The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 07, 1901, Image 5

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    JIEht Star.
Subscription $1.00 prriirnrin nitronc:
(1. A. MTKPIIKNNON, ICilllnr mid I'll I.,
If You Have Eye Trouble,
Eyes smart and burn when you rend,
call on lIolTniitn, tlio optician, uml II ml
out what the trouble Examination
fmo, Glauses lit it'll nt reasonable pi-lees.
And the Paper
Proves It.
You havo only to see Pittsburg
vCYall Paper to realize that tho
'leading artists of tho world con
ceived and executed these lieun
tiful and decorative Ideas.
No other lino of wall decora
tions havo tho uniform excellence
of design and color effects.
Every pattern U a beautiful
work of art. Vet not too It no nor
delicate for practical use.
No matter what, the quality,
tho Ramn amount, of judicious ar
tiHtlo sense has Ix-en exorcised.
Tho desired effect has always boon
s attained beauty and utlliiy.
Pittsburg Wall Papers are noli!
to KeynoldMvlllo only by
A Little o! Everything.
"Sweet Rovongo."
Court next week.
"Swoot Revenge" In this Issuo
eighth page.
The August term of court begins at
Brookvlllo next Monday.
The Epworth Leaguers took in over
22.00 at tho lawn fete Wednesday even
ing. ' Daniol Nolan Is working In Goodor's
jewelry store while Mr. Gooder Is out
basil fishing.
Lost August 1st, a purso containing
paper money. Finder will bo rewarded
by leaving purso at TllK STAR olfieo.
W. E. Menccr, of Eleanora, taken A.
L. Keagle's place as manager of tho Jef
ferson Supply Company store at Rnth
mol. The Woman's Relief Corjia hold an
leo cream social at tho homo of Mrs.
Henrv Hornol. Grant street. Thursday
Miss Edyth Clark, if this place, has
boon elected as one of the school tach"
ers in Snyder township room No. 2 at
August Walters, formerly agent for
tho Kane laundry, Is now manager nf
the Reynoldsvllle Steam Laundry de
livery wagon.
The Girls' Mission Circle of tha Pres
byterian Sunday school, chaperoned by
Miss Belle Arnold, plcniced In Paradise
Saturday near the Lutheran church.
Rev. J. Vernon Bell, of D uBois, who
preached in tho Roynoldsvillo Presby
terian church Sunday morning and
evening, la an ablo and eloquent
The ninth annual convention and tour
nament of the Central District Volun
teer Firemen's Association is being held
in DuBois two days this week, begin
ning yesterday and closing to-day.
The Johnsonburg limit says that
Logue Bros, of that place have the con
tract of plastering the school building
in this plaoe. This la a mistake. The
work will not be done by contract.
Prletter Bros., undertakers, have
bought a now hearts. It la the finest
, tyetrse la this section of the country. A
young man remarked the other day
that "people are dying to rldo ia that
111 a
kmllP.ipcr S,
Eleven persona of this place took In
the excursion to B. of V. encampment
at Summervllle Sunday!
"Sweet Revenge" Is ttie tltlp of a
Norlal story that begins in this Issu of
TllK ST A It. It will be found on the Hth
William Anderson is nursing a very
sore linger, tho result of accidentally
runlng a rusty nail through the end of
his finger.
There will lie a children's donation
and swearing In of recruits at tho Salva
tion Army hall Tuesday evening, Au
gust 13th. Collection at the door.
Tho True Blue Tompiu-nnoo Socloty
will hold a picnic at Prank a Park next
Tuesday evening. A large number of
visitors am oxiectcd from DuHola.
Tho Ladles' Aid Society of the Bap
1 1st church will sell leo cream and eako
at the parsonage on next Saturday af
ternoon and evening, Aug. loth. Tho
public are cordially Invited.
There will lie a meeting of tho mem
bers of Hope Hose Company at 8:15 tbls
evening to complete arrangements to
attend tho fironien's convention to be
held nt Emporium next week.
The Roller boys who sell dally pa
pers, have rented tho small room next
door to Bert Cox's store and will open a
news stand. ' They expect to bnni'lo
magazines and family story papers.
A large crowd will at tend tho Elk pic
nic in W. T. Cox's orchard at Handy
Valley to-morrow. A numlier of per
sons not moniticrs r the is. I . i). v..
have been Invited to attend tho picnic.
L. P. MeCleery and V. It. Holmnn,
supervisors of Wlnslow township, weto
in Pittsburg tho first of this week on
business concerning tho new Iron bridge
over the railroad cut near tho silk mill
at this place.
A numlier of John Stewart's friends
gave hint a birthday surprise party at
the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm.A. Stewart, lnstevenlng. Refresh
ments were served. Tho Young people
bad a good time.
E. E. Stewart was at Strattonvlllo,
Clarion county, last week setting up
monuments over tho graves of Mrs.
Harvey Myers, who died at Reynolds
vllle over a year ago, and her father,
Mr. Yarger. Tho work Mr. Stewart
set tip Is fine.
According to an agreement botweon
the pastors of tho Presbyterian, Baptist
and Methodist churches, there will not
be any preaching In tho Presbyterian
and Methodist churches next Sunday
evening. There will be preaching in
Baptist church Sundny evening.
George Hughes has a fine bay team
of pacers which ho turned into a pas
ture field last Thursday morning and
when Mr. Hughes went to tho field at
noon ho found that one horso had kick
ed the other, rupturing an artery, and
the horso had almost bled to death.
The Punxsutawnoy Street Railway
Company has not glvon up the idea of
extending its lino from Anita to Elea
nora. B. M.Clark, Esq., of Brookvlllo,
Bllornoy for tho Company, was in town
yesterday to make arrangements about
charter and right of way. Punxsutaw
noy Spirit.
Mat Mohney, of Reynoldsvllle, put
down tho cement walk in front of Dr.
B. E. Hoover's now brisk building the
past week. Ho is also putting down a
cement walk in front of Wm. M. Fos
ter's confectionery store. Mr. Foster
had a cement walk put down in front of
hi brick block several years ago.
The following Sons of Veterans of this
place attended the S. of V. encampment
at Summervllle soveral days tho past
week: W. H. Ford, W. P. Woodrlng,
John Klrkwood, A. M. Woodward,
Philip and Woodward Sharp, Charles
McPhorson, E. S. Stewart, D. W. At
water and Prof. R. C. Wilson.
There was a mistake in our statement
last week that the railroad company
bad charged the Wlnslow township
supervisors about 18.00 freight on two
cars of stono from Falls Creek to Reyn
oldsvllle. The freight was less than
$34.00, and part of that was for excess,
as the cars wore overloaded 11,000
pounds. '
Tho Reynuldsvillo Sons of Veterans
and the Brook vlllu Sons of Veterans
played a game of ball at the S. of V.
encampment at Summervllle Saturday
afternoon and our boys were defeated.
Score 8-2. Tho Brookville S. of V. en
gaged tho Summervllle battery, and
that is the whyfore of the victory for
Brookville boys.
D. H. Breakey, who has purchased
the Stewart bargain store and will take
charge of the store the first of Septem
ber, moved his family from DuBois to
Reynoldsvllle last week. He moved In
to the Stoke block on Fifth street. Mr,
Breakey is a genial gentleman and will
make a good citizen. He will visit his
parents, near Brookville, this week.
It was mentioned in The Star several
weeks ago that W. H, Cumins, an ex
perienced blacksmith, would open a shop
on Fifth street, below Jackson street.
Mr. Cumins has bis shop open now and
Is doing business. Ho makes, repair
and Bbarpens all kinds of tools and does
borse shoeing. He bat the contract to
make the tools and do the work for the
'Brookville class plant.
Thrilling Romanes.
"Swoot Rovengn," a thrilling romance
of the civil war, begins In this Issue of
ThrStar. Ill an Interesting story,
well written.
Janitor Elected.
Saturday evening tho school lionrd
elected G. Curtis Strouso Janitor of tho
schoolbullding for one year at a salary
of Hi.(l0 per month, or r40.00 for the
Scholarship Contest.
Tho scholarship contest will close at
noon to-morrow, August Hth. Persons
wanting to veto for any one of tho con
testants must do so before twelvoo'clock
Business Change.
A. I). Siplo has sold his meat market,
near Hotel Imperial, to K. S. and M. C.
Straweutter. M. C. Strawculter, who
returned threo weeks ago from tho
Philippine Islands, whom ho sorvod
sixteen months as a soldier boy, will
havo charge of the meat market. Mr.
Siplo will remain In the shop several
weeks until Mr. Straweutter gets ac
quainted vlth tho people.
Stole a Check.
A check was stolen from ono of the
girls at the silk mill Saturday after
noon and was cashed at Williams' shoo
store Saturday evening. Mr. Williams
Iden tided the woman yesterday who
presented tho cheek, but she denied of
even lielng In his storo Saturday. No
arrest has been made yet. Tho girl who
received the cheek endorsed it and put
it In her dinner basket and It was stolen
out of tho banket.
Wagonette Excursion.
Eight ninmbers of tho Ingelow Club
and two friends enjoyed an excursion to
PunxHiitawncy last Thursday In Livery
man Burn's wagonette. They took
supper at Hotel Pantnll. Following
are tho names of tho young ladies who
composed excursion party: Elizabeth
Davis, Ella Seeley, Caroline Robinson,
Georgio Corliett, Inez Brown, Julia
Kirk, Sara Corbott, Kranklo Kirk, Lois
Robinson anil Wllhclmlnn Prlester.
'Snake Story.
E. S. Vnsburg, of Driftwood, an oxtra
engineer and ('.reman on the Low Grade
Dlv. of P. R. R., had an experience
with a'rattlesnako ono day last week
whilo on ono of the mountains near
Driftwood that ho will not soon forget.
Ho was In some bushes when he heard
a rattlesnake and soon felt something
on his right leg. When ho got out of
tho bushes ho found a largo rattlusnake
curled around his leg, striking his pant
leg. Sherman fortunately had a gun
with him nnd he shot tho hoad off tho
Bnako. It had five rattles.
Family Trouble.
J. R. Groves had his son, Ernest, ar
rested for assault and battery and tres
pass and Mrs. Groves hud her husband,
J. R. Groves, arrested for assault and
battery and surety of tho peitco. Ernest
had a hearing before 'Squire J. D.
Woodrlng Monday foronoon and was
bound over to court. Mr. Groves had a
hearing before 'Squire E. NelT Monday
afternoon and ho was bound over to
court. We don't Intend commenting
on this affair only to say that it is a
family trouble that should not bo takon
Into court, but should bo sottlod.
Arrested at Bradford.
An Italian and a girl named Gordon,
of Rathmol, who is not yet fourteen years
old, skipped to New York state last
Wednesday, presumably to got married,
but tho girl's father learned of her
disappearance in time to telegraph the
tho chief-of-pollce at Bradford and had
the Ike arrested when they arrived
In Bradford. The Italian paid all the
costs, including the girl's railroad fare
back to Reynoldsvllle, and ho was
rolcased. The girl arrived horo Thurs
day afternoon. The Ike is back at Rath
mol again.
New Use for Tin Horn.
On the Fourth of July Mayor C.
Mitchell bought a five cont ttn horn,
which he uses to awaken his' family In
the mornings. He says it la a "dandy
good thing for that purpose." If some
member of the fumlly locks tholr bed
room door so he can not got into' tho
room he sits down outside of the door
and blows the horn until they got up.
Getting a family up in the morning in
many cases is trying on the parental
pationce, but Mayor Mitchell takes
pleasure now in getting his family up,
and the longer they are In getting up
v'l.a more pleasure be gets out of It.
Moon Didn't Shins. '
All arrangements were made by a
number of young people to bold a moon
light plcnlo In the grove near H. L.
Hoke's, below town, Friday night. In
the evening time the baskets wore pack
ed with good things and about thirty
five young people hied themselves to
the picnlo ground, but the moon bid be
hind clouds and would not peep out at
the young people, therefore, the moon
light part was a fizzle, but the young
people wore out for a good time and
they did not propose to be disappointed
beoause the silvery moon was conspicu
ous by its absence, and they assembled
at H. L. Hoke's large residence and
spent a delightful evening. Harvey
participated in the affair, especially in
disposing of tbo good things to eat.
Want a Eire Engine.
The firemen nf this borough want a
steamer to fight fire with, and there Is
talk of purchasing an engine. There
was a meeting Inst night for that pur
pose, but tbo meeting was adjourned
until this evening without taking any
definite action In the- matter. It has
not been decided, If an engine Is bought,
whether to raise tho money by subscrip
tion or have the borough buy tho en
gine. The reason for wanting to buy
an engine Is becauso tho pressure in
water lino lias not been as strong recent
ly as It used to bo. Tho wator company
will tost tbo lino this afternoon and If
tho pressure Is sulllelent with full reser
voir to gtvo the desired protection the
company will guarantee to havo a full
reservoir at all times and tho flro en
gine, which will cost about 3,MM), may
not bo purchased at present. If a com
mittee Is appointed to raise money or
devise means for raising money, to buy
the engine, It will bo composed of tbo
following gentlemen: S. B. Elliott,
Goorgo Melllnger, J. W. Fount, P. Mc
Donald, E. C. Burns, J. S. Hammond,
A. P. King, John H. Wagner and I'. A.
Birthday Surprise.
Mrs. A. J. Meek, wife of tho pastor
of Baptist church, was glvon a birthday
surprise party Monday evening, which
was a complete surprise to her. It was
gotten up by tho ladles of tho Baptist
church. Dr. Meek took bis wife out In
the country Monday afternoon and kept
her away until almost nlno o'clock and
tiy that time the people bad assembled
at tbo parsonago and everything was
ready for the surprise. Tho gas lights
were pulled down low and when Mrs.
Meek stepped into tho hall and saw the
crowd she was very much surprised.
Tho occasion proved to bo a very pleas
ant one for tboso who attended. Mrs.
Maud Booth, In In-half of tho ladies of
Baptist church and Utopia Society, pre
sented Mrs. Meek with a well filled
purso. Tho presentation speech by
Mrs. Booth anil response by Mrs. Meek
wero nicely made and to tho point.
Mrs. Meek is highly esteemed, not only
by tho members of Baptist congrega
tion, but by all who are acquainted
with her, and this was a small expres
sion of their feelings for her. leo cream
and enko woro served during the even
ing. Oone to Michigan City.
Mrs. Loulso Klnnard, relict of Rev.
A. II. Klnnard, left hero Monday for
Michigan City, Indiana, her former
homo. In October, 1HUU, Rev. Klnnard
accepted aeall as pastor of tho Lutheran
church In Rey noldsvlllu and moved his
fumlly horo. Tho following February
ho died. Mrs. Klnnard was left with
four children and a small amount of this
world's goods, but she had courage and
determination and succeeded In support
ing hor family nnd saving a little
money. She bought a small houso and
lot on Grant street, which she sold sev
al months afterward and bought the
house and lot noxt to Corwin's photo
graph gallery. This property she sold
to Nick Mayo beforo leaving town.
Mrs. Klnnard sold various kinds of ar
ticles in town and some of hor best cus
tomers wore silk mill girls, to whom
sho fools vory grateful for their patron
ago and promptness in paying. She
trusted a number of thorn and did not
lose a penny by doing so. Mrs. Kin
nard made numerous friends during hor
stay in Reynuldsvillo. Sho Is an cx
oeliont woman.
Bloomer Olrls.
Tho New England Bloomor Girls'
base ball club was to have played tho
Reynoldsvllle club on tho grounds at
this place yesterday afternoon, but on
account of rain tho gamo was not play
ed, much to the disappointment of tho
baso ball sports and others of town.
The girls travel in a special car and
carry enough canvas funco with them
to encircle the ball grounds. They play
at Brookwayvllle to-day aud DuBois to
morrow. ,
Wedding Lsst Evening.
Ottlo R. Showman, of Elmlra. N. Y..
and Miss Elva Belnap, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. H. S. Belnap, woro married
at the M. E. parsonago in this place
last evontng, August 0, by Rev. Perry
A. Rono. The happy couple took the
H:50 p. ra. train for a two weeks' trip to
Kim Ira ana other cities. They will re
turn to Reynoldsvllle to live.
Burke Brady Died in Mexico.
The Utopia Society of this placo was
Invited to join the Whlttiur Club of
Brookville in a plcnlo at Lora Park, up
the North Fork, Friday, but on account
of the death of Burke C. Brady, son of
Li. a. urady, or urookvllle, which oc
curred at Parral, Mexico, yesterday
morning, ine picnio was postponed.
Vote of Contestants.
Boiow we publish the names of the
contestants in the free scholarships of-
rerea oy i he star ana ine vote eacn
one has receivod up to the present time,
as counted by the judges last evening:
Thos. S. Gathers 4tS74
Fred E. McEntlro 2771
Miss Mary Hasson 400
Lawn Fete. '
It was announced In this paper last
week that the ladles of the Catholic
Altar Society would bold a lawn fete on
the Catholio parsonage lawn last Satur
day, but on account of it not being pay
aay at ine mine tno lawn lete was post
poned until next Saturday evening,
August jutn.
Gibson, the optician, has visited here
monthly for nearly two years and has
been very successful, see bis date.
First quality fi-4 oil cloth, used for
papering, 12 yd. bolts only 11.45 per bolt
at uing-btoue uo.
Underwear for 25o at McClelland's.
One hundred pairs of ladles' shoes at
Johnston Nolan t below cost.
Suits of all kinds from 13.60 to 115.00
at McClelland's.
Your trade Is wanted at Robinson's
shoo store.
Peacefully Departed This Life Sunday
Morning Cancer Caused Desth.
Mrs. Bridget Ann Goodwill, Wife of
John Goodwill, died nt the homo of her
daughter, Mrs. William Gibson, at .'1.15
it. m. Sunday, August 4, HMD, after an
Illness of four mouths. Death wnsenus
ed by cancer. She had been eonlliied
to tied three months. Her maiden mono
was Bridget Ann Hall. She was born
In England October II, 1X22, making
her almost 711 years old. In Janunry,
18)8, sho was united In marrlago to
John Goodwill. In 172 they eaino to
America and about tbren years after
wards moved to Reynoldsvllle, living
hero over a quarter of a century. The
first of this year Mr. nod Mrs. Goodwill
disHmed of their possessions at this
place to go to Shamokin to make their
iiomn with their daughter, Mrs. John
son, but when tho time came to go Mrs.
Goodwill was not able to go and she re
mained with her daughter, Mrs. Wil
liam Gibson. On account of the Illness
of bis wife, Mr. Goodwill was called
back to Reynolilsvillo some weeks ago
and was at his wife's liedslde when the
death angel called for her.
Mrs. Goodwill was the mother of six
children, two of whom preceded her
into thafbourno from whence no travel
ler e'er returns." Her husband and two
sons nnd two daughters survive her, as
follows: Mrs. William Gibson, of Reyn
oldsvllle, Mrs. William Johnson, of
Shamokin, Pa., Anthony G. Goodwill,
of Colorado, and John Hall Goodwill, of
North Dakota. Mrs. Goodwill Joined
tho Episcopalian church early in life
and was a consistent christian. She
did not fear death, but was ready to de
part this life. During her long Illness
sho was a very patient sullerer. While
sho was always a busy womnn, yet sho
found time to read and It could lie said
of her, "she was a well read woman."
Sho was an excel lent wife, a loving
mother anil a kind neighbor. She hail
many warm friends in Reynoldsvllle.
Funeral services wero held at the
Gibson homo at 2:30 p. m. yesterday,
oml noted hv Rev. Perry A. J Conn, pas
tor of tho M. K. church. Interment
was mado In lleiilab cemetery.
Reynolds Oorsline Dead.
Thomas Reynolds Gorslino, Ron of
Wallaeo and Margaret Gorslino, died
nt tbo homo of his fat her at Randolph,
N. Y., Monday morning, August 5,
HKll. 20 vears, I months nnd .1 days.
Consumption was the cause of his death.
JCeynoIdH was horn April i, ii, oi
Randolph, In tho houso where ho died.
Most all his life was spent in Roynolds
villo and consequently he was well
known hero. Ho bad been In poor
health for some time mid bis Reynolds
vlllu friends knew when bo left horn a
counlo of months ago that his earthly
career was almost ended, yet his death
was a surprise to many. J no luuorai
will tako place at Randolph to-day.
Mrs. Oorslino has tho sympathy of her
numerous friends at this placo In tbls,
her great bereavement.
Mrs. Ed. D. Soeley was at Itandolpli
when Reynolds died and Captain T. C.
Reynolds went to Randolph yesterday
afternoon to attend tho funeral.
Sunday morning at 2 o'clock death
entered tho homo of Harry Craven and
snatched from him his young wife, tho
mother of his little 1-ycar old son. Mrs,
Craven had been ill but a short time.
IIopos were entertained for hor recov
ery until a fow hours beforo her death
when those about nor oed-sido Knew
sho was fast approaching tho "Great
Mrs. Flora Craven was tho daughter
of Joslah and Fanny Shoemaker, of
Hormtown. Sho was born Juno .M)lh,
1878, at tho plnce where her parents
now live. Her girlhood was spent there.
Sho was a consistent christian and a
morn tier of the Chestnut Grove Christian
Endeavor Society. Sho was married to
Harry Craven July 18th, lHOS), and up
to tbo tlmo of her death lived on a farm
near hor girlhood home. A father,
mother and an only brother, now In
Kansas, together with a husband and
only son, aro loft to mourn hor early
death. V
Uninvited Visitors.
Robbers tried to get Into W. II. Bell's
residence at two o'clock Sunday night,
but wore frightened away just as they
wore trying to raise tho sido window,
whore all robbers have gained an en
trance Into Mr. Bell's residence, it was
moonlight and the robbers were seen
by a neighbor. There wero two of thorn
and they wore both tall slim fellows.
It was a tall slim fellow that tried to
get into Mr. Bennett's houso two weeks
Kohocrs were irigntonoa away irom
Ed. O'Riolly's residence Monday night.
In some manner a fire started In a
sofa in the parlor of Mrs. Israel Klep
fer on Jackson street Monday afternoon.
The fire was not discovered until the
Bofa was badly damaged and a lace cur
tain destroyed.
A scarcity of school teachors is re
ported in some districts. There Is only
one way to gut a thing and that is to
pay for it. A school teacher may love
Lis work but he is human, and' it is
human nature to want somo adequate
return for labor expended. Clarion lte
publican. The Winslow township school
board had no trouble In getting teach
ers. There wore enough applicants to
elect two teachers for every school In
the township.
J. F. Warnlck, Desire, Pa., was the
lucky 30th hat purchaser and got his hat
for nothing. tcomomDer we give away
every 30th bat. Buy your next bat
from Blng-btoke Go.
H. A. Swab, contractor and builder.
Estimates furnished on short notice;
also furnish slate and do slate roofing.
Reynoldsvllle, fa.
Flavors of all kinds served at the
Reynolds drug store soda fountain.
See Gibson's optical ad. '
Crash suits, crash anil linen pants at
McClelland s.
A fine line of buggies, Mulholland
spring slat wagons, platform spring de
livery wagons and hacks, carts, also 2
good teoond-band buggies. Call and
see. Guaranteed worn.
L. M. Snyder, Jackson street.
For Sale Two bouses and 2t lots on
First street. For particulars inquire of
Thomas Black.
Qllmpses of the People who srs Passing
To and Fro.
Miss Ermn Robinson is at Atlantle
Mrs. (I. Ilohrcn visited In DuBois
Miss Jennnettn Lnsk Is visiting In
Mrs. Ed. O'RIelly visited In DuBois
Miss Marie Kerr visited In Brookville
the past week.
Ilarvoy Myers visited In Stratton
vlllo last week.
Miss Elva Best Is visiting In Corsica
and Brookvlllo.
Mrs. Richard Smith visited in DuBois
tho first of this week.
S. M. Mod-eight was in Pittsburg
the first of this week.
Miss 1 ,11 Man Crissman visited friends
In DuBois tho past wuek.
Miss Nellie Sutter spent Monday
night with friends In DuBois.
George l-'nrrell Is at Buffalo this week
taking in tho Pan-American.
Miss Nellie Sliutik Is visiting tho
Misses Criminal) in this place.
Misses Clara Gelsler and Julia Flynn
are visiting In DuBois tbls Week.
Miss Minnie Collins, of Philadelphia,
Is the guest of Miss Sun Reynolds.
Miss KmIcIIh .erlie, of Lock Haven,
Is tlio guest of Miss Winnie Kurroll.
Tom Reynolds went to Randolph, N.
Y., Monday and returned yestorday.
Miss Flo Best, tbo milliner, wont to
Pittsburg yesterday on a business trip.
Miss I rf-noni Crissman will go to Bea
ver Falls to-morrow to remain somo
Miss Anna Fiko, of Knoxdaln, visited
Miss Rdna Baiiin several days last,
Miss Annlo Dennlson, of Coal Glen, Is
visiting Mrs. Hood Knox, on Grant
Edward Phillips, the barber, went to
Atlantic City last week to remain two
Dr. J. If. HolTuian, of Pittsburg, is
visiting bis brother, C. F. Hoffman, tho
Mrs. J. N. Smiiil and family arn visit
ing relatives at Limestone, Clarion
Miss Annie Snyder went to Brookville
Saturday to spend several days with
Nininn Cooper visited his son, If. B.
Cooper, In Brock way vlllo, tho first of
this week.
Misses Kdith and fxma Herpel visited
In Kali-mount and New Bethlehem tho
past week.
Miss Nellie Dougherty Is visiting her
sister, Mrs. C. E. Rumsey, at Mahon
ington, Pa.
C. F. HolTiiian, tho jeweler, was over
on the Sinnemahoning lust week fish
ing for bass.
M. E. Weed and wife went to Buffalo
Monday to visit tho Pan-American
Claronco Long and Bert Yaunt, of
I'unxHiitawney, Susdayod with friends
In tbls place.
Mrs. Milton Hepler, of Lnathorwood,
Is visiting Miss Brlsbln In West
Miss Nannie Corbott, of Corsica, spent
Sunday wnn Isaac nomlngs family
near tins piaeo.
George Hunter went to tho homo of
his parents at Wlnslow, Pa., Monday to
remain a month.
Edward Walsh, of Mlllvlllc, is spend
ing a few days in town shaking hands
Itli old mends.
Miss Kdyth Moslor, of Smethport, Pa..
has been tho guest of Miss N'clllo Sut
ter tbo past week.
Miss Helona Weltzel, of Wllliamsport.
visited friends In Roynoldsvillo and
Hopkins last week.
Georgo Hughes and Edward Gooder
went over on the Sinnemahoning Mon
day to fish for baris.
Mrs. E. M. Ohl and son, Harry, visit
ed tho former's parents at Summer-
vlllo the past week.
J. G. Gathers, of Tyre, Pa., visited
his sister, Mrs. George Hughes, in this
place tho past week.
MissSadlo Postlethwalt, of Mavsvllle.
Is visiting her brother, David Postle
thwait, in this place.
Miss Sara Kelichncr, of DuBois, spent
Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Richard
Smith, in this placo.
Jabes Watkin Fettcrhoff, spent Sun
day with his grandfather, George Fet-
torhotT, at Trade Glty.
Mrs. S. E. Brewer and daughter.
Josephine, are visiting relatives in
Punxsutawney this week.
Mrs. Joseph Shaffer and daughter.
Miss Ethol, went to Butler yesterday to
spend a weex witn irienas.
Fred Zoitlor, who Is working at
bhclllcld, l a., sient last week in town
returning to Sheffield Monday.
Miss Mary Davis, of Brookville, has
been tho guest of Mrs. James Cathcart,
on JacKson street, the past week.
Mrs. E. L. Potter, who has been visit
ing in Corsica and Clarion county for
some time, returned home Saturday.
Mrs. L. P. MeCleery and Mrs. Ed.
MoKee left here Monday to visit with
friends in Pittsburg and Grecnsburg.
Mrs. Charles Harding and two child
ren, of Detroit, Mich., are visiting her
father-in-law, George Harding, in this
Miss Annie Kunes went to Johnson
burg Friday to visit friends and will go
from there to the Pan-American Expo
sition. Mrs. Thomas E. Evans and Mrs. Liz
zie Williard left here lat week to visit
friends and relatives in Pittsburg and
New Castle.
Misses Lillian Young and Mary Camp
bell, of Punxsutawney, were guests of
Misses Caroline and Nell Robinson the
past week.
Miss Netta D. Coax left here yester
day on a trip to Pittsburg, Cleveland,
Ohio and the Pan-American Exposition
at BurTulo.
Miss Delia Love, of Falls Creek, who
has charge of Falls Creek postofHce,
was the guest of Mrs. William Bennett
over bunilay.
Harry Reynolds, of Kane, came to
this place Wednesday eveoing and Vin
cent Reynolds, of Johnstown, arrived
hore on the 11.32 a. m. train Thursday
and tho two brothers and their sister,
Miss Olive Reynolds, went to tho Pan-
American on the 12.fi2 p. in. train
Thursday, They roturnod Monday
Albert and John Montgomery, of
Sllgn, aro visiting their aunt, Ida ICeyn
olds, In this plnce.
Misses Josephlno and Anna SMMierl,
of Clarion woro ttio guests of Mrs. Frank
Diet at Hotel Belnap tho past week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Kolloek, of
I'lillipsburg, aro visiting tholr daugh
ter, Mrs, D. II. Northamor, on Third
Misses Efflo Ostium and Eftlo Tavlor.
of DuBois, sM-nt Sundny with their
grandparents, Mrs. and Mr. Phil Taylor,
on him street.
Miss Llzzlo Hartln, of Pittsburgh,
and Miss Emma Hurtle, of Clarion, are
visiting tholr slBtor, Mrs. Frank Diet.,
at Hotel Belnap.
W. H. Jackson left on Monday for
Younirstown. O.. called awav bv serious
Illness of tbo children of his daughter,
Mrs. Jennlo Foley.
William Dickenson is tho boss knitter
In the knlttinir department of tho Revn-
oldsvlllo woolen mill. Mr. Dickenson
comes from Lock 1 luvnn.
Misses Josephine Gibson and Paulino
Miller returned Friday evening from a
visit witn their aunt, Mrs. Charles
Montgomery, at Sllgo. .
Mrs. f. F. Domnscv and sister. Miss
Annie Williams, of Mlllvlllo, I 'a.,
siM-nt Monday with J. W. Dempsey's
family in West Roynoldsvillo.
Misses Carrlo and Althen Brewer
gave a party last Wednesday evoning
to a numlMir ol their friends In honor of
tho two Misses Weirs of DuBois.
Miss Blanch Harding, who has boon
visiting in tho Docchwoods and
DuBois tho past four weeks, returned to
her homo in this placo last Wednesday.
Mrs. William Bennett and hor broth
er, M. Klue, of Dunkirk, Ind., who has
boon visiting Mrs. Bennett, wont to
imnaio Monday to visit tho Pan-American.
T. G. Johnston and daughter. Sarah.
of Greenville, Clarion county, spent (
nunuay wiin ino lormer s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. L.Johnston, in West Rovn-
Mrs. Catherine Bell and daughter.
MissJeannettoBeli.tif Warren, spent
tho past week with the former's sister,
Mrs. D. M. Dunsmorc. In West Rovn-
Misses Blanche Farlev and Mabel
Isboll, of Woolrlch, Clinton county, ar
rived horo yesterday to work In tho
knitting department of tho Reynolds- '
vlllo woolen mill.
James II. Hill, of Beaver Falls, ar-
rived hero Thursday noon to spend a
week with his brothor-ln-law, Charles
S. Kirehartz. Mrs. Hill and ohildron
havo been hore a month.
John Fink. Jr.. left horo Monday for
Pittsburg and after spending several
drtys thero will go to FortThomas, Ky.,
to seo his brother, Ford Fink, who is
serving as a soldier hoy.
L. Wolls Clary, of Syracuse. N. Y.. is
visiting Dr. W. B. Alexander's family
on Grant street. Mr. Clary has visitod
noro several times oeforo and has a
number of friends In town.
Mrs. Battle Llowelvn. dauorhter of
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Stewart, of
this placo and Eli J. May, fireman at
the Borwlnd-Whlto Shaft at DuBois,
wero married recently at Niagara Falls. .
John Burgo, tho fancv baso ball twirl-
or, of Roynoldsvillo, was in town be
tween trains Thursday on his way to
DuBois to see the gamo botweon tho
teams from that place and Jamestown.
Falls Crock lhrnkl.
II. E. Vandorvort and wlfo, of Lum
ber, North Carolina, visited tho former's
brothnr, A. M. Vandervort, in West
Reynoldsvillo tho past week. jH. E.
has boon In the southland about eight
years. Ho married a southern lady.
Sharp Coleman and wlfo and John S.
Coleman, fathor of tho first named, who
weni to oreelcy, col., about four
months ago, returned to this section
last week. Their reason for returning
so soon was on account of the water not
agreeing with Sharp.
School Appropriation.
Below we publish the amount due
each school district of Jefferson county
for the year ending June 1st, 1U01. from
the five million dollar appropriation.
The appropriation of one million, to
cover deficiencies caused by the Govern
or's veto, is paid separately and is not
included in the amonnts:
Barnett 430.47
Beaver, IW2.87
Roll 1174.44
Riff Run 84rt.ll
Brockwayville 1450.41I
Brookville, 23U4.52
Claysville, ItSiO.fs)
Clover 4."1.3I
Corsica, SIM). 15
Eldred 152.7
Gaskill 7411.01
Heath 4I2.0H
Henderson, 2104.62
Knox 1231.53
McCalmont 4001.88
Oliver 1471.71
Perry 1528.4'J
Pine Creek, 121H.31
Polk, 640.D2
Porter, 5!i5.14
Punxsutawney, 3:180.38
Reynoldsvllle 230!Ul8
Ringgold 1H5.8
Rose, lofil.78
Snyder 2041.44
Summervllle 5H0.43
Union 089,35
Warsaw, lT57.0t)
Washington, 3304.30
Wlnslow 453I1.43
West Reynoldsville, 01)4.55
Worth viile, 1,51.20
Young 42U7.71
Falls Creek 2C1.75
The above figures show that Wlnslow
township gets a larger amount of the
appropriation than any other district in
the county.
Card of Thanks
The family of the undersigned desires
to thank the friends and neighbors, es
pecially David Reynolds, for their kind
assistance during the illness and after
the death of wife and mother.
John Goodwill.
Lawn Fete.
The Baptist Aid Society will servo lea
cream and cake on the parsonago lawn
Saturday evening, August 10th. Every
body is cordially invited.