K2 A'aVaiVsU.fS.Ser. tTaEW.-; . ... , . , uMiiajurinA, iwaiDf, Durniuar, aaa scaly akin, acaln aaui taaoan, with toas of hair, wna alT 1m faTla. IM? Umwb.,r lli. S'd aJftSS baiajti f.NnuH Soi.a,tr aad M, Ohartertaroaa Bq., Leulou. Si ySnmm nEiiS Ajib CisamuL Coaroaunoji, Sola rropa.. Bostsat, U. a. rant Dmce A Cough " t have made a most thorough trial of Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral and m prepared to say that for alldia eases of the lungs it never disap points." J. Early Flnler, Ironton, O. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral wont cure rheumatism; we never said it would. It won't cure dyspepsia; we never claimed it. But it will cure coughs and colds of all kinds. We first said this sixty years ago; we've been saying it ever since. Tana sires t Ik., Nc, II. All fnfftttt. Consult year donor, tf ha says taka It, than do as li sara. If ha tells yoo not Ui take It, than don't take It. II knows. Luto It with lilm. We are willing. J. c. ATF.R CO., Lowell, Mate. Your Tongue . If it's coated, your stomach is bad, your liver is out of order. Ayer's Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dys-; pepsia, make your liver right. Easy to take, easy to operate. 23c. All drugjtata. -li lmil your tiiciiolni-lio or lien rd a beautiful brown or rich ltlm-k ? Tlicn tiso BUCKINGHAM'S DVE "v... rr r.in-.-. p r t i f. r-v .- rt. M, The longest hridgo In the world la tho Lion Hrlrtge, near Sangang, China. It extends 6'4 mile over an arm of the Yellow Sea, and is supported by Ron huge stone arches. The roadway Is 70 feet above the water, and la en closed in an Iron ret work. The Oregon Pine Needle factory la said to be the only one outside of Oer many. SCZODOHT forth. TEETH 25c mm Use CUnCURA SOAP, (Jintment, for preserving, tn the world. .i:. r-rrr..-"" ",,"u. soot