&tnr. Subscription $1.00 per year in mnnnr. '. A. KTi:i,IIH'"M', l.illior mid I'iiIi. n:lTNihisiAv,7i-hYViwTr Antmlt'pnntli'iit Iim'iiI priprr. iHitiltslirihivrry WednplHy lit Ki'yimlil-vHh ,hlli'i-oii Co. Pn., iIi'VoIimI to III' hllri."! of Hi-ytinliNvllln una .hfTtrinf mini y. Noit-piiltl trul. n III I rent nil with f iitrix'-M. mid will hri"ii'i'liilly fili'inl ly tf)wnril4 t ht ItilHirliiti f 1 1 . r'iiiiniiiiil'ittloiti Inli'nili'd for hiilitlctil ln nillMt In iiti'oiiiiiiiilMl hy 1 lie wrfl vr'm iitttni, not for piinlli'iit Ion. but it 11 miuriiitlci' of gtMltl fllltll. Iltt41-1's1lllt( ttl'tt lll'IIHMIlltrlll'll. AilvrrtMnir ruli' nmilii kiiownon iitpllrii llon nt till nlH.'c. I.fnirlily rimiiiiiinlnitlim imil rlinimo of ItilvprtNi'tiiiMilN hIioiiIiI rt'iirh thin oltk'e ly MoniliiV noon. HuWrlptlon pili'pfl.lHipi'r yrnr. In nilrnni')'. Adilro nil ,nrnnilllilillloilH to l A . Hlcpll enmm, Hi'Viiol(Uvllli, I'll. Kntpnwl nt ilin pwlitll'( nt UcynoltlivNli', I'ft., nfliM'onil i'liiMN iniill imittrr. THO NfiW DISTRICT. Jefferson, Indiana. Clarion anil Arm strong Counties Compose 17(11 Congressional District. Last Wcilnosilny evening the loglsltt turo pHHsod n now congressional appor tionment bill, which puts .lelTermm county In tho 2"th district, composed of Jefferson, Imllnnn, (,'lnrinn anil Arm strong comities. We were In tho li 1 t district, composed ol .Jefferson, 1 milium, ArmUrong and Westmoreland counties. Tho only chnngo in our district Is West moreland for Clarion county. Tho pop ulation of tho new district Is I S V,,,:'t and Jefferson Is the largest county in tho district. .r!t,l nllnoHt one-thlrd of population of the entire district. This ought to givo Jefferson county tho Hepubliean candidate for (.'on Kress next year, and that candidate should lie lion. V. O. Smith. All thing consid ered, tho HepnhliciniH of Jefferson coun ty should (five Smith the nomination without opposition. Why not? Ho has the ability, has hnil e.vperieneo and has made two contests for the congress ional nomination, being Indorsed both times by tho voters of .Jefferson county by large majorities, and for this reason ought to bo given tho nomination next year without opposition, and likely will. Smith's record in tho legislature proves him to bo nn aide, honest nnd zealous legislator, worthy and capable in every respect to represent tho l!"lh district in tho halls of Congress. His record Is so clean that tho only charge his political enemies can bring nguinst htm Is that ho has been a cundidato of ten enough and that ho should retire nnd give somebody else n chance. That is not a serious charge, in fact, it should strengthen his eandidi'cy with thought ful people. When a typo setter In tho govern ment printing olllco 11 1 Washington Smith's ambition then, nnd has been ever since, was to be n Congressman some time, nnd ho began to prepare himself to be able to fill tho olllco cred Itibly If over elected to Congress. With this In view Smith placed himself Iss foro tho people for Assemblyman as a stepping stone to Congress, and in tho legislature ho did not betray tho con II deneo of his constituents, he looked .lif ter tho Interest of tho peoplo, and not his own. His Integrity has never boon questioned. Therefore, it would 1m fol ly to turn a worthy, capable and experi enced man down simply because he had represented tho people faithfully in tho legislature several times and hud lccn nominated twice for Congress, but fail ed to get the district nomination. For this very reason Smith would bo tho strongest man In tho conferenco that tho Itopubllcans of Jefferson county could nominate. Whilo Smith Is a citizen of Punxsu- tawnoy, yet wo do not forgot that ho was born and reared in lleynohlsville and Is In close touch with ull our in terests. Rural Mail Boxes. Under the Star Route mail carries' now contracts which went Into effect July 1st, froo rural mall delivery be comes operative along tho mail route. Tho new ruling provides that any per son erecting a mull box along a star route line can have his mall placed thorein dally upon giving his postinast er a written ordor to that effect. Any mail can thus bo delivered except registered letters. Tho department does not describe any particular design of box to be used for this service, but the person providing tho box should see that It Is of such character as to af ford ample protection to his mall. Tho box should be so located on tho road aide that the carrier can deposit mall therein through an oponlng in tho' box, without leaving his vehicle. The last legislature passed a bill prohibiting the sale and furnishing of tobacco to persons under sixteen years old. The penalty is a fine not exceeding (100.00 or Imprisonment not exceeding 30 dayg, or both. Three rooms to let on second Moor of brick building. Town water, closet and gas In rooms. Inquire of Dr. 13. E. Hoover. Fancy half hose at Mllllrcns. Underwear for 2Tc at MoClellaud's. Summer holsery, underwear, shirts, suspenders and neckwear at special low prices during July clearance sule. IJiug Stoke Co. "Clydesdale! ye sturdy son of nature. Ye oould not go wrong on tho herbs yo grew up with." Clydesdale Ointment It a groat and a grand cure for lacerated flesh or a burn. Druggists, 25o. Disorderly Conduct. A good many persons seem to be un aware when they aro guilty of disorder ly conduct. They do all sorts of things In public, in tho streets, Ht public gath erings nnd in street cars and elsewliero and upiear to think they havo a perfect right to annoy every one near them by word and deed. A recent legislature enactment may ho referred to bore for tho benefit of such persons. Any nnn who tnnkes, or causes to bo uinile, any loud, boisterous and unseemlngly noise, or who, by using profane or obseono language, disturbs or annoys any one who is a pnssengur on any railroad or railway ear, or who may bo a visitor at any picnic grounds kept for public amusement, whereby the public peace Is illsturlx'd or broken, shall lie deemed guilty of the offense of disorderly con duct, and, If convicted of tho same be fore tiny magistrate shall bo sentenced to pay tho costs of prosecution and a fine of ton dollars, nnd In default of such payment, shall lie sent to county jail for not moro than thirty days. The law Is abroad one, and Instances occur almost dally within tho notlco of most readers which fall within its provisions. What is lacking Is moro general enforcement of It. Milton Sliintlml. Doleful Predictions. Colo's Storms and Signs for July con tains tho following predictions: Tho greatest danger from storms during tho current month will Jm between tho 2nd nnd 7th: Nth and 12th; t.'lth and IHtli; nnd front tho 21st to the ItOth sovere storms may bo looked for. A warm wnve of Insufferable heat will strlko some sections whilo a cold wave border ing on frost and snow will visit others. The lat ter half of tho month will bring strange phenomenal nnd earth disturb ances or phenomenal weather. Tho sunset, also tho sunrise Bcenes this month will bo beautiful to behold; therefore watch out, for this grand pic ture which nature supplies for tho poor as well as for tho rich. Cloud bursts, hurricanes and cyclones will mark a hard record In some of tho western and southern states, and violent hull, wind und rain storms wl'.l visit tho eastern states. Letter to A. M. Woodward. Itriliilt'ilk, 'n. JJcnr Sir: You know and see and tulk with everybody In and about your town: we want you to know Devoo lend and zinc, that lasts twice as long as tho old fashion painters' paint (lend and oil), nnd costs no moro. What would you expect of u paint sold under this guarenteo? "If you have any fault to II nd with this paint, either now In the painting or after ward in tho wear, toll your dealer alxiut It. "We authorize him to do what Is light at our expense." Jf wo could make you a better paint wo should liko to do It there's nothing Uki good for u Histmustor. Wecun't; it's tho best yet known. And wo ve had 14."i years apprenticeship. Yours truly, V. XV. Dkvok Co. P. S. II. Alex Stoke sells our paint In your section. Miner Killed at Shawmut. Fred Nelson, a miner employed In No. K mine at Shawmut, was killed by a full of rock whilo at work Tuesday morning. Nelson and a fellow workman were engaged In mining when a mass of rock fell from tho roof and before tho unfortunate man could got out of tho way tho fall struck him on tho head and shoulders killing him Instantly. Ills companion, Albert Colson, escnped un injured 13 roc k way v 11 lo Item rtl. Royal Arcanum Picnic. A Reunion and Basket Picnic, will be hold In tho Driving Park at Cleat-Hold, Pa., on Thursday, tho 18th day of July, l'.iOl, by tho Councils of tho Royal Arcanum of Clearfield. Curwensvllle, Reynoldsvillo, Punxsutawney, Phlllps burg, Tyrono and Bollwood, It promis es to be the most largely attended of any given by the ordor. That Beautiful Gloss . Comes from the varnish In Dovoo's Var nish Floor Paint; costs ti cents more a quart though. Sold by II. A. Stoke. For Sale. Cow poas, McCormick blndors, mow ers and rakes, Keystone weeders, Crown drills, horses, cows and general merchandise. J. C. KlMQ & Go. See tho new line of neckwear at Mill- lrens. If you want a perfoct fit, ordor suit from John Flynn, tho tuilor. Neckwear from So to Vxs at McClol- lund's. Mitchell, tho ladies tailor. Low prices, good fits, first-class work at John Flynn's tailor shop. We have just what you are looking for lo shoes. Robinson's. Fine line of china at C. F. Hoffman's Stiff hats, soft bats, anything In the head wear at MoClolland's. See Millirons for your flannel and surge suits. ' John Flynn, morchant tailor, makei up-to-duto suits. Try him. s Straw hate in all the latOBt things la at MoClol land's. , Cannot Drink and Teach. A recent act of tho legislature forbids the using of alcohol lo drinks hy school teachers. Tho substance of the law re ferred to Is as follows : That after tho llrst Monday of Juno, one thousand, nine hundred and two, no teacher In this commonwealth shall ro- colvo from a county, city or borough superintendent, acortlflcntn as a teacher who has not n fair knowledge of orthog raphy, Kmrllt-b gratnninr, mental and written arithmetic, history of tho Unit ed States, the theory of teaching, and civil government, Inctudlng state mid local, and elementary algebra, nor shall such certificate bo given to any Mirson who Is In tho habit of using, ns a bever age, any Intoxicating drinks, or habitu ally takes opium; and all certificates given to touchers shall set forth the branches In which those holding them hove boon found proficient and Indicate by suitable marks tho degrees of that proficiency. It Dazzles the World. No discovery in medicine has ever created one-qunrter of tho excitement that has Is'on caused by Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption. It's sever est tests have been on hopeless victims of Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage, Pleurisy and Itronchitis, thousands of whom It has restored to perfect health. For Coughs, ('olds, Asthma, Croup, Hay 'ever, Hoarseness and Whooping cough It is the quickest, surest euro In tho world. It Is sold by H. Alox Stoke who gnuranten satisfaction or refund tho money. Jurge bottles ode and VI. (HI. Trial bottle free. Vote of Contestants. llclow we publish tho nuiiies of the contestants in the free scholarships offered by Till-: STAU and tho vote each 0110 has received up to the present time, ns counted hy tint Judges lust evening: Thos. S. dithers :i:t7l Fred K. McF.ntlre NVJfl Miss Mary Husson :t:i7 Thomas M. Hob, A. I.. Sheesley, of Paradise, has with drawn from tho contest. Letter List. List of unclaimed letters remaining In tho postofllco at Reynoldsvillo, Pa., week ending Juno 2!, I'.ml: Miss Louisa Nulseii, Miss Tlllio Mohr, Mrs. Mary Spencer, W. K. Mart. Say advertised and givo date of list when culling for ulsivu. A. M. WoonwAUD, P. M. Bids Wanted. Wo will receive bids until noon Sat urday, July 27, l!Hl, for tho erection of a frumu school house on the site of the old Hpraguo school house. Plans and spccltlcutions can bo seen at TlIK STAH olllco. WiNW.ow Twp, School Hoaiid. A Poor Millionaire Lately starved In Iindon hecuusti ho could not digest his food. Kuii y use of Dr. Kings New Life Pills would have suved'him. They st rough ten tho stom ach, nld digestion, promote assimilation, Improve appetite. Piico 2.1c Money liuck If not satlhlied. Sold by H. Alex Stoke, druggist. Wagons and Buggies for Sale. Ono horse wagons, due lino of bug gies, harness and everything In horso furnishing lino, also trunks and tele scopes for sulo at J. A. Myers' harness shop. Paint Your Buggy for 75c With Duvoo'a Gloss Cuniugo Paint. It weighs It to 8 ozs. more to thu plot thun others, wears longer; and gives u gloss equul to now work. Sold by II. A. Stoke. Tho Keystone Ilardwaro Co. having placed an experienced mun in chnrgo of their plumbing department, aro now prepared to do all kinds of plumbing wator. gas and steam nt reasonable prices. All work guaranteed to bo strictly first-class. Next year Pat McDonuld expects to finish up the lumbering at Harvey's Run, and the prohabllties are that tho camp will bo moved from there at that tlmo. With the passing of tho Harvey's Run camp will disappour tho last of tho log Ing camps In tho Immediate vicinity of Falls Creek. Falls Creek Ifmihl. Arlington brand rubber collars at tho unheard of price, lt(o. Hing-Stoko Co. Gentlemen, seo the very latest In Wulk-Ovor shoos at Robinson's. Special values In men's working trous ers at Millirons. Crush suits, crash nnd linen pants nt MoClolland's. Gut your blica repaired und buy sun dries at Hoffmun's. Suits of all kinds from fcl.,10 to JI.V00 at MoClolland's. Commencing Thursday morning you can got cholco of ladles Oxfords that sold at I1.2.J, l.. !.", (Lot) nnd 91.115 for 11.10. Hlng-Stoko Co. If beauty Is only skin deep, useClydct dulo Ointment to euro a rough skin and pimples expose tho bounty that lies underneath. Sold at druggist, 2.rto. jyi. W. A. HENRY, DENTIST, Ofllee on wteond Hour of llunry Bros, brick building, Mulu slrout. UNION MADE CLOTHING. CLOTHING SHOW. A Glorious Fourth. Yon will want oomfortablw clotlinH for tli celebrntlon. A lightweight unit, n Rtraw lint, cool flliirt, featherweight underwear. Them? are all here In abundance. Excellent Goods at Exceptional Prices. MEN'S SUITES 7 In FlannelH or Sergen, lightweight, nkeleton lined, comfortable in the hottent weather, newent ntripeand overplaid eflei tH in greens, bluen and grayn, 0.00, 7.00, 51.00 12.00, 15.00. Fix the In a nice double-breasted Hummer miit nize H to Hi, at 1.00, 1.00, -2.00, -J,0O, 3.00, f.00, or if they are small a nice Russian blouse suit looks good on any small boy. 1.00, '2.oo, :t.oo, i,oo. STRAW HATS Selling at a great rate. No values in the county equal to ours. Rough braid In yacht or golf shape and Split Hraid in sailors or alpine shape 50c, 7fc, 1.00, 1.00. Swell New Neckwear. If you want to sport the latest creation in Neckwear on the 4th, get it here in a narrow Kour-in-lland, a King Edward or a Rat Wing bow. '2.ro and OOc. White Madras Shirts And fancy silk stripes, are the good things at tint present. Look ours over for some beauties. Relts are very popular I or Shirt Waists. now f Right this Way for your PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMES, EASELS, MOULDINGS, HOOKS, STATIONERY, PENS, , INK, PENCILS, ETC. Cabinet work of nil kinds made to order. Upholstering nnd re pair work of nil kinds done promptly. We guarantee all our work and you will find our prices right. NorMamer & Kellock, Woodward HnlltlliiK, main Htreet. Daintiest Styles in Footwear . . SHOES BUILT OIN HONOR . . . Our footwenr for Indies mirrors the latest dic tates of Dame Fashion. What is proper and pop ular in Oxfords nnd High Shoes, in dainty styles and worthful leathers is here. Up-to-date shoes for genelemen. Also handle first-class working shoes. Our Prices, like our styles, Are All Right. Johnston & Nolan, NOLAN BLOCK. MS MJJJJJ the Boys out here for warm day. II I ' I 1 H 11 1 1 1 l j J The Furniture Occasion of the Year. Don't Miss this Carpet Opportunity. N. HANAU,. Summer Bargain Sale. I WANT TO CLEAR OUT ALL SUMMER GOODS. llliultlt'H, 8 and lOcont, DimltleM, 12icviiU, Pimitii'ii, l.j conU, - Chulllctt, Oi'CiukIIhh, i" cents, - Indigo Hint) I'rinU, - - 50 cent LudleH' Shirt AVulHt, 7."i cont Ladli'ti' Shirt Wnlnt, l.00 Ludio' Shirt Wulot, l.i'. Lmlies' Shirt Wiiit. LftO Ludi' Shirt Wuixt, 1."3 Ladies' Shirt Walat, ' fit) emit Iidli's' Cornels, $1.00 Ludies' Cornet, tl.SU Ludion' Corset. 10 cent LuiIU'h' Hose tho bout you ever bought for that price, NEJTS SUMMER UNDERWEAR. . i") cent iroods for 10 routs. Mo Mens, IluUir ijjf 1111 Shirts, 42k'. Title Men's Hnlbritfgnn Drawers, 4'Jfc. CLOTHING. THU CUEATKST BARGAINS YOU EVfclt nOUGIIT. Fine Clay Worsted Suits, to 10, for ." and Hl.i'i. Fine Cluy Worsteds, 10 and li. for Itest Cluy Worsteds, tli to !.", for - U.r0. Cblld's Suit, ... 75 cents. Other houses would ask you II J0 for siune goods. IN TKNT AHOVK UAI'TIST CIIUUCH. I Lace Lisle and Fancy I II(H!' 15, 25, We have added to our store im mense shipments of the latest styles of furniture. Nice GO-CARTS from 7.00 to 20. IRON BKDS from 3.00 to 17.00. Latest improved gas and steel ranges. Red Room Suites from 18 to 48. We have the stock to satisfy evpry desire foy carpet beauty. INGRAIN Carpet from 10c to 70c. BRUSSELS from 00c to 1.00. The price of these goods cannot be discounted when the quality tis con sidered. No extra charge for lining and lay ing Brussels Carpet. Don't buy your carpets until you see our carpets. J. R. -HILLIS. (J COIlU. 8 cent. 10 ceotM. ' 4 cent. IS conU. 4 cenU. i"i cents. 60 cents. "iO con is. 75 cents. M.) ivnU. 11.00. 40 cents. 79 oonts. l.OO. M oenls. 7'