The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, June 26, 1901, Image 1

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J ,noi Lit ror LIKE . . . I
A free vhliirhl)i In Lin k Ihi-
I veil Xortnal Sihool, lln'i f
ftehmii of Itntiorjt or Interiin- $
f tlonal t'orrrnj;oiitlenrr,Srlioolnl' jjj
J m;i: rui K vaie.
S 4 I'JIA'K ftCJIOLAllSlIir . .
i offereil by The Stnr lo the
perion getting highest number ' I
of vote. Content open to all. i
For full particular
the: big store.
This week as special attraction for out of town goers we H
have purchased 50 new skirts. These skirts are made of
medium and light weight cloths, just'the thing for the next H
three months' wear. You will find nothing skimped, noth- H
ing illiberal, nothing that sense and fashion do not approve. H
We firmly believe they will be readily appreciated and quick-
ly purchased at the low prices at which they will be offered. H
These goods are not in stock yet but will be here for your
& inspection by the time of the issue of this paper, 1
B 3
Carpets In Stock.
2500 yards Ingrains, 15 to 5o. per yard.
' 1500 yards Tapestry Brussels, 50 to h0o. per yard.
1500 yards Wilton Velvet, 75 to $1.00 per yd.
Aleo Body Brussels and Axminster to suit.
Linoleum 2 yards wide, 87 i cents per sq. yard.
Table Oil Cloth, only $1.55 per bolt.
Handsome China and Porcelain Dinner sets,
Beautiful Reclining 'Go-Carts for baby,
Coal and Gas Ranges, Hot Plates and Ovens,
. Bed Room and Parlor Suits.
' . )
People appreciate n
goyd . article when
they see it., There is
always something at
a Iww priee at my
store in the line of
Dry Goodsf
I will null $8 and $9 (ill-wool l.'m, lHo and 20o dress goods go
unite for 15.00. $9 and $10 worst- for 10 and 12io. 811 outing for
ed suite tor $0.50. $ and $15 and tlio. 10c outtug for 7io
worsted suits for $10.00 to $12.00. ?Dd. 3o Gr'd 0,l,l!U - Ver
... .. . ,, , ... , bust culloo 5o. Percale 80 and
All our suits are stylish. Boys' )t)0i Lllau.' axltm and . Mid
knee punts 19 cent, ren's jackets. ,;' ' ' .
. ' ' '-, .', .
Come in and Investigate. jS, HVU.
No economy in buying poor goods. Lots of people forget this
fact and are guided entirely by the price. Look to the quality,
then consider the price and you will hnd our values ahead of any
in the city.
36-inch Fercale, formerly 12c, at only 9c ier yard.
All good patterns, fast colors.
Shirt Waist suits, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00, Latest
patterns and any color you desire.
Second shipment of ginghams and dimities. Some
thing entirely new. 10, 12 and 15c per yard.
New Mercerized Ginghams, plain and fancy, at
only 20c per' yard.
, All carjwt samples sold as rugs. First here, lest
Parasols and Colored Umbrellas, all colors, from
$1.49 to $5.00. Call and examine them. Compare
our prices with any of our competitors'; be convinced
you are in the right place.
With every $25.00 worth of merchandise we give
you a life-size portrait of yourself or friend absolutely
Your own time to make your purchases.
Give us a call. No trouble to show goods.
Shirt Waist
Pa raaol
of the Year.
Miss this
We have added to our store im
mense shipments of the latest styles
of furniture.
Nice GO-CARTS from $7.00 to $20.
IKON BEDS from $3.50 to $17.00.
Latent improved gas and Bteel ranges.
Bed Room. Suites from 18 to $48."
' I? . .
We have the stock to satisfy every
desire for carpet beauty.
INGRAIN Carptit from 15c to 70c.
BRUSSELS from 50o to $1.50.
. The price of these goods cannot be
discounted when the quality is con
No extra charge for lining and lay
ing Brussels Carpet.
Don't buy your .carpets until you
see our carpets.
' -oi
';v0 i i
1V mn
Presiding Elder Clarion District of M. E. Church.
The ladles of the Luthornn church
had a quilting at Orange hnll luxt Wed
nesday, and preHonted thoqiillt to thutr
pastor's wife, Mrs. W. Seiner. A boun
tiful dinner wag served In tho hull, to
which all did ample justice.
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. WcIIh and son and
daughter, Blair and Maggie, visited the
tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. A.
Sheesley, last Sunday.
There will bo an Ice cream and straw
berry social at the Grange hall to-morrow,
Thursday, evening for the benefit
of the Epwoi tli League.
Mrs. Don McDonald and children, of
Dig Kun, were visitors at Win. Dough
erty's part of last week.
Mrs. Illack, of Marlon Center, is vis
iting her son, Wcstover Little, and fam
ily at this place.
Curlsteno Strouse visited her sister,
Mrs. J. J. 1'lfer, In Dutch Paradise ov
er Sunday.
Anv nRPtiiin flnHlrlno liirWvu for
J I -' r - J ' a
Thanksgiving, should give Jim Shees-A
ley a call.
Miss Lizzie Fryo, of Heynoldsvlllo,
visited her sister, Mrs. Llttlo, oyer Sun
day. Maggie and Ethel Gathers visited
Susie and Km ma Sheesley overSunday.
Amos Strouse was the guest of his
brother, J. M. Strouse, over Sunday.
Paradise will celebrate the Fourth as
UBual. Fireworks In the evening.
Joe Cochran called on friends In
Winslow a few days last week.
Lost, strayed or stolen, six white pigs
belonging to J. M. Strouse.
Mrs. David Hlllls has been on the
sick Hut for the past week.
Harry Spenoer, of New Florence, was
In town on Sunday.
Dick Yohe Is building u now barn.
A Fine Exhibition. '
Lowery Ilros.' Olympia shows gave
an afternoon and evening performance
In Towanda Tuesday and Wednesday.
They were greeted by large crowds who
expressed their approvul of a first-class
entertainment. Nearly all tho per
formers are artists In their lines, doing
marvelous feats, which together with
an able accompaniment of clowns, jolly
josters and a magnificent band kopt the
audience In a hilarious mood from start
to finish. Thp trained dogs was a
pleasing feature, and Prof. McDudo's
successful balloon .ascension and para
chute drop were witnessed by great
crowds of people, Everything was
just as advortlsed and the performance
equal to that of 2T and 50a shows. The
tent would have to be enlarged if Low
ery Bros, come to Towanda next year.
Will exhibit at Reynoldsvlllo two days,
June 2IUh and July 1st.
Seven Years In Bed. .
"Will wondorg' evor cease?" Inquire
the friends of Mrs. L.. Pcaso, of Law
renoe, Kan. They know sho had been
unable to leave her bed In seven years
on account of kidney and liver trouble,
nervous prostration aud general debility
but, "Throe bottles of Electric Hitters
enabled me to walk," she writes, "and
In three months I felt like a new per
son." Women suffering from Headache,
Backaoho, Nervousness, Slceplessnoss,
Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells
will find It a priceless blosslng. Try ft.
Satisfaction Is guaranteed, Only 50o,
at H. Alex Stoke's drug store.
Years ago It was assumed that there
was a oertaln amount of trade In a com
munity, and that the share which any
establishment could get must depend
chiefly on Its location. Now it Is known
that not only will advertising enlarge
the share of any establishment, but it
will also Increase the total volume of
'business. That trade can be oreated
by advertising .has been shown many
times. Philadelphia liecord.
Ilichard (ilover, who made his home
hero for a number of years, died at the
home of his daughter In Punxsutawnoy
Friday night of last week. He was
burled In the Heynoldsvllle Catholic
cemetery. Mr. (ilover has two daugh
ters living hero, Mrs. Geo. Roberts and
Mrs. P. J. Finnell.
Hev. Head ley, of Outlet, Pa., Is visit
ing his daughters, Mrs. A. L. Keagle
and E. R. Rougher here. Mr. Head ley
will preach In the Church of God next
Sunday evening, June .10th.
John Smith, jr., Is nursing a bruised
face and head, the result of a fall from
his wheel while coming down Prospect
hill road last Saturday.
Ten members of the Sons of Temper
ance drove to Sykesvtlle lost Friday ev
ening to help Institute a Division there.
Rev. Williams, of Coal Glon, preach
ed In the M. K. church hore Sunday ev
ening. John Welling, of DuBoIs, visited
friends here over Sunday.
Miss May Johnston visited her par
ents In DuBols last week.
S. J. Bowser and wife vlsltod friends
In Foxburg last woek.
John Ponhall is visiting In Plttston,
Pa., this week.
L. A. Hays went to Woedvllle last
Frequent Performances.
The performance of the Bostock enter
prises at the Pan-American Exposition,
which consists of the great Zoological
Arena, Chlqulta, the Golden Chariots,
Esau, the Man-Ape and others, are the
most popular on the Esplanade, for the
reason that they are almost constantly
open and the prices of admission and
reserved seats are moderate. At the
Arena and other shows performances' are
given at 11 a. m. and 2, 4, 7, and 0 p.
m. Tho genoral admission Is, adults 25
cents; children 15 conts, Balcony, adults
115 cents children 25 cents. Box seats,
$1 and children 50 conts. A ride on the
Golden Chariots is only 10 cents, and the
same admission is charged to the recep
tions of Chlqulta and Esau. All the
Bostock exhibitions are honestly adver
tised and honorably conducted.
Saves Two From Death.
"Our little daughter had an almost fa
tal attack of whooping cough and bron
chitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Havlland, of
Armonk, N. Y., "but wbon all other
romodios fulled, wo saved ber life with
Dr. King's Now Discovery. Our nelce,
who had Consumption In an advanced
stage, also used this wonderful medicine
and to-day she is perfectly well." Des
perate throat and lung diseases yield to
Dr. King's Now Discovery as to no oth
er medicine on earth. Infallible for
Coughs and Colds. 50u and 11.00 hot
tlus guuruntocd by II. Alex Stoko, drug
gist. Trial bottles free.
Reduced Rates to Detroit.
For tho meeting of the National Edu
cational Association at Detroit, July 8
to 12, 1001, tho Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will sell excursion tickets to
Detroit from all stations on its lines, at
the rate of one fare for the round trip,
plus $2.00. Tickets will be sold July 6,
7, and 8, good returning to leave Detroit
not earlier than July 9 nor later than
July 15. By depositing tickets with
Joint Agent on or bofore July 12, and
the payment of 50 cents, the return
limit may bo extended to leave Detroit
not later than September 1.
As blood is to life, Clydesdale Oint
ment Is to the body, it kills all poison
rub It In sore spots. Your druggist
sells it, 25 oents.
Johnston & Nolan have a One line, of
Emerson's shoes for gentlemen. ,6ee
them. , . '
A Presiding Elder Beloved by the
People Now Serving His Fifth
Year In Clarion District. '
Dr. R. C. Smith, of DuBols, presid
ing elder of the Clarion District of tho
M. K. church, preached an able sermon
In the M. E. church at this place lust
Thursday evening and afterwards con
ducted the third quarterly conference
of the present church year. This Is
Dr. Smith's fifth year us presiding cider
of the Clarion District, and he has prov
en himself to be a capable and excellent
man for tho position. Tho work on Urn
distrlul has prosH'red under his elder
ship. He Is a wise counsellor and a
spiritual christian, beloved by all who
become personally acquainted with him.
Israel Snyder,
Hoiiwldm'illr, .Pa.
Dear Sir: Perhaps you are going to
paint your house, and don't believe in
Devocj We'll moko you an offer:
Paint half your house lead and oil; tho
other half Dovoo lead and Inc.
In three years tho load and oil half
will be hungry for paint; the Dovoe half
will turn water as well as when new.
If not, our agent will stand by this.
"If you have any fault to find with this
paint, olthor now in tho painting or here
after In the wear, toll your doaler about
"We authorize him to do what is right
at our exponse."
Devoe lead and zlno holds color hotter
than lead; turns water twice as long.
Yours truly,
3J F. W. Devoe & Co.
P. S. H. Alex Stoke sells our paint
In your section.
Transactions in Real Estate.
Annotta Thompson to George J. Brit
ton, for property In Brockwayvillo.
$700: April 111, 1901.
G. A. Hellbrun to Sal vator Farina, for
lot in Anita. $55;June 15, 1901.
J. B. Arnold to Mrs R. J. Roynolds,
for lot in Reynoldsvllle. $2,050; May 27,
B. M. Clark to Rochester & Pitts
burgh Coal and Iron Company Co., for
land In Calmont township. $14.49; July
15. 1901.
R. E. Furguson to William Cowan for
property In Corsica. $275; April 1, 1900.
W. J. Bonningor to W. J. Shaffer
and W. N. Conrad, for lot In Brook
vllle. $.15; May II, 1901.
John C. Moore to J. S. Moore, for
property In Corsica. $275; April 1, 1898.
Ira L. Boebe to Maude E. Booth, for
property In Reynoldsvllle. $1,300;
March 18, 1901.
Israel Snyder, sr., to Elizabeth Hen
ry, for property In Falls Creek. $2,000;
June 14, 1901.
. William H. Humphreys to Mary M.
Jordan, for land in Warsaw township.
$1.00; June 14, 1901.
Caroline Van Orman, et al., to John
Corbln, for land In Warsaw township.
$1,500; February 20, 1901.
B. L: Buzard, et al., to Elizabeth
Hlmes, for property in Brockwayville.
$250; April 1, 1901.
M. M. Fisher to A. L. Long, for land
In Winslow township. $700; January
22, 1901.
Annie Barber to Garfield S. Starr, for
land In Snyder township. $42; June 13,
Wanted it Mentioned.
"I wish," said a young lady of Falls
Creek, as she entered the Herald office,
"that you would say in your paper this
week, that my father is building a hand
some and commodious new porch to his
property on Blank street. It is a large
affair and has a strong and reliable ham
mock swinging across it. The hammock
has been tested and is guaranteed to
carry two, and the porch faces the east
so that it Is nice and cool just as the
sun goes down. You editors are always
preaching up the merits of advertising,
o I thought I would give it a trial."
With this tho lady adjusted her nose
glasses and loft the sanctum sanctorum.
Falls Creek Herald.
Letter List. "
List of unclaimed letters remaining
In the postofflce at Reynoldsvllle, Pa.,
week ending June 22, 1901:
Peter Foltz, Mrs. Amelia Kanady,
Mrs. John Foltz, Mrs. J. P. Sohneron,
Emma Pefferman, John A. Campbell,
Mr. Ed. Allison, Gust Tangern, Albert
W. Pierce. Foreign, Gosidlo Madonno,
Gura Fadinyak.
Say advertised and give date of list
when calling for above. ,
A. M. Woodward, P. M. i
Didn't Marry for Money. '
The Boston man, who lately married
sickly rich young woman, Is happy
now, for he got Dr. King' New Life
Pills, which restored her to perfect
health. Infallible tor Jaundice, Bil
iousness, Malaria, Fever and Ague .and .
all Ljver and Stomach troubles. GeutW
but, effective. Only 2iv at II. Alex
Stoko's drug store. .