i ilOBDERS AF1ERCAR FULL OF GOLD. DYNAMITED WRONQ ONE. A Baltimore and Ohio Passenger Train Held Up In Indiana by a Gang ol Daring Highwaymen. The Ilnllimnrc nml Ohio pnssctiger train from tin- Kitst. which wn duo In arrive In the drum! Central depot, S.!hlrtiiro, nl ! o'clock Wednesday night wn hilil tip l.v tlvo masked nii'ii nl s o'clock liclwccn lidiroiiinre nml nr-ind S-I-ulnmet lli lulils. Indiana. III mi. ont from Chicngn. m i f Ike null ram, which coma hied mi muiicy. was dyuamltod tin. I wrecked. 'I he n'irnipl at robbery Him made nfter tin' two mail enr luiil been detached from I In tra In nml run n iinrtcr of n mile abend. The failure of tlii robbery to make n rich limil wn duo In th fact flint the exprcs cur which contained 1hn trnlu'H treasure, wa in nn tin iiniiiiI ilnci. It wn tln third cur in 1ho tntlti. 'After wrecking Hie mull enr nml obtaining no booty the rob hers disappeared lit the il.trkncss with out illtcmptlug to rectify their mis take. '1'he only loot Hint they eiirrleil wny wlili them nn n revolt of their Adventure wn ii gold wnloh of the engineer. The trnln wn tin1 New York nnil Washington vestibule lim ited. Most of the trainmen were shot nt nml had tmrrow escape fnnn the liillletx. No person was Injured either liy the ilyiiiiinlte or llreiirtli. Tin plate where the rootiery occurod Is n lonely ill.-tlct In which few people live nml houses lire fur between. No tetter place for n train robbery coulil bo desired by the robbers. After leaving the train the robber turned townnl I.nke Michigan. It Is believ ed they niiiile their Html escape In boat. DANCEO TO HER DEATH. Hungarian Bride Fell Exhausted and Soon Expired Wedding Gown Her Shroud. lenth rut short the honeymoon of John P.rosewlso nml Ills bride aged , 20. n McKeesport couple. Within -IS hour lifter tlie iiiipllnls were solemn ized the brnlo whs it corpse. She died Monday, nml her death wns caused. Il Is asserted, by overexertion. Incident to the wedding festivities. As In the usual custom, dancing followed the weiliilmr of I lie collide, nml all the innle guests iaid n good price to dnm-e with the bride. The dancing ' was kept tip from Saturday tint II earlv Monday morning, when Hie bride fell exhausted. She wns enrrled to her room and everything possible was done lor her, but she never ral lied. Her shroud was her wedding gown. GOLD DEPOSITS IN THE PHILIPPINES. Thoi Are Three Particularly Rich Field Natives Sklllull Pan Miners. Pr. Gooriro K. Hooker, of IheTnlt ed States geological survey, who is exploring the Philippines In his report nnvs there Is scarcely n province In the riilllpplnes In which koM has not been obtained by the native who are Mk ill fill pan miners and clever In deal ing with nccesslble quarts!. Gold milling Is tin nnclent Industry. The more important Holds are three In " nunib-r. One Ilea in central northern Luzon, the other lu the province of Cnimirlncs, lu southeastern Luzon nml the third In Hie northeastern portion of the island of Mindanao. BANK RECOVERS STOLEN MONEY. Treasure Is Found Burled at Outskirts ol Elkhart City. Private I'.etectlvea employed by nn Akron ().,) banking Institution made an Important arrest lu n gambling den at Goshen, 1 nil.. Thursday, which resulted in recovering nearly Jpltl.t mm; lu currency mid gold coin. The two nieu who were captured hail rilled a vault In tho Akron bank ten days ago. The men. who are Raid to be residents of Klkhart county, were taken compli tely by surprise, and were hurried to Klkhnrt, where the booty was believ ed to have been secreted. At Klkliart the robbers led the way to Hie out- skirts of the city, where they had burled the plunder, and every dollar was recovered. Tho bank directors. fearing a panic, have kept the facts of the robbery secret until nfter the arrest. CALLS TEACHERS BIGOTED. Causllc Remarks of Dean Russell, ot Colum bla College, In California. At tho closing session of the sum mer school nt the University of Call forula. In Herkley, James Karl Hits sell, dean of the teachers' college nml professoor of history and education nt Columbia university, declared that teachers nre the most narrow and Mo oted wet of people on earth, lie said they were pusillanimous and cring ing and as n class totally unlit and un prepared for Hie work they wore pre tending to da. Although the hall was tilled with teachers the professor's remarks were well received, becamv In spoke of himself as of the teach ing profession. Shipyard For thu fconlV Alabama. Port. ul miles ttoutli of Mobile nnil on tiie (iitlf of l;.kitlco. Is to have a shipbuilding plant to cost $4,)i),0(Hi, and which will be capable' of bit I Id in g six steamships nt one time. Tho work of construction will begin In November and will be rushed to completion. The plant when flulnltod will employ S.tHMi hands. . ' Good Price lor Weil. Houston Quail, of Washington eouuty, Pu., litis sold his wool, com prising two clips, or about 4,onu pounds, nt 1!5 cents per pound. Tho avorage price m fur this aensoa has boen from 18 to T2 eeiitH. Cost ol England's War. Official supplementary estimates aiiow that $35,000,000 are needed im mediately by the British forces In South Africa. It U uiioltkiully eotl matiHl that yuoo.000,000 wore will be Deeded by Chtiatiuaa. LATEST NEWS MOTES. Fourteen Krrneli warship tire com pletely tilted with wireless telegraphy. Hear Admlrnl John Irwin, retired, died Sunday. The itrenl drouth In Hie corn belt III the Wevt Is broken. Two Niagara Falls enr collided ticur I -a mi lie while going nt high speed. The freight transport Sanion lias been named the IHx lu honor of Gen era I John A. Pit. The fein lie popn't I loll of Masvacbn. setts ciiiki! u;c-i ril.It per cent, of nil Ihc people el' that slate. Mrs. Carrie Nation, serving a sen tence for Joint smashing, has been pardoned by Uovcrnor Stanley. The toint number of Moor made prisoners or who have surrendered since the war broke out is 3:i,ihh. Nine iiildilloiisl companies of eont iitllllciy me to be organized Iniiueill ithty from recruits nlreiuly secured. The Venezuelan government reports that the revolutionist have been de feated near San I'rlstobal. The IIi'IiImIi torpedo boat No. SI sunk off" the Island or Alderiiy. In the P.uglisli channel. AuulM l" Is- the otllclal dale llxed for the evacuation of Peking by the Prliish troops. P. .1. Tormoy, of San Francisco, has been elected president of the American Whist league. licorice Ferguson, V2 year old, or Haltlinore, was killed tit Atlantic City by a live electric wire, hanging from a tree. The steamship Deiilscldand, of the Hamburg American line, raised the western a vein ne for hourly runs to l!:i:7 knots. The total coinage executed at . ' mint during July, was f.i.n.l,KUI; gold I.L"J."i.tHHi: silver. $l..'tl'J,iHN; minor coins. SSI,.S.'lit. Martial l:tw ha been proclaimed on Tuckers nml Morgan's Island. ltcrmiidu. where liner prisoners of war are conllned. William l.ane. serving a term In the stale peiilteiillary nt Philadelphia, was burned to death by setllng lire to his straw mattress. F.xWrts of iniiiinfiietiires from the Fulled Slates show an apparent de crease or IL'.oM III ini' nscai yiiir 1IIH1 io in pa led with I'.MHI. (Jeorge Hisserl, the polli'e olllcer of New York, who lias been on trial on Hie charge of having taken n rolt bribe, wits found guilty. The camp of the Second brigade N. tl. P. at Somerset litis been named for Peter 1. Perchuieut. lale colonel of the Fourteenth regiment. OITiclal step looking to a system atic agitation for a change of Hie date of holding the Presidential Inaugural Ion have been taken. Henjamlu 1). Woodward, Awalstnnt Commissioner of the Fulled State nt the Paris Imposition, has wound up the a flairs of the commission. The First Cavalry has captured .11 Insurgents In Hataiiga. The pay chest stolen in J.nguru province ha been recovered nt Santa Cruz. Private James Hell, who during the Sioux Indian troubles In ISVll earned ti moil il from congress, was given a military funeral at Fort Sheridan. In tl freight Wreck on the Pennsyl vania division of the v cut nil Hud son railroad, near ltillsboro. one per son was killed ami four Injured. Suit has been begun lu the Fulled Stales circuit court at 1'lilltulclpliln to recover from J. Kdward Addlcks, of Dc lawn lv, lj!."iilil.O(M). The annua! Chaiitnuuun nt Moun tain l.tiKo Park, Mil,, opened Thurs day, and will continue throughout the present month. Three hundred trolley men went on strike at F.rlo. Pit., Friday, tying up the entire line of the l.rle motor c.nn puny. The Pennsylvania Uallrnad Co., Is taking options nml securing deed for the proposed extension of the Pitts burg. Virginia and Charleston rail road up the river from ltr'ownsvllle. Frederick Yost, of Slierburn, Minn n fanner, shot nml la tally wounded I'.ttza lv i in u ii'. lormeriy tits iionscKeep- er, and killed her ltl-moiitlis-old child then committed suicide. Cnptnlu C. A. Flagler lins. reported (tint lie tuts completed the work, of re moving the wreck of the Cristobal Colon troiu the entrance to San Juau harbor. Jtalryman James O. Wood, of Al- toonn. Pa., haw brought suit ngul'ist Marry l. Merr for 5,ikii ro. causing his arrest ou a charge of ,e:IIItg nihil ntiited milk. Secretary Hitchcock left Tliursdn for New Hruiiswli'k mid New F.ugland tor a liiiiiiins trip. At ..lontreal ex- Attorney (letteral cirlggs will meet him and Secretary Knot also has ben Invited. Hasel Sylvl Wood, of Omnhn, who swallowed poison last week to escape a bulging bill or ti.i. in now onc-tmru owner of a Florida orange, jjrovo worth 5o0,hI0. Details to the staff of the army un der the reorganization will bo In pro portion to the members of eiien ruck la the threw nrms 12 from Hie Infan try, six from tlie cavalry uud four from tlie artillery. Iailu Prince Kennedy, of Kansas City, serving ten years for killing her liutibiiud, was released In flO.OOO bond pending an appeal to the State Supreme Court. Thomas A. Scott, railroad Cnnn cler nnd millionaire, wns denied a pe tition nt ltoston, Mas., for release from Jail, where he has beeu conllned since February 15 last for alleged fail ure to meet two notes. A temporary Injunction restraining the strikers nt Northtport, Washing ton, from attempting to Interfere with the employment of nonunion men lu the Xortuport smelter, was Issued by judge Ha n ford of the United Stales district court. The order la sweeping In, Its terms. The Injunction la made returnable Id Spokane September IS. PRESERVE SANCTITY OF HOMES. The 8euth Carolina 8enalor Delonds the Southern Custom ol Summary Justice. Willing to Renew Warfare. Fulled Slate Senator Benjamin K. Tillman, of South Carolina uildressml a law audience nl: Mnrlnetrei Wl on Hie nice iptestloii from a ktouthern standpoint. (Hie of the feature of ms remarks was a plea In ,nlllloii lion of lynching. lie condemned Cooker Washington's scheme of educa ting Hie neurit along Industrial Hue tut mi attempt to place him on an equably Willi the while arllsao. some thing that would intensify nice hatred In the South. Among the 4.000.000 slaves during the Civil War there were more Christian Hum there are to day among Hie P.noo.non black In the ,'oiitli. "I do tint want to uphold shivery." lie coiillnued. "It lintik tlod there tire no slaves today under the Star nml Stripes." Mr. Tillman made n plea III Jiisllilcatloti of lynching, saying that Southern women could mil be brought Into i-ouit to testify before a Jury for the purpose of con victing a beast. Ills reference to the sanctity of Hie Southern hotncliold and the Southern women and his re mark on lynching were heartily ap plauded, lie closed Willi an impas sioned statement to the effect that the while people of the South would re inn III on top, and. If necessary, be nml hi brethren were ready to lake down their shotguns again. DOCK WORKERS ORDERED OUT. Paralysis of Shipping Business In San Fran Cisco 25.000 Men Idle. Twenty live thousand men, dock- worker, members of Hie City Front ederalloii at San Francisco, Oakland, Mivslon Hock ami Porto Costa, went out on a strike Tuesday lu siipHirt of the teamsters' strike .and the shipping business was temporarily paralyzed. The tie-uii will be complete If tin1 plans of the labor union I suoecswful. Tliev hope lo prevent the loading, and even the moving of ship Hint nrr ready for departure. Fnless the pni' prlelors are able to sii'iire siilllcleul non-union meu to help load, and iiiiin the ships, the strike will practically mean the closing of the port, mid sus pension of business to Hie wholesale nml manufacturing section or nun Francisco and Oakland. KILLED BY A PET BEAR. Wm. Eaploy Was In Bathing and Swam Too Near Eruln. In the presence of ' people Sunday, William j.cpley, a blacksmith, of Iowa Falls, lo.. was killed by a bear Hint Is kept on exhibition at a boat land lug. Icpley was bathing and swam near the slioiv where the hear is chained. lie fore l.cpley could nifcke an outcry the bear reached for hi in and. dragging him out, fastened his teeth In III neck Alter a struggle the body was recovered, but Hie man died a few moment later. HONOLULU JUDGE FREES CRIMINALS. Holds Thai the Constitution Operates and Juries Must Have Twetvo Mombors. The Constitution of (lie Fuller Slates preceded tlie tlag In Hawaii, in cording to a decision Just rendered by Circuit Judge tleorge l. tiear, of Hie First circuit, Honolulu. He lias already released on habeas corpus pe tit Ion three prisoners sentenced for Infamous crimes, niter the res'iilutlou of annexation was passed by Congress mid was signed by President McKIn ley, ou the ground thai they were not convicted by a unanimous verdict of V2 Jurors. A wholesale tall delivery of murderer, burglars, lnrccnM nn other criminals Is threatened under Ihc decision, and Honolulu Is greatly ills turlied over tlie prospect. To Make Papier Machs Coffins. The York Casket Company wo , for chartered Wednesday nt York, Pa the uiiiiiufticture ami sale of funeral caskets. The capitalization is $lnn,. mil. The company maiiuraclurcs a line of caskets constructed of corrti gated papier mache. Steamboat Island Sinks. Steamboat Island, one of the Apos tie group, oft Cheqntuncj-ou Hay, Lake Superior, has disappeared, llefore the last storm and for time Immemor ial It was n small Island of sand and rock, overgrown with trees. Now It has gono nnd a rocky reef several feet timlcr water marks It place. It Is now n danger to navigation, ami a lighthouse would bo required on the ledge if it were In thu path of ships. Spa n's Weak Condition. The premier, henor Sngastn, scouts the Idea of any political outcome re sulting from thu visit of the German I squadron (couiiimuded by Prince Henry or Prussia, now nt Cndlzl Spain. He says Spain haw nothing to olTer. She must reorganize her army, navy nml Internal aduilnlstratlou bo fore dreaming of alliance. Wrecked All Town Pumps. Eight threshing machine crews reached tlie towu of Colwlch, la Kan sas, uud because of the Sunday liquor law, they smashed Ave "Joints" and wreikid the town pumps. Citizens Interfered, but tlie thnsshers luaido them retreut. Hinting was then re sumed. Pennsylvania Day. The Pennsylvania commission to the Pan-Anierleaii exposition at Buffalo has llxed upon Friday, September 30, us Pennsylvania day. Governor Stone, Ills 'staff and cabinet will be present with the coiumlssiou. Admiral Klmberly It Excused. The Navy Djatiaent lias granted tho request of Vear Admiral Klmberly that be be rolleved from duty on the Schley court ot Inquiry. NATIONAL MUSEUM CAUGHT. Exhibition ot War Trophies Likely lo Citnm International Complications Conger's. Homo Town Will Dlsgorgt Cannon. An effort la to He tundn by tills government to recover the loot brought front China to this country. The IHstrlet Attorney and ngetit of the Treasury, lit Minneapolis hnne practically seized a lot of stun" dis played for sate there, which the ven dor claim was taken from the Imper ial piilnec In Peking. In doing t Ills they tided upon Instructions from the I icparltiicnt r Justice nml' nt I he lies'! re of the Depiirlinetit uf Sinto. The article dlpplny- il at .M IniieniMills are valuable nml placards said they were brought from Peking by a war correspondent. The treasury liimilry I to discover If Inly was paid ou llicin. If none wns paid tlw.r will be seized nml held sub- eel to the order of Hie Chinese min ister. If they were admitted In Hie regular wny n pretty question' will arise n to their ownership. he National Museum nl Washing ton ha what purport to be the lock of the Forbidden City. None of Hie olllcliil ot Hint. Institution hnv ever satl'ifactorlly answered tin1 question: W here ill. I yon get It V" Minister onger sent a pair of cannon to hi home town In Iowa mid Hint munic ipality may have to disgorge. LEGACY TAX DECIDED. tnlornal Revenue Assessment Made on Valuo, tho Day ol Death. Commissioner of Internal Heveline Yerke lias ruled Hint In cnnes of es tate coining within the legacy tint law, the nssevsmcnt of the tlovern inent tax must be made on the vnlue of tlie estate on the ilny of (lie tes tator' dentil. While this release neeiimuliitloii from taxation It nlso Impose liability for full nswssment notwithstanding loss or shrinkage may result nfter the ilenth of the testator nnd prior to the distribution of the estate. BUY AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVES. Lyons-Mediterranean Road Gets Ten, but Thinks American Coal Poor. Tlie Lyons Mislllorranenii Hnllrond has iHiught lo American locomotive, Intending to experiment with them, Willi the view of minuting the points in which they nre superior to the French engine. Chief Knglneer B.'ioilry says Hint, although lie consid er American coal of poorer quality than Carillll' coal. If American coal can be Intnli'd cheap enough the com pany ready to buy It. Dumont Ascends Again. M. Snnlos Diiinonl inaite a not her successful experiment Monday nt 'atis with n dirigible balloon, sailing it from St. Cloud to the Longehiimps race course, around which he steered tlie balliMin. and ascetnliil nml do sii'iideit, occupying 'JO ntiliiuloa uf time. Sugar Trust Increases Capital. With the tinnouiieenieut that the American Sugar Itcllnlng Company would Increase its capital to $!KI,imiO,- oini, many reports found circulation Some believe a battle royal Is on with competitors, from tlie Arbucklcs down. The Indications are that It will be used for sundry purchase and luvcHtincnts lu the Fnltcd States nnd Cuba. Reviews French Troops. Telegrams from Algiers report that Count von Waltlersee and his staff, on .landing there reviewed a company of French soldiers, who formed tin: guard of honor, praising their appear- mice nml discipline. French olllcer showed the (leriiian soldiers the sights nnd had dinner ou board tin Merman steamer. Tho Purls papers express sur;riw. Negotiations Broken Off. The strike of the Meet workers reached its crisis Thursday. Nego tiation with tho Amalgamated Asso elation to secure ponce were broken oil' by the representatives of the United States Steel Corporation am the request for a conference with the otllclal of tho three operating com pa tiles, the American Tlnplute, Amerl Hteel Hoop and American Sheet Sloe Companies, was refused. Crushed In Ihe Ice. Arctic fishermen have arrived Vardoe, bringing eight survivors the exploring ships Stroemmare ami Fatnlllleli, both of -which were crush cd lu tho ice near -Novel Zambia Their crews managed to reach small Island nnd, with the exception of six men, who attemjited to ewcave to the southward ami have not slut been heard of, were rcscuis! after H days. Potato Famine Predicted. The country Is threatened with, a potato famine, and Maryland Is in present the only state lu the Union enjoying even a fair crop. The mar ket price litis risen from $1.25 ami $l..r0 a barrel to 3.50 and $4. It Is predicted that prices will reach the $5 mark by the time coudiilom? are re I loved. CABLE FLASHES. Tho provincial Diet at Dantzlc, Oeruiiiuy, has voted 500.000 mark in aid of'suffeiiug agriculture. There is strong evidence rliat nego tiations looking to the end of the Hoer wnr ure progressing. Spanish residents of Manila are tire lug the Philippines commission to tax real property upon the basis of the Income derived. In coiiKHleration 0r tho eminent services ot I'ielu Alnrchal Lord ltob ertg iu South Africa King Edward has recommend t-d that Parliament grant him tho sum of 100,ooo (Jg.MJO.OOO.) A Greek fleet, composed of Ave nr mored warships, live gunboats and six torpedo bouts, under the command of Hear Admiral Haiuurls hag gone i to Cauea, Crete, to proclaim the anuexa tion of Crete lo Greece. ILWBWIIBLUOOI. REJECT ALL PROPOSITIONS. Morgan Refuses lo Make Any Concessions. Insists On His Terms of Settlement. War lo Iht Death. All effort, to settle lli exent steel strike have- been abiiniloiieil. The sleel trust, through T. P. Morgan, Sat urday, delivered II all limrrtim to the striker ami It wn ec reeled. The Amalgamated Association nlso dcllv- retl an ultimatum, which Mr. Mor gan iilis.:lulcly mriiHcil to consider. lie Amalgamated Assoetallon ha limned to tie up every coihitii lu any wny connected with Hie irimit trust. wn declared by labor lender that IMl.tMHl more men would be ordered out. he conference of the lender at New York Saturday showed widely diver gent views. President1 HIinfTer told Mr. Morgan Hint Hie propoellloti mad by him a week before had not been regarded n entirely satisfactory. Me said the xeeullve committee desired several nmcmliiient nil turning on lite ques tion, of unionism In tlli mills. Mr. Morgan's brow knitted us Mr. Shaf fer continued hi remark, lie refus- r point blank lo even consider Hie amendment, to the pence term Mr. ShnlTer disc us!. Me said the coui pnuy had iinuoiinceii its position and that he would not recede mi loin. President SbalTer continued to urge some modllleatloiis of the terms of set tlement, 'hut Mr. Morgan rcninlned Arm. He declared he would not hungc hi position. For more lli.iiti an hour Im sat listening to what 1lie strike leader hud to say. Then lie got up anil left the conference, declar ing thai unless Ills terms were accept ed the strike must continue. I'lie conference emlotl who nui ap parent hotto of settlement along the lines proposed by either side. A prominent trust lender is reported to have wired an olllehil: "We are preuireil lo vpcml all Hie time and money necessary to wipe Hie Amalga mated Association out of our mill. LI I Jenkins of the Amalgamated As sociation committee says: "All nego tiations with tlie Fulled Stales Steel Corpora I ion are closed, as far as our association I concerned. Over one hundred thousand Iron am! sleel work- rs will lie affected by the strike. TWO WOMEN VICTIMS OF MOB. Lynchers Dofy Enlroallos of leading Cltlzons lo Obsorvo the Law. Tlie murder of Mr. nml Mr. Talia ferro, nt Cnrrollton. Miss., culminate, Thursday night In the lynching of Itei- sie .Met 'ray, her son, llellleld McCrav, and daughter, Ida Met 'ray. nil color ed. Tlie moli wns composed of about .'list while citizen of Carroll county. who inareheil to Hie Jail in order, dc- luaiiiled Hie keys from Jailor I Mike, proceeded to the cell of Die unfortu nate negroes, hound them by the necks anil limul ami car tied them to the corporate limits of the town, where tlicy hanged them to a tree by tlie public madhouse ami riddled their bodies with bullets. Governor A. II. Lougliio arrived on the scene by spec ial train from Jackson, Just u 'ew minutes after the hanging. UNION STATION FOR CHICAGO. To Center All Rillroadi In One Dopol Cos $40,000,000. Plans for a central railroad slat Ion lu Chicago estimated to com $10,000, (too nre being prepared to submit at a meet lug of runway olminl to be held August l.'i. Eighteen of the twenty two railroad companies with Chicago terminals have approved the schcini ns drawn by Alderman liixou and members o fthe couuiid coinnilttei Soarched Trunks for Contraband. Surveyor Croft explained that tin: baggage of passengers on the Ponce which arrived on Sunday at New Yoik from Puerto Hlco, was exnm I ned In splto of tlie recent free trade declaration to make sure that no ol gars, tobaccos, wines or liquors, all of them subject to nn Internal rev enue tux, were smuggled through. Leads In Exports to Germany. Ambassador hlie reports that In 10 years the United Stales ha ml vanccii rroin rourin to nrst place on the bnsls of goods shipped to Genua ny. Hie total value in I'.sio being tjcjijii, 750,-100. In the matter of goods tin ported from Germany, the United Slate has stood in third place with nut change, tlie value being $101, IS'.'.OOO. Founder McCuIro Suspondcd. J. McGnlre, the founder of the Itrotherhood of Carpenters and Score tary-1 reufitrer of the same iir.fanizii Hon ever since its roriuattoii li years ago, has been suspended for an iu definite period by the General Exe cutive Hoard at its meeting In liula dclphhi Wednesday. Frank Unify of xew loru lias oeeii eiecieu necretnry pro turn. Heirs to Dalrymple Estate. An est a to which a conwet vatlve es tlmate places nt $.'N),IMS, Is divided by the will of William F. Dalrymple, tiled at Milwaukee. Mr. Dalrymple was well known lu tlnnneinl circles, The home farm lu Sugar Grove, War ren county. Pa., goes to a nephew, Frank II. linlrymple. All the heirs live lu Pennsylvania and North 1m kola. Americans After English Railroad. A shareholder lu the Southwestern railway announces that tin American syndicate desired a 40-year lease of the line and was ready to deposit .V 000,000 as a guarantee of a 3 per cent dividend during the first year and ul timately a 0 per cent, dividend. This line is the chief route from Iiudou to France, by the way of Dover CHyOE AGAIN INSULT. Legation' defenses Not Strong Ttiey- Are. Made; of Brick In Deference t Superstition of Natives. Aiucrli'flii nnd European reshlenta ss'iert that the detnennor of the Po king Mjipitliiee I coiislnntly becoming more unfriendly nml that, a the nl lied troop depart, the Chinese resntno their oli 1 habit of Jostling mid turn ing foreigners lu Hie si feels. Tils lo gallon defense are now approaching completion. letier,'ilv speaking they consist of brick wall from ."i fo '20 feet high nnd from three lo four feet thick, loopiioiiliil for lilies. Major Ed gar II. Hubert son of the .Mnlh Infan try, who votnmmids Hie Pulled States Legation UnaI, ha wtillcli lo Com missioner ttocklilll to protest against what he en II "Hie defenseless piml Hon of our legation." representing Hint It 1 exposetl lo attack on four sides. Hockhlll ha replied that It lit. not In tended lo maintain a fortre; merely a wnll for protection against unex pected nudi violence. The Willi I maile or brick, out of deference to Chinese pride. DISEASED HIDES BARRED. Customs Officers Mint Soe Thai Imporls Have Been Well Cured. Ihe Trcnsiirv liepartment ha dl- iwlod' customs ollleer llliinii;lioiit Hie I lilted Sliilcw to refuse entry to nil hide of ment cat He when not necom- patileil by a regular consular certlll- ale showing that they nre dry-nalt-d, arsenic and lline-eutrd. or litivo been thorotioglily disinfected neeomf Ing to Tie sulphur formula prescribed by the Treasury I lepnrtiiient. The only exception to be made I In the use of abattoir IiIiIm shipped' from Norway. Sweden oe Lie-In ml. where the slaughtering Is done under L'orem- tueiit I'lipervlslon. This net loll Is, taken upon liiformallon Hint hoof and mouth disease, anthrax ami other ail ment peculiar to, entile prevail. GIRLS TUHfi SMIJGGLLilS. Search of Procasskin In Italy Rovials For tune in Secroted Tohacco. liie freiptent walk across Hn Swim Italian frontier of girl of a seminary near .MiiHllamu aroused tfTe suspicion of Ihe custom ollieers, who llimlly stopped n procession of 40 walking two by two. uud ascertain ed that each girl wax smuggling cigar or cigarette or the aggregate of lu, i ii il i. Vlillia NATIONAL BANK MERGER. Now First National of Naw York tha Woalllilosl in lha Union. It hn been rh'llnitclv decided mergs I In- iiitsiiieH of the .National I tn ii Ic of the lb-public of New Vork, with that of the first National hmik. IIS preNi'tit owner, mid not to con- tlniie Hie existence of the latter bank as a separate Institution. Tills inane the I Ii-kI .National bank the wealth iest banking corpora Hon iu Hie liilled Slate. RUSSIAN HARD WHEAT. Fifteen Carloads Will Be Distributed Among Kansas Farmors lor Seed Purposos. Fifteen caiioad of ItusKlan hnrd wheat, which l part of a consignment which left Odessa, Russia, four weeks ago, has arrived In Kansas City and Is being placed in the government ware house. Pour more cniiond are yet lo come. There are 1 1. -I l.'i bushels of wheat in Hie coiiMguuieiit which I to lie distributed for seed purpose lu Kansas and Oklahoma. The purisise Is to Improve the tpiabty of Kansas hard wheat for export flour. The wheat will be (llwtriouted from the government warehouse to points on the Rock Island nnd Santa Pe rail ways. Threatening American Shops. Ilerr I'.ilza. chairman of the Shoe makers' Guild, Germany, In speaking i.f the project for opening American retail shoe shops In Austria, says the American can sell 30 per cent, cheap er than the local maker. Tho excite ment among the latter Increases, nnd violence Is talked of If the projected .hops lire opened. Treasury Cash Classified. The cash in tlie Pnltetl States Treas ury Is clnssllleil ns follows: Gold re erve, $1.-.ii,Oi,j.imsi; trust funds, 77:t. IKil.O.SO: general fund, $loo,ais!,i;i). Ill national bank depositories, Jjtlo).-!iitl,:'.:t.-. Total. l.lNii.:!lu',!KM, against which there are demand liabilities out standing amounting to jfSoiS.tiTl.l 17. which leavcN a cash balance on hand of $:i'j7.:itw,87U. Massacred by Tlbetians. "The ItUMMlnn Government hn been advised," s.iy a dispatch from St. Petersburg, ''that 2.ISJO i hlhetians.July 10. 'attacked Major Kosloff'g expedi tion of UO men. half of whom were shot down and the others severely wounileiL The Government will de mand satisfaction." Guarded By a Gunboat. Newspaper reportst reenlvod frotn Panama assert Hint the Insurgents are operating In large numbers lu tlie vi cinity of the city, and that an order lias been lsued by the government lug it Is espec-inHy active, western re calling upon the citizens to coneen- eelpt for Vjte week reachiujr 15.008.311 trate in order to rem-i nttm ks .and protect properly. I'anamn Is pro tected from the sea ny a gunboat. How P.oera In the Held get newa Is explained by dispatches from Lorenzo Marines, from which It appears that the Itoers maintain a regular service of dispatch rider. Cables nre re ceived nnd filed In Lorenzo Marques. Will Adopt Wireless Telegraphy. W. I.. Mercereau. superintendent of the Peiv Marquette system, anaounc ed Thui-Mlay that his company will lu the near future iustall wireless tele graphy betweeu Manitowoc and I.ud-lugtou. the MAimtcra MTTsnl Oil. frmlnTrinnr ami r ff. , W!T-n. 1 red....'. .1 live- No. 2 fross No. 9 yellow, snr l No. y y.illew, slllldd " Mfxril rnr 6 at- No. il whim No. a. ill.. Fiona Wint'-r iinteiit 7( Kane HtrHlslit Wllitsr " f'" Hat No. I tltnothr I W 1 I'lnvnr No. I V 1 J'srii No. I whltH mill. ton.... ID Wl ! Ilrowii ml. Millies IT D.I 1 llriin, hulk IT !l 1 B-tmaw tVhKIlt - t BO' Oitt 7' linlrr 1'r-nlimt Senna-- t'.lgln enatnnry 2' Ohio creamery Fancy iMMintry roll . . . . If' t MM -Ohio, new H' hew Yoik, new W I'uultry, an). lis .er Mi 1 I'HKSKN dress'! iVi- KoiisI'n, nnd Ohio, frenli 10 Km I in anil . VegnlaMsV Un Its ms per liiinliiil "'3 l no s oo x us it t'OTA toss l imey wliltu, V Mil. fc'AliiiAoK- per luirrul.. 1 7ft 1 03 usivs per otirr'i. . HAi.tniottn, .on Winter I'nteut W it sat N. H red d'oiis tnUeil Mai K.oo L tints Ohio oroniiinry A 70 a 0) C nV it Ha 57 l:l ill fHJI.AItl.l.1'1114. ririiiR Winter imtnnt 3 sl WltSAT - No. U IKlt I'l Const No, 'i mixed Dais-No. II wliito i"l' I'.iitkr Crentnery, extrn !MI; liuos l'eiiimy Wiitila. Ilrsts. IS 77 AO MX ii 15 NKW tOltK. Fuirs- rnJ.nl 5'S f ttut.T So. Urefl. . .... Cos No. a oo Oat No. !l While fT l.iirmn 1'isnmery 18 kuos HUtu nml I'entin 19 MVS HTOC1C. Cnrat ntnek Vr,K Kttt l.llxrtf, Ps. lArrm. rrini lii-nry, 1500 to 1WU Hi. 1 rime, IIIINMo 1100 lim , Miolliitn, im to 1.100 Urn KhI Imtriir Iltitelmr, limto 1000 ItM. Dofnmon lo fnlr . t n9 ,. 5 40 .. S 16 .. 4 01 .. 4 0J .. 8 l j Oxrn, rominon to fid 25" ' (tnniinontouuod fit! bullsAoows 2 (H Milnh row, wn'li 1 Oil k-itrn uilluh eons, enoh 87 50 nju I'rlflift medium wnlilitH t 11 ftt 5 so ft W t H 5 0 ) B 0') 6 il A ',"t licnvy yorkers nml lii'llino Itood to cliolne i-Mokiirs. liood pigs nnd light yorkers.... ligA, eoiiitnon to good I'ritnu lii'uvy hogs i oiiiiiion lo nor Kotiidin 5 00 1 fctiiKA 4 UU siim:r. fl 1-Jtm mpdlnm wi.lulit w.illinraS 4 H-m 4 40 (loo, to oholuu. 4 UO If 3 60 1 Jledium t Commou to fair 20 1 60 4 2 3 51 50 a IM 2 60 4 59 4 2 50 6 31 I lamb. I.smtis ellppnil I l.nmlis, gixid to cIioI'ih, rlipm,t I.snila, vomniou lo fair, eliiwl bprmg Ltttul.. CALT&4. Veal, extra Vi-ul, good lo cliokio. Veal, common to fair Vi'uJ, common lieuvy . 4 IJO t 00 . 4 00 6 00 . 2 -'0 4 00 . 1 la K 00 BUSINESS MEN ARE CONFIDENT. Improvement In Conditions Expectation That Steel Strike Will Ba Settled De mand lor Finished Iron. II T! lino Jt- f 'it n-i-etftt- review rtf trade says: Continued favorable weather conditions have resulted In the saving of much late planted corn, nml in the northwest. Ideal weather I for wprlng wheat harvest lins been en joyed. As this Is flic point that bus l lucss In nil parts of the country has been most carefully watching, the geiiernl feeling Is better than a week ii go. although the disposition on both sidew to settle tin- steel strike lias not yet resulted In any agreement nnd the 6"W 4 60 lalsir situation is thus kept prominent. ; Official returns of pig iron production In the first half of thu year show a record breaking aggregate of 7.07-1.713 tons, exceeding the remarkable out put of the previous yenr by 32.044 . ton. Tin- second' half of 1U01 baa opened with a much greater capacity of active furnace, and the full year . promises a considerably larger total than the 1.1.7s!i.i't2 tons p roil need In , P.too. Lwriiig the past week leading mill have placed large contracts for early delivery ami Inquiries for all form of finished steel are abundant. There is lesv disposition to pay fancy, 'prices for product Hint were ndvanc- ed by the strike, which Iw nn evi dence of the general belief In early resumption of work. Violent fluctua tions have marked the course of corn prios. The top point of the previous week was not regained, but traders on the short Hde oi the market were com pelled to recover at a loss. The de ciiiise in marketlug Is nut in pro- - portion to tne advance In price. What j ever benefit may have accrued from the high level of prices. U certainly , has driven foreign buyers out of the i market. Atlantic export for the j week amount lug to only 701.171-1 bush : els against U.loii.lCU n year ago, and 4,003,-107 two years ngo, at a differ I cuce lu price of IS and 12.1 cents, re spectively. v boat Is of less Interest l to speculators, but In legitimate trad- , bushels agaiut 5,0jo,7til last year, and j 4.1.14..10J two years ago. while AtUiu - tic exports wcj-e 4.M.1.0tiU bushels ngnlnst l.3.'3.7.st In lOuo and 3.705.- 7-V7 In lN'.tO. Dealers in some drought- stricken districts have cootitriit!itilu.l - orders for footwear, and these cancel lations are felt mainly by western makers, but ns a whole the Industry is lu a healthy position. Leather Is quiet, shoe factories buying lightly. Liberal arrivals of bides tend to de press Taluea. Wool has at last rlseu lightly above the lowest point In four years. Failure In July were lu number, again "03 last year, and $7. KlUMkTi In amount of liabilities against jD.77i.na la iaoa