The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 29, 1901, Image 7

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Is Ablo to Help Sick Women
When loitors Fnll.
ITow gladly would men fly to wo
man aid did they but understand a
woman's fooling, trials, sensibilities,
and peculiar organic diMurbances.
Those things sre known only to
women, and the aid n man would giro
is not at his command.
To treat A cane properly It Is neces
sary to know all about it, and full
information, many times, cannot ba
given by woman to her family phy-
Mm. a. II. CnArrcLL.
tleian. She cannot bring herself to
tell everything, and the physician is
at a constant disadvantage. This is
why, for the past twenty-five years,
thousands of women have Wen con
fiding their troubles to Mrs. IMnkham,
and whose advice has broupfh happi
ness and health to countless women in
the United Ntates.
Mrs. Chappell. of Grant Tark. 111.,
whose portrait we publish, advises all
suffering women to seek Mrs. Pink
ham's advice and use I.ydia E. rink
ham's Vegetable Compound, as they
cured her of inflammation of the ovaries
and womb ; she, therefore, speaks from
knowledge, and her experience ought
to give others confidence. Mrs. Pink
ham's address is Lynn, Mass., and hei
advice is absolutely free.
Ostrich Farming.
Karly In the year, just ns spring
dawns, n pair will begin to build n
nest, or ratlier to scrape one out of
the ground. The mnlo bird rests his
breastbone on the ground and kirks
the sand oelilnd: when one side Is suf
ficiently deep he turns, and n round hole
about three feet In diameter and one
foot deep Is the result of his exertions:
occasionally he Intimates to the female
that help Is required, and they take
The hen forthwith begins to lay an
egg every day until twelve or fifteen
are located side by side In this hole
in the ground; they scatter n little sand
over the eggs to protect them from the
tierce rays of the California sun; this
habit has doubtless led to the suppo
sition printed !n many ancient natur
al histories that the eggs of the os
trich are hatched by the gun, unaided
tiy the birds. As soon ns the full
number of eggs are laid the couple
share the labor of hatching; the male
bird setting on the etrprs from 4 o'clock
in the afternoon until 0 o'clock the fol
lowing morning; and It may be under
stood with what skill this Is per
formed when it Is understood Hint
pounds of ostrich Is bearing down
upon fourteen eggs; at ! o'clock the
hca takes his place. The male ostrich,
however, with reninrknhlc Intelligence,
relieves the female fur nn hour In the
middle of the day while nlie goes in
search of the necessary nourishment.
A pnlr will follow this regime with
the greatest regularity for about forty
days, when the eggs are hatched.
Colorado Springs (inzetre.
DyMnR Is as simple ns washing, when yon
ote Putnam Fadeless Dyes, Bold by sU
There are ten battalions in the British
regular army that wear the old Scotch
The municipality of Chicago employs 182
Women in various capacities.
Ask Your neater far Allan's root-Kan,
A powder to hake into yonr shoes ; rests the
feet. Cnros Cornn, Bunions, Swollen, Sore,
Hot, Csllnns, Aching. Kweatins; Feet find In
growing Null. Allen's Foot-Erne tnskos new
or tight shoes easy. At all druggists snd
shoe stores, 35 cts. Sample mailed FREE.
Address Allen 8. Olnnted, LeHov, K, Y.
Out of every three persons struck by
lightning two recover.
If You Have Ittaenmavliam
Send nn money, but write I)r. Khoop, Baeine,
'Wis.. Tlox Its, for six bottles of Br. Hhoop's
Ithcuiniuic Cure, eip. paid. It cured pay r0.60.
If not, It is tree.
Switzerland cultivates 03,000,000 fruit
I'rey's Vermifuge For liO lean
lias been the family medicine for worms. It
euros, 25 cts. At Pnigglsts and eonntry storos.
Lawyers' briefs are seldom so short as
tbey sound.
FITS permanently cured. No fits or nsrvont.
Bess after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Omat
Nerve Restorer. 2 trial bottle and treatise I res
Dr. It. H. hLlNS, Ltd., 981 ArohHt., Phlla., Pa.
Great Britain cats her entire wheat crop
in about thirteen weeks.
A. M. Priest, Druggist, Bbclbyville Ind..
says : "Hull s Catarrh Cure gives the beat of
satisfaction. Can got plenty of testimonials,
as it euros every oue who takes it." Druggists
sell it, 75c.
No other sovoreign in the world has OS
many physicians as the Czar.
A cord of wood weighs, on an. average,
two and half tons.
Throw physio to the dogs if yon don't
want the dogs ; but if you want good diges
tion chew lice limns Pepaiu Uum.
To frown in a. mirror will cost a serious
reflection, on any girl.
If yon are continually bothered with head
scbes and are nervous send to Oarfield Tea
Co., Brooklyn, N. ., for samples of Garfield
Headache I'owdure, a truly wonderful remedy
for headaches and nervousness.
Canada imported last year agricul
tural implements to the value of f 1,-8l!3,7!5.
f to li-,tt'i)a by f1m-i. I
j r:
fP4f-ri A 1 SIDE LIGHTS ON A !
ufi tl i '' POPULAR CABI
lilTCllCOCR net orricER.. !
Though generally regarded as less
Important thnn most of the cabinet po
sitions and ranking below six of them
in the presidential succession, that of
secretary of the Interior has a greater
diversity of duties than any of the
other portfolios. An outline of. the
scope of his department Indicates but
mengcrly the duties and responsibili
ties that come to him In a day. The
general land office, the patent office,
the bureau of pensions, office of Indian
affair, office of education, office com
missioner of railways, the geological
survey and the central office all pour
a mass of knotty and difficult problems
into the secretary's office for solution.
The education of children in Alaska;
Introduction of reindeer In Alaska;
general supervision and application of
the money appropriated for agricultu
ral colleges In the different states, now
aggregating $1,200,000 per annum:
land-grant railroads; internal affairs of
Indian Teritory, Arizona, Hawaii, New
Mexico, Alaska and Porto Rico; na
tional parks and government reserva
tions; eleesmosynary institutions of
the District of Columbia, including the
hospital for the Insane, now having un
der construction a million-dollar addi
tion; Freedmen's Hospital, Howard In
stitute, and a hospital for the deaf,
dumb and blind; the care, repair and
reconstruction work of the national
cnpltol these and scores of others
make up the burden carried by the
secretary of the Interior.
In this trying position, Ethnn Allen
Hltchcork, of St. Louis, the present
Incumbent, has acquitted himself most
creditably and enjoys the esteem of his
chief and his subordinates as well. Mr.
Hitchcock Is a grent-grandson of
Ethan Allen, of Vermont. He was
born In Mobile, Ala., September 19,
1835, lived a year at New Orleans and
then removed to Nashville, Tenn.,
where he attended private schools,
completing his course of study in 1855
at the military academy In New Haven
Then he went to St. Louis and engaged
In the mercantile business. In 186C
he went to China as the representative
of a large commercial concern. In 1872
he retired from business and spent a
couple of years In Europe. Returning
to the I'nlted States In 1874, he wns en
gaged as president of several manu
facturing, mining and railway compa
nies, until he was nppolnted In 1807 en
voy extraordinary and minister pleni
potentiary to Russia. When the title
of this commission was changed to am
bassador, Mr. Hitchcock was the first
to he thus designated. In 1899 he was
appointed secretary of the Interior to
fill the vacancy caused by the retire
ment of Cornelius Bllxs.
An Incident of the Knrly Days of the
Ilrltlah Qaeen.
John Exton, a wealthy merchant of
this city, an Englishman by birth, once
had an Interview with Queen Victoria
'without knowing it. It wns near the
close of the '30b and Queen Victoria
had been on the throne but a short
time. Young Exton and his brother
Adam were playing near a stream that
flowed through their native town one
day, when they saw a matronly look
ing woman approaching, accompanied
by a beautiful young lady. They ap
proached the boys and engaged them
in conversation, both of the ladles
stroking their hair In a kindly way.
John and his brother had with them a
lamb whose fleece was of snowy white
ness, says the Philadelphia Inquirer.
The elder of the ladies asked John
how much he would sell the lamb for.
Drawing himself up to his full height,
John said that the lamb was named
Victoria and thnt nobody could have
her but the aueen.
"And can the queen have her?" ask
ed the lady. "Yes," said John. The
ladles seemed to be greatly pleased
with his reply and before their depart
ure the younger of the ladies slipped a
coin Into the hands of the boys and
made them feel for the time being
among the rich men of England. A
short time after that Incident a gentlo
man called at the Exton home and
said the queen desired the lamb Vic
toria, and it was given to him, but not
without receiving ample compensation.
An official of the town explained to the
Extons that the ladles wore none other
than Queen Victoria and her mother,
who were going out among her people
In disguise. Chicago News.
Led a Varied Career.
Ex-Congressman George Wlllard,
who died at his home in Battle Creek,
Mich., the other day, was born In Bol
ton, Vt, and at the age of 12 went with
his parents to Michigan, where In turn
he became student, teacher, minister,
professor, member of congress and
editor. Ho was rector of St. Luke's
Episcopal church at Kalamazoo for
two years, but resigned from the min
istry because of the conservatism of
the society. For ten years he was re
gent of Michigan university, and it
was largely his influence that opened
the doors of the Institution to women.
He was elected In 1872 to congress,
where be served four years, bis most
notable achievement wstng a vigorous
speech against the "tmrce bill" that
waa not relished by many of his Re
publican colleagues. Mr. Wlllard es
Ubllshed the Battle Creek Journal in
1872, and managed the paper up to the
time, of his death.
The mil Wns si Counterfeit.
In a well-known New York restau
rant the other evening a youth who
had Just eaten a substantial meal, as
sisted by a very pretty girl, was stam
mering and blushing at the cashier's
desk. He had Just discovered the loss
of his pocketbook and money, he said.
His watch was gone likewise. The
cashier, being suspicions of all man
kind, received the tale scornfully, de
manded Instant satisfaction and
threatened to call a policeman. The
youth seemed on the verge of collapse
and the lady was about to faint when
an elderly, well-dressed man bustled
up to the desk. "How dare you ac
cuso this gentleman of being a swin
dler?" he demanded, wrathfully. "I
don't know him myself, but I am sure
he Is honest." Then, handing over a
new $10 bill, the elder Samaritan paid
the check himself and hurried out.
The grateful youth ran after him.
"Oh, thank you," he gaty'L, "lot IUu
have your card and I'll send you the
money in the morning." "Nevor
mind, dear boy," replied the elderly
one, as he boarded a cable car, "don't
take the trouble. It was a counterfeit."
Ruaaell Sago ns a Hnmorlst.
RuBsell Sage, the New York multi
millionaire, has never been exploited
as a humorist, yet he la not devoid
of the sense. His Yankee ancestry re
appears In his face, figure, speech and
thought. Once, when Manhattan Ele
vated stock went below par, someone
asked him his age. He smiled, an
swered and added: "But, like the
Elevated, I propose to go above 100."
To an impertinent friend who asked
what was the most philanthropic way
of using a large fortune he replied:
"Keep It constantly active, in order
to give employment to the largest
number of human beings." When be
gave Sage hall to the Troy Female
seminary someone said: "Why don't
you present it to some men's college?"
Mr. Sage responded quickly: "The
women needed it the most"
The Popular Carnation.
A carnation mania baa taken hold of
flower buyers. At a conservative esti
mate it required 500,000 carnations to
supply the demand in New York city
during Easter week. These flowers
sold from 85 to 60 cents a doien for the
inferior kinds to f 5 and 16 a dozen for
choice varieties. At least $76,000 waa
spent by New Yorkers to satisfy their
liking for these flowers.
A new species of mountain sheen
haBbeen found In Alaska. It Is known
as the "saddle-backed" or "piebald"
sheep. Its head, neck and breast are
of a snow white. The other portions
of the body are brownish gray.
At a high altitude, where the air Is
rarefied, water bolls at a lower tem
perature than It does at a lower place.
Tea Hnd coffee cannot be made, nor
can vegetables bo cooked by ordinary
rules, because the water bolls at such
a low temperature It will not cook
food. Water must boll st tho tem
perature of 212 degrees Fahrenheit to
do the work.
A submarine electric are light will
soon be experimented with to aid In
the sponge fishery off the coast of
Florida. At present, the sponges are
obtained only from a comparatively
small depth, as the sponge fishers at
present can only see to a limited dis
tance by the aid of water, and If this
distance could be Increased, larger
areas would Immediately be opened up
where sponges have been growing un
molested for years.
Recent reports from Dr. Sven Hedln,
who Is again exploring Central Asia,
strengthen the Impression which his
previous explorations have given of
the extraordinary character of thnt
part of the world. Salt lakes, dried
up lake-beds, abandoned habitations
and temples nnd Interesting people,
hitherto almost unknown, are among
his discoveries. He also reports that
the Tarlm river In Eastern Turkestan,
which he has surveyed for a long dis
tance, is the largest river In the In
terior of Asia. Over a part of Its
course tho river Is simply a multitude
of small Interchained lakes.
Light travels from Jupiter's satel
lites nt the same rate as it does from
our gas lamps. A few years ago, says
a London newspaper, a star suddenly
came Into sight, burst Into first order
brightness, and then In Ave or six
weeks died out of sight. Difference
of opinion existed between spectro
seoplsts like Hugging and Iockyer, as
to what It meant, but there was gener
al agreement that what we saw was
something that happened In the time
of Queen Elizabeth, only that the
light had taken 300 years to reach us.
It was the "latest news," In fact, from
that part of the heavens. The rate of
transmission no one questioned.
It Is well known that the sun ap
pears larger when It Is near the hori
zon than at its meridian transit. M.
Relmann has determined the ratio of
the two comparing the apparent
diameter of the sun seen through a
colored glass with the apparent slzo
of a hole In a piece of pasteboard at a
distance from the eye. and finds that
the apparent diameter of the sun
on the meridian at an altitude of 55
degrees Is to its apparent diameter at
setting as 1 to 3.32. The true dia
meter does not vary, and hence thes
numbers have only a physiological
meaning and show that the form of
the celestlnl vault conceived by us Is
that of a flattened ellipsoid. The ap
parent diameter of the sun Is sub
stantially proportional to the length
of tho ray which traverses our atmosphere.
Tnml ns Metllrtne.
"Out of the queer use of a common
creature regarded as most potent In
old-time medicine there came the most
surprising and nearly the most Im
portant of Inventions. Every scho-il-boy
knows that a toad can cause waits
or make the cow give bloody milk, but
not everybody knows that toads are
also powerfully medicinal. It Is a
fact. Martin Luther says so. Theao
are his very words: 'Experience has
proved the toad to be endowed with
valuable qualities. If you run a stick
through three toads, and, after having
dried them In the sun. apply them to
any pestilent humor, they draw out tho
poison, and the malady will disappear.'
Pope Adriau always carried a bag
about hlB neck containing dried toad,
pearl, coral, gum tragacanth, smaraged
and other articles of Junk. It was n
that kept him up. And lest you flint
that they only did that hundreds ol
years ago, I want to say here that.
When my father was a boy and suffered
from quinsy they UHed to tie live tt i;
about his throat. The frogs nssrly
clawed the hide off. They did not euro
tho quinsy, but thnt's a detail,"- dlar
vey Sutherland, In Ainslee's,
In one hundred years, while the pop
ulation of the world lias doubled, the
population of the 1'nited States lins
Increased fourteen fold. Tile wealth
has Increased fifty fold.
Climate and Cntt.iiinptton,
Dr. Lannelongue, In a recent com
munication to the French Academy,
gives the results of a rather novel se
ries of experiments, to determine the
effect of climate on tuberculosis. He
injected a number of guinea pigs with
human tuberculosis. Theso were then
divided Into three lots. One group
was kept In the laboratory In Paris,
another sent to tho seashore and a
third Into the Interior. Tho animals
were fed and cared for In exactly the
same manner at all three stations, and
the action of the virus and progress of
the disease carefully recorded In each
case. The experiment was repeated
soveral times, with some varieties of
the two outside stations, and In every
caso the animals left In the laboratory
gave the best results; that Is, resisted
the disease for the longest period, and
more of them remained alive at the
end of the test. This result may be
considered to Indicate either that the
climate of Paris Is a good one for con
sumption patients, or what seems
more probable, that the exposure and
excitement Incident to travel and new
surroundings has an unfavorable ef
fect on the disease.
A rattlesnake's bite, it is said,
equals in poisonousnesi the combined
bite of 8S00 mosquitoes.
The trusting shoemaker is apt to get
beaten out o( his boots.
flero are several roston. why Oarnld Head
ache Powders sre so universally liked : they
sure headaches qnirkly ; they sre harmless j
they sre not cathartic and do not in any way
derange tho system,
Tho combined fortunes of the Roth
schilds is about (300,000,000.
Mrs. Window's Soothing Byrnp for children
teething, soften tho gnms, reduces Inflamma
tion, allsyi pain, tares wind rolie, itSo a bottle.
In society it is more blessed to be polite
than to be truthful.
Piso's Core rsnnot be too highly spoken of
as a cough cure. J. W. O'Dsiss, 8tf Third
Arenne, M,, Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 6, 1900.
Ireland sends to England 237,000 tons
of meat a year.
The best part of the Klmberly dia
mond Acids covers nine acres only.
The whole of the population of the
village of Kolognn, 111 Italy, Includ
ing the public oflirlals, Is about to emi
grate to the Argentine nnil to continue
Uin community In exactly the same
inn tiner In that country tinder the
name of New Bologna. Not a single
Imllvlduat will remain behind.
ISWV9 I quick ni or wc,r.t
c.m. Bo of l.tiirnnnlal. nJ 10 envs' trtin.t
Ins, Dr. a. . etna s loss, s.t i, atiut., ss.
"The Manre ""le tvesl Point rumens."
x Brohard Sash Look and
Brohard Door Holder
arttve worker everywhere esn earn bfa mooevi
eJK-avt a svarir orarnil for our oo4s. Sample I
aaeii lors, wllD prler, lrmft,ete.,rro mricsm
lot postur. THK IIHOH All '.,
Department I , Philadelphia, l'a.
P. N. V. 22, 1001.
A tl hot of No. I rhewins Otim FI'.KK. Write for
turtle iilitril mmple. NKUUO'llU MIUlCAi,
COMl'AHi, Uomellavllle, N Y
$3. & $3.50 SHOES XI
a fast col near
t wtrth nf If i
i I- 4 to Y My
Am rstnaot t C,im;
mm 4
Mi mmg gtrle,
It ! ftM lntM Ihst Ksnt
It.thvT Dial tank ft ft flrrt
rlauthoc It ! tli Itrnirti,
tht hTf plftnnrdltit let it
Bt w 1 A laalB turaol Hxulal
f Wi foot, and the iorvtntttlnD of Uir nho. It I mfrhnntral okill and
UoflriUf that ha niatir W. I., houfflai nhof thf bent in th world f,r aitn.
rakr kwhttilnlr. nlt on liavtnir W. (.. Itoartaa thot with naitt
ftnd pi-ire ttampstl on hot torn. Your dealer nhouln kepp ihvm. If tw dot ml
mna for catalog ftTing full instnt ttona lw to rrtr hy mi!,
n . a. Mfw nn
In our
do not allow
the use of
Eg Mixtures,
or similar
is an
Pure Coffee.
Watch our next advertisement.
Just try a package of LION COFFEE
and you will understand the reason of its
LION COFFEE '3 now usc in mil
lions of homes.
Old Kins Colt was s merry old soul.
And a merry old noul wis he;
He called (or hit pipe but initrsd of a gtsis
He celled lor MON COF FEE.
For Old King Cole wst s shrewd old tout
Arid he couldn't be fooled on brsndt,
"LION" jot hit vote, for It htt no cost
On itt merits alone it tttndi.
Old Kins Cole htd s wise old poll.
And a wire old poll had he,
He ste snd he drank foods of highest rank
So he favored LION COF FEE.
And he knew "twat best, bjr s varied tett
That millions of hornet it pleased.
LION COFFEE grand was the only brand
That his appetite sppessed.
If Old King Cole could hsve control
Today of the public mind,
No Coffee brand but the "LION" grand
On the market we could find.
And the LION heads whose vslue spreads
Satisfaction through the land,
Would be bringing grist from the Premium List
Given with the LION brandl
In every package of LION COFFEE you will find a fully illustrated and descriptive list. No housekeeper, in
fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to find in the list some article which will contribute to their happiness,
comfort and convenience, and which they may have by simply cutting out a certain number of Lion Heads from
the wrappers of our one pound sealed packages (which is the only form In which this excellent coffee Is sold).
Causes bilious head-ache, back-ache
and all kinds of body aches. Spring
is here and you want to get this bile
poison out of your system, easily,
naturally and gently. CASCARETS
are just what you want; they never
grip or gripe, but will work gently
while you sleep. Some people thins
the more violent the griping the better
the cure. Be careful take care of
your bowels salts and pill poisons
leave them weak, and even less able to
keep up regular movements than be
fore. The only safe, gentle cleaner
for the bowels are sweet,' fragrant
CASCARETS. They don't force
out the foecal matter with violence,
, but act as a tonic on the whole 30 feet of bowel wall, strengthen the
muscles and restore healthy, natural action buy them and try them.
You will find in an entirely natural way your bowels will be promptly
and permanently put in good order for the Spring and Summer work.
M tssssk, US IP Ml is s w SB
Alini" bowel troubles appendicitis, bll-
I IIUL lousneaa, bad breath, bad blood, wind
llll tl B on tlist losnaeau bloated bowel, foul
WWIItas snaaih, keadmehe. Indigestion, plmplea,
palne after aaUng, liver trouble, sallow complexion
and dlBStnaaa. whan roar bowels dunt move retru
larlv j os ara (eulng alck. Constipation kills mora
paoale than all other diseases together. It Is a
starter for the ehronle allaseala and losist reara of
aaatariaa that cease afterwards. Ho swatter what
ail ra, start taking CASCAtsKTB to-dar, for won
will never (at wall and. ba well all tba ilea nnul
pan pat rear bowels light. Take oar advice) atari
With CAlOABBTS taday. aader sua abaolate sar
ansae to enra ar sawner raswadad. tot
similar aaedlelaa la the world. This Itabfolata praafaf
areat aserlt, and aur toat te.tlmaalal. We have faith aad
will Mil riKlHITI anaraasaaa ta
ataaer reraatlea. uo any today, twa awe bsim, m
fair, hoat'.t trlnl, a. per .Inula alraatlaaa, aad Ifyaa ara
Eat Mtlfl.d, after BalaaaaeOOe has, retarathaoaaeaddda
a aad the easaty has ta a. by stall, ar taa trunlil sVaae
whasa fuu aarhaad It, aad sat rear saaaay Vaek far aoth
boxes. Take aar aavlceaa matter what ail. yea Mars to
Say. Health will aat.kly fallaw a4 yaawUI blaa. She Say
yea dnt.tartaa the o-VaCAJK BTi. Beak fTaa by seat.
Udtsssi alamLUitt USUI CO., IIW I Oka, St UUCdtitt.