The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, July 10, 1901, Image 6

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After 8hoollnj at Paisengers Makj Good
Their Escape on Ihe Plain Big Re-
ward for Their Appreliensbn.
The C.rcnt Northern Trnnsenntlncn
ill train No. .'). leaving St. Tniil Tiles
tiny morning nt lock, win hold cp
nt Wacncr. Mont.. ton miles cast "f
Great Falls, nt :i:tvj Wc.liiesilny p. m.
Iiy three masked mi'ii. who lilew open
tln express car n it .1 wrecked
through siue wl;h dynai:
Onr of the rubbers boarded the
"lillnj bngiiage" inr nt Hinsdale, n
station nlMitit 20 miles east r Wng
racr. Ite appeared to bo n tramp, but
when tho conductor discovered him nt
a stop ho drew n heavy revolver niul
ordered 111 in 1o return (o the rear f
tho trnln on penalty of Instant death.
The hobo then climbed over the loco
motive tetuler. nml nt the point of his
revolver coniellod the engineer and
fireman to stop the train (nt ft ravine
a few mile oust of Wanner, where hli
confederates, two iln number, both
masked, lay In wnlt.
The tramp then compelled the lire
man nnd enirlneer to abandon the en
gine, ns the train cnine to a stop. 'as
aciigcrs who began to look ont the
windows Instantly became the target
of Winchester In the hands of tlw rob
lers. A pnssottger on the toursst fonoli
wns struck by n stray bullet mvttsei'l
onsly Injured. Two other smswitgers
were phot, but neither nn seriously
Injured. The express messenger wnp
compelled to leave the car nt the point
of n rllle nnd tho "through" pafe was
Immediately dynamited. Four charges
were necessary before It war forced.
The robberp hnrrledly gathered In
Its contents, consisting of specie ship
mentp. drafts, coin nnd vnlnable no
(tollable paper, nnd ivttvatod. keeping
the train crew nnd passengers off nt
the point of ihelr tlrearms.
All three disappeared In the ravine
nnd were seen later mounted on hors-
cs, heading southward, nt a furious
fruit nnd the booty being; plainly visible
In n pack thrown across the smlille
bows of one of the horses. Hie tram:
liendeil for the Utile Buckles, lying
across the Milk river. In un almost In
nreesslble country, consisting mainly
of bad lands. Tosses were Immediate
ly organized nnd started In pursuit,
one by a sheriff, who was a passenger
on the till In. A reward of ja.",ihn litis
been offered for their capture.
Ths Admhihtration Frctsrs to Awsil Court's
Definition of their Status.
The administration Is undecided
what position to assume relative to the
admission of native l'hlllpplnos to
Hawnll, The attitude of the Adminis
tration heretofore has been thai they
must U' excluded until legislation by
congress liellues their status. William
Haywood, representing the rich planta
tion owners of Hawaii, caw the presi
dent In re mini to the I'hillpplno labor
ers. He urged that It was Impossuiie
to secure sutlich nt labor, and as a re
unit the planters lose money. Willi
the annexation of Hawaii Importation
of Japanese ar.d Chinese was stopped.
Munich Pup Is Do Not V' ant So Many En
roiled at Mechanical . ciool.
A petition has been addressel to the
Bavarian government by the students
of the Munich MeclianU-nl High school
and the trustees of the Institute n ru
ing the government to restrict hence
forth the number of foreign ptuileuts,
wlnse numlier has recently risen by
hundreds, hindering native students
in their studios.
Lincoln'! Body Replaced in Vault.
Owing to fear of ghouls, tho body of
Abraham Lincoln, which has been re
posing in a temporary vnult while re
pairs were being made on the Lincoln
monument, at Springfield, Illinois
have been secretly replaced In
a private vault within the monu
ment Just when tho removal took
place has not been made kuown, the
work having been accomplished In the
Su-Shl-Chin Admitted at Latt.
Acting Secretary Tnylor hns directed
the Snu Francisco authorities to allow
Su-Shl-Cliln to enter. He is well
known In China As n man of high at
tainments. Lately he hns been classed
among tne revolutionists, l or some
time he has been an outlaw and every
effort was mado to secure his deporta
tion to China. The treasury olllclals,
however, took the view that the only
offense committed by Chlu was a po
litical one.
Knowledge ol Art of Maklnj Damascus Stoel
Procures Cawion's F.elease.
8. R Dawson, who hns served Ave
years of n ten-year penitentiary sen
tence at Des Moines, In., for shooting
Waller Keott. his sou-Iu-law on Christ
mus night, 18!).". has been paroled by
Governor Shuw. "Damascus' Daw
son, as he Is known, claims to have re
covered the arts of making Damascus
steel and of hardening copper. Capi
talists who are interested In a com
pany to develop Dawson's processes,
secured the evidence upon which he
was paroled, as he had asserted that
ho would die with his secrets rather
thr.u reveal them while In prison.
Ministers Sottlod the Strike.
Two clergymen, Rev. Dr. C. B. Gor
hard of St. Stephen's Reformeu church
nad Bov. Itufus W, Miller, secretary of.
the, Heroruiea Hunuay scuool Hoard
of the United States, are responsible
for the settlement of the strike of
Heading railway shop hands. On the
ve of a general strike they secured
a. conference between President liuor
and the strike committee. Chairman
lieschor of the striker says (he set
tlement affects not' only the strikers
In the Beading Railway, but also those
a the Central railroad of New Jersey.
Prince Ton Hohenlohe, Oennnny's
former chntieellor, died nt Ilngota.
The North Amerlenn Trust Com
pany has withdrawn entirely from bus
Inesp in Cuba.
Frank W. Hackelt will tender Ills
resignation ns ns-.'siant secretary of
Hie navy In Hie full.
President McKlnlcy sent II letter of
Kii'eilni; t.) 1 ln Christian Ktnlcavor
c, n vein I mi nt Clmliiiiiill.
Addison llrown, fulled Stales ills
trlct jnilM" for l he pout litem district
of New Yelk has ivsigncn.
Ti. n'. children are dea l and Mini
people seriously III fn.ui drinking pic
nic lemonade it .Mciicc, 1. 1.
(ieneral (lomeif In New York declar
ed that freedom must come to Cuba
before annexation can take place.
A brilliant Independence day recep
tion was held In Homo by the I'tilted
States Charge d'AfTalres I,ewla M. ld
dliius. Colonel .1. M. tluffey hap taken up
the John Sllney options on I'O.oim ncres
of coal land In I'resloii county, West
Tin American Window Glass Com
pany has bought up the stock of the
I'nlied Slates Glass Company of Syra
cuse, N. Y.
A cloud burst Friday canped pup
pension of tratllo for 2-1 hours on the
Northern Taclllc railway nt Miles
City. Mont.
The Homestead, the well known ho
tel nt the Virginia Hot Springs, In
Hnth county, was destroyed by Are
The fulled Stntes cruiser Newark
renched New York Saturday after a
trip of 47 days from Hong Kong via
the Suez canal.
C. It. Crnndoll, president of the He
dalla TniPt Company, Sednlln, Mo.,
died suddenly In a hotel at West Ches
ter, ln Saturday.
The body of ex-Governor Hnzen 8.
filigree lay in state nt the city hull nt
Detroit Friday, fifty thousand peo
ple passed by the casket.
The nppllcntlon to organize the I'eo
pics National Hank of Monessen. .a.,
has been granted by the comptroller of
tin currency. Capital $.-n,Mi.
President Shatter of the Amalga
mated association luis decided to pewt
potio calling om nil union tin plate
workers employed by the combine.
Advices received Friday by the war
department from Havana Indicate that
Governor trem riil Wood Is seriously
ill. Colonel Scott Is acting In his place.
Allan t). Myers has brought suit In
the I lilted Slates District Court at
Columbus. .. iisklng ."ii.(Mh) ,inin
ages ngnliist the Grand Lodge of Llks.
The statement July 2 or the treas
ury balances In the general fund, ex
clusive of the ? lot MM ii ,i ii hi gold reserve
In the dlvlslou of redemption, slums:
A message was received by wireless
telegraphy from the steamship Lake
Chaiiiphiiu at Cape Hay Wednesday.
Tin steamship was !).W miles out ut
the time.
Tin Canadian government has pro
hibited Sunday steamboat excursions
in the province of Ontario, In pursu
ance of a promise to the lord s Day
President nnd Mrs. McKlnlcy left
Washington Friday nlgut for their
former home nt ('anion, ()., where
lliry are to spend the remainder of the
healed term,
F.iistbound Atlantic express No. H
on the f nlon Pacllic ran into a freight
at Keck Springs, Wyo., Monday nnd
between IS mid 20 persons were
slightly Injured.
Kmpress of China made the run
from Yokohama to Vancouver, ft dis
tance of 4,;ihi miles. In nine days nnd
IS hours. The best previous time was
10 days nnd 14 hours.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians In
America will atllllnte with the branch
es of tho order In Great Britain, Aus
tralia and several of the smaller col
onies of the British empire.
Cashier Cole and Chief Clerk Dim
mlck, of the San Francisco mint, have
been suspended from duty pending
the Investigation Into the disappear
ance of $:o,oo) In gold coin.
Mrs. Phoebe Doss, aged 83, and her
sister, Mrs. Eliza Mackey, aged INi
years, both died Friday within a few
hours of each other at Catsklll, N, Y.,
where they lived together.
By the derailing of the engine ten
der of on Iowa Ceutrnl passenger
train nt Hampton, la., Friday, Hall
way Mall Agents Kendall and McKcil
zle, of St. Paul, were killed.
A jury of prominent business men
of Fort Scott. Knn., took four min
utes to Hud one the Suite's new lhpior
laws, passed an n result of Mrs. Na
tion's crusade, unconstitutional.
Kmlgratlon from Germany by way
of Bremen during the six months
which euded June 30 reached UT',742.
as compared with fj.i.hl uurlug the
com spending criod of last year.
Mrs. Ca river, a Dowleite, died Sat
urday nt Maustleld, O., after three
days' unconsciousness and no medical
attention. A burliil permit was re
fused. Tho coroner Is Investigating.
F.dward Parks Deacon, member of n
vi-ealihy Boston family, whose killing
of M. Abellle nt Cannes. France, In
1S02, caused an International sensa
tion, died at Boston, Muss., Saturday.
A flash of Ugtitulng Friday night at
Buffalo put out the downtown electric
lights, stopped tho street cars and
burned out all the circuits leading to
the exposition. The conduits were ut
terly inadequate to carry off tho wa
ter and the exposition grounds were
Tho statement of the treasury bal
ances lu the general fund, exclusive
of the $1.10,00(1,000 gold reserve iu thu
dlvlslou of redemption, shows: Avail
able cash balance, $173,4118,030; gold,
MaJ. O. L. Pruden, who was ap
pointed paymaster in tne regular army
In May, has reslgued his position In
the army and bus been reappointed to
his old position of assistant secretary
to the president . -.
A claim to property said to be worth
$2ri0,000,000 was made In Chicago
Wednesday by Sidney Smith, of Cam
bridge. Mass.. wbo says be la the belr
MlnUtor Lelshman Will Force Payment Re
organltod Europoan Squadron lo Make
Demonstration In Turklih Waters.
John G. A. Lclphtnnii. Tnlled Stales
minister to Turkey, will make his next
demand upon the sultan for the fnl
1'llmeiit of the promise to pay the $!H),-
(inn due this government, backed ny n
licet of American wnrshlps In Turkish
waters. Announcement of ' tills pro
gram was made nt Washington Sat
urday, neeonipanylng the formal ord
ers for the reorganization of the
L'uropenn naval pipinilron.
The re-cptttbllslimcnt of n naval
station lu F.uropenn waters will be of
considerable Importance to Knropn
nnd to American Interests lu that con
tinent. Hear Admiral Cromwell Is di
rected to proceed nt once to F.nrope
nml assume coinniiunl of the reor
ganized station. His squadron, for
the present, will consist of the pro
tected cruiser Chicago, flagship; the
protected cruiser Albany nnd the gun
boat Nashville, now en route for
Manila. A batttleshlp Will probably
be added to the squadron lu the fall.
Besides protecting Amerlenn In
terests nnd Impressing F.urope the new
squadron will be used to facilitate
the payment of claims now lu course
of negotiation, Turkey tins ngnln
promised Mr. Lelsliman that she will
pay the I'.Ml.lHSI Indemnity, to tho col
lection of which this government hns
beeen giving conshlernble attention for
more thnn a yenr. During the coming
winter the squadron will cruise lu the
Mediterranean nnd will call nt Turk
ish ports.
The presence of Amerlenn ships will
be tho signal for further representa
tions by Mr. Ielshmiiii In case the
claims are not paid lu the meantime,
nnd will probably have a beuetlchil
Coal Shlppsd In Quick lime Exporter)
Now Think the Enpsrlment Can Be
Extended to Europe.
Conl men nre elated over the success
which has attended the experiment
of sending coal lu barges to Culm.
The predict lull Is made t hat It would
not be long before this method of coal
transpiirliitloii would be adopted be
tween the fulled Stales nml ports In
(lie w'est Indies nnd Mexico to say
nothing of the possibilities of using
these I louts lu meeting Hie demand for
American conl iu Kiiropean couniries.
'1 in tuiilioat Culm reached Phila
delphia on Friday from Havana on
returning from n voyage which dem
onstrated the success of the venture
of cnrrvlng conl to Cuba on barges.
She sailed from Philadelphia June HI
with two barges, carrying 2.XO0 tons
of bituminous coal. The tugbont is
of Linn-horse power nnd each of the
barges Is about 300 feet long nnd HI
feet wide. Havana was reached June
211. The barges were left, there nnd
the Cuba sailed on the evening of
July I, reaching Philadelphia July ft,
mulling the trip from nock to dock
In less thuu four days.
Mfdllerraneai Fleet Declared Lectins, In
Modern Guns.
During the debate In the house of
commons, London, on the naval esti
mates, the cabinet ministers were heck
led on nil sides regarding the condition
of tin navy. Members asserted that
the British Mediterranean lliet was es
pecially Inadequate to meet the French
nml Hiisslnn squadrons, saying that It
was undermanned nnd poorly equip
ped, especially lacking modern guns;
that It lacked colliers and that the coal
depots were all exposed to nn enemy's
lire. The members generally predict
ed that In case of war the admiralty
would break down ns completely us
tho wnr olllce did.
rots Railroaded to an Aiylum Found
to be Sane.
The Hoss Insanity case was decided
nt Itidlnn.tpolls Tuesday In favor of
Hons. The .lildge decided that he wns
sane. The case seems to have ngltnt-
ed I ml i.-i ii ii and adjoining stales be
cause of the report that n conspiracy
existed mining the examining physl
clans and certain Justices of the peace
lorming a "trust to pool and divide
tecs that accriieil from Insanity pa
tients and examinations. Dr. William
B. Fletcher, ex-superlnlelideiit of the
Central Insane Hospital, has repealed
ly denounced tin system. A few days
ago John Hoss was railroaded Into the
asylum so rapidly ns to arouse his
neighbors. On the stand Hoss told
how he had Injured his chest by lift
ing a heavy box. "I did not feel Just
right mid took the forenoon off. The
next day the otllclnls took me to the
insane hospital." The exposures In
this cuse will compel the next legisla
ture to revise the Insanity laws of lu-dliina.
England Alarmed by Continuance ol Hostili
ties Surplus Only Good Until Fall.
The London Statist, frankly discuss
lag the probability of a fresh wnr loan.
urges. In view of Its apparent Inevit
ability, that parliament, before ad
journment, should confer upon the
treasury loan powers for use durlnii
the recess. It points out that the last
consols loan, after meeting the delicti
and carrying on active war to July 31,
will leave an estimated surplus of
HI,(Nsi,iHHI available for winding up
the charges of imilnlulnlng the present
large force lu South Africa, but that
n continuation of hostilities beyond
July 31 at the present rate of l.oO0,.
000 a week would wipe out the entire
surplus before October 13.
$30,000 Is Unaccounted For, Bui Errot
May Bo Made.
There Is a discrepancy of about f.KV
ooo between the books of one depart
ment and those or nnother In the full,
ed Slates mint, nt San Francisco, and
the whole clerical force or the estnli
lishmcnt Is trying to ascertain whelhei
there Is a shortage or whether noun1
bookkeeper has made nil error. Gi-orgu
F. Holierts, director general of th
mint, and throe assistants from Wash
ington, nre going over the books.' Tlip
discrepancy was discovered when tin
visiting ollleers attempted to biilanet
the hooks of the mint at the cud ol
the llscal year, June 30.
Acknowledges Receipt of Gage's Note Hopes
Tariff War Will be Avertcd-Conslder
Case When Cassinl Arrives.
Hnssla ncknowledged the receipt of
Ihe American note on the subject of
her retaliatory duties on Amerlenn
(foods Friday. It Is pacllic In Its
lerms mid tenor. But It shows t.hat
Itusslan pride has been deeply woiind
fd by the refusal of Secretary Gage,
nr nil her ihls government, lo accept
her categorical denial of the accusa
tion that she pays a bounty, cither di
rectly or Indirectly, on sugar.
The acknowledgement does not con
tain nny Imllcntloii of what reply she
will make lo our answer to her orig
inal complaint. Site says that she Is
nnxioiis to avoid n tariff war. The In
1 1 mil I lots Is, however, very plain that
If n war does result Hussia will hold
herself blameless for a breaking of
those pleasant relations that have ex
isted for so many years between the
two governments.
She promises to give Hie fullest con
sideration to Hie American answer nt
n very early day. The early day. It Is
generally believed, will lieglil when
Count Cassinl, the ntubassailor station
ril nt Washington, urrlves In St. Petersburg.
Islanders, Want Ihe Foraker Law to Be
corns Effective on the Anniversary ol
Raising the American Flag,
Kalsor'a Foreign Policy Lays
the Law Plainly to Franco.
Baltimore Youth Fights a Duol With
Freno m in Avenges Insult
Albert Hopklus of Baltimore. Mil.,
a grand nephew of the benefactor of
Johns Hopkins university, fought a
duel at Paris Satunhiy with Henri
D'KsUiurnelles, over a sneering re
mark made by the Intter concerning
the Amerlcnu ring. Hopkins do
mnnidcd that D'l-Jwtournellcs retiract
his statement, but the Frenchman re
fused to do so, Hopklus Dually strik
ing D'lOstoiirnelles In the face. The
men appointed their seconds. Herring,
an American, serving for Hopkins,
and Third, a Frenchman, for D'Es
tourndles. The encounter wns with
swords. D'F.Htoiirnclles wos severely
wounded In the arm ami completely
disabled, while Hopklus escaped with
a slight scratch on tho cheek.
The "Vlsslselie Zeltung" prints nn
editorial declaring that Germany, un
der no conditions, would permit Francti
to acquire Morocco or Hie key to the
Mediterranean, near Glbralhir. "Wen
either to be accomplished," It says
'"France would thus drive Italy lute
the iirniH of the triple iilllauei anil
could shut otil German ships from the
Med 1 terra lien n In time of war." Thif
declaration Is sigiiltlcnnt because oh
vloiisly Inspired, and the whole article
Is believed to rolled correctly the views
of the German forelgu olllce.
WILL GET $7,000,003.
New York Museum ol Arts Residuary Lega
tee ol Jacob 8. Rogers.
By the will of Jacob 8. Iloger, tin
millionaire locomotive builder of Put
terson, N. J., the Metropolitan museum
of art, of New York, is to receive the
enormous endowment fund of any
where from $.73O.0O0 to $7,750,000
With the exception of eight bequest!
amounting lu all to only lf2r0,Ooo, tin
entire estate of the eccentric old ninu
who for years hud led a life of send
recluse, Is bequeathed to the museum
that Is devoted to matters concerning
which Mr. lingers hnd little knowledge
and In which he wns supposed to have
even less luterest.
Maprow Has .lot Been Heard
For a Quar er ol Century.
James Morrow has been ndjudgeil
by Judge Glldorsloeve of the Supreme
Court of New York, to be officially
lead. His son, Samuel II. Morrow, Is
held to be entitled to his share In the
rslnte of Wlllluin McMiihon, n grnnd
lllicle, who died ill October, 1SIIS, leav
ing property estimated to be wort'n
f.-.iHl.iMMi, and Judge Glhlersleeve has
illriM'ted nil accounting lu his behalf
Morrow last wrote to Ills wife In 1'i"
from Texas that he had been shot, nnd
was III. He had never seen his son.
The Judge held that Morrow's failure
to write to his family was sulllcieut
evidence of death.
(train, riiior and ritu
ITs-aif No. 1 red M
Hy No. t
Cuss No. 1 yellow, anr
No. a yellow, uliellt'J ?H
Mixed enr A
Oats No. 9 whltn Si
No. 8 whltn 31
Fi.ocb, Winter jin'ent '.. " "a
Fmtcy HtriilghMYIiiten 7
Hr No. 1 tlini lUy 1" 0
( lover No. 1. , 1" "0
Frpn tin. 1 whltn mid. ton.... 17 "
llrown middlings '9
limn, bulk l- 00
Bthaw Wheat 7 8"
out 7 a)
The state depnrlinout has received
by mall nnd cable from Gov. Allen
notice of the action of the Porto Itlcnn
legislature In ndoplliig the free trade
resolution. By mall came nn advance
copy of the resolution before It wns
acted on and the ctihlcgrnm received
by Acting Secretary lllll Informed
him that the resolution ns mulled hud
been adopted.
one of the paragraphs In the reso
lutions requests Gov. Allen to present
them lu person to President McKlnlcy
and it Is the iiudersljimllng that the
governor will do this. Tin Slnytlower,
his station ship, which has heen on
the Venezuelan coast for some mouths
looking after American Interests iu
that quarter, returned to San .limn
ami she will convey the governor, ac
companied by ii leglstnilve committee
to Hampton Itnails whence they will
go to Washington nml execute their
mission, even If this Involves a visit
to Canton. I BALTIMORE,
The resolution requests Hint free j Fi.ors Whiter Patent
Irade go lulu effect on the 2."lh of this wiimt No. a rod,
month, the anniversary or the first
raising or the American Hag on Ihe
Island, and It Is desirable Hint mall
copies of the president's proclamation
noliryiug Hie public or that fact shall
be promulgated lu advance of that
date simultaneously lu the I'lilted
Stales nnd Porto Hico.
Iintrr rrmtuott
Dcrrits Elgin crenmnry.
Ohio en-nmnry 1
Fsnoy country rnli
CaititBR Ohio, new
New York, new 1
1'oultrj, !
Hryippnr II.
('Hlrsssp dressed IS
toon 1'a. and Ohio, frneti 1 i'
Fruits sail Velblfc PrASs r Inmliel 9 6"$
j'otatoss aiioy wnuo, ruu., "
Cask a oi per tnrrnl. 1 as
Omoks per barrel.
Consul In Switierlanrl Swaps Jobs W Ih an
Indexer ol the Laws.
Jntncp T. Dubois, I.'. S. consul nt St
Gall. Switzerland, has exchanged
places with James I. McCalluiii, who
has charge or Indexing Hie laws ol
congress. Mr. McCalluiii, who Is sta
tioned In Washington, Is a son-in-law
(r tin late Secretary or Suite John
Sherman, Mr. Dubois Is ut present
on leave or absence from his post
staying lu Ids country home lu Pennsylvania.
Cons mixed ,
Oats ,
DtitEB Oliio creamery. .
9 (0
S 709
. 1H
. :t:4
. 1H
. It
S 91
Ftota WlntiT patent S5 8 4
Whpat No. a red 69' 7il
Coss-No. 9 mixed 47
Oats No. i white H I
BtrtTis Creamery, extra 1 1
Koua I'euusylvaiila Orst. 13f
Flour Fntents.
Wheat No. red
Cork No. a
Oats No. a While
lllTTRR Creamery
Kooa Btnte aud l'eiuiii
..$ 8 799
... 15)4
.. MX
Puerto (llco Namos July 29 as the Date
to Issue Proclamation.
The Porto Itlco assembly Thursday
passed unanimously Hie resolution call
ing for free trade with the Fulled
Stales under I lie Foraker law, which
empowers the president to establish
free trade as soon ns Hie Island raises
Internal revenue sullleleiit for Hie sup
port of Its government. The resolu
tion contains a request for the trans
mission hy Governor Allen to President
McKlnlcy and asks that the president
shall Issue Hie free trade prochi mil
lion on July 2., the Porto Hico holiday
lo cominemorate the anniversary of
the coming of Hie American Hag.
Did Not Believe Ho V.ould Fulfill
His Threat. Defied I'.lni.
Confronted by Hie testimony of a
(lyenr-old witness Walter DrWcoll, It;
years old, Tuesday confessed to the
deliberate murder of Mrs. Herbert Mr
Call, 10 years old at Monde, I ml. Drls
;'iill hail n quarrel wllh Mrs. MeCall
nnd Nile closed Ihe door of her room
ami locked It. Drlscnil tried lo bent
Hie door down, ami falling lu tills
rllnilicd to the transom and said he
would shuot her "like n rnt." The
woman, not believing Hint lie would
shoot, eaine to the door with her arms
crossed on her bosom, and defiantly
said :"Now, I am here; shoot me If
you dare!" The next instant she fell
dead, with a bullet In her bend.
Lies Eubmarged at the Brooklyn Dry Docks.
Valves lid not Work.
The new $.-:i,ooo caisson for use in
the newly reconstructed dry dock
No. 2, nt the Brooklyn navy yard, lies
completely submerged lu the dry dock,
having sunk Saturday from what Is
alleged to have been the defective
working or the automatic valves
which were being operated to bring
...e caisson to its proper level or ad
justment. An engineer nml half a
dozen assistants who happened to lie
Inside of the caisson were forced to
scramble hurriedly out of their com
partment to save themselves.
Tho Lorain Sleol Company Is Charged Wllh
Inlrlngemcnt of Patents.
A bill of complaint wns Hied In the
j I'lilted Stales circuit court nt New
York Saturday In behalf of the West-hi'-'honse
F.leetrio nnd .Manufacturing
jlVmpaiiy against Hie I.oniln Steel
l Company nnd II. ('. F.vans, agent.
The suit Is for alleged Inf rlngment of
patents said to lie owned by Ihe West
liighoiise company, and Hie court Is
asked to Issue nn Injunction restrain
ing the Lorain company from continu
ing' to manufacture certain machines.
Central Stock Ysrdi, (ill Liberty, Pt,
rrlme heavy, 1600 to 1000 lbs. .
Frtme, 1800 to HU0 Mm.
Medium, HU0 to 1J00 lis.
Fnt heifers
ltuteher, Kioto 1000 lbs.
Comiuou to fulr
Oxen, common to Int.
Common to good fat bulls ft oows
ill Ich oows, ennli.
.8 8 9)9 00
..8 65 S S
.. 5 85 6 i
.. 6 10
.. 80
4 00
a 01
a to
a oj i
fextrn mlluli cows, each. 87 60 t
rrlmp medium weights. 8 6 IS
liest lienvy yorkrs slid meJluin 8 00
(load to clioleu packers 0 19
tlood pigs nnd light yorkers. ... 6 00
l'igs, common to good 6 00
Prime heavy liogs 6 0)
Common to fair 0 OJ
Houghs 4 91
(Mug 8 2S
an car.
Extra, medium weight welhors.8 8 75 9
(iood to choioe, 8 40
Medium a 75
Comiuou to fair 1 oO
8 8
8 65
8 IS
a SO
4 75
4 75
3 50
8 75
I.nmbs clipped 4 TO
I.RMibs, good to clioko, ellmi 4 51
IjoiiIjo, common to fulr, cllnped a 50
Hpriug Lambs 3 61
VenJ, extra t 8 OOJ 0 50
Veal, good to olioiei. 4 dO 6 00
Veui, common to fair 8 60 4 60
Veiil, coiiiuiou heuvy a 'Ii 8 00
Cat Crop Failure lor Kansas.
Secretary Smiley, of the State Grain
Dealers' nssociintlon, Wichita, nrter a
personal Investigation, said Wednes
day that the oats crop in Kansas will
be the worst failure lu 10 years nnd
that only an Immediate ruin can save
the eorii.
Many Attend the Pan.
The total nttendnnce to dnte at the
Pan-Amerlenn exposition Is 1,779,808.
The exposition nttendnnce begun on
the '.'Olli of .May, but at that time
many features were incomplete and
the people remained away. The av
erage dully uttcudunee for June, In
cluding live Sundays, was over 31,000.
Riot in Colorado Mines.
Oeorge Nicholson, a shift boss, on
of the men wounded In the fight nt tin
Smuggler-l'nlon mine, at Telluredu
Col., died Thursday, making thre
deaths. The armed strikers drove KK
non-union men over the range Into On
rey county and warned tlietn never tc
return. The company has agreed U
withdraw all men from the mine ex
cept n few watchmen, which sett lei
the trouble for tho present.
Nonro Dies of Charbon.
Charbon continues to spread In Mis
sissippi, and animals are dying by the
thousands. In Itoscdulo county alone
2,000 mules have died. Many persons
have become Infected. Tho first death
thut of a negro, was reported Frlduy.
' Field Day at Havana.
The Fourth of July was observed
among the United States troops by a
Held day at Camp Columbia, where
there was a large attendance of Apier-
Commissioner Evans Will Stay.
Pension Commissioner F.vans had a
lengthy conference with the presldenl
Friday after the cabinet meeting. IIu
lert the executive's presence In good
humor. It Is understood tho president
assured Mr. Evans Hint ho need nol
worry niioui uis oinciat iieatt as no
change Is contemplated lu the peualou
Burned to Death by Sun.
Harry Welsh, serving a sentence foi
Intoxication nt Akron, U., escaped from
the street gang nnd got drunk. lie
lay down on the canal tow-path nnd
wns literally baked by tho sun. IIo
wns found dead, his face burned black,
lie was a laborer, 00 years old.
The birth of a child to Queen Wll
lielinlna of Holland, Is expected about
A tornado struck the shores of the
Hudson river near Osslnlng, N. Y.,
cutting a path two miles or more long
and several hundred feet wide.
It Is asserted In banking circles at
Berlin that durlug June a large pari
of the German loau of 1807 was bought
up by agents of a French clerical or-
Will Settle) Salvadorlan Claims.
Senor Don Itafael Zaldovnr, the Sal
vadorlan minister to Washington, has
lert for his home to recuperate. Thee
will consequently be a temporary de
lay In the prosecution of the two
claims against his government which
tho slate department has referred hi
the Interest of Americans, amounting
to about loOO.OOO. There Is every .pros
pect of an amicable settlement by
September 15.
Second frog Shower In a Week.
A shower of frogs at Fruuklln, N.
H., Friday, was the second within n
week, lluln fell In torrents all night
nnd early morning pedestrians under
went the unusual experience of seeing
u un i hers of frogs sliding off their
umbrellas to the sidewalk ns the ruin
ceuseu. rno unusual visitors were
very small nnd fell In widely separ
ated parts of tho city.
Mrs. Nalion Arrested.
Mrs. Carrie Nation's threat to wreck
tho saloon of Ohclm Bros., In St.
Louis Thursday night, resulted lu her
arrest by the police. She wns convey
ed lu a patrol wagon to the Central
district station, but was released by
Captain Iieyuolds.
Receipts For the Month of May
Noarly $28,000,000.
The monthly statement of the col
lection of Internal revenue shows Hint
for May the receipts from nil sources
amounts to -7,lH!l.717. an Increase, as
compared with May. 11MH). or fJ.IKU,
PT.t. During the 11 months of the
llscal year the total receipt were
f''.'oii, an Increase over the cor
responding is-rlod of last yenr of $13,
KNU'ol. A statement of the postal
revenue In the Island of Cuba Tor the
nine mouths ending March 31, 1001,
tihows that the total revenues were
8JSL',27t, and for the same period of
l!NKl to 8103.S15.
' Carman Trade V. Irh America.
Tho fiscal year's exports to the I'lilt
ed Mates, excluding Dresdeu, amount
ed to S!iS,i.H',5l!), a Increase of 810,
704.011. Magehurg shows in Increase
of ?:i.4JI.01O; Bremen. .fl,1(i-,2!0, nnd
Stettin, 9NO.V1IM. Hamburg exports
Increased Sl.loO.OItT. The quarter ex
ports to tho L'ulted States from tho
North Herman consulates amounted to
?H,(Ki0,ol'(l, nn Increase of $1,3-I(),2U8.
Craw Three Pensions.
E. W. Ward of New Orleans enjoys
bhe distinction of drawing tlirt'O
pensions. He is a veteran or the
Mexican war. for which the I'nlted
States pnys him for service; Missis
slppl pays him a small sum for serv
ices under the stars aud bars, and the
railway recognizes tho faithful serv
ices of the veterau of two wars. He
hi 77 yours old and lu perfect health.
Cent. Wac Arthur Leaves Manila.
General Chaffee cabled Friday that
the transport Meade hud sailed from
Manila with three officers and 140 en
listed men of the Eighth Battery,
Field Artillery. General MacArthur
Is a passenger on the vessel. He will
go as far as Nagasaki, where he will
spend two weeks, completing bis trip
to the Dnltcd States on the transport
A Delicate Operation.
Local physicians of Wnnkegan, 111.,
are pleased over the successful out
come of the delicate operatlou of set
ting the dislocated neck of Nora Kelly,
n child. She fell downstairs nnd dis
placed her ueek nt the seventh clavl
cul. Her head was pushed out of
place, so her chin nnd head projected
sphalt Trust Takes the Mines.
According to passengers who have
arrived at San Juan, l'orto Ulco, on a
steamship from Venezuela the Warner
(julnhui syndicate has taken possession
of thu Fellcldad asphalt mines, under
the authority of a decree by state
New 1,500 Milt Air Lin.
-Articles of Incorporation were filed
at Ies Moines. In., Wednesday for the
Continental Ball way Company, with
principal offices In Des Molues, capital
stock, 8100.000, with privilege of large
ly Increasing it. The company pro
poses to build an air line l.soo mile
long from tho Lake of the Woods in
British North America to the Gulf of
Mexico, through the mates of Iowa,
Minnesota, Missouri, Kansas, Indian
Territory and Texas, keeplug as close
to nlnety-Uftb longitude line as possl-Ida
Labor Troubles and the IVoa her the On y Dis
turbing Causes Jobber) and Retailers
Busy Prices Yls.d Fair Profits.
K. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly trade re
view says: Development of fresh la
bor troubles Is a feature on the week,
but throughout the whole country job
bing and retail lines are busy and are
handling goods nt prices which yield
fair profits. Thero Is a reflection of
this activity In the continued Improve-'
mcnt In the textile markets In tho
east, and the tinenslness over th
money market does not extend beyond
the ranks of speculators In stocks.
Crop reports continue gratifying, much
good having been done by rains in tbs
middle west. Harvesting of winter
wheat progresses favorably.
Manufacturing has been Interrupt
ed by the elements and labor agita
tion. Numerous prostrations from
heat caused humane employers to close
mills during the most distressing
hours, while the sheet and hoop work
ers were ordered to stop work until
certain disputed points were settled.
No immediate settlement la anticipat
ed, because many plants need repair
and others nre taking stock. Until
the owners wish to resume their posN
Hon will not be known. The reduc
tion or i" cents on No. 118 sheets was
unexpected nnd not accompanied by
any general weakening or prices.
Footwear shops In New England
active on fall lines, but local Jobbers
are less busy, and orders from sales
men on the road are light. Leather Is
quiet but firmer, with a splendid ex
port demand for hemlock sole.
Woolens and worsteds are selling
better, nnd raw wool Is taken more
freely. News from -the west was full
of promise as to the growing wheat
yield, causing a furtbter decline In
prices, although foreign needs are
known to be heavy. Corn steadied
somewhat because of reported Injury
from heat and drouth.
Commercial failures during the first
half of 1001 numlH-red 5,750. with lia
bilities of $."),N04.i!!M. against 5,332
last year for f74,74T,4."J. In manu
facturing lines there were 1,2(15 de
faults with 21.tll,048 liabilities,
while 4.180 traders railed for 824,884,.
207. The Improvement over the pre
ceding year was most striking In brok
erage and banking Insolvencies, which
were $0,240.4: ami 815.830.554 re
spectlvely.agulnst 822,124,84(1 and $25,.
822,082 last year. While the half
year's statement Is gratifying, the
second quarter makes a much better
showing, liabilities declining 87.602,283
compared with the drat quarter and
817,023.073 La comparison with tha
second Quarter of 1000.
The prke of medlctn in Prussia la
regulated by tho state.