The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 08, 1901, Image 7

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ilamuiirlti ijA-s's-tsaj
,,. , .l.U . Ill, M...,. I
1- inU..i.-ii-rt-...i-.,A, iiV.T ill,.
. : . . . . ii
All manner of extravagant expressions are possible when
a woman's nerves are overwrought.
The spasm at the top of the wind pipe or bronchial tubes,
"ball rising in the throat," violent beating of the heart,
laughing and crying by turns, muscular spasms (throwing
the arms about), frightened by the most insignificant occur
rences are all symptoms of a hysterical condition and se
rious derangement of the female organs.
Any female complaint may produce hysterics, which
must be regarded as a symptom only. The cause, however,
yields quickly to Lydia E. lMnkham'f. Vegetable Com
pound, which acts at once upon the organ afflicted and the
nerve centers, dispelling effectually all those distressing
Mrs. Lewis 5ays: "I Feel Like a New Person,
Physically and mentally."
" Diar Mrs. Pin-khan : 1 wish to apeak a good word for Lydla E.
PinkharrTs Vegetable Compound. For years I had ovarian trouble
and suffered everything from nervousness, severe headache, and pain in
back and abdomen. I had consulted different physicians, but decided to
try your medicine, and I soon found it was giving me much relief. I con
tinued its use and now am feeling like a new person, physically and mentally,
and am glad to add one more testimonial to the value of vour remedy."
Mrs. M. H. Lewis, 8108 Valentine Ave., Tremont, New York. N. Y.
Writing to Mrs. Pinkham is the quickest and surest way
to get the right advice about all female troubles. Her ad
dress is Lynn, Mass. She advises women free. Following
is an instance :
Mrs. Haven's First Letter to Mrs. Pinkham.
"Dear Mr3. Pinkham: I would like your advice in regnrd to my
troubles. I suffer every month at time of menstruation, and flow so much
and for so long that I become very weak, also get very dizzy. 1 am troubled
with a discharge, before and after men bps, have pains in ovaries so bud some
times that I can hnrdly get around, huve sore feeling in lower part of bowels,
pain in back, bearing-down feeling, a deairo to para urir.e frequently, with,
pains in pao-ing it; have lpucorrhrca, hoadache, fninting spells, ami some
time have hysteria. Mv blood is not in good condition. Hoping to hear
from you. I am." Mrs. Emma IIaven, 2508 South Ave., Council bluffs, Iowa.
(June 8, 18Ul.)
Mrs. Haven's Second Letter.
" Dear Mrs. Pinkham : I wish to express my gratitude for what rour
medioine has done for mo. I suffered for four veorn with womb trouble.
Every month I flowed very badly. I got so bad that I could hardly do my
work. Was obliged to sit or lie down the most of the time. I doctored for
long time, but obtained no relief I began using vour remedies I.vdla
13. l'inkham's Vegetable Compound, Blood Purifier, Sanative Wash
and Liver Tills and now feel like a new womirn." Mas. Emma Haven.
8508 South Ave, Council Bluffs, Iowa. (Feb. 1, 1900.)
Owing to tho fact that some skerrtirsl
people have from time to time questioned
the Kenuinenetnof the tettimonial letters
we are constantly publishing, we have
deposited with the National City Hank, of Inn, Man.. (5,000,
which will be paid to any person who will show that the abova
testimonials are not genuine, or were published before obtaining the
writers' special pertmsaii .i.LvrlA K. Pinkham MinuiNB Co,
Arm, Krup n I lira-.
Pt-NliisT .ehlti kj IWlclat
run t'Kiisiitnr It mi your I relafli
lortat w htl odd nhtittl farrier. nrilUHtahU' linn
tt.nntntdrMiruril. Wmii H.Yil .rlet trtiuinltt".. itrwrU
at vie bundanniel Hrn1 be itu I ICti I i T QtrUlivd nolld ouk Nv
timwrrJrop hvmi ctiblu. l. V V I.II.IIT ltl i....r,? .nlirU...
we iiinnaii inn 'inuiiin n i-'nn(ii-.o itmiuo,
1 oiMltf r.ucrewoi lvcrii.o Uomunif. 1 rnckitfr of ni""..t-,nH
ean and UfinatttoN Bank wlildi makpi Avrrythlnr to iilMn u,;it wti it child
mn onrnim inu roil nuir. ri .rns rt,.., m f wi- mrnirii 111 mm.ii on rt ry -r
tolttverinDlt.iwtof HIGHEST ORACH MOT ATTACHMF'ITS iwrtpil In t..r col Hia
bo, Including I rumar.lB'nrriiik'p-tf. 1 im-ker, 1 untlcn.;-;. .dir. 1 hliiiirr. 1 Blio.t - " '
II j-mi mi
l! AT $12.85
r ean and Utirwftlt
lL ) ii-L
loiu'Ulu.. 1I .rw! by oi her.
i men. in or.url.o. s ,.,,,,..,...,, . ...
sat tk..e estra, n.t auaMisaeni. a. e.-nl. aa.M.lon.l. ....
NIACn, """ f"'S."
,.jB.p,.r altrarl. !on"t orrlera scwinar ui.-lr lie lrt-m J
any other pnit.-crn. no n-.ti-'i' hw .rtrarllve the offer iniy re.ln. utittl Tu let
U Hit tlWIKS MAtX'MI CnTAWJUt. Wa are the laejwl n.w nfi,a dal
.R.e you tl" to a r-l ' o nr. .,!! Adartss,
purchass. ORDER TQOAV.
CQ 9. Kfl CUnC? union
ij j i a ufjiou onuto made
t a- -J X. h VN eV "r
EYELCI5 'rvS"e i.1mi It. It. i w.., M v
"-ttii,., VSJ IUi.tle I. lot- nnuoi bo C(,un
v4 uuj trlv.
rip i li not al
In! Ifntlur 1 1 mt i
"ai"itiif, la;, a i
.lrtnp tilt bnt
iat4k a itrt
ist Hip hraiin.
uniiril tin- lMKt
rtect i it Mlc I
.annul tklll and
of lite tool, and f lie eonrrtnifttnn of iw ahtit. It to n
knowlfllut thai haw niiuit' W. I,. IiiuuIkr alim tlie ln'nt in Hie worl.t fur itit'n,
Ttiku ! MiilskatitulM. Innlm un liavjn VV. I.. Iiuiiirlnn flints with niiiiio
and pmv RiainiH-it on Lnimuiii, Vimr draltr alioiiid ki them, it lit Uova nut.
awl lur tuialutf uiviuu lull uulni'-tlotia how lo ordrr hy nn.!l.
V. .U lOUUlaA, AirwcklM, Muaa.
When Not to Sell Slock.
To sell yountf stork, lnster.d of wait
ing until tlie nnlmnls lmvp mntured. Is
to snerlllce n portion of the profit. No
young enlvt's sliould lie sold, ns thry
Krnw nntl Bln rapidly, while the pis
will pny liftter ps ft fond eotisunier,
linvliijr n Ki'enler vnluo ns n bog than
when lnit a few months old.
Oettlng tits Itlrhaat Milk.
The richest milk Is that taken Inst
while nillklnff. The "strlppinns" con
tain Ave times as much butter fat ns
the first milk drawn. It Is Impnrtnnt,
therefore, that en)i cow lie milked to
the Inst drop, not only Iteennse the
milk will be richer, but also because
the milking period of the eow will also
be extended compared with careless
fat est ssa rtem ill. aa,
..Hm tfillU ut e
lll M.S vaa thl. K.a. la.
se.,-6. Hick Wr.dr.
(l.k I ll.rl. fuarnlr.s n.Nl.k II
. II. !.. tlilltCT TO cIAMINaTION. Yoa
latlil di x,l, a:mI If f(,,itU wrlwy SKUs
In tory,.,irll7 t. retp....i"rf. ?, s wsrhls. .s jus e.i, bs,
si a.', tun hii,-: iiiimiikii i. ktkk ItKAUuiif,
bwv th frel'rht strpnt onr KPtniAl Mt ' ft SBIrf 19. (IS And fi-slirlifc
rhnrres. t'Mf TltK lirlilM; lllittk hum Til. m HirnK Niuik ailiI wc will
10.tiHtirlilN. ;th ihr (.. w of nf.r. Vr wmrm wc hitve aUkrd our rt pnta
notion our IUf)DICK SfWIMQ MftCHU'l; we now ofTr II for rt time lor
on'.v SI2.83. The Put-ill k 11 in lul!L on honor from Tory bait Mtarial.
I Ian rt-a.tivt fonr inoilon fevd. f thrradlntr vt
Mri'.tt'iff huttlr.atito'iia'l" Leitihin winder, ml; nut- J
able br rtt tint, patent tf niton l(teri: tnr. Iinonivfil JT. 9v
h4 uk faaiaal lilattntvA.
in the w-iri and nut mrt'ly
The t'ltllttren's lonlo,
euros or WOUal.S. Kmnovm
tUuui ufTuotiittlly Hint wltU
out ptilu. 60 yonr' rouord
of suoness. It Is fie re.
maily fur till wurni trouolo.
Kutlralj vujjolnljlu. ilfiots.
lit ilruKKlt, couulry storos
or uy innu.
li. A H. FltlCY. Bnltlraore, fll.t.
T. N. U. V, IDOL
Ttioso seekitw a tnl)f1,itiulile climate, where plow
l.Mlll llllULM 1U IIIltlllllK III llkM WMl... Ultll .llll-.l.M.
le nil tliH vh ,r roiiuil i. IIim rnli. wmilil di, whII tn
iots nun insMi ex, oiiiiiiiisi uuers uiaua liy rojsoa 01
tll'lieAltli ut iIih uwriiar.
7ba-A,-re lAiir.iiertr lll 'liiiioml, Vs., oue of the Sneat
in tue Htate, luiier full vuiUvaUuu. lwprovsuwBU
Aist-'Uss .u,i smi'lc.
'i'lis ulii iuasatt UouMstavxl, Ssll acne, naar Blob
moivi. Vs.
A Suelr loeatad farm of SO0 aeras. on tha Herera
fifer,4 uiiIms Iruin AuuspoUr, Mil. Auiile Buildluffs.
airatablM, rniit, lobuiti, JTiati, Oysters, ate., sic.
a lara nisuiitwurtuvbujtlnas in eratleriuaabtuir.
Vs., at) years satnlil, shell, cully miuIiiimm).
AcUreea lus Owuar, CUAbUtg ViLiU, till KatV
av AvaMaa, Maniasnta. aA. .
A ia never mi Rood terms wikh
l,imoir Homolliiiift is ulwnvs wronn. Get it
r'-tihi by oliewiiiK liuomuira ljwin Uura.
On a recent ai'ientilic lost worker in
Hiotuls. sitrccrdcil in tlrawing a enny out
iula 6700 fret of wire.
M. L.Tboniinn ft Co., nruRffwtii, Cnudeni
yorl, l'a., any HhII's (laturrh Cure is Uie best
sutl only sure cure for caturrb they ever sold.
Iiruggiatu sell it, 76c.
Money talks, but a little scare causes it
to abut up tig-lit.
FITS permanently cured. No fl Las or nervous
ness aftur drat day's use of IT. Kline's Great
Nurvo Iteatorer. 92 trinl lioltle and trentiae fres
lr. It. H., Ltd., Ml ArcbKt., Vblla., Pa.
The tender b nunaa grow and do fairly
well in sheltered portions of Southern California.
It would not be remarkable If Garfield
Headache I'owder eured you, for Ibey an
daily belpinr people every here. Why not
try Uieu V Kothiut; more efluotiv and notb
iil so barm leas can be bad.
The greatest waterfall is Niagara, which
euda over 1,000,000 tout of water an hour.
Meat nf Itlseaseit Animals.
Mr. T. B. Terry. In the rraetltal
I'nrmer, mnkt'S a most vlgnrotis pro
tost wriiinM the tloclrltie that he finds
In one of the nRt'lctiltnrnl pnpers,
that the niriit mid bones of nnlmnls
thnt tile of (llscnse limy be used ns
food for bens mid hogs, mid very prop
erly nays: "it must turn the stomachs
of thoughtful people ngiiin.'t pork,
poultry nml t-ptta of the m.-irkt't." In
this ve thoroimhly nsree with hlni,
mid Ave would favor a linv to prevent
such ue of the tllsensod nnlmnls, or
of nny nient that hnd begun to de
cay, ns much ns we would n lnw to
prevent It from being sold for food
purposes. In f not. using it in this
way to produce footl products is no
better than to UFe the meat itself, and
perhaps worse, because the meat
might wnru consumers nwny by Its
nppenrnneo or Its odor, but wheu they
are disguised In eggs or the flesh of
other nnlmnls we limy not receive
that warning, and yet wc cannot es
cape the disease germs or bacteria
which are transmitted from one to
the other, and possibly Increased In
their poisonous properties Instead of
weakened. It Is this which makes
the writer of l'oultry rolnls so much
opposed to the feeding of raw meat
to fowl. If the bens nre fed upon
beefstenk the eggs will be ns whole
some ns the meat wns, it ml If they
nre fed upon rolten, stinking meat, we
wnnt none of them. American Cultivator.
It rsqnirea so experience to dye with Pot-
Fadklimi litaa. Himplr boiling yonr
(foods (n tbe dye Is all that fa necessary. Bold
ty all druggists.
In twenty years, at s small lighthouse
In the Orkneys, 14,000 bom s of slonu have
been recorded.
U"alnnt came originally from Tenia,
almonds from Central Asia.
Ask Vour Healer Iter Allen's Foot-Kaae,
A. powder to shake Into rotir shoes j rests the
feet, t'nres Come. Unnlcms. Hwollpn. Hore,
Hot, ('al)nna. Aching, Sweating Feet and In
growing Nails, Allen's Font-Knee tn tikes new
or tight shoes easy. At all dmgglsla and
shoe stores, V eta. Patnple mailed HIKK.
Address Allen H. Olmsted, Ix'Itoy, N. Y.
liecent estimates place the number of
electric mining locomotives in operation
in Pennsylvania at 230.
A ftloaik'e Teat free.
I! yon hare Drepapaia, write Dr. Bhnop,
Racine, Wis., Box its, for six bottles of Dr.
Snoop's Restorative. Kxp. paid. Bend no
nitiney. Pay tS.BO If eured.
All the machinery for grinding and pol
ishing glass of s new Toledo plat glass
plant is run by electric motor.
('hark Thnt fglT -oiila
With Hoxsle'i Croup Cure. Vailed on receipt
of SO eente. A. V. lloxsle, Buffalo, N. Y.
Hollanders find it cheaper to import
liny from La Plata than to raise it on their
own tm-utlotvBJ
Thu World itd'era I
Nothing so good Gnrfleld Heailnchs Pow
diTS fur hendm-hee end nervonsueea they
cure rmk-kly and tin not hnrni. Send to liar
Held Tea t'o.. Ilrooklyn, N. Y., for anmples.
The biitnches of the SlissisKippi Hiver
have an uygregnte lennih of 13.0UQ miles.
I ninsnrc 1'iso a t;utc tor t'onmimntion sitved
niv lile fltroe years ago, Mrs. Thomas Hobs,
niss. Maple St., Norwich, N.Y., l-'cb. 17, l'JOO.
ltcfore the diHeovery of sugar, drinks
were swcelenrd with honey.
This is ttlie SnMa.llest
Made tlio
in four
larger iizes.
If yoof dealef
doei not dive
them write to
the nearest
agency of
i l.a."iewi.. lvuSt-srpaYieallve.ll ALie I
V. asVrs r,aSf,rff f, Jit.UjA Al setrili
lasraliaafiaT--n- ii- n sssaassiinan mn--:--
i m m mm. I
The llenlionse AVIndows.
The window here lllusl rated wns re
cently described as lu use by n tinted
poultry fancier. The method of con
struction Is here pictured. The win
dow is low, nml has the sashes hinged,
so thnt one may siep out Into the yard
from the henhouse through the win
dow. The tipper snsh is hinged nt tho
top nnd swings out, being held up by !
an arm screwed to tho cuslng. The '
lower snsh Is hinged nt one side and
swings out. This plnn will work well j
under many circumstances where the
la many forms
hi at flip a 1 urate part rf human
mificriiiK, T1tiv come Miririenly,
but they go promptly hy the
u oi
I St. Jacobs Oil i
Y which 14 a certain sure cure.
winters are not too cold, nnd where
the fowls nro kept lu pons side by side,
with adjacent yards outside. Iu such
n case it Is often inconvenient to get
Into the yards unless one can go out
Into them from the pens. With this
method of swinging the sashes the ne
cessity for linvlug a door In each pen.
ns well as a window. Is done nwny
with. In cold climates such n plan
cnu he UKcd for spring, fall nnd Hum
mer, closing the windows in the win
ter nnd putting on outside sashes. This
device calls for a low window, and this
Is desirable on other accounts, ns only
low windows let the sunshine quickly
onto tho floor on winter niorului;.
Now York Tribuue.
MAPI in tLAcsoavtum
A. J.TPWEB C0.,B05T0N.MiS5.JAs
In our
merits we
do not allow
the use of
Egg Mixtures,
or similar
is an
Pure Coffee.
Watch our next advertisement,
Just try a package of LION COFFEE
and you will understand the reason of its
LION COFFEE is now used in mil
lions of homes.
THE poet writes his simple lay.
The builder lays bricks by tha day,
The carpet man lays carpets too.
So all are ' laymen," good and true.
The hen lays eggs for all mankind,
"Which daily In their nests we find.
Knt the funniest sight we ever saw,
Was Pnddy ' laying down the law."
Pnt boasted to a friendly " Cop,"
AVho often visited his shop,
That he'd a lion tamer been
The fiercest lions ever seen
Antl claimed in manner rather fresh,
That he'd oft eaten lion's flesh.
The officer joined fn to say
That he " drunk " Lion every duy.
" Whnfs that ye say ?" then Paddy cried,
" Vc spalpeen; shure Oi think ye lied."
The cop said " vou're too fresh I think,
Its I AOS COFFEE that I drink
It's pure and strontr, and healthy too,
And helps a man his work to do.
I titito a cup or two to meet
The trials of my weary beat ! "
The last word just seemed to suggest
A thought to I'at; he did the rest.
His fist flew out, tho cop fell down,
While Paddy's fare assumed a frown.
" Ye f.iolcd me, did ye!" he exclaimed f
As still another blow he aimed. M
I hopo yes will excuse me paw , T
'Tis fond of "laying down tho law!''
In every packuge of LION COFFEE you will find a fully illustrated nnd descriptive list. No housekeeper, in
fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to find in the list some article which will contribute to their happiness,
comfort and convenience, and which they may have by simply cutting out a certaiu number of Lion Heads from
tho wrappers of our one pound sealed packages (which is the only form in which this excellent coffee Is sold).
Xxperlenca With si Hand Separator.
A writer in the Farmer's Guldo re
lates bis experience with the luind sep
arator. AYhen he wns setting his uillk,
sklinmiug and churning the crenui be
found by a two months' record that he
made a pound of butter from a little
over twenty-four pounds of milk. For
the same length of time when using
the separator he made a pound of but
ter from eighteen pounds of milk,
which was n galu of about thirty per
cent. This increase was not kept up
through the summer, but he had aver
aged a gain of twenty per cent, for
fifteen months In the amount of butter
made from the same weight of milk.
He also learned another thing from his
dally record of weight of milk nud
amount of butter made. lie did not
feed any grain during the summer
while cows were on grass last year,
and It required from twenty-one to
twenty-five pounds of milk to make a
pound of butter, but ho began to feed
grain In October, nnd as he gradually
approached full rations the uuiount of
butter Increased, until In January be
could make a pound of butter from
17.8 pounds of milk. Tho churn test
from Juuo 1 to September 30 showed
4.3 pounds of butter made to each 100
pounds of milk, and from October 1 to
Jauuar- 31, 0.1 pounds, a gaiu of four
fifths of a pound to each 100 pounds of
milk. Wlille some part of this gain
may have been due to tbe cows being
further advanced In luetatlon, he be
lieve, as we do, that some part of It
was due to ttii better feeding.
Did you ever have that feeling of oppression, like a weight on your chest, or a load of cobblestones In your
stomach, keeping you awake nights with a horrible sensation of anxiety, or tossing restlessly in terrible dreams,
that make the cold perspiration break out all over you ? That's Insomnia, or sleeplessness, and some unfortun
ates suffer with it night after night, until their reason is In danger and they are on the edge of going mad. The
cause of this fearful ailment is in the stomach and bowels, and a Cascaret taken at night will soon bring relief and
give the sufferer sweet, refreshing sleep. Always insist on getting CASCARETSI
sir t' thim hobo mobo troocki! 1-uck.
sialnar nsariDmia
for Insomnia, wuh which base boaa altilctad
for onr twaolj yean, aud I oaa say lb at
Caaoarats hava Klven ma mora relief than an
oihar remodr I bars avsr tried. I shall oor'
laialT reoouitnentt thorn to my frluoila as be
ing all Ihej an repreawntrd.''
Taos. OtiXABD, Klglo. IU.
GZ.iT asna, W 'V ha extras
MY m
tiMUM W Hkf can
t'H f ,M Th. C.ld,.l. thr jf
1 1. . , i S35Sis 1W I "Velr at w Irl. -aah-l hi I
. ,I1I"W, aassa- ,-isi aWnffTifW-'. '- OT '.ia'
.KXVLAZTJE.U TO CCU all sasrsl trenkles. aisFeadleltla. klllesssaesa.
w';J5r?, J."- W""' .w"!'1 fk ""'K, bl..t.a bowna? foul aVautla;
!!"i,.Mt.,.,'.,,"t"0" V'SI''- ' ell., llr, Lulaw .:
fl.lon ana dlalur.a. Hh,i j.ur bowrls door mo.. r'aulisVlv Jruu i
f tW.V:!h'..t?'",.,f h."U .T"" "" -n all ath.r .Miosis
Is a aturter for tho rhrvnlo ullaa(a U4 loaa Mrs orsuRrrlna IHal euna
afterwards. No null., waul all. .,rt" st'AK Irt'l J tSS'sy. j5r
Ifiy'li. " ! wll aai be well all Ike tin. 5asl vom s Voir
rlaht. ''.. our udvlarl .lrt wills llasClUHl toVi, und'i- m ablsTta
isaraslcs te aura o soaea- refuaaest. ' aoaoiaia
25c. 50c
rHnr-iiieru it rur or nttnfy i1
mnr uminu one aO box. iviun iti
n. I bl ubolui BrMf r irMt wcrll mm
vefULlb, ( Mill ir4 AIM'Aft ri blutrti
I'tfiiqilrd. Uo buy t Iw ( b,
r lMt It'a tllrvctltllta. aaasd tf Vsual urea Saul seal iBflaaai
Mrs. Vlns'io'. BooHtinj brop rorohfldraa
Jeetala, soften Utefunu, reUitoas inaamna.
Uoa, allays paln euros windooUe. Iltoabouls
Virginia had the largeat population of
any o( the Slates at the first eenaus in
assaasri Haasis wuu WW. wnur li a .- n 1 at I IhV aaiiall. Aa Ihas l.l a' i
I tCKei ilaoh rree k asull. Ailsi SlssUM atUa te., a.. IwtarlMaxa, Jjl
n n A nn t rusiui.... coJU'AHK.UuniWlsiiUr, S . I I I Uuh ayrurfcTaatas QoutL SMI I
ajROPGY";P,,00!l,T!ll" ' I In lima Hold b. ilruMlstaT I
.XlVu!to!i.r,To.; 'r"t''''w'iTllllirieiiaCe,allfal.. .-r,.- .
rree. w. a. a. sssu s saat AtiaauTIe! "k HOHipiOB IJ9 Wlef , j