L V BLGW WED I! ll!t SUB 151 THE ANTI-TRUST LAW To be Tealed by Organized labor In 8ull In Which Attorney Gem rat Knox Will bolho CilMidant. District Ass-cinbly X. of Knights Of Labor of Washington. I. C, authorized Its Ioglslntlve I'onir fnlttoe to bring qui) wnrrnnto proceed ing ognlnst tln Attorney General of the Vulted Stales, to show cause why hn has not enforced tho provisions of the null-trust law, known as tint Sher man net. This action. Is aimed at the United Htatos Sum.'I Corporation, which Is claimed to bo operating In violation of tho Sherman net. 1-abor leailers sny this will hasten a solu tion of the strike now In progress. They sny that laws vltnllor or nenr ly similar to the Sherman law hnve been nuaeteil In nenrly nil the states and In several of them, notably In Ohio and Texas, the comity attorneys have the power of the Attorney Gon erul of the Slate In iio warranto pro ceedings nml that the Amalgamated Association has a largo fund on hand With which to Inst Unto proceedings similar to tlioso to lio begun here. Kx Attorney (ieneral Frank 8. Mennett. of Ohio, has been retained by the American Anti-Trust League to begin action before the statu nud local courts of Ohio. THE GREATEST OF STEAMERS. Sea-Sickness Is Unknown Aaoard the Trans Atlantlo Liner Collie. Tho new steamship Celtic, of the White Star I.lno .the first 20.raio.ton vessel the world has ever seen arrived at New York Monday on her maiden voyage, crossing In eight days and 4H minutes. She is under the commnnd of Captain Lindsay. The Riant liner, which Is tho largest snip nllont, can carry 18.000 tons actual cargo and has accommodations for IJ.l'.U persons She Is 700 feet long nml has a beam of 75 feet. The Celtic has nine decks. She was not built to break speed but for comfort. On her trip over seasick ness wns almost nn unknown com plaint, this being duo to the fact that (be ship's great size overcame the ac tion of tho sea. A TRUST EXTENSION. The Unl'.ed Stales Steel Corporation Buys the Shelby Tubs Works. Tho United States Steel Corpora tion lias obtained control of the Shel by tube works, u corporation with 15 mills in various pains of tho country, producing tube of all kinds, but prin cipally of the higher grades. The principal mills owned by It are locat ed at Shelby. ().: Greenville. I'll.: To ledo, O.: New Castle, I'a.; Hartford, Conn.; Albany, I ml. ; Atihuru, In.; Heaver. Falls, Ia.; Garwood, X. J.; Mansfield, )., and Cuyahoga Falls, O. The weekly product of the com bined mills is about 5,000 tons of tubes. WHITE CAPS FLOG HUSBAND. Wile Beator Is Severely Punlshod by Masked Men In Indiana. William Gore, of Young America, 15 miles west of Kokomo, Ind., nccuwed ef habitually beating his wife nnd child, was taken to tho woods by 10 of his neighbors, tied to a tree and given a flogging. Three buggy whips nnd a blacksnnke were worn out on his bare back. Tho White Calipers were mask ed with muslin over their faces Faint and covered with. blood Gore dragged hlinwlf to the ollice of Dr. Lyhrook. who dressed the wounds. Gore will leave the couutry as soon as bis wounds heal. Paymont ok Legacy Taxes Commissioner Y'erkes, of the Inter rial revenue bureau, has held that n Vgney tube must be pain within n year after the death of tho testator, and lu any event before payment nud dis tribution to the legatees, or nny par ties entitled to boucllclul Interest lu tho estate Its assessment and col lection, however, should not be en loroea until too expiration of a year unless otsmoution is sought to lie niado within that time. Hungary Seeks Advancement. consul t.istoe, at uottordam, re ports that the government of Hunga ry will grant subsidies to manufac turers of textile goods, ngricultura machinery, silkw, for tho manufac ture of articles of lead, zinc und tin by electricity. The government will expend a considerable sum In iri-i. gation and In other ways endeavor to revive the industrial prosperity of Hungary, American Locomotives Win, English experts have mado a test of English and American locomotives on the railroad at Kingston, Jamaica. with tho result that under tho same conditions and over a difficult lino. the old American engine beat the new English engine, which cost twice as uiucu, by over seven minutes. Japan to Make Hrr Own Ships, It is announced that within two years Japan will be able to make her own warships, guns and other naval and military paraphernalia, which means that England und America will lose one of their best customers lu una line. . Certainly Is a Prosperous Bank. The Indiana National bank of In dlanapolls, Tuesduy declared a div idend or $7UU,uuo, or 1-3 per cent. $450,000 out of the surplus and $250, 000 out of undivided protlts. The can ltal stock was Increased from $300,000 to su,uw,uuv;. To Search For th South Polo. The uritiKU snip uiseovery. com- Bonded by Copt. Scott, of the British nary, started from Cdwei Tuesday on Its long expedition In search of the South role. LATEST NEWS NOTES. Robert F. Plmes, a Huston lnwyer. committed suicide lu that city. $ino.noo,0(n combine forming to take In all tho coal mines lu Illinois. Kx-Govornor Wllllnm A. Newell died hur.xday nt his home In Allcntown, X. J. $M1,fiOO of the $2fo.tsi0 stolen from California vault recovered from the mud. Fulled Mine Workers of America, fllclally Indorse the steel worker' Ft like. IM ,T. A. I.lbby was elected presl cnt by the National convention of dentists. The Society of Amerlcnn Florists looted as Its treasurer II. P. Hentty, f Oil City, Pa. Poor leaders not surrendering by September 15, are to be banMiod from South Africa. I'M win Iavls, a young carpenter of Pcriinton shot his wife nud himself Sunday evening. The capital stock of the National Ilcllnlng Company, of Cleveland, has been Incrcasvd $1, 400,000. Count Tolstoi Iiiin rented a villa nt San Martina, In southern ltnly, nnd will spend the winter there. Steel trust rejected nil proposals or nrbltrnllon and nnnounooti mat us mills would be run non-union. lions are to be checked lis baggage on i lie western railroads nt the same rale as bicycles) and baby carriages, The Chicago Transportation Com pany, with $250,000 capital, win mum ten steel steamers for the lake grain trade. very inlle of the Northwestern raJIrnad system earned the gross sum of $7.S25.lij for the fiscal vear end ing May at, 1001. Flro destroyed the IuimIucss portion of I .Imp Springs, la. Fourteen busi ness houses were burned; los, $150,- ooo, partially insured. The NiHlonal ltoll Steel Car Com pany, capitalize! nt jihsi.issi, mis nceii Incorporated nt Trenton, N. J., to liiaiiul'acliii'e steel cars. A petition for the reduction of the duties on cigars to $2.50 a pound will be sent to Washington by the Havana union of tobacco dealers. The Fulled States transport Thom as, having on bonrd over nisi senooi teachers bound for the Philippines, nrrlved at Honolulu July 31. . Italy proposes to convert Venice In to a first class naval harbor, and in arrylng out this plan will dredge the anals and fortify the Islands. The Clgarmakers' Fnlon, of Hav ana, asserts Cuba, will be rorcoit lo ask for annexation to America unless l.he cigar tariff Is reduced. Professor Warren K. Morehoad, of Newark. O., has been nppolntod cura tor of tlie new museum nt Phillips cademy nt Andover, Mnss. Tho liquor dealers of Atlantic City dolled the court's order to -lose on Sundav. The town wns "wide open" and without police Interference. The negro who attempted nil assault on the wife of a railroad section mas ter nenr Ways station, (ieorgla, was burned near the sceno of his clime. The steamer bearing the body of Tin run von Kettler, Herman minister to China, who was murdered by the Boxers In Peking, arrived at Hrenicn. The steamship Islander has arrived from Skngway with $150,000 In treas ure. A great drought on tho creeks will very much reduce tho estimated output. Judge Arthur M. Noyes, of the Nome, Alaska, district, denies that he had any communication regarding the business of the court with MeKenzIo or Chlpps. A windstorm passed over Ports the death on L. M. .Men ley Injuring half mouth. N. II.. causing Heaver's Island of Mrs. nud Joel Penrsou and a dozen others. Gen. Chaffee has received word that Gen. Simmers troops nre In close pursuit of tho Insurgent lender. Malvnr. They captured Miilvurs camp while his breakfast was still hot. Prof. Willis L. Mooi'p, chief of the went her bureau and acting secretary of agriculture. Is going to Yellowstone pnrk to Inspect that reserve with n view to locating a weather station there. ItepresentatlvcB of tho I'nlon Iron New Works of San Francisco aro lu York City to engage machinists. boil- crmakcrs nnd molders for tho com pnny's employ. In n hvultle with his wife In the apartments of another woman, llollls- ter U. Goodrich, a constable, or cnica go, was shot dead. Mrs. Uoodiich was arrested. Two sections of tho Atlantic City excursion trains of the Baltimore & Uhlo railroad camo together In a rear end collision, at Confluence, Thursday resulting In tho Injury of nine pnssou gers and one of tlio train crew. Intornnl Hevenue Commissioner Y'erkes decided that a dealer In "puts," calls" nnd "spreads Is subject to special tax nnd stamp tax under the act of March 2, liwi. An old-fnshloned mining stampede lias been started to the Big Snowy mountains of Montana by tho dlscov cry of rich gold bearing copper aud saud carrying free gold. Flro broke out In the western end of the Kmery Arcnde, extending from Vino to Ilaco streets, Cincinnati, O, A number of the small stores were damaged, tho louses aggregating near ly $100,000. President W. J. W. Cowden of the board of regents of tho West Virginia University Is authority for tho state ment that tho university will Qiavo summer term next year. Announcement Is made In London of the nppronchlug marriage of Her hcrt Glndwtonr, sou of the Into Will lain Gladstone, to a daughter of Sir Ulchard Horner Paget. The monthly circulation statement of the comptroller of the currency Is sued July 31. snows a totui clrcula tlon of bunk notes amounting to $&U, 162,00(1, an Increase for the year of $30,057,012. ' CONTRACT ABOVE LOYALTY. South Chicago Steel Workers Vols To Not Strike, Also To Extend Financial Aid To Their Brothers. Tho stool workers In Iho Chicago mills refused to Join great steel srtrlke. Hy a vote South hi the of 15S to 7 two Amalgamated Association lodtfcs decided Sunday that their duty to the Federal Steel Company, In ac cordance with their wage contracts, was higher than their duty to the union. At the same tlnie tho South Chicago sit eel men expressed their full sympathy with Hie strike. And In the formal statement by which they an nounced their decision they offered It tin tt -In I n lil to the strikers In the Fast. The South Chicago men an nounced tlielr decision 1o Genernl Su perintendent -. II. MeCullongli, Jr., of the Sonth Chicago mills. The text of the resolutions Is ns follows. It Is the spirit of l.nkestdo Lodge No. 0 nml ommerchil lodge No. 14 of the Amalgamated AsfMcl.nllon of Iron nnd Steel nud Tin Workers, tlint. owing to the existing contract between said lodges nnd the Illinois Steel Company, we nre Justltled In standing by our contracts, nnd, owing to a ruling of President Mahlon M. Garland In 1SD7 that the nssoclatlon never broke nn agreement we do not wish to bring the Amalgamated Aoclatlou Into dis repute with out employers, nil lnbor organizations or the general public by breaking n contract at this time. We extend our lliianclnl aid to our broth ers In tlielr struggle for the building up and maintenance of the Amalga mated Association In the Fast and pray that their efforts may be crown ed with success. All that the South Chicago steel men have to worry tliein in whether they will lie allowed to remain lu good standing as members of the Amalga mated Association. It was said Unit they liml received assurance Hint their reasons for disobeying the strike order would be deemed jMilsfactory by the general olllcers. THREE HUNDRED SLAUGHTERED. Horrible Massacre by the Fanatics In Quel pari Island, Korea. The stnte depnrtment gives the fol lowing, received from Minister Allen, our representntlve In Coren: "Accord log to advices received at the depart ment of stnte up to July ,1, the revolt on the Island of , fjuelpart. off the soul hern coast of Corea, has boon sup- prcsMcil by the Corean government aided by two French gunlxints. About Its) persons were killed In the revolt. mostly Christian. It wns nscertHlned from persons who had been on the Island Hint the revolt wns chuhmI hy nn attempt to collect Increased tnxes, Tho substance of the Information received is thnt the Islanders, who nre very ioor. refused to pay those taxes, and. as no tax collector were avail able nmong the Inhabitants them selves. It wns arranged that t.ie Chris thins, mowlly Catholics and presum ably exiles, should collect the taxes. A coiilllct occurred and before quiet waw restored nil the Christians had been killed. BURIED IN HER MARRIAGE GOWN Priest Who Read the Banns Said for tho Intended Bride. Mass Annie Towers, of 1417 South Philip street, Philadelphia, who was engag ed to lie married on August 21, wns burled Saturday. Father Anthony Z Zeller. who read the marriage banns on August 4. sang high macs In the church where she was to be married nnle wns to hnve become the wife of liiomns Corblazier. Itcturnlng home from a trolley ride with Corblazler, she complained of being 111, but ap parently recovered. Her mother was awakened In the night by noises com tug from Annie's room, nnd, entering. found her daughter In a nnsnl licmur rhage. She died before n doctor nr rived. Attlnil In her wedding dress, file lay lu her lavender casket. A broken wreath, with the words, "My hopes are lost," was from her Intend ed husband. TRUST COMPANY RULING. Commissioner Yerkes' Order Regarding Their Special Tax. Iu a letter to the collector nt Balti more Commissioner of Internal ltev eniu lerkes has held that a trust com- paily doing a banking business must include with their bunking capital lu reckoning the amount of special tax winch tney nre mquired to pay, tlio amount set npai:t for use In conduct tug their storage business. It has also been held In nnother case that these companies must Include money reiiulr ed to be deposited ns security with tho treasurer from the state, ns Is required by statu laws, before doing business Second Brigade's Date, Adjutant Genernl Stewart Issued general orders Wednesday from tho headquarters of tho national guard of l'cnusly van.a announcing that the Second Brigade will encamp at Som erset August 17 to 21. Over a Million lor Charity, Under tho will of the Inte James Toleman of London tho sum of $1, 250,000 is jbequea thed to charity, and the executors aro given an absolutely free hand in us oiwrrimuion. Sweden to Have Trolley Can. The Swedish government, accord lug to a dispatch from Stockholm. I considering plans for the Installation of electricity throughout the whole railway system of Sweden. 1 Insane Woman Cuts Son's Throat, While In bed suffering from Injuries received by falling from a horse, A vlu Seatou, aged 10, of Glonmore, N T., was murdered Saturday by hi mother, who cut his throat from ear to ear with a rasor. The woman was temnorarllT Insane. BOLDEST ROBBERY RECORDED. Vlellm Tho Selby Smelting Company Rob. bers Bor:d Hole Undor Vaull Lost $50,000 In Their Hail 3. The Pelby Smelting nnd I,end Com- pnny, of Snn Frnnclsco, wns robbed of 2S0.000 worth of gold bullion Mondny night. The thieves tunneled from out fide the building under the vault nt he works, which nre locnted on the my shore, nbout 30 miles from Snn rnnelseo. They secured nearly 1,200 pounds nf tine gold, worth $20 an ounce, and escaped without leaving n trace of their Identity behind. It Is supposed t lint when the robbers se cured their loot they loaded It Into a Imnt that wa waiting and disappear ed In tho fog that had arisen over San rranclsco hay. In their haste to get away they left two liars worth nearly $50.(HS1 lying on the bank nt the wa ter's edge. The robbers took the pre caution to sprinkle red pepper In the unnei in order to mnke things ns un comfortable ns possible for anyone who might nttemnt to pursue them. The robbery was not discovered until lie employe! started to work Tues day morning. This gave the burglars, some Hours' stnrt. All the sheriffs lu 'nllforuln were Immediately notified to look out for them. GREAT BATTLE IN VENEZUELA. Government Claims A Victory Over 22 nn-uu- Ballalllons of the Robels. The Venexuelnn government nounces that n force of Invaders der Oen. Rnngel Garblrls, Including 21 ltflltnl fin nl llin I ...l.nttlitn n nimr wns repulsed by the government troops nnd compelled to fnll bark ncross the frontier after 28 hours' lighting on July 28 nud 20. It Is of llclnlly asserted Hint the Invaders lost 000 men. the government troops losing 10. The government has sent relu- forcemeats to the frontier. GERMAN CRISIS SPREADS. Cologne Bank Declared Insolvent and Calico Mill Is Forced to Suspend. Dispatches from vnrlouiy pnrts of Germany show that the financial nnd Industrial crisis Is spreading. The Ithenlsche Immnbdlleii Aktienbank of Cologne has been declared Insol vent, nnd the cnlleo mill of Ehrenberg c Hichter in Filenberg hns suspend ed. Iir. Vlerlln. chnlrmnn of the over seers of the W. H. Popp spinning ma chinery factory In Werdnu hns been arrested. Two of the directors nre wanted under suspicion of having forged checks. TORNADO HITS NORFOLK. Twenty Houses Unrooted in Outlying Part of Town Several People Hurt. A tornado, lu the usual funnel-shap ed cloud nud nbout 5(1 feet In width. swept over Norfolk, Vn Tuesday. Fortunately, Its pnth was In the outly ing portion of the city. The roofs of 20 houses were blown nway and sev erol people were Injured. Several houses lu Berkely were unroofed. Trees were torn up and chimneys blown down. It was followed by rainstorm that almost equaled cloudburst. Now Fruit Line lo Jamaica. Influential merchants nnd represen tative fruit growers of Kingston Jamaica, hnve taken steps for the forma l Ion of a company with a capi tal of $200,000 to establish a line of fruit stenmers between Jamaica and American ports. The great supply of fruit cannot be handled by the two existing lines. David Nation Asks Divorce. David Nation hns brought suit for a divorce rrom tns wire, Mrs. enrne Nation, the temperance crusader. The petitioner, who Is now visiting In liter- In, O., alleges that his wife held lilm np to public ridicule nud abandoned Ills home. The Kaiser Invited. The Emperor of (lerninny will be presented with nn olllclal Invitation from President McKlnlcy to visit the Lolushina purchase exposition at St, Louis In 100.1. Itepresentntlve ltlch nrd Ilnrtholdt, of Missouri, hns ar rived at Berlin to arrange with tho foreign otllce for the visit of a dele gation of exposition directors which will personally hand to the Kaiser the President s greeting and urge him to miiku a trip to St. Louis. Insurance Company Forced Out. Stnto Auditor West hns commenced net ion at Omaha lu the district court to put the Security Mutual Fire In surance Company out of business. Tho condition of the company In tlio aud itor's opinion does not warrant Its con tinuation. The company Iinsr secured tho appointment of Henry A. Whip ple as receiver. Norlh Dakota Feils Frost. There wns a general frost at Rot 1 1 neti ii, N. D Thursday night. It caused some damage to late wheat In the lowlands, but did no other In jury, Mrs. Nation Released. Mrs. Carrie Nation was- released from the county Jail at Topeka, Kan., Thursday, her fine having been paid by Dr. Fva Harding, who took up a collection for that purpose. Mrs. Na tlou will go to Atlantic City, where she will deliver four lectures for the poor liilldreus' outing fund. CABLE FLASHES. A dispatch from Port Arthur states that Senator Bovctidge, of Indiana, litis arrived at that place. According to a dlwpateu from St. Petersburg. In the recent conflagration at Wltebsk, 1,000 bouses were destroy rd and 100 lives lost. The prison there was burned and many prisoners perished. PLHN 10 BlOW BP ENGLISH BOAT. TORPEDO UNDER MULESHIP. Boer Sympathizers at New Orleans Credlltd With Attempt lo Destroy Transport Ready lo Sail for Africa. " Wlint Is regarded ns nn Attempt of Hoer !'ympnlhls!or to blow up a Hrl sh transport occurred shortly after midnight, nt New (liienns Hmtiirdny morning, when there wns a ferritin ex plosion nt the stock landing, where he Mechanician Is loading with mules for Soiitii Africa. The explosion shook houses, rmttlod iIIkIio nun awakened people for some distance around. Most of the: crew of the ship were nsleep, but the shock brought them quickly on deck. An examination showed n large dent on Hie slnrlmnrd side. Three large plntes nt the wa ter's edge hnd been stove In nnd con- sldernble water was flowing Into the ship. Pumps were Immediately put to work and when daylight enme It wns found the vessel wns In no danger of sinking. Tlio rrew dinhfd that there wen- nny explosives on bonrd, nnd those who examined the Hhlp state that the explosion was from the outside, nnd Hurt some sort of bomb or torpedo hnd been used. Alfred Ie- blnno, general oltlcer of the Harrison line, said the damage would lie re paired nt New Orleans nnd the vessel will get nwny for South Allien a a soon ns ixwslble with her enrgo of mules A British oltlcer, who was on the ship last night, said the explosion was ler- rllle, nnd that n column of water went high up lu the sir nnd came down on dock. It was suggested in some ipmr- ters Hint It might Imve been Hie net of sonic disgruntled muleteers, as some who have left the city on the British transports have returned with complaints of 111 treatment. APPOINTMENTS MADE. Speaker W. T. Marshall Names the Members of Several Commissions. Commissions provided for during the Inst session of the Legislature have lieen announced by Spenlter W. T. Marshall of the House of Itepre sont'ii fives. lie has seleotvd- Repre sentative John T. Harrison of Phila delphia to servo on the commission which will select a site nnd build n hospital for the care and treatment of the Insane. J, N. Pew Is named ns n member of' the Topographic and (leologlcal Com mission. Pennsylvania commission to the South Carolina lnter-Stato and West India Kxposltlon nt Chruiestvi. S. C: John Hamilton of Philadel phia, Mellaril M. Kopp of Allegheny, Hurry K. Dougherty of Mercer coun ty. James Foster of Montour county. Kdwnrd James, Jr., of Incknwnnnn county, William S. Vonliyke, of Westmoreland county, Madison A. (tarvln of Adams county and (leorge It. lilxon nf Klk count;.. Pennsylvania commission to the Louisiana Purchase Kxposltlon nt St. LohIm: Itepresentntlve Theodore B. Stulb of Philadelphia, Charles A. Mor tens of Krle county, John P. McTlghe of Allegheny county. William 11. Fl rleh of Ilutiphln county. John Solicitor, Jr., of Lackawanna county, Hubert. M. New-hard of 1'clnwnre county, Fred erick Hess of Philadelphia, Fdgar S. Manning of Cumberland county. Representative Frank B. Mef'lnln of Lancaster county. Ward It. Bliss of Delaware county, Charles K. Voor hess of Philadelphia and Henry Hal! of Allegheny couuty, have been named nn members of n commission to In quire Into the condition and care of the Insane patients of the state. PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT. Gov. Taft Declares That Congress Must Enact Tariff Legislation. Oov .Tnft, speaking nt the bnnquet given by the Cnlifornlnns In Manila to Itepresentntlve Julius Kahn, of San Francisco, said Hint in order prop erly to develop the Philippines satis factory legislation dealing with tariff reform must be passed nt the next ses. slon of Congress. Ho nsserted thnt law prohibiting the salo of public lauds nnd timber, laws providing for tho Incorporation of American banks and laws granting franchises and mining rights wero Imperatively de manded. N:w Weather Wrinkle for Farmer. Congressninn Sereno B. Pnyno Is trying to get the postal department to act with the weather bureau and hnve rural freo moll deliverers enrry wenth er signal Hags to Inform tho farmers of tho weather forecast. Tillman Sued for Slander. J. Young JoncM has tiled suit at Col umbia. S. C, against Senator TlUnian for $10,000 dainuges for slander. Tho alleged slander was littered months ago. I'll 1 mil ii lu a speech alluded to Jones as "a craey old thing Just out of tlio asylum." ' President of Arlgua. News conies from Ln Victoria. Ven ezuela. that Francisco L. Alcantara, a graduate from the Fnlted States mill tary academy at West Point In tho class of 18U7, bus been elected presi dent of the state of Arlgua. Ho is only 2T years old. Fdgar A. Whitney and Ernest Bur- gone, in-rested in New York, have confessed that they were agents of combine that arranged with the police for protection of gambling bouses. Oil and Gas Companios Chartered. The rinte Valley Gold Mining. Sllll lag & Development Company, of WIlkeMbarre. capital $500,000, and the now Independent Oil Company of Clarksburg, W. Va . capitalized at $500,000, were Incorporated lu Dela ware Saturday. Tho Building Trades Council, tho houwcsmlths' union, and tlio bridge mens' union, of Now York, have adopt ed resolutions pledging tho moral and financial support of the orgaulatlou to the steel workers. . DROUGHT HURT IT MUCH. Secret iry Wilson Gives Results of His vsatigallon Lati Corn May Be Good. Fair Proipecls Is Iowa, Secretary Wilson, who hn Jiift con cluded a tour through the corn belt, In a communication received tit tho depnrtment of agriculture snys: "Tho com rrop Is very seriously Injured In nil t.ie great com growing states. Tho spring wns wet. nnd much of. the crop wnw planted late on ncconn't of tho Ian,, being smturatcil. It Is ivrlklng ly observable unit most crops n-e un dersized, stunted nnd not such henvy yleius of grain. This Is tlio case In the nest com reglonv, such as the route from Chicago to llmilngton, la. "The crop In Central Iowa promises butter. It has heavier stalks, but an exnmtnntion of the ears show Incom plete fertilization. Siilllcleiit rnln has not yc fallen to enrry on the crop to maturity In most of the' states of the great corn belt. Northern Iowa nnd Minnesota have lighter crupw that look green and healthy, ml need rain, nnd can not have average crops on ac count of Imperfect fertilization. "The Injury to corn Is so serious that It Is very, easy to over-estimate the crop. The wheat Is reported good everywhere. The heat did hasten ripening and caused Hiiinking. Oats lire reporter! light lu mort states, ow ing to hurried ripening. The same Is said of barley. Potatoes nre very seriously Injured south of Mlnncsoiji. s c.i 1.1 to be excellent. I get estimates on Iowa of a two'-" thirds corn crop. It will be less; I believe. The corn nlong the 'O' road n Southern I wn Is very light. 1 do not think half of It will be worth husking and the other nslf dors not now. promise more than half of nn nv eraje crop at the outside. This may also be tuld of Nebraska corn nud Kaus.is Is suffering sllll more." HONDURAS LAND GRANT. Gives 64,000 Acros on Condition of Sottling Trad With American i. James Wood, of Chicago, who went lo Honduras ns the representative of n Chlongo iiymllcate. has returned and sayw that- his company has secured from the government 01.000 neres of land on the condition Hint It be set tled with Americans. The land lies betwen Celba and Puerto Cortess, about 'in miles from the latter place. Mr. Wood claims that his company has al ready made arrangements with a num ber of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois farmers to go to Central America and raise tropical products. The flrvt par ty of emigrants Is expected to leave lu about two months. 20,000 PERSONS DROWNED. Great Floods Caused by the Overflowing of the Yanghtse Kiang. Great floods caused by the over flowing of tlio Yang Tse caused the death of many thousands' ln China. Tho river hnd risen 40 feet, and for hundreds of miles the country was n great lake with only tops of trees and mi occasional roof showing. At Ank- lug tho town was flooded, some of the houses to tlio roof. At Kiu Klang tho nailve town was flooded and two feet of water xtood lu the foreign settle ment. Lower down i river to ward Swu Hue the destruction was greater nml boatmen estimate that '.'o.iMSl were drowned ln the district. Chong Teh was wiped nwny by floods nud 10,000 were drowned there. wlille many other points have been In undated, Involving awful loss of life and great destruction to property. . REPRIMANDED REAR ADMIRAL EVANS. Assistant Secretary ol Navy Rebukes Him (or Attack on Chandler. Acting Secretary Hacked of the Navy Depnrtment has reprimanded Iti-ad Admiral Itohlcy I). Kvans for what lie wrote In his book, "A Sail or's Log," nbout Wllllnm K. Chandler, secretary of the navy from 1SS1 to 18S5, senator from New Hampshire for two terms and now president of the Spanish Treaty Claims Commis sion. Evans accused Chandler of re moving him from active uuty for re fusing to use his olHce for political purposes. GROWING GERMAN TRADE. Wlih the United Sta'.e Both Export and Imports Are Larger. , Imports Into fhe T'nimi Stntes from Germany nnd exports from the United States to that country have Increased from $12,000,000 in INTO to $101,0(0,. 000 In 1001, nn Inerense of nearly 300 per cent. In Imports from Germany nnd of nenrly 400 per cent. In exports to Germany. On tho export side, the greatest growth has been during the last five years. In which time our ex ports) to Germany have doubled, be ing in I.SIMS. ijil)-,8f)7,107. aud ln 1DU1, SlDl.OTiMIS: Fearing Trouble.. Tho stnte department has received a communication from J. Edward Simmons, of New York, president of the Panama railroad company, ex pressing apprehension of trouble along the Iwfhmus and suggesting that an American warship be sent to the Pu clllc side at Panama as well as to the Atlantic side at Colon. Pernod'v nbslnthn factory nt Ton rartlon, one of tho largest in France, was struck by lightning Sunday. The factory was completely destroyed, the damage being estimated ut $1,(500,000. Nollis Grant Sartorls' Canadian Homo. Mrs. Nellie Grant Sartorls, daughter of Lieut. Ccu. U, S. Grant, sealed legally on Saturday tho piirclin.se of tho mngulflcent residence nt Cobnrg, Ontario, of Miss Allan, daughter of tho lute Sir Hugh Allun, founder of the Allan lino of steamships, and will havo almost Immediate possession. Mrs. Sartorls Is accompanied by her oioUibr. the mabke; PITT ia-no. Arsln, Floor and hit Wnrvr-No. I red W t ltv No. 2 ' 1 . I Coss No. 3 yellow, par Tf W No. 8 yHlow, shelled M Mixed ir 'A,..6", Oats-No. 3 white V ' No. 8 whits A... W4 Fmiiis Whiter pntent $ 70 8 W Fancy Hirnlght Wliitorn 1 01 75 Hay No. 1 tlino'liy 1 0 19 69 Clover No. 1 10 US 1" 7 tr.rn No. 1 white mliL ton.... 19 00 !i0 00 Jlrown middlings 10 & II M limn, hulk 17 0) 18 00 Btbaw Whent 7 00 7 80 out - 7 ai 7 w Dairy rrmtnott Ppttsb Elgin nreamory. $41 Ohio Preninery 0!- Fancy country roll 10 17 Cnr.rsK Ohio, now 10 lO1 hew York, UflW 10 V I0)i I'ouUry, aio. nssa-pcr lb 9 I' Ciiickk.ss ilrcssmt t " Euoi I'a. nnd Onto, frwh 15 14 Frnlla nn l Vetomlitm. flans rtsASs per liusluil $ I JV? 1 BO I'oTA-ross t'niicy whlto, V ubl. 4 S5 4 7J CAiiitAfia ir Imrrel 3 31 3 50 Ukioks yer bnrrui OJ 3 3i riALTIMOIlB, From Winter Pntuut WiirAT N. 2 red Cons nilxod Oats Knon A Uottiu Ohio oretimory 3 5 I'a) 70 's :; 31 t TO 70 U (S04 44 13 2i ritlLAIK!.tMI( 1 Fi.orn Winter patent ......... t 1 1 ? n hat No. 3 mil Coss No. 1 mixd , Oats No. 3 wliito HiittfJb Creamery, extra toon I'enusylvnulu 11 ruts,.... NKW YOllK. Fr.ocB rntcnts. Whsat No. 2 red Cobs No. 2 Oats No. 3 Whlto lien KB Crflium'ry too 8tnto and I'auun Live stocic Central Stack Vrli. Km I.Unrlr, CATTLR. Trim heavy, 1500 to 1000 IU... S (11 j'rimc, 13IM to him ;i. o -to Medium, I J)0 lit liOJ IM 5 2i Fnt liclf.im 5 OJ Uutclinr. W)0 to KWO iln. 4 25 Common to fntr 3 0 Oxen, common to Int . 8 OJ Common togood tut tmllsik Dow 3 . 0 Milch oows, wren Js Oi) Extra milub cows, cni'h !l7 iJ noos. rrime medium weigm A Id Dmt henvy yorker nud mudiuiu S Oood lo cho.c l-Miekers. ' 8 0 tiood piss nnd light yorsera. Tigs, common lo goou I'nine henvy hogs icimmin ;o nur liouglis tings sneip. Extrs, medium wclxit welhart. i 85 4 00 Good lo cuoico. 3 SO 3 78 Medium 3 7i 3 SO Cooioiou to lair 1 Hi 3 3 LAMUS. ' Lambs clipped 3 SO 5 61 Lnmbs, goud to choice, cllriii vl 3 51 6 00 J-junl, common to lair, clloiiud 3 30 3 61) 7SH I I sii4 co I i4 4" I 20 I mi 17, J UK I 01 1 Hi I in 1 10 I 6 9-1 6 Of 6 01 8 5 4 i"'V is 3 4J 4 00 CALVES. - f 5 00 7 00 I ) Choice. 4 50 6 60 Venl. extrs. Veal, cuoil to vcul, common to fair 3 60 4 60 eol, couimou heavy it 0 J 8 60 PROSPERITY IS UNINTERUPTED. No Complaint About Trado Uncertainty Has Beon Eliminated Possible Results ol the Steel Strike Discounted. It. G. Dun & C'o.'s Weekly review of trade snys: " There Is no complaint from any part of tlio country over the volume of current distribution of merchan dise, nnd what hesitation Is observ ed lu general trade Is chiefly due to . tho uncertainly as to the duration of the labor troubles iu the steel man ufacture. killed ions continue good,.' better weather has helped the agri cultural classes, money Is easy, aud slocks of merchandise carried nro not above the average for this ceason of the year, particularly in the west and southwest. Relief Is felt In all departments of the Iron and steel Industry now that uncertainty is ended and the posi tion of the contestants made clear. Structural, wire and plate mills are not affected ami the production of rails will not be materially curtailed. Supplies of bars and tuliew will be re stricted, nud Quotations In these lines tend to follow tho advance already secured for hoops and sheets. A bod fearuro Is the increased Importation of tin plates, which had been manu factured In sufficient quantity to about meet the domestic demand, Imports lu tlio last (Iscnl year being valued at only $3,770,002, agnlnst $;13,7I(1,920 10 ytsirs ago. l'ureluuters of nwny forms of tlnlMicd steel are showing mucn eagerness to place contracts, whllo on tho other liiind pig Iron U In less urgent rciiqcat. Having no further ammunition aud drought re ports for hoisting prices, speculators havo turned suddenly to the other ex tivnio and demonstrate that early frosts tlircatcii all the Into planted corn. The result has been a spot quo tation at this city of nioro than (10 cents all the week, and the practic al elimination of exporters from do mestic markets. A healthy demand from domestic millers ami phenomenal Atlantic ex ports give strength to prices of wheat. As the sea sou advances It bo comes more npinmmt that foreign crop losses will necessitate unprBce deuted shipments from tlio United States, aud with tho settlement of the strike on the Paclflu cooati there will be a movement of great magni tude. ( 1'lantern shoe manufacturers And conditions as favorable as lat week, while reports from the west are mora encouraging. Orders from the drought affected regions are no longer coun termanded, and earlier cancellations are being restored. Leather Is steady aud no alteration. In prices Is eaU ciliated. An unmarried man doesn't havo to join church in order to be a confirmed bachelor. J 5) !) A