WIH STORM fill II WILL OASHED TO PIECES BY WAVES. Wind Swept Over th City it Tirrffle Veloclly. Property Destroyed and Many Drown Ingt Hav Been Reported. LATEST NEWS NOTES. The tropical storms which initio lip from Ronth Wednesday nnd Increas ed In force during tlto night following Is believed to have been the M'Vercst In tin. vicinity of Mobile. Hie wind blow 70 mill nn lrour for noun time. Mnny nro repoiMod drowned. The pleasure yacht Ariel Is ri'i""''' to be ponndiM to pieces on 1 wharf at'Haiitlos. Nothing has boon heard of the crew. Tin pleasure y in-lit Mayflower, with prominent people on Ixmiil, reportiM lost have been liPiird from. All on lionrd touniid refuge oil Cat Island, but lht bout whs worked. Nothing had been heard from Fort Morgan up to Friday night. Tim lmr nicks undoubtedly received the full force of the blow. New concerning tibo fate of the islanders Is anxiously awaited. A twvir.'.itil whooiicr was tipokcn 65 miles southwest of .Mobile, totally dltmiartcd. Saw fog mid squared timber drifted livto Mobile all day, much of ll coming up on Itoyal sjt.rctt, thtve bhs-ks from the writer front. The IXxIp sawmill mid tlie mill of Hilr nnymns IlnH'hers, located nt Magazine Polut. were partly bhwu a winy. No oyrlwate of the damage In Mobile was possible up to Midnight Friday. There Is much anxiety at the Wnr IVparlmont because of the Inability to communicate with Fort Morgan. In Mobile bay. commamleil by Major I.ulg-I I-oinla. There are two cotnpan los of pixmt artillery there, the Klghth ond the Ninety-ninth, each ooniMsed of Hill men. The fort Is situated on a narrow peninsula which Juts .10 miles out Into the !ulf and seiwiratos the waters of the llulf from the bay. The land nt which the fort Is situated Is only : feet nbovp the waters of the Uulf. It Is sandy nnd there In no pro tection from the waters. ROBBERS LOOT TRAIN. Mat lied Men Make Good Haul In Txa But Ar Finally (apured. A train on the Missouri, Kansas; and Texas railroad was held up nnd rob bed by n party of seven masked men nt ('fluey Bottoms. .!'. miles north of Denlson. In the Choctaw Nation, on Tuesday. The oxpmss car wnw dyna TnltiHl, the safe cracKcd nnd all the mall considered valuable taken. Then 'With Postal Clerk Tulley holding nil empty mail sack, the robbers went through the coaches nnd roblied every passenger. They secured if'JMO In on" conch, a negro refused to give up Jilt, money nnd was severely beaten. After holding the train two hour the ' robbers left, going east Into the dense bottom limber. The men were arrest ed nnd taken to Atoka, where they were given n hearing. The could not give the $.",000 boiid nud were remand ed to Jail. HORE WARSHIPS FOR IUE ISTHMUS. NEW STEAMER LINE A CERTAINTY. 'On ll to Be Run Directly Between New Orleant and Rotterdam. Arrangement have been completed for the establishment of n direct line of steamers between New Orleans and Hottenlnm. under the Joint man agement of the Illinois Central rail way nnd the Hndcllfl'e steamship line of Cam Iff. Simultaneously the sail Ing of the Lcyland West India line, from New Orleans- to London, will lie resinned after long suspension due the fact that the British government chartered t lie boats of the company ns trnnsKrts In connection with the Boer was. WIVES PREVENT MEN STRIKING. Milwaukee Women Largely Responsible for Failure ol Strike at Bayvlew. The wives of the Bayvlew employes of the Illinois Steel Company nt Mil waukee wore largely responsible for the inllure of the men to respect Pres ident Shaffer's strike order.. The wlvea of otllccrs, It Is said, had a meeting before the Bayvlew men took their vote on the strike quextlon. Then It was determined that all should use their Influence with their husbands to prevent the breaking of the contract with the steel comiany. Women Form Union. ' A report" says organized lnlbor Is making great wt rides among the wom en employed In the Government print ing ofllce nt Washington, 1). C. By September 1 no woman will be able to get employment there unless she belongs to some union. Vnu women bookbinders huve recently organized sud unless shu tins a union card no ap plicant, no matter how strong her po litical backing, can get employment. Population ol Franc 38,641,333. The official final census retnrns show flip population of France to be 88,041,.'I3, nn Increase In the last Are years of 412.3U4. The increase Is mainly in urban ce.uters. Twenty. eight dcpiirtmciitH show on lucrease nnd til) n decrease. The census fig. urcs Include the troops lu Olilnn and the Bailors of the navy and merchant marine absent from France March -4. Texai Legislature Pledge Support. A resolution was introduced lu the State Legislature pledging morul and financial suimurt to the nel striker and requiring members to contribute 1 pur duy of their salaries to aid the strikers. Bridge Doe Damage. A span of the new bridge from Fleming park to Neville Isluud, Pitts tuirg, was torn down by a-passing freight train Thursday afternoon and did great damage. A street car Just ewcaped the wreck and the Olevelmid flyer ou the Lake Krie was stopped within DO yards of it Workmen that cleared away the debris were shocked In handling Iron buujns charg ed wtth electricity from the trolley vires of the McKeee Hacks, Neville island and Ooraopolls traction Usee. Edwin H. Conger, rh.i 1'nlted State minister to China, ha.i nrrlved at re king. Marquis Ito, former premier of Ja pan, will tnnk a visit to the t'nlted Slates. The postoffleo nt Cape May. X, J., was robbed of $200 In stamps and money. The widow of Henor Cunovas Hel Castillo, the former premier of Spain, is dead. F.nglMi butcher have cninblned In prevent the sale of Anieiicau miat lu Loudon. The navy department has consented to submit to Admiral Schley Its list of vlliipMce. Fire tin mil god the A. C. Williams Iron works nt ltnvcnna. O., to the ex tent or 1.1 00. Signer Crlspl'w delvts were many mil his em Ire estate may be used to satisfy creditors. A dispatch from Corni-nsi says the Invnder on the Venezuelan frontier have disappeared. Vice President Uoosevelt will at tend the lira ml Army reunion nt Hutchinson, Kan. The American Oil Company of Erie. Ii.. capital STO.wio, litis Wit Inoer ixuated lu Delaware. Five wrsoiM were klllinl and 10 hurt In Chicago by the collision of a trolley ear nnd railroad train. Lleiitennut (leneral Miles hns Issued a general oilier Intended to Improve the conditions of the nruiy. Consul Malmros reports from Colon that gu.Tiilla lighting haw been going on between rnnnma nnd Colon. Henry M. Flagler, the inulll-mllllon-nlro. has Ih'cu granttMl a divorce from his Insane wife nt Miami, Flu. A company to enrry freight over the flrent Lakes hns been orgaVI'.ed Bt Syracuse. N. Y with S-.Vkmi.OOO. In n (inarri'l nt UreeitvUle, X. C. Wllllani (iardiier and Mark Dixon killed each oilier with one pistol. Col. Myron T. Herrlck, with hl wife nnil Ills son, are gmsts of 1'ivsldeut nnd Mm. McKinley. nt Cnivton, . William Herwlg. of New Bedford, Pa., shot nnd killed hlinsiif oil his re turn from the funeral of a cousin. The National Council of the Knights of Columbus adopted what is known ns the step-rate plan of Insurance. Albert Shlnn. aged . the wealth iest citizen of Shlnnstoit. W. it., was kicked to death by a vicious horse. The St. Alovslus llomiin Catholic church at Wilinerdlng. Pn.. was dam aged by fire to the extent of SH.miO. A firm of cotton buyers nt Atlanta, tin., announced that they had taken Itlchard P. Hobson Into partnership. The West Point Cadets will give dally exhibition drills nt the Pan American F.xposltlou until August 2S. The seventh annual International convention of the Catholic Order of Foresters opened In Detroit Tuesday. Helen Potts Hall, a claimant to the estate of Ceorgo F. (Jllninn, was di vorced lu New York from Blakcly Hall. Oeiieral Miller was greeted flt the National C.uard camp with a salute of IS guns, after which he Inspected the camp. The state department has received advices from Venezuela that another Invasion was stnrtcd y 4.000 Inmir-1 genu. A plant for the manufacture of vlt rilled nnd buff building brick nnd fancy pressed tile will be erected near Tareutiim, Pn. Lieut. Wallace Bertholf. of the Culled States navy, has liegun ship ping lli.ooo reindeer from Okhotsk, Si beria, to Alaska. The estimates of the army engineers for river nud harbor Improvements during the year ending June 30, l'.K3, total IH4.34S,4D4. Mrs. Itrldget Walsh nnd Mrs. Ld- ward Kelley were Instantly killed nt Scrnnton. Pa., by being run down by a pn.cngcr train. The lmard of healtli of Montclalr, X. J., hns given the authorities power to purchase oil to liegiu the work of extermlnat lug inosqulliM's. fien. Fltzhngh Lee, fornier consul nt Havana, said In nn address at Chau- tnuipin that the Maine wns destroyed bv students who were experimenting with cxplotlves lu the Spniiish arsenal. Tlte caving In of a tunnel on the AshevKle lino bctweeu Black Moun tain and Hound Knob, X. C, killed a man and delayer! train. Grand Duchess Xenla, wife of Grand Duke Alexander Mlkhnllovltch, of Kiissla. gave birth to a son. The child wiur christened Dliuitrl. Chief Offlcer Hnns Ilusser. of the TtHltlmore and Hamburg liner Bntu vla. hat Is-en iipKi'lnted captain of the German Autnrtlc expeilltJon, The Biitisii steanuT Knlgtit Coin mnnder, which sailed from I-ondon for Baltlmmv, collided off Dovit wit.h and t-niik the barge Xorumn Uttle. The second annual reunion of the Society of the Philippines began at Salt Luke City with a delegation of Pennsylvania veteruus preseut. A olspi,.tch from Victoria, B. C says the steamer Inlander, running from Victoria to Skagwny. struck an Iceberg aud U. Uvea were lost Mr. Chamberlain, In nn Interview In 1ondou, says there Is no founda tion for the rumor that he Inteuuds to muke a tour of the l ulled States. Maryland state council of the Jun ior Order I'Ulted American Mechan ics will present Admiral Schley with a valuable gold medal commemorat ing the battle of Santiago. The first oftlclul bulletin of the Can adian census give the population of the dominion at 5,3:18,883, an Increase of uOS,U.ri5 over the census of 1801. Statistician Brown, of the Xew York Produce Exchange, estimates the corn crop, based on the government per centages, at 1.303.000,000 bushels. The trades council of Detroit Mlcb., bus adopted a resolution urging Mayor Maybury to refuse the $ToO,000 girt from Andrew Carnegie for a library. A force of Ecuadorian troupe Is ready to Invade Colombia, and a bat tW la Imminent near Psotu IOWA ORDERED TO PANAMA. TWELVE MEN MEET OEATN la the Burning ol Crlk at Mi Cleveland Water Worki Retcuer Overcome by Gat Many Saved by Tug. Increailng Serlouinet of the Sltua Ion South Am rlca Germany Gathering Squadron on Atlantle Sid. That this government consldim that n serious situation In the Insurrection In Colombia ami the virtual war lie tween that republic nnd Venezuela Is amply ntteted by the fact that the Navy Department has ordered the battleship Iowa to prepare for a voy age to IV.n.-itn.t, nn.l she will im onh '.' ed to s.ill fi r tliat port ns soon ns he Is retnly. The little cruiser. Hanger, nw at San Diego, Cnl.. hns Is-en Ill s' nietcd to start for Panama, aim will sail on short notice. The cruiser Philadelphia hns gone Into dry dock for overhauling nnd general repairs, In order that she might be projwred. If oocitslirti niMise, to go to scene of the trouble en the Isthmus. The weekly papt rs In F.nghind are ilbvnswlng the (pinrrel lstwn Venezuehi nnd Col umbia. The "Spei-lntor" thinks Mint "Atneiicnii Interferonce will luive grave results," mid tluit Is no Im IMisslbte that rhp I'nltvd Suites will oii'ttpy Panama, but It cau no rea son why tlitmt Britain should oppose fitch n course. The department of state Is ndvlspd by telegram front Mr. Itiumdl, charge il'iiffaires In VeneziiPhl, that tlu departure of the Colombian min ister from Carni-ns was voluntiiry and that lie has the Intention of returning to his post. Mr. Itussell hns taken charge of the Colombian legation prop erty nnd archives during the minis ter's absence. WtR BROUGHT WiDESPRtnD RUIN. WRECKED THE PHILIPPINES. STAGE ROBBED IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. Not In the Wild Wait. But In the Adirondack of New York 81a'. A stage conch robltory in the Adi rondack took place In broad day light, Wcilni sday, two mill's north of Dunlap's hotel nt Xorth Hlver, on the rond to Blue Mountain lake. The highwaymen shot mid killed two hors es and thus stopped the conch. There were seven pawsemrers In the coach, four men nnd throe women. The hlghwnymen treated the women with courtesy, nnd one of them remarked considerately that no harm would lie fall them If they would simply keep quiet ami hnnd over what available cash they had, along with their rings watches nnd Jewelry. Then, while one highwayman covered the passen gers with his ritle, the other one went through their puruvs and collected quite a sum of money. Then the mall pouches were ripped open nnd in the presence of the scared passengers the hlghwnymen opened nil letters and pocketed the contents. They then turned their attention to the express package. After the hlghwnymen concluded their senrch they took to the woods, keeping the passengers covered until they were out of sight. In a fire fraught with nil the horror that accompanies iienth In the most violent form,' Ave men were burned to ibnth, four were drowned and three wire asphyxiated nt Crib No. 2 if the new water works tunnel In Cleveland. Wednesday morning. ' In addition to these, live men are In Cleveland hos pitals and It Is Im'IIcvpiI that three will die from the pffoets of injuries, burn nnd polscnous gas. The three men who wero nsphyxjated lost their lives In the tunnel, while eight other mem-1 tiers of the night shift were rescued. Another denth wn added to the long list, one or the rescuing party losing his life In the tunnel. The tiro was due to nn overheated bolh-r smoke stack. The Isiller exploded soon nfter the flames broke out. The crib Itself wns of pine tlmlier. The men, who were nwleep In their bunks, sprang tip to find themselves In the midst of the flames. The boards nil around them were burning fiercely, liown In the shaft, under the lake, 11 men were at work digging, unconscious, until the nlr supply wns cut off, of the lire nliove them. A watchman nt a life saving fta Hon sounded the alarm for the life saving crew. The scene of the fire lieggnrs description. There half-clad and many entirely naked men were clinging to pieces of tlmler nud hang ing to the side of the burning crib. Life preservers were thrown to the men and one by one theV were pulled Into the tug. Two men In the yawl ent to the side of the crib and tw ued 10 men. (. B. Van Onsen, the foreman, de- scpiiiIihI the miii ft in nn attempt to rescue eleven men In the tunnel lie low. He discovered that they were still alive. Twenty-two In all were rescued from the water nud four rowned. The (lend are: Victor nufimin. Canton: Arthur Hasty. John Martlne, Mark Snyder. John Kowel- ky. Ail hni' Hastings and John Fug- lug. Four boilies have not yet been recovered, the two In the tunnel and the two at the Ixittom of the lake? Work was begun on the new water orkft In IS'.mi, and. In addition to the 2 lives lost Wednesday morning. 10 have died as the result of accidents, making a total of 31 lives that have boon Hiiciillced. Further rescue work had to be abandoned for the time be ing, but the big lire tug Fa Illy Is sta tloned nt the crib, nud Is pumping nlr hrougli a line of hose into the tunnel This, however. Is entirely precaution ary, ns If Is the opinion of those In formiHl that there are no more men lu the tunnel.. Sen. MacArthur Arrive In Frlic and Calmly Tell Facti Northern Luton Pacified. The Shtrldin Bring Troop. RUSSIAN FAMINE. Crop Continue Vry Pr Nearly Third at European Terrllor In Dllrl and Many People ar Starving. tmi mahkbta riTTSBURO. Orals, rtoar and fi. Wsiat No. I red AS I Bye No. t 90 Cobs No. 1 rullow, tmr M , k . . . . MA i rin. i Tviiow, PQfiueu BRINGING FOREIGN WORKERS. The Immigrant Inspector Ordered to Invastl gat Reported Action of Truit. AsulstntU Secretary of the Treasury Tnylor has directed Milton Smiley, tlie Immigrant Inspector stationed nt Columbus. O., to proceed to Bellalre, O., to Investigate reports that the steel trust Is preimrlng to Import for eign workmen to take thp places of strikers. The suggestion Is that the stiH-1 company projmses to find expert workmen lu Lurope and bring them to this country In such a manner ns to secure their admission. School Teacher Sailing Acrou th Pae lie Spend th Tim Making Love. Of tlie 400 American teachers who sailed ou the transport Thomas from San Francisco to Manila, (Ml of them on renculiig Honolulu were married lie tiiichors had lieen chowen from many normal universities of the coun- nud were strangers to each other. Their acquaintance nnd courtship ex tended over a period of less than 10 days. The captain of the Thomas re fused to permit their weddings while at sen, and the 30 couple, upon the arrival of the transport nt Honolulu sought out a liorgymau and were mar ried. A lMint wns chartered and the 30 pairs made a tour of the bay. GLASS TRUST NEGOTIATIONS. Willing to Take Alt th Belgian Factorle, One-Third Their Minimum. In connection with the .Vmprlcan negotiations for the acquisition of the Belgian Glass works, which tire being conducted by President James A, Chambers and Vice President M. Iv McMullin. of the American Plnte Glaus company, the "Petit Bleu" says The Americans ask as their minimum share one third of tlie combined Bel glint factories, but they would take the whole If the masters nre willing. The trust guarantees to take 18 per cent, or the entire output so long as tbo arrangement continues. , English War Vouel Sail for Panama. The sloop of war Icarus, which has been ordered to Kugland, will call at Panama, remaining until the trouble hns been settled. The Phaeton Is now there. Law Rovlved Against Scolding Woman. Mrs. Mary Wagner, of Allegheny has been held for court by Alderman Samuel Alieniathey on the charge of being a common scold, liillip Der- elch, with 12 other witnesses, tiwtltled that she was a regular nuisance the nelghlMirhood. scolding and quar reling wltu everyone anout ner. Troop Give Up Chase. . Compnny 1, Eighth infantry, O. N, G.. after scouring the hills of Holmes county for two days lu pursuit of the robbers who attempted to loot the Adams bank, returned to Mlllersburg and announced tliat tncy Had abuu doned the clinse. Ministers Have Signed. The Ministers of the Towers have signed the preliminary draft of the protocol at Peking in order to bind their Governments and to prevent fur. ther exchanges, the Palace of An cestors, hitherto guarded by Frenc troops was transferred to the Chinese authorities intact. Big Contract for Alabama Coal. Th Warrior Coal Co., of Tusca lootM, Ala., a concern that la not the Aluibama coal combination, which la eouitroltcxi by the Monongahula Hlv er Consolidated C'ual ana cose co, hae made a contract to deilver 800, 000 tout at coal at New Orleana for one your, beginning November 1. Tbe coal will be laid down In that city for fit a ton. The transport Sheridan nrrlved nt Son Francisco Sttnlay from Manila, bringing (lenepal MacArthur and stuff, the oflh-ors and Will enlisted men of the Fourteenth Infantry, nnd Company A of the Biitt'iillon of Fnglnecrs; 2112 dls- liiai'u-.'.l mhllers, Jill prisoners, HO ills- liiargcii civilian employes, r murines ami 12 wtowawnys. The prisoners nre nearly all short-term men, most of them of the Fourteenth. A pnvsenger on tlie Sheridan was Captain H. W. .Newton of flip Thirty-fourth Volun tiMW, who took a prominent part In the capture of Agilltnahlo. General MacAi'thiir snld: "War has wrecked he Philippines nnd laid wnste whole Ilstrhits. The peoplp In mnny ills- tclclu have relupsi .1 Into bnrbnrlim. The 'beat conditions prevail In Xortlurn Luzon. You may nay that the whole territory Is pncllled, but not trnnqnll- Ised. but it will not be many months lief ore law and order arc observed erorvwherp. While the conditions nro Hot perfect, tliey ore gratifying. A few groups of armed Insurgents ore Mill at large, but they will eom snr- rnnder, as their power l broken nnd they are not being aided by the na tives. Tlune natives have come to see that surrender does not moan death, ami they are coming In every wiek with their rifles. Throughout Xotth- prn Luzon the Insurrection has la-en dead for pome time nnd there is free dom of movement. Still a large crim inal class there commits depredations on Amerli-nns and natives, though the laititer suffer the more severely. The natives ore eogorly seeking the estab lishment of civil government that they may roit out those bmi.l of criminals. There Is every reason to believe that the whole country will ion ! perfectly wife for travelers. At present there Is some trouble nt Smar. but General Hughes, with n lurge and effective force, has gone af ter tin 'I'll nnd will soon bring the In- mirgeitts to their senses. I Imt Is the worst place, but It Is not Interfering with the const business. In Ci-bit and Bohal anil occasionally In Southern Luzon there Is a slight outbreak, but it Is caused by the criminal clement. ... - miwan .............a urn w Advices from Moscow say uussia ia oNo7i white............. on tlie eve of another famine. Near- No. S w'liltn 9 ! ly a third of the province, of t; , penn lluswln are officio"" ''"-lured to nT No. 1 timothy 15 '8 18 0 have produced "Insnlllcleut" others i Clover No. 1 WH 1 I m..l..t. t " mill ntlu.rw ctlll "iiikIit tlie rtsn No. 1 wh Is mid. too.... l average" crop of i-ercnb'. (Inly two provlmt out of 70 have really good Irarvewls. Among Hip "Insutllcleiit" TAKE HUSBANDS AT HONOLULU. RUSSIA MAKING RAPID ADVANCEMENT. ROBBERS PLOT. Gen. Grant Found Remarkable Improvement Even Among Former Serfs. Gen. Fred Oent Grant, who has lust arrived from- F.urope. said Hie feeling of the peopie of the m.ddle and upper lasses was favorable to the V lilted States. The ltusslans regard the I'nltisl States more ns a country to buy from than to soil to. "I found tihe greatest improvement since my last visit to KiiMNla in 1NT2. liven the house are bel'ter built, mid show that ltitsrtlu is advancing with the time nnd Is prospermia The Improvement in the condition of the serfs Is remark able. They were liberated about the same time that our negroes were, ut they have advanced Inllnltely furtilier In the same time. Army service has helped In their development physical ly mid mentally in n way that goes far to make up for the, burden ou e nation at large." A Punxsulawney Insurance Agent Bound enl Gagged For Refuting to Help. Two men entered the ofllce of J. L. Ijoo. nn agent for the Prudential In surance company Friday, nt Pnnxsn ta wney, nt 10 o'clock p. m., nnd made him ii uroiiiuiltlon to join them In rob bing the First National bank, of this place. They told him If he would go ami hire a rubber-tired buggy ami meet them lu the Fast Fud after they had comtiletPil the Job, ho would get Sl.OOO. Mr. Leo absolutely refused to do so. and the burglars draw their rr vol vers on him, telling lilni if he did not accept he must die. The robbers seized .him, IniuiiiI his hands nnd feet Hectirely. detached the rulnVr hose from n small gas stove, placed one end In Lee mouth nnd tied it there, so he could not move ll. nnd put the other end to the gae Jet and turned on the' gas. Then the men bade him good-bye, locked the door mi the In side and climbed out through the transom. I.ce begau to chew the rub her hose nud Anally suivocdcil In bit lug it off, and then liccnmc uncoil scions. Mr. G. W. Klpp and Mr. Alex nnder, who were passing, heard moans cooilug from Lee's olllr nnd brok the door In and found Lee unconsci ous.. A doctor wns called who. nfter working for nn hour, succeeded lu re viving him. The bank wns not enter cd. NONE OF THE MISSING FOUND. Suit Over Newly Opened Land. A temporary Injunction hns been granted by the probate Judge, In tbe absence of the district Judge, In the suit of Itebeeca Young and other al leged Indians against the disposal of some of the newly opened lands In Oklahoma. Some of tho lands are Involved In the suits recently liistl- tutcu by Indians. Argentina Pan-American Delegate!. Tho Government of Argentina has npiKilnted Or. Autonlo Bermejo, Dr. Lorcnso Annbon and Or. Garcia Me- rou. Argentine Minister to the United States, as representatives to the Pan- American congress. Dr. Kmlllo Xo- setl has been appointed secretary of tho delegation. Th Stoekken' Expedition Return to Norway From Franl Josef land. The expedition commanded by Stoekken, the father of the missing Xorweglan innolilnlut of Unit iiatiu1 sent lu search of young Stoekken nn; he other lost members of tlie Atiru.. expedition, nrrlved nt Snndellord, Nor way, Saturday, after having expioroti the south ci-flst of Frans Josef hum Xo trace of the ml swing men wus found. The hu'iiiIhts of tlie expedl tion erected at Cnpo Flora the memor ial stone sent by the Duke of Abmzzl, - Want Duty Imposed. Fcderlco Degetnu, Resident Com mlssloner from Porto ltieo, has tiled with tho Secretary of the Treasury a brief lu eunnort of his contention Unit under the provisions of the, Foraker act a duty or a cents a nouna snoiiid be luipckod ou all cotTco imported.. CABLE FLASHES. Queen Sophia of Sweden Is again seriously ill. Kdmond Oudranax. the French cum poser, le dead. He was born April 11. 1842. Baron Adolf Erik XotdenskJokL the Swedish Arctic explorer and natural- 1st, died Sunday at Stockholm, Two million Iondoners to have an opportunity to eat excellent dinners five day In every week for 4 cents a meal. , lire the best wliiat growing Districts. The official "Insnlllclent" means utter dtarv.i.t'loii. 1 he fnniliip stricken nren xew ds half a million square mllev. ml about the samp area ns that of III,, it-rent fnni lie of 1 Sill . .,11, iim,I,i J!l mill IHMI Mim liioiefl I untied on the re-port of two months ago lmvp vanished. The havoc has lieen Avrought by the Intense hi at nnd entire ilOiseaice of rain when needed. Aftcjlwniri! there wtire 'tcrreiii, lal ownponrs nnd hailstorms. The ap pearance or Innumerable pests Is com pleting the destruction. As the bar est Is now in progress these nre hum reports. It might be suppiov-d that Russia would :lll be able to draw on er vast resources of Siberia. But, mathrs have not gone well Ihere, though the figures have not been Anal ly Issued. Moreover, the crops jf Si beria avail li.lle fi r Ru.rdn has no roads but the r.'ii'roaiis. Of Vie hun- ilmls of thousands who perished, di rectly or Indirectly, from typhoid nnd olhrr epidemic. Induced by slnrva- t'lon. during previous famines, the p. .it inn purity were within a hund-ed or two hundred miles of the railroads nd grain could not nnd cannot go to e starving mujiks, though the ri ams Inks such quantities to the pi.ris a to In in -11 1 the oitlir world. brown iiildillliigs.., 16 M Ilrnn. hulk IT OJ Stiuw iVbi'Ht J 00 1 uu Out.. Iislrr rrmlasM CtTTrs Elgin aresmary. Olno orenmnry Sltf V KiuidV iniilitrv roll 18 ns that of , mtii.m. 10 The popil- New York, now 10 V X Ponttry, eta. Hiss for lh J Omrisss dirssod I J Eoae l's. and Ohio, fresU 18 IT Fruits snit VstbU. Ostss Psass per tmthol 1 SOfl 1 T9 1 otatoes Fnn-y wlilto, uuL 4 0) 4 M C'AiniAns pr liurrflL 1" J ' Usiuse er barrel. M "1 llALTtttORB. Fixics Winter Fntcut WnsA-r No. a red Cons mlseil Oats Kmii liCTTis Ohio creamery T0 . . it t 91 40 PRIVILEGES OF CHINESE. Attorney General Knox Decides That a Hrhnu- fncturer May Alio Be a Merchant. Attorney Oetieral Knox. In nn opin ion holds that a t'hlnamnii may en- age In the manufacture of goods for sale and still be cniislderi il a incr- Inint In the sense In which that word Is used in the treaty and laws relating to the cxc-lns'lon of Chinese, where tint mercantile part of the business, either wholly or in part, ns the selling of goods so mnntit'nctui'od. The case is tliat of n member of n firm nt San Francisco cngnged lu the manufacture mid sale of cigar v. nnd the question Is whether th.s ( hliiamnn may be re-ad-mlttcd Into the Fulled Slates as n re turning merchant. The Alturney lien- r:i I holds that he Is entitled to admis sion. Mr. Knox has also held that all Chinese who have a light to be lu the Fulled States', ns evidenced by valid ei'tlllcates of residence or registration are entitled to pass from the Fulled States to the Hawaiian Islands nnd to be protected while there by their reg istration ccrtlllcalcs. PIIILAUBLHlIt S. Piin. Winter nstant I W I " 1 . a m BEAT MO. INI Cuss No. 1 mlxad Oats No. S whits 49 Ui'TTBB Cresmnry, MtrA Eooe Fetuuylvauls lints. a aiu si 16 11 CARLSLE 150 YEARS OLD. MKW tons, Frotrs Patents. Wheat No. rod tons No. 1 Oats No. il White ltt'TTBS Cremnery - Euot Hlnte and i'enna , 0f . TT . S . 4a . i . 17 M 77VJ 3'1 43-1 iO 4 t Lira stock. Central Stock Tsnlt. Kill Llljjrlf, lfc CATTLE. rrime hravy, 1500 lo 10O0 lbs. . . S BJa 8 Prim, 1300 to 1400 II 5 40 J il'diiiiu, 1'iUO to 1300 IU. B 11 5 FM iiPifeis 4 fW llulolier, V00 to 1000 lb. 4 00 l onimon to litir 8 40 Oxen, common to Int. S 50 Common to good futbullaaootf 2 00 Milch oows, noh 13 00 Extra miluh oows, esoo. 87 50 BOOS. Hunted By 8,000 Man. Five thousand men nre searching for Mose Wilder, a half-breed negro Indian, who Is charged with the mur der of Mrs. t VldweJl nenr South May de, Tom. The pursuers nre covering all tlie territory from South Mayde to Woodvllle, I. T., a distance of 100 tulles. President ol Ecuador. The Ecundoivnn congress In session In Quito, after a scrutiny of the votes cast for president, diolared General Iia.a legally elected to tho ofllce, wifh a plurality of tl.1,000 votes. Gen eral 1'luza will nssumo ofllco August 31. Found Chest of Coin. Workmen, while excavating a.r the Ilennepln canal fivder, 20 miles south of Hock Falls, III., discovered a large Iron client, nlsnit two fct wide and four feet long. It was full of old Span Uli coins hearing date of 1H.N4. It lit evidently a strong box of the iinrly Simulsh or French settlers. The coin Is probably worth nlwitit $1.01)0. Fak Grave of Hamlet, Slmkeserenu experts In Fnglnnd, are denouncing the proposition that Sir Henry Irving nnd Kllen Terry ap peal for funds to place a statue over the alleged grave of lluinlet, Prince of Denmark, at Kluluore. It Is stated as a fact by those who ought to know tluvt tlie grave now marked as the Inst resting place of Bhakespeare'ai great est diameter Is not a grave at all, tint merely a hoax Intended to catch the American tourist. The real grave of the real Hamlet is said by those who object to the proposed monument to bo on Moors' IsIiuaJ Pennsylvania Town Will Celebrate It Set- qulcenlenary in October Noxt. Carlisle will celebrate My scsqiileen- tennlal In October. In the ma titer of age Carlisle Is the oldest Pennsylvan ia town west of the Susquehanna ex cept ShlpiM'iisburg. Cumberland coun ty was laid out January '!", l'.'S), nnd Cuiilsle was laid out a year later. Tho early settlers were compiis'ed of Sit'tch and Irish, with nbont .TO fam ilies i f liermniis. The Shlromnnstown i.iiineraii cnurcii wns iiiini in iiu.i. and the Silver Spring IVesbyterlnn church In 17S:i. The oldest school house, still standing nud iimiI for school purposes, wns built near Shire miiiistown lu 17S7, making it 104 years old, INFECTED MOSQUITO CAUSES DEATH. New Theory of Yellow Fever Domon bated In Oeally Manner. Chief Surgeon Harvard announced that the Investigation of the propaga tion of yellow fever nt llnvnnn, so far ns these Involved the mosquito test, will be discontinued. This decision was taken bocnuwe one of the non iiiimuiHw who was recently bitten by nn Infected mosquito illid of yellow fever. The mnn wns a Spnnmnl, de sired to become an Immune and allow ed himself to be bitten by nn Infected mosquito. Another mnn who wns bitten Is also suffering from a very lmd ca&o. " WAS ELOPERS' MECCA. L'fEt heavy yorkers and modluin liooU to clioioe nnckers. Hood pigs nud light yorkert.... 1'lgs, vominon to good Prima heavy bogs t'ommou to lulr Itougtis tttags eassr. Extra, medium weight watliors. Oood to ehoioe. Medium Common to fair. LAMBS, Lambe clipped Lamb, good to ehoioe, clipped Lambs, common to loir, clipped Uprlug Lambs calve. Veal, extra S 00 7 03 nl, good to cholca. 4 60 8 60 Veul, oonimoD to Inir 8 09 4 61 Veal, common heavy S 00 8 60 111 6 05 f 8 05 f 6 95 70 I 8 15 6 00 6 00 Votf" 4 00 4 61 8 V) 4 00 8 60 8 7 8 75 8 5 1 35 80 9 50 4 31 8 6) 04 i 60 8 50 a ii s ai CONDITIONS ARE SATISFACTORY. Indiana Official Go Ater A Gratna Green. Marriages Too Numerous. Attorney General Tnylor has declar ed war against the illegal features of tlie Gretna Own or marriage Indus try at Jeffersonvllle, Ind. A secret Investigation of tlie operations of the otllclnls of the turhcrn Indiana town, has been In operation for some time. Basing bis action on the reiMirt, Mr. Taylor dispatched a letter to the county prosecutor of Clark county and ordered hi in to proceed at once to col- led evldeuce for the purpose of pun Idling those guilty or trafficking lu marriage ceremonies. The deputy's re port feiiowtt ;hut for the year ending June 30," 1001, there were 1.4S0 mar riage licenses Issued by the clerk of Clark county, so per cent, of which were net residents of the county. No Tariff oa Porto Rico Cofle. The treasury department hns decid ed that a ciin.oms dflty of 5 cents pound shall not be Imposed on all cof fee InqMirted Into lVrto Hlco from tho I lilted States. The department be- lieves H was tlie Intention of Congress to protect tho coffee Industry lu lxrto HUti, but rliat through inadvertence tlie unrestricted provision abolished all tariff duties Including that ou cof fin. Boy Was Mas of Flams. Thrusting a lighted torch Into dwo-gallon can of kerosene young John Richards ,of Bridgeport, near NorrUv towu, Pa., was nearly burned to death When the torch reached tho oil It ex ploded, ureuchlug the boy, who was luslaiMlv enveloped in rtauin,n Business Outlook Gratifying Steal Strike Put Up Prices Mateial for Immedi ate Delivery Command Premium. H. O. Dun & Oo.'s weekly trade re view says: The iIlHti'lbutloii of merchandise ha proceded on a steady and satis factory scale throughout the east, and In the west and southwest the relief from the long drought nnd heat Is be ginning to be reflected In a largor re nin Trauo, so mill tor xm uuiirier- promiso Is held out of a larger busi ness than lawt year. Crop conditions in tlie territory niot nnTectea ny tlie recent drought ore Improving, and the weather hits been highly favorable la msiirly all districts east of tlie Mis souri river, though rains have Inter rupted the spring wheat harvest. The stool strike hns nffeettfd prices exten sJvely, particularly on sales for Im mediate delivery. Id tin plate the ad vance hn been greatest, while hoops, bliect, skelp and billets are sold at premiums. Quotations are too errat ic for accurate record and in many cases sales are at private terms. Con fidence 1s steadily shown by placing of Ulwtant deliveries at regular prices. Consumption has undoubtedly been flintier curtailed this mouth, but a re vival of exports tends to prevent ac cumulation. New England boot nud shoe factories are still actively en gaged and the stability 'of prices re mains a feature. New sork and West ern shops are equally busy. Jobbers complaining of slow deliveries. This is the season of greatest demand for Isxits and there Is a fair volume of busluctw. but each year a decrotu la output appears. Leather sells freely, but wirhout change in price, while slightly lower 'bids for hides will, probably secure large lots. Woolen mills have full employment as a rulu and the lucreawd consumption of raw material tends to harden the tone of the wool market, although no quot able change is possible. Otliclal fig ures of condition were fur more hope loss than even the most pessimistic fliirlclputlons.'ndlcntlug ouly 2,000, 000.000 bushcur cf wlitut and com to giither. Inflated prices brought out receipt for the week of 2.3o9,703 bushels, against 2,0:iJ.l!)8 bushels last year, and reduced Atlantic exports to K31.S00 bimhols, compared with 2.0.12. 333 bushels a year ago. and 4.IKI4.30J bushels In 181)0. Wheat also ndvauc ed aharply, but there Is souud argu niont for strength in Atlantic exports during tlie last two weeks of 13,570,. 034 bushels, ngttluwt 4.378.D01 bushels In 1000 and 4.80U.04U buuhclg two years ago. Tbe South ia In a better position than ever before, planter have mortgaged less of their crop than usual, and the bauca will not draw on New . York a heavily as heretofore. Failures of the week numbered 108 la tbe United States,