The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, June 19, 1901, Image 3

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    THE EIT&
f New tork City. Tluxslnn styles Imve
taken an accepted plneo nml Mil fnlr
to continue their pnrnilitrlty for ninny
months. The tasteful yet simple Mny
ftlanton waist Illustrated r-xempllflrs
an of the best forms nml is in every
tray desirable. The, model Is a Bonn-Ice
cloth, In a soft pastel simile of tan,
with bands of white covered with
rows of machine stitching, but the
Style ts equally appropriate for French
flnnnel, Henrietta, albatross nml the
like, and for taffeta and other wolHt
silks, as well ns for cotton, cheviot,
Madras and linen; but when tmulo
from washable materials should be
The foundation Is a fitted lining that
Closes at the centre front, and upon
which the waist proper is arranged.
The back of tho waist is plain across
the shoulders, and has the fulness
drawn down at the waist line. The
fronts show no fulness at the upper
portion, but are arranged In gathers
at the waist line and blouse slightly
at the centre. The right side laps
well over the left and la held in place
by Invisible fastenings of small books
and loops. The sleeves are in bishop
style, finished at the wrists by straight
cuffs, the pointed ends of which lap
over the straight At the neck Is a
deep standing collar, that Is pointed
at one end to match the cuffs, and
closes slightly to the left of the cen
tre. ....
To cut this waist for a woman of
medium size four yards of material
twenty-one Inches wide, three and a
toulf yards twenty-seven Inches wide,
two and a half yards thirty-two Inches
wide, or two and one-eight yards forty-four
Inches wide, will be required.
i Woman'! Bound Voke Wrapper.
No woman likes to be without a sim
ple, tasteful morning gown that can
be slipped on with ease. The excel
lent May Manton model given amply
fills the need and Is essentially com
fortable at the same time that it pre
sents a dainty and attractive appear
ance. The material from which the
original is made is white lawn with
' figures of old blue, and the trimming
stitched bands of plain blue on white;
but the entire range of wushuble cot
ton materials, as well as simple light
weight wools, are appropriate.
The back Is graceful and shapely
and Includes becoming fulness below
the deep round yoke. The fronts arc,
Imply gathered and arranged over
the lining, or seamed to the yoke when
this last Is omitted. Tlse sleeves are
- la bishop style and comfortable as
srell as fashionable.
To cut this wrapper for a woman of
medium slse, ten and a half yards
of material thirty-two Inches wide, or
alx spd a half yards forty-four Inches
T 16, wlU Da required.
Marcelllne fllace,
A serious rival to silken gauze, Lib
erty silk and chiffon, sheer tissues in
great favor, Is the new silken fabric
offered for use as cinplevements, yokes
nnil chemisettes. It Is almost ns ten
der and soft as mull, but hns a lus
trous sheen, with glistening surface.
This proves Immensely becoming to
t no majority of women. It smartens
up a toilet which would otherwise be
n dull black, The new silk is used ns
a chemisette, and nlo for undersleeves
when such are worn. Slender young
ftlrls wear folded belts of the snme
glistening material. It Is as cool as
sea foam in nppenranee.
A Stunning Hunt ClnnU.
UntlRte seems an odd iniiteiiiil for a
dust clonk, but It Is correct for n wrnp
in wnrm weather and on smart oecn
sious. Kncli of these delicate garments
has a collar of colored silk or prune
sntln. Pomegranate pink, turquoise
blue, orange, copper red are some of
t ho tints chosen. Whie sill: tuohnlr Is
the mnterlnl of n smart dust clonk In
tended to 1)0 worn on n coaching expe
dition. It hns n smart collar of mossy
green silk, with a very heavy rib, mid
hns turned tip cuffs of the same.
Tim Hntt!miifnt of Itnlrro.
A modish bolero Is extended down
ward in front in "bnttlement" tabs. It
can then lie cut up sharply under the
arms, for the long front aspect Is se
cured. The bnttlement tubs nro now
preferred to n rounded or ovuld finish.
oy' Shirt WnUt.
The strongly-mnde. well-fitted shirt
wnlst that enn be relied upon to with
stand the typical boy's wear Is a gnr
incut that is always In ilemntid. The
advantage of home-making Is to be
found in the opportunity to select the
best material and to secure a perfect
fit. Tho May Mnnton model Illus
trates can be relied upon to be correct
In every detail, and to give certain
satisfaction. As shown It Is of per
cale, white with strips of blue, but
the snme material In different colon
and in figures, as well as stripes, Is
correct, and both Madras and cheviot
are also fashionable materials, while
outing and Scotch flannels are much
liked for morning wear.
The fronts of the waist are laid In
straight tucks at each side of the cen
tre box pleats, and the back Is laid In
three straight box pleats, so Insuring
simple and perfect laundering. The
sleeves are in regulation shirt style,
with stiff cuffs of the latest decreed
width. The neck is finished with a
band to which the turn-over collar Is
attached by studs or buttons and but
tonholes. The shoulder seams are cov
ered and stayed with appllqued bands
stitched on each edge,' and stitched on
at the waist is a belt, to which buttons
are sewn to support the trousers.
To cut this shirt wnlst for a boy of
eight years of ago three yards of ma
terial twenty-soven Inches wide, or
two and a half yards thirty-two Inches
wide, will be required.
mmMM Mi
ft I m
Pensions granted
Isrg it Glass Pis' I In thi Wtrld -Grain and
fruit Dstlroytd by a Cloudburst.
Dynsmlls kxploilon. i
The following pensions were Brnntvil
during the past week: tleorge W. tlra
hum, Morris, $H; Martin Stoneklng,
New tlelievil. $S; Ilobert Connor, Knox
vlllo. J4; CiiitIo ( raver, rittsburg, S;
Margaret W. (lorlon, Wnynenlntrg, s;
Hpeclnl, accrued ,lu no 1 Mmy K. Vim
(lcipool, Towniiiln. $N; t'linrles tlnllons, I
.loliiisiown, $H: Mlcluicl Connor, Hut. ,
ler. ?I7: Abrnin Van Hps, rit tHllehl. ;
Frederick Feline, Foltsvllle, VJ; Hen
ry Knstiniin, Conlport, ?H: lnniilns 1
F. Tower. Clnysvllli', fS; Albert Simp
son, Ilrnilfnrii, ti: Hiinilli'l Itnhh, 1
1 1 lid mil it. $17: Miil'llm Henry, Heaver.
M; Mni'lllit lilies, llllllbill', ?; A mill
Young. Woodland. If: Alinil Cllnc,
Hai l isbnrg. S; Hoplicim M. ltllsh- :
m ire. West Held, S.
A sensation was created nt I'nlon
tovtn by the action of n prominent so
ciety woman and the sheriff brenklnn
Into a house ami securing the woman's
twin babies. The children nro 7
liioinlis old, sons of Mrs. I.libl NichoU
FlUi'i-rald, who bad petitioned the
court for n writ of lindens corpus, and
alleged thnt the children were restrain
pil of their liberty by Mrs. Mary Craig.
Mrs. Crnlg refused to let her have
them, alleging that tho father gave
her Instructions not to give them to
anyone but himself. I'ltxgernld Is n
wealthy Irishman, owning large nineti
es in California, where ho lives, and
where ho ninrrled h!s wife two years
The Ibisincss Men's Association of
Hochester has awarded the contract
for b tlldlng n switch one mile ami n
hnlf In length from the Fort Wnyne
railroad to the ullo of the proposed
new town of North Hochester. The
cost of the switch will approximate
$3.'i,lMD. The chief Industry of the
new town will be one of 1I10 largest
glass plants In the world to be erected
by n company headed by II. C. Fry.
Adjutant (leiieral Stewart has ap
proved the selection of l'i rlnsle for
the niiniial eiiciinipiuent of tlie First
brigade and Mount tiretna for the en
campment of the 'I'll I rd brigade, both
of which will be held July li i-'JT. As
soon ax the place of encampment of
Second brigade has been designated
by !enernl Wiley, ollielnl orders will
be Issued aiilioliliclng tho designation
of the three encampments.
The new Heformed church nt White
Oak, Somerset county, was dedicated,
free of debt, by ltcv. Mr. Trnxnl of
Meyersdalo. The church Is located in
tho center of n vast farming district,
and In pursuaucu of an old-tlmo cus
tom the country folks brought their
baskets with them mid a big dinner
wns served to nil on the church lot.
Dy the premature explosion of n
heavy charge of dynamite three meu
were horribly Injured near I.atrobe.
The men were employed by Contractor
W. W. Keeiinn on tho Improvements
for the Pennsylvania railroad. Thu In
jured are: Thomas Itrenneu, William
Muloy and Mike Dedero, nn Ituliau.
It Is thought nil will recover.
The members of tho Cambria coun
ty bur presented a petition nsking
Judge ltnrkcr to dispense with tho
usual session of argument court In
July, lie said thero was too much
business ahead to do so without injus
tice to clients nud set July 8 as the
date for thu term.
A new engine, hauling lumber on
tho road leading from Huston station
near Couucllsvlllc ran nwny with a
short train. The engineer tried every
means to check the Hying tlialu. At a
curve the engine Jumped the track.
Mrs. Kdwnrd Itnldwln and Johu Me
Peck were Instantly killed.
A terrlllo electrical ami wind storm,
accompanied by a could burst, passed
over Irwin Thursday doing damage to
tho grain Held nud orchards In Its
path, tin the- Wilson farm, n large
barn owued by lr. S. Taylor wns rais
ed to the ground. Tho loss Is estimat
ed nt $:i,ihmi.
Tho strike of tho blacksmith nt the
Hhuron Steel Works wns settled Fri
day, the company granting them
per cent, advance lu wnges and time
and n half for overtime, Sundays and
legal holidays.
I.atrobe Is to have another Industry
a new paper mill, of 70,000 pounds
daily capacity. The new corporation
Is to bo known ns the Peters Paper
company with a capitalization of C'JOO,
000. rrof. F. J. Itoller, was re-elected su
perintendent of schools at Nlles at a
salary of $1,000 a year, an Increase of
$100, W, II. Ncwlngton continues ss
Joseph Houston, a farmer of Green
township, Indiana county, was found
dead lu a pond on his farm, and Is be
lieved to have committed suicide.
Connelly's largo hotel aud store,
three dwellings and a bnkery at
Rrunchdnle, Pa., were destroyed by
Ore. Loss, $30,000.
A rural free delivery route will bo es
tabllshed on July 1 at t'orry, Erie
county. Pa., with 11 carriers; length
of routes, 245 Vi; population served.
The flnmprlntis Brewing Company's
brewery at New Kensington hns been
seized by the sheriff and tho fixtures
and personal property of tho corpora
tion will be sold by tho sheriff.
Fire broke out Thursday lu a cottage
In ltldgerluw pnrk, a summer resort
near Deny, communicating with other
cottages. In n half-hour 14 cottages
on tho mnln street, were consumed.
Col S. B. HlcU nud others, who pur
chased the Uemustown dam property,
have begun erecting a water power
plant which will carry 2.700 horse pow.
er to Meadville, three miles away.
Johu Brown, 24 years old, died ot
compound fracture of tho skull at the
McKeesport hospital from injuries re
ceived by being thrown from a train.
A postoUleo has been established at
Ellsworth; mall special from Bent ley
vllle 1V4 miles east, Alfred U. Thur
?. postmaster.
The population of Maine at the cen
sus la 1700 was 0O.MO.
The following bills were passed final
ly in the House:
Itodiielug tho fees of court stenog
raphers. To qualify a llbellnnt In nn action fot
divorce to be a competent witness to
nil matters mnterlnl In the Issue, where
there lias been personal service of the
subpoena, as well as in all cases pend
ing where there hnve been two re
turns of subpoenas of nou est Inventus
dy the sheriff ami due notice to the
respondent dy publication, as required
dy law and the rules of the respective
Tlie Sennle passed tl.cse bills finally:
House bill nntliorlsdng boroughs to
require the planting oi simile t.'ees
along publl'j streets by owuivs of
(limiting properly.
Providing for the regulation of
channels of creeks.
Authorizing appeals from the decis
ion of the various courts of common
pleas lu nssessiuetit of tax cases to the
superior court.
Authorizing nny municipality to con
nect with the sewer of nny other
municipality for sewnce purposes.
Herniating constables' fees.
Conferring Jurisdiction upon com
mon pleas courts to authorize the adop
tion of chl'..'ren by a person living In
another state upon petition of either
parent of such child.
Providing that persons charged with
certain felonies shall be triable ex
clusively In the courts of oyer nud
terminer nnd general Jail delivery.
House bill providing for the estab
lishment and maintenance of public
libraries In second and third class
cilies and In boroughs.
Hepenllng section 17 of the act of
April 22, 1 Soil, and the supplement
thereto of April II. 1 Si is, which relate
to Hie house of refuge of Western
The House passed finally the bill ap
propriating .f'J.'iii.uiKi to erect a memor
ial building on the (icttysburg bottle
Held in memory of the volunteer sol
diers, sailors and marines from Penn
sylvania who participated lu the civil
The senate passed finally:
House bill prohibiting the maiiufne-
ture nud sale of firecrackers contain
ing ilyuiiiulte.
Authorizing water companies to sup
ply wnter to the public In townships.
boroughs, cities ni.d districts adjacent
to or In the proximity of the town,
borough, city or district where tliey
may be located.
House bill regulating nnd iletiiilug
the boivjihiry lines of public roads.
lloiit-e bill defining boiled or process
butter, providing for the licensing of
manufacturers mill dealers ami regu
lating the sale and labeling of the
snme so ns to prevent frnud nnd decep
tion In lis sale.
House hill mnklng It willful trespass
to hunt trap ami take game birds or
game animals upon cultivated lands
nud providing for the punishment of
such trespass. '
The Senate passed finally these bills:
Repealing mi net prohibiting the
snlo of Intoxlciitlng liquors lu Moiiou
ga heln city nnd Carroll township,
Washington county.
House bill authorizing the transfer
upon tlie books of thu corporation of
lots lu cemeteries owned by the cor
porations of the first class.
Au...onslng corporations organized
for profit to dispose of tlie shares of
capital stock or any bonds, securities
or evidence of Indebtedness created by
any other corporation.
The following House appropriation
bills were also passed and now go to
the (jovcruor:
Co I ta ire State Hospital, Councils
vllle, fl'l.ttoO; Western Slate peniten
tiary, lflH,.'tiKi: fur the cure of and
treatment of tho Indigent nnd chronic
liisnne. $liio,(HM); Pennsylvania Sol
diers and Sailors' Home, Krle, 1J."i.(XH;
for the support of the .ntloiial Guard
and the naval force, f 77.".ihsi.
The bill recalled from the (loveruoi
regulating tlie duty of assessors lu
boroughs and providing that In milk
lug tlie valuation of the property thu
nsessors of all the wards shall net ns a
buard of assessors passed finally.
The House passed the Congreslonnl
apportionment bill finally nud sent
It back to the Senate for concurrence.
It will go to a conference committee.
The House amended It by transposing
n number of counties from oue dis
trict to another.
In the House tho following bills
were reported from the appropriations
University of Pennsylvania, $1'.",
000; Monument to Pennsylvania troops
in iintue or ismiou, rn.issj; Monument
to Ouo Hundred nml Ninth Ponuyl
viinhi regiment nt Cliuttnuoogn Na
tluunl park, 4,0(O.
How It Ftell lo Fall.
- Tho Swiss Alpine climber, Slgrlst,
who once fell from the top of the
Knrpfstock, In Switzerland, describes
his sensation while falling as follows:
"The plunge, which was taken back
ward, was iu no wise accompnnled by
the anxiety such ns ouo has when one
dreams of falling. I seemed to be
borne In tho most pleasant manner
gently downward and had complete
consciousness during the entire fall.
Free from nil pnln or fear I contem
plated my position nnd the future of
my family, which I knew wns assured
by the Insurance I carried. Aud this
contemplation wns accomplished with
a rnphlty which I had never before
known. Of the losing of my breath,
of which people tnlk, there wns no
suggestion, aud only the henvy fall on
the snow-covered .ground caused me
to lose consciousness. Tin' bruising
of my head nnd limbs on tho rocks ns
I fell caused me no pain. In fact, I
did not feel It. I cannot conceive of
an easier, pleasnnter death. The re
awakening, however, brought with It
entirely different aud far less agree
able sensations."
The town of Gloucester, Mass.,
showed the smallest rate of increase
of population of any town of any Im
portance In the state. The nshlug and
whaling business Is no longer of im
portance there.
,:..-. -v r-v; . .. PVt' " 'ttlk '- l'V.--:f A' v'vi.f-i ikrWM
Ckntkal Statu Normal School, Lock Haven, Pa.
FIUST i'KIZK One full year at Lock Haven State Normal, including tuition, boarding,fcc.
HKCON1) PHIZE One term in King's Sc hool of Oratory, Pittsburg.
THIRD P1UZ K A $35 course in the International Correspondence Schools, of Scranton, Pa
Tlie 3'otttio; lady or fjentlcmnn getting tlie
highest number oi' votes will be given one lull
year fit the Lock Haven State Normnl School
li te, including tuition, light, heat, furnished room
and hoarding. This is one of the hest Normal
schools in the State.
The contestant receiving second highest num
ber of votes will be given one term 12 weeks
at King's School tf Oratory, Pittsburg, where
oratory, elocution, dramatic culture, literature,
Shakespeare study, music, drawing, delsartc
' I :
Prof, Byron W. King.
book-keening are taught. King's School of
Oratory has gained quite a reputation as a first
class school.
The person receiving the third highest num
ber of votes will be given a $3.". 00 course in the
International Correspondence Schools, of Scran
ton, Pa. A complete commercial course, steno
graphic course, book keeping, complete teach
ers' course, coal mining, mechanical drawing,
telegraphy and GO other courses are taught by
this school. The winner of this prize can take
up a $33.00 course or can have the $35.00 ap
plied as part pay on any course the winner may
The person getting the second highest numlier
of votes can have their choice of the scholarship
in Kings' School of Oratory or the Internation
al Correspondence Schools.
Premium Coupons Persons paying their back
subscription, or in advance one year or more,
will be given a premium coupon which will en
title them to 3G votes for each dollar of subscrip-
Pabllolf f1o((Od.
For the first time In twenty years a
tblef was publicly flogged at tbe whip
ping post In New Jersey the otber day.
The culprit was a white man named
James Fisher, and he was accused of
stealing a diamond pin. Nearly all of
the city officials of Dover were pres
ent, whan tbe punishment was dealt
out. Many ladles of tho town occu
pied box seats as the lasb whizzed
through the air and fell upon tbe
white skin with a dull sound as though
striking putty; others pressed In
against the fence surrounding- tbe post
and expressed their approbation in va
rious ways. After the punishment was
over and the shackles loosened an
overcoa was thrown over the man's
bleeding b(k and be was taken bad
to the Jail where ointment waa aj
Tho Jnp I1to Groat T.o tornnra.
The Japanese are a Spartan race.
Many things besides their resistance) to
cold prove It. The most of them live
In simplicity. They can go a long time
without food. The coolies perform
marvelous teats of strength and en
durance; they draw a "Jlnrllclsha" all
day or carry travelers over the steep
est mountains. Every summer a colony
of foreigners go to Mt. Hel-eizan near
Kioto. Their camp Is several miles up
tbe steep mountain side, but early each
morning the Japanese bring up the
mail, fresh vegetables and milk, and
women often carry trunks to the sum
mit on their beads. In the upper
classes the old "samurai' Ideals Incul
cated endurance, courage, and simplicity.
t -
Scholarship Coupon.
VTor Domkado (pood.
In modern war plans there Is no lim
it to speed. Year by year the naval
contracts call for greater swiftness
and larger ease In maneuvering. Al
ready a torpedo boat has reached a
speed of over 40 miles an hour, and
some of the great ships under con
struction are expected to make be
tween 20 and 30 knots. In the army
thought and resource are being con
centrated upon the problem ot hand
ling troops more quickly. The Doers
have taught the British many costly
lessons, and the experience which
Spain gained from the United State
will not soon be forgotten.
Practical Horee-Shoer
and General Blacksmith,
HnrM-ohoelDir done la the mtM mannot
ami by tho Ultwt tmprorod methods. Ko-
SulrlugotHll kinds carefully and promptly
FIoto Juot received a complete set of ma
chine bone clippers of Uteot style 'M patters
and am prepared to do clluutu la Uie best
noonlble U1UBW at roaannikhfa utM.
Jackson eu near Fifth, BeyiwldsTUle, Pa.
f.ion paid. Anv one sending or bringing in a
new yearly tas'h subscriber will be given a cou
pon eftifil to (50 votes.
Persons desiring to enter the contest should
begin as earlv as possible. As soon as the
mimes tire sent or handed in to The Star oflic;
thev will be published, but the number of vote
will not be published until June 19th, when th
vote each contestant litis tit that time will be
published opposite name, and from that to clos
of contest the vote will be published as counted
and returned by the judges from week to ,wcck
On Monday of each week (alter June 19th)
the ballot box will be opened and the coupons
counted by judges.
jrr 1 1 r m rr r i r rrtrrt n n rn rr mrrrrrr
Write in the above lines the name and ad
dress of the person for whom you wish to vote
and send or take the coupons to the secretary,
. P. Ilaskins, the music dealer, where they
"will be placed in the ballot box. Contest closes
at 12 M., August 8th, 1901. All business com
munieations and inquiries should be mailed
to The Star office. Receipts and coupons will
be promptly mailed from The Star office to
Contestants must register their names at
The Star office.
All coupons must be sent to the secretary
of the committee, J. P. Ilaskins. y
All money collected for new subscribers or
on subscription due must be sent to this
office weekly.
Each contestant will be furnished wttn
printed cards certifying that he or she is a
Fi P. Alexander,
Thos. F. Adam, Com.
L. J. McEntire, J
J. P. IlAskiNS, Secretary.
Thv Sum
atatvf tha ttMiai vesust.
tod hTf cured tKouadsi of
of Ntrvou DiMMM, tacks
M babtlity, Duatnau. &tswpl?aa-
and Varicocala. Atrophr.aW
Tby ciaar tha brain, acre ngihtm
tha circulatMA, tbmk dicaattoa
(i panaci. ana unpan a ftcalinr
igar ioiai vaoia vciac. aii
drama and loatsea axa enached
rftnif Itmlll trmmnntty. Unlow patients
vuvnbnbuiui M propr.vcurad,U)uco4MU
tioa ofiem vofriet ihcm tntoinaaniiy, Cottautap
tioe ar Daath. Mailad Maltd. Priea it par bomt
6 boaaa, with lroaiad UjI fuaranua lo cura av
rafund tha mooay. $ao. Send Uh fraa book.
For tale by h. Ale Stoke.
tVOBiaUT swaaatsst. OK MO fU. Kami humUI k.ah
or pltiita tor trm raportoa riDtabllur, bVki 'UuQJ
ltoObttuaU.t aad FMitaauaiisB tTrd.arks.''
iFUI. Fairvtl term avar oleired La "
"tiht uwini op la niu' ruoTios,'
)Mma. auaaraia ttiiriaa. n
?& A. SNOW & CO J
; On. U. 1 htsat Offlc, WASHHHTM, B. l(,
Sometimes seeds rellaMe)
smthty regulatiaf; still Ins.
A re proems, safs aad esrtela ts
sei.ur. real
Fl sale bj H. aUea. ttoasjb